What are the arches in the doorway, from what materials and how to make them with your own hands. Do-it-yourself drywall arch manufacturing technology How to make an arch in a doorway

How to make an arch in a doorway - this question becomes relevant if you need to arrange an entrance without using a door. To implement this idea with your own hands, there is far from one approach. Each has its pros and cons. Which method to choose depends on the available resources and the personal capabilities of the master.

There are many ways to make an arch in a doorway.

Advantages and disadvantages of arched structures

If you decide to make a door arch and are going to do all the work yourself, the first step is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a design.

Advantages of arched structures:

  • Visual increase in space. The effect of combining two rooms into one is created, the boundaries between the rooms are erased, which in itself increases the total area.
  • Fresh air. The absence of a door leaves the opening open and allows air to circulate in the room.
  • The possibility of zoning a huge area. With the help of an arch, you can separate the dining room from the kitchen, zone the living room, while maintaining a holistic perception of the room.
  • Review extension. You can observe what is happening in the next room, for example, watch the stove or a small child.
  • Aesthetics and style. The arch looks much more interesting than just a door, with its help you can create a unique interior.

Aesthetic and decorative appearance is an integral advantage of arched structures

Arches Disadvantages:

  • Lack of soundproofing. Everything that happens in the room will inevitably be heard in the next room.
  • Distribution of odors throughout the house. This is especially true when the living room and kitchen are connected by an arch.
  • The impossibility of privacy. If there is an arch instead of a door, a curtain or a screen will not hide you from your eyes and will not allow you to be alone with yourself.

In order to decide whether it would be expedient to build a similar structure in a house, it is necessary to evaluate the overall style of the interior, the functional purposes of adjacent rooms and roughly plan both options: both with and without a door.


The ideal arch should fully comply with the style of the interior and at the same time emphasize the doorway itself. Therefore, the first step is to decide on the project and choose the most suitable option for making an arch in the doorway, which you will be able to do with your own hands.

There are the following types of arched structures:

  • Round. Significantly, this view is best used for zoning a living room-studio or at the entrance from the hallway.
  • classic ellipse. This is the most common type of arch, which displays the very meaning of this word, its upper part is rounded with a smooth transition.
  • Rectangular. It looks like an empty doorway without a door, as it retains a rectangular shape.
  • Curved portal. The same rectangle, but with smooth rounded corners at the top.
  • Asymmetrical. The most interesting and complex form, requires construction. It can be of any shape and configuration.

Varieties of arched structures

Area preparation

Once you have decided on the type of arch, you can begin to prepare the opening. First of all, you need to get rid of the structure, instead of which it is planned to build an arch. It's easy to do it yourself.

Remove the door from the hinges and dismantle the door frame, it is most convenient to use a grinder and scrap for this. If, according to the project, the dimensions of the opening do not satisfy the requests, take care to correct this situation. Two options are possible here: cutting out part of the wall to increase the area, or, conversely, building a smaller structure, if it is possible to reduce the distance in the opening.

It is also necessary to clean the surface of pieces of concrete, dust and chips. To protect against mold and fungus, it is recommended to treat the wall with antiseptic impregnation.

Frame installation

After you have prepared the work area, you can proceed directly to the design of the arch in the doorway. Consider the most popular options that are easy to do with your own hands:

  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • patch panel.

The first option is suitable for those cases where the shape of the opening is generally preserved and the damage to the wall after dismantling the box is insignificant, in this case, you can do with just leveling the top and sides. To do this, use putty. Prime the wall and after drying, apply a layer of the starting mixture. After adjusting the level, you can fix the result with finishing putty.

To prevent the plaster from crumbling, use a special mesh.

Alternatively, you can use a patch panel, then there is no particular need to plaster the opening. However, keep in mind that the linings are foaming and the joints must be masked with platbands.

A variant of the arched structure of a metal profile and drywall

If instead of a door you plan to install a complex arched structure, you cannot do without drywall. First, fix the metal frame according to the shape of the project, then screw the cut drywall fragments with self-tapping screws. All joints and seams are puttied.

Surface leveling

After you have marked the boundaries and shape of the arch, you can begin to level the surface. Doing it yourself, of course, is best with putty. Initially, the wall and arch are primed, after which you can start applying putty. Regardless of the method of forming the opening, this stage is mandatory for all options, puttying allows you to smooth out minor flaws and eliminate differences between the arch and the wall.

