How to win a client so that he becomes a permanent one? What value do regular customers have for a beauty salon. How to find regular customers for your beauty salon

How to make a regular customer out of an ordinary visitor?

In our dedicated articles, we consider what techniques can be used to increase the profit of enterprises. And today's article will not be an exception, the topic of our story will be: building a queue of regular customers... Recently I was walking along one of the central streets of my city and noticed a very strange, but at the same time interesting picture. There are two thematically identical cafes literally 50 meters from each other. Only in one of them all the tables are occupied, people come in and out, it is clear that work is in full swing, and in the second there are several visitors, and the waiters are clearly bored. I am sure that many of you have also observed such an interesting situation. The question arises: "Why is this happening?" In appearance, both establishments are decent, the prices are the same, the interior, exterior, service - everything is on the level, but still people go to the first cafe, but not to the second. Literally a few days later, I again returned to thinking about this situation, because it haunted me. All thoughts converged on one thing - probably in the first cafe there is something that is not immediately visible, some kind of charm, special service, attitude towards the client, something that makes an ordinary visitor come here over and over again, something that does his regular customer. Thoughts are thoughts, but everything needs to be tested in practice. I spent two evenings in these establishments, and, to be honest, I was not mistaken. It's not worth describing the details, I'm not doing advertising, but I will dwell on some points that you can use in your business. In fact, it was this incident that prompted me to think about writing this article. So, 4 simple rules that will help you turn a regular customer / customer into a regular customer.

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Rule number one: do more than the client expects

If you have a really great establishment, or you create a good product, then clients will forgive little mistakes without any problems, and sometimes they may even turn a blind eye to a more serious problem. And all why? Because the client sees that you are working, you want to please him, exceed expectations. Think of a soccer game. If a team fights on the field, plays until the last second, snatches the ball from the opponent, but as a result loses, even if with a large score, the stadium accompanies them with applause, because it is not a shame to lose when you give your best. Also in business. Customers are not stupid, they see everything, feel everything, and will be more loyal if you try. So it was in this cafe. Everything is perfect, the waiter serves several tables, but the impression is that he is personally assigned to you, a glance in his direction and that's it ... he is already ready to listen to your wishes, or take an order.

While preparing this article, I looked for other examples of such a good attitude towards clients. For example, Logitech produces Bluetooth mice with an adapter. One of the customers accidentally lost such an adapter and asked for advice on the company's official website about where to buy it. Instead of unsubscribing with a few standard phrases, Logitech sent their customer a brand new adapter in return. Tell me what's a little thing? But on the other hand, this post has collected thousands of comments, and Logitech has become even better in the eyes of customers. Whenever possible, I try to cite Apple as an example. They have incredible technical support and the best customer service is organized. There are already legends on the Internet about the specialists of this company, because they will not always find answers to everything, absolutely all of the client's questions. Yes, even if their voice is not the same as that of young girls, they do not speak corny, but they will always help, solve any problem. What else does the client need? The main attention, and that he does not care about anything.

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All employees are part of a whole

Before trying to earn customer loyalty, you must create a friendly microclimate within your company. Each of its employees, who in one way or another will encounter clients, must understand that a lot depends on him. Almost the fate of the entire business depends on his actions, his decisions, his attitude, his words addressed to the client. It is when each member of the team understands that he is an important figure, that his superiors appreciate him, take into account his thoughts, then he will begin to treat visitors differently. Believe me, when a person works with joy, with a soul, with desire, this is visible on his face, felt in his actions and deeds. Of course, you will always want to return to where you are welcome, where you are served with incredible trepidation and attention. The cafe I was in surprised me with another aspect. When I asked the waiter about this or that dish, he talked about it with such enthusiasm, as if a minute ago he was enjoying its taste. In part, I was right. As I later found out, the waiters of this cafe are traveling the same way as the visitors. Therefore, they can tell which dish is better and tastier without falsity, with real emotions.

Have a sense of humor

Humor is an integral part of working with clients. Of course, you or your employees should not throw jokes on the left and on the right, but the ability to successfully and cheerfully maintain a conversation, joke on the topic, defuse the atmosphere with an innocently spoken phrase is worth a lot. Speaking of humor, I always remember those support of several large Internet companies: the social network VKontakte, where technical support workers are already accustomed to strange questions and, not without a share of humor, answer them, Yandex, with its "platons", who, if they are humorous to apply, they will also gladly answer your requests, and the support of the PokerStars website. It's a funny story with PokerStars. Once a letter came from a user in which he asked when Judea was celebrating the new year. Of course, the administration could have ignored the issue, but not this time. After collecting information on the Internet, they further an exhaustive answer, which amused the questioner, and the entire Internet community.

