How to protect plants from frost. How to protect flowers from autumn frosts Flowers that withstand autumn frosts

Many summer residents dream of getting flower crops that are not afraid of the return of spring cold. We must not dream, but urgently use the services of the nearest flower center or online store, where, I am sure, they will offer a whole series of cold-resistant flowers. April-May is the best time for sowing.

First on the list is cockle, or agrostemma. Lovers of elegance are just right to be indignant: what kind of weed are they offering us ?! But no - on the basis of this flower, bright varietal plants were obtained, in which flowers grow up to 5 cm.

Linda De Volder/

Coloring with all shades of pink and purple, there is a snowy white. The plant will delight in color, even without regular top dressing. The main thing is not to let the agrostemma grow, so as not to spoil the appearance of the flower bed. The flower is unpretentious, tolerates moisture deficiency and even drought. Likes light loose soil and grows in the sun. Even seedlings are absolutely not afraid of frost. A huge plus of this flower is that it has a pleasant attracting smell, which is loved by bees, welcome country guests.

Great for early sowing fragrant rank, differently sweet pea. It tolerates cold snaps down to -5°C. In varietal annuals, the ranks have a variety of colors from white to blue. He loves the fragrant rank of sunny quiet areas.

Pamela Holder/

The soil should be light fertile with neutral acidity. If you feed the plant at least once a month with a mineral supplement, sweet peas will bloom for a long time and beautifully. By removing faded inflorescences, regularly watering and loosening the soil, you are guaranteed to get flowering until mid-autumn. Yes, more. The plant must have a reliable support.

If you are a busy person and you do not have the opportunity to devote much time to the flower garden - choose iberis, or pepper. This is one of the most unassuming colors.

Lotus Johnson/

True, it is not friendly with a transplant. Try to plant it immediately in a permanent place. Grows well in full sun and light shade. After germination, it is desirable to thin out the sowing at a distance of up to 15 cm. The plant blooms a month and a half after germination. You can sow iberis every two weeks, then it will bloom all summer. Iberis flowers are pink-purple and white. Avoid only abundant watering, as Iberis is prone to fungal attack.

Another flower worth paying attention to in early spring. This clarky. A flower that blooms better and for a long time if sown immediately with seeds in open ground.

Apel Mjausson/

Plant height 30-90 cm. It blooms in white, pale pink or lilac. Prefers light texture and neutral soil. Grows in the shade. This flower does not care about frosts down to -3 ° С. Shoots also need to be thinned out to a distance of 10 cm. During the appearance of buds, Clarkia must be fed with a potassium-phosphorus supplement. Care is simple: watering only in dry weather, removing wilted flowers, seed pods.

Among the early annuals, it enjoys special love lavatera, or hatma. Not to be confused with mallow. Color ranges from white to ruby. A very docile plant.

Dwight Sipler/

Grows in both sun and partial shade. Absolutely undemanding to soils. Fertilized with humus or compost before sowing, lavatera will thank with lush flowering. Watering should be without busting, as excess water is harmful. Film shelter helps to speed up seedlings. Shoots are thinned out at a distance of up to 30 cm. The height of an adult flowering lavatera bush exceeds 1 m. It is good to decorate sheds and fences with these flowers.

Another flower similar to mallow is little papa. It is quite suitable for hedges, there is no need for special care. Blooms well when planted in fertile and fertile soil.

liesvanrompaey /

Watering is required only in dry weather. Disease resistant. A huge plus and its distinguishing feature is that it tolerates frosts completely without loss. It is thinned out at a distance of up to 40 cm. It blooms with white, pink, lilac and burgundy flowers.

I think sowing leyi graceful, it will pleasantly surprise you with its appearance - the yellow petals with a white border are very beautiful, and the fact that the flower is unpretentious - it grows without top dressing even on poor soils.

scott.zona /

Of course, it is better if the leu is placed on drained neutral sandy loams and loams and fed. Abundant flowering from June to October is then provided. Seedlings appear within a week. Excess plants are removed at intervals of 15 cm. Care is simple - loosening, weeding, watering in drought. Yellow-gold elegant flowers look very beautiful not only in borders, but also in flowerpots and vases.

To this list, you can add calendula, aster, matthiola, which are also charming in their bloom and are not afraid of the return of spring cold.

