How to harvest sorrel for the winter? Three proven ways. Canned sorrel: recipes

Summer and autumn are two wonderful seasons. It is during this period that it is worth taking care of what needs to be prepared for the winter. One of the most pressing questions is how to make sorrel for the winter, preparation and preservation for the winter table.

Sorrel for the winter, blanks: the best recipes

It is no secret that at present there are a huge number of recipes for harvesting and preserving sorrel for the winter. There are several most popular of them:

  • In order to do canned sorrel for the winter, you need to prepare about 900 gr. green leaves and 100 gr. salt. The main product must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. It is worth noting that you only need to select whole leaves without damage by insects. They should be divided into several piles and boiled for several minutes. Banks must first be held over the steam. Further, the stems of the plant need to be folded into a container, fill it with boiled water, salt and tightly close the lid;
  • Another popular recipe is salted sorrel... To prepare it, you need to prepare about 1 kilogram of herbs and 100 gr. salt. Each leaf must be washed, dried and finely chopped. After that, all the greens need to be decomposed in containers and salted. Each can must be closed with a lid;
  • A useful product is green puree made from sorrel. It can also be harvested for the winter. To prepare this healthy dish, you need to supply about 30 grams of salt for one kilogram of greens. Each leaf needs to be washed and finely chopped. The product should be placed in a container, covered with a small amount of boiling water and tightly closed with a lid.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter at home

There is more several unusual recipes sorrel, you can make such a product at home:

  • Perfect for any side dish salting sorrel with herbs... This recipe is one of the easiest. To prepare it, you need to prepare about 10 grams of salt, 10 grams of any greens (dill or parsley), 320 grams of water, 200 grams of green onions and 800 grams of sorrel. Each product needs to be washed, dried and chopped. After that, the green mixture must be boiled in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Hot mashed potatoes must be laid out in containers and tightly closed with a lid;
  • Many housewives like to add sorrel to soup... In order to be able to cook your favorite dish in winter, you need to freeze the product for the winter. To do this, you need to rinse the sheets, cut them and put them in a plastic bag. The plant should be frozen in a chamber;
  • Another way to prepare a product is dry out his. To do this, you need to rinse, chop the leaves and spread them in small pieces on a sheet of newspaper. After they dry, they can be laid out in jars and stored in a cool place;
  • Also do salting sorrel with sour cream sauce. Such a product can be stored for a short time. The recipe for cooking the dish differs from salting only in that a small amount of sour cream is required to be added to the boiling water.

Useful properties of sorrel

Sorrel is a green vegetable that young children love. Its sour taste makes any dish spicy and aromatic. We must not forget about the benefits that this plant brings. Often, it is called a drug, as it improves immunity and the functioning of the digestive system. Despite the huge number of positive qualities, this plant is unpretentious in care.

It is hard to imagine, but one small leaf contains a number of useful substances: magnesium, calcium and potassium. If you eat the sorrel root itself, then iron will also enter the body. These greens also help cleanse the blood, improve liver function and treat infertility.

The juice squeezed from the leaves is used to eliminate coughs, runny nose and headaches.

By adding a small amount of sorrel to your favorite dish, you can enrich it with vitamins. For this reason, greens are actively used in cooking. It is suitable for dressing cabbage soup, salads and many hot dishes. However, before using this dish, you should find out if it can be done.


Despite the benefits of this product, not all people can afford to eat sorrel. There is a small list of contraindications:

  • Before adding sour greens to a dish, you should think about whether a person suffers from high acidity in the body or stomach problems. With such diseases, you cannot use sorrel;
  • A contraindication is also a violation of the kidneys and intestines;
  • Pregnant women can eat sorrel, but in small amount;
  • A nursing mother should remember that after eating greens, her baby may have problems with stool;
  • Another contraindication is the presence of thyroid problems.

A healthy person may also experience discomfort after eating sorrel. It is worth noting that only a young fruit is recommended to be consumed. It is advisable to eat the product and make preparations in early summer - until mid-July.

Plant storage features

Sorrel must be cooked correctly so that it retains all its useful properties for a long time. To do this, use only sterilized jars small size. A container with a volume of 0.5 liters is suitable. You can only store jars in a dry and cool place. In such conditions, the plant can be stored for up to 1 year.