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Incredibly simple advice, but many people ignore it. Scientists from various fields have proven that a smile is a universal means of communication. People trust more those who smile at them. But the main thing is that the smile should be sincere, not feigned, not squeezed out of itself. Believe me, even the most gloomy person, if he smiles sweetly, will become a little kinder. Smile even when you are on the phone. It is incredible, but it has already been officially proven that a smile can be heard, because the voice of a smiling person changes, and we subconsciously understand that at the moment the person is good, he is smiling, kind, and ready to cooperate.

How can a retailer get any customer to buy anything? There are several tricks, tricks, tricks that work flawlessly and one hundred percent for every consumer. In our material, we will tell you in detail about 11 of them.

How to get a customer to buy more

Each of us has faced such a situation more than once: getting on sales or in retail stores where promotions for the sale of certain goods take place, we seem to cease to control ourselves and buy everything in a row until the money in the wallet completely runs out.

At such moments it seems that we are controlled by an unknown force that makes us buy, in fact, unnecessary goods, succumbing to some kind of influence from the outside. It turns out that such sensations arise for a reason: a person succumbs to a cunning psychological influence, the result of which is hundreds of purchases.

Today retailers are actively using some tricks and tricks to get their customers to buy more. Every salesperson can use them in his work, and you don't have to be an experienced psychologist or magician.

How to get the buyer to make a purchase decision. Video

Types of marketing gimmicks for the client

1. "Free" gift

The vast majority of people subconsciously respond positively to such ads and inscriptions as "The second thing as a gift", "Free delivery", "Find cheaper, and we will refund you", etc.

But every retailer knows that any "free" gift is already "included" in the price of the goods that the buyer will buy for money.

This "trick" has been working for many decades in all countries of the world, and not only in retail sales, but also in catering establishments, in telephone sales and many other areas.

It is the imaginary "free" that attracts the attention of a huge number of people who, to begin with, simply go to the store to "see" what kind of "free" unprecedented action is taking place there, and there experienced retailers will do everything so that the client does not leave without a purchase.

Word of mouth also works great here. Learning about a “tasty” promotion in your store, the buyer will bring his friends and acquaintances there so that they can all together buy more things and get even more “free” goods as a gift.

Advice:Periodically arrange “free” promotions in the store, for example, “50% discount on a second pair of shoes” or “second thing at half price and an accessory as a gift”, while slightly increasing prices for the most popular goods and giving “as a gift” out-of-season things or products that still cannot be sold in the near future.

Thus, the goods will go "into circulation" and bring some kind of profit. But when organizing such promotions, consider all the risks and benefits - it often happens that with an illiterate approach, retailers "go" into the red instead of getting an increase in sales.

Create a detailed customer base using the Business.Ru CRM system. Conduct a detailed analysis of your target audience, identify its exact needs, forecast demand and thereby increase sales.

2. In the fight for red price tags

As you know, prices or price tags highlighted in red in retail stores affect customers better than the red banner of a bullfighter on an angry bull - here the long-established association of red on price tags with price reductions "triggers" in the minds of consumers.

It is in red that retailers around the world try to highlight the size of the discounts, it is the red price tags that urge sellers to look for in stores, promising discounts to their customers.

The retailer can use such an association to their advantage.

Advice: Not always, a red price tag in your store can "promise" a stunning discount for a customer - it can be small or quite insignificant, or the price can remain generally the same, but the fact that the vast majority of consumers will subconsciously take goods with red price tags from the shelves is doubtful not necessary.

Therefore, it would be good advice sometimes to use such a move in your work and deliberately minimize prices for expensive goods, "hang" red price tags on them and wait until buyers buy everything in the confidence that they are making a profitable purchase.

3. We hide the most popular goods

Perhaps the most famous and popular, and therefore an effective technique in order to "motivate" store visitors to buy more, is the location of the most popular goods at the very end of the store.

Showcases with dairy products, bread, sausages in shops and supermarkets are always located in the farthest corner. The same rule applies to the most expensive and popular goods among the population.

