How I decided to follow the habits of rich people and how it changed my life. The right habits of successful people. Life-changing habits

There are thousands of articles on what successful people do on their day off. Want to know the secret? They do the same as on other days.

Here is a list of the top 12 things successful entrepreneurs keep in mind on their day off.

1. Robert Iger: Wake up early

The Disney CEO isn't the only person who wakes up at 4.30 every morning. Successful and wealthy people do not allow themselves to stay in bed until two hours on the weekend. Scientists have found that our mozi works best between two and a half to four hours after sleep. Wake up in the morning even on weekends, it will be a good start for a new day.

2. Benjamin Franklin: Make plans

Apparently, this outstanding figure asked himself the question every morning: "What special thing should I do on this day?" Rich people believe in how important it is to have a goal every day. Weekends are also no exception. They can use the time for planned or targeted recuperation, but you don't need to be president to realize that doing nothing can be beneficial.

3. Timothy Ferris: Don't be sprayed

It may sound tempting to maximize productivity on the weekend, and you think you can exercise on a treadmill, call your mother, and watch the news at the same time, but those who are lucky know that it will only reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of what you are doing. trying to do. Instead, focus on each of these separate tasks. Ferris recommends focusing on a maximum of two goals or tasks per day to ensure performance and stability.

4. Anna Wintour: Be active

The editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine plays tennis every day for one hour. And she's not the only one who is helped by exercise to succeed. Richard Branson surfs all the time, and the fourth richest man in India enjoys marathons. Among other things, sports can help neutralize the effects of a glass of wine you choose to drink on Saturday night.

5. Steve Jobs: Priorities are key

"If something hasn't changed the world, that doesn't mean it doesn't matter." The weekend is the perfect time to harmonize your work and personal life. Spending time with friends, kids, or a loved one may not increase your earnings, but that doesn't mean these things are less important. Even the current president of the United States finds time to spend time at dinner with his loved ones.

6. Warren Buffett: Don't Forget Hobbies

He is considered the most successful investor of the 20th century, but finds time to play the guitar. Successful people can often be called interesting, and a hobby is directly related to this. Surely playing golf on Saturdays can be an additional opportunity to network with people who are good for your business. But even a hobby like knitting, which Meryl Street enjoys, or painting, which George W. Bush loves, can help relieve stress, encourage creativity, and ultimately lead to success.

7. Oprah: Enjoy the silence

Forbes' 2014 richest celebrities find time to sit in silence - twice a day! This is the secret of the yogis, which has now become public. Even the corporate world recognizes the benefits of meditation for relieving stress, increasing productivity, fostering creativity, and maintaining overall well-being. Weekends can be even busier than weekdays as you're trying to squeeze family commitments and community affairs into 48 hours. The most successful people remember to spend some time in silence, and weekends are no exception. They call this meditation "practice."

8. Randy Zuckerberg: Don't be afraid to miss something

We all do this: post the best moments of our weekend on social media and check how many people liked it to see how popular we are with our friends and followers. This is the fear of missing out. And on weekends, we tend to do it more often. But the founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media (and also the sister of the founder of Facebook) says people should focus on what makes them happy. As they say, there is no better place than where I am now.

9. Bill Gates: Take Time To Think

The Microsoft founder rightly said, "It's great to celebrate success, but it's much more important to learn from your failures." Reflection should be a daily practice, but over the weekend it is especially important to look back and analyze the past week, as well as make a prediction for the next. The author of The Project of Happiness, Gretchen Rubin, recommends starting a journal in which you write down the conclusions from your everyday thoughts. Make Saturday and Sunday a time when you can draw conclusions from the previous week.

10. Richard Brenmon: Help Others

This billionaire entrepreneur says that focusing your mind on issues like health, poverty, conservation and climate change can help revitalize your thinking in other areas. Tom Corley studied the habits of rich people for five years before writing his book about them. It turns out that roughly 73% of successful people spend their time on charity every month. Nothing helps reduce stress and work for the future like helping those who are less fortunate in life. Weekends are a great time to get involved with local volunteer organizations.

