What are the curtains on the doorway. Curtains on the door - we create a unique coziness with our own hands. Things to think about in advance

The use of fabric draperies in place of interior walls and doors is a very old tradition that has existed since time immemorial. The advent and proliferation of lightweight and cheap materials such as drywall, chipboard, MDF, and others have pushed fabric solutions out of our homes, but not forever. It turned out that the use of curtains as doors, partitions and visual dividers in some cases is more convenient and appropriate. Now this method of interior decoration is quite popular again.

Curtains instead of doors and partitions: where are they used?

Curtains as light screens are used for zoning in studio apartments and in rooms in which the bedroom is combined with another functional area: living room, study, nursery.

Cloth drapes are a traditional addition to an alcove with a berth. If you put a blind partition and a door here, you get a closet or closet. It will not be very pleasant to sleep in such a cubbyhole. Another thing is a curtain that does not impede air circulation and allows you to easily adjust the level of privacy.

In general, it is in the bedrooms that curtains instead of doors and partitions are the most organic, because there is always a lot of textiles here. Therefore, for a built-in (and not only) wardrobe or a mini-wardrobe in the bedroom, doors are not necessary - curtains perfectly cope with their function, absolutely harmonious here.

Due to their lightness and safety, fabric "doors" are perfect for equipping wardrobes in a children's room.

Fabrics are also used to decorate doorways between rooms in the event that privacy is not required.

Styles should be mentioned separately. The use of curtains instead of furniture and interior doors is most typical for interiors in village(country, provence) and vintage(retro, shabby chic) ​​styles. Curtains as zoning screens are used in any style, including modern minimalism and.




Pros and cons


- Fabric draperies add a touch of romance to the interior and give such features as softness and lightness.

- Translucent light curtains used instead of partitions do not impede the movement of light.

- By separating the sleeping area in the studio or common room with an opaque curtain, you can give the room a presentable look in a matter of seconds. When unexpected guests arrive, you will not have to frantically make your bed and hide your personal belongings - it will be enough to close the curtain.

- A thin curtain steals much less expensive centimeters for us than a full-fledged partition. During the day, the curtain can be moved to the side, thereby expanding the space for receiving guests or playing for children.

- An important advantage is ease of installation. The process of creating a fabric screen or door is quick, easy and clean.

- If the curtain used instead of a door or partition gets tired, you can change it at any time. Fortunately, the cost of this solution is low, and the process of making changes is not too tedious.


- Many people treat draperies as dust collectors. This, they say, is not good for health. Yes, dust settles on the folds of the fabric. But if we compare the fabric "dust collector" with partitions and facades made of modern materials, it is not a fact that the environmental friendliness of the latter will be higher. It is no secret that many artificial materials are capable of releasing hazardous substances. And the "dust collector" can always be removed and washed in the washing machine. It is not so difficult.

- While the curtain is in the wash or dry cleaning, the space remains uncovered, which deprives the interior of the comfort. The situation will be saved by the acquisition of two fabric sets at once. One goes to clean up - the other takes his place.

- A significant disadvantage of textile partitions and "doors" is that they do not protect against noise and odors. In fact, the curtain does not create a closed privacy zone.

Curtain design with partition or door function

1. For these purposes, fabrics that can keep their shape well are optimal. Smooth folds will decorate the room, and "loose" ones will create a feeling of disorder and untidiness.

2. When choosing the color and pattern of the fabric, you need to take into account the design of the window. Here the principle is this: if the curtain on the window is colored, it means that an additional curtain in the room should be exactly the same or neutral (say, white or beige).

If the curtain on the window is neutral, then the choice for additional drapery expands. The zoning curtain can be matched to the color of the walls, upholstered furniture, bedspreads, etc. If desired, it can also be made neutral.

3. Fabric partitions and "doors" for the cabinet should not be scanty and wrinkled - this spoils the whole interior. It is worth making the curtain long (to the floor or to the bottom of the cabinet) and be sure to iron it before use.

