What are the Armenians in relations with the Russian. Can an Armenian marry a Russian girl? State registration of marriage is carried out

World history is rich in events: civilizations changed, peoples appeared and disappeared from the face of the Earth, states were formed and collapsed. Most modern nationalities were formed by the 1st millennium AD. The article will discuss the history of relations between two ancient ethnic groups: Armenians and Russians.

Relationship history

The first written records of the Armenians who settled in Ancient Russia date back to the 10-11th century. As early as the 9th century, close trade and cultural ties were established with Byzantium, which was ruled by representatives of the Armenian dynasty (867 - 1056).

The earliest community of Armenians was formed in Kiev. In the 9th century, they actively participated in the economic, commercial and cultural life of the city, in addition, the Armenians and Russians jointly defended it from external enemies.

Back in the 9th century, the Slavs served with the Byzantine emperors as warriors-mercenaries, there they adopted Christianity and carried its traditions to their Fatherland.

It is known that the grandson of Grand Duchess Olga, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the baptist of Ancient Russia, was married to Princess Anne, a Byzantine princess.

From Kiev, the Armenians settled in other cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal, Smolensk.

The first written mention of Moscow is found in the annals of the Moscow fire of 1390.

By decree of Tsar Ivan IV, the Armenians were settled in the White City - this is a part of Moscow, where free people of foreign origin were settled, who enjoyed special benefits. In the 16th century in Moscow, at the Ilyinsky Gate, the Armenian merchants' court was located.

After the partition of Armenia between Iran and Turkey, the Armenian people were subjected to severe oppression and religious persecution. People turned to Russia for help, which by that time was a strong state.

Since the 18th century, relations between Armenians and Russians have become strong and friendly. Russian tsars encouraged the activity and enterprise of Armenian merchants.

The diamond throne, which is now kept in the Kremlin Armory, was presented to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich by Armenian merchants. It was made of expensive wood and upholstered in black velvet, silk and satin. Its decoration consists of 897 diamonds and 1298 pearls, amethysts, sapphires, topaz, turquoise, gold and silver.

Peter the First made an attempt to free the Armenians from the oppression of the Persians and Turks. A military alliance was concluded between the Armenians and the Russians. The king promised to help the people immediately after the end of the Northern War. He kept his promise and undertook the famous Caspian campaign, as a result of which Russian troops occupied Rasht, Derbent, Baku and a number of the Caspian regions.

The liberation of Armenia was long and lasted until the beginning of the 19th century (the war for Karabakh and Eastern Armenia). During this time, the friendship between the Russian and Armenian peoples has grown stronger, the wars have shown cultural, spiritual and religious closeness, devotion and loyalty to each other.

450 thousand Armenians fought side by side with the Russians against fascism, of which 275 thousand died, more than 70 thousand Armenian front-line soldiers were awarded medals and orders, 103 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.

Thus, close political, military, economic, cultural and religious ties have been established between Armenia and Russia for a long time. The Armenian diaspora plays a huge role in the development of Russian-Armenian relations.

Diaspora in Russia

According to the "Union of Armenians in Russia", the diaspora in this country exceeds 2.5 million people. More than half of the Armenians live in 3 regions of the Russian Federation: Rostov region, Stavropol, Krasnodar regions.

After the collapse of the USSR, the number of Armenians in Russia increased sharply at the expense of refugees from Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, and Central Asia. About 700 thousand Armenians moved to Russia after the Spitak earthquake and the war with Azerbaijan.

Now Armenians play an important role in the cultural, social and economic life of Russia; they are represented in government, show business, art, science and other spheres of activity. In 2000, the “Union of Armenians of Russia” was established in the country. Its branches are actively working: they build temples, restore abandoned churches, open Sunday schools, organize national holidays, publish newspapers and magazines.

The Armenian-Russian relationship lasts for more than one century, here are some interesting facts about it:

  • One of the government officials who took part in the process of liberalization and abolition of serfdom in the Russian Empire was Loris-Melikov, an Armenian by birth.
  • In the Shamkir region of Azerbaijan there is the Armenian village of Chardakhlu, which gave the USSR 2 marshals (Babajanyan, Baghramyan), six generals, 4 Heroes of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, 1,250 people from the village went to the front, 853 were awarded orders and medals, 452 people died.
  • The first written evidence of the hired units of the Armenian horsemen (Cossacks) date back to the 14th century. According to these archives, the Armenians were part of a mercenary mounted military force that guarded Tana from raids. At present, the council of atamans of the Armenian Cossack detachments operates in Armenia and Russia. They are united in the International Armenian-Cossack Association. In total, there are about 5 thousand Cossacks in Armenia, they are reservists of the troops of the Ministry of Defense of the country.

