How a woman and a twin conquer a man a fish. Compatibility Gemini (woman) - Pisces (man). What the ideal couple looks like: Pisces woman - Gemini man

The Pisces man, having linked his life with a lady born under the sign of Gemini, condemns himself to a life that is practically on a powder keg. In general, such a very contradictory union does not happen often. The Pisces man and the Gemini woman are two complete opposites. A woman born under the sign of Gemini is guided in her life exclusively by common sense and experience, unlike a Pisces man, who trusts his intuition more.

In addition, the Pisces Man will never fully trust his chosen one, even if he loves her very much. The Gemini woman is a coquette to the roots of her hair. Since childhood, she begins to make eyes at any boy who drew attention to her. In turn, the Pisces man will never tolerate even a slight flirtation directed towards any other man. Flirting for a man born under the sign of Pisces is akin to treason or betrayal. And in principle, probably, few people will like it when his half makes eyes to an outsider of the opposite sex.

The Gemini woman, in addition to coquetry, is also famous for her changeable mood. Even in the morning she walks around the apartment with a smile on her face, and after half an hour she may become depressed for reasons unknown. The Pisces man is very afraid of this duality of character. Together with the changing character of the Gemini woman, her desires also change, which the Pisces man does not have time to follow.

The zodiac sign of Pisces is also a double sign and does not serve as an example of stability, however, in order to piss off a Pisces man, you need to try very hard. The Pisces man, as you know, is a calm, balanced nature. But when a person is constantly trying to control everything and talk about his shortcomings, then anyone can boil and lose his temper. Yes, the Gemini woman is very often a source of quarrels in this union and not only. Gemini is a sign of the air element, and Pisces is water. Everyone knows what happens to the sea or the ocean under the influence of a strong wind.

The Gemini woman has a strong character. She is able to achieve a lot in her life. Next to her, she prefers to see a man with either an even more firm character, or softer and more flexible than herself. Which, in fact, is the Pisces man. But only Gemini does not even suspect that this is just the outer shell of Pisces.

The Gemini woman perceives her potential chosen one, Pisces, like plasticine, from which she can mold what she desires. But inside the Pisces man there is a very hard core. And if there is a serious quarrel, then the emotions of Pisces, which have been accumulating inside him for so long, like a tsunami, spill out.

The Pisces man, in a fit of anger, can even smash a plate on the floor and, slamming the door, leave the house. And at this time, the Gemini woman will stand with a bewildered face why her beloved is so turned on. After such a quarrel, the Fish, as if hiding at the bottom of the sea during a strong hurricane, plunges into itself and begins to delve into itself and take the situation apart. And what is most interesting, in the end, the Pisces man will conclude that he is to blame for everything, could not contain his emotions, etc. Buys champagne, flowers. Returns to his girlfriend Gemini and asks for forgiveness.

If we consider the combination of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man in the case when the relationship nevertheless turned out to be close to the ideal, then this will mean that both halves work hard on their shortcomings every day. The Pisces man in this case will be less pessimistic, and will cease to inflate the problem of a universal scale from any trifle. And the Gemini woman will be more responsible and self-confident. And, of course, the Pisces man will charge with his optimism. Nevertheless, in the family union between the Gemini woman and the Pisces man, there is always some reticence. This couple is far from being an example of honesty and frankness.

The most important drawback in the zodiacal combination of a Pisces man and a Gemini woman is that neither partner can become a leader and be responsible for both. These people need a stronger partner who can make important decisions on their own. And the Pisces man and the Gemini woman, in turn, are very flexible and adapt to each other, but in this case this is not a plus, since both are not completely sure of the correctness of the decision. In such situations, the Gemini woman and the Pisces man, seeing the weakness of their partner, do not want to yield to each other and each proves the correctness of his decision. And, in the end, this leads to a complete breakdown in the relationship.

To at least somehow justify a pair of Gemini woman and Pisces man, it is worth noting that they are wonderful parents. The twin treats her child with great attention, perhaps even too much. But, at the same time, it does not consider it right to pamper your children. But the Pisces man in this regard, on the contrary, gives the child everything he wants. Taken together, in this regard, a draw prevails among them.