11. Jack Dorsey: Get Ready for the New Week

The co-founder of Twitter is famous for spending 16 hours a day on his job, Monday through Friday. But on Saturday he rests. And he uses Sunday to prepare himself for the next work week. Successful people see weekends as their secret weapon to success. Thus, on Monday you will be ready to continue working.

12. Jay-Z: Keep track of the moments

He is known as a very successful rap artist and entrepreneur. What is the secret of such success? Jay-Z says it himself: “You may want to be successful more than anything else, but you shouldn't hesitate. You shouldn't sleep. Your eyes should always be open. " Jay-Z didn't become one of the most expensive performers just because he was waiting (like most of us) for the week to end and the weekend to come. If you ultimately want to spend your weekend at a luxury resort, only the perseverance and habits of successful people can get you there. After all, no one is forbidden to dream!

Welcome to my blog. Statistics say: one percent of people own half of the entire state of the world. The other 99% are confident that it only takes a little luck to get rich. But research by scientists proves that there are such habits of rich people that are formed in childhood and will certainly lead their owners to success. Therefore, today we will talk about the habits of millionaires.

For five years, Thomas Corley studied the lifestyle of people whose annual income was from 160 thousand dollars (and they themselves achieved it) and who owned assets in the amount of 3.2 million dollars or more. He came to the conclusion that wealthy people are similar in many ways. As a result, he wrote a book about how the habits of billionaires differ from the lifestyle of the average worker.

The lucky ones who suddenly inherited a fortune or won the jackpot in the lottery, in most cases, spent all the money in a few years.

For example, Vivian Nicholson from the United States won $ 3 million in 1961. In a comment to reporters, she said she would "spend, spend, spend." It took her only five years - nothing remained of the rich life. She became a widow, married again (five more times), became a drunkard, tried several times to commit suicide and ended up in a mental hospital. Having spent all the money, she remained lonely, the rest of her life lived on a $ 300 pension.

They say that money can change life: unfortunately, both for the good and for the bad.

What habits of rich, strong and successful people have helped them to achieve and maintain their well-being?

Psychological Research and Questionnaires from Thomas Corley

The psychology of wealth and the habits of the rich is a topic that interests many. Thus, American experts from Brown University conducted a large-scale study in this area. It took him 5 years.

They observed the daily habits of 50 thousand families, consisting of nearly 150 thousand people. Analyzing how people handle money, we identified the expressed addictions of poor people. The rich, on the other hand, did not have these habits at all or tried to get rid of them. The heirs were not included in the study. Scientists included in the sample only those who achieved financial success on their own thanks to long-term habits.

The aforementioned Thomas Corley for his book "Key to Success: The Daily Habits of All Rich People" surveyed 233 rich and 128 poor people. It turned out that, indeed, the former have their own habits, which relate rather not to actions, but to attitudes towards life.

Wealthy habits

So, summarizing several studies, I have compiled a list of the most important "wealth" habits - the lifestyle of millionaires and billionaires.

Read a lot

The interests of wealthy people are not limited to their careers. They spend a lot of time on self-development, improving skills, the so-called skills.

One of the most important daily activities of the richest people on the planet called the habit of reading. It can be both scientific, professional and fiction.

Go in for sports

Sport is another important point that distinguishes the habits of the rich and the poor.

You will say that the poor simply do not have enough time for this. But, according to scientists, the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can increase not only the amount of energy, but also stimulate mental activity.

Dedicate 15-30 minutes of meditation every day

The rich know that it is important to stop and think in order to make the right decisions. You can also plan your day with a cup of coffee in 15 minutes.

Get up early and go to bed early

It is not for nothing that it is said that whoever gets up early, God gives to him. The life of billionaires proves this truth. So, early risers plan their time better and earn more.

But that doesn't mean you can't change your daily routine. Getting up and going to bed early - you can accustom your body to this habit.

Plan for a day, week, month, years

Planning is the key to success not only in business, but also in personal life.

Rich people often draw up a personal financial plan for decades ahead, as well as set goals for the next day, week, month. Often, a personal accountant is hired for this, who draws up a detailed document broken down by income, expenses, investments.

