What does parquet look like on the floor? Which parquet to choose: expert advice on choosing, photo and video ideas. In what cases is light parquet suitable?

Parquet in a modern interior looks elegant and stylish, if chosen correctly. Among the wide variety of options, it is difficult to choose the right one, so let's dwell on the main points of choice and the features of this flooring.

Types of parquet

There are several varieties of parquet used today.

  1. parquet board- the most common. Consists of three layers. As a rule, the front layer is always made of durable and expensive wood, which explains the longest service life and special beauty. Easy to fit thanks to special grooves on the edges.
  2. Block parquet is a small thin wooden logs up to 50 cm long. Individual parts also have grooves. This is a classic option that needs more careful styling and special care. Its quality directly depends on the top layer.
  3. Art parquet usually made to order for a room of a certain size. A complex geometric ornament is created due to the method of mounting elements of different sizes and colors.
  4. Modular parquet- this is a simplified art, only the pattern is created on each individual module. Usually they are represented by large squares of the same size with a repeating ornament.

Each of these types is worthy of attention.

Advantages and disadvantages of parquet

Like any floor covering, parquet has its pros and cons.


  1. Good heat and noise insulation due to the thickness of the parquet board.
  2. Environmental friendliness and safety. This is natural wood, which does not harm health and has a pleasant smell of natural wood.
  3. Appearance. The parquet repeats the beautiful pattern of wood, which will not leave anyone indifferent.
  4. Versatility. Suitable for almost any interior.


  1. Capriciousness in operation. To care for parquet, you need special tools. Requires occasional polishing. It can swell from excessive moisture (therefore, you should not pour water on it or wash it with a lot of water), and crack from cold and dryness.
  2. The softness of the material. It is easy to spoil it: scratch or push through heavy furniture. Light scratches can be hidden by polishing.
  3. The cost of material and installation. Self-laying the floor will be problematic, it is better to contact specialists.
  4. May creak if installed incorrectly. The cause may also be swelling or shrinking of the parquet.

Varieties of wood

Depending on the type of coating used, the degree of deformation from moisture and resistance to mechanical stress varies.

  1. Oak is durable and suitable for different rooms. Thanks to its clear structure, it fits perfectly into many spaces.
  2. Teak is resistant not only to moisture and stress, but also to insects and fungus. For this reason, it is a favorite tree for open spaces.
  3. The hornbeam is one of the most expensive breeds. It is distinguished by its special beauty after polishing and increased strength, but it is difficult to process.
  4. The wenge tree has an antibacterial effect.
  5. Ash is good for rooms with increased load, resistant to moisture, but does not like temperature fluctuations.
  6. Bamboo is environmentally friendly and will last a long time. It has a strong grassy smell and does not tolerate scraping.
  7. Beech does not tolerate water and high temperatures, but it is easy to process.
  8. Maple is resistant to almost everything. The disadvantage is that after a couple of years the tree begins to gradually darken.

Parquet color

The color of the floor covering should be combined with the design. The good news is that they are all natural. And even yellow, pink and red will blend perfectly.

Dark tones look rich and spectacular, however, you should be extremely careful with them. Small debris and dust will be visible on a dark floor, so be prepared for daily wet cleaning. But chips, minor scratches and cracks are easy to hide with special waxes if the texture is matte. Glossy also gives out all the visible flaws at once.

Another nuance is the visual reduction in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace. The black floor visually narrows the space, so it is not recommended to lay it on the already small areas. Or try to alternate dark elements with lighter ones.

Dark lacquered parquet reflects light well, so it is often used in small, but with a sufficient number of light sources, rooms.

Quite another thing - light shades. They are able to expand and enliven even a tiny featureless space, especially if the surface is varnished. It will reflect the sun's glare, creating the illusion of a water surface.

The main thing is to choose everything correctly in accordance with the lighting.

The cold tones that are characteristic of ash, hornbeam and maple will fit well where the sun's rays fall almost all the time. If there is little natural light, then choose warmer ones (alder, beech).

Also consider the brightness of the furniture. Both similar lags and contrasting ones look good. When creating contrast, do not overdo it: use no more than 3 primary colors.

