What a living room. Inexpensive living room furniture. How to choose? What kind of furniture is needed in the living room

In most cases, the set for furnishing the living room is always the same: a sofa, a TV, a coffee table or a wall. But if the area allows, then a rack with a home library, a mini-bar and even a dining area are added to the standard set.

Living room in a modern style with a standard set of furniture

If in a square room of medium and large sizes the arrangement of furniture in the living room is not a problem, then for non-standard rooms a certain approach and knowledge of design tricks is required.

Options for arranging furniture in the living room

Symmetrical arrangement of upholstered furniture, centered around the fireplace and coffee table, face to face

U-shaped layout of the living room with the center of the room under the seating area and walkways along the edges

Deciding how to arrange the furniture in the living room always starts with a clear plan. It is not necessary to perform it in a special computer program.

Scheme of a beautiful version of the traditional layout of the soft living area - a sofa in front of the TV and two armchairs on the sides

After all, not everyone has the skills to work with such design tools. Although it is impossible not to note the possibilities and advantages of 3D modeling - a more realistic representation of the final result.

The layout of the corner sofa, armchair and ottoman to create a beautiful composition in the room

You can make a sketch on plain paper in a cage. The process notes:

  • height, length and width of the room in the selected scale;
  • location of window, doorways, niches, etc.;
  • location of sockets, radiators.

Diagonal layout of the living room - an option for studio apartments or combined rooms

Dividing the living room into zones with multiple focal points is suitable for large rectangular rooms

There are a number of universal tips on how to arrange furniture in the living room that will help you avoid mistakes.

  1. All items are selected according to the dimensions of the room: for small living rooms - compact, for spacious ones - large.
  2. The larger the room, the more items you can afford. For small rooms, give preference to multifunctionality.
  3. If, in addition to the recreation area, it is supposed to place a dining or sleeping area, then all areas should be as delimited as possible. It is better to place the dining table by the window; the less illuminated part of the room is suitable for sleeping and relaxing.
  4. It is impossible to close and clutter up sources of natural light - window openings. Daylight must be allowed to enter freely.
  5. Discard the massive walls that were common in the last century. Even in a large living room, they look fat and are difficult to combine with other interior items.
  6. The width of the aisles is at least 60 cm.
  7. If the situation involves the presence of not only a sofa, but also armchairs, then the distance between the objects of a soft headset should be such that vacationers can hear each other during a conversation and at the same time maintain a comfortable distance.
  8. The most optimal location of the coffee table from the sofa is at a distance of 40-50 cm.

Where to put the sofa?

The interior of any living room is complete without a sofa. Do not place this item close to the window. It is also not recommended to place it with its back to the entrance. It's psychologically uncomfortable.

When choosing an option for arranging furniture, you need to focus on the model of the product, which is selected for the parameters of the room, because. the shape, the layout is much more difficult to change.

Where to put the TV?

The TV in the interior of the living room plays the role of a link around which the rest of the elements are located.

The TV is still one of the main elements of the living room. Its location should be as comfortable as possible, namely:

  • be at the level of the eyes of the seated person, i.e. height from the floor is about 1.1-1.3 meters;
  • be at a distance of at least 1.8 meters, but not more than 3 meters from the person sitting.

Install the TV in accordance with regulatory data that ensure its comfortable use.

An unsuccessful solution is the location of the TV by the window. The sun's rays will interfere with viewing. It is better to choose a darkened part of the hall.

A cabinet, a modern wall, a special table can be used as a stand. In a small living room, the hanging option will save square meters.

Placement options

When planning the interior, one of 3 options for arranging furniture is followed.

Any element of the situation is taken for the center of the room. It can be a TV, a fireplace, a wall-stand for a home theater, etc. Pieces of furniture are placed at the same distance from the chosen starting point.

This method is most common and successful in classic interiors. It is desirable that everything is designed in the same style, and symmetrically arranged elements have the same size and color.

The arrangement is acceptable for rooms of regular shape (square or rectangular without much difference in width and length).

The method of symmetrical arrangement of furniture in the living room is the most commonly used placement option.

In modern styles, this option is the most common. In a non-standard living room, it helps to hide flaws, highlight a certain part, visually make the room more spacious. There are no clear rules and requirements on how to arrange furniture in the hall in this case. The furnishings themselves can be of different sizes, eclectic. The main thing is the harmony of the final result.

