How to close carrot juice for the winter. Six Great Carrot Juice Recipes

Each housewife prepares all kinds of fruit and vegetable preserves for the winter. All kinds of compotes and juices should always be present among the stocks, because in the winter there is so much lack of vitamins. All juices are useful, but carrot juice is the leader in the content of nutrients. There are many ways to make carrot juice and every housewife can easily choose the recipe she likes.

The benefits of carrot juice

The root vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals. By consuming juice regularly, you can:

  • normalize the work of the digestive and nervous system;
  • improve appetite;
  • fight excess weight;
  • cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques;
  • raise hemoglobin.

This drink has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Carrots fight cancer cells and rejuvenate the body, while vitamin A in carrots improves vision.

What should be carrots for juicing

Color. The best juice will come from bright orange varieties. This color indicates the content of a large amount of carotene. The more intense and richer the color, the tastier and healthier the juice will be.

The size. Small fruits are chosen for cooking. Carrots must not weigh more than 180 grams.

Maturity. A ripe vegetable contains more juice. It is not difficult to determine the degree of ripeness: if the integrity of the fruit is violated, a large amount of liquid should appear.

Canning methods

There are two ways to make carrot juice at home: sterilization and hot filling.

When using the hot filling method, the prepared juice is boiled and left over low heat for several minutes. The prepared drink is poured into cans, corked and left to cool.

Sterilization method: the drink is not boiled, but only heated several times. After each warm-up it is necessary to cool it down. Then it is poured into cans to the very top and sterilized for about half an hour.

A healthy drink can only be obtained from ripe, freshly picked fruits. They should not show signs of rot, cracks or damage. Before cooking, the root crop is thoroughly washed, cleaned and the hard part is removed.

For cooking use:

  • meat grinder;
  • blender;
  • sieve;
  • juicer;
  • mixer;
  • juice cooker.

Sterilized carrot juice

The root crop is passed through a juicer and left for several hours to settle. Strain through cheesecloth and put on fire to warm up. The procedure is carried out twice, after each time the juice should cool down. At the end, sugar is poured, poured into jars and sterilized for about half an hour.

To prevent the jars from cracking during the sterilization process, cover the bottom of the pan with a towel.

The jars are corked, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool. The sterilized drink can be stored at a temperature of + 15-18 degrees.

Juice with pulp

Thanks to the mixer, a healthy fortified drink is obtained. This recipe differs from the classic in the presence of liquid.

This will require:

  • carrots - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass.

The root crop is thoroughly washed, peeled and ground in a blender. If there is no blender, grate. A little water is poured into the carrot puree and boiled until soft. Foam is removed during cooking. The softened carrots are cooled and whipped with a mixer.

Syrup is prepared: sugar is poured into the water and brought to a boil. Reduce heat and cook until sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally. Pour syrup over carrots and boil for 5-10 minutes. The hot drink is poured into sterile containers, sealed, cooled and stored. You can store the prepared juice with pulp for no more than 12 months.

Juice prepared in a juicer

A delicious fortified drink can also be made in a juicer. But since it turns out to be very concentrated, during use it is diluted with water.

The pressure cooker is washed and scalded with boiling water, the hose must be boiled. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Put carrots, cut into small pieces, and cook for 30-50 minutes. The exact time must be specified in the instructions for the juicer. The hose must be closed during the brewing process. Hot juice is poured into containers and removed for long-term storage.

Proven recipes

To diversify the taste, juice can be prepared with the addition of various vegetables and fruits. Carrot-apple turns out to be very nutritious, and carrot-beetroot is indispensable for replenishing vitamins in winter.

Carrot and pumpkin will appeal to people who want to lose weight. If the drink is highly concentrated, it is permissible to dilute it with boiled water.


For a kilogram of carrots, you will need 3 kg of sweet apples and 250 gr. Sahara.

Apples and carrots are washed and peeled. The prepared products are passed through a juicer, granulated sugar is added and boiled for several minutes, stirring regularly and removing the foam.

The finished drink is poured into sterilized jars, sealed with lids and stored.

How to properly prepare carrot and apple juice, you can learn from the video:

Beetroot and carrot

For a kilogram of root crops, we take the same amount of beets and sugar if desired.