4. The curtain for zoning and dividing can be made of either heavy or very light fabric, including voile or even lace.

5. To separate the zones, it is permissible to use two types of drapery, as is customary in the design of windows: one is light and transparent, the other is darker and denser. To make it light in all zones, only a light curtain is left closed, but if it becomes necessary to make one of the zones more closed, a thick curtain is used.

Today it is fashionable to make arches or leave open doorways between different rooms. Depending on your own preferences, they can be decorated in different ways.

To create a complete interior, you need to pay attention to the design of the doorway. Therefore, you need to carefully consider which curtains to hang. If you strive for harmony in the interior, then you should first get acquainted with the recommendations of professional experts.

What tasks should the curtains on the doorway solve?

Open passages separate rooms of different purpose:

  • kitchen and living room;
  • living room and corridor;
  • living room and hallway;
  • corridor and hallway.

The rooms may differ from each other both in color scheme and in style. Therefore, it becomes necessary to make a conditional division of space. A similar task could be handled, for example, by curtains on a doorway made of natural bamboo. Curtains are required to:

  1. Delineate the space of different rooms.
  2. Hide unaesthetic elements and complete the interior.

How can you arrange a door opening

Manufacturers on the market today offer many options. It is difficult to choose something from a wide variety at once. For example, it is not easy to figure out for yourself whether decorative bamboo curtains for a doorway are suitable for you if you have never done this before. The most popular types of door curtains are:

  • bamboo;
  • plastic;
  • thread;
  • roll;
  • hanging curtains.

Bamboo curtain

The bamboo curtain looks great in an environment created with sustainable materials. It will be preferred by people - connoisseurs of real natural beauty. It will look good in a room where an exotic lover or a fan of African style lives. Bamboo products give warmth and comfort. Their benefits include:

  • antibacterial;
  • antistatic;
  • easy care;
  • UV resistance.

Plastic curtains

Plastic curtains on the doorway in the photo look quite impressive. This is the most modern decor option. In this case, both vertically and horizontally directed elements can be used. This is a wonderful designer find for high-tech or minimalist rooms. Contamination is simply removed with soapy water. If a part breaks, then only it can be replaced.

Thread curtains on the door

Thread curtains as decoration on the doorway came to us from the countries of the East. They are strings that are evenly distributed along the entire length. The colors of such products are amazing. Curtains are made from natural and artificial materials.

They are decorated with beads, glass beads and other elements. The durability of the products depends on proper care. If they get dirty, they can be washed. Make your home unique!

Roller blinds on the door

Modern roller blinds on the doorway are a modern design with a chain mechanism for easy operation. This curtain is a continuous sheet of fabric that completely covers the doorway. Roller blinds are the latest fashion trend in the design world today.

Hanging curtains on the doors

Hanging curtains on the doorway are presented in the form of structures made of threads with various materials strung on them:

  • pebbles;
  • seashells;
  • buttons;
  • elements made of wood.

These products are made by hand. They can personalize the interior. This detail often adds playfulness and originality. It can turn out to be exactly the zest to which your guests will not be indifferent.

Why decorating with a curtain is important

As you can see, the design of the doorway with curtains in the photo can be very diverse. Whatever it is, passing through it, you will experience moral and visual pleasure every time. Here you will feel the calming effect of the products, as well as feel the charge of positive energy and good mood.

Just imagine how you pass through the curtains on a doorway made of multi-colored beads, on which the sun's rays play, transferring to you part of its radiance and energy. It is, indeed, a bewitching sight. Choosing amber beads can create a precious curtain. Surprisingly, the options for creating this jewelry are countless. Beads will generously give sun bunnies to all surrounding objects, thereby creating a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

Filament curtains for an interior door are considered universal. They have many names:

  • muslin;
  • rain;
  • noodles;
  • rope curtains.

It appears as an ideal option for a balcony door. Passing the curtain, you seem to be under a warm rain, after which a rainbow appears in the sky. It is an inexhaustible source of positive emotions that can relieve you of stressful experiences.

It is difficult to advise definitely the best model, each of them is original in its own way. But if, when making the decoration of your home, you follow the tips given here, then you can turn your home into a real masterpiece, where each room will harmoniously end with a beautiful curtain on the door.