The product can be stored for up to two years frozen. This procedure can be done once. If you defrost the greens, and then put them back in the freezer, then they will lose all useful properties.

Dried sorrel can be stored for up to 1 year, while it must be periodically stirred and stored only in a cool place.

Every housewife should know about harvesting sorrel for the winter and the features of this procedure. With the right approach to it, in the winter season there will always be a healthy dish in the house, equipped with a huge amount of nutrients. Such preparations can be made even by those people who do not have a vegetable garden, since this sour plant can also be grown on a balcony or on a windowsill.

Blank video

In winter, we especially want fresh greenery. It is not only useful, but also reminds us with its appearance of warm summer days. Sorrel pleases us one of the first in spring. But you can make a salad with it or cook a wonderful one in winter. To do this, you just need to know how to prepare sorrel correctly, so that these tasty and healthy greens retain their beautiful appearance, and most importantly, taste and vitamins.

Generally, there are enough ways to store sorrel. Each housewife can choose the most suitable for herself - drying, freezing, canning. And we will consider each procurement method in all details.

However, before you need to take it somewhere. Therefore, we take a suitable container and go to the dacha, garden plot, meadow, or to the nearest market. We bring delicious greens home and pre-process them. To begin with, the sorrel must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, remove weeds and damaged leaves that have accidentally fallen to it, if any. This applies to all procurement methods without exception. But then the variations already begin.

How to prepare sorrel for the winter if you do not have time but have a spacious freezer? It's very simple: we take the washed and prepared sorrel, cut it and put it in containers. Special plastic boxes with tight-fitting lids will do (you can buy them at any store today) or, at worst, ordinary plastic bags. You will have many servings of sorrel, each of which can be cooked, for example, a delicious green borscht. Greens do not even need to be thawed before cooking.

We figured out how to freeze sorrel for the winter, but this method, for one reason or another, may not be suitable for all housewives. For example, you don't have much room in the freezer. Then you can dry the sorrel and store it on the balcony. To do this, lay out finely chopped greens on paper and dry them naturally. It is desirable that the sun's rays do not fall on it. And to dry the sorrel evenly, stir it from time to time.

Now let's talk about how to harvest sorrel for the winter using the canning method. There can be two options. Place the thoroughly washed and coarsely chopped sorrel in a saucepan with boiling water, keep it on high heat for several seconds until the greens change color, then reduce the gas to a minimum, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, and then take the sorrel with it and tamp it tightly into pre-sterilized jars. Add some liquid from the pan and roll up.

If you don't want to mess with jars and boil water, we can offer another way: cold salting. Before harvesting sorrel with salt for the winter, you need to wash it again, sort it out, cut it as you like, and put it tightly in a jar in layers, sprinkling it with salt. Such sorrel should be stored in a cool dark place. Since the herbs are quite salty, you need to add salt to the dish with care when cooking.

Happy culinary experiments and a delicious winter!

Many housewives harvest sorrel for the winter in their own way, which does not always keep the leaves fresh and tasty. Therefore, we will tell you about the ways of harvesting sorrel for the winter, which will not require you to spend a lot of time or money.

The easiest and time-tested way to prepare sorrel for the winter is drying. There are two ways to dry the leaves: in the air or in an electric dryer.

After collecting, carefully sort through the leaves, remove rotten or spoiled ones. Rinse with water if dust settles on the sorrel. To air dry sorrel, you need to collect greens in small bunches, tie with a thick thread and hang in the shade.

Important! The sun's rays should not fall on the sorrel, otherwise the leaves will discolor and begin to crumble.

When creating bunches, remember that the leaves in it should dry out the same way. If you tie a bunch that is too thick, then the sorrel in the center will not dry out, but will rot. Therefore, try to keep the thickness no more than 5-7 cm. Also provide good airflow if the leaves are to be dried indoors.

If drying in bunches is inconvenient, then you can lay out the green leaves on paper or on a sieve. Remember that the thinner the layer, the faster it will dry. Even if you have very little space to dry, you cannot lay the sorrel in a layer more than 15 cm thick, as the leaves can rot.