The asymmetrical arrangement of furniture is good because it is suitable for placement in a small or spacious living room, regardless of its shape.

The circular arrangement implies the choice, as in the first option, of the center (usually a coffee table or a chandelier). In this case, the interior items will be arranged in a circle at the same distance from each other, creating the correct round shape. The previous options for arranging furniture, in contrast, are easier to implement. Circular requires both space and regularity of geometric shapes, because. leaving free corners is in itself a violation of the rules of rational organization of a small space.

The circular arrangement method involves placing furniture around a dedicated central element in a spacious living room

The choice of one or another method of furnishing depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the layout features.

narrow living room

The elongated rectangular profile of the room encourages the creation of zones dividing the total area

The main mistake is the arrangement of furnishings along a long wall. From this, the passage becomes even narrower. The most suitable way to arrange furniture in a narrow-shaped living room is asymmetrical.

Zoning in a long narrow room for a dining area and a seating area and receiving guests

The main principles to be followed are as follows.

  1. Compactness. For example, you can use several small sofa-beds instead of cluttering up the free space with one large one. So the room will look visually more spacious.
  2. Less furniture and more functionality. The storage systems built into the sofa allow you to combine several functions at once and free up a significant part of the area.
  3. Round shapes. Habitual square pieces of furniture "eat up" the area. Rounded tables, sofas without loss of functionality will most successfully fit into the interior.
  4. The use of mirrors. If you put a narrow cabinet with mirrored doors along a long wall, you can achieve visual lengthening.
  5. Consider window placement. If the window is on the long side, then the built-in wardrobe, installed against the adjacent wall, will even out the proportions somewhat.

Design of a long rectangular living room in beige and lilac tones

Arranging furniture in a rectangular living room is an easier task compared to the previous layout option. But still, it is recommended that certain rules be observed to create a harmonious environment.

One of the most successful ideas in this situation is clear zoning. With the help of a certain arrangement, you can divide the room into two functional areas: for example, a dining area and a relaxation area. Visual division into two small squares compensates for the disproportion. Using this technique, you create two central points at the same time with a circular arrangement.

Unlike a too narrow living room, in a rectangular room it is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to place objects perpendicularly. It can be a corner sofa, for example, or an elongated desk.

As with most non-standard rooms, asymmetrical furniture is the most successful solution.

Design solution for a rectangular living room

Custom living rooms

The idea of ​​​​decorating a living room in the shape of a trapezoid

Recently, more and more often in new buildings you can find polygonal rooms, living rooms in the form of a trapezoid. On the one hand, such a layout looks creative and unusual, and on the other hand, it causes difficulties in deciding how to arrange furniture in a hall of such an unusual shape.

The main difficulty with non-standard breading arises when searching for furnishings. You need to be prepared for the fact that some items will have to be made to order.

The design of an irregularly shaped room becomes a process of selecting details and decor elements in order to make the room cozy and comfortable.

In modern styles, it is quite possible to beat such a disadvantage by turning the minus rather into an original feature of the living room. There can be several ideas for a successful arrangement of furniture.

  1. An irregular, beveled corner can be made a central place and the main accent in the room, and furniture can be arranged around it.
  2. If the main elements of the interior are of an unusual design, then this will only emphasize the main idea. Repeating the shape of the room in the forms of furniture will allow you to establish a balance in perception.
  3. With the help of an irregularly shaped cabinet, for example, it is possible to achieve not only an increase in the effect of asymmetry, but also the opposite - smoothing out irregular corners. For example, a custom-made built-in wardrobe will have a trapezoidal space inside, which is not so significant for its functions. But it will be possible to cover the beveled corner and make the room as a whole more comfortable and pleasant for perception. Such an idea cannot be implemented only in the case of a certain location of the window: the source of natural light cannot be blocked.

Video: 3 types of furniture arrangement: symmetrical, asymmetrical and circular

When choosing a wall for the living room, it is important to take into account the factor, what other furniture is already in the apartment, does the new cabinet furniture fit in the living room? What functions should it perform? What color and cost? Consult with household members, taking into account their tastes and preferences in choosing a wall. The living room is a place where the family gathers often and the furniture should be functional, carry an aesthetic task and please everyone. It's nice when the living room is spacious, bright, and the furniture does not clutter up the space.

