How to align a wardrobe. We align the furniture with an intersection screed. Nailing the back wall of the fiberboard to the wardrobe

All modern kitchen sets are equipped with wall cabinets. They allow you to save space with good capacity. Located at eye level, such lockers are very convenient to use and they are always filled with a lot of things, creating a serious load on the hinged mechanisms. Therefore, it is very important to make reliable and high-quality fastening of the cabinet to the wall.


Choice of cabinet height

Before you start attaching wall cabinets to the wall, you need to choose the right height for hanging them. It is determined based on the main criterion - the growth of the owner of the kitchen. On average, the distance is approximately 50-60 cm from the countertop to the bottom of the wall cabinets. According to GOST, this value is equal to 45 cm.

In the event that it is required to place wall cabinets above the refrigerator or above a high oven, then the height of these objects determines the desired level of hanging of the cabinets.

Existing cabinet hinge mechanisms

The use of modern fastening accessories greatly simplifies the work associated with hanging kitchen cabinets. It allows you to eliminate small errors in the marking and increases the strength of the entire structure. At the same time, very little effort will be required, and all the work can be done independently, without anyone's help.
For fixing the cabinet to the wall, a specially prepared rail and a device called a hinge are mainly used.

The hinge is equipped with a hook that is attached from the inside to the side wall of the cabinet and remains invisible from the outside.

Mounting plate

The first way is to hinge on a mounting plate.

The advantages of this method:

  • all work can easily be done by one person, since there is no need to support the cabinet when marking is done. This greatly facilitates the task, and also allows you to hang cabinets with high accuracy;
  • thanks to special adjusting screws, the location of the cabinets can be changed by making them higher and lower, as well as closer to the wall or away from it. This mechanism allows you to almost accurately align the cabinet, which is quite difficult, and when using ordinary hinges, it is not always impossible;

  • there are specially made notches on the rail for hanging the cabinet, with which you can easily adjust its length;
  • all the necessary installation can be carried out even when the kitchen apron is already attached;
  • there is no need to use a border for alignment;
  • it is quite simple to do not only mounting on a rail, but also dismantle. Basically, hanging kitchen cabinets in this way takes no more than 1.5 hours.


  • first of all, the high cost of the entire set, which includes a mounting rail and hinges. But this is not a serious problem, given that a lot of time is saved as a result;
  • Another disadvantage of this method is that due to the loose fit of the cabinet to the wall, a small gap is noticeable in the upper part.

Furniture hinges

The second method is more affordable, but will take more time and will require additional help. It will use hinges and fasteners.

First, the upper limit is determined and a horizontal line is drawn along the length of all cabinets that need to be hung.

Then the level determines the accuracy of its outline (there are cases when, due to an uneven floor, the result is distorted).

The first point is marked on the resulting line, a hole is made with a punch or drill, and fasteners are installed. Then the cabinet is taken and suspended temporarily in order to locate the next fixture with absolute precision. In this case, one should not be guided by only one drawn line, but the evenness of the cabinet itself must be checked with a level.

The whole further process is carried out in the same way. When all the cabinets are attached and their location is checked by the level, you can start connecting them with furniture screws to each other. The final stage of work is the installation of a connecting decorative cornice, which is screwed to the upper base with screws.

Now all that remains is to hang the facades, install the shelves, see if the doors work normally, and, if necessary, correct the inaccuracies using the adjusting screws. This whole process requires concentration and good attention, as well as an insightful assistant, without whose help it is quite difficult to correctly calculate the required distance for fasteners.

The structure of the rear wall of the wall cabinet

The progress of the mounting work will directly depend on the design of the rear wall of the wall cabinets.

In the first case, the back wall is nailed and has no indentations. Therefore, when hinged on a mounting plate, the upper part will not fit snugly, and the cabinet will turn out with a slope. To avoid this, an indent must be provided at the bottom of the cabinet, which corresponds to the width of the mounting plate. To do this, you can nail a thin rail or calculate the height of its hinge in such a way that it "fits" onto the kitchen apron. In the latter case, the fasteners should be made already with the kitchen apron installed.

In the second case, the back wall is attached with a recess.

This design of wall cabinets is more convenient, since it allows you to hang them not only overlapping the kitchen apron, but also end-to-end. But when installing cabinets without overlap, it is important that the apron is positioned perfectly level, as even a slight skew will immediately catch your eye.