Gardeners who have chosen at least one of the proposed flowers for planting will be pleasantly surprised by both the appearance of their site, the easy care of the plants, and the time left for growing the main crops.

A real Siberian winter has come to Omsk, which will bring with it not only the charm of winter landscapes, but also severe frosts. The low temperature outside the window is not a reason to forget about such a gift as a bouquet of flowers.

Buy flowers in Omsk it is possible both in the summer heat and in the winter cold, only the gift must be chosen carefully, focusing on the endurance of the plants in the bouquet. In winter, this is especially important, because some fragile flowers lose their attractiveness at low temperatures. Therefore, we advise you to choose bouquets consisting of those plants that will withstand temperature changes and remain as attractive as when you bought them.

What buy flowers Omsk so that they do not let you down in the Siberian winter? We will give you some important tips in this regard.

First, choose a bouquet made up of seasonal plants or flowers that are themselves very cold hardy.

Secondly, pay attention to the flower itself. The bud of the plant should be strong and fresh. Such buy flowers in Omsk you can only in good florist shops that follow all the rules for storing such fragile creatures. A strong healthy plant bud will allow it to survive the cold and maintain its beauty.

Which buy flowers in winter? Experienced florists agree that in winter you can safely buy a bouquet consisting of chrysanthemums, carnations, gerberas. You can also choose, for example, roses or dark varieties of callas. By the way, not all roses are frost-resistant.

Some varieties of these charming flowers are afraid of the cold, and a sharp change in temperature can be simply fatal for them.

Very afraid of frost and flowers such as alstrameria, white freesia, irises. These delicate creatures immediately darken and wither, as soon as the frost touches their delicate petals.

If you want to buy a bouquet of Omsk, then in this case you can be inspired not only by the beauty of the flowers themselves, but also by beautiful winter landscapes. A winter bouquet can have a special charm that can be created with the help of a certain color scheme or thanks to certain varieties of flowers that fit very organically into a winter bouquet.

So, bouquet of roses can be diluted with such beautiful flowers as ranunculus, anemones, and chamelacium. These flowers are not only hardy in the winter cold, but also very beautiful. They will perfectly fit into any winter bouquet, making it more charming and more beautiful in winter.

To make a bouquet of flowers look more exotic and original, you can add original succulents to it. A special grace will be given to the composition of brunia, the silvery balls of which will elegantly convey the charm and unprecedented beauty of winter. The gray leaves of cineraria in the bouquet create the effect of snow-covered green leaves.

If even in winter you remain adherents of original and bold ideas, as well as bright solutions, then you can always add bright red shades to a winter bouquet. For example, add cold-resistant hypericum berries to the bouquet.

Very often, customers ask us which flowers are the most and least frost-resistant.

This is especially true when the outboard temperature drops below 25 degrees below zero, and it is very important to preserve and present flowers in the best possible way. So, we divided the flowers into 3 groups.

The most frost-resistant flowers

This group includes:

  • virtually all varieties of roses (perhaps, except for the taleya variety)
  • gerberas and germinis (small gerberas)
  • all types of chrysanthemum
  • ranunculus (buttercups)
  • colored callas

These flowers endure frost down to -10 degrees, however, thermal packaging will not hurt them.

Flowers of medium frost resistance

This group includes:

  • lilies of the valley (yes, despite the apparent fragility)
  • amaryllis
  • tulips

as well as most bulbous

Flowers of low frost resistance

The following flowers are very afraid of frost:

  • lilies
  • freesia
  • orchids
  • alstroemeria
  • irises
  • white callas
  • eustoma
  • chamomile matricaria (small bush)

as well as all wild flowers, including bluebells, cornflowers, field daisies

The flowers of this group hardly tolerate even the lightest frost. Without good thermal packaging, all beauty can shrink, darken and fade before our eyes.

Foil bags are well suited, which are always in service with our couriers in frosty times.

15 plants for the first children's flower bed

Every mom knows how hard it is to keep kids indoors in the springtime in fine weather, so why try? Put things aside and invite your child to be a gardener and start their first small flower garden.

The fastest
On average, annual plants take 60-90 days from germination to flowering. To a child, this will surely seem like an eternity. Therefore, it is imperative to sow the fastest among annuals. To do this, do not forget to buy these flowers:

Eschscholzia Californian

From shoots to the beginning of flowering 30-40 days
Plants are light and heat-loving, but can tolerate frosts down to -4-5˚С. Sowing of seeds is carried out in April or October immediately to a permanent place. Gives self-seeding. Seedlings are thinned out, maintaining a distance between plants of 20-25 cm. Transplants are not tolerated. Blooms profusely from June to October.