Even on the product racks themselves, more expensive goods will flicker before our eyes, and their cheap counterparts will be lost on the lower shelves in the very depths.

This is due to the fact that a wise retailer will try to make the store visitor go as long as possible for the necessary essential goods and buy a whole basket of "related" goods along the way.

Advice:Place the most popular and therefore inexpensive goods in the store on the stands and display windows farthest from the entrance, but at the same time, place the most expensive and less popular items in the most conspicuous place - in the display window, at the entrance and in places that will be visible even to those passing by ...

4. We sell goods in batches

A fairly common practice today for selling more goods is selling goods in batches, for example, under the action "ten packs for 300 rubles."

At the same time, the discount, as a rule, seems insignificant, but this "trick" again affects such a simple human trait as the desire to save, even minimal.

Advice: Try to sell more and more promotional goods in the store, because it is to them that every customer subconsciously pays attention in the first place, and often does not think about why he needs 15 packs of paper towels with a purchase profit of ten rubles.

It is on this desire to buy at a discount and profit that an experienced retailer can play. Both the most popular goods and goods with an expiration date expiring in the near future, and illiquid goods can be sold in "lots" - such goods "leave" under the "Ten for ten" promotion very quickly.

5. Promotion "one product in one hand"

Many retailers use this simple marketing ploy to grab the attention of customers - this is the so-called "shopper restrictions".

It is when the consumer is directly told that "this product is issued no more than two pieces in one hand", he begins to perceive it as special, unique and in demand.

This means that the consumer will strive to purchase this product more and more, as he will be confident that "since there is a high demand for it, it means that it will end in the near future, which means that you need to take more at once".

Advice: Do not be afraid to give a special feature to certain types of goods and place similar ads next to them. This artificially limited demand is sure to motivate customers to buy more.

6. Rule of nine

Each of us, having a quick glance noticing in the store the price tag with the value: "19.99 rubles" will round the figure to 19, and not to 20 rubles - as it would be mathematically correct.

This "deceiving" effect of the human brain is called the "left signs effect": a person subconsciously rounds a number down even before he fully realizes its true meaning.

And despite the fact that in school we were taught to round numbers upwards from five to the decimal point, our brains automatically round numbers down. It is on this subconscious effect that a retailer can competently "play".

Advice: When creating and printing price tags, use numbers ending in 9, 95 or 99 - the so-called "charm prices". They will visually reduce the cost of goods for buyers and become more attractive to them.

7. We use color, light, aromas

It has long been proven that color, light, and aromas directly affect consumer buying activity.

We are talking about the release of the hormone of joy, which affects the purchasing activity, thanks to this hormone, a person is in a pleasant anticipation of shopping, subconsciously wants to buy more goods and please himself.

It is very easy to provoke the appearance of such a hormone "dopamine", which causes feelings of pleasure and satisfaction, in a customer in your store.

Advice:Use bright colors, as for grocery stores, it is better to place bright fruits and vegetables closer to the entrance so that a person can see them from afar and feel the pleasure of future shopping.

A good idea would be “scent marketing” or some other “sensory marketing” - that is, influencing the feelings and emotions of buyers in order to increase sales.

8. The law of the right hand and the rule of the "golden triangle"

As you know, the vast majority of people spontaneously move through the trading floor in the counterclockwise direction, that is, they start bypassing the outlet to the right of the entrance. It is this rule that must be taken into account when placing goods on store shelves.

You should also remember about the rule of the “golden triangle”, according to which the most popular goods must be located in the back of the store, at the most distant point - this will be the “top” of the golden triangle, and its two other corners constitute the entrance to the store and the checkout area.

It is on the square of the "golden triangle", that is, on the territory through which every buyer will necessarily pass, that it is necessary to lay out goods that need the fastest sale - a person will go for the most necessary goods through the entire store, which means he will get acquainted with all the products and assortment and go to checkout.

To make a new customer not only make a purchase, but also become a regular customer, follow three steps:

  • give the client a benefit that he will not receive in another company;
  • create a loyalty program;
  • demonstrate an individual approach to the buyer.

Make a new customer permanent

Benefit the customer

If your offer is unprofitable for the buyer, no signs of attention, for example, birthday greetings, will have an effect. What can attract a client? Offer him to accumulate points (miles, rubles, etc.), then exchange them for a gift. Such promotions give a return if they are held not once, but several times in a row with small (maximum per month) breaks. At the same time, each of the actions should be rather long - three or four months.