What do Armenians think about Russians and Russia

The American company Pew Research Center conducted a sociological survey in Armenia in 2017. The topic was about what Armenians think about Russia without hypocrisy. The survey revealed that 79% of Armenians regret the collapse of the USSR. In addition, 80% of Armenians believe that Russia is a center for preserving the traditions of Orthodox Christianity.

Mixed marriages: Armenian and Russian girl

It should be noted that mixed marriages are well treated in Armenia. Although recently, due to demographic problems in some families, they began to be perceived as painful. How happy and fulfilling are these marriages? Vladimir Mikaelyan, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology at Yerevan State University, believes that mixed marriages are the relationship of two cultures, and the closer peoples are to each other, the fewer problems in the union. For example, Christians of even different nationalities find it much easier to find a common language and common ground.

In a marriage between an Armenian and a Russian, an important aspect is the willingness of the husband and wife to adapt to each other. It is necessary to instill an understanding in each spouse that marriage is a merger, that there are no random unions, each of them is perfect in heaven. And even if a marriage falls apart, it is not by chance. He will definitely teach people something.

Features of an Armenian man

What does marriage with an Armenian mean for a Russian woman? Armenian men are somewhat different from the Slavs.

Armenian men prefer not to chat, but to do. They are harsh only in appearance, behind their appearance are gentle souls who know how to enjoy life and love.

A marriage with an Armenian is a strong family in which understanding and respect reigns. Armenians respect women and elders.

They create large and lasting marriages. The man in the family is the main one, but he is a loving, caring father and husband. He will work tirelessly so that his family does not need anything.

Armenians are reasonable, full of dignity and confidence. They value kindness and peace, they know how to enjoy life.

It so happened that happiness (or misfortune) descended on me))). My Armenian man... This is, of course, the same little thing I'll tell you, but I like it (for now).

A certain stereotype of this kind of male individuals has formed in our heads, as hot, reckless, temperamental men, greedy for women.

So, I want to reveal this stereotype, based on my more than one-year experience. I hope my experience will be useful to you, push or, on the contrary, warn you in time against the avalanche of emotions called relations with an Armenian. Let the men of other nationalities, very respected by me, forgive me, as they say, what I have studied is what I am writing about.

Acquaintance, or how to understand whether he is or not.

So, you met an Armenian man who gives you signs of attention, how to understand who he is and what he is represents itself. He wants a serious relationship or just an adventure for the night.

First, take a closer look at him, what he talks about, what he thinks. It may seem that the Armenians are similar in outlook, but this is absolutely not the case. And among them there are cattle, there is an elite, some of which differ little from cattle and there are quite intelligent, educated individuals. They are similar in mentality, but their behavior is completely different. In any case, an educated, well-bred Armenian does not hang on to his ears, he will not swear and will not hit.

The layer of educated Armenians has a very respectful, even chivalrous attitude towards a woman (anyone), therefore, with such a person, or in the company of such people, you are absolutely safe.

How to determine who is in front of you? My criteria are as follows:

A smart, penetrating look, in appearance and manners should be different from the seller of tomatoes in the market, the style of clothing is European, and not half Asian, half gopnic.
Knowledge of languages: an Armenian who is more or less suitable for you is fluent in Russian, moreover, not only in Russian,
Topics of conversation and manners: try to get your boyfriend to talk, an individual suitable for you should understand everything a little bit, be able to support any topic, and most importantly, talk calmly, without displaying temperament inappropriately.

We pass to you. How should you behave?