How to arrange in the living room?

Should the wall have a large number of partitions? Maybe a table by the window with built-in bookcases? In general, different arrangements of furniture are possible throughout the living room, you can put cabinet furniture along the wall. Modular furniture in a contrasting color looks spectacular.

Someone prefers minimalism, in which case it is enough to distribute the shelves and assemble a mirror cabinet, arranging it so that it is not conspicuous, making it built-in, then it will be less noticeable and functional in use. Thus, the living room will become visually more space. Usually such furniture is made of chipboard, this material is easy to use, lower than the price category, among such materials as: pine, birch. Of course, noble materials are more beautiful, but their cost is more expensive.

Solid wood cabinet furniture in the interior of the living room
Modern style living room with cabinet furniture
Living room interior with solid wood furniture
Living room design with cabinet furniture
Cabinet furniture made of MDF in the interior of the living room

From what materials?

An inexpensive modular wall in the living room will significantly save the family budget. Looks no worse than in Italian catalogs.

A large number of Russian manufacturers make them from chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. These materials are used in cabinet furniture products. They can be seen in the construction markets, many private companies put up their furniture samples for sale with boards, materials for construction and repair. How are these materials different?

Solid wood cabinet furniture in the interior of the living room
Modern style living room with cabinet furniture
Living room interior with solid wood furniture
Cabinet furniture made of MDF in the interior of the living room
Living room design with cabinet furniture
  1. Chipboard is a board made of sawdust, shavings, impregnated with formaldehyde resin for the purpose of a binding effect. This is a fairly cheap material, almost all modular furniture in offices is made from this wood, furniture made from these materials is also suitable for the living room. If the store indicates that the wall is made of chipboard, then this indicates that its cost is low.
  2. MDF is the same as chipboard, only the particles are smaller and this product is environmentally friendly. There is no resin in its production. Carved doors are created from such materials, which is impossible in the case of chipboard furniture. MDF is much cheaper than oak and lasts much longer.
  3. Fiberboard is wet pressed wood dust, cabinet walls, partitions between shelves are made from these materials, this material is thin, but it is widely used in economy class furniture. In some situations, this material is irreplaceable, it is light, can be processed and looks like wood to everyone. Just like in the materials mentioned above, low price and durability.

Where could I buy?

Most furniture factories have a showroom where everyone can find suitable furniture, ask consultants questions, which will help determine the cost of the future wall in the living room, what color, what materials it will be made of. If the company's furniture is made of the materials mentioned above, you can be sure that it is of high quality, inexpensive compared to its counterparts made of real wood, and will decorate the interior of your living room just as well! Such furniture is modern, any color, comfortable for everyone. The stores offer a variety of models for every wallet. It is worth going to a large shopping center, where you will definitely find the most popular furniture store in the city, the country.

Solid wood cabinet furniture in the interior of the living room
Modern style living room with cabinet furniture
Living room interior with solid wood furniture
Cabinet furniture made of MDF in the interior of the living room
Living room design with cabinet furniture

Modular walls for the living room

The Internet is replete with a variety of furniture stores. Free-standing slides and modular slides are available where you can add an element.

  • If you add additional shelves of the same color as desired or rearrange existing ones, this saves space.
  • Furniture can be placed along the wall, near the window.
  • There are furniture campaigns with their own workshop and sawmills that will make beautiful and inexpensive cabinet furniture to order, of any size and color. The main thing is that the material used in the manufacture is inexpensive.
  • Custom-made modular furniture is made quickly, inexpensively, taking into account the parameters of the living room. This option is suitable for a small and large room, you can divide the zone in the living room with the help of a shelving.

Solid wood cabinet furniture in the interior of the living room
Modern style living room with cabinet furniture
Living room interior with solid wood furniture
Cabinet furniture made of MDF in the interior of the living room
Living room design with cabinet furniture

Choosing inexpensive cabinet furniture, rely on your style and taste. Remember, fashion is fleeting and can change. Stick to your style, do not combine more than four colors at the same time. By following simple rules, you will dramatically furnish your living room and save most of the money.