How to attach the cabinet to the wall using a mounting plate

Preparatory work

  • It is desirable that the walls are smoothly aligned;
  • if work is carried out in a corner kitchen, then the angle formed by the walls should be exactly 90 degrees;
  • all work on electrical installation, placement of sockets for the hood, outputs of the upper lamps must be completed;
  • you should also immediately prepare the wall on which the cabinets will be hung. It must be painted or covered with wallpaper and the kitchen apron must be fixed in advance. Since with the installed cabinets, it will be extremely difficult to do all this.


To properly hang kitchen cabinets at hand, you must have the following tools:

  • drill - can be electric or manual. It is needed to drill holes for fasteners. If you have to work on a load-bearing wall, you will need a hammer drill or drill with this function;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • clamps are an auxiliary tool that will be required if you want to connect the boxes to each other to create the effect of the solidity of the entire structure;
  • if installation will be carried out on an anchor, a wrench of the appropriate size will be needed;
  • well, of course, you need to prepare the required number of fasteners. To fix the hinges to the cabinets, screws are required (as a rule, manufacturers equip wall cabinets with them). Screws with wall plugs are required to secure the rail to the wall. If you wish, you can buy special ties to fasten the cabinets to each other.

How to fix the cabinet to the wall - step by step instructions

First of all, using the adjusting screws, it is necessary to fix the hooks in the middle position. Then they are attached from the inside on the side walls in such a way that the hook looks outward by only 2-3 millimeters and can freely cling to the fastening bar.
Now you can start drawing the markings on the wall. In this case, one should be guided by the basic rules:

  • if the location of the hanging cabinets depends on large-sized kitchen appliances or tall objects, then they must be put in their places at the time of marking;
  • when hanging on a mounting rail, you need to know in advance whether the cabinets will be installed overlapping on the kitchen apron, or still close to it;
  • The fastening strip should be located 3-4 cm below the top edge of the section. To correctly calculate this distance, it is necessary to attach the strip to the back wall of the cabinet, in the same way as it will be attached to the wall. Then it will become clearly visible how many centimeters will need to be taken into account when applying the final markup.

Taking into account all these recommendations, using a level, two lines are applied, starting from the corner of the kitchen. Of these, one line indicates the top edge of the hinged rail and the other indicates the top of the cabinets.
Advice: in order to determine the horizontal position of the cabinets, it is best to use a level, and not measure the distance from the ceiling or floor, as errors may subsequently occur. Even if you are sure that the ceiling or floor is level enough, you should not risk it, otherwise you will have to redo all the work again.

The upper edge of the bar is pressed against the prepared marking line (lower) and the required number of marks is made for the holes for the fasteners.

If the walls are strong and have good bearing capacity, then it is quite possible to divide the rail into small pieces of 15 cm, and each of them be installed exactly in those places where the awnings will be located. But if there is even the slightest doubt about the strength of the walls, it is not worth dividing the rail, but on the contrary, it is more stable to fix it to a larger number of fasteners.

  • it is often possible to face such a problem when, at the very beginning of drilling, the drill seems to jump. To eliminate this discomfort, small recesses are made in the drilling sites. They are done by hitting a punch with a hammer or, in its absence, on a strong nail;
  • if the wall crumbles during drilling, then first it is worth making a hole of a slightly smaller diameter, and then expanding it with a drill of the required size. Thus, it turns out to be much more accurate;
  • to measure the drilling depth, a prepared dowel is taken, applied to the drill and the desired distance is precisely memorized. If the hole has already been made and it is time to drive a dowel into it, then you need to make sure that there is enough depth. A hole that is too deep will make the job inconvenient;
  • it is quite difficult to drill a hole in a concrete wall, even using a drill with a victorious tip. Therefore, in the absence of a punch, a couple of light blows with a hammer on the punch will be required;
  • during work, special attention should be paid to the places where the electrical wiring passes.

Then the dowels are carefully driven into the holes, and the mounting rail is installed on the fasteners. Cabinets are attached to it using a hinge plate. Their position is regulated by screws with which the hinged mechanisms are equipped.

To create the effect of a closet to the entire wall, you will need to tightly connect them to each other. To do this, they need to be fixed in pairs with clamps, starting from the corner cabinet. In order not to spoil their surface, place a wooden wedge between the cabinet and the clamp.