Sorrel can be dried in an electric dryer. This method is faster, but not for everyone. Chop the sorrel into small pieces before drying. Try to dry a small batch first to know for sure that you like the quality and taste of the finished product. After a few tries, you will know exactly how long the leaves should be in the dryer.

Ready dry sorrel should be dark green in color. When pressed, the leaves should crumble into small pieces. When doing this, pay attention to whether the leaves are completely dry or only at the edges. After drying, the sorrel is stored in opaque curled jars. Banks should not be placed in a very humid place so that the sorrel does not deteriorate (even the tightest lid allows moisture to pass into the can).

Important! Oxalic acid is worth mentioning, which can worsen kidney-related diseases. People with high stomach acidity should also eat small amounts of sorrel.

Freezing sorrel

Many housewives wondered how to keep the sorrel fresh in the refrigerator. . Dried sorrel isn't particularly fresh or tasty, so you can try freezing the leaves to keep them soft and juicy. Sort the sorrel before freezing to remove any grass or spoiled leaves. Then the sorrel is washed in cold water and immersed in boiling water for a minute. The sorrel will darken slightly, acquiring an olive color.

Important! Sorrel color change after hot water does not affect the taste and vitamin composition.

After heat treatment, the sorrel is left for a couple of hours to dry and cool. If you put wet sorrel in the freezer, you end up with just a lump of ice that will take up extra space. After the leaves are dry, they need to be arranged in bowls or plastic bags that can be easily opened.

When you need sorrel in winter, don't defrost it prematurely. Frozen leaves are thrown into the soup or borscht, which will quickly melt and transfer their taste to the dish.

There is another freezing method that requires a blender. Peeled and washed leaves are crushed in a blender to a puree state, laid out in bowls and frozen. This method is a little inconvenient, since you will have to use the entire food when defrosting. Therefore, chopped sorrel can be placed in ice cube trays. This way you can use as much frozen sorrel as you need.

Sorrel for the winter is frozen not only to preserve the taste or vitamin composition. This is done so that the leaves do not deteriorate (as when drying) or are not very salty (as when salting). Freezing preserves the primary taste of the product, so there is no need to be afraid that the stored product will spoil the dishes.

Did you know? Due to the high content of tannins in sorrel, the roots of many species are a valuable raw material for tanning leather. They are used as yellow and red dyes.

Our great-grandmothers also knew how to store sorrel: for this they salted it for the winter in jars. This method will never become obsolete, as it does not require much effort or some kind of technique.

Estimate the amount of sorrel before salting and prepare the jars. It is best to pickle the product in half-liter or one-liter jars. Before salting, the sorrel must be cleaned and washed. If the sheets are large, cut them, but do not grind them. After that, put the sorrel in a container and cover with salt at the rate of 15 g of salt per 0.5 kg of sorrel. Stir the chopped leaves with salt and let sit for 2-3 hours.

After the sorrel has stood and started up the juice, it must be transferred to sterilized jars. Banks do not need to be rolled up, just screw the lid tightly on and place them in the refrigerator or cellar.

We answered the question of how to salt sorrel properly. Now let's tell you a few tricks when using it:

  • when adding sorrel to a dish, use 3 times less salt;
  • salt sorrel with dill or spinach in equal proportions to enjoy the "vitamin cocktail" in the cold season;
  • use young sorrel for curing so that the product stays longer and retains its taste.

Important! Salted sorrel can be stored for about 7-8 months in a cold place.

Another interesting the method of storing greens is in its own juice. The advantage of this method of preserving sorrel is that you can do without adding salt or sugar. This method is very suitable for dishes that are prepared strictly according to the recipe, and excess salt or sugar can spoil the taste. At the same time, you do not need to roll up the cans or boil for a long time, the sorrel, due to its acid, is perfectly stored even without the addition of vinegar.

First you need to prepare sorrel: remove dry leaves, remove grass and other debris, rinse from dust and dirt. Take the largest saucepan, fill it halfway with water and put it on fire. Prepare half-liter (in extreme cases - liter) jars and fill them with sorrel leaves. You can cut the leaves or lay them whole, it all depends on your preference and the size of the leaves.