In principle, as usual, without straining, the Armenians are still not Ethiopians, the topics for and the manner of behavior are similar. But there are some differences:
It sounds corny, but be a little more modest. A story about your achievements, about how cool / talented you are, how many people you have under your command and what high salary you have will not bring you dividends, they will rather scare you away,
Don't drink too much, the sight of a drunk woman talking nonsense can scare off your potential soul mate. Moreover, if your boyfriend himself is not a lover of alcohol, which is quite possible (for the year of my relationship, I did not see my man and his friends, not only drunk, but also a little drunk)
Do not slow down, try to get into the topic, joke. Armenians are very cheerful, humorous people (though the humor is a little specific, such an English humor with a Caucasian accent).
If your man is from Armenia itself, try to speak as literally as possible, remember that he studied Russian from books and our slang can cut his ears. The most harmless phrases like "kapets", "go nuts", etc. for him the height of bad manners.

What ischaracter if mdinner Armenian

The myth about shouting and gesticulating was created by people who have nothing to do with the Caucasus. Those Armenians with whom I happened to communicate, on the contrary, are distinguished by philosophical calmness. As far as I understood, boys from childhood are brought up to hide their emotions, you can not show either joy or sadness in public, society brings up stoics.

What is really true is a sudden change in mood, it can happen absolutely at any moment. From a phone call, from an embarrassing situation and the worst thing, from the wrong word that you could say at that moment! A stoic philosopher can explode because of what you think is trifle, and then for hours be like a volcano during an eruption. that, the phrase "Think what you are saying" is not just acting here, but think, think and think three more times, preferably also analyze what HE might think if you are say, and only then tell.) With him, you should be not just a woman, but an intelligent, wise woman, at the same time, remaining gentle, caring, fragile.

Remember that he should feel like he is in charge of your relationship. This does not mean that you should not have your own opinion, even really should, otherwise he will not be interested in you. Just correctly, clearly, briefly and most importantly, deliver it on time and calmly. Everything must be done so that ultimately, supposedly, he himself came to this. Such a fine line!

It is useless to enter into sharp disputes with him, they are accustomed from childhood to disputes and showdowns (they call it bazaars), so for each of your arguments he has ten "smart" arguments. He will easily prove to you that milk is black and the earth is flat! Do not prove, but ask. Give him a chance to give in nobly! Never use phrases like "tired", "zadolbal", "went to ....". They take everything literally, then they will load themselves for weeks with how he could get bored or "bored", he's so good.


Do not provoke jealousy under any circumstances, it is DANGEROUS !!! First, it may not understand (this is at best). Secondly, it can even break off relations altogether. This does not mean that he is not jealous of you, jealous, he simply does not show it, it is checked !!! For example, when you walk together, it may seem that he does not pay attention to you at all, this is not so. Your man is Armenian, in this time is busy with serious work, he is watching who else is paying attention to you!) At this moment, a storm of emotions boils in him: on the one hand, “yeah, this is MY woman, look, she is beautiful, clever, etc. ", on the other -" how dare you look at MY woman, she is ONLY MY TREASURE. " Here it is, jealousy ...)))

If you are jealous You, try to do it softer (without wild tantrums and inappropriate words, emotions of course need to be shown, but do it with dignity, you are a woman!) Just explain that some things are unpleasant or even admit frankly that you are jealous, but calmly!

His friends…

An Armenian man, as a rule, has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. Moreover, this is his pride, his life capital (in any case, he thinks so). Let be This does not scare you, in any case he will communicate with friends, have his own hobbies, do not interfere with this... Just accept and that's it! Don't be jealous that he did not take you with him, if he said that he would go to drink tea with a friend, believe me, he really drinking tea. Just a conversation can be about work, using some exclusively masculine expressions, etc. By the way, it was very funny to observe serious, respectable men in Yerevan, drinking tea or coffee with cakes in the evenings, talking with a very smart look.

You and an Armenian man

Praise your loved one. Men of this nationality are mainly, and especially in their younger years, earners and workaholics, one cannot be indifferent to this. It is very important for him to realize that all his actions, deeds, goals achieved are not just self-realization. He should feel that everything he does, he does for you, thus showing what he is Man. It is important! Appreciate any of his efforts, successes, tell him about it, reassure and support when something does not work out. In return, you will receive a huge return, you will be his muse, for the sake of which he will be ready for anything. Of course it is pleasant for a man of any nationality, but for an Armenian ESPECIALLY !!! By the way, the Armenian man is very attentive, he will also pay attention, even to the little things that you do for him and say that it is to him nice.