Video: Modular living room furniture

50 photos of cabinet furniture in the living room interior:

- this is the calling card of the house, not only the whole family gathers here to spend their leisure time or sit in front of the TV, but also holidays, celebrations, feasts with friends and relatives are organized. Before proceeding with the arrangement of the living room, you need to understand what role this room plays in your home. It is important not so much to follow fashion trends as to rely on your needs. Depending on what meaning you put into the concept of "living room", you need to properly plan the interior, buy living room furniture.

Even in the old days, in wealthy houses, this room had a special status, ideal order was maintained here, the furniture amazed the imagination with its solemnity. Luxurious items were put on display to impress the guests of the house. Nowadays, the living room can take on different functions - it is both a place for receiving guests and a room for relaxing the whole family. Therefore, if the area allows, the room is zoned into a dining area and a seating area. In such a living room, in addition to the dining table, a sofa with easy chairs and a coffee table, and a wall or a display cabinet will fit. In small rooms, you can do without a dining table or use transforming tables that are conveniently laid out if necessary.

Our contemporaries in the arrangement of the living room are guided not only by the requirements of beauty and respectability. The age of speed requires a competently and functionally organized space. Therefore, behind the most luxurious facades, the most rational solution for the internal furniture equipment should be hidden. In a word, everything should be convenient and “at hand”.


The light factor is crucial when choosing furniture. It's great if your living room is filled with sunlight. In this case, furniture in dark colors will be appropriate. If natural light is not enough,living room furnitureit is better to choose light, pastel shades or bright expressive colors. Additional lighting will help create a comfortable atmosphere. Moderation is encouraged here, as excessive light will make you and your guests feel uncomfortable and insecure. The lack of light will create an overly intimate atmosphere that is inappropriate for this room.

Color palette

The color scheme of the furniture is of key importance. Living room furniture designed not only for convenience, but it should bring visual comfort, set the room in a positive mood. What color to choose so that the interior of the living room makes an indelible impression and at the same time does not look tasteless and too tiring?

Of course. First of all, you need to be guided by your own taste. We know that what is acceptable to us may not be to others. Therefore, choose a color that brings you joy, a sense of comfort, coziness. If your living room will serve as a place for you to relax after a hard day, choose furniture in pastel colors or in the color of old wood. Furniture in light colors will help the smallest living room look bigger. Sometimes soft calm colors look the most advantageous. Due to bright accents, you can completely change the look of the room. For example, contrasting shades in paintings, pillows, textiles stand out strongly against a neutral palette and set a unique tone for the room. By changing decor items, it is easy to change the mood of the living room, create unusual effects. When calm tones predominate in the design of a room, artistic canvases will help to enliven spaces.

Is it really necessary to complement a calm interior with bright dynamic accents? Not at all! To create a stylish, interesting interior, the furniture and walls of the living room can be designed in the same color scheme. Unusual textures and decorative elements on the facades of furniture will help to achieve interesting effects.

If you plan to spend a lot of time in the living room with friends, have noisy parties, then opt for bright colors. Even the brightest colors will make your living room stylish and irresistible, thanks to the right color combinations.

Material selection

The key to the reliability and attractiveness of your furniture is the materials from which it is made. The modern furniture industry is increasingly using MDF, chipboard in the manufacture of furniture. These materials are a worthy alternative to wood. Retaining the virtues of wood, they are devoid of its shortcomings, have strength, fire resistance, and the ability to hold their shape. Chipboard, laminated chipboard - the undisputed leader in the manufacture of furniture. Currently, there are strict requirements for the production of this material. They try to make it as safe as possible. Laminated chipboard material with E1 emission level is not hazardous to human health and the environment. MDF is the most durable and environmentally friendly material. Its uniform structure allows flexible, interesting shapes to be created. Natural wood furniture is quite expensive, so solid wood is rarely used in furniture production. The wood is often used to make veneer for finishing.

How to arrange living room furniture

Before buying, it is very important to decide how the furniture in the living room will be located. You can create several functional areas in the room, or prefer a single space. Often the living room serves not only as a place to relax, but also as a dining room, a library, and is often combined with a kitchen. In any case, remember that living room furniture should help create comfort and not be an obstacle to movement around the room. In a multifunctional living room, as a rule, they have smaller furniture than in a traditional living room.