If over time the shade has ceased to suit you, you can change it a little or refresh it with a special oil, varnish or stain. But first, try the composition on an inconspicuous area.

Living room

Parquet in the living room should be combined with style, colors and furniture.

Although natural tones are suitable for any room, for the living room it is better to focus on elements with a pattern. And the larger the room, the richer the pattern.

As for functionality, for the living room, choose a material with maximum resistance to mechanical damage.


Despite the fact that most housewives prefer to see tiles, as they are more practical, parquet in the kitchen is also gaining popularity every day.

For the kitchen, choose wood that is highly resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Well suited teak, oak, hornbeam and wenge.

Ideally, the elements should be held together by a lock connection. The presence of even a small amount of adhesive will make it impossible to replace individual parts of the floor if the need arises.

Many people prefer to varnish the logs in the kitchen, and they do it right. Additional protected wood can last longer, and the varnish layer can be renewed if necessary. The main thing is that the composition must be of high quality.


The floor base of the bedroom should set you up for relaxation and not be full of drawings. So that the interior does not look boring, let the parquet in the bedroom contain 2-3 semitones.

Consider the expected load. If there is a lot of heavy furniture in the room, then the material should be chosen more stable. But practice shows that even one double bed already gives a considerable load, so consider this parameter in the first place.


When choosing parquet for the nursery, do not forget that unpredictable situations can occur in this room. A child can accidentally spill water, drop a heavy object, get dirty. Accordingly, the main criteria are moisture resistance and surface texture.

Ecology also plays a big role. Give preference to lags minimally treated with various compounds, but as smooth as possible. And also make sure that they adjoin each other tightly enough.

As for color, here you can give free rein to your imagination - children love everything bright and unusual.


Contrary to popular belief that parquet for the bathroom is completely inappropriate, experts say that with the right work done and well-chosen materials, the floors will last for many years.

Stop your choice on the latest development of scientists - merabou coating. The fibers in it are located so close to each other that they will not even let steam through. This is due to the birthplace of growth - the tropics, where air humidity constantly exceeds 80%.

Take care of the protection of the seams in advance: buy only special glue, carefully prepare the base before work. And be sure to fill the places near the walls with high-quality waterproof sealant.

Parquet in various interior styles

If you are an adherent of a certain style, then you will definitely be interested in the question of a well-chosen floor base that would fit into the overall design. Let's dwell on the most popular trends for today - classic, Scandinavian, ethno, art deco and high-tech.

  1. To do art deco more interesting, use a bright tree that stands out against the background of objects and textiles. The main note of this direction is individuality.
  2. For cold hi-tech light logs without a pattern or with slight natural prominent wood fibers are perfect. It is better to choose a matte texture - this will partially eliminate the coldness and angularity.
  3. AT ethno exotic wood species will also fit in wonderfully. You can opt for a more trivial one, but let it be dull. This will give the interior completeness, create an atmosphere of country comfort.
  4. Scandinavian style implies the use of exclusively light natural shades, so gray and muted sand tones, barely different from white, are just right. Artistic drawing is inappropriate here, but the prominent wood fibers will add even more comfort.
  5. In classic direction, oak or alder of dark saturated shades looks great. Stop the choice on the modular version, piece or artistic - this will bring a touch of royal nobility.

As for the rest of the areas, consider, first of all, furniture and general lighting when choosing a board.

Interior styling ideas

There are 5 main styling methods:

  • deck laying implies installation in a straight line, diagonally or scattered with a certain shift;
  • herringbone allows you to create the most firmly bonded base with virtually no gaps;
  • Ladder laying a little more difficult, it does not give such strength, but the parquet in the interior looks more harmonious, visually lengthens the room;
  • Laying with squares, or flip flops, allows you to visually increase the area, while creating a beautiful symmetrical pattern;
  • Laying out a beautiful ornament near the walls (frieze), which is the decoration of the whole room;
  • Braiding makes it possible to use different shades, which increases the resemblance to wicker weaving.

It is not necessary to go in cycles in only one way of mounting boards. Competent combinations and small inserts will allow you to create your own original pattern on the floor.

Care and maintenance

In order for parquet to serve for many years, it is necessary to take care of it.

Let's dwell on the basic rules of operation.