Can be issued to customers for every 100 rubles. purchase self-adhesive stamps that need to be placed in a special booklet. When the buyer has accumulated 50 stamps, he receives one item as a gift, if 100 - another, but more or more expensive. All prizes that people can receive should be displayed on the sales floor so that they can be viewed, touched and even put in a basket.

Some companies issue discount cards to every new visitor, even if they don't make a purchase. Together with the card, the client receives a product catalog, a brochure with full information about the benefits of regular customers, a surprise gift, a leaflet with information about a special offer that will be valid in the near future and which can be used right now.

Create a loyalty or bonus program

Having managed to attract a wide clientele with favorable conditions, you can even more tightly tie its main core to yourself -. This requires a so-called friendly add-on - it is formed by loyalty programs, bonus and other programs (for example, free shipping or payment by installments).

Loyalty program.To immediately make a pleasant impression on the consumer, you need:

  • provide full information about the conditions of the program, clearly state what the company expects to receive from the client and what it gives him in return;
  • on the first day, give the client something specific as a reward for becoming a participant in the program and disclosing personal information.

For example, on the very first day, credit a new member's card with a welcome bonus. It is not the size of the gift that matters, but the gesture itself; It is also significant that the bonus does not oblige the client to anything: having received a gift, he, in principle, may no longer use the card.

Attention: calculate the risks of the loyalty program.

Loyalty program risks are quite high. Make sure your company can handle potential threats. If there is any doubt that the investment in the loyalty program will pay off, it is better not to start the project.

Example. A wealthy American bought a painting for several million dollars, paying with a card that was tied to the airline's bonus account. For the purchase, he was credited with so many bonus miles that he could fly around the globe for free for the rest of his life. The airline may have tied a customer to itself, but still did not get the result that it hoped for. Examples like these are forcing Western companies to make more cautious offers to customers.

Bonus or other program.To make a customer permanent, offer him to purchase products with interest-free installments. Another option to attract customers is to use trade-in technology. For example, a bookstore may offer customers to return the books they read for 25% of the cost (then put these books up for sale at a discount). Arrange “client days” regularly, when special discounts will be valid for regular customers.

Example of a bonus for wholesale customers

The Alpha company opened in a place that was successful in terms of the flow of customers, but it had to stand out from the competitors (who worked here, door to door). After interviewing customers, company executives identified the main problem of customers - small wholesalers. Entrepreneurs were afraid to take on new products for implementation, as they could not predict whether they would be in demand. And the solution was found: customers were offered to buy new items at a bargain price, promising to take the goods back if they were not sold, and in exchange for the amount paid to issue another, guaranteed running. The offer was announced to each buyer, and a corresponding notice was posted on the doors in large print.

Show a personal touch

To further bond your customers to you, add an element of kinship to your relationship with customers. By following purchases, you can understand what a person is interested in and surprise the client, even if his interests are not directly related to the field of your company. For example, you might give customers a discount on a theater ticket or a store ticket.

Examples of an individual approach to clients

Jack Mitchell, owner of luxury clothing stores and author of Hug Your Customers, calls his approach to shoppers "hugs." His methods will work in any business.

1. Be responsive to customer requests.Once a customer called the store and said that he needed 150 cowboy hats and was willing to pay $ 10-15 for each. There were no hats in the store, but Jack Mitchell found a manufacturer who was willing to give up the hats for $ 4 apiece. As a result, the client received hats, and the store received profit.

2. Know loyal customers by sight.All employees know the customers well. When a customer comes to the store for more than the first time, he is greeted with the words: “Rob! Nice to see you again! How is Ricky doing? Are you satisfied with the Zegna navy suit you bought here last March? By the way, we have just been delivered beautiful suits with gray stripes, there is your size. "

3. Arrange pleasant surprises for clients.Free hot dogs are handed out outside the shops every Saturday summer. For Jewish customers, they order kosher, and for a client with high cholesterol, they bring a hot dog with turkey. Employees collect information about customer preferences in the process of communication and enter it into CRM.