Products are washed, cleaned and passed through a meat grinder or juicer. Sugar is poured into the juice and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and boil for about 5 minutes.

The prepared juice is poured into containers, corked and allowed to cool. Store in a cool dark place for no more than 12 months.

Slimming drink

Thanks to the carrot drink, you can lose weight quickly and cost-effectively. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

For a cocktail, take 2 carrots and 250 ml of skim milk.

The root crop is passed through a juicer, milk is added and everything is beaten well with a mixer until foam appears. You can add a pinch of salt while whisking.

You need to drink a cocktail on an empty stomach for 7 days.

Carrot and pumpkin juice

This is another drink that is indispensable for people who decide to lose weight. It can be drunk fresh and canned. The main condition: taking a course of at least 10 days before meals.

Per kilogram of root crops you will need:

  • small pumpkin;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Peeled carrots are grated on a fine grater, pumpkin is cut into pieces. The products are placed in a saucepan, water is poured in and cooked until soft.

The finished mixture is rubbed through a sieve or mashed using a blender. The vegetable gruel is returned to the pan and boiled. Add sugar, lemon juice, reduce heat and simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.

The prepared juice is poured into sterilized jars, sealed with lids and sent to storage.

Carrot juice with citrus

This drink is delicious, festive and healthy.

For 1 kg of carrots you need to take:

  • granulated sugar - 100 gr;
  • water - half a liter;
  • lemon juice - ½ teaspoon;
  • orange and lemon.

Cooking technology: peeled carrots are cut into small cubes and boiled until soft. Carrot puree is made using a blender.

Peel off citrus fruits, mix with carrots and leave for 2 hours. After the mashed potatoes are infused, squeeze the juice. Add lemon juice, sugar and put on the stove. Warm up to 80 degrees, without boiling, poured into prepared cans, cork with lids and put away for storage.

Drink with tomatoes and sweet peppers

This fortified drink can be used to make sauces and dressings. It will bring triple benefits to the body: vitamin A from carrots, vitamin B from tomatoes, ascorbic acid from bell peppers.

For cooking you need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking technology: prepare vegetables. A cross-shaped cut is made on the tomatoes, dipped in boiling water for a few seconds and immediately into cold water. While the tomatoes are hot, peel them off, peel them off and cut them into small cubes.

The pepper is washed, the entrails are removed and cut into small strips. Carrots are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces.

Prepared vegetables are put into the juicer one by one. The resulting drink is seasoned with salt and set to cook for 15 minutes, periodically removing the foam. The juice is poured into jars, corked, turned upside down and left to cool.

Store in a cool, dark place for no more than 1 year.

Freshly squeezed juice for children

Carrots are very useful for children, as vitamins contribute to the full functioning of the organs and systems of a young body. However, you cannot give juice until 6 months.

The first complementary foods are done at the age of 8-9 months. Juice should be introduced gradually in minimal doses. The children's drink is prepared without the use of a blender and juicer.

For cooking you will need:

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • boiled water - ¼ from the prepared drink.

Prepare the vegetable before cooking. Wash thoroughly with a brush and remove the top. It is washed twice more in clean water and scalded with boiling water.

Rub the carrots on a fine grater. Carrot gruel is transferred to cheesecloth folded in several layers. Using a stainless spoon, squeeze the juice and add boiled water. It is recommended to give it immediately after breastfeeding.

"Pure health"

For 2 servings you will need:

  • carrots - 300 gr;
  • beets - 250 gr;
  • cucumbers - 200 gr;
  • lemon - ¼ part.

The vegetables are peeled and cut into small cubes. The juice is squeezed out with the help of a juicer. A lemon is squeezed into a separate bowl. Juices are mixed: one part beetroot and cucumber and 2 parts carrot. Add lemon juice and mix. Recommended to be consumed chilled.

Who is contraindicated in carrot juice?

In addition to its beneficial properties, carrot drink can cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist before use.

It is necessary to give up juice for people suffering from certain diseases:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pancreatitis.

Carrot juice should be drunk in moderation between meals. If the dosage is not followed, even a healthy person may experience: lethargy, drowsiness, fever, headaches and skin pigmentation.