After you have filled the jars, you need to put them in a pot of water. As soon as the sorrel starts to "sit down" under the influence of the temperature, add more sleep. When you notice that the sorrel juice has risen to the neck of the can, the process is complete. The jars with sorrel need to be cooled a little and closed with silicone lids. Then you can place the jars either in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

This method does not take as much time as conventional conservation. In this case, you can not be afraid that the cans will "shoot" or the sorrel will turn sour.

Canning sorrel for the winter

“If a product can be canned, then it must be canned”, - so many housewives will say and they will be right. The process of preserving sorrel for the winter is not much different from rolling vegetables or fruits, but you need to take into account your own characteristics in order to get tasty and juicy greens for borscht.

First, let's prepare our greens for preservation. To do this, you need to clean the sorrel of debris and fill it with cold water for 20 minutes. This is done in order to completely get rid of the dirt. We sterilize the jars and place them on the towel with the neck down. Also, do not forget to sterilize the lids (for 5 minutes, you need to fill it with boiling water only). After washing, the sorrel is cut and placed in jars. There is no need to completely discard the stems - they contain a little more acid than the leaves, and it will only help with conservation.

After you have filled the jars, pour boiling water over them to the top and release the bubbles (for this you can simply put a spoon on top and wait a little). As soon as all the air has left, add water to the neck and roll it up with an iron lid.

Sorrel is a useful herb that is actively used in the preparation of green borscht, okroshka and various salads. In the warm season, this plant is abundant, but in the cold months it cannot be found on any counters or in stores. So what can you do so that in January you can enjoy the sour taste of green borscht? There is a way out: it is necessary to stock up on this vegetable crop from the summer. And today we will learn how to harvest sorrel for the winter and what recipes can be used.

Cold salting of vegetable crops

This recipe requires sorrel (1 kg) and salt (30 g). Rinse the leaves, dry them, spread them on a wide towel, cut and salt. Pour sorrel into clean, washed jars and tamp it well. Pour cold water on top, put a pinch of salt, and then close tightly with a nylon lid. Canned sorrel is ready for the winter, and now place it in a cool place for further storage (cellar or refrigerator).

Harvesting vegetables for the winter without salt

For this recipe we need:

  1. Rinse the dill and onion and chop finely, and then dip the herbs in a saucepan, where the water should already boil.
  2. Rinse the sorrel thoroughly, remove all unnecessary blades of grass, and also get rid of the petioles. Cut the plant into oblong strips and dip into a saucepan where the greens are already present. Simmer the entire mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  3. Prepare cans for preservation in advance, wash thoroughly with water and baking soda, and then sterilize in the oven or steam.
  4. When the cooking time for the herbs comes to an end, take a large spoon and begin to carefully transfer the contents of the pan into half-liter vessels and roll them up immediately.

Canning sorrel without salt is a fairly easy process, and we do not need this white powder, since the acid contained in the plant is a kind of preservative.

On a note: it is most rational to roll our vegetable culture into 0.5 liter jars, since an open container with herbs cannot be stored for more than one week, and this way you will open and fully use your blank.

Freeze the plant

How to prepare sorrel for the winter in order to reduce the time for its preparation? You just need to freeze it.

This method of harvesting is suitable for those who have a large freezer and storage space for greens. Freezing sorrel for the winter can be done in two ways.

  1. Sort out the fresh leaves of the plant, remove unnecessary tails and thoroughly rinse each leaf under water. Then place the leaves on a wide towel and let them dry completely. Then cut into strips and place in plastic bags, and immediately place in the freezer.
  2. Wash the sorrel, cut it any way you like, then toss the plant in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then quickly remove the greens with a slotted spoon and turn them over in a colander in order to drain the excess water. Leave the plant in the ladle for 2 hours to cool. While the sorrel is cooling, take out the special molds into which you will then put the greens. Tamp the cooled mass into a prepared container and send it to the freezer. Later, when the vegetable crop grasps and turns into frozen cubes, you can remove the molds and pour the plant into a bag.

Green vitamins in own juice

Sorrel for the winter in banks can be prepared for the following rather simple recipe.