4. Go to the gym in person and communicate with clients.The founder of the business, 98-year-old father of Jack Mitchell, sometimes comes to stores to mingle with customers. Jack Mitchell himself often works in the gym with a centimeter around his neck. Once he ordered to send flowers to one of the clients, whose husband bought several pairs of expensive shoes at once (of course, women's - at the request of his wife).

5. Give personal thanks to every customer who made a major purchase.Every morning, Jack reviews over $ 2,000 in sales from yesterday and writes thank-you notes to customers and employees. For example, the email a customer received: "I hope you enjoyed the Richards store and that Frank Gallagi has provided everything you need."

6. Leave your personal phone number so that clients can contact you.If the customer calls after the store closes, he will hear on the answering machine that by pressing "2" he will be able to contact one of the managers, and by pressing "3" - with another. For example, a customer forgot to pick up fitted clothing, but he needs to urgently go on a business trip. In such situations, the company meets the client halfway.

7. Give the client exactly what he needs.For example, a new collection of clothing from the Missoni brand came to the store. Each item is photographed, and then these photos are sent to the 50 main fans of the brand (information about preferences is in the CRM). The company invites them to see the new collection, thereby not only taking care of them, but also increasing sales.

Find a client, earn his trust, agree on payment, and he will order 1 logo, commercial offer or text about the company and disappear. She won't even say thank you. Or he will say, but something like "everything is cool, thanks!", And then he will leave forever.

Russian Railways, Gazprom and other reputable companies can make beautiful videos. The result is not needed there, you need to master the advertising budget by pinching a piece from it. But small businesses cannot throw money around. Advertising investment should pay off.

The best way to guarantee the end result is to work with the client to the result, to the sales. This is what I do:

  • i help to set a task based on real needs (text is not needed, orders, clients, money are needed);
  • i collect, create advertising material, working out an advertising idea, forming a USP and telling how to use it all;
  • i control the designer and layout designer so that everything is as I intended;
  • i prepare banners for online advertising or set up advertising in YAN and AdWords on a turnkey basis;
  • i look at customer behavior, measure conversion and adjust the material to the best result.

The customer sees that the result of working with me is profit, in addition to advertising costs, that the investments are paid off. There are results and they can be measured in a specific amount of money. Who do you think the customer should contact when they need to sell something again?

Hand over the text NOT to the customer, but to the Client. Test ads, because this is the only way you will grow in the profession.

What if you do not advertise, but build houses from a bar? It is useless to accompany the client, but you can come at the end of the warranty period and look at the condition of the house, take photos and take a review from the client "after 3 years".

Result is more important than applause

If the results are in the form of profit, then you are not afraid of competitors. Hens that lay golden eggs are not exchanged for regular layers, even if they are good ones.

Reminders saving contacts

Close communication with customers is the way to reorder. When I start working with a new person, I look closely at him, and if everything suits me, then I go for rapprochement, making maximum touches and leaving reminders about myself.

Reminders are:

  • maximum number of contacts through different communication channels (I write to the mail, in social networks, send SMS, make phone calls, correspond in WhatsApp / Viber, call in Skype);
  • free checklists;
  • adding customer contacts;
  • business cards (in person);
  • letter signatures, headers and footers in word and

This is necessary so that the client has the maximum number of activated ways to contact me. Have your phone stolen? Not a problem, you can pick up the correspondence, open a word document, watch Skype and find the copywriter who.

The full version of the order return form can be found in the article "". By the way, in the form can also be made, it will not be superfluous.

Get closer to a client with whom you easily found a common language.

What else can you do?

You offer dozens of different services, but the client does not know about it. And he will not know! Because I came with a specific task: to make a logo, set up advertising in Yandex.Direct. He will not study your site and look for additional information to understand what else you can help him. There are several reasons.

People are different. One person thinks that a copywriter is a specialist who writes advertising TEXTS, another thinks that texts are for websites, and the third is sure that the copywriter creates advertising slogans! The level of awareness among clients is different, as is the list.

If you do not tell us how you can be useful, the Client will not know about it.

After completing the task, I send the client a selling price list. This is a marketing document in PDF format. It indicates:

  • the services I sell
  • benefits from these services (not longread, but promotion to the TOP, increasing the loyalty of site visitors, demonstrating expertise, sales through customization),
  • material cost,
  • 10% discount and conditions for its receipt.

If the client was comfortable working with you, and he considers the task completed perfectly, then the price list will be in the subject. You will be ordered a few more services, and maybe the price list itself. There have been such things.