As for everyday life, the Gemini woman is an excellent hostess. She will delight her beloved Pisces man with the most delicious dishes. The Pisces man can safely invite his colleagues or even his boss to an important dinner, and he will not be ashamed of her.

Drawing a conclusion about all of the above, it should be noted that if the Pisces man and the Gemini woman nevertheless decide to tie themselves in a marriage union, then both of them will have to work a lot on themselves. To begin with, the Gemini woman must instill in her chosen one the confidence that he is her one and only, stop flirting right and left with other men.

It is also very important that the Gemini woman ceases to be at least for a while a child in her soul, and tries to keep her emotions and incomprehensible whims to herself. The Pisces man is obliged, in turn, to show his beloved that she can rely on him even in the most difficult period, and so that she does not have to solve all important issues for two. In this case, the zodiac combination of a Pisces man and a Gemini woman can exist for a very long time.

They both love to have fun. They adore romance, creativity and the feeling of being in love. It seems that they will make a great couple. The Gemini woman is distinguished by great contact, sociability. The Pisces man is often silent and sullen: his introversion, his tendency to "withdraw into himself" is reflected. The Gemini woman passionately wants to stir up this silent man, and this is where it all begins. Perhaps his detachment is just a trick with the help of which he lures active sociable persons so that they take on all the work on the part of relationships. The Gemini woman can even make a tree talk, so she has no problems with the Pisces man. Thus, they get to know each other, get to know each other even closer, and then even closer - and now they fall in love with each other. The Pisces man falls in love more slowly, the Gemini woman falls in love faster (as a rule). There will be no boredom, control and rules in their love - this is a plus. However, there may be a mess and misunderstandings (due to the absence of these very rules) - this is a minus. But of course they can handle it all.

Sex between a Gemini woman and a Pisces man will be quite interesting. They love everything unusual (especially the Pisces man), so you will not be bored. He will be responsible for the atmosphere, she will be responsible for fascinating conversations. Only now there is no one to answer for the cosiness and physical comfort, but this is not a problem for them. However, the Pisces man needs this comfort more, inconveniences can knock his subtle mood, and then they will have to forget about good sex. If a Gemini woman wants to enjoy contact with a Pisces man, she will have to take a lot into her own hands. Perhaps she will soon get tired of it, but until she is tired, they will have time to make each other happy.

Family and marriage

Their marriage will be easy. They both do not strive to be obliged to someone for something, especially feelings. After all, they are so fleeting. It is not clear what can force them to formalize the relationship when they already feel good: fun and interesting. Living together for them is rather an awkward necessity than a pleasant feature of family life: neither the Gemini woman nor the Pisces man would like to waste their time on solving boring "earthly" issues. Although, if a Gemini woman decides that she should play the role of an ideal hostess, she will fulfill it, however, not for long. The Pisces man will be a gentle husband, however, sometimes rather boring.

It will be easy for them to be friends: friendship does not oblige. And they both try to avoid commitments, so this is perhaps the ideal relationship format for a Gemini woman and a Pisces man. Together they will talk, have fun, support each other, but not financially, since both of them need a stronger, earthly partner who will be able to give practical advice or help.

Work and business

The joint activity of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man can be very productive if they are engaged in something creative. He is more inclined towards artistic perception of reality, she loves communication with different people - together they will be able to promote any project, find patrons for him, and receive public recognition. Also, a Gemini woman could be an agent of a Pisces man if he was an artist.

The relationship between Gemini and Pisces is full of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Pisces is a symbol of intuition and fantasy, and Gemini is a symbol of reason and erudition. It is difficult for them to find common ground. If for some reason they agreed, the union promises to be original and bright.

Gemini-Pisces compatibility: how to seduce a Pisces man?