It is also customary abroad to draw up pension funds in order to know exactly what savings you will have in 10, 20, 30 years.

Focus only on what's really important

What is important, it is up to you to determine.

But prioritizing is not a luxury: anyone (not just the rich) can do it if they wish. For example, most wealthy people, in addition to making money, are fond of sports, healthy eating, travel and take part in social activities. On the other hand, the poor, according to scientists, have a habit of not being interested in other spheres besides everyday life.

They act quickly, without delay

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It is a habit that contributes to financial success.

Organization and understanding that your fate and further rich life depend only on you will help to make quick decisions.

Pursue only their own goals and work only for themselves

I do not mean pure selfishness, as you might think. It is important that rich people know how to focus on their desires and clearly set goals for their implementation. Many strive to work for themselves, but only a few are gaining courage.

Set global goals

I'm not talking about taking over the planet (such habits are often among rich cartoon characters). Poor people usually think about how to get away from work and relax faster than to do on the weekend, what shopping to make. The rich, on the other hand, set global goals, for example, where they want to be in 10 years, what to do, what people to surround themselves with. This is an obvious difference in the way of thinking.

Do what they love

If you like collecting a car engine in a garage, make it your business. History knows a lot of examples of billionaires who turned a hobby into a lifelong business, became famous and made a fortune, becoming rich people.

Looking for mentors

It's never too late to learn. Even if you are a professional, there is always someone who knows and can do more. Seek guidance and do not be afraid of rejection. 93% of the wealthy have a personal mentor to whom they owe their success.

They know their worth

"I am not for sale, I am buying," is one of the important principles of a rich person. He will never work for nothing, much less for free. Each work has its own market value - and you should know it for sure.

Have a positive outlook on life

Of course, wealth itself leads to positive thinking. But, referring to the stories of millionaires, one can trace a trend - even in moments of failure, they did not give up and continued to believe in their success and a rich life.

Do not follow the majority and think outside the box

Thomas Corley in his book says that rich people are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, although the herd nature is inherent in us genetically. Most wealthy people believe that creativity, not intelligence, is critical in achieving financial success, while only 11% of the poor agree.

Learn new things and improve themselves

Taking care of yourself is not only going to beauty salons and the gym. Rich people regularly attend trainings, seminars and events that allow them to grow.

Value their time

And again the common truth: "Time is money." Successful people are those who wisely spend both. Make it a habit to appreciate every minute.

Take responsibility

Millionaires are not afraid to jump over their heads: for example, take a higher position or take out a loan to start their own business. Although this will bring not only new responsibilities, but also responsibility for people or other people's money.

Help others to be successful too

The rich are grateful for their position, often ready to help others like them reach new heights. They do not have the habit of gloating over other people's failures, they will always lend a helping hand to less wealthy colleagues or friends.

They seek feedback and make new contacts.

68% of rich people speak about their love for new acquaintances and only 11% of the poor. This habit, research shows, correlates with respondents' beliefs that relationships with people are critical to business success.

In addition, the wealthy participants in the study named the habit of liking new people as important. This is a must-learn though, unless you have a natural talent.

Spend time with other successful people

Yes, the Masonic lodge is a reality for the rich and successful. They unite in closed groups and interest clubs. This allows you to forge new connections that are so important to your business. In addition, it has become a habit for many wealthy people to attend specialized events, various charity evenings, film festivals, and theatrical premieres.

See opportunities

Can you honestly get rich in Russia?

Warren Buffett, one of today's greatest investors, who got his start selling garbage bags and delivering newspapers, once said, "Great investment opportunities arise when thriving companies unexpectedly find themselves in trouble." It was the habit of seeing such opportunities and the courage to make unconventional decisions that made Buffett a billionaire.


How do rich people behave to protect capital from inflation? The rich have a good habit of investing in risk-free or low-risk tools:

  • shares of reliable companies that regularly pay dividends;
  • bonds;
  • deposits;
  • gold;
  • gems;
  • the property;
  • pension funds.

Always looking for additional sources of income (passive)

Even successful businessmen, owners of large businesses, have a habit of renting out their villas, apartments, offices, yachts and other property. And they are not ashamed of it. Financial instruments can also be a good source of passive income in a new, wealthy life.