Gypsophila graceful

From germination to the beginning of flowering 40-50 days
The plant is light and heat-loving, grows in sunny, dry places, undemanding to soils, but prefers light, well-limed soils. A very fast growing plant. Gypsophila is used in plantings in combination with escholzia, godetia; marigolds and other brightly colored large-flowered plants, for arranging bouquets. Varieties with pink and reddish flowers are significantly inferior in decorative effect to elegant gypsophila. Gypsophila is often used in winter bouquets as a dried flower.
Propagated by seeds - sowing in the ground:
for summer flowering in April - May
for early - in October (before winter)
for autumn flowering - in June.
Blooms 1.5-2 months after sowing. The distance between plants after thinning is 15-20 cm.


From germination to flowering 45 days
It does not require special care, usually two fertilizing with mineral fertilizers during the growth period and during the budding period, loosening the soil and watering as needed. Godetia blooms in mid-July and blooms until frost. Blooms profusely, prefers a sunny position.
Godetia is usually planted with seeds directly into the ground in April and May. If the bed is covered with a film, then shoots appear after 7-10 days, young plants are not afraid of frost. In the phase of two or three true leaves, seedlings are thinned out or planted, leaving a distance between plants of 20-25 cm.

Easy to Grow Annuals or Hardy Annuals


The plant is easy even for a beginner in floriculture. If, as it blooms, you cut off faded baskets, calendula will bloom until frost. Calendula medicinal plant. Dried inflorescences are used to prepare tinctures, decoctions that have anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant and soothing effects. Blooms from June to November.
For planting, you should choose a sunny place, tolerates frosts down to -5 ° C.
Seeds of calendula are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm in early spring. Shoots appear after 1-2 weeks. They bloom in ten weeks. Gives self-seeding.

Iberis umbrella

Iberis blooms 40-50 days after sowing
Propagated by sowing seeds in open ground in spring or late autumn. Gives self-seeding. Seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance between plants of 20 X 25 cm. Iberis is undemanding to soils, but prefers light loam, the location is sunny. Plants easily tolerate spring and autumn frosts.
In a dry summer without watering, flowering is abundant only for a month. The flowering period lasts a month, so you can sow it in several stages. Aromatic.

Nigella damask (nigella, girl in greenery)

Nigella is propagated by seeds, sowing them in open ground in early spring or before winter. Thinned out at a distance of 15-20 cm. Blooms 1.5-2 months later, 60-65 days after sowing. After flowering, the plants retain their decorative effect due to the original shape of the fruit.

Zinnia graceful

Annual, upright, spreading or compact plant, 15-120 cm high, with rounded green or purple-greenish shoots, pubescent with coarse coarse hairs.
The color of the inflorescences is the most diverse - white, red, yellow, orange, pink, lilac, purple. It tolerates high temperatures and dry air well, in damp cold weather it blooms poorly, and sometimes the inflorescences rot. It blooms well and develops on fertile soils with organic fertilizers applied since autumn. Zinnia graceful blooms in July - September.
Zinnia is propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings in March - early April. Large seeds germinate in 5-6 days. With a rare sowing of seeds in boxes, you can do without a pick. Planting seedlings in a permanent place is carried out in late May - early June, when the danger of the last spring frosts has passed, since zinnias do not tolerate low temperatures at all. The distance between plants during planting is 25-30 cm. The grown seedlings can be pinched to speed up the tillering of plants.
You can also sow seeds directly in open ground in early and mid-May; crops must be protected from May frosts with covering material.


This letnik from the Malvaceae family with like silk flowers has been known for a long time, but today it is experiencing its second youth. Plants up to 1 m high with beautiful large leaves and abundant "satin" funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm are very elegant in mass. Therefore, lavater is planted in groups, included in mixborders.
Its flowering lasts from July to October. Photophilous, drought-resistant, not afraid of light autumn frosts, undemanding to soils.
Lavater is sown directly into the ground in early May. Germination temperature 15-20°. Shoots appear in 10-14 days (in modern varieties sometimes earlier). Withered flowers must be removed. Lavatera is excellent for cutting.

interesting plants
When choosing flowers for a children's flower bed, you need to focus not only on plants that are easy to grow, but also on those that attract children's attention. These are, first of all, fragrant plants (plant them at some distance from the playground and places where children often gather) and unusual in their shape. Some of these plants you can plant with your child, and some of them you can buy or grow seedlings.