  1. No matter how durable the floor is, try not to drop heavy objects on it and use protective rubber footrests for furniture.
  2. Do not allow frequent contact of the floor with water, unless it is a waterproof coating. It is recommended to wash it about 2 times a month with special products, but it is permissible to wipe the base at least every day with a damp, well-wrung out soft cloth.
  3. If the house is very dry, use humidifiers. The increased dryness of the air, as well as its humidity, gradually lead to drying out and damage to the floors.
  4. An excellent care product is wax, which should be carefully rubbed every board once every 1-2 months.

When choosing a parquet board for your home, you need to take into account all the nuances, but still, environmental friendliness and sustainability should come first. The absence of a strong smell of chemicals, integrity and well-finished edges are all signs of a good material that will not harm your health and will last you for many years.

The design of the floor influences the appearance of the whole room and therefore should be the basis for a harmonious picture of the whole room. The most beautiful flooring that is relevant at all times is, of course, parquet. However, there are countless different types of parquet. Take only oak - both light and dark, covered with wax, varnish or oil ... And if you also take various patterns with which you can lay out individual boards, then the possibilities for decorating a room with parquet become truly countless.

As for the parquet laying patterns, it all depends on the area of ​​​​the room and its interior. In addition, lighting plays an important role. Each pattern affects the proportions of the room and can visually make it, for example, longer or narrower. In this article, you will find an overview of the different parquet patterns and their influence on the design of a room.

Figure "Run" (or "Deck")

Straight run

The plates are stacked parallel to each other in the same direction. Depending on the laying direction, the room can be optically enlarged or reduced. Dies can be shifted both at the same distance, and randomly. Chaotic styling resembles the deck of a ship, hence its name.

Such a pattern of parquet will fit into almost any style, reminiscent of exciting journeys across the endless ocean. This type of installation visually expands the room, so it is also suitable for small rooms. In this case, the choice of wood and, accordingly, the color of the parquet, which should go well with the furniture, is of decisive importance for the interior.

Parquet pattern "Checker" (or "Squares")

Checker (squares)

Separate dies in such a pattern are combined into a square, and as a result, a pattern resembling a chessboard appears. The squares are perpendicular to each other. And since the length and width of each figure must, of course, be the same (this is a square, not a rectangle), such a pattern is only suitable for small plates. However, wide and long dies can also be placed in squares, but in very large rooms.

Left - large squares, right - double herringbone

Figure "Checker" from dark parquet

Parquet pattern "Pletenka"


The dice are arranged in such a way that there is a feeling that the parquet is as if woven. The dice can be arranged diagonally or in squares/rectangles.

Various options for braids

Parquet laying pattern "Basket"

This, in fact, is a kind of "Pletenka", in which one row of dies is "intertwined". The pattern can be made from one or two types of parquet: the central element, which differs in color from the “weave”, creates an attractive contrast.

Drawings "Christmas Tree" and "French Christmas Tree"

Christmas tree

To create a Christmas tree pattern, the dies are stacked at the same angle to each other. There are options when 2 or 3 dies are stacked at a time, as in the photo above. Then the pattern is called, respectively, "Double" or "Triple Tree".

French Christmas tree

If the ends of the dies are cut at an angle of 30 or 45 degrees, the French Christmas tree pattern is obtained. This classic pattern is especially suitable for large rooms: all its charm is revealed only with good lighting, which provides a play of light and shadow.

"Double tree" in the bedroom

"French tree" in the living room

Complex patterns of parquet laying

From parquet, you can lay out, in principle, any pattern. Complex schemes for laying parquet are called "Stained Glass", and such laying requires serious skills and great effort.

Of course, these are not all parquet laying patterns, but only the main ones. You can also create your own patterns: combine narrow and wide slabs, parquet in different colors, laying direction... You can create a completely individual design for your floor.

Dies of different widths and textures create a unique pattern

Light Incidence Angle very important for the appearance of the floor. If the dies are located perpendicular to the light source, the wood texture becomes well visible, and with it the seams. Sometimes this is exactly the effect that is needed: for example, if the parquet is made of solid wood and you want to emphasize it. If, on the other hand, you prefer a smooth flooring, the wood grain will look more uniform when placed parallel to the light.