The Gemini woman does not have many means to charm Pisces. Most often, these couples are formed due to some kind of mutual benefit, joint plans for the future, by agreement of parents (where this tradition has been preserved). If Gemini met Pisces and set a goal to conquer them, then a cheerful, optimistic character will help them. The Pisces man is constantly pressed by society, he feels like a failure. Gemini is easy on the fact that Pisces does not go further than dreams. They do not make a tragedy out of the fact that Pisces once again failed something. Pisces next to Gemini ceases to feel guilty for not participating in the race for social status. They feel that they are interested in themselves, and not in their achievements. In addition, the Gemini woman has her appearance. Pisces are partial to beauty. The stars endowed Gemini with attractiveness and charm. If, with such a wonderful potential, Gemini, before meeting with Pisces, also takes care of presenting their merits as best as possible, Pisces will not resist.

What does the ideal couple look like: Gemini woman - Pisces man?

In this pair, both learned to endure each other's incompatible nature and resolve conflicts in a civilized manner. Gemini are not outraged by the dreaminess and passivity of Pisces, they have become more resolute and more responsible. The Gemini woman will gladly rely on a strong man, she is not a leader, but paired with Pisces, she learned to take leadership. At the same time, caution woke up in her and she does not go into any new business without looking back, but realizes that it may turn out to be dangerous or unpleasant, and she has no one to expect help. Therefore, Gemini fully developed their Mercurian traits - quick wits, analytical skills and common sense. In the Gemini-Pisces pair, the woman grows and gets better. Pisces are much more likely to be found in a good mood than in a bad one. They learn not to make tragedy from scratch and take their failures lightly. Gemini support them and add optimism to them. Both Gemini and Pisces are masters of speaking words of love. They do not forget about flirting, tender confessions, write romantic letters to each other. This warms up their feelings for each other, even when they have been together for many years.

What are the difficulties in union between a Gemini woman and a Pisces man?

The biggest problem of Gemini and Pisces is not at all the dissimilarity of characters and habits. Many people are not alike, but they create happy and harmonious couples. Difficulties in the partnership of Gemini and Pisces appear due to the fact that both people are flexible, driven and they need a stronger and more decisive partner. Neither Gemini nor Pisces are ready to become a leader in a pair. Both know how to adapt to another person, abandon their plans under the pressure of circumstances, are flexible and absorb everything new. They lack consistency of character. Each of them defends their opinion, but they do it because they are afraid to give in. They give in sincerely, give up their opinion and adopt the opinion of their partner. They are afraid of yielding to a person as flexible as they are, feeling that the partner will not be able to bear responsibility for the choice made. Therefore, each of them tries to seem tougher than it really is. And in relationships, this causes quarrels due to intransigence, hysteria, hidden anger and revenge on the sly.

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Gemini needs to learn to take responsibility. It is easier for Pisces to go into dreams if the world does not suit them, and Gemini will suffer more from unreasonable actions. The Gemini woman does not have a strong character, she does not go forward, no matter what happens, but changes behavior and goals themselves, depending on how the situation around her has changed. But she has such wonderful traits as rationality and common sense. They help her anticipate most problems and get out of a difficult situation. The Gemini woman herself is not afraid of anything, the new makes her happy. But if she thinks not only about herself, but also about Pisces, her behavior will become more careful and wiser. First, both she and Pisces will benefit from this. Secondly, it will add to her self-confidence and make her character stronger. She will behave more calmly in quarrels with Pisces, and Pisces will not want to argue with her, he will trust her with the choice.

Compatibility of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man at work

Together, they only succeed in one thing: to take time off from work. Pisces go to their inner world, Gemini to the outer one, and the work remains where it was. The business activity of both needs a person who will guide it, a leader.

Compatibility of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man - colleagues or partners

They will be a good creative union. Pisces are endowed with a rich imagination, Gemini are talented in advertising and feel the needs of society. She will promote the creativity of Pisces or create with him. In other areas, they will not work or will work to the detriment of work.

When a Gemini woman is a boss and a Pisces man is a subordinate

Gemini is a bad boss for Pisces, they lack firmness and orderliness. They work well with those disciplined subordinates, and Pisces, alas, is not one of them.

When a Gemini woman is a subordinate and a Pisces man is a boss

It is difficult for Gemini with Pisces, they do not understand them, the orders of Pisces are vague for them. In addition, intrigues flourish in a team led by Pisces, and the Gemini woman will not intrigue.