Always spend less than they earn

Billionaires believe that it is important to spend less than you earn, that is, to save, accumulate capital. The poor, on the other hand, are sure that they just need to earn more - and this does not depend on them in any way.

Get in the habit of saving 1000 rubles per month in a bank account and investing this money, for example, in mutual funds. After 10 years, pay for the education of children or open your own business - it's up to you.

Do not give up

If you haven't heard of Traf-O-Data, I'm not surprised. This is Bill Gates' first company. He invented a device that he could not sell to anyone. The venture was not successful, but it marked the beginning of the development of the first Microsoft product. Today, Gates is worth an estimated $ 92 billion. He learned a valuable lesson from the first experience and did not give up. Such a habit will not be superfluous for anyone.

The habits that keep the poor from getting rich

And now about the bad news ... what habits prevent 99% of the world's population from achieving success? How to get rich?

Self pity

Feeling sorry for yourself is a feeling that often occurs even among the rich, but it can be overcome. Psychologists believe that this destructive emotion leads to negative thinking, self-doubt, anxiety, and feelings of fear.

At first, pity can be mild in nature, associated with stress and external circumstances. But after a while, in order to grow, she no longer needs any excuses. Negative feelings will feed her. Pity will become a habit.

First of all, realize that only you are responsible for your life. Identify the reasons for self-pity and think about what to do to overcome the adverse circumstances, resentment, or injustice.

Engaging in activities that do not bring satisfaction

Sociologists say that a quarter of Russians are not satisfied with their jobs. Just over a third (37%) are satisfied with their salary. At the same time, 9% of respondents have 2 jobs, another 2% - three. Why are you in the habit of living without pleasure?

Think about what you dreamed about as a child. For example, you wanted to be a veterinarian - volunteer at a dog shelter, fate itself will provide you with the opportunity to learn, earn and get rich, doing what you really like.

Whining and dealing with whiners

More than once I watched how office workers over a mug of coffee tell each other what a bad boss they have, work, salary. Just think, this time can be usefully spent - discussing plans, attending a seminar or training, in the end looking for a new job.

Greed and stinginess

Uncle Scrooge, although he is the standard of the rich niggard, does not reflect the truth of life.

It is often the poor people who spare money for the most important things, such as education. You don't have to spend money to start self-development. There are now loads of free online courses from top universities in the world. Make it a habit of continuous learning.

Beliefs that wealth is bad

And again the folk wisdom: "It is not money that spoils a person, but their absence." The opinion that being rich is bad is a vestige of the USSR. Nevertheless, officials could afford what an ordinary, not so rich citizen could not afford, and at the same time did not feel like villains. Now the system makes it possible to earn as much as you want.

Thinking in short terms (here and now)

Living in the present day in the modern world is an impermissible luxury. Poor people are united by this addiction - to run in a vicious circle of "home / work" and not even think about the near future.

Simple exercise - take a piece of paper and write down how much you want to earn in a month, a year, 5 years. Next, indicate what you need to do for this. Stick it on the wall and get in the habit of looking at the tape every day.

Love for borrowed money

Credit, if not used to make money, is absolutely useless, and sometimes even dangerous. Don't spend more than you earn.

Life is beyond our means

Another problem of our time - the market offers a huge selection of absolutely unnecessary goods, and advertising makes them buy. Moreover, a person does this out of habit, and not out of need.

Stop and consider if you really need this gadget, car, suit or watch.

Obsession with money

Don't think about money. Think about what would make you happy and how to achieve it. And the money will definitely come a little later.

Comparing yourself to others

Comparison is not always a bad thing, for example, in a sporting event, it determines the winner. But in life, the habit of comparing oneself with others rather leads to envy, irritation and negativity, and this interferes with achieving results.

Better to think about what experience to learn from a rich colleague or friend in order to get what you want.

Waste of time for fun

Business before pleasure. However, there are entertainment that, in addition to relaxation, can bring real benefits - this is sports, reading, attending various events, communicating with successful people. These are good habits for your future rich life.