Perpendicular arrangement of the parquet to the light source emphasizes the grain of the wood

Floor smoothness also depends on the quality of parquet sanding. Perfectly polished parquet will resemble the water surface in calm weather. And if you can lay the parquet yourself, then special equipment is required for its grinding. Contact the professionals: http://shlifmaster.ru/ciklevka.

Well sanded parquet

Direction, in which the individual dies are located, is of great importance. The room will look wider if the slabs are "stretched" along a long wall, which is especially important for long narrow corridors and rooms.

At the same time, the installation pattern of the "Checker" package does not affect the perception of the room and is therefore particularly well suited if you do not want to emphasize the proportions of the room.

The effect of visual reduction or expansion of space also depends on parquet size. The larger the individual dice, the smaller the room seems. Therefore, for small rooms it is better to use small parquet.

Before choosing a parquet laying pattern, plan which part of it will not be covered by carpet or furniture. After all, if the parquet is not visible, why choose a beautiful and complex pattern?

Photo drawings of laying parquet

Perhaps the most important thing we have already said. It remains, perhaps, to bring to your attention another 55 photos of various parquet patterns, among which, without a doubt, you will come across exactly what you are looking for.

The parquet in the interior always looks presentable and tasteful. A wide choice of colors and shapes of the material allows you to decorate any interior with taste. We believe that it will be possible to beautifully equip the interior by learning how to combine colors and textures correctly. The main plus of parquet is dice of different shapes and colors. Paying attention to the type of wood when buying material is also very important. Learn about varieties, selection rules right now in this article.

In what cases is light parquet suitable?

Light parquet fits perfectly into. Ideally, this type of flooring will fit into modern, minimalist, and ethno styles. Dark woods will decorate the room, decorated in the style of rococo, baroque and antique. Such parquet will give the room an atmosphere of prosperity and will look elegant.

It will be possible to perform parquet flooring in a light color if you give preference to such solid wood as:

  • maple;
  • ash.

The parquet will never lose its color and will not fade in the sun if the surface is treated with a high-quality finish during installation.

Light parquet, in our opinion, will give the room a feeling of lightness and help the inhabitants of the apartment to relax. Ideally, the material will be combined with light walls. The choice of decor and furniture in this case will not be difficult. Dark or bright furniture will create a noticeable contrast with parquet.

We recommend laying parquet of this shade in the nursery , bedroom or kitchen . The flooring is not suitable for the corridor, as this room gets dirty quickly, because of which the parquet board will quickly lose its presentable appearance. For those who decide to still lay an array of wood in the hallway, it is better to choose dark shades.

It is light parquet that will help to hide the flaws of the room and emphasize the advantages. With the help of the coating it will be possible to achieve the following effect:

  • A parquet board of this shade will complement a small room well. Parquet will visually enlarge the space, especially if the walls are decorated in a similar color.
  • When the room faces the north side and there is not enough light in it, a light array will also come to the rescue.
  • It will be possible to visually increase the height of the room if the floor is lighter in color than the walls.

When to use white?

The best solution, in our opinion, will be a white parquet board for the bedroom. Any room with such flooring will become more comfortable and spacious. White walls, bed and floor combined with pastel curtains create a romantic and relaxed atmosphere. The presence of a light skin under the carpet on a white floor will gently complete the image.

An ideal solution would be such a white floor surface for a modern living room, especially if the walls here create a bright contrast. In white, we advise you to choose a leather sofa and armchairs (with chrome legs). In addition to the walls, bright curtains will create a beautiful contrast.

The most presentable will look white floor, made of solid oak. A more affordable option would be an array of ash-tree coatings with a light dye. After being treated with paint, the wood becomes a rich white shade and perfectly complements the overall background of the room.

Gray Features

A gray parquet board will help to create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the room. Gray-beige tones are suitable for the inhabitants of the apartment, but not for office employees, as such a palette promotes relaxation. We advise you not to be afraid to combine this color with a black and white interior.

Use a gray floor is relevant in such cases:

  • When arranging a room in a modern style. The gray color palette will be combined in high-tech style, loft and urban minimalism.
  • During the decoration of the room in a rustic and vintage style. The effect of a darkened shabby tree will fit perfectly into Provence, retro classics and country music.