Compatibility of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man in friendship

They can be surprisingly good friends. Both are divorced from the material world and love abstract constructions. They dream and think well together, they put forward different theories and discuss abstract topics. Pisces loves Gemini's optimism and her friendly concern. At the same time, Gemini does not cross the border in concern, does not put pressure on Pisces, does not advise how to live. Gemini loves the flight of Pisces' fantasy. Together they are patrons of intellectual events. Pisces are not couch potatoes, from time to time they need to get out "into the light" for new experiences. Gemini knows best where and when something interesting will take place. But their "halves" can not be afraid of anything: these signs have a weak attraction to each other, and they will not cheat on their loved ones.

According to the compatibility of the Gemini woman and the Pisces man, the dreamy philosopher Pisces man and the expansive Gemini woman are so different that it seems that nature created them with the intention that their paths never intersect. Usually they do not intersect, but there are exceptions to any rule.

The relationship between Gemini and Pisces is full of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Pisces is a symbol of intuition and fantasy,. It is difficult for them to find common ground. If, for some reason, they nevertheless agree, the union promises to be original and bright.

Compatibility Gemini woman - Pisces man - PROS

In an ideal couple, both the Pisces man and the Gemini woman had to work a lot on themselves in order to understand and accept their marriage partner. They both learned to endure each other's incompatible nature and resolve conflicts in a civilized manner. Thanks to the Gemini woman, the Pisces man learns not to make a tragedy from scratch, and more and more often he is in a good mood, his pessimism goes aside. In this pair, Pisces receives optimism from Gemini, and the Gemini woman develops her Mercurian qualities - quick wit, analytical skills and common sense. In a pair of Gemini-Pisces compatibility, a woman grows, becomes more decisive and more responsible, but she has to take on the role of a leader in the family. In principle, for a strong man, but paired with Pisces, she learns to take leadership over herself. She wakes up caution and the ability to feel where one should not climb without looking back.

In an ideal relationship, the Gemini woman does not resent the dreaminess and passivity of Pisces, but accepts such small weaknesses. Both Gemini and Pisces are masters of speaking words of love. Relationships are fueled by romantic letters, candlelight dinners, flirting, etc.

Compatibility Gemini woman - Pisces man - CONS

In life together, neither the Pisces man nor the Gemini woman are usually tuned in to the frankness and transparency of the relationship. Lack of agreement, reticence, secrets from each other and sometimes even deception - both of them, as a rule, consider all this to be quite justified in the family, and therefore their union is rarely lasting. However, it also happens that Gemini and Pisces deliberately turn a blind eye to the secrets of their partner, thereby prolonging their mysterious marriage.

Also, the temperament of each of them is tuned in its own way, to its own waves. Ooh, Gemini has frivolity and frivolity. A rich imagination and a vivid vivid imagination, as well as excessive sensitivity and impressionability, a quick reaction of feelings in Pisces often cause a storm in a "glass of water" in Gemini. Pisces need peace and comfort, pleasure and enjoyment, a reliable and confident life, harmony in their own home. Pisces, with its warmth, is alien to the cool atmosphere of Gemini intelligence.

But, the biggest problem in the compatibility of the Gemini-Pisces zodiac signs is not at all in the dissimilarity of characters and habits. Many people are not alike, but they create happy and harmonious couples. Difficulties in this partnership arise due to the fact that they are both flexible, driven people, and they need a stronger and more decisive partner. Neither Gemini nor Pisces are ready to become the head of the family and make responsible decisions. Both lack consistency of character. They know how to adapt to another person, abandon their plans under the pressure of circumstances, are flexible and absorb everything new. They give in sincerely, give up their opinion and adopt the opinion of their partner. But, in this pair, they are afraid to give in to each other, as they understand and feel that their equally flexible partner cannot be responsible for the choice made. Therefore, each of them tries to seem tougher than it really is. And in relationships, this causes quarrels due to intransigence, hysteria, hidden anger and revenge on the sly.

