How to choose a flower vase: adding zest to the interior. Floor vases are an important decorative element in modern interior design (77 photos) What are the different shapes of vases?

Updated: 02/16/2018 10:00:06

A correctly selected vase complements and emphasizes the beauty of the bouquet and decorates any, even the simplest, interior. However, you should take the choice of a product seriously - in addition to your personal preferences, you need to take into account its shape, size and material from which it is made. Today we will tell you how to do this.

Which flower vase to choose: determine the size

When choosing a vase, pay attention to its size. The bouquet should feel comfortable in it. If the plants are crowded, they will quickly wither. If the bouquet is large and heavy, and the vase is low and narrow, it will most likely tip over and water will spill onto surrounding objects.

What shape to choose a flower vase

Vases can have a wide variety of shapes: cylindrical, square, spherical, etc. But not every one of them can emphasize the beauty of a bouquet. For example, short wildflowers will look awkward in a tall vase shaped like a cylinder, while large roses with long stems will look awkward in a ball model. Remember that the length of the stems, the size of the buds and the number of flowers should all be taken into account when choosing a vase shape.

Flowers with long shoots look best in long vases (for example, cylindrical or oval). Wide bouquets with short “legs” are more suitable for low products with a wide neck. If the flower heads are small and the stems are stiff and wide, they will look best in wide containers with a narrow neck, for example, in bottle vases.

Ball vase

In such models, lush bouquets of wildflowers look good, as well as flower heads floating in the water. These can be rosebuds, daisies and orchids. Hydrogel beads are often used instead of water. This is a great option for decorating a table for a wedding or reception.

Another win-win option is a large number of flowers with small and rigid stems. Bouquets of roses, daisies, chrysanthemums, carnations and lilies are perfect. In this case, the flower heads must be placed above the vase in the shape of a dome.

Cylindrical vases go well with flowers on long stems and with large heads (roses, gladioli, sunflowers, peonies, hydrangeas).

Lush bouquets are completely unsuitable for bottle-shaped models. Such vases go well with a small number of flowers on a long stem (peonies, tulips and carnations) or one large flower.

Such models are suitable for lush and large bouquets. It is better not to place flowers with thin stems and small heads in such vases.

Square and cube vases

For such products, choose flowers with strong stems. Square, tall vases are suitable for bouquets with lots of leaves, while cube-shaped containers are suitable for lush armfuls of flowers with small stems.

Such products are suitable for heavy and lush bouquets. Flowers such as roses, freesias, chrysanthemums and peonies look good in them.

Vases are made from crystal, glass, porcelain, ceramics, metal, stone and plastic.

Crystal and metal products are ideal for classic interiors. Crystal vases themselves are a work of art, which is why the bouquets in them look especially noble and expensive;

Porcelain containers go well with classic, antique and baroque styles. They are often decorated with paintings and stucco;

Glass models are suitable for almost any type of interior. They look especially good in rooms designed in a classic, minimalist and high-tech style;

    Ceramic vases go well with ethnic, colonial, and country styles;

    Metal vases are suitable for interiors in the art deco, chalet, hi-tech, loft and postmodernist styles;

    Stone containers go well with African and antique styles;

    Plastic vases are suitable for rooms designed in a mixed style and avant-garde.

What color to choose a vase

The color of the vase should be selected according to the style of the interior. Let's look at the most popular of them.

    Glass and crystal containers, as well as products made in pastel colors, will look beautiful in a classic-style room;

    Vases in yellow, metallic, sand and brown shades go well with African style;

    Antique style loves greens, light browns and bright yellows. You can also complement the interior with vases in bright red or black;

    For Japanese-style rooms, black and white containers are suitable, as well as vases made in warm, pastel colors;

    Vases of noble red, burgundy or dark blue will look good in an Empire style interior;

    For modern style, you should choose containers in black or brown-beige;

    Light vases will look great in loft, high-tech and chalet style rooms.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.

Buy yourself at least a couple of vases, but first figure out how to choose a vase based on different parameters. It not only decorates the interior, it also performs practical functions. You wouldn’t put a luxurious bouquet of roses in an ordinary jar.

How to choose a glass, crystal, ceramic or other vase for different interior styles

If you are a follower of the classic style in the interior, vases made of crystal or metal will suit you. They go best with noble flowers, such as roses or carnations. Glass is an ideal addition to a modern interior. It will decorate even minimalism, which generally does not accept any decorative elements well. It is desirable that the glass vase be made in a simple form, but original designer forms are also suitable. The main thing is to avoid excessive decorative elements.