Leveling the surface of the plasterboard arch with putty

For drywall, instead of the starting mixture, you can immediately use the finishing putty. Self-tapping screws are specially slightly recessed so that they can be easily disguised at this stage of work. To achieve an ideal result, you need to wipe the putty after drying.

decorative trim

The most interesting stage is the decorative decoration of the arch. For this purpose, you can use a variety of materials. The most popular ways to make decor with your own hands are:

  • wallpapering;
  • painting;
  • textured or colored plaster;
  • MDF panels;
  • cladding with tiles or mosaics.

Variants of decorative finishing of arched structures

The easiest option is painting. In the house, it is best to use water-based mixtures, instead of paint, you can also use wallpaper, for the hallway and balconies, plaster is ideal. You can use a colored smooth or textured mixture, it all depends on your wishes. In addition to this finish, you can use artificial stone. The opening completely lined with mosaics also looks good: the material creates colored highlights and overflows.

White is considered classic for the inside of the arch, but you can choose a contrasting shade or tone to match the walls.

The MDF finish looks expensive and neat. In fact, these are the same overlays, but they are already installed on the final arch, so no additional finishing and masking of the joints is required.

What exactly to do with your own hands is up to you, but do not forget to follow the general tips and recommendations.

It is far from always necessary to separate rooms with closing doors, sometimes it is much more preferable and more beautiful than an open opening in which a spectacular door arch is built with your own hands.

Beautiful do-it-yourself arch

The passage from the hallway to the living room or from the library to the office can look much more original than the usual door leaf, hung on metal hinges that regularly require lubrication from creaking. In particular, the opening can be left completely open, which will provide convenience, due to the absence of obstacles, and give aesthetic completeness to any design. Proponents of monumentality for the construction of the arch usually choose a brick, since it can be used to finish the opening with a hint of the Middle Ages, with a keystone and other related touches.

However, more practical people prefer simplicity and efficiency, preferring chipboard and drywall. That's just from the last arch with your own hands can be made the fastest, but how - this master class will tell you. First you need to decide what type of arch you want to see in the interior wall (this can be not only a door, windows can also be made in the same style). There are 4 main options: classic, modern, ellipse and portal.

The first type includes arches, the upper curved part of which is a regular semicircle. The second type in its upper part looks like a small segment of a semicircle, the radius of which is much more than half the width of the opening. The elliptical version does not require any extra comments, it resembles an egg in shape. And the portal is an ordinary opening, only slightly larger than the standard size and ennobled with decorative trim. However, we will consider the usual classical type.

How to make an arch with your own hands - practical instruction

The most common and easily processed material today is drywall, it is from it that we will build an arched structure. It is most convenient to do this in the gap between the two walls, where the opening is completely absent, that is, the entire clearance from floor to ceiling is available. In extreme cases, before making an arch in the wall with your own hands, in a house or apartment, you can hollow out a wall above the opening, at the same time expanding it as much as possible. The thing is that we need space for mounting aluminum profiles. Having determined the scope of work, we make an arch with our own hands in order to ennoble the passage between the rooms.

Do-it-yourself massster class arch - step by step diagram

Step 1: Markup

We measure on the inside of the opening from both edges a distance equal to the thickness, put marks near the ceiling and near the floor.

With the help of a plumb line and a coated thread, we beat off the lines between the markers. We perform the same operation on the ceiling and floor. If the arch is located in the corner of the room, and one side of it is a transverse wall, we transfer the markings to it indicating the thickness of the drywall sheet.

Step 2: Mounting the rails

Along the lines made with an indent under the skin, we fasten aluminum profiles to the walls and ceiling with self-tapping screws, leaving a gap for wiring if necessary.

During installation, the markings made earlier should remain on the outside of each of the two rows of guides. The vertical details should be duplicated, you will need the "copies" later.

Step 3: Determining the Width of the Arch

On the floor, we measure the required distance from the wall opposite the vertical profiles and put marks on which we then draw a transverse line. This operation is carried out on both sides of the opening. Further, according to the markup, we fasten short profile trimmings to the floor, the length of which should correspond to the distance between the lines along which the vertical guides are screwed.

Step 4: Installing the frame profile

We insert the prepared parts into the trimmed on the floor, identical to the guides mounted on the wall earlier.

The difference is only in the position, we turn the frame metal profiles by 90 degrees, with mounting surfaces to the premises. We fix each with two screws.