Horoscope Gemini-Pisces - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the Gemini-Pisces horoscopes, the Gemini woman suffers more from unreasonable actions, since Pisces, if something does not suit them, go into dreams. The Gemini woman does not have a strong character, she does not go forward, no matter what happens, but changes behavior and goals themselves, depending on how the situation around her has changed. But she has such wonderful traits as rationality and common sense. They help her anticipate most problems and get out of a difficult situation.

In order for the family to have harmony, the Gemini woman needs to learn to think not only about herself, but also about her Pisces man. Then her behavior will become more careful and reasonable, she will learn to take responsibility. Only both will benefit from this. This behavior will give her self-confidence and make her character harder, and Pisces will trust her more and will not argue and defend her opinion, seeing that the Gemini woman will cope with it better.

How a Gemini woman can conquer a Pisces man

Most often, a pair of Gemini girl and Pisces guy converge for some mutual benefit, joint plans for the future, and where traditions have been preserved, by conspiracy of parents.

If the Gemini woman decided to conquer the Pisces man, then in this matter the most faithful assistant will be her cheerful optimistic character and an easy attitude to the fact that Pisces' dreams most often remain dreams. The Pisces man is constantly pressed by society, he feels like a failure. It is necessary to show an interest in themselves, and not in their achievements. Then, the Pisces man, next to the Gemini woman, will not feel guilty for not participating in the race for social status.

Besides, . Take advantage of your natural beauty and charm, and before meeting with Pisces, they will take care to present their merits as best as possible. The fish will not resist.

Compatibility of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man in friendship

A Gemini woman and a Pisces man can be very good friends. Both of them are not very interested in the material world and both of them love abstractness. They dream and think well together, they put forward different theories and discuss abstract topics. The Gemini woman, in a friendly way, takes care of the Pisces man, who, of course, likes it. Moreover, the Gemini woman feels the boundaries of what is permissible and will never teach Pisces how to live. Pisces loves Gemini's optimism, and Gemini loves the flight of Pisces' fantasy.

The Pisces man and the Gemini woman love to attend a variety of intellectual events. Pisces, from time to time, need to get out “into the light” for new impressions. And the Gemini woman knows best where and when something interesting will take place.

The "halves" of these signs need not be afraid of anything: they have a weak attraction to each other, and they will not cheat on their loved ones.

Lydia Lunkova July 26, 2018, 10:05

The stars decided that these two opposite signs should not come together. These are completely different personalities who, it would seem, will not be able to find common ground in life. Gemini is intelligence and erudition, Pisces is emotion and intuition... But opposites attract, and there are always exceptions to any rule. Therefore, if, nevertheless, the life paths of these people ever intersect, then the relationship between them will be bright and interesting.

Compatibility chart of Pisces and Gemini

Pisces Men and Gemini Women Compatibility: Pros and Cons of Relationships

In order for the relationship in a couple, where he is Pisces, and she is Gemini, to go smoothly, they will have to work hard. Their views on everyday issues and communication with each other are completely different, they look at life differently, they think differently. Everyone in this union gives the partner something that he lacks. Pisces take a bit of optimism from Gemini, they think less and less about sad things, they smile more often and rejoice in little things. The Gemini girl acquires the qualities of a responsible person, becomes more decisive, she takes on leadership positions and becomes the "support" of the family. Gemini are usually reckless, they do first and then think. But when paired with Pisces, they become more careful, they learn to first think over their actions. They would be happy to rely on a strong man, but paired with Pisces it is almost impossible. Pisces is the absolute anti-leader.

In order for the union in this pair to develop successfully, Gemini should learn not to criticize the excessive dreaminess and passivity of Pisces.

Their relationship is fueled by beautiful words and courtship, flirting, candlelight dinners. Both of these signs are able to constantly speak words of love to a partner.

There are always mysteries in the combination of Gemini and Pisces. It may be some kind of omission or real secrets and secrets that cannot be told to another. Often it is because of them that this couple breaks up. Although sometimes it happens that partners turn a blind eye to these "little things".