If your living room is small, then you should be guided by separate rules. Start landscaping the room with the main subject - the sofa. Give preference to light colors of furniture. Do not choose bulky furniture. The best option is furniture that gives the impression of lightness and mobility. In a living room with low ceilings, buy low furniture. For example, a bulky sofa can be completely replaced with a small ottoman, chairs with low poufs, instead of a huge wall, give preference to a stylish chest of drawers. Do not forget that in a spacious living room, small pieces of furniture, on the contrary, will be lost.
For a more detailed planning of the environment of the room, you can draw up a plan on a reduced scale. The same can be done with the help of special computer programs or with the help of a designer. Often such services are offered by furniture store specialists.

Walls for the living room

Walls - the most popular and sought-after option living room furniture. In our country, they appeared in the era of the 70s and since then have been at the peak of popularity. Their main advantage is functionality, the possibility of compact storage, capacity. As a rule, the wall consists of several modules of various configurations, standing close to each other. Many manufacturers offer different configurations of walls from ready-made modules. The buyer can only choose their number and configuration, depending on the needs and size of the room. Modules can have different purposes: showcases for dishes, sections - bookcases, wardrobes, mezzanines, chests of drawers, TV sections, open shelves, corner modules. From modules of different heights and depths, you can make original compositions. In modern walls, you can often find, for example, low chests of drawers in combination with tall cabinets.

Advice. To choose the best option for completing the wall, it is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the room in which it will be located.


Showcases for dishes serve primarily to decorate the living room. They do not just store here, but exhibit luxury items, expensive dishes, souvenirs for show, for everyone to see. In a word, a showcase is an attribute of luxury and wealth of the owners of the house. The show-window represents a case with the most transparent glazed facades. Usually the back wall of the showcase is mirrored in order to effectively multiply the wealth placed. The abundance of glass elements, the play of reflected light, help to visually expand the space, enliven it. Modern showcases are often equipped with additional lighting, which favorably emphasizes the beauty of the displayed dishes and favorite things.

Advice. When choosing a backlight, give preference to LED and halogen lamps, which do not heat up and do not consume a lot of energy. Please note that there must be a socket or electrical wiring outlet near the showcase.


A sideboard is one of the pieces of furniture for the dining room. It stores dishes and table textiles, tablecloths, napkins, towels. As a rule, sideboards have an open area that can be used as a work or serving surface. The height of the sideboard is insignificant - a person of average height can reach the upper shelves. Usually, sideboards have additional compartments with blind doors for storing dishes and even food, drawers for cutlery. The sideboard is again becoming a fashionable and popular piece of furniture. Today, a sideboard is not at all a relic of the past. Designers offer a huge variety of different solutions, both in classic and modern style. It will decorate any home, diversify the atmosphere, create an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.

Advice. When choosing a sideboard, do not forget that it should be in harmony in style with the rest of the furniture.

Seating set

A headset is a set living room furniture, which may include a table with chairs, and cabinets, and showcases, and a sofa with chairs. A set of furniture gives us the opportunity to change the decor of the room. Manufacturers and sellers of furniture, as a rule, leave the choice of the necessary furniture elements to the buyer. Those. You can not buy extra furniture, but choose only what you need.

Advice. When choosing cabinet furniture, pay attention to fittings and accessories. High-quality fittings guarantee smooth and silent operation of drawers, hinged doors, ensure the safety and durability of furniture.

Cushioned furniture

Armchairs and sofas are usually located in the recreation area, the most comfortable and cozy part of the living room. Upholstered furniture should not clutter up the room, impede movement, block the passage to the window. An excellent solution for decorating a living room would be to purchase a modular sofa, which can be easily transformed depending on the situation and turns into separate armchairs, pouffes and even cabinets. It's great if upholstered furniture is sold with covers. You immediately ease the problem of caring for furniture. If possible, purchase an additional set of covers, which you can change while cleaning the second set or according to your mood.

Advice. When buying upholstered furniture, pay attention to the joints of the parts - there should not be rough seams or fasteners. Look at the product from all sides - everything should be done neatly from behind. The service life of the furniture depends on how well the work is done. The line on the upholstery should be even and beautiful. The more complex the seam, the more expensive and more reliable the furniture. Give preference to products with a double seam.