To prevent this problem, you will need to apply one of the following two methods:

  • in the places where the drill comes out, it is necessary to strongly press down the wooden block (the denser, the better);
  • first, a thinner through hole is drilled, and then, with a drill of the required diameter, it expands on both sides.

This completes the fastening of the wall cabinets, it remains only to install the shelves, fix the doors and adjust them using the screws that are on the hinges.

A store-bought wardrobe can be a big problem if the house has uneven walls and floors. Furniture will not only fit badly into the space prepared for it, but it may also not close, stagger or completely fall to the floor.

Floor problems

The main options for purchasing a wardrobe are ready-made purchase or custom-made. In the second case, before signing the contract, the company's meter will make all the necessary measurements to the millimeter and degree. The assembly of the finished cabinet will also be carried out on site and if any unforeseen problems arise, they will be quickly eliminated.

If you buy a wardrobe in a store, then it may not fit into the apartment. How to align the wardrobe on an uneven floor, the buyer himself is forced to think further - the furniture seller will not be interested in this. An uneven floor can cause the door not to close as there will be problems with the rail. The cabinet can also squeak and collapse at a corner.

When ordering built-in furniture, the problem is solved by installing a special box. Therefore, the answer to the question: is it possible to install a built-in wardrobe if the floor is uneven and positive. The main thing is to contact the manufacturer with an individual order, and not buy cabinets of a standard configuration, which are suitable only for a perfectly flat floor surface.

Installation of the cabinet cabinet on an uneven floor can also be carried out using fasteners to the wall. Cabinets with legs are also often ordered. This helps to avoid wobbling and makes the structure more stable.

Curved walls

Curved walls in a house may not even be visible to the naked eye, but they are very important for furniture installation. If the house has a niche or depression in the wall, then custom built-in wardrobes are the perfect way to hide this problem, and at the same time increase the depth of the shelves.

But if the walls are simply uneven by a few millimeters or even centimeters, then the master can install special panels on the sides to eliminate gaps. Remaining gaps can be sealed with silicone. In the case of a cabinet cabinet, you will also have to reduce the gap between the wall and the furniture using a false plank or fixing it vertically through spacers. You can cover the flaws with a plastic decorative corner in the color of the wallpaper.

It is very important to align the walls, if, for example, they go in a wave due to improper plaster, and you will not have to install a built-in cabinet, but a cabinet cabinet.

It is better to install a built-in wardrobe where the walls are uneven. This will be a more reliable structure, and the cabinet panel will hide all the aesthetic overlays. It is quite difficult to install a cabinet with an edge on your own, since every millimeter is calculated. It is better to entrust this task to a good master.

Uneven ceiling

Installation of a wardrobe with a curved ceiling is also carried out, but only if it was ordered individually. The quality of the ceiling matters only for built-in furniture, which practically rests against it. For cabinet cabinets that do not extend to the ceiling, this is usually not so important.

To align the ceiling, a false panel is usually attached. This visually aligns the structure of the cabinet and does not create obstacles for the use of furniture. The adjustment is carried out in such a way that the doors can be easily opened and closed.

An uneven floor in an apartment combined with a curved ceiling is by no means a rarity in our country, especially in old apartments.

A non-standard option is to install the cabinet on supports that allow you to change the height of the work surface. The installation method depends on each specific situation and the wishes of the customer.

Order furniture from us

You can make a custom-made wardrobe in our company Rosmebel, where professional measurers work who do not make mistakes in calculations, as well as craftsmen who can cope with non-standard sizes of any furniture: from sliding wardrobes to living room walls.

Our craftsmen will perform all the work on the rehabilitation of your furniture with high quality: aligning doors and drawers, assembling or after moving, fixing to the wall, etc.