Benefits of modular parquet

The real natural analogue of tiles, in our opinion, is modular parquet. Each element here is designed in the form of a square with a pattern in the middle. You can use this material in any room in the house. If the dies are resistant to moisture, then it will look great not only in the main rooms of the house, but also in the kitchen.

Classic variants of modular parquet perfectly complement the Baroque or Empire style. It is this coating that will allow you to plunge into the era of the 15-16th century. Coatings where the pattern imitates ceramics, stone or metal can be used in high-tech style.

Due to the universal texture of modular slabs, they can also be combined with other floor coverings. To give any room in the apartment a special personality will allow the combination of parquet with laminate or even ceramic tiles.. When laying modular parquet, a beautiful canvas with a pattern is formed, which is ideally combined with other decor. Such a floor can also, on the contrary, stand out brightly against the general background of the room.

Where is herringbone parquet used?

In our opinion, the most simple and understandable is the floor covering in the form of a classic "Christmas tree". The dice here form a pattern in the form of a symmetrical Christmas tree, which is why the parquet board got its name. When laying parquet, the slabs can be made both in one shade and in different ones, shading each other.

"Herringbone" looks no less impressive

It is important to use the herringbone pattern when arranging a room in such a style as:

  • Modern. The parquet board will give the overall design an atmosphere of mystery.
  • Classic. A room made in this style will look harmoniously with parquet, flooring will add a touch of elegance.
  • Provence. The coating will give the French style an element of warmth and additional comfort.


In our opinion, it is artistic parquet that most advantageously stands out among other natural coatings. It is made from rare hardwoods. When laying a parquet board, a real picture is formed, which is able to give a refined touch to any interior.

There are two main types of artistic parquet: pictorial and geometric. The first type of coating forms an unusual pattern with many branches. In the case of a geometric pattern, the pattern is duplicated throughout the base of the flooring. Geometric parquet is somewhat reminiscent of a classic mosaic.

Most often, artistic parquet is used for zoning a room or, conversely, for combining floor coverings from different rooms into one. There are such varieties of artistic parquet boards and types of elements as:

  • Mosaic. This is a repeating pattern, which is most often complemented by rosettes.
  • Sockets. Such a complex pattern is laid out in the center of the room.
  • borders. It is made in the form of geometric shapes or complex patterns (flowers, butterflies).

Classic oak

The most common and at the same time no less reliable material is oak parquet. Any room in the house will look noble with this flooring due to its unique texture and pattern. You can decorate the room using solid oak in both light and dark shades.

A light beige shade has a standard oak parquet board. It is important to use flooring to decorate a room in a Scandinavian interior, where bright colors and neat lines are successfully combined. Not bad light board will look in a classic style.

american walnut

The American walnut floor looks very unusual in interior design. You can choose a parquet board in various shades - from gray-brown to rich chocolate. In some cases, dark woods have a beautiful purple hue, which gives the room an air of mystery and sophistication.

A beautiful wavy pattern of dice with swirls is great for decorating a room. We do not recommend using parquet darker than American walnut in the interior. It is on the American walnut that dust is not visible, and the rich chocolate shade of the parquet creates a beautiful contrast with the light walls.

Why choose yellow?

To make a room truly sunny and positive, in our opinion, it will turn out when using yellow birch parquet. A beautiful warm shade will perfectly complement the design of a children's room or bedroom. The material has a beautiful non-uniform shade, where several warm shades are intertwined.


Yellow birch will help save on repairs, and will not differ from oak parquet. Its cost is cheaper, and in color and texture it does not differ much from popular varieties. Find in the store you will get parquet made of yellow birch of this type: country, nature, amber and amber nature.

Living room interior

You can safely use a parquet board during the arrangement of the living room, as it will perfectly complement any design solution and style of the room. For each design, it is important to choose the right color for the plates and their pattern.

The floor of light shades (or white) will perfectly fit into the design of the room, decorated in a modern style. Choosing such tones and rectangular masonry is relevant for the Scandinavian style, hi-tech and contemporary.

It is important to use the herringbone pattern in a room where classicism prevails in the interior. Artistic parquet and flooring in dark shades will fit into the design of the room, where luxury and sophistication prevail. Flooring of this type will look most organic in styles such as baroque and rococo.