Fear of change

This is one of the most powerful psychological factors. The fear of change is as natural for people as the fear of death. Why are we habitually afraid of the new?

The unfamiliar order of things increases stress levels, creates a sense of unpredictability and uncertainty. It is possible and necessary to deal with this. Psychologists advise to identify the factors that you influence, focus on the result and go towards it.

Thank you for reading our article. I sincerely wish you all success and prosperity! Be rich! Subscribe to my blog and pages on social media, share with your friends.

So what is it that the richest of us do so differently? Also, what instructions are given to their assistants, butlers, and servants? Or do they send their laundry to the wash in a limousine? Or do they go to the bank to check their vault?

It is true that not everything in this world can be bought for money, but many things can "buy" you money - and wealthy people have a unique understanding of the difference. As eccentric and special as they are, wealthy people think and act differently from most of us. This is why they made their fortune.

We've compiled a list of 15 of the most important daily habits of wealthy people. What are they worth? Do the math: if you know a millionaire who does all this, then you can say that the value of each habit is $ 66,666 and 67 cents. Or, if you prefer round numbers (what oligarch doesn't like them?), Then that's $ 70,000 for each habit. Well, let's start ...

1. They keep calm

To write his book Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill studied the habits of over 500 wealthy people. Among the main factors that help to win people over, he identified the following: "When you try to make a fortune, remember that harsh reactions give people a bad impression of you." In another book, Hill wrote: "Remember that silence can be much more effective than hot-tempered, negative speech."

2. They make a daily to-do list.

Tom Corley, financial analyst and president of the auditing firm Cerefice & Company, conducted his five-year study of the habits of rich and poor people. He presented the results in his book Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy People. If a purchase item for this book isn't on your to-do list, it might be worth writing it up.

When Corley asked about a to-do list, 81% of wealthy people said they make it daily. Among the poor, this figure was only 19%. Two-thirds of the wealthy do 70% or more of their to-do list. If you are unable to complete some points, remember the proverb “Moscow was not built right away”.

3. They don't watch TV

This point is more about taking care of your mental health. As Tom Corley notes on his website, this is also necessary for the productive use of your time. Only 23% of wealthy people allow themselves to watch TV for more than one hour a day. Compare this to 77% of the poor. Impressive? This gives the wealthy time for other activities that broaden their financial horizons, such as reading books.

4. They read the Financial Times newspaper

Come on, mock these orange and pink pages. People who read the Financial Times will also laugh at you when they go to the bank. In February, the Neman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University published an article about the anticipated difficulties for the Financial Times. The website was ranked 44th on the list of the most watched online business news resources in the United States, but it looks like someone was using the wrong numbers. The article also cited the FT's own statistics, according to which the average fortune of its subscribers is estimated at 250 thousand dollars, and 13% of the newspaper's readers are millionaires.

5. They unite

Like poor Chicago Cubs fans, wealthy people tend to spend time and socialize with their own kind. They devote a lot of time to expanding their circle of acquaintances and influence through business organizations or groups that attract ambitious people with an entrepreneurial mindset.

6. They eat healthy foods

It's hard to get your earning brain to function 100% if you feed it McDonald's burgers and Diet Coke all day. Experts in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine cite sad statistics: people with low incomes are less likely to diet, while the rich are increasingly monitoring the quality of their food. This is not just because they have more money. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are not only good for the body, but also relatively cheap, especially when compared to caviar, for example.

7. They educate themselves

Audiobooks. Reading. Watching TED Talks videos. Wherever they are and whatever they do, rich people constantly absorb knowledge. Tom Corley's research shows that 63% of wealthy people listen to audiobooks while commuting. For comparison, among poor people this figure is only 5%.

8. They invest

Investing may seem like a trivial process: if you own a fortune, you can invest a lot of money, right? But rich people track and pour much more money in interest in pensions and insurance on a daily basis. Consumer spending statistics released in 2015 by the US Department of Labor Statistics show that the richest 20% of people spend 15.6% of their income on pensions and insurance. This is six times more than the poorest 20% spend.