The prepared carrot drink can be stored for 12 months in a cool, dark place. It can be: basement, cellar, refrigerator or insulated loggia. From time to time, it is necessary to check the tightness of the covers, since the slightest depressurization leads to acidification of the juice and the appearance of mold.

When mold appears, the juice can be boiled again, but it is better not to use it so as not to poison the body.

Carrot juice is easy and quick to prepare, but in order for this drink to be beneficial, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • When used for better digestibility, it is better to add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, cream or sour cream to the juice.
  • Sugar is added in minimal quantities, since the vegetable is already quite sweet.
  • In the preparation of the drink, you should use only fresh products, without signs of rot.
  • Banks must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.
  • A carrot drink cannot be boiled for a long time, since a large amount of nutrients is destroyed during heat treatment.
  • For better digestibility, the drink is taken in the morning, half an hour before eating.

You cannot consume more than 3 glasses a day, since instead of benefit, you can harm the body.

Carrot juice is a delicious and healthy drink, especially if the root vegetable is grown by hand. This drink will appeal to adults and children, and thanks to the large amount of vitamins, you can forget about infectious diseases for the entire winter.

Carrot juice contains a large amount of dietary fiber, amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins of various groups. For this reason, the drink is useful to use to strengthen the immune system and heart muscle, cleanse the internal organs and skin, improve vision and smell. Carrot juice is especially valuable in summer, it helps to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and get an even tan.

The benefits of carrot juice

  1. Freshly squeezed or canned homemade carrot juice tidies up the psycho-emotional background, relieves stress, eliminates the effects of stress. It is enough to drink a glass of the drink after a hard day's work to calm down.
  2. Frequent and dosed drinking of carrot juice makes the immune system immune to the ingress of pathogens. Therefore, it is recommended to use the drug during the period of flu and colds.
  3. Carrot juice is recommended for athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle. The composition cleans blood vessels and seals their walls, strengthens the heart and muscle tissue. Frequent consumption of juice contributes to the rapid absorption of beneficial enzymes derived from other foods.
  4. Retinol, converted from beta-carotene, stops cardiac pathologies, prevents the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes, evens out the skin and face tone. Vitamin A is responsible for cleansing the entire body from poisons and toxins.
  5. Potassium contained in carrot juice removes harmful cholesterol from the body, maintaining healthy cholesterol at an optimal level. As a result, the production of its own insulin increases, which has a beneficial effect on the health of diabetics.
  6. Carrot juice increases all metabolic processes in the body. Thus, blood circulation and collagen production are accelerated. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, accelerating the healing of deep abrasions and blood loss.
  7. Carrot juice is indicated for people with weak immunity. The drink has bactericidal and antiviral properties. This, in turn, allows a person to resist the development of infection in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, throat, urinary system, and colon.
  8. It is useful to drink freshly squeezed juice for everyone, without exception, in order to carry out oral hygiene. Frequent to moderate use increases saliva production, heals tooth decay, strengthens the gums and relieves them of bleeding.
  9. It is good to drink carrot juice for people with poor eyesight. Retinol deficiency leads to night blindness. Fresh eliminates the likelihood of its appearance, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and age-related vision loss.
  10. Carotenoids help cleanse the kidneys and liver, and the gallbladder. Antioxidants control flatulence and relieve symptoms. Vitamin K strengthens bone and muscle tissue.

How to choose carrots for juicing

  1. Colour. The most delicious carrot juice is obtained from root vegetables, which have a rich orange color. This shade indicates that carrots contain a large amount of carotene. Start from the truth - the brighter the root crop, the healthier and tastier the fresh will be.
  2. The size. Store-type carrots should not be too large. Large root vegetables absorb chemicals, which negatively affects health. Give preference to carrots weighing up to 180 grams. Large fruits are suitable only if they are grown on their own (no nitrates).
  3. Maturity. Choose carrots that are high in juice. This means that the roots must be ripe. Determining suitability is easy: pick out the surface of the carrot with your fingernail or a sharp object, evaluate the hole. Juice will stand out from good specimens.