And of course, don't forget about your appearance. You are, first of all, a woman, and a woman must and must be beautiful and well-groomed (I'm not talking about a painted doll with a ton of makeup on her face now). If you already use cosmetics, then try to do it correctly, emphasizing your natural beauty !!!

And the main thing is your weapon, if an Armenian man is femininity (feel behind your back a man, a warrior, which he is), calmness (remember, your man, in fact, is very emotional, although he may not show it at first, but inside he always has a raging volcano. yours duty to calm him down), give him tenderness, kindness and ALWAYS smile.

Of course, each person is unique, but the similarities are roughly the same. Remember, you will definitely not be bored! Good luck, lovely girls! Love and be loved!!!

I really liked the article of one Armenian who is against mixed marriages:

"Part Eight. I am against mixed marriages
I have been living in Russia for 14 years and all these years have been observing how the lifestyle of my compatriots who emigrated from Armenia is changing. Many, finding themselves in a foreign country, quickly assimilate. Mixed marriages have a serious impact on this process. Personally, I am very worried about what is happening.

Our small and weak Armenia desperately needs the support of the diaspora, which is formed by united patriotic compatriots, and not assimilated fragments of the people. In many countries of the world there are strong Armenian communities influencing the economic and political situation in Armenia. Even living outside the homeland, you can do a lot of good for her. The simplest thing is not to dissolve in a foreign people, to create an Armenian family and raise Armenian children.

Ask any Armenian who married, say, a German woman, so as not to offend the indigenous population, why he chose to see a non-Armenian mother of his children. You will most likely hear one of the three answers described below.

The first option: "Better a good German woman than a bad Armenian." Yes, possibly better, but this is, in principle, an incorrect comparison. As the saying goes, it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick. There are a lot of worthy Armenian women. More than you think. After a single incident, you should not be disappointed in our girls. If you are constantly mistaken, then the problem should be looked for in yourself first.

The second option: "I fell in love with her before I lost my pulse." Remember, someone who wants to fall in love falls in love. Love is not a natural disaster, not a meteorite that has fallen on your head. A person is able to control his feelings. Control yourself, you must manage the situation, and not vice versa. By succumbing to momentary desires, you will change your whole life. One rash decision and your children will never be able to unequivocally answer the question of their nationality.

The third option: "What's the difference between an Armenian or a German?" This is the answer of an Armenian with an extreme degree of assimilation. In general, it is useless to talk to him. Perhaps, in 5-10 years, such an Armenian will wake up longing for his homeland, but a heavy anchor in the form of a German wife with German children will not let him budge.

Don't assimilate! Remember, no matter how hard you strive to be like a German, you will always be a stranger to them, and the Armenians will no longer consider you their own. Neither fish nor meat will talk about you.

Form Armenian families! The union of people of the same nationality is always stronger. Relationships between your family will be more friendly, and there will be no conflict of interest and no different interpretations of the family structure between you. I am not saying that the Germans are bad. No, they are just different.

Listen to your parents! In the vast majority of cases, their advice on choosing a life partner turns out to be correct. Do not forget, you are only at the beginning of the path they traveled 2-3 decades ago. You will not discover anything new in the relationship between a man and a woman, but it will not hurt to take advantage of the accumulated experience. "
Personally, I agree with this article.


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  • courier, little faith, you never dreamed of. some Soviet
  • under-ver-well-la no-gu, now I lie with ra-cha-same-no-it. than you


On the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians love Russian very much. I even have one fan who seems to only communicate with me to practice speaking Russian. Well, God bless him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that with any tourist, be it from Guatemala, they first of all speak Russian.
a stinkt so bizarre works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But most of all, Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
And who doesn't love, you ask? But the Armenians - any Russian girl who has visited Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
back in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the sex industry in the USSR. But that was a long time ago, and so what's the truth?)
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or rather “advance” according to the templates of liberal - democratic standards. In short, everything is according to the plan of Heraclitus "Everything flows - everything changes." Only the love of Armenian men for Russian girls remained unchanged. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. We read and ponder:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2.Shave in all places every day
3 they smell good
4 they have beautiful ass
5 they have long legs
6 they're mostly blondes
7 you don’t make any effort to get them to bed.
8 they also like Caucasian faces (he said it himself)
9 they are good in bed
10 they have no complexes