Pisces is emotion and intuition

Gemini are frivolous and frivolous, they are not the type to sit at home on a day off and watch melodramatic films. The same cannot be said for Pisces: this is their ideal day off. Pisces care about home, comfort, partner reliability and confidence in the future. Gemini live for today, and sometimes their desires and actions change more than once a day. They are swift as an arrow. Fish are calm like boas... Everyone lives on their own wave.

Their main problem is not in the difference of characters, but in their flexibility, statement. Both signs need a leader, moreover, they easily adopt someone else's opinion. Yes, in this union Gemini becomes the leader, but this is not their native element. Perhaps they are a little stronger than Pisces, but they cannot become full-fledged "commanders".

Are they compatible in love?

Although the reviews of astrologers are negative in relation to the union of Gemini and Pisces, nevertheless, each person is individual, and not everything in his life depends only on the sign of the zodiac. If, after a month of relations, this couple has not scattered, they have a favorable prognosis: the first stage has been passed successfully! But it is too early for them to clap their hands: it was just a warm-up. Sometimes Pisces even think about the monastery., before they are "pissed off" by an overly active, cheerful and reckless darling under the sign of Gemini. Of course, these thoughts remain only in the head.

If, after a month, Pisces and Gemini have not scattered, they have a favorable prognosis

Gemini, on the contrary, like her chosen one more and more every day. He is interesting in communication, even if sometimes he is grumpy and gloomy, but at night he is a completely different person, he transforms and becomes a real romantic.

They often quarrel, and even neighbors hear their many scandals. Sometimes they try to find out everything quietly and peacefully, but it does not always work out. Pisces throw things, sparkle their eyes and raise their voices. The twins throw tantrums, cry and defiantly pack their bags and slam the door.

But not all is lost, these people definitely have a chance! You just need to work on yourself and relationships.

Pisces guy and Gemini girl in sex

This couple will never be bored in bed. They are both inventive, experimenting. But Gemini is scared off by Pisces' overly sensual behavior in sex... They are emotional, they care about feelings before, during and after the process. They love romantic evenings, beautiful lingerie, candles, petals. For twins, physical pleasure is more important. It is for this reason that the couple often disagree..

Do they suit each other in marriage?

Pisces are not one of those people who change their lives with ease. Therefore, over time, they get used to the antics of their Gemini wives. The success of the marriage is entirely up to them, whether they will work on their character and relationships as a couple. Husbands-Pisces for Gemini is the personification of stability. They often have stable, albeit not always high-paying jobs, Gemini also contribute, so they do not live in poverty.

Is there friendship if he is Pisces and she is Gemini

These people can make great friends. Moreover, the second halves need not worry at all, since there is practically no sexual attraction between Gemini and Pisces. These two enjoy spending time in each other's company. The Gemini girl takes care of Pisces, admires their fantasy world. And Pisces is attracted to Gemini by their optimistic, cheerful nature. They are literally infected with joy and good mood from them.

A Pisces guy and a Gemini girl can make great friends.

How to conquer a Pisces man?

This couple is unlikely to get to know each other anywhere in a cafe or on the street, in a store. Their meeting is a matter of chance, perhaps they were introduced by parents or friends. But if the Gemini girl still wanted to conquer the Pisces guy, then, first of all, she will have to work hard on her appearance. Pisces are connoisseurs of beauty they will not pay attention to the unkempt girl in sloppy clothes.

Try to arrange a casual meeting, and before that visit a beauty salon, buy new clothes and paint in front of him. But that doesn't mean the Pisces guy is only fooled by the pretty cover. He is a sensitive person, thoughts, feelings, dreams are important to him. And those around him often do not understand his fantasies and desires, realizing that he will not achieve them anyway. Therefore, Gemini needs to understand the inner world of Pisces and never make fun of it.

How to get the attention of a Gemini woman?

This girl changes men like gloves. But not because she is so frivolous, she is just looking for her ideal. And since her requests are unlikely to be satisfied by every man, the choice constantly jumps from one to another.

What does she want? A wonderful lover, spiritual mentor, strong man and friend rolled into one!