Loyal customers: businesses use different ways to retain them and show special treatment. But is the use of such mundane tools as discounts and various privileges enough? Let's look at how a special relationship with service can demonstrate that loyal customers are a special value for the company and that they are also treated special.

To begin with, here are a few examples in which regular customers receive special treatment in the service process.

In the office where I work, there is a small cafe on the ground floor where you can dine, but it also serves breakfast. I am a frequent visitor to a cafe, where I often bump into the administrator, chef and other employees of the cafe. So, the employees always greet me, even just meeting me in the hall.

A small fruit and vegetable shop near the house. There is often one salesperson in the shop who remembers me as I am a frequent visitor. Now he always politely greets me, even if I just walk by, and of course when I return for another purchase. He also remembers what I buy and reports new products and advises me to try something. I notice that other regular customers also receive special treatment.

The hairdresser I go to for a haircut on a regular basis no longer asks what exactly needs to be done. She remembers my preferences and just does her job without any questions.

All these people do not know who I am, why I chose their business or them personally. They only know that I am a regular, paying client. As a sign of gratitude and respect for my loyalty, they show special attention to me as a regular customer.

Regular customers are the greatest value in any business, so they deserve special treatment. A special relationship with loyal customers is one of the most powerful tools in creating an outstanding shopping experience.

  • Distinguishing loyal customers creates a special friendly, welcoming and warm atmosphere;
  • A special attitude towards a regular customer shows respect and emphasized attention from the side of the business, expressed by its employees;
  • Distinguishing loyal customers demonstrates personal recognition and respect (something we rarely get in our day-to-day);
  • When loyal customers receive personal service with special treatment, they receive a luxury service that is traditionally found in expensive places, but in fact can be provided everywhere.

In some businesses, there are tens and hundreds of regular customers, and it's impossible to remember all of them. Modern information technologies come to the rescue, allowing employees to provide personal service to regular customers whom they see (or do not see) for the first time. For example, in a taxi company, of which I am a regular customer, operators determine my name by phone number and immediately address by name. They can also see my frequent travel routes and quickly confirm the route without any questions. In the Nespresso coffee boutique chain, retailers see the customer's name on the screen (all customers have membership cards) and refer to all customers by name. This creates a personalized service that distinguishes this business (as well as many other elements) and in such a business all customers are regular ones, since all ponies receive special service.

When loyal customers are treated with emphatic respect, it creates a special buying experience. For business, attention to regular customers creates in the latter a real, based on personal positive experience (and not on tricks and minor handouts), attachment to business. Business attachment translates into recommendations, which in turn leads to an influx of new customers. These new customers come with ready-made positive expectations. If a business is able to satisfy and surpass them, then it gains a growing population of regular customers. Not a complicated theory, is it? However, how many businesses have made this theory a profitable practice?

To make regular customers feel special about themselves, follow these simple rules:

  • Remember regular customers and customers who visit you often;
  • Do not forget to show them that you know them, remember their habits, wishes, preferences;
  • for each visit;
  • As far as tact allows, try to communicate with your clients on appropriate topics, learning about your clients something that will help you in the future to provide them with special attention and service;
  • Maintain a list of regular customers and store important information about them;
  • If possible, provide regular customers with material courtesies: individual discounts, offers and others that are not burdensome for business, but noticeable to the client.

However, while showing a special attitude towards regular customers, it is important not to forget about customers whom you do not know yet, but who may be around. It is important to develop a certain model of behavior with regular customers, in which they receive due attention, but at the same time “regular” customers do not feel left without your attention and disrespect.

Are you a regular customer somewhere? Are you noticed, remembered and shown a special attitude? Is this pleasant to you? If you have regular customers, do you demonstrate your special attitude towards them?

And the last thing. We, clients, are accustomed to the fact that we are surrounded by impersonal masks that are worn on their faces by those people whom we give the opportunity to earn. Business people are used to seeing the same customer faces. When business people begin to distinguish between customers' faces, remember them and get to know them better, they stop being just masks. And for clients, business employees also become not just “salesmen”, “waiters”, “clerks”. Real people appear behind the labels. Relationships arise based on human understanding and respect. There is a connection between two people. This connection brings values \u200b\u200bto business relationships that are not measurable in monetary gain, but which both parties certainly have for mutual pleasure and joy.