TO mocking twice-pinnate

Cosmea is unpretentious, and is suitable even for a novice gardener. It is ideal for dry, hot climates. Cosmea bushes can be cut, giving them different shapes. A simple and unpretentious flower from childhood, which girl in the summer did not make herself “false nails” from cosme petals?

Depending on the variety, the double-pinnate cosmos (C.bipinnatus) can be from 60 cm to 1.5 meters in height. Inflorescences-baskets are large, up to 10 cm (according to some sources - up to 15 cm) in diameter, consist of marginal flowers, commonly called petals, and tubular, small, most often yellow, forming a small disk. In this case, the marginal flowers can be of various colors - from white through pink to red or purple, of various shades and degrees of saturation. Flowering begins in mid-July and lasts until frost.
Kosmeya is usually planted with seeds in open ground in May. Seedlings appear after 8-15 days at a temperature of 18°C. Seedlings develop normally at a temperature of 15-18 ° C, they are not afraid of small frosts. 15-20 days after germination, the seedlings are seated or thinned at a distance of 30-35 cm.
When planting seedlings in early April, young cosmea plants are planted in the ground at the end of May, in which case flowering occurs a month earlier. Gives abundant self-seeding.

Kosmeya prefers a sunny, wind-sheltered location. The soil is suitable for any, drained, relatively poor. On fertile soils, it grows to the detriment of flowering. Feeding practically does not require.

Amaranth tailed (Fox's tail)

A tall original letnik (1-1.5 meters), from the tops of the stems of which thick tail-shaped inflorescences of crimson or red tones (up to 75 cm in length) hang picturesquely. There are varieties of amaranth with whitish-green and emerald inflorescences-tails of the same length. Of the other amaranths, the most common is the deciduous-decorative Indian amaranth, tricolor. Low and high varieties - from 40 centimeters to 1.5 meters tall, carry leaves variegated in yellow, green and red tones. Tailed amaranth brings seeds in abundance and sprouts in spring from autumn self-sowing.
Sowing is carried out in April in open ground or under protected ground frames in heavily fertilized humus soil. Seedlings appear on the third or fourth day, they are planted in pots and a little later the tops are pinched to cause branching.
Plants are planted in open ground after the end of severe frosts, in late May - early June. The location should be sunny, the ground should be moist, well seasoned with organic fertilizers. Landing distance 40-50 centimeters. Landing is carried out in independent groups or in front of shrubs.

Kochia (summer cypress)

Kochia perfectly tolerate shaping pruning, which will additionally interest the child when caring for her. And in autumn it becomes a beautiful purple color.

Dense bushes similar to cypresses up to 1 m high and 60-70 cm wide turn purple-red in autumn. Kochia are planted in one row along paths (at a distance of 1 m from each other) or in small groups, alone on lawns. Kochia often sprouts from autumn self-sowing

Shoots and seedlings of kohii tend to quickly stretch when sown in rooms. Crops are produced in April under protected ground frames or directly into open ground. Seeds are pre-germinated. Seedlings appear on the fourth or fifth day. You can use early spring seedlings of autumn sowing or self-sowing cohias. The strongest seedlings dive to the cotyledons one by one in 5-7 cm pots, which are dug under the frames of protected ground and kept under strong ventilation.
As they develop, the plants are transferred to larger pots with nutritious humus soil. Planted in open ground in early June in sunny places with nutritious soil.


Among these beauties from India, we single out comb and feathery. Celosia comb has a soft cock-like comb that you always want to touch, while cirrus has spectacular bright panicles. Celosia is a dried flower, the inflorescences are cut in full bloom, until the flowers that bloomed first have faded. The color of panicles and leaves is perfectly preserved.
Celosia needs sunny, warm and wind-protected areas. The plant loves fertile soil, but does not tolerate the introduction of fresh fertilizers of organic origin. Regular watering is necessary. Flowering - from late June until frost. It blooms without losing its decorative effect until frost.