How to choose a vase to decorate your home

A vase made of porcelain, ceramics and clay is an addition to an ethnic interior. It is more suitable for simple and delicate flowers, such as daisies or forget-me-nots.

In addition to the material, you also need to pay attention to the shape. If you don’t have many vases, it’s better to choose something simple and versatile. Thus, a vase of light warm colors will perfectly highlight any flower arrangement, fit well into different interior styles and be a decoration for the table. Vases with intricate shapes and shades are more demanding, so you should select them with care. In addition, you can make a vase yourself from any container, draping it with fabric or decorating it with ribbons.

How to choose a vase for tall and low flower bouquets

According to all the rules, a vase should be selected depending on the number and size of flowers. This is the only way she will emphasize the beauty of this gift of nature. Here's a simple diagram to help you figure it out:

  • for a pair of flowers with short stems, a vase in the form of a bottle, test tube or small decorative bottle is suitable;
  • for several long flowers, choose a narrow and long cylinder vase or bottle vase;
  • for a lush armful of roses or other flowers with long stems, a cone vase is suitable, which has a wide, heavy, and most importantly, stable base;
  • for a lush armful of short flowers, choose a fashionable and modern cube vase or a spherical vase.

It is best to have at least several different vases so that not a single bouquet drives you into a dead end.

A flower vase is an indispensable thing in the house. If you choose this interior element correctly, it will decorate any design style.

Flowers are considered not only the most universal gift, but also the best interior decoration. With the right choice of flower vase, the bouquet will become an elegant addition to the decor, delighting the owners and reminding them of who presented it.

In order not to get into trouble and not find yourself in a situation where flowers have to be placed in any suitable container, designers recommend having several types of vases, each of which must meet certain requirements.

When choosing a flower vase, you should focus on several main characteristics of the product:

  • design;
  • form;
  • material.

Everyone chooses the design according to their taste and style direction of the home’s interior. Taking this into account, the container can have both a traditional and unusual appearance. Fashion salons offer beauty connoisseurs vases that amaze the imagination. For example, an accessory that simultaneously serves as both a container for flowers and a serving device. Such a vase with a bouquet can be placed in the center of the table, placing fruits, sweets or cakes on it.

Accessories in a classic style are devoid of avant-garde forms. The main advantage of such a vase should be weight and significance. A light, airy object made of crystal or translucent glass will dissolve among massive wooden furniture with inlay, wrought-iron lamps and heavy curtains. A flower vase in a classic style should have strict shapes, reminiscent of a Greek amphora or an oriental lamp. The optimal color is natural, warm, close to natural color.

The design of accessories for modern styles, on the contrary, assumes weightlessness and radiance, flight of thought and contrasting combinations. Both porcelain and glass items decorated with chrome inserts would be appropriate here. Everything is allowed - containers with mirror elements, inclusions of rhinestones, birch bark frames and much more.

In recent years, ethno-style has been gaining great popularity. Having the opportunity to travel, people try to implement their favorite motifs in the design of their own homes. Like all furnishings, flower accessories should be made only from natural materials: clay, leather, ceramics, wood. No glass or plastic! Do you choose warm Provence or the prairies of North America? In this case, the best interior decoration will be a ceramic vase with white glaze. If the mysterious East is closer to your heart, purchase several porcelain containers with elegant, fine painting in a traditional style.

But even if the vases fully correspond to the design of the home, we should not forget that moderation is necessary in everything. To decorate a room, 1-2 vases placed in different parts of the room are enough.

Dependence of the shape of the vase and the type of flowers

Flowers in a vase will look perfect if the container is selected depending on their type. Today you can buy high, medium and low accessories, in the form of plates and bowls. No matter how beautiful a vase is, its main purpose is to store flowers, so the main emphasis is on the characteristics of the plants.

So, for low-growing primroses (snowdrops, crocuses, lilies of the valley, primrose, etc.) you will need low flat vases or small round jugs. Flowers with long stems without leaves (narcissus) look best in glass or white porcelain narrow, elongated vases.

Those with long stems should only be kept in tall, opaque containers. Gladioli, lupins, perennial delphiniums and lush roses will look perfect in an elongated ceramic vase.

Simple glass or ceramic accessories in bright, solid colors are well suited for bouquets made from a large number of wild plants and will decorate the interior of country-style houses.