The whole tragicomic character of this “sublime” love and irrepressible passion lies in the fact that Armenians are drawn to Slavic women, but few will dare to marry a Slavic woman. Here a few words must be said about Armenian girls, too, because everything is cognized by comparison. Ithax: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (just like Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are many girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men like it very much (may the Almighty forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European views, open, cheerful, sociable, flamboyant ... at club parties. In order to find just such, you do not need to strain too much. Just go to the nearest club.
It is clear that easy accessibility is inherent in some Armenians and Russians ... And there is hardly a people where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma, which some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voices, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone, and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense, and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, because we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), Good housewives, etc. etc..
One might think that Russians do not have any traditions and customs, they behave like a pig and the house is an eternal mess. And besides, if we are talking about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the mouths of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole essence of the invented paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love is, of course, good, but depending on when the girl gets married. What if no one calls to get married ???. After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit) in the relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. What if the guy is not lucky? And in response, silence ... ..
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal is not in the form of housewives with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, intelligent and interesting woman is much more attractive and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, it is not said about this. However, I have already said!))))
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the literal sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who leave to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No gags - naked statistics. So there is a reason to support the "domestic manufacturer")))))
Please, all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Do not judge my cynicism harshly.


Perhaps, if there was no demographic problem in Armenia, then mixed marriages would not be perceived so painfully. But the fact is obvious - the further, the more married couples of different nationalities as one of the chances to leave the country. Moreover, often spouses are from different religious denominations. But to what extent are these marriages psychologically complete? With this question, I turned to Vladimir Mikaelyan - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology of YSU and Director of the Psychological Service Anima.

- A mixed marriage is a relationship between two cultures, a relationship between marital models and a relationship between parenting models. It would seem that the closer nations stand to each other - both territorially, historically, and spiritually - they should have fewer problems. It is easier for Christians of one nation to find a point of contact with Christians of another nation, because there is a common religious culture. And if there was a conflict in this mixed marriage, then it happened not so much between a man and a woman, but between their cultures.

Let us take the case when a girl is brought up in a Slavic cultural religious environment and, having married an Armenian, finds herself in a different Christian environment. What unites them? Christian worldview. It is not really specified - it is assumed. Therefore, if we are Christians, we must look at a number of circumstances around us in the same way. It turns out that this is not enough. Different cultures bring up different worldviews. That same Russian girl is faced with the fact that Armenians have much more taboo systems than Russians, although both are Christians. She cannot understand why her husband requires her to dress differently, so that in society she behaves differently, does not look at other men, does not talk to other men for a long time, prefer different dishes, and so on and so forth. If she does not accept the conditions of her husband, there may of course be conflicts. And they arise, as a rule, at the level of everyday life. Practice has shown that it must take about seven years for the relations between spouses in mixed marriages to normalize, to get used to, so that the spouses can combine cultural, religious, family models. This is how a certain common worldview is formed - a common attitude towards life.

- In search of earnings, many Armenian men leave for the near abroad, and in particular for Russia. What is changing in their psychology?

- In Russia, an Armenian man tries to quickly adapt geographically, otherwise he will not be able to live there any longer. Over time, a metamorphosis occurs with him - by nationality he continues to be an Armenian, but in behavior, in his outlook, he is more like a Slav. There is a change in cultural identity - forced adaptation in a different cultural environment.

- What saves him?

- An Armenian man is saved by his own motivation. Actually, if he married a Russian and lives in Russia, what could be his most serious motivation? First of all, he wants to have Russian citizenship, and for this he endures all sorts of difficulties, sometimes even abandons his family in Armenia ... Thus, he runs away from problems, knowing that for him the field of permits in Russia is wider. Russia is big - there are more opportunities. And in Armenia, on the contrary, there are more problems than their solutions.

- Where does his patriarchal upbringing, patriotism, coupled with paternal responsibility go?

- Here, most likely, a protective mechanism is triggered: yes, he does not stop thinking about his children, about his family, but at the same time he hopes that if we, Armenians, have group thinking, then the relatives will help, they will not leave the family to disappear. The fear of returning is much stronger. And by the way, such problems most often arise in villages. In fact, it is rightly said that the less intelligence, the lower the responsibility, and vice versa.

- What motivates a Russian woman who agrees to marry an Armenian, knowing in advance that she will end up, say, in a family with established traditions and rituals?