Many culinary specialists prepare vegetables for the winter, but only a few decide to do the same with herbs and leafy plants. Meanwhile, having mastered the recipes of canned sorrel, you will learn new and extremely simple ways of harvesting healthy greens for a long winter. The preparation of a skilled hostess is sold with a bang, both as an excellent dressing for green borscht and as an appetizing filling for a pie.

Not everyone knows how to preserve sorrel for the winter correctly, so they prefer not to tackle this business at all, fearing, in the end, to get a brownish inedible gruel.

In fact, it is much easier than closing cucumbers or tomatoes in jars - green leaves contain a large amount of acid, which is a reliable preservative. Therefore, all you need for the conservation process is a lot of sorrel, a little salt and ... creative inspiration!

Secrets of Cooking Canned Sorrel

On the Internet, you can find a great variety of recipes that fit in a couple of printed lines. It seems how difficult it can be: stock up on the green component and create kitchen wonders for your pleasure! But if you overdo it with sterilizing greens or simply overexpose it in boiling water, then you risk getting not a useful preservation, but a pile of herbs devoid of any vitamins in jars. What do you need to know before you start creating a winter gas station?

  • Only young shoots are suitable for harvesting canned sorrel, so set aside the dark green large leaves and select those that are lighter and fresher for seaming.
  • In almost all recipes, the plant must be sprinkled with plenty of salt. If you plan to use herbs as a dressing for a soup, a filling for a baking or as a component of a vitamin salad, keep in mind that you will need to salt your food much less.
  • Pouring boiling water over the cut leaves, do not be surprised that the contents of the jar change color. This is not at all a sign that the product has deteriorated or failed, but the result of heat treatment.
  • The only thing that will have to tinker with a little, taking on the preparation of canned sorrel, is sterilization of cans. Do it in any way convenient for you: hold the containers over the steam or rinse them with boiling water properly. And don't forget the covers!

Now you know theoretically how to preserve sorrel for the winter. It's time to put this knowledge into practice!

Canned sorrel "As if from a garden!"


  • - 1 kg + -
  • 2-3 tsp each for each jar + -


You can argue as much as you like about the benefits of fresh herbs and the uselessness of conservation, but in our climatic zone, the only way to eat cabbage soup or pie in the middle of winter is to prepare sorrel in advance. Moreover, the greens according to this recipe turn out to be as if they had just been plucked in the garden! Pets will be delighted - checked!

1. We carefully sort out the leaves intended for the preparation of canned sorrel so that pests or weeds do not get into the jars. Fill them with cold water and leave for half an hour. This step should not be skipped as it is insignificant - we do not want the finished snack to squeak from the sand on our teeth, do we?

2. While the green mass is soaked in an aqueous medium, place a saucepan with water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. We leave it to cool - we need the water to be just warm, and not hot, when we put it in motion.

3. Time is up? Now we cut the leaves as we please - anyway, in the finished dish, the shape of the sorrel shoots is completely unimportant.

4. Pour the slices into sterilized containers and add a couple of tablespoons of salt to each (we took the amount per half-liter jars, for 250 g jars it needs to be halved). Stir the mass, fill it with water up to the hangers of the dishes and roll up the lids.

Canned sorrel goes everywhere according to this recipe! And in okroshka, and in a salad, and in a pie, and in a soup - everyone will find the very, "own" dish that he will like more than others! And the appetizer is stored wonderfully - it can stand in a cold place for several years without losing even a small fraction of its taste and benefits!

* Cook Tips

  • Some especially "advanced" chefs advise preserving greens mixed with finely chopped beet tops. Take it in a 1: 1 ratio and repeat all the steps from the above recipe. If you believe the reviews of those who had the opportunity to try this dish, it turns out to be moderately sour and very tasty.
  • Are you afraid that the salt will settle on the bottom? You can mix it with chilled boiled water and only then pour it into jars.
  • The leaves do not have to be cut. You can just wrinkle them a little with your hands to make them softer, and send them to the jar as a whole.

Now you know everything about how to preserve sorrel for the winter so that the roll is delicious and retains all its vitamins.