Incorrectly displayed furniture loses its attractiveness, a technical failure occurs in the functionality of mechanical parts. The load on the supporting structures is unevenly distributed, thereby sagging the shelf supports with the subsequent threat of collapse of the internal filling. When opened, the doors touch the furniture bases of the top or bottom, the edge peels off at the ends, when the door is closed, the door bends and only partially adheres to the body. It is advisable to correct this situation in a timely manner, since the structure of parts in furniture begins to undergo changes, which subsequently cannot be eliminated at home. The manufacturer often forgets to complete the fittings with connecting elements for a full-fledged screed of vertical panels in sectional furniture - walls, slides, nurseries. When assembling furniture, the connection of modules is necessary for safety reasons - tall narrow cabinets with high doors are quite unstable and require fastening to the wall of the room or, using an inter-section tie, to a large cabinet. In the kitchen furniture, hinged shelves and base cabinets are connected. The intersectional tie when hanging the shelves gives an additional incentive to secure fastening.

Correct installation with uneven floor surfaces.

Initially, the assembled cases are leveled, the highest point in the furniture system is fixed, and the furniture is aligned along it. Some cabinet models are equipped with leveling feet, with the help of an adjustment screw, the sides of the structures are raised a certain distance from the floor. In the absence of leveling feet, we will use wooden wedges. For example, when all the bodies are aligned in one line and pulled together. An intersectional coupler fixes the installed product. Installation of connecting fittings is carried out by drilling a hole with a diameter relative to the screed. For reliable fixation, the tie is performed in several places, at the top and bottom of the structure. The tie screw can be hidden under the loop. The rehabilitation process of previously installed furniture is possible with partial disassembly. Doors and cornices are removed, drawers and shelves are taken out. After alignment and installation of the intersection screed, all facades and internal filling take their places. It is not recommended to pull cabinets or cabinets that are not on the level, unevenly standing, since the furniture frame undergoes a change in geometry, disrupting the functionality of all parts.

Of course, the European fashion for built-in furniture has brought a special charm to the modern interior of the Russian man in the street. But along with interesting solutions, flaws in housing architecture have entered the daily practice of furniture manufacturers. If earlier the buyer was content with the fact that any piece of paper or a board folded several times served as a salvation for the cabinet from instability, today clearly no one will put up with the precarious position of the furniture attribute, gaping gaps between the walls or the oblique geometry of the interceiling space. Times are not right!

The built-in furniture compositions were appreciated not only because of their aesthetic appeal. Their ability to significantly expand or visually reduce the spatial environment of the dwelling was appreciated by the owners of communal apartments and small apartments. However, to this day, when installing even the most common cabinet model, many specialists are faced with unpleasant "surprises" - uneven floors, walls and ceilings. This often makes the manufacturer "smash his head" over the next masterpiece of furniture.

Are degrees everything?

Built-in furniture, the production of which many companies are engaged in today, are made according to individual orders. Unlike the factory one, which is produced with standard standard sizes, the built-in one has a direct dependence on the parameters of the area of ​​the room, where the geometry of the room is no less important. This is especially important for wardrobes, since it is rectangular as standard and ideally requires level floors, walls and ceilings for installation. Unfortunately, most apartment owners cannot boast of an impeccable design of their home, and the problems of uneven surfaces fall entirely on the shoulders of furniture makers. Even at the measurement stage, experts record the slope of the floor and ceiling, the fall of the walls and, depending on the values ​​obtained, make one or another decision.

The resolution of issues with the leveling of surfaces suggests different options. Since the goal of alignment in its bulk is the aesthetic appeal of the room, the specialists start from the visual perception of the geometry of the room. And the picture is not always harmonious. For example, if a bump with a height of only 1 cm is found on the wall, then, most likely, it will be noticed and offered to be corrected in the future. However, if the wall is overwhelmed by 5 cm, no one will notice with the naked eye. It will also look quite acceptable if the corner of the room is not 90, but 87 or 93 degrees. That is why, even quite expensive repairs are often done by the "rule of thumb" method, which means leveling the surfaces, getting flat planes, but not bringing the angles between them to 90 degrees. This method saves money, since less dry mixes are spent during the repair process.

It is this method of alignment that is not suitable for apartments where a wardrobe or other built-in furniture is planned. Since only one degree of deviation from a right angle gives a gap of about 1 cm. And deviations from a right angle can reach several degrees. That is why, already at the stage of apartment renovation, it is advisable to plan in advance the location of cabinets and other furniture attributes and take care of the geometry of the rooms. This alignment method is called "by beacons". However, when the uneven geometry of the dwelling does not allow to correct the deplorable state of the walls, ceiling or floor, and the customer certainly wants a built-in wardrobe or kitchen, the quality of the furniture will directly depend on the qualifications of the assembler.