- She is not fleeing Russia, she is fleeing to her personal happiness. A Slav in Armenia forms a family, trying to smooth out all corners of misunderstanding and rejection. On the other hand, in the Armenian environment, she acquires security that she cannot receive in her homeland. And most importantly, she knows that she will not face the problem of alcoholism, she is sure that her husband will take the main care of the family ...

“And the Armenian women are well aware of this trait of Armenian men, who take this fact for granted ...

- Armenian women have a need to sit in a “golden cage”. For her husband to take care of her, buy everything for her and help raise children. It is much more important for Armenian women to establish themselves in their social status; social order for them is above all. And mind you, the social scenario of life here and the scenario of life among the Russians are completely different. What is important with us? Graduated from high school, received a diploma, now you can get married. Some link has been missed - already a problem. Or she got married, but there are no children - again, the social scenario did not work, and problems cannot be avoided. If the script works entirely, then the woman considers herself happy. She considers, but does not feel, because she has fit into the social scenario of society.

- And when they leave their family and go to another marriage - does this mean a way out of the scenario of social life?

- Undoubtedly. By the way, Armenian men easily establish relationships with Russian women, because the latter do not build difficult obstacles, they are spontaneous and easy. And we must admit that for the Slavs this is a very good component of nature and soul - they very easily establish relationships, they do not have all these historically formed and almost genetic barriers. And in this sense, this is a great achievement of culture, ethnos. It is our inherent complexity in this matter, we put obstacles. We have this fear, protection, the desire to establish a guaranteed relationship, not to be deceived, not to burn out on something. This is the fear of learning from your own mistakes. We love to learn from other people's mistakes. But learning from someone else's mistakes means learning from someone else’s mistakes.

- Much is done in society today with an eye on the church. So the Armenian Church is against mixed marriages and does not bless marriages with foreigners ...

- The Armenian Church is against marriages when it comes to another religion. In today's Armenia, populated by Iranians and Syrians, this is indeed a serious problem. I conducted polls among students on this topic: 90% of female students are against marriages with Muslims, but 10% admit this fact. That is, for 10%, the person himself is important, not his nationality, and 90% are fixated on nationality. This is already a phylogenetic, Christian heritage, and nothing can be done about it. True, here one must also take into account the fact that one can have an attitude, but act differently in real behavior. Installation should never be a priority. But if this still happened and a Christian woman married a Muslim, then she should know what she is doing. From the point of view of Islam, a woman is obliged to listen to her husband and show him full obedience, except when he demands something prohibited by Islam. At the same time, the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, calls on husbands to punish their wives in the event of their disobedience, disagreement, or simply in order to improve their character. The Koran says that one should intimidate, scold and beat one's wives when they do not obey ... As a rule, quarrels begin between the mother-in-law and the freedom-loving or stubborn Armenian daughter-in-law. Therefore, many marriages break up at the very beginning of life together. Most wives go back in such cases. But it also happens that women gradually come to terms with their role as daughter-in-law in a patriarchal family, adopt the norms of behavior adopted by local residents, learn the language and, ultimately, become completely Muslim. In order to keep the marriage going this way, she needs a lot of patience. In fact, if a woman marries a representative of another nation, a bearer of another culture, she moves away from the ethnic, national environment. Then they begin to consider her as their own and treat her well - however, only on the condition that she accepts Islam and observes customs.

… In mixed marriages, the willingness of the spouses to adapt to each other is very important. It is very important that the spouses understand that marriage is not a confrontation, it is an attempt at merging. It is very rightly said that marriages are made in heaven; there are no accidental marriages. Even if it disintegrates, it is also no coincidence. After all, this marriage should teach a person something. The question is, what does everyone expect in this marriage? I believe that if a person is not adapted to his environment, he also does not adapt in a foreign environment.