Today we will talk about such an interesting way of decorating doorways as special curtains for doors.

In another article, we talked about curtains on the doorway, you can read the link.

Curtains that are designed to decorate the doors directly are a separate type of curtains that are used in the home interior as a completely independent one.

An unusual solution - compact cornices are fixed above the glass, the curtain fabric hangs freely, it is not fixed from below

This is not to say that this is a completely borrowed, western decor for doors.
Suffice it to recall how, in Soviet times, zealous housewives hung simple chintz curtains on the wide glass in the kitchen door. Thus, they fenced off the space for evening meetings with friends, protected children from careless handling of an extensive glass sheet, and created a cozy home decor with their own hands.

Ideas for decorating a door with curtains

Today, the fashion for glazed doors is reviving again, in a company with the latest trends in interior design, a very romantic, cozy tandem is obtained.

In most cases, curtains for doors are sewn by hand, although ready-made models can also be purchased.
Door curtains look good in styles such as Provence, country, Mediterranean, ethnic, eco-style. However, the laconic styles of minimalism, Scandinavian, Japanese are also loyal to this method of door decoration, because in this case the curtain acquires an appropriate, monolithic look, and the emphasis shifts to its functional purpose.
In general, curtains can be used to decorate any door, both glass and dull.

Double door, one of which is decorated with a curtain

Purpose of curtains on the door

The purpose of curtains for doors is not only decorative. Of course, expensive fabrics, and even beautifully draped and decorated with various decorative elements, will make any interior more luxurious and richer, but even a more modest decoration with a curtain will make the interior more unusual, cozy, and truly caring.

It is advisable to periodically cover both external and internal doors with glass instead of panels.

1. Doors to a bedroom or a nursery that go to a common walk-through corridor need such revision as curtains for the door.

The question may arise - why are such doors needed, which will have to be shaded, if you can put solid, cast canvases? The answer is aesthetics and a sense of presence. In addition to the fact that the glazed door looks light and floating, the glass in it leaves the effect of a common space. For example, it will be much more comfortable for a child to fall asleep alone in a separate bedroom if he is fenced off from the whole apartment by an almost floating fence with glass, and a cozy curtain through which the light of his native apartment glimmers.

Door pockets - functional decor

2. Doors with full glazing, panoramic views - they let in a lot of light into the house, therefore they are often used in the glazing of the hall, living rooms in private houses. For all their splendor, shading may be required in case of excessive lighting, as well as localizing privacy.

Sandy clay fabric for white doors with glass

Such curtains have an undeniable advantage over curtains on doorways. Exquisite volumetric decor is not always appropriate and convenient, simply put, it can get in the way too much, and quickly lose sight from the constant influence of household members.

Styles and styles

Here is a list of ideas and styles for curtains that you can hang on your door:

1. Roller blinds - for two thirds, or the upper half of the doors (when the lower part is solid wood);

Convenient and beautiful - roller blinds hang on the door evenly and tightly, a beautiful pattern is visible in a straightened form

2. Curtains in the Chinese style, tied to ribbons - it is enough to cover the upper 2/3 of the windows with them so that the roll is not too bulky in the assembly - it is easy to sew it yourself;

Chinese curtains with a roll on tapes, for an entrance door with glass

3. Blinds metal or plastic horizontal, which are fixed in deep grooves of the curtain with glazing;
4. Simple do-it-yourself curtains on the cornice - decor for loyal Provence, rustic, country styles, for children's rooms and bedrooms;

A simple curtain on the window in the door - the light does not take away, but hides from possible curiosity from the outside

5. Curtains on the eaves at the top and bottom;

Decorating the interior door with curtains - pay attention to how the cornice looks like

6. The same curtains, but assembled in the middle by an interception - the model "Clock" is obtained;
7. Roman blinds - suitable for high doors, when the assembled curtains are located above the head of a person of average height, otherwise such curtains will shade too much and visually clutter up the room;

Roman blinds on the door leaves - for easy opening and closing

8. Lambrequins, Austrian, Roman blinds for canvases with a glass part of up to 80% of the curtain.

Lambrequin-swag on the door

It is especially convenient that the curtains with a lifting mechanism and rich decor can be gently lifted in the daytime. Such doors, and, accordingly, curtains, take place in warm countries - Europe, America. But it is not excluded that they can be used in domestic construction, for a particularly representative part of the house - it can be a hall, a living room, a winter garden on the second floor, a hall on the first floor.