“In principle, the unevenness of the floor surface up to three cm is not critical for the installation of a built-in cabinet. The modern aluminum system allows you to bring all this to the required level. When this value is more than three centimeters, then you have to use panels on the sides to compensate for the gap that is obtained on the sides of both walls. Or the second option - a wedge is made on the ceiling or on the floor, depending on the problem plane. Today, uneven walls and floors are found in 99% of measurements. In my practice, about 2–5% of orders were adjusted to the structural conditions of the dwelling, where the installation of cabinets implied the introduction of additional solutions. Moreover, for the most part, measurers face installation problems in the private sector, where uneven floors or walls are the most frequent occurrence, ”says Danil Biryukov, director of Dara Mebel LLC.

According to some furniture makers, an uneven floor is not a hindrance to installing a kitchen. And all due to the fact that kitchen cabinets are placed on legs 10 cm high, which can be adjusted in height within a few centimeters. In general, the plinth covers 10 cm of space, in which you can do almost anything to keep the bedside tables level. With wardrobes, everything is much more complicated. The cabinet doors move on wheels, which, of course, are also adjustable. But at the same time, firstly, the adjustment range is limited to one centimeter. Secondly, with a large slope, the doors will move under the influence of gravity or, at least, they will have to be moved in both directions with different efforts, which, you see, is absolutely uncomfortable. Therefore, with a large slope of the floor, the doors are placed on a podium, set according to the level. So at the time of installation, the euphoria from a successful purchase can evaporate only due to the fact that it is not so easy to cover the ceiling in the closet, and the design of the furniture attribute of that and look at any touch will begin to "walk", and in general the closet will have an unpresentable look.

As a rule, many people do not attach much importance to how this or that company approaches the issue of curvature, but today it is possible to deal with this problem quite successfully with furniture means.

False plank

Thanks to such a simple invention as a false plank, furniture makers in certain situations cope with uneven surfaces of housing. This rescue element is placed when the wall is vertical or tilted within 1-10 mm, as well as in the presence of a small wave. The gap between the wall and the cabinet is reduced by pressing the false plank against the wall, or fixing it vertically through the spacers. In this case, the resulting gap often has to be sealed independently with putties, putties or silicone. Alternatively, it is covered with a plastic decorative corner, which has a penny price, but helps to hide minor flaws in furniture problems. Planks are the most aesthetic option, easy to manufacture and install.

Of course, the walls cannot be leveled with them, but they are quite capable of hiding small irregularities. In the wardrobes, they were also used due to the fact that the anther brush glued to the compartment door leaves a dirty mark on the wall or wallpaper over the years. And the use of the plank protects the wall from dirt.

Restrictions on the use of strips differ for wardrobes and swing doors. For example, sliding doors can be tilted up to 20-25 mm with adjusting screws. Suppose, with a wall slope of 20-25 mm, theoretically, this step will be the solution. But again, there is a possibility of the door jamming when moving to the opposite wall. And if we add here an uneven floor, then a very ugly gap is formed from below between the horizontal strip of the compartment door and the floor. Since one corner of the door is strongly raised, all the beauty of the facade will come to naught, so it is advisable to use the bar only when the slope of the wall does not exceed 10 mm, at least not more than 15 mm. When it comes to swing doors, the restrictions on the slope of the walls are stricter - no more than 1 mm. So if the slopes of the walls absolutely do not fit into the manufacturer's standards, and everyone has their own today, then a box is considered a more acceptable element for dealing with uneven surfaces.


The most popular solutions in the execution of boxes are U-shaped and L-shaped types. For the L-shaped box, the thickness of the construct is 7-10 cm, which is set vertically. Then the curvature or slope of the wall is marked out, and only after that the installation is started. The popularity of such elements among manufacturers is due to the fact that accurate measurements are not required for its use and the cabinet will stand in the required place like a glove. Often, boxes are allowed around the entire perimeter of the cabinet. On the one hand, this does not add to the aesthetic flavor of the built-in furniture. But this is an excellent way out of a situation when the walls, floor or ceiling have strong deviations from the vertical (horizontal) or curvature. Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that some furniture makers will offer exactly the option with a box due to the ease of installation, even with a wall tilt of 5 mm. Since when making measurements, the specialist does not always have time, and often the desire, to explore almost every centimeter of the building. In a conversation with a designer, the same measurer for reinsurance will insist on the use of a box, so as not to make a mistake or to prevent a significant mistake with the order, and also not to tarnish the company's reputation.