9. They avoid gambling

For some people, trading the stock market can also seem like a gamble. But for the rich, temptations such as lotteries and casinos are less attractive, say experts from the Institute for Addiction Research at the University of Buffalo. The institute's experts determined that the poorer the area, the more likely it is to have problems with gambling: in areas with the highest poverty rates, the risks are twice as high as in areas with the lowest poverty rates.

10. They get up early

You've probably heard the expression "The first one got up, the one with the slippers," but the one who gets up early gets much more than the slippers. “Take 100 millionaires from all over the world, and I bet none of them has a habit of sleeping long,” says Murray Newlands, investor and entrepreneur. "Most of these people wake up at 6-7 am and start working hard, while others are still basking in bed or drinking their morning coffee and donuts."

11. They play sports

Okay, not all rich people do this. We all know the stereotype of a "guy with a belly." But in 2013, Psychology Today conducted a study of 5042 Finnish twins (did you ever imagine there are 5042 twins in Finland?). The results showed that physical activity has a positive effect on people's income (at a distance of 15 years). Physically active people earn 14-17% more than those who lead a less active lifestyle. In other words, if you want to earn more, go in for sports.

12. They set goals and go to them.

This advice was given to us by Idan Spizer, who skillfully used $ 3,000 and turned it into a $ 27 million business - 911 Restoration, which helps residents affected by floods and floods. He argues that it is the focus on purpose that distinguishes survival from success. “A lot of people decide to go into business, but they do not have a vision, strategy and, most importantly, goals. If you remember your goal every day and walk towards it, your life will change, ”he says.

13. They leave time for creativity.

One of the most successful contributors to the New York Times, Brandon Burchard, who is friends with the likes of Bill Gates and Richard Branson, constantly finds time to be creative. In an interview with Entrepreneur magazine, he noted that this is the habit of the most successful and wealthy people.

14. They buy up shares in companies

The American multinational corporation Fidelity Investments analyzed its clients who have one million dollars or more in their retirement accounts. Experts determined that 75% of the assets of these people were invested in company stocks and various funds. While we hit the vending machine at work, they give away a portion of their salary every day to become even richer in the future.

15. They leave time for rest.

Newlands, the same expert who spoke of “working the sweat of your brow,” would never say that rich people are workaholics and that everyone else should be. Instead, they accumulate energy and strength to squeeze the maximum benefit out of tomorrow, just as they did today. “Stop working after 5-6 pm. Don't do anything work-related, including checking your mail, until the next day. "

There is one secret that every rich person knows. It can be expressed in the words of the great Aristotle that we are what we constantly do, that is, our habits. Accordingly, perfection is also a habit.

You, too, can develop the qualities of wealthy people that will contribute to achieving financial well-being and prosperity. Let's take a look at the top 10 habits of millionaires that have allowed them to become who they are.

They set goals

Rich people don't become rich by accident. They set themselves specific goals and eventually achieve them. Goal setting is a very rewarding process that allows you to see and feel the money you want before you get it.

They focus on one thing.

A laser beam can cut through a variety of objects only by concentrating all the force at a certain point. Wealthy people can be compared to such a laser. They set seemingly incredible goals, but they focus all efforts on achieving them until they succeed in achieving their goal. Ordinary people, as a rule, do not concentrate on one thing, but do whatever comes their way.

They respect the time

According to Brian Tracy, wealthy people don't view earnings on a monthly or yearly basis. They calculate how much they manage to earn per hour. Therefore, if they have to waste time on unproductive activities, they understand that they are losing profit every moment. Rich people don't spend much time on social media or watching TV. They work practically around the clock and cannot afford to waste a minute.

They spend less than they earn

As simple as it sounds, the secret to getting rich is always to spend less than you earn. The problem for many people is that they increase their spending after their income rises. So, they buy expensive cars, big houses, and at the same time remain either poor or have an average income. If you want to improve your financial situation, then follow the rule of saving 10% of all your income.

They work hard and hard

Except for those who have inherited huge fortunes, you will not find rich people who are lazy people. They are very hard and at the same time constantly work. After all, a person who works hard cannot fail to succeed in his profession, regardless of whether he develops his own business or is an employee.