At the top, we fix it to a horizontal rail screwed to the ceiling.

Be sure to use a plumb line and a level so that every detail of the frame is level.

Step 5: Trim one side

On top of the resulting structure, we fix drywall sawn to size with self-tapping screws, vertical strips are mounted on the sides, for which waste can be used. If there is not enough material for the upper part, you can use a narrow fragment under the ceiling or directly above the opening.

Step 6: Making a compass from improvised means

You most likely do not have at hand (and there is no way to get) a classroom teacher's compass, which is usually used in geometry lessons to draw circles with chalk on a blackboard. Therefore, we propose to make this tool on our own just for our case.

We measure half the width of the opening (we put a marker on the edge of the drywall) and get the radius of the future arched arc. Now we take a rail of a slightly longer length and screw a self-tapping screw from one end a centimeter from the edge. We screw the second same screw exactly at the previously measured distance, determining its position using a construction tape measure.

Step 7: Marking the Arch

If you put a marker by measuring half the width of the span, you can immediately proceed to drawing the arch line, otherwise we apply the tape measure again and find the desired point. A centimeter above the edge, we stick one self-tapping screw of our compass, and with the second we draw an arc from the upper corners of the portal.

Step 8: Shaping the Arch

Using a hacksaw (manual or electric), we cut the drywall along the line and get an arched passage.

It remains to strengthen it, for which we measure the length of the arc from the sawn-off fragment with a construction tape measure and take a profile of the same size (for the speed of the process - a couple). Every 5 centimeters we make cuts in the guides and carefully bend one of the parts along our arch, successively screwing it with screws.

We fasten the curved part to the ceiling profiles with two guides of the appropriate length.

On the sides we fasten strips of drywall

Another fragment, cut along the length of the arc, is abundantly moistened and processed with a needle roller on both sides.

We pause for a few minutes so that the material is slightly saturated with moisture. Then we set the previously cut one vertically, put a strip on it, and it itself slowly bends under its own weight.

When the process stops, we gently help with light pressure on the ends, after which we let the material dry a little and screw it onto the bend of the arch.

In no case should drywall be allowed to soak strongly, since there is a high probability of internal or external defects.

Do-it-yourself arch installation - original solutions

A less common type is a semi-arch, when half of the arc in the highest part rests against the wall. It can be either classic or elliptical, or completely irregular in shape. There is an option called "romance", these arches resemble portals, but have rounded upper corners. Also, those who want something original install trapezoidal arches between the rooms, the upper part of which has the shape of a corresponding geometric figure.

And, finally, a rather curious version of the eastern arch is quite rare, when the upper part of the opening sharply expands into a horizontally oriented oval or ellipse. Do-it-yourself arch installation is possible, whichever option you choose, although the classic one is the most easily doable. However, upon completion of the installation of the structure, you can continue to work, this time in the direction of design.

Today, there are many ready-made solutions for finishing arched openings, for example, wooden or gypsum platbands, semi-columns for the sides of the opening. You can decorate with tiles, artificial or natural stone (if the construction is made of drywall, it is advisable not to abuse the lining, in order to avoid deformation). Also on the inside of the arch, you can mount small shelves for flower pots or figurines.

In the field of interior design, the interior arch occupies a special place. Replacing the usual doorway, it can not only attract attention, but also become the main detail of the interior. The use of a beautiful arch in design is not uncommon for a long time; with its help, the interior acquires elegance and nobility.

Depending on the interior design, you can choose an arch in shape and design. Being subjected to stylistic transformations in various design directions, the arch itself invariably remains the main alternative to interior doors. With the help of the arch, openings are made not only in living rooms, but also in office and many other premises.


Types and forms

Consider the types of interior arches:

  • Classic. The classic opening is a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to 1/2 of its width. This form is the embodiment of strict elegance and purity of lines. The construction of this arch is possible only in a room with ceilings of 3 meters or more.

There is a version that the semicircle is a distinctive feature of the oriental and antique style, which can give weight and significance to the interior.

  • Arch-portal. This is a rectangular opening without doors, it does not require additional labor during installation, but it is not suitable for every room. This form will fit perfectly into a laconic, strict interior with a linear decor. All the effectiveness of the result depends on the materials chosen for the design.

One of the most spectacular examples is a portal made of wood with illumination along the vault.