9. Curtains made of natural materials - bamboo, straw, jute. It is enough to choose the right size in width, in a wide range of ready-made roller blinds. The curtains can be shortened in height with their own hands.

Bamboo roller blinds on the door

What fabric can be used to sew curtains for doors

Door curtains are usually made of lightweight fabrics. This is due to their lightweight construction, a kind of floating design, and the need to leave sufficient lighting for the room, while obscuring the view;

Suitable fabrics - cotton, linen (for Provencal and eco-interiors), chintz, satin (country, adjacent styles), tulle, voile, mesh (suitable for most styles), do not forget about the appropriate decor - ribbons, beads, fringe, wood trim;

A curtain in the form of a rigid stretched canvas is suitable for bright nurseries, for a kitchen, an office - it resembles a roll one, but it does not have a standard roller mechanism, which makes it more authentic to the chosen style;

Thick fabrics are used for entrance doors on the ground floors of private houses to convey the style and prestige of the house; in addition, often nothing else will suit the interior of the living room.

Classic curtains from openwork tulle on the door

Advantages of curtains for doors

If you doubt whether it is worth making a curtain on the door with your own hands, think again about the pros:
With the help of a curtain, you can visually adjust the size of the room - reduce or enlarge it. You can achieve this effect with the appropriate color of the product.
This is an inexpensive way to complement the style of a room, whether it be the delicate romance of voile curtains or elegant roman curtains.
This is an affordable way to temporarily change the environment.

Banal furniture can become an element of a design composition

Some cons:

  • The consequences of installing the curtains on the door leaf in case you want to subsequently remove the curtains - with a rough installation, holes may remain that worsen its presentation;
  • To see what is happening behind the door, you will have to open it, especially from the side where the curtain does not hang, whereas before it was enough to look through the glass.

A simple curtain in the assembly on the door cornice from the bottom and from the top

As you can see, all curtains for doors can be sewn with your own hands, except for roller blinds. They are sewn according to a simple scheme, when a special tunnel is created under the cornices at the bottom and in the upper part of the canvas, processed along the edge on both sides.

In a separate article, we wrote in detail how to sew such curtains ourselves. Follow the link.

Curtains on the open doorway help create coziness and delineate rooms of different functionality. A decorative curtain will hide the furnishings of the apartment from prying eyes. There are different types of curtains on the doorway, which differ in material.

When choosing how to close doorways in an apartment, you need to take into account the functionality of the room. They are not used for curtains. Only canvases will provide intimacy inside the rooms. If the curtains on the door and doorway are hung as a decoration, then they can be used for the bathroom, provided there is a sash.

The curtains in the aisle of the interior partition perform the following functions:

  • Hanging decorative curtains in the doorway of an arched or other complex shape replace the sash, since it is rather difficult to make a figured canvas.
  • Curtains allow you to close a doorway instead of a door by making them do it yourself.
  • Curtains perform decorating passage with a sash. Hangers, threads, strings disguise ugly canvas.
  • Curtains allow you to design a doorway without a door in close quarters... The problem of the appearance of the dead zone necessary for opening the sash is eliminated.

Types of curtains

Manufacturers offer curtains for doorways made of fabric, wood, plastic and other materials. If it was not possible to find products to match the colors in the interior, the curtains are made by hand.