There are several ways to diversify the style of a room. Some people focus on the color scheme of the room, others prefer stylish, sophisticated accessories.

But nothing can replace vases. They play a special role in the interior: they do not just create its aesthetics, but have practical significance.

Selection and Application

Phytodesigners recommend starting from your own preferences. If you like large, fancy containers, choose floor-mounted ones. A small but original vase of flowers will look appropriate in the interior of even a small room.

A flower arrangement is usually made up of living plants or dried flowers.

When choosing a container, consider:

  • Match the shape and size of the container to the outline of the bouquet. One flower on a thin stem looks impressive in a tall narrow vessel. A single plant with a bright bud or a tree branch is placed in Japanese potish. Tall bouquets are emphasized with classically shaped products, while miniature ones can be placed in an elegant okuri.

To correctly place accents in a room, you need to select containers of a certain type, shade, material and shape.

Varieties of vases

To enhance the existing style of the room and create its storyline, vases of various sizes and purposes are used. In the interior, their meaning is different - they add a touch of elegance, hide voids, and become independent accessories.

Products intended for decoration, thanks to the boldness of their design, eclecticism, and unusual shape, subtly set accents.

Wooden ones will enhance the splendor of the hall or design in the Provence style, outrageous fantasy ones will complement the loft, hi-tech or modern, and delicate porcelain ones are an ideal choice for a girl’s bedroom. The room gains flexibility, freshness and some movement.

Recently, hand-made containers have become popular. They act as accessories and can be made of wood, plastic, cardboard.

Such vases are decorated with improvised materials: buttons, beads, twine, lace and even plant seeds.

Material factor

The style of a modern home includes various finishing materials and decorative items. Vases, which today are made from traditional and natural materials, are no exception.

Glass products

If previously they only stood in the houses of the nobility, now even an ordinary apartment can get a little aristocratic appeal. A glass vase is beautiful, fragile, exquisite. It may have an unusual shape and different purposes.

Features of the containers include:

  • geometric or irregular shape. Innovative technologies allow you to change not only the shape of the vase, but also its color;
  • various sizes. Thanks to this, the vessel is placed on the floor, on a table or on a shelf. Low, high, wide, narrow vases emphasize any design - from ethnic to Provence;
  • transparency. This feature of glass presents a lot of design possibilities. The “urn” will accommodate not only flower arrangements, but also sea stones, beads and even decorative jellyfish.

Glass vase– the choice of those who have imagination and the desire to create beauty in their home.

Clay amphorae

This is what ceramic vases were called in ancient times. Now lekythos depicting people or animals in the ancient Greek style fit well into an ethnic interior and can highlight a room in creamy-brown colors.

Ceramics as a material for decorating space has a number of advantages:

  • floor lekythos hide the voids in the room;
  • attractive appearance of compositions made of dried flowers, thin branches and reeds;
  • the clear contours of the “urn” fill the bright interior with volume;
  • complement the space, decorated in the spirit of ethnic or classic.

Ceramic vases can elevate a room and add a touch of fabulousness to it.

Metal vessels

Tabletop and floor-standing containers look elegant, expensive and impressive. Such vases in the interior are designed to create an atmosphere of sophisticated aristocracy with a slight touch of decadence.

The materials used are varied - from stainless steel to brass or copper inlaid with silver, gold and enamel. By the way, many people store fruit in a metal vase or serve it on a festive table.

In some cases, a three-dimensional pattern is applied over the entire surface of the vase. The main subjects for him are plant or animal motifs. The containers are floor-mounted and also designed for bouquets.

Nobility of stone

Natural materials come in various shapes and sizes. Their surface is polished and aged artificially.

Depending on the interior, accessories made of granite or volcanic rocks are popular. Vessels made from semi-precious stones - onyx, jade or opal - look gorgeous.

Stone vases are mainly used on floors and decorate wall niches and staircases. Owners of private houses prefer to see them on the porch, in the garden or on the terrace.

The design possibilities for vases are endless. They can fit into any interior, you just need to learn some subtleties.

Amazing room

A functional, stylish product can play an unlimited number of roles.

The accessory is most often used:

  • decorating the room for the holiday. Tabletop vases containing original bouquets are preferred.