  • Modern. This form is something between a classic and a portal. The vault of the arch is less round, but far from straight, its upper part being represented as a segment of a circle. The radius of curvature can be anything, the main requirement is that it does not exceed half the width of the portal itself.

Modern is suitable for decorating openings in rooms with low ceilings, for example, in apartments of typical high-rise buildings. The design gives the room an elegant, discreet look.

  • Ellipse. This form differs from the previous one only in a large radius of rounding of the corners. The elliptical model is the most versatile, it fits perfectly into absolutely any interior design and is appropriate for any ceiling height. The height and shape of the bend depends only on your wishes and the initial data of the room. Also, the elliptical arch is ideal in combination with columns.
  • Romance. The romantic design is a rectangular arch, rounded at the edges. It is ideal for decorating wide openings, as well as rooms with low ceilings. This form will look equally impressive both in a small, modest room, and in a spacious, made in the palace style.

  • Trapeze. A very non-standard solution for decorating a doorway in the form of a trapezoid arch is guaranteed to add exoticism to your room. Competent presentation with the help of properly selected interior items, harmoniously combined with the shape and material of the arch, will cause genuine interest and delight. This arch is simple in execution and no less spectacular than rounded openings.

  • semiarca. A semi-arch is an example of asymmetric openings that combine 2 forms at the same time. For example, it can be portal and romance, portal and classic, portal and ellipse. The design of this shape is based on a quarter circle. Asymmetry will help hide errors in the calculations if they occur during installation.

In addition, the non-standard form will decorate the doorway, add sophistication to the room and allow you to realize any original idea.

  • Copyright. Thanks to a wide range of finishing materials, the arch can be made of absolutely any shape and bend. This solution is for those who want to make their home unique and inimitable.

Non-standard arches can have broken lines, combine several styles at the same time, be complemented by windows, lighting and other details.

  • Building features. During the construction of a private house, arched openings are designed and built initially, while in apartment buildings, the presence of arches is rather an exception than a rule. It should be remembered that the arch is a curved ceiling between the supports and has a functional meaning: it bears the load of the wall.

When redevelopment of an apartment with the introduction of arches, their location is absolutely appropriate in the interior walls, if they are not load-bearing.

  • Arches in load-bearing walls. There is a jumper directly above the door frame, if the wall is load-bearing, then the jumper cannot be removed, this can lead to unpredictable consequences. In the bearing wall, the arch can only be in height and width of the doorway. In this case, the height of the opening cannot be increased, you can only expand it.
  • Arches in a panel house. The same applies to the use of an arch instead of a door in a panel house. Door openings in the panels are recesses made in advance in accordance with GOST and it is not recommended to violate the integrity of the panel.

In these two cases, romantic-style arches are made with a small corner radius, ellipsoidal or portal.

  • Arched opening in a solid wall. Converting a doorway into an arch is not difficult, but punching a passage in a solid wall where it never was is a very labor-intensive process. It is much easier to completely remove the partition wall and build a new one, with an opening.

The device of the arch and its design

The device directly depends on what tasks this design will perform:

Zoning of premises when dividing rooms

The interior arch is an elegant and stylish solution in open-plan zoning. It divides the dwelling into functional zones and is used if there is a need to visually divide the space. Arches, made to order or ready-made, are designed to mark the boundaries of two or more zones, but not to separate them, but to visually unite, thereby expanding the space.

Some rooms can perfectly do without classic doors and only benefit if they are replaced with an arched opening. Usually this is the kitchen and dining room, dining room and living room, living room and hallway, bedroom and living room. When they are combined, the space expands, the feeling of isolation disappears.

Bright accent in the overall design of the space

If you are the owner of a strict and concise interior in a classic style, or, conversely, furnished your home in the Empire style, but you lack an unusual detail that can attract all the attention and amaze with luxury, the arch will help with this.

It should be rich, decorated with elegant stucco with floral ornaments running in an arc. If the arch is high, classical, it is better to order full-fledged columns of the Corinthian order, the most luxurious and majestic. The height of the Corinthian column is decorated with carved flutes. Its graceful capital with carved vine leaves and curls will become the most significant element in the interior.

For arches of a lower profile, romance, ellipse, modern and even semi-arches, columns of the most simple and devoid of frills Doric order will be a good choice. Its discreet architecture will nevertheless create an antique accent in the room.