Celosia is propagated by seeds that are sown in specially knocked down boxes or greenhouses in the last days of March - early April. In open ground, seeds can be sown after it warms up well and in the absence of frost. The optimal distance between individual plants is 15-20 cm.

Celosia comb (cock's comb) reaches a height of 25-35 cm, has a compact bush.
The flowers are small, collected in a comb-shaped spectacular inflorescence, shaped like a cockscomb. Flowers are yellow, pink, orange and mostly purplish red.

Celosia pinnate reaches a height of 50-90 cm. The bush is compact. Inflorescences paniculate, bright, make up 1/3 of the height of the plant.

Physalis decorative,
or Physalis Franchet
Elegant lanterns are often used in winter bouquets, for which they are cut and dried in September. There are also vegetable forms of physalis.
Physalis is propagated by seeds that are sown immediately in open ground. To obtain seedlings, the sowing of seeds is carried out in the second half of April, and after the end of frost, the seedlings are planted in open ground.
Until the seedlings take root, the physalis seedlings need protection from the hot sun and regular watering. Physalis do not stepchild, as the fruits are formed on numerous lateral branches.
Perennial physalis have creeping rhizomes, which contribute to the rapid vegetative propagation of the plant, so that the plant does not “spread”, it is best to limit it when planting.

decorative sunflower

Sunflowers grow quickly and children will be interested in watching their rapid growth. Sunflower is very fond of the sun, but tolerates short shading. Sunflowers growing outside need to be supported as they can fall over in windy conditions.
In the southern regions, sunflower can be sown in autumn so that the plants use the moisture of winter precipitation. In Central Russia - directly into the ground in mid-May, nests of 2-3 seeds, at a distance of 35-45 cm. If the plants are planted one at a time after 15 cm, they will be longer and the flowers smaller. You can also grow sunflower seedlings, but in this case it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of light, otherwise the stems will be weak and bent. Sunflower seedlings appear 6-8 days after sowing. The plant is afraid of frost.

Mallow pink (stock-rose)
This plant seems to be created for a children's flower bed and simply must grow near the playground. Which of us did not make funny dolls out of her in childhood?

Perennial plant, cultivated as a biennial. In the first year it forms a rosette of large lobed, serrated pubescent leaves along the edge, and the next year - straight, unbranched flowering stems from 100 to 250 cm high. Flowers 10 - 15 cm in diameter, simple or double, collected in inflorescences (brush), numbering up to 150 flowers. Coloring white, yellow, pink, red, burgundy, black-red. Flowering in July - September.

Mallow is photophilous, drought-resistant, unpretentious. It works best in well-fertilized, breathable, well-drained soils. The best location is sunny, protected from cold winds. In dry times, daily watering is necessary. In winter, mallow can freeze, so it should be covered with dry leaves.

Propagated by seeds through seedlings or by sowing directly into the ground. Flowering occurs in July next year. With early sowing in March-April, the plants bloom in the first year.
Used for planting in groups, mixborders, along hedges and walls, for decorating outbuildings. Arrays planted in small groups of 2-3 plants every 3-4 meters on both sides of the path look spectacular.

Nivyanik (chamomile, popovnik)

This favorite flower is simply obliged to grow on the playground. He is loved by children for the opportunity to tell fortunes for love.

Prefers well-lit places. In shaded places, there is a significant deterioration in the development of plants and their flowering. The biggest leucanthemum tolerates the lack of light especially badly. soils should be fertile, cultivated to a depth of 25-30 cm, sufficiently moist and well-drained. On poor soils, as well as with a lack of moisture, the flowers become smaller. Does not tolerate light sandy or heavy clay soils and wet areas! In one place, without a transplant, the cornflower grows only three to four years. If the plant is not transplanted, its inflorescences become smaller, winter hardiness decreases
Nivyanik propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes and cuttings. Small seeds of the plant are sown in autumn or early spring. When spring sowing seedlings appear after 18 - 20 days. Seedlings grow quite quickly, and bloom in the second year. They are planted in a permanent place in the flower garden in the fall in the first year after sowing.
You can divide the rhizomes and transplant the cornflower in early spring or autumn. They are divided into small parts. The delenki are planted shallowly, but trying to cover the rhizome. Transplanted delenki grow very quickly.
For cuttings, small basal rosettes of leaves are used. Cuttings are cut in the second half of summer with a piece of rhizome - "with a heel". This way they root better.