Non-standard solutions

Of course, there are also unconventional ways to deal with curvature. The most exotic and unlikely are crooked doors. Suppose, when the wall is tilted by 3 cm, it will be necessary to put the box, but the following moment arises: the wedge will immediately catch the eye. After all, the greater the distance, the more visible the difference in width will be. However, if you run the same 3 cm through the door, then due to its width, this difference will practically not be visible, and at the same time the cabinet "from wall to wall" will be without the hated boxes. At the same time, the manufacture of such a solution, namely curved doors, requires a special approach and responsibility, because not only high accuracy of measurements is required, but also technological calculations. And also this design can be trite to assemble incorrectly, confusing the bottom with the top.

Another way to get rid of boxes is to imitate a 32 mm strip. When the overhang is trimmed along the uneven right wall, and an overlap is made on the left at a corner, and the result is a more than presentable cabinet. A similar solution is applied to the side panels, when the manufacturer kills two birds with one stone, the absence of right angles between the rear wall of the niche and the side walls becomes a solvable problem and the customer will receive a cabinet without any gaps. Accordingly, the installation of such strips is a little more difficult than fitting the box, but the result justifies the investment of time and effort.


Of course, even the most ideal furniture on uneven surfaces begins to behave quite capriciously: it rattles, scratches the doors and strives to "fall" on its side. Someone, in the old fashioned way, puts planks and chips under the supports. But this method is far from ideal, especially if the house slowly and surely shrinks, and with it the floor changes its slope. Nowadays, furniture manufacturers supply cabinets and cabinets with adjustable supports to compensate for uneven floors. Moreover, the adjustment process becomes within the power of not only a professional furniture assembler, but also the consumer himself, just with the help of a simple L-shaped hex key. Almost all cabinet furniture today has adjustable supports, and the key is included in the kit. However, not all manufacturers report this in the product annotation.

The modern approach of furniture manufacturers in solving the problem of uneven surfaces is reflected in the equipment of furniture with special supports that allow you to change the height of the work surface up to 50 mm. Thus, the height difference can be eliminated if the functionality of the basement legs is used correctly when installed on an uneven floor.

The simplest adjustable support is represented by a set of screws with a plastic head and a counterpart, for example, a regular nut for a leg with an external thread, a "bar" nut or an angle bracket. The leg is adjusted by screwing the screw into the counterpart manually or with a screwdriver. The disadvantage of this design is the need for repeated unloading, turning the legs, moving the cabinet back and forth to assess the productivity of height adjustment. For heavy cabinetry, uneven surfaces can be easily dealt with by using adjustable feet. The system, designed to compensate for uneven floors and equalize the height of heavy wardrobes and wardrobes, even if they are filled to capacity with clothes, has successfully passed several stages of approbation, and today manufacturers are implementing it in almost all models of furniture products. The support has an adjustable zinc alloy screw foot, independent of the thrust bearing. This element facilitates adjustment, does not damage the floor, withstands a load of up to 175 kg per support and is often a newfangled design element. You can adjust the height with any tool through a hole drilled through the bottom of the structure with a diameter of 8 mm. Moreover, this element is attached to the furniture using two spikes that cut into the end of the frame, without drilling, and sometimes it is additionally fixed with screws. The foot of the support has a rounded chamfer, which makes it easier to slide the support along the floor surface when moving heavy furniture. The support is equipped with a screw with a size range of up to 15 mm and up to 25 mm. Furniture makers also offer options for adjustable support to eliminate the difference in height between structures that do not have a base and a bottom raised above the floor. In this case, the adjustment process is reduced to using a slot / cross screwdriver or a 6 mm Allen key. An adjustable foot screw is usually made of zinc alloy, with a large diameter and a large thread pitch. By the way, the plastic thrust bearing remains stationary at the time of adjustment, which makes it easier to change the height and prevents damage to the floor.