Wanting to give the opening a major role in the decoration of rooms, it is distinguished due to the contrast of color or material, decorating with colored mosaics and enamel.

Elimination of defects during construction

If your room has ugly ceiling beams or ventilation pipes, you can sheathe them with drywall and complete the custom-shaped arch. In addition, in old houses it is often necessary to mask the unevenness of the ceilings and walls.

By hiding building defects under the arch, you will not only eliminate the imperfection of your interior, but also give it a new sound with the help of a non-standard beautiful design.

Utility purpose

If the arch is installed in a load-bearing wall, its panels are quite wide, they make recesses that are used as bookshelves, as well as niches for decoration. In round arches with great depth, recesses are made, puffs are installed and places for recreation are organized.

Near the arch itself, a group of through windows is often built in, which increases the passage of light between rooms. The windows can be decorated with stained glass motifs or be transparent and serve as shelves for souvenirs and jewelry.


The parameters of the arches directly depend on the architectural specifics of the room. The width is limited by the preference of the owner, the height is determined only by the level of the ceiling. In a room with a height of 2.5-3.2 m, an arch with dimensions up to 2.2-2.6 m, respectively, will fit perfectly. However, these numbers are relative. It is not worth adjusting the arch to the very ceiling, it will ruin the whole look.

A small opening in a large, wide wall will create dissonance, so it is important to carefully measure the room and calculate the parameters of the future arch. It should organically fit into the interior.


In the manufacture of arched structures, the following materials are used:

  • Brick. For the manufacture of a brick arch, it is necessary to mount a frame of reinforcement, drill holes in the wall and, having driven in metal pins, weld the frame to them. The whole process is very time-consuming and the output structure is heavy, therefore the “brick-like” finish, made from various types of artificial facing stone, is very popular.

  • Drywall. This material is versatile and malleable for the construction of round arches. The construction of any interior solutions from drywall is quick and easy to perform. The weight of such structures is small and will not give additional load on the wall. In addition, this is a good solution for one-room apartments in which there is not enough space to install doors.

  • Tree. Often, when choosing a material for decorating an arched opening, they opt for wood. Designs made of this noble material will add status to your interior. Openings built of wood are very beautiful and durable.

Solid oak arches are a luxurious pleasure that you can do with your own hands, with a minimum skill of working with this beautiful material.

  • Laminated MDF. This material has rightfully gained wide distribution and gained consumer recognition due to its low cost, variety of textures and colors, and attractive appearance. Also, laminated MDF is very practical and versatile. With its help, you can assemble complex structures, as well as order standard models. In addition, the ability to order products that are non-standard in size and configuration makes this material particularly attractive.
  • Veneered MDF and eco-veneer. The veneered MDF arch looks stylish and expensive, as the material conveys the texture and shades of solid wood as accurately as possible. It is made of MDF board and veneered with oak veneer. Possible shades: wenge, bleached oak, walnut, oak with patina, ivory. Eco-veneer arches are also beautiful in appearance and have high performance.

  • Polyurethane. Polyurethane is an elastic polymer that is widely used in decoration and construction. With high strength and resistance to external influences, it is durable, and most importantly, has a very low cost. This polymer allows you to make products from it with the maximum complexity of details, and in decorating arches it successfully replaces gypsum.

  • Plastic. Plastic products are very popular and allow you to repeat non-standard forms of arches that cannot be made from wood without high costs. Plastic panels have not only a decorative function, but also a functional one. They protect the edges of the opening from damage and are moisture resistant, durable and fire resistant. Plastic, unlike other finishing materials, melts rather than burns.
  • Tile. A simple arched opening of a classical shape without any details, lined with tiles, is very effective. Particularly effective are tiles that imitate the surface and texture of stone. Its advantages: low cost, rich assortment of colors, moisture resistance and durability.

These are not all possible materials for the manufacture and design of arches, but the most common and spectacular.

How to make an arch with your own hands?

To make an arch with your own hands, you need to have a basic skill in working with building materials, choose an easy-to-install material and enlist competent instructions. Let's look at a simple and easy-to-use way to build an arch in your home.

Drywall arch

We will need:

  • Drywall of 2 types. For walls with a thickness of 12 mm and for arch arches - 6 mm.
  • Profile for racks 60x27 mm, and for the contour of the arch 28x27 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws and screwdriver.
  • Fiberglass mesh.
  • Putty.