Preparing carrots

  1. After selecting suitable fruits, carry out preparatory measures. Rinse the carrots, scrape them with the edge of a knife.
  2. Do not cut off the surface, carotene is concentrated under the skin. Otherwise, you will reduce the value of the vegetable.
  3. Wash the carrots again with cool water. If dirt remains, scrub the root vegetable with a hard sponge or brush.
  4. Now cut off the ends of the vegetable on both sides, and finally scrub the product with a vegetable peeler (remove pesticides).

Carrot juice: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar - to taste (about 90-110 gr.)
  • carrots (juicy and small) - 950 gr.
  • citric acid powder - 2 gr.
  1. After preparing the carrots, proceed with the main manipulations. Chop the root vegetables into small cubes or slices, send to the juicer.
  2. You can juice carrots using a blender or grater. Proceed with the utensils on hand. You should not get rid of the cake, put it on cutlets or frying.
  3. Leave the resulting juice in a glass infusion jug. You can crush fresh lemon or lime zest into your drink. After about 40 minutes, filter the fresh through 3-5 layers of gauze.
  4. Add water to the carrot juice if desired to partially reduce the concentration. Pour the contents into a cooking pot, set the container over the fire.
  5. Simmer the juice at the minimum level, do not let it boil. For convenience, use a thermometer, the temperature of the drink should be about 80 degrees.
  6. Heat treatment lasts 8 minutes. Add granulated sugar gradually, adding it in small portions. Wait until the granules dissolve, then add citric acid.
  7. Deal with the sterilization of containers and lids. Dry the curling dish, pour the prepared juice over it. Do not close containers. Place the cans in a pot filled with water.
  8. Sterilize for 25 minutes, only then tighten the lid with a special wrench. Leave the juice upside down, making sure there are no leaks.
  9. Now wrap the carrot potion in an old sweatshirt and hold it in the kitchen until it cools. After about 12-15 hours, transfer the juice to the cold for long-term preservation.

Carrot orange juice

  • drinking water - 480 ml.
  • carrots - 1 kg.
  • orange juice (fresh pomace) - 100 ml.
  1. The juice is prepared using a blender, which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Orange fresh is taken in an amount of 50 ml. 0.25 liters. carrot juice.
  2. Prepare the carrots as described above (cleaning, washing). Then chop the fruits into small pieces (3-6 cm). Do not use whole root vegetables or you will break the blender blades.
  3. Load the chopped vegetable into the bowl of the appliance, scroll until puree. If the carrots are not very juicy, pour some drinking water into the blender. Such a move will simplify chopping.
  4. Combine the prepared gruel with table water, stir until smooth. You should get moderately thick juice. Leave the fresh juice for a third of an hour.
  5. When the set time is up, filter the juice through a fine-grained kitchen sieve or 4-layer gauze cloth. Carrot-orange fresh is ready to eat. Add a few drops of olive oil and enjoy.

  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • pumpkin pulp (prepared) - 500-550 gr.
  • carrots - 550 gr.
  1. Prepare the pumpkin in advance, freeing its pulp from fibers, seeds and rind. Make mashed potatoes from the vegetable in any way possible (grater, blender, meat grinder, etc.).
  2. Now put the gruel on several layers of cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice. Take care of carrots, they need to be prepared, chopped and turned into porridge. Juice is squeezed out of the root vegetable in the same way.
  3. Dip the lemons in boiling water for 20 seconds, cut the citruses into pieces, squeeze out the liquid. Now mix all the juices together (pumpkin, lemon, carrot).
  4. Add granulated sugar, decreasing or increasing the amount to taste. Stir the contents, transfer to a refractory cooking container. Send to the stove, simmer for 6 minutes.
  5. After this time, filter the liquid through cheesecloth. Pack the drug in sterile containers, cover with tin. Turn over, check for leaks. Send to cold after cooling.