TV furniture

Today, the furniture industry offers a huge selection of equipment furniture. TV stands, all kinds of brackets, racks and even walls or ensembles consisting of different modules for equipment were added to the usual TV cabinets.

Advice. Remember that furniture for equipment should not violate the basic style of the room. The size and shape of the furniture must match the dimensions of the equipment. Keep in mind that in addition to the TV, you will need to place a VCR or DVD player, speakers, and several remote controls. Great if the furniture is equipped with shelves or compartments for discs, cassettes. Nowadays, on sale you can find whole furniture compositions for compact storage of equipment and everything that comes with it.

And a few more tips for those who decide to buy living room furniture

Pay attention to the quality of surface treatment, especially on the ends. Here, as a rule, weak points of products and manufacturers often make mistakes.
Do not disregard the joints of the parts. If there are large and uneven gaps, or traces of glue are visible, it is better to refuse to purchase furniture.
Pay attention to the strength and reliability of fastening parts. Quality furniture is always a well-made handiwork of a skilled craftsman.
Be sure to inspect the furniture from all sides, as they say, look behind it. High-quality and expensive furniture is simply obliged to be filigree made both outside and inside. No protruding nails, traces of glue, sloppy sheets of hardboard.
Check the quality, reliability and convenience of fittings. Expensive fittings and components greatly extend the service life of products.
Be sure to check how the doors open, drawers roll out. It's great if the doors open smoothly and silently, the drawers move quietly and smoothly, and they are equipped with a stopper that prevents the drawer from falling on your feet. Furniture closers make furniture even more comfortable.

Where to buy cheap living room furniture

Everyone knows that home improvement takes a lot of time and effort. Is it worth spending time on Endless Shopping? Online shopping makes your life much easier. You can familiarize yourself with the range of furniture presented on the site and choose the models you like, contact the store manager and place an order without leaving your home. In addition, online stores often arrange promotions, make profitable offers. You will always be pleased to receive a bonus in the form of free delivery or installation of furniture.

Of course, only you can decide what your living room will be like. The interior, lighting, decor and color scheme are just small pieces of the mosaic that form the overall picture. The living room should not only impress the guests, but first of all, give a cozy atmosphere and a good mood for you every day.

You can get acquainted with the catalog of furniture for the living room

The living room is the "face" of your home. The owners usually do not impose such strict requirements on any room as on the premises for receiving guests. In the living room, everything should be beautiful, functional and represent the standard of a room with exquisite interior decoration.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pieces of furniture, which have a special role in the interior composition of the living space. How to choose furniture for the living room? We have dedicated this article to the answer to this difficult question. We hope we can resolve it and help you make the right choice.

General principles for the selection of furniture in the living room, what should be taken into account?

Starting the selection of furniture in the room for receiving guests, it is necessary to adhere to a number of principles formulated by experts. Let's note these principles and briefly analyze.

Corner, classic or modular furniture - pros and cons

When choosing furniture for the living room, you need to take into account that the same items can differ greatly from each other, including depending on the design features. Why is this a matter of principle, why should we take into account these design features?

Corner, classic and modular furniture differ from each other in appearance, functional component and the ability to effectively use the usable space of the room. Let's briefly describe the features of all three structural varieties of such furniture in order to understand in which case which furniture to give preference.

  1. Corner furniture. The main advantages of corner furniture are spaciousness and more efficient use of space that is not normally used. By placing, for example, a corner wall, you save up to several square meters of room along the wall. And the capacity of such a wall is 15-20% more. Draw your own conclusions.
  2. Classic furniture. Although not compact. However, such furniture is very reliable, beautiful and fits perfectly into a classic interior. Classic furniture is specially created for medium and large rooms. She is good and worthy to be passed on to her descendants. It is not recommended to put such furniture in a small living room because of its size and dimensions. With her, the room will seem even smaller, which is completely unacceptable.
  3. Modular furniture. The beauty of modular furniture lies in the fact that its owner can "play constructor" at any time when he wants. Such furniture does not consist of a monolithic body, like classical furniture, but of many functional elements that can be a self-sufficient piece of furniture. If you want, you can periodically rearrange the modular elements, thus optimizing and refreshing the interior without incurring any material costs. Modular furniture can be both bulky and compact. But it should be noted that most manufacturers are trying to make compact models.