Stages of work:

  • First you need to measure the opening into which the arch will be built. The standard door height is 2 m, to build an arch, we need to raise the height of the arch to 2.5 m by removing part of the wall above the opening.
  • Many types of arches significantly reduce the opening, so in some cases it needs to be slightly expanded. We select in advance the shape of the arch, which will organically fit into the parameters of the room.
  • To do this, we attach paper above the door, on which we outline the height and bend of the arch. If the width is more than 120 cm, it would be better to make a slight bend by choosing the modern shape, with its small radius of curvature. If the width of the opening is larger, then it would be more correct to choose a romantic shape, it does not require raising the height and rounding its corners will be enough to decorate the arched opening.

  • Having measured the parameters of the opening and calculated the length of the radius, using a compass we draw a semicircle on drywall and cut it out with a jigsaw.
  • Then we build a frame from a bar or a metal profile.
  • We collect a rectangular opening and from the rack profile.
  • We sheathe the structure with drywall with a cut out circle using self-tapping screws, slightly melting their hats into the surface.
  • On the walls of the arched profile, we make cuts with scissors for metal every 3 cm. Then we fasten the profile along the arch arch to self-tapping screws, bending it in the shape of a semicircle. You need to do this from both ends.

  • Next, we make the jumpers of the vault. We measure the depth of the arch and subtract 1.5-2 cm. This will be the length of the jumpers.
  • We cut them from the profile and put them on self-tapping screws. Jumpers are necessary for the strength and stability of the structure.
  • From thin drywall, you need to cut out a part that will close the vault from below. This is a rectangle whose width is the length from one edge of the end to the other, that is, the depth of the arch.
  • We measure the length with a tape measure or a sewing measuring tape, from one lower point of the arch to the other.
  • The resulting sheet is also fastened to the screws.

To transform your interior and add some zest to it, you can make a drywall arch. Such a design inspires respect and makes you think, because it seems that it is simply impossible to do it on your own. But all the fears and worries are completely unfounded. If there is a desire, then using the step-by-step instructions that will be given below, it will be possible in an apartment or house. And also to figure out which of the materials will be preferable in each case.

First of all, you need to understand what such a design is. The arch is one of the elements in architecture that is characterized by curvilinearity. The place of creation are through or blind openings and spans. For greater effect, it can be supplemented with various decorative elements.

There are different types of arches:

  • Classic - characterized by smoothness of form. Has equilateral rounding.
  • Semi-arch - has only one rounded corner. It is a modern solution for newfangled trends in the interior.
  • A trapezoid is a complex shape of curved lines.

Of course, there are many more species (see photo).

It would be better if a template is made before starting work. It is very easy to make from ordinary cardboard or fiberboard. So, it will be possible to immediately understand how the object will look, which rounding is preferable.

Working with wood requires the most attention. In this case, no error can be allowed. Various breeds are suitable for production, but pine is most often used as a fairly durable and cheap material.

Need to know! Before working with a tree, you need to make sure that it is well dried. Otherwise, no instruction will help, drying and warping will begin. Correcting the situation would be impossible.

Not everyone likes pine as a finishing material, but this is an easy fix. For finishing work, you can use precious woods (oak, beech, mahogany) or cheaper veneer.

Manufacturing process

In general, any work with natural wood, if there is no experience, it is better to entrust specialists. When creating an interior opening in a house or apartment, you need to proceed from real possibilities.

There are several options for the design of such material:

  1. typesetting
    The arched opening is made by assembling different fragments (small parts). That is, rounded elements are created by pressing, which are then joined together (gluing, twisting). This is a rather painstaking process that requires the presence of many tools. Helps avoid distortion.

    Making a type-setting arch from wood

  2. One-piece structures
    They are made literally from a single piece of wood (bar). Preferably hardwood. Often, such a design plays the role of an “internal” frame, which is subjected to external processing.

  3. Installation

    To install the arched structure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The installation site is carefully prepared, all unnecessary is removed, the surface is puttied.
  • Prepare the necessary tool in advance - in each case individually.
  • Mounting takes place in several stages:
    a supporting frame is created;
    elements are laid and connected;
    outer cladding is done.
  • After that, proceed to the finish: coated with varnish or paint.
  • Defects lead to the formation of empty spaces - they are puttied or foamed, but this will be a clear flaw.