Carrot and tomato juice

  • bell pepper (any color) - 2 pcs.
  • fresh tomato - 950 gr.
  • salt - to your taste (optional)
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  1. Rinse the tomatoes, then make a cross cut at the widest part. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a few minutes, then cool immediately under the tap. Peel the fruit from the skin and seeds, get rid of the stalk.
  2. Chop the tomatoes into cubes. Now start preparing the pepper. It must be freed from seeds, then rinsed and chopped arbitrarily. Rinse the carrots, prepare as described above.
  3. Don't mix all the vegetables. Squeeze the juice out of them one by one using a special squeezer or blender. Pour all kinds of fresh juice into a fireproof cooking utensil, supply with salt.
  4. Stir the contents, send to low heat. Cook for a quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam. During this period, you need to sterilize the cans, then pour boiling juice over them.
  5. Capping with tin is carried out immediately, there is no need to wait for cooling. After closing, turn the jars upside down, let the composition cool at room temperature. After 12-14 hours, take to the cold.

Carrot juice with citrus zest

  • citric acid - 1-2 pinches
  • carrots (juicy, bright) - 1 kg.
  • drinking water - 600 ml.
  • granulated sugar - to your taste (about 130 gr.)
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  1. If the carrots are dirty, soak them in a bowl of cool water for 20 minutes. Then remove the rest of the earth, rub the root crop with a brush or sponge. Chop into chunks, place in a blender, ferment.
  2. Throw the resulting porridge on 3 layers of cheesecloth or a sieve, squeeze out the juice. Now scald citrus fruits with boiling water, remove the zest from them without a white layer (it gives bitterness).
  3. Grate the peel of lemon and orange on a fine grater, combine with fresh carrot. Leave the composition in a glass container for a couple of hours to infuse, then filter again.
  4. Pour in citric acid powder and granulated sugar, mix the contents until smooth. Send the cooking utensils to low heat, simmer at 80 degrees, avoiding boiling.
  5. When the juice warms up to the required mark, fill it and then re-pasteurize (if desired). This will extend the shelf life of the product.
  6. Cover the carrot juice with a tin. To avoid leaks, turn the cans upside down and feel the lid with your finger. Wait until it cools down, after 12 hours transfer it to the cold.

  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • apple (green or red) - 4.5 kg.
  • carrots - 1.3 kg.
  1. The number of fruits and vegetables is specified arbitrarily, you can change the proportions taking into account the wishes of the family. Prepare the apples: rinse them, remove the skin (optional), cut out the center with seeds.
  2. Now squeeze the juice out of the fruit in a convenient way. Leave the fresh juice for half an hour to infuse. Rinse the carrots thoroughly and scrape off any dirt. Send to a juicer, squeeze out the liquid.
  3. Combine 2 types of juice, pass them through cheesecloth, if you need to get rid of the pulp. Send the workpiece to a saucepan, mix with granulated sugar and heat.
  4. Simmer at 85-90 degrees, avoiding boiling. When the granulated sugar has dispersed, the pot can be removed from the stove. Immediately pack hot juice into containers, cover with tin.
  5. To increase the shelf life, you can pasteurize the unopened cans. Cooling is carried out down the neck, then the composition is sent to the cold.

The benefits of carrot juice have been proven many times over. After proper heat treatment, valuable elements practically do not evaporate, so you can improve your health with the whole family. Mix carrots with citrus fruits, pumpkin pulp, ripe tomatoes, apples. Choose foods that are fresh and free of nitrates.

Video: how to make carrot juice

Apple and carrot juice is a very tasty and healthy drink that you can easily prepare for the winter at home during the season. Natural apple juice, as a rule, turns out to be sweet and sour, so carrots will give it not only natural sweetness, but also an appetizing sunny color and pleasant taste. We will prepare apple-carrot juice using a juicer - the recipe for this preparation for the winter is simple, and the process will not take much of your time.

To get a decent amount of juice, take apples that are juicy, dense, not cottony. I used White filling. Naturally, you can't get a lot of juice from dry carrots, so try the fruits first, and then start pressing. I really like the Nantes carrot variety - it has beautiful fruits, good juiciness, and increased sweetness. The amount of granulated sugar in the preparation of apple-carrot juice can be safely adjusted to your liking.

By the way, in order for carotene, which is so rich in carrots, to be absorbed, carrot juice must be consumed with any fat. We don't like vegetable oil in the drink, so I add a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream to a glass of juice. Thus, fat aids in the absorption of carotene in the liver. Remember that carrot juice in large quantities will put a heavy strain on the liver, so don't overuse it.