  • On New Year's holidays, glass and metal containers are filled with Christmas tree decorations or garlands. Large vessels made of ceramic or porcelain are ideal for serving fruit. And handmade vases do not require additional decor;
  • filling empty spaces. Floor accessories will refresh the room in a minimalist and hi-tech style. They are usually placed in corner areas, fireplace niches, placed under stairs, on a wide window sill. It is important to consider that the color of the vase must be matched to the main decor;

  • highlighting the design of the apartments. A vase is a subtle but elegant touch that can highlight the interior. Bizarre shapes, modern materials, painting are out of fashion. They are a good choice for ethnic, Mediterranean, classic, high-tech and modern rooms;
  • creating bright accents. You can dilute a monochrome interior if you use bright vases. Here it is important to take into account color combinations and try to complement the vessel with another accessory to match. You can place the product in a rich shade on a table, window sill or a special stand.

The interior details make up the overall color of the house. Vases require a special approach, because you need to take into account their colors.

Bright vessels will effectively highlight a pastel or silver background, while black and brown vessels will highlight the cream or golden tones of the room.

The “urn” attracts the eye, and if you successfully combine it with lamps, furniture, and decoration, the room will take on a stylish, complete look.

Today we draw the attention of our dear readers to the topic of choosing vases not by chance, because spring is rushing towards us at full speed, and that means the time has come for bouquets given with or without an occasion. Let's take a break from business and worries for a while in order to take time to properly decorate the interiors of rooms with the help of fragrant inflorescences in the right vessels.

To begin with, you should understand what kind of vases there are and what they can be used for, because the function of the latter is not always to be able to immerse cut flowers from time to time.

Perhaps many will be surprised, but other uses can and should be found for vases, so:

Fruit vases

With their help, you can serve a festive table, using bright fruits or vegetables as decoration. Such vases come in different types: low and wide, on supports with an almost flat bowl resembling a water lily leaf, domed, funnel-shaped.

Vases for decoration

They are used to display beautiful objects, for example, sea shells, pine cones, Christmas tree balls, even sweets in colorful wrappers, and more. It is noteworthy that such vases are always transparent, made of glass, so all the contents are clearly visible through their walls.


Often used to disguise unremarkable flower pots. So, a decorative flowerpot can be made of metal, ceramics, frosted glass or plastic, the main thing is that it copes with the main task of “distracting attention”.


Flower vases

There is probably no need to describe it, but it should be noted that for different types of flowers you should also have different types of vases in stock. For example, for tall roses it is better to use stable, elongated vases (in the form of a cylinder), but for small lush bouquets it is recommended to purchase a low, wide vase at the base, so the bouquet will turn out spreading.

Decorative vases

Rather, they play the role of art objects, with the help of which you can effectively complement the interior due to the shape, color, texture of the material or the impressive size of such an object.

How to choose the right vase

Companion or rival

If you need a flower vase, then when choosing it, remember: the vessel should not compete with the bouquet. This means that colorful, eye-catching vases are still best used as decoration, but for fragrant freshly cut buds, it is advisable to purchase simple, laconic ones. For example, neutral transparent glass vases (perhaps with a shade of blue or green) will not distract attention from the wonderful wildflowers, and lush roses in them will look even more picturesque.

An exception may be colored vases that contrast with the shade of the flowers in the bouquet, for example: a black vase - white roses, orange chrysanthemums - a vase of heavenly color.

Use a bold accent

Very often, when decorating interiors, insufficient attention is paid to vases, which is completely in vain, since with their help, sometimes, you can surprisingly enhance even the most ordinary surroundings.

Try choosing an unexpected, even daring option instead of a boring monochromatic vessel, and the resulting effect will definitely impress you. All you need to do is opt for a vase, which should become an accent thanks to a beautiful color, texture or pattern combined with a simple shape.

Don't upset the balance

At a time when the image of the interior is already completed, and there are enough bright accents in it, it is better to make vases just an addition.

Today, light, classic forms of vases made from natural materials (glass, ceramics) are relevant.

You can give preference to pastel colors, or choose achromatic shades (white, gray, black), which will not stand out against the general background, but will not get lost among the variety of objects in your interior.

According to style

When going to the store to purchase a vase, first evaluate the style of your interior. This will help you avoid spending too much time searching for the right vessel, significantly narrowing the range of suitable options.

So, in a classic interior we recommend using elegant figured vases with paintings; for a Scandinavian interior it is better to choose an original, quite catchy and decorative product, but in a loft, vases of a specific type will come in handy, for example, large glass or bucket-like tin.