Wardrobe, wall or chest of drawers in the living room, what to choose?

Undoubtedly, the wardrobe is quite interesting in appearance, and most importantly, a roomy piece of furniture. However, most of them are located in the bedroom, and not in the living room. Although, of course, everything will depend on the overall interior design.

A closet for a living room should be distinguished, first of all, by a beautiful and refined facade. Although, if your room is decorated in a minimalist style, then such a piece of furniture, on the contrary, should be as less noticeable as possible. The wall for the living room is an even more spacious and large piece of furniture. But again, everything will depend on its design features. There are the following types of walls for the living room:

  • Classic wall. Usually a fairly large piece of furniture, consisting of various elements that perform various functions. The functionality of the wall is determined by the composition and number of its constituent elements.
  • Wall-slide. A variety of walls with an extremely fine appearance. This wall got its name due to the specific arrangement of its elements, from smaller to larger.
  • Mini wall. A compact version of the classic wall, which in theory can be used in a small living room. Although in practice, such furniture is more suitable for a medium-sized room.

The most compact and functional piece of furniture for the living room is a chest of drawers. Their choice must be treated very carefully. After all, not every such item is suitable for the living room. Such furniture is rather intended for the bedroom. Nevertheless, in a small living room, a chest of drawers can become that “magic wand” that will conveniently place things and decorate the interior of the room.

The ending

Summing up, we note that if you are wondering how to choose furniture for a guest room and do not find an adequate answer, try to “start dancing” from the planned interior composition of the room.

It is much easier to make a choice when you have already analyzed all the additional characteristics of your room and decided on all its functional components:

  • size,
  • form,
  • color composition,
  • location,
  • many other factors.

If a superficial analysis still does not give a complete answer to your question, use the help of a specialist or at least the information that they provide. Good luck with your choice!

The living room is the face of the house, it is here that the owners receive their guests. Such a room should be cozy and meet all the requirements for comfort for relaxation. An important factor in a comfortable room is furniture for the living room, properly selected and arranged products will bring not only an attractive appearance, but also practicality.

In order to understand how to choose the right furniture in the living room, you need to learn more about the existing varieties of products. Today, the following options are considered popular:

  • modular systems;
  • cabinet furniture;
  • upholstered furniture.

When choosing, the fact that the furniture for the living room will serve for a long time is taken into account, therefore, the main criterion is quality. Before buying, it is recommended to carefully study the existing types of furniture.


Furniture consisting of several parts that can move within the boundaries of the set is called modular. Such systems are very popular among designers planning a minimalist style interior. Parts of the kit - modules, are a kind of constructor, which is assembled according to the degree of functionality of the products.

Items that are usually included in modular living room furniture sets:

  • corner and conventional cabinets;
  • showcases;
  • mirrors;
  • dressers;
  • cabinets;
  • tables;
  • bookcases.

When choosing modules, the customer is offered a set of items, from which he independently selects those parts that are necessary for the headset. In the interior of the living room, such products look original, while performing their intended functions.

The main feature of modular systems is their mobility. Due to the complete independence of the parts, they can be independently moved and transformed to fit the needs. Fasteners are used for connection, and some options may be freestanding. It is not difficult to choose a modular design - here it is important to know the dimensions of the place for the products to be installed, their height and depth. For the manufacture of systems used chipboard, wood and laminated materials. As an additional raw material in the production of living room furniture is glass, plastic, metal fittings. The most expensive are considered models from a solid array of wood.

The main advantage of such devices is saving space in the room. When choosing modules, the owner already knows how he will use them and where they will be placed, so there will be no problems with the selected cabinet that does not fit in the space.


Such furniture products include models that have a rigid base in the form of panels. As a rule, a variety of cabinets, racks, walls are considered to be cabinet items. Beautiful cabinet-type living room furniture is made from high-quality wood species, often from solid wood.