They are constantly learning and growing professionally

The more you know, the more you will earn. Your ability to learn determines your ability to make money. While hard work is very important, it won't make you rich on its own. So develop your brain and get more skills and experience every day.

They stick to the company of rich people

The rich are not friends with the poor. As the old saying goes, "Show me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are." Even if you do not have a large amount of money now, communication with financially successful people or with those who have rich potential, sooner or later, will help you become rich yourself.

They are persistent

Rich people don't give up. About 90% of today's rich have not made their fortunes in the way they originally planned to do it. They tried and failed, then they started all over again, and so on, until eventually luck smiled at them. You can lose a lot of money in this process, however, you will continually learn from mistakes and experiences until you reach your desired goal.

They take risks into account

Rich people love to take risks. Once they have set a goal for themselves, they will do whatever they can to achieve it, even risking their lives sometimes. If you want to be financially successful, don't be afraid to take risks. Be bold, courageous, but also calculating. Remember that each decision can cost you dearly, and never put all your eggs in one basket.

They are generous

The rich tend to be very generous. If you look at the lives of the richest people in the world today, you will find that many of them are true philanthropists. This series includes Rockefeller, Carnegie, Bill Gates, Carlos Slim and many others. Make generosity an integral part of your personality, and one day you too will become a very rich person!

We've looked at 10 habits of rich people. However, getting them is not enough. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with tips to help you achieve financial success.

Start early

An old adage says, "The early bird gets the worm." In this case, the sooner you start investing effort and money in the business, the more time you will have to be successful.


You can be your own worst enemy when it comes to financial success. After all, it is very easy to delay and postpone things that need to be done, and, meanwhile, succumb to the temptation and spend more than necessary. This is the perfect recipe for never getting rich. So, if you yourself cannot start saving 10% of your income (after all, this is the habit of rich people), then automate this process! Set up recurring transfers from your checking account to investment or savings accounts, or create an auto deduction from your salary. This will save you the temptation to spend the money you plan to set aside.

Never use credit cards

After all, rates on such loans are one of the most serious threats to your financial well-being. Say goodbye to your credit card. This saves you the trouble of paying unnecessary interest and fees and saves you money. Instead, explore the possibilities of how and where you can get a profitable loan to start a business or study if necessary. But in any case, do not waste this money on excesses, live within the limits of the funds you earn.

Avoid temptations

This tip is closely related to the previous one. After all, the temptation to live better than we can afford it haunts us all the time - on TV, when reading magazines and watching social networks, as well as while listening to the boastful stories of friends and colleagues. But always remember that after being tempted, you may gain short-term satisfaction from, for example, buying an expensive car, but in the end you will regret it in the future, since you will have to pay for the purchase for many years, paying off a considerable monthly interest on loan. Plus, it will certainly undermine your financial stability. So do not go to expensive stores for the sake of interest, unsubscribe from mailings of various catalogs, etc.

You've probably noticed that families with the same monthly income live differently. Someone can save money, someone lives from paycheck to paycheck. Why is this happening?

There is a direction in psychology that studies the way of thinking and strategies of behavior of poor and rich people. According to experts, a person with a high income has certain habits that help them earn more. We will talk about these habits in this article.

Habits are second nature to us.

They make us act and think stereotypically. And do it again and again, despite the unsatisfactory results obtained. So, the habit of buying things in installments or a loan, deprives us of the opportunity to fully dispose of our own income.

The actions that we perform on a daily basis or in a particular situation, that is, our habits, depend on the way of thinking. By changing your own perception of the world, in particular, the idea of ​​wealth and rich people, you can earn more.

People who received in inheritance or winners in lottery large sums, more often than not, do not become millionaires. Because they don't know how to handle money. Scientists say that poor people have a psychological prohibition on wealth. Since in our society there is a stereotype that you cannot become a millionaire in an honest way.

Researcher Thomas Corley tried to understand how the behavior and habits of a person who earns millions of dollars differs from people whose annual income was below $ 150 thousand. He found that most millionaires have the same habits and lifestyles. He cites figures that were obtained from a survey of 233 people with high annual income and 128 whose income was low.