What should be the laminate under the parquet?

Do not spend money on repairs, but at the same time, laminate flooring for parquet will help to adequately equip the room. This coating costs 2-3 r. cheaper than a parquet board, but outwardly it does not differ. Visually distinguishing these two materials will be quite difficult.

It is important to use laminate flooring for parquet when decorating an interior in old styles. This material will beautifully complement a room decorated in the Empire, Classicism, Baroque, Renaissance and Romanesque styles.

We recommend installing laminate in large rooms, where the main focus will be on the floor surface. Such a floor will not look too presentable in a small and narrow room (laminate under parquet will only visually reduce the space). For the living room, an artistic laminate with a unique pattern in the form of geometric patterns will be an excellent option.

Greetings dear readers! Today I will introduce you to thirty options for the most beautiful living rooms with wooden floors. I, like many of you, grew up in an ordinary Khrushchev in the South-West of Moscow. I got acquainted with the interiors of my dreams through films such as “Home Alone” and “A Gift for Christmas”. I dreamed that one day my family would sit by the fireplace on a warm parquet and unpack presents for Christmas.

Since then, 20 years have passed and spacious living rooms have become a reality. Modern and inexpensive finishing materials have appeared and now everyone can equip their homes with taste. Let's figure out which living room is right for you?

  1. No. 1. Spanish flavor adds spice to the classic living room. It creates a warm and original atmosphere. Stained glass windows, floor sconces, wooden beam ceiling and parquet floors. Despite the fact that the Spanish interior is characterized by bright accents, the main details are still made in soothing colors using durable materials. Therefore, the choice of classic parquet in walnut color is not surprising. Very nice soft and golden hue, which will appeal to many.
  2. No. 2. Modern living room in the spirit of minimalism. A beautiful and expensive teak floor combined with white walls create the right backdrop for stylish furniture. At first glance, the design seems simple, but in fact it is not. This solution allows you to visually enlarge the space and get as much natural light as possible.

  3. Number 3. Entering this room for the first time, you would immediately feel the brutal style of its owner. A small living room for convinced bachelors! Every detail of the interior emphasizes this status, and the choice of flooring is no exception. Unpolished parquet boards decorate floors, walls and even windows. A living room with a masculine character looks unusual!

  4. No. 4. Elegant living room in puritan style in the best English traditions. Pay attention to how well the space is organized in a small room: spacious shelving, upholstered furniture, a fireplace, a coffee table. The floor is decorated with natural pine wood, it looks harmonious in contrast with the blue walls. A bold accent is a red sofa.

  5. No. 5. The living room combined with the kitchen is made in the best traditions of the Mediterranean style. Chilled oak floors look good paired with light brown walls, columns add solemnity. This living room looks very festive and perfect for a large family!

  6. No. 6. A premium living room that combines dark natural oak floors with light gray walls and elegant furnishings. The cushions of the sofa and armchairs, as well as the carpet, are decorated with an ornament. One feels impeccable style in everything and an airy mood!

  7. No. 7. Living room in the popular Art Nouveau style. Wooden floors with a matte finish, walls in the fireplace area with natural stone cladding, roomy graphite-colored soft sofas. Such an interior solution is suitable for large rooms where friendly and cheerful companies will gather!

  8. No. 8. Classic French style living room with large windows. Beech wood floors combined with cream walls provide a light and bright backdrop for the interiors. It is this fashionable interior that usually adorns the covers of popular design publications.

  9. No. 9. This simple but very cute interior is suitable for a small living room. The space is not cluttered with furniture, which makes it very inviting. But nevertheless, there is everything you need to feel comfortable: a large sofa, a table, a fireplace, sconces and decor. Bamboo was chosen as the flooring material.

  10. No. 10. Minimalist living room in light gray tones. It is decorated with: two designer black chairs, a white sofa, tables made of glass and stainless steel. The flooring is pale teak and looks great with the white walls.

  11. No. 11. This is another contemporary living room that uses solid oak floors paired with pale gray painted walls. It has a wall with a built-in electric fireplace, lined with gray stone slabs. The thin line between traditional classics and high-tech style creates an inspiring interior!