Modern case models are made collapsible, which is very convenient when transporting products to customers and when moving. To decide what items will be located in the living room, you need to decide on the individual preferences of the owner. Often the following elements are placed in the room:

  • case walls - these multifunctional devices can accommodate several items at once - a wardrobe, a niche for a TV, a showcase for placing decor, shelves for books and a cabinet;
  • sliding wardrobe - a separate storage space can be placed in the living room, which has large dimensions. The photo of the cabinets demonstrates the fact that it is usually made to the full height of the wall, and thanks to the sliding mechanism, the element can be installed in the corner;
  • shelving - books, decor items, lamps and even an audio and video system are placed on such a functional item.

Today, factories for the production of cabinet furniture, as a selection, offer products of various styles. In the catalogs you can find items in classic, gothic, minimalist styles. When choosing living room furniture, the photo of which is presented in the selection, rely on color combinations of products and finishing materials, so you get an original result.


The central part of the room, which attracts the eyes of guests, is a beautiful sofa and armchairs. The key to a good interior will be a sofa, matched to the style of the rest of the existing furnishings. In calm classical styles, the sofa is made plain, and the chairs are purchased to match the color or contrast.

Another option is to put a soft corner instead of a sofa. This move solves two problems at once:

  • no need to buy additional chairs;
  • corners are usually transformed into sleeping places that are useful for accommodating guests.

What furniture to choose for the living room depends on its size. For small rooms, one sofa is enough, for more spacious rooms, a set of armchairs, a sofa and pouffes is suitable. Do not forget that in addition to upholstered furniture, the living room will be filled with cabinet and modular systems. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to preview the photo of the furniture in the living rooms in advance, it is selected according to the individual preferences of the owners.

When choosing a sofa, pay attention to upholstery materials. The fabric must be strong, durable and soft. The colors should be in harmony with the hall, so you should not choose inappropriate combinations.

For a small living room, soft-type furniture is better to choose light colors, and for more spacious rooms, experiment with color. Contrasting colors look original.

Placement rules

In almost every apartment, the living room is furnished the same way. Permanent elements include a sofa, TV and coffee table. Sometimes there are extra beds for guests, a library and storage cabinets. For a small room, the best solution would be built-in furniture for the living room. Such products, unlike case analogs, have only a roof and false panels that fit into building niches and horizontal planes.

To answer the question: how to properly arrange furniture, follow these tips:

  • draw a plan - make sketches schematically on a piece of paper, taking into account the existing dimensions of the room, observing the scale - it will be easier to understand what space you need to equip;
  • set the center of the composition - before choosing furniture for the living room, decide what will be the central point of the room. It can be a sofa, home theater, shelving unit or other item. After that, planning will be easier;
  • use every centimeter wisely. If you place a table near the sofa, leave some space so that you can approach it from any side. It is up to the owner of the apartment to decide what furniture is best for the room: if there are children in the house, you need to purchase small soft child seats;
  • proportionality of dimensions - avoid large living room furniture photos of which can be found in the selection if the room is small. Do not clutter up the space - this area is designed for relaxation and receiving guests.

Incorrectly placed items can be inconvenient in daily use, so think through all the little things: if the sofa can be laid out in a bed, provide additional space for it to open.

What to look for when choosing

Beautifully furnished living rooms testify to the good taste of the owners. Choosing cabinets, shelving and soft objects should be guided by personal preferences, while not forgetting the design of the room. Choose the environment according to the needs of the family. A few tips about choosing subjects:

  • soft sofa is an indispensable component of the rest room. Choosing a cozy sofa for the living room is not difficult: decide on the size, functions, the presence of armrests and sofa cushions. Under a light finish, get a sofa a tone darker. If the finishing materials are made in mixed colors, then the chairs should match the idea;
  • if you follow the classic interiors, a display cabinet for the living room will become a must-have photo of which can be seen in furniture catalogs. Beautiful dishes, board games, family pictures or decor items are placed in such a product;
  • a necessary element is a modular or cabinet wall, where a niche for a TV, shelves for books and racks is placed. Furniture variations can also be seen in the photo; the design of such products must necessarily fit into the overall picture of the room;
  • in the absence of a library or study in the house, the owners can always arrange such a room in the living room. To do this, you only need to correctly arrange the bookshelves, which are made in the entire height of the wall.

Properly selected furniture in the living room will perform its intended functions, and delight all family members with its attractive appearance and practicality.