Kari Amirkhanyan

Our story began a year and a half ago. My good friend liked him, her name was Vika, a very beautiful girl, she looks like a non-Russian, I also (according to many) do not lag behind her in beauty. She asked to come up to him and find out whether he liked her or not. When I asked him this question, he replied that he liked me, not her .. I didn't say that to her, I even kind of lied, saying that he thought she was cute. Of course, Vika was delighted and began to wait for signs of attention from him, etc. To be honest, his confession did not make me happy, because I did not want to interfere with Vika, and I did not want to have a relationship with an Armenian. Do not think, I have a good attitude towards other nationalities, just my dad does not approve of this, but at that time our relations with him deteriorated and I did not want to add fuel to the fire. In general, Arthur began to call me, call me for a walk, was waiting for me near the house .. Vika began to notice this .. And I decided to talk to him seriously, explained that nothing could be between us, I came up with that I loved another for a long time, I advised Vika (you can say imposed) and on this the calls and meetings stopped .. If honestly he was very sincere and when I told him all this, I was very sorry for him .. It even seemed to me that his eyes were watering. A few days later, I learned from Vika that they began to communicate in VK and may soon meet, I was glad for her, though I was very afraid that he was doing it to my evil, which was what I was right ..). At first, walking with her, he tried in every possible way to make me jealous, but after a while his feelings for her became sincere.) So they met for about 2 months, and Vika broke up with him and returned to her ex (Dagestani), it was in the spring. All this time we did not communicate and only at the end of the summer it so happened that we met, he was in the car, so did I. night .. kissing. He invited me to meet, at first I refused, came up with different reasons, although we spent every day together, I said that I was not ready to meet, this lasted for about three months .. it was very painful for him every time to hear my refusals and excuses, to see me other guys call, even 2 times I saw him crying because of this .. In the end, he decided to finish it all .. he said either we are dating or we will not talk anymore, I asked for 2 days to make a decision .. After thinking it over, I understood, that I’m terribly used to him and don’t want to lose him, I agreed to meet. The first two months of the relationship, I did not take this seriously and did not say it to the enemies for a long time, we will soon part ..) But after a while I began to understand that I felt more and more for him every day ..) After 5 months of relationship, I decided that my he should be the first guy). I lost my virginity with him and I don’t regret it, though I don’t tell my friends, and he doesn’t tell friends or brothers until I don’t want to tell anyone). We have been dating for 7 months already, I am familiar with his brothers, friends and even parents. Parents have nothing against me, brothers and padavno, they treat me very respectfully, they call me daughter-in-law)). Now he has left for Moscow to visit his mother, and will come to work in a month and a half. I know that I love him, but still there is some kind of fear, my mother knows about him, she does not see anything wrong with it, but how dad will take it, I'm afraid to even think about it ..

In the section on the question, is a serious relationship possible between an Armenian and a Russian girl? given by the author Lightly salted the best answer is, listen, I myself am an Armenian and I have a Russian girlfriend, well, as the circumstances go, I'm in Armenia well, I love her and no one can make me marry someone else, well, there are rams everywhere

Answer from Promise in marriage[master]
peace be with you

Answer from Potyakina Margarita[active]
what does "muslim" mean? Armenians are Orthodox

Answer from Mahar bamboo[newbie]
I personally know many Armenians. They are very cunning, and selfish) Or maybe I got such Armenians)) This does not mean that all Armenians are like that))

Answer from Caucasoid[newbie]
I also had an Armenian boyfriend, we were about 5 years in the place (and we had a big fight and he left then a couple of days later another girl wrote to me, I agree with you, they are very cunning and love to lie.

Answer from Gaidar Gaidarov[active]
Cases are different, there is no single template. Who is a ram and who is a sheep not to predict. A Muslim acquaintance wanted to marry a Russian girl. Parents at first, especially, did not resist, but over time they became categorically against. Parents said that “love is blind, and you do not see any evil in it.” Either we or she is under threat, but he turned out to be a fine fellow who did not exchange his parents for one of those whom you can meet in dozens. As a result, the girl turned out to be a prostitute. How do you like this prospect?

Answer from = FENIX =[guru]
A Muslim can have a serious relationship with a Russian. I am very well versed in all this, so if that is a question in a personal) how long were they together? They wanted to marry mine by force, lured me to my homeland, they began to marry one girl there ... I thought I’d sit here ... but he still refused her. And so they may well woo. Let him ask directly. He can refuse! But there are parents who threaten, like they will refuse later. Here is where you think ... how morally strong is he

Answer from Hope -[active]
dry the oars, and do not mess with representatives of other cultures (Armenians, Kazakhs, and other peoples of the Russian Federation with pronounced traditions).