Modern design uses the following kinds curtains:

  1. Looks good bamboo curtain on the doorway, decorated with long hangings made of thin sticks. Each element is painted in a certain color or a large pattern is applied to the entire canvas. For one standard-sized interior passageway, you will need about 100 bamboo sticks.
  2. Lovers of natural materials are attracted wooden curtains suitable for all styles. If desired, the wood is given the required color with the help of varnishes and paints.
  3. Convenient in the opening roller blinds controlled by a special mechanism. It is enough to pull on the chain and the passage will be open or closed.
  4. Fabric curtains in the opening is a classic. The canvas can be made flat or with a lambrequin. Dense curtains are usually decorated with grabs.
  5. Japanese curtains equipped with a bar on top, and weights on the bottom. Above the passage, the elements are fixed to the attached cornice. They move apart on the sides. Panels can be monochromatic, as well as with ornaments and landscapes.
  6. Have migrated from the windows blinds on doorways and began to be used as full-fledged sashes. Lamellas are in the form of vertical plates or folding to the side like an accordion. Fabric blinds are often used. Plastic curtains assembled from one-color slats are easy to clean and look beautiful on an open opening. These blinds are often made in the form of vertical stripes. It is undesirable to hang plastic curtains on the doorway where high temperatures are affected. The lamellas can be deformed.
  7. Macrame or pendants with beads allow you to create beautiful patterns. Often these curtains are made by yourself.
  8. Magnetic curtains fastened with double-sided tape or special decorative buttons. By design, the elements resemble mosquito nets.
  9. Thread or rope the curtains for the opening are a set of hangers. Various decorative elements are strung on the ribbon: beads, feathers, glass or wooden figures. A canvas made of ropes decorates and hides the passage from the eyes, but allows air to pass freely.

DIY curtains

Making curtains for the doorway with your own hands from scrap materials has many advantages. The main ones are cost savings and the ability to create a unique product.


The traditionally popular material for curtains is fabric. Pattern and color can visually change the size of the space.

For cabinets choose dark tones that emphasize a strictly business style: velvet or taffeta. Jacquard looks good. Hall- Light room. Lightweight fabrics made from linen, organza or viscose are suitable here. For kitchen or hallway more choose unnatural materials from polyester or with a low percentage of cotton. These fabrics are easy to clean and less dirty.


The easiest way to make wooden curtains is from bamboo sticks. The canvas will turn out to be heavy. To secure it, you will need a cornice with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm. To assemble curtains from wooden sticks, you will need a skein of strong thread, bamboo straw, paint or varnish.

First, the cornice is fixed above the passage, after having painted it. Bamboo strips are cut into the desired size and varnished. You can put the blanks in a metal container, pour water with the addition of silk dye and vinegar and boil for 10 minutes. The dyed straws are strung on threads without drying completely.

A wooden curtain on the doorway will turn out more beautiful if you string glass beads or varnished nuts in shells between bamboo sticks. Each thread with the assembled elements is hung on the cornice.

Beads and pendants

According to the principle of bamboo sticks, pendants are made in the doorway with their own hands from a set of beads, plastic tubes, beads, pieces of reeds, buttons. Any material strung on a thread will do. In the autumn style, the passage is decorated with pendants of chestnuts, acorns or hollow nuts. A cornice is attached to suspend the strips. Each element is strung on a thread, and so that it does not move, knots are tied.

You can assemble a curtain on the door from wooden beads bought in a store or turned yourself using a machine. Holes are drilled in the center of the workpiece. Beads are painted with multi-colored paints, opened with varnish or stain.


Original and cheap on the interior aisle, you can make pendants with your own hands from multi-colored or monochromatic ropes. The resulting muslin is attached to a cornice or an ordinary bar. In the first case, the rope can be moved sideways. On a wooden block, the pendants are fixed tightly with tape or threaded through the drilled holes.

Each rope or at a certain interval can be decorated with beads, glass crystals, buttons. Braids are woven from threads or interesting knots are tied. The rope curtain is ideal for the arch. Arched corners are installed only for its fastening.

How to hang curtains on doors and open passages?

Choose a curtain rod for the door curtain so that both elements match and complement each other. Take into account the general style of the room. The strips are of the ceiling and wall mounting types.

Ceiling cornice

For Art Nouveau, it is preferable to use chrome-plated metal curtain rods. Blinds are usually attached to such a bar. White cornices are suitable for plastic windows, emphasizing the modern style.