  • 44% of wealthy people wake up at least three hours before work. Only about 3% of the poor do this.
  • 88% of millionaires read daily giving it half an hour. Although among the poor, 26% said they love to read, only 2% do it every day.

Among the habits of wealthy people, Corley notes that 67% write down their goals. The survey has shown that the rich do not watch TV and reality shows, but prefer to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Let's take a closer look at what habits unite people who have managed to make millions of dollars.

Rich people's habits

Don't postpone... Once you've made your decision, take action. Do not delay, someone can implement your idea, and you will be left with nothing. Do not wait for the "convenient" moment, you may miss your chance. If you have read some useful information, start using it. If we act like Scarlett “ I'll think about it tomorrow", You will never get rich.

Work not for someone, but for yourself... So you can earn in proportion to the effort invested, and not the salary. And this is the most powerful incentive. is in second place in the Forbes ranking. To date, he has $ 67 billion. And in 1975, he and his wife started a business of sewing robes and underwear in their own living room. Today the firm Zara world famous brand.

Doing what you love... If a person truly loves his job, he will undoubtedly succeed. And professionalism and dedication will help you become financially independent. It's never too late to change your occupation.

Set global goals... If the task is to earn a certain amount, then you will receive it. First, set a goal to make $ 5,000. More is possible, but not less. And go to your goal in small daily steps. The correct goals are those that are realistic to achieve, and depend only on you, and not on the weather, other people or fortune.

Communicate with people, establish contacts... Other people pay us money. A large social circle will help you find investors or potential buyers faster.

Invest... Money has to make money. They should not lie under the mattress, waiting in the wings. Expand the geography of your business, buy shares, invest in real estate.

Know your worth. Your time is your money. Before you name the cost of services, study the market. Cherish your reputation and don't miss out on opportunities. The creator of the ATM prototype received only five dollars for his invention, although he could have made millions on the dispensing device. And one more striking example, do you know the image of a smiley on a yellow background? The Spain brothers bought the licensed image and earned more than $ 50 million from it. The creator of the emoticon, Harvey Ball, received $ 45..

Think outside the box... Income can bring completely unexpected things. Paul Brown the creator of the bottle that is placed on the cap was able to sell the business and design rights for $ 14 million. Inventor of bright children's toys " Rainbow»Earned about $ 250 million... The idea came when he saw how the metal spring fell and began to "step" on the floor. The creator of the stickers was helped by his idea to earn over a billion dollars.

Spend less than you earn... Most people increase their spending in proportion to their income. So, if the salary has been raised, then again it is all spent on acquisitions. Rich people do not try to spend money right away; they save it before it is successfully invested. You have to learn to live on a certain amount, and if you receive more than that, create savings for passive income. You need to correctly plan your expenses and not make impulsive purchases. The aforementioned Warren Buffett, ranked third on the Forbes list, lives in a house that he acquired back in 1957 for a little over $ 30,000.

Value your time... Rich people do not count how much they earn per month or year, but how much they earn per hour. Review your day and consider what activities are not beneficial to your health, business, or family. Eliminate watching useless films, secular correspondence on social networks, empty conversations on the phone, and you will have temporary resources for self-education, planning and good rest.

See Opportunities... For a person who is going to financial independence, the glass is not half empty, but one into which you can add water. He does not focus on the problems and why it happened, but quickly looks for ways to solve or eliminate it.

Willingness to share... Most rich people are distinguished by their generosity. Participate in charity, sponsor social and scientific programs, become patrons of the arts. They are ready to help other people, but only if they themselves want to. Do not treat money as an end, it is just a means to achieve it.

Create a quality product that people need... Only that product or service will generate income that really makes life easier for a person. If the client is satisfied, then he will definitely come back to you.

Take responsibility... Wealthy people attribute all their successes and failures to themselves. The rich believe that he himself makes his life what it is, while the poor believe in luck and believe that nothing depends on him. Wealthy people are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

By changing your habits, setting clear goals for yourself, making a plan for their implementation, you are sure to achieve financial success. The main thing is not to stop, but to go towards your dream.

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