  12. No. 12. A chic Victorian-style living room will decorate an elite country house. Vintage floors in warm tones, rococo armchairs, a fireplace and, of course, a throw. There is simply no better place to pass the long winter evenings.

  13. No. 13. A tropical-style living room will help you relax and forget about all the problems. Cherry-colored Brazilian wood was used to create the floors, and the ceiling is also lined with wooden beams. Neutral walls and floors are the best way to emphasize a bright interior!

  14. No. 14. This living room combines the simplicity of modern design with the elegance of classic interiors. The floor is mahogany, the walls are painted in a pleasant cream color, luxury furniture and paintings emphasize the social status of the owners.

  15. No. 15. Living room in dark relaxing colors in country style. The floor is decorated with Hickory parquet. It is as if created for luxurious interiors and is considered an extremely rare breed. Wooden columns located throughout the room harmoniously complement the parquet.

  16. No. 16. A modern interior that combines innovative materials and vintage pieces of furniture. The orange tones of the French oak floors make the room truly sunny at any time of the year. Decorate the room with original handmade wing chairs.

  17. No. 17. A mix of styles and design trends sometimes give rise to true masterpieces of the interior. Oak floors are complemented by wood carvings that stand out against the white walls.

  18. No. 18. And this living room is a unique space where elements of East and West are harmoniously combined. French furniture fits perfectly into the Moroccan interior. African mahogany floors combined with cool gray walls look original.

  19. No. 19. Another fresh and relaxing interior for the living room, using aqua as the main accent. Light furniture looks very elegant against the background of walnut parquet.

  20. No. 20. A classic example of a stylish living room combined with a kitchen. The rustic style is easy to read - unpretentious furniture, simple decor items, the walls are simply painted white. But oak floors give this rustic interior sophistication and chic.

  21. No. 21. Modern cozy living room, where you immediately feel the feminine energy. Snow-white cabinets, cute figurines and flower vases, stylish curtains. The dark maple floor and light brown walls make a great backdrop for the rest of the decor.

  22. No. 22. Another version of the living room in the French style. Large windows and an open terrace provide plenty of natural light, so interior items look impeccable. Wooden maple floors provide a warm color to the space, diluting the rest of the cool range.

  23. No. 23. Classic living room stylized antique. This interior is usually chosen by people over fifty who love furniture with history. To organize the space, teak floors with a matte texture are used, making them look shabby and fit in with the surroundings.

  24. No. 24. Another informal interior in which rustic style and modern pieces of furniture coexist. Teak flooring is deliberately cut out from the classic tandem of gray walls and urban furniture to emphasize the atmosphere of a country house.

  25. No. 25. Still, dark parquet has a special magnetism! It creates a certain mysterious atmosphere in the room. In this living room, a wooden parquet from the Walnut wood species was laid. The combination of warm colors, different cuts of wood and dim lighting certainly gives the living room a special vintage vibe.

  26. No. 26. The floors are made from saw cuts of fruit trees - pears and cherries. The interior is very simple, so the material chosen is affordable. The color of the walls and floors is made in a dark beige warming range. Many families will be able to bring this idea to life in their country house!

  27. No. 27. Another quite vital interior is a simple living room in turquoise and gray tones. A pleasant contrast is formed by dark brown wooden floors and graphite walls.

  28. No. 28. A beautiful interior that retains both soft and deep gray throughout. Maple floors fit right in here. Pleasant atmosphere conducive to philosophical reflection. Complementing the theme is a figurine with Buddha and books.

  29. No. 29. Despite the modern furniture, the overall look of this interior is classic. Gorgeous solid mahogany parquet floors form a luxurious backdrop for the interior.

  30. No. 30. The retro elements present in this living room make the space really interesting. The furniture is modern, quality mahogany floors, geometric rug blends well with the walls.

Floors in a residential building are happy to be made of floorboards or parquet - materials that are one of the noblest wooden products. Let's talk about which parquet to choose.

They owe their popularity not only to their high aesthetic appearance. Their great advantage is the possibility of repeated restoration, and, consequently, many years of service life. Parquet in the interior photo:

What type of parquet is
Piece, the most used parquet
Massive parquet or parquet board
Parquet board, consisting of three layers
Artificial parquet (laminate)
Subfloor surface requirements

1. What kind of parquet is

Let's talk about how to choose parquet. As a floor covering, parquet has been used for a long time. It has several types and is not only made of natural wood, but also artificial, which imitates natural parquet, they call it laminated or simply laminate.