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

The recipe for a delicious and healthy homemade juice includes only 3 ingredients: apples, carrots and granulated sugar. By the way, if your apples and carrots are sweet enough by themselves, you don't need to add sugar to the finished juice for the winter.

The order in which you get juice from apples and carrots does not matter, so do whatever is more convenient for you personally. So, apples need to be sorted out, washed, if there are rotten places - cut out. We pass the fruit through a juicer, not forgetting to remove their cake from time to time.

Pour the resulting apple juice into a large container and let it stand for 10 minutes. During this time, the foam (there is a lot of it) will rise up and thicken.

It is easier and easier for me to first strain the juice, and then squeeze out this dense foam - it also contains a lot of juice. With a ladle, I skim off the foam and transfer it to another container. If your cake is wet, squeeze it out too to get more juice from the apples.

You need to filter freshly squeezed apple juice through a dense natural fabric or 4-5 layers of gauze. At first, the juice will actively drain, after which it will begin to drip - then it will need to be wrung out with your hands. In fact, there is nothing difficult here, and if there is also a strong assistant, you can do it in minutes.

The result is a slightly cloudy freshly squeezed apple juice, the color of which depends on the variety and color of the apples. From 3 kilograms of fruit, I (or rather a juicer) squeezed 1.7 liters of juice.

Now you can do carrots: we clean the roots and wash them. 2 kilograms is a washed, but not peeled carrot.

We pass the carrots through a juicer. The juicier the fruit, the more juice you get. Do not throw away the cake: it can be put in bags and frozen, and if necessary add to the first courses, stewed vegetables or make casseroles.

Filter freshly squeezed carrot juice through a sieve, if desired. I do this only with the aim of having as little pulp as possible - my kids do not really like juice with pulp.

We pour both juices into a bowl suitable for the volume, mix and taste for sweetness. Since I used sweet and sour apples, I also added sugar - only 200 grams. We put the pan on fire and over medium heat, stirring occasionally, heat the juice to 95 degrees. You do not need to boil it.

We pour hot juice into pre-prepared jars. Each hostess sterilizes the dishes for the blanks in their own way, and I prefer to do it in the microwave oven - wash the cans in a soda solution, rinse and pour 2 fingers into each cold water. We steam the cans in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 cans of 0.5-1 liter at once, 7-10 minutes will be enough. Boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

To date, there are a lot of "tasty" options for how to cook for the winter at home. Drinking natural juices all year round is very useful, besides, they are well stored and do not require attention. There are different ways of making juice, so every housewife can find “her own” recipe. When squeezing, all the nutrients are extracted, so this drink is indispensable for adults and children.

How to get juice

You can get carrot juice in different ways, but the most commonly used are the following:

  • Meat grinder. This method is very laborious and time-consuming, since you need to twist it manually.
  • To get juice, it is enough to prepare the carrots and twist them using the auger handle.
  • Electric juicer. The spinning process runs automatically. The hostess can only lay the carrots.

Canning methods

At home, you can prepare juice in two ways:

  • Hot filling. In this case, you need to heat the juice and boil it over low heat. After it is poured into the cans, you must immediately roll them up. The container must be turned over and left in this position and wait until it cools down.
  • Pasteurization. Harvesting carrot juice in this way involves heating it almost to a boil. After that, you need to pour the juice into jars and close the same lids. They are pasteurized for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C. When the procedure is over, the covers must be rolled up tightly.

Preparing carrots

To make the juice tasty and healthy, you need to choose the right vegetables. They must be fresh, ripe, healthy and of good quality. If there are wormholes or cracks, then these carrots are not suitable for juice. Overripe fruits are also not suitable for making carrot juice. Cooking it is not a particularly difficult process, but it requires knowledge of the intricacies.

The fruits must be thoroughly washed and all dirt removed. For this, you can use both running water and a large container of water. It is necessary to remove all the leaves and cut off the hard part.


Although housewives used to try to whiten the juice at any cost, modern nutritionists advise against doing this. They argue that it is the pulp drink that is beneficial to health. In addition to vitamins, fiber and pectin substances are stored in them. They normalize the work of the digestive tract.

After squeezing the juice, it must be poured into a saucepan and heated to somewhere between 80-95 ° C. It is very important not to boil it. When the juice has cooled, strain and reheat. During the second procedure, you can add a small amount of sugar.