This option would be preferable if you want wood to serve as the material, but it is not possible to use natural wood. In addition, a do-it-yourself plywood arch is made quite simply.


  1. A detailed sketch is created. For this, all necessary measurements of the opening are carried out. This allows you to create a visual project, and immediately calculate the necessary materials and fittings.
  2. Prepare and place the installation. Everything unnecessary is removed in advance, if necessary, trimmed.
  3. Prepare the tool:
    hacksaw or jigsaw with files;
    drill and screwdriver;
    sandpaper and whetstone;
    finishing tool.

You need to understand that plywood is a rather unique material. With it, you can create magnificent designs, it is distinguished by its strength and increased flexibility.

The first way to use plywood

The technology is:

  • Measure the opening. Immediately note what size the arc should be.
  • A strip is cut out of a sheet of plywood, the edges are well processed.
  • This fragment is moistened a little, waiting for a while.
  • Now this material will take almost any shape.
  • The strip is bent and immediately inserted into the desired opening - fixed, do not forget to install spacers at the corners.

You need to wait until the plywood is completely dry. At this time, it will finally take the form of an arc. Further, they act in two ways:

  1. Make inserts from a wooden beam. The surface is sheathed with drywall.
  2. Apply mounting foam. Open areas simply foam. After complete drying, the protruding areas of the swollen material are removed. In order for the plywood arch to take on a decorative look, the surface is completely puttied and covered with paint or varnish.

The second way is more complicated.

It will be similar to working with GKL. It consists of the following:

  • The distance between opposite sides of the opening is measured. The desired height of the arch is measured.
  • All this is transferred to a sheet of plywood. It should be of such a size that it captures the walls for another 10-15 centimeters - two sheets of this will be needed.
  • Three points draw an arc.
  • With the help of a jigsaw, unnecessary is cut out. The first sheet is used as a stencil for the second. The operation is repeated.
  • Both segments are installed in a stationary place. They are fixed - jumpers are made between them. The main thing is to install them correctly. In this case, the thickness of the material from which the arc will be made is measured. That is, if the thickness is 6mm, then the jumpers should be installed from the edge of the arc to the same distance (+ 1-2 mm).
  • Choose the material for the arc (GKL or plywood) - bend it and install it.
  • Carry out finishing work.

There is another way to create a plywood arch, but it takes time and tools. Its essence lies in the fact that the internal filling of the arch is made from cut plywood fragments. Namely - there is a filling like a sandwich. But this method allows you to adjust the depth of immersion of each subsequent arc. Thus, it is possible to create a wavy (embossed) structure.

Drywall arch

How to make a drywall arch with your own hands? There is nothing difficult in this. This material is somewhat reminiscent of plywood, but it is easier to work with and much cheaper.

It’s great when you manage to combine several construction works at once: building walls and creating a drywall arch. Then you can carry out the installation with the least finishing work.

There are two ways to use drywall, but it all starts with preparatory work:

  • It is necessary to ensure that the work site is freed from everything unnecessary (door frames, platbands, decorative elements).
  • If there are cracks, chips, then they close up. Yes, the design of the arch will hide everything, but it is better to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  • The necessary tool is being prepared.
  • A preliminary project is being created.

Method one - on a metal frame

This is a very fast and quite popular way that allows you to make a drywall arch in your house or apartment.

A wooden frame is made according to a similar principle. Only there more attention should be paid to the jumpers, on which the arc will be attached.

To better understand how to make an interior drywall arch, watch this video:

The second way is dialing

More difficult option. The principle is:

  • From the corner of the opening, on both sides, segments of the plasterboard begin to be fixed. To do this, mix PVA and water.
  • Each next piece is smaller than the previous one.
  • So, until the smallest segment is fixed.
  • Additionally, they are strengthened with self-tapping screws, anchors.

The hardest part is coming. Namely, with the help of a putty mixture, a smooth arc is formed. It's not that easy, it's better to prepare templates in advance.

As you can see, there are many ways, you can use different materials and technologies. Not every one of them is suitable for work that you can do yourself. But if there is a desire, then following certain rules will allow you to create a magnificent design.

A few years ago, arched openings came into fashion. This design of the entrance to the room is beautiful, original and allows you to do without installing doors. Using modern materials, it is possible to produce and trimarched vaultdo it yourself. The work is not too difficult, but requires great accuracy. In addition, it will be necessary to think in advance how finishing will be done openings. You can design in various styles, considerhow to make an arch in a doorway.