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It's no secret that the main customers of cabinet furniture are women... Who else, if not they, better understand where to place a wardrobe or? On which side are drawers needed, in what quantity, what width and depth. At what height you need to make the hanger so that it is convenient to reach for it, what distance between the shelves will be convenient for storing linen. What should be in the end! All this is decided by our beloved women. How pleasant it is for us to work for you, and even more pleasant to see delight on your faces upon completion of the installation, and to observe how pleased you are with the new purchase.

All that is required from us is to help determine the dimensions and, to give advice based on the experience of location, draw a intelligible drawing with exact dimensions. The main designer is, of course, you.

Let me point out some points that I am sure you may find useful in decorating your home.

It happens that the customer, and actually we, are so carried away by the choice of colors and the arrangement of the shelves that we forget to think about the ceiling inside the cabinet. Sometimes I hear the following phrase - "My husband will make the ceiling inside me, we will think of something ...".

When the installation ends, the euphoria of a successful purchase passes, it suddenly turns out that it is not so easy to cover the ceiling in a wardrobe. Obstacles appear in the form of vertical pillars, shelves that restrict access, compartment doors that you do not want to take out. It is problematic to work from a stepladder under the ceiling.

Then you call us. We are announcing you an amount of about 5000r. which does not make you happy. You have a question - "Why is it so expensive?" Because making a ceiling in an already finished closet is quite difficult for the reasons listed. Most importantly, it may not turn out as beautifully as if we did it from the very beginning. Therefore, please consider this moment immediately. If repairs in your apartment are in full swing, wires are hanging, old wallpaper is visible in the place where the cabinet will stand, it is better to immediately close this mess with the help of repairmen, or ask us to do it. Then you will not have a constant reminder of the scary ceiling when you open the compartment doors.

The same must be taken into account on the back wall of the built-in wardrobe or dressing room. The apparent ease of painting or gluing the back wall in an already finished product seems to be a difficult job. Before painting the wall with water-based paint, it is necessary to glue all the chipboard adjacent to the wall with masking tape so as not to stain anything. And it seems very difficult to glue, say, a film on a wall or wallpaper. The gaps between the wall and the product frame will be visible. It is better not to waste time and energy on such work, but to make a beautiful wall in advance, or ask us to do it with HDF.

The next moment is crooked walls and floor

When you make repairs in an apartment, you should understand that if you level the floor and walls once to perfect condition, you will deprive yourself of a lot of problems not only in further finishing the room, but also when installing cabinet or built-in furniture. I understand that it costs a lot of money and not everyone can afford it, then you need to be prepared for the cracks between the shelves and walls, if it is built-in furniture. Cabinet furniture may also not fit snugly against the wall, and swing doors may be skewed due to curved floors.

Of course, we level cabinet furniture with linings and, as a rule, it turns out badly. When you eliminate the vertical gap between the back wall of the cabinet and the wall of the dwelling, the gap between the bottom shelf of the cabinet and the floor increases. We have to choose, either we put the cabinet straight, then there will be a gap in the front, or we leave it tilted, but everything is perfect along the facade.

We see your disappointment, it is unpleasant for us to leave you thinking that you didn’t get what you wanted, and this rarely happens.

The use of various accessories and skirting boards does not always give the desired effect. Additional planks and strips often hide the airiness of the product, and the adjustable legs, which can be used in cabinet furniture, create a headache during cleaning and hide the useful space inside the cabinet. Please take this into account.

Watch the video below, in which we show one of the options for leveling the floors.

Often I hear - "Yes, we have smooth walls." But over the four years of the company's existence, today (03/25/2014) we have met three apartments with perfect repair. The walls were so even that the furniture stood up like a glove, and we spent not a day or two, as usual, on built-in furniture, but on average 5 hours. In one case, the landlord worked as a foreman for the builders, so he monitored the quality of the repairs.

Therefore, if you have an old house, the walls were not aligned, be prepared for small surprises in the form of cracks between the furniture and the walls.

One more point. We are faced with the problem of crooked door jambs. For example, we are installing a built-in wardrobe. We install bumpers for compartment doors at the laser level, strictly vertically. The platband of the interior door gives out its curvature in relation to the bump stop. It can be seen that the clypeus is fixed, not strictly vertically, but slightly obliquely. What to do? Either we make the compartment doors as expected, or we adjust to your platband, the compartment doors will be tilted. The client is often confused. Therefore, if you are installing interior doors, check the quality not only by the appearance and closing of the locks, but also by the evenness using the building level.