Wall cornice

In a rustic-style room, they decorate the doorway with a bamboo curtain, and attach it to a wooden cornice or a homemade strip. Wood goes well with straw pendants. Filament curtains in an open opening can be hung on the cornice to make them move sideways. The ropes will not interfere with free passage, even if they are securely fixed through the holes on the wooden plank.

The decoration of the passage of the interior partition with curtains is most often done independently in order to save money. Although experienced designers use this technique too.

Previously, they did not understand that it is possible and even necessary to drape an interior opening to create a unique style. The main thing is to choose the right material and color of curtains so that the appearance of the room does not create the impression of bad taste. In Europe, the use of door curtains was first considered as an integral part of the decor. This was especially true when creating the following styles:

  1. country;
  2. style in the oriental way;
  3. ethnic motives;
  4. retro.

After a while, they stopped using curtains for doors when decorating rooms.

The direction of the main task of designers when using ordinary interior curtains speaks for itself - the separation of two different rooms in the absence of a door and the decoration of the created opening. It is not necessary to use a regular large plain canvas. It will look more original if you add fabric with a different harmonious ornament. Curtains, correctly selected for the interior of the room, would have looked good.

The door curtains are multifunctional enough:

  • Hanging door curtains can be used as a partition between rooms. Also, macrame curtains can be used as a division of space. It will look very unusual, especially since you can make them yourself.
  • Curtains (especially of dense material) for doorways serve as protection against drafts.
  • Magnetic curtains will help prevent insects from entering the room. It is not only effective but also convenient.

Varieties of curtains for the doorway

The main thing to consider when decorating a doorway with curtains is their relevance. They should not interfere with movement or spoil the style. There are several types of curtains that are most often used when decorating rooms:

- they are fixed to the sash of the window, so that it is convenient to remove and attach them back.

Blinds with vertical direction - this option is suitable for a bedroom or living room with a balcony door. It is possible to control it remotely.

Curtains with a magnet - usually used in the summer. Most often, they are transparent and mesh, in order to simultaneously protect the house from insects and allow light to pass through. They are easy enough to remove and hang back. Perfect for both conventional openings and balconies.

Classic-style curtains can be used to almost complement any room design. You just need to take into account the preferences in lighting - it depends on whether the material of the canvas will be dense or light, transparent.

Most suitable materials for door curtains

Curtains can be made from any material. The choice is yours, but you should take into account the design of the room. If, for example, curtains in the form of a mesh with magnets are required, then the selection process will not be difficult. Their colors are most often suitable for any interior style. If you need to make a partition, you can use wood or bamboo door curtains. They easily fit into the interior, if you choose the right tone of the tree.

You can also make curtains yourself, using materials at hand: glass, plastic, beads, shells, and more. When creating decorative curtains, you need to plan in advance in what style you want to decorate the room. For instance:

  • Macrame is perfect for country style.
  • Bamboo curtains are often used in Japanese minimalism.
  • Garlands will look great in a children's room or in a disco-style room.
  • Knitted balls or yarns will blend harmoniously and create a romantic style. More suitable for the bedroom.
  • Wine cork plugs will be a good addition to eco-style.
  • Hanging curtains for the doorway will successfully fit into the oriental design of the living room or bedroom.

When choosing door curtains, you need to consider important points:

  1. To make the room feel warm and cozy, and the atmosphere is relaxing and calm, it is worth decorating the doorways with curtains of dark shades.
  2. If you need to visually increase the volume of the room, you need to use canvases of different colors. The stripes should be upright. If possible, it is advisable to add floral ornaments. Thanks to this design, you can visually make a spacious room.
  3. If you want to preserve the quality and integrity of the structure of the curtains as long as possible, you should choose a denser material. It does not tear for a very long time and does not lose brightness and color.
  4. If you strive to give your style elegance, originality, rigor and aesthetics, it would be appropriate to choose double curtains with lace curtains.

Patterns, drawings, unusual ornaments are an important component of the decor, so you should responsibly and carefully select canvases to create a harmonious style for the interior of a bedroom, living room or kitchen. Window and door curtains should be in harmony with each other.

It is advisable to select a kit or something similar. If nothing suitable is sold in stores, you can sew curtains with your own hands, focusing on your own taste and preferences.