The arch is a very effective way to enliven the interior and make it more attractive. A beautifully designed arched opening in the vault will emphasize the beauty of the interior in the room, make the atmosphere more original.

A huge variety of forms of arches and harmoniously selected finishes will transform the room. To verify this, just look at the photo of the room before the arch was inserted into the opening, and after the repair was completed. Consider how you can create a niche in the form of an arch, install it in the vault of the wall and finish it with your own hands.

Types of arches

When decorating interiors, arched openings perform not only decorative, but also practical functions. It is possible to make a niche in the vault of the wall separating adjacent rooms, or to install a partition with an opening in the form of an arch in a large room, to divide the space into zones without using interior doors.

In most cases, semicircular openings are used, the following types of arches are distinguished:

  • A classic arch is a structure in which the bending radius of the arc is half its width.
  • Arch modern. It has an original shape in which the arc is performed with some rise.
  • Romantic arch. It is almost a rectangular opening, the edges of which are rounded.
  • Elliptical arch. In this case, it has the shape of an oval, with an expansion in the middle part and a narrowing at the top and bottom.

Advice! How different types of arches look can be seen in the photo in interior magazines.

Getting ready to install the arch

Consider how you can install and finish a classic drywall arch with your own hands.

We take measurements

It is necessary to start creating an arch by taking measurements from the opening. You will need:

  • Take measurements along the two diagonals of the opening. These measurements must match, otherwise, you will have to first work to align it.
  • Remove width gauge. This measurement is useful for determining the bending radius of the arc.
  • Measure height.

We purchase materials

In order to install the arch you will need:

  • Sheets of arched drywall with a thickness of 6.5 or 8 mm. If the opening in the room is a standard size, one sheet is enough. This material is very easy to use. You can use plywood, but working with it is more difficult.
  • Metal profile. You will need 2 pieces of a guide profile 50 × 40 and 1 piece of a rack profile 50 × 50 mm.
  • Fasteners: dowels with screws (25 pcs.), self-tapping screws 3.5 × 25 mm in size and “seed” screws 3.5 × 11 mm.

After completion of construction, it will be necessary to finish the arch. For this you need to stock up:

  • Primer;
  • Finishing putty;
  • Perforated arched corners.

The rest of the material is purchased depending on the planned design of the opening and the wall adjacent to it.

Installation work

First, the frame is constructed. Do-it-yourself steps for doing this work:

  • We cut off two sections of the profile along the height of the opening and one along the width and fix them in the opening using dowels with screws.
  • Now you need to prepare the arcuate part of the frame. The length of the profile for this part is determined by adding two values ​​- the radius of the arch and the height of the indent from the top of the opening.
  • To make it possible to bend the profile, you need to make cuts in the parallel side parts of the profile with scissors for metal or a grinder. The spacing of the incisions is 4-8 cm. After that, the profile is bent, giving it the necessary shape.
  • We fix the manufactured part of the frame, after leveling it.
  • We sheathe the finished frame with drywall blanks. First, the gable parts are sheathed, cutting out the details according to the size of the opening. Then the inner part of the arch is made. To bend a drywall blank with your own hands, it is necessary to make cuts from the wrong side without damaging the outer layer. The prepared drywall part must be installed by fixing it to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Finishing work

The drywall arch is almost ready. But as you can see in the photo, without finishing it does not look very attractive. Consider how you can complete the design and framing of the assembled arched opening with your own hands.

First of all, you need to putty all the seams and the location of the screws. We attach a perforated corner to the outer edges of the putty composition so as not to bother with putting the putty out of the form.

Then, over the entire surface of the arch, we apply a layer of finishing putty, and after it dries, we grind the surfaces, achieving smoothness. It remains to prime the surface, after which a fine finish can be performed.

How can you finish the arch? The selected option should be in harmony with the wall decoration. For example, if the walls are covered with wallpaper, the same material can be used to finish the arch.

You can use other options that are combined with wall decoration. For example, to decorate interior arches with artificial stone, tiles, decorative plaster, you can also use a combination of different materials. You can see the photo how beautiful and original the decoration of the arch can be.

So, interior openings in the form of arches are an original and very attractive way to decorate the interior and create an opening between adjacent rooms without installing a door. If desired, making an arch yourself is not difficult. And how interesting it is to finish the arch can be seen in the photo in interior magazines.