For the first time in Europe, it appeared in the 13-14 centuries, so its history is really ancient. This expensive material was not available to everyone and was used only in the homes of very rich people.

Gradually, more and more people could use the parquet, and in order to avoid monotony, the boards began to be cut into separate, strictly defined planks. Over time, these boards began to be used in the form of various figures and drawings. Parquet in the interior photo:

The time has come, and a technology has appeared that allows you to produce parquet in mass quantities. Nowadays, not only natural material is used for parquet. Parquet made from artificial components is becoming more and more widespread.

2. Piece, the most used parquet

A plank floor is an investment for years. Taking into account the possibility of its restoration, it can even be used for several generations! However, it is worth thinking carefully about his choice. Moreover, floors made of boards or piece planks (called parquet) are not cheap and are called expensive parquet.

Expensive parquet requires a concrete base, knowledge about the characteristics of wood, the conditions for its installation and the selection of chemicals for maintenance. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the beautiful floor, you should choose a proven, experienced specialist for his device.

Natural piece parquet has many positive qualities. It can be:

Long use,
easy to repair
change individual parts
lay out in various patterns.

Boards on the floor (parquet). Their length is at least 25 cm, the width of the front surface is at least 40 mm, and the thickness is at least 14 mm. They are profiled on the front and sides. Planks can be equipped with a ridge on one side and a groove on the other side, designed to be connected into a single whole.

The thickness of the plank above the groove is at least 35% of the total thickness. Such a supply of material allows you to perform floor scraping several times. Intense competition between manufacturers has led to the fact that thinner boards and floorboards have appeared on the market, this helps to make expensive parquet a little cheaper.

Savings are achieved due to the height above the junction. In such a parquet board, the layer of wood will be too thin, so the main advantage of parquet disappears and it becomes disposable. - After abrasion of the surface, it needs to be replaced.

The parquet is glued to the base. Parquet boards can be folded into various patterns:

in the form of traditional parquet (from one type of wood),
in the form of decorative combinations (planks from different types of wood, different colors and shapes are mixed).

By choosing the right size, color and pattern for laying planks, you can get the effect of a three-dimensional floor.

3. Massive parquet, or parquet board

This type of flooring is a board of linear type planks. It is impossible to lay out various patterns from such parquet, and it costs more than piece parquet, because a lot of whole natural material is needed for its manufacture.

With this design of parquet material, work can be done much faster than when using small parquet boards.

4. Parquet board, consisting of three layers

This design of the parquet material is used to make the parquet resistant to various changes in humidity and temperature. In the manufacture of such parquet, mainly natural raw materials are used.

A parquet board is easier to install than a piece parquet, the work is cheaper, the cost of a parquet board is lower than the cost of a piece parquet, as a large amount of expensive wood is saved.

5. Artificial parquet or laminate

Speaking about which parquet to choose, you can consider this more economical option. Laminate is an imitation of natural parquet and is a four-layer panel.

one). The first layer - protective consists of synthetic pitches.
2). The second layer is made decorative, the appearance of the parquet will depend on this.
3). The next layer has a high density, which determines the strength and rigidity.
four). The last layer serves as protection against moisture.

Laminate is made in different thicknesses, it all depends on the product standard and the manufacturing process.

6. Subfloor surface requirements: installation of parquet

The parquet is installed on a pre-prepared floor base. The preparatory work includes, first of all, leveling the base of the floor, otherwise the parquet flooring will turn out to be uneven and ugly.

After the entire complex of preparatory work has been completed, when the floor base is in proper condition, the parquet is installed.

7. Conclusions

The use of piece parquet makes it possible to lay it in the form of any pattern, it is easier to change individual elements. When using a parquet board, the work can be done faster, but the material is more expensive.

Using artificial parquet is easier and cheaper. A big plus, although it is more expensive, natural parquet, in its environmental friendliness, the beauty of the material itself.

Our experts gave a detailed description of the types of parquet and, I hope, helped you answer the question of how to choose parquet. Good luck with your repair.