To get her attention, you need to get even a little closer to her ideal idea of ​​a strong field. In addition, she loves intellectual conversations, witty statements. You can't get this woman instantly, you will have to do everything methodically: with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces Woman and Gemini Men

The lives of these people run parallel to each other. In principle, they cannot intersect, as astrologers believe. But sometimes an exception happens when the Pisces girl and the Gemini guy meet, get to know each other and even build a relationship. Their worldviews are completely different, but they can end up with a happy union. But for many years, most likely, you will not have to count, since there are many pitfalls.

The worldviews of Pisces and Gemini are completely different, but they can end up with a happy union.

Love relationship

Only at the beginning of a relationship will their union be almost serene and light. Until they know 100% of each other's characters, they will understand how different they are. So what can you do about it? There is only one way out: to negotiate, improve, work on relationships and yourself. If a couple really loves each other, then their romance will eventually turn into something more, for example, a marriage union.

In public, their couple looks differently, depending on the role Gemini plays. Pisces will adapt to any of them. Those can be "eternal students" in a hurry to get rid of their companion as soon as possible and meet friends, and faithful knights, and the tough head of the family. As a result, the Rybka girl understands what kind of game her partner is happy with, and no longer plays with it.

Over time, the girl of the water sign begins to understand that the Gemini are not the heroes of her novel. They speak beautifully, you can often hear the following phrase about them: "it is filled up like a nightingale." This is what captivates Pisces. They want their man to always be near their skirt, but in reality everything turns out differently. The twins often disappear with friends, he does not like to sit at home in front of the TV. His element is Air, he is just as light, airy, soars through life. And that upsets Pisces.

Another problem that can happen in the family life of these people is boredom.

Gemini becomes bored with their soul mate. They consider her a gray, uninteresting mouse. To remedy this situation, Pisces will have to radically change their behavior. But this game is unlikely to last long.

Sexual attraction of a couple

The sexual attraction between the signs of Gemini and Pisces is not strong, but if these people come together, then the bed is a completely compatible place where they realize their fantasies. This is not to say that they are ideal partners and are made for each other, but they feel the desires and needs of each other and are not shy about experimenting.

Pisces and Gemini feel each other's wants and needs.


If we simply characterize the marriage of these people, then this is a couple of a realist and a dreamer... During the candy-bouquet period, their relationship still did not commit to anything and, in principle, could be quite easy, but with marriage, the story completely changes.

In this union, material difficulties may arise, although the Gemini will not bring the matter to poverty at all. But, most likely, only they will work. Even if the girl has an income-generating activity, it is unlikely to play a large role in their family budget. Therefore, the husband will have to disappear at work to provide for them, and the wife will be constantly unhappy with the lack of attention from the partner and his absence from home. If you explain to her why the situation has developed this way, she will take it as a personal insult and withdraw into herself.

A marriage between a Gemini man and a Pisces woman portends a short life

How are Pisces girl and Gemini guy friends?

When comparing these signs, it becomes clear that there will be no friendship between them. The only exception may be blood relationship, then everything is possible.

How to conquer a Gemini man and build a relationship with him?

Gemini is active and purposeful. It's hard to keep up with them. From the outside it seems that they are looking for the same activists as companions: "a drama circle, a circle based on a photo, and I also want to sing." In reality, this is not the case. They choose girls like Pisces as their wives or at least as faithful friends. Therefore, in order for Pisces-girls to win the light heart of Gemini, you only need to show your best qualities: caring, thrift, calmness, laconicism. Gemini needs a reliable rear to which they will happily return after their fun adventures. And who other than Pisces will suit them? They will meet their beloved husband with bread and salt, feed, drink and put them to bed.

Gemini needs a reliable rear to which they will happily return.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Pisces woman?

Pisces value comfort and reliability most of all. Therefore, in companions, they themselves are looking for such a person who can provide them with this. Gemini can try to appear in front of Pisces in the light in which they expect to see the man of their dreams. But even if they eventually manage to get the attention of this girl, over time, after several months of relationship, Pisces will begin to realize that Gemini is actually different, they are not who they originally pretended to be. In theory, such a person will practically not be able to attract Pisces.