While the juice is hot, it must be poured into cans that are pre-sterilized. It is better to pour it almost to the top so that the juice does not go bad. After the cans are sealed, they are pasteurized for approximately 20 minutes.

Hot filling

To prepare carrot juice for the winter at home using the hot filling method, you need to heat it to about 70-75 ° C and then filter it. After that, you should boil for a few minutes and pour into sterilized jars. To maximize the benefits, nutritionists recommend adding a little cream. The rolled up container must be turned over and wrapped with something warm, for example, a rug or blanket.

Juice whipped with a mixer

You can also get carrot juice using a mixer. Not everyone knows the recipe, but it turns out to be very tasty. For its preparation, you need to select only ripe and brightly colored fruits. They must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and grated with large holes. A little water should be added to the resulting mass and put on a small fire. The carrots should languish until they become soft.

The mixture must be passed through a juicer, and then beat with a mixer. After adding 10% sugar syrup in a 1: 1 ratio, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring all the time. After 5 minutes, you need to pour the juice into prepared jars and immediately roll up the lids. After the container has cooled, it should be removed to a dark place.

Traditional recipe

Preparing carrot juice for the winter at home according to the classic recipe is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to rinse and grind the fruit with a blender to make a puree. After that, it must be squeezed through cheesecloth. To improve the taste, some housewives add a little citric acid or sugar syrup.

Juicing in a juicer

It's easy to make carrot juice in a juicer. Before cooking, rinse the juicer in hot water and boil the hose.

Water is poured into the base of the juicer and heated to a boil. When all the vegetables are loaded, cover the juicer with a lid and continue heating. Close the rubber hose with a clamp. It is important to ensure that the water does not boil away.

The whole process takes anywhere from half an hour to 70 minutes. When the time is up, the hot juice must be drained into pre-prepared jars.

Mixed juices

Not everyone likes the taste of pure carrots, so its juice is mixed with other juices and nectars. It is very popular. To prepare it, you need to cut the fruits and steam them. For this purpose, you can use a pressure cooker or a double boiler. After that, you need to rub the puree through a sieve and mix with apple juice. You can take arbitrary proportions, focusing on your own taste.

After adding sugar, the mixture must be heated for several minutes at a temperature of 85 ° C. After that, you can pour the juice into sterilized jars and pasteurize. If the container is liter, this process will take about 25 minutes.

Slimming juice

For weight loss, a special carrot juice is prepared. Its recipe is well known, but not everyone knows about the properties of this drink. To lose weight, it is useful to drink The ratio must be maintained at 3: 1. This juice can be drunk both freshly prepared and closed for the winter. It can be preserved in any convenient way.

How to drink juice correctly

Making carrot juice for the winter at home is only half the battle. In order for it to be beneficial, it must be drunk correctly. It must be consumed between meals, adding a little sour cream or butter to the glass. You cannot take juice for a long period, you need to take a break.


Doctors do not recommend drinking a lot of carrot juice, as its excessive amount in the body can cause headaches, drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant sensations. In addition, abuse of carrot juice can lead to discoloration of the skin: the face, palms and feet become orange.

Carrot juice is a healthy drink containing a large amount of beta-carotene, which in the human body is transformed into vitamin A. winter period.

Carrot juice is the healthiest drink

The easiest way to get a drink from a carrot at home is to prepare it with a juicer. In order to get delicious fresh, you need to choose the right root vegetable: the carrots must be large and fresh.

  1. To prepare 1 glass of drink, you will need about 3-4 root vegetables. Each of them should be thoroughly washed, peeled and rinsed again under running water.
  2. Next, the carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. The grated mass is transferred to the juicer, the device turns on.

In order to enjoy the drink, you just need to pour the carrot juice into a glass.

How to make carrot juice at home (video)

Manual beverage preparation

If there is no juicer, you can squeeze out the vitamin drink with your own hands, for this you need to follow the step-by-step technology:

  1. Juicy seasonal carrots are washed with a brush, peeled, rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting pulp is folded onto a gauze napkin folded in 5 layers.
  3. A bag is formed from the napkin, with the help of pressure on which the carrot juice is squeezed out.