What skis are needed. How to choose alpine skis

Skiing is a popular winter pastime. Who doesn't love a measured skiing trip through a snowy winter forest? But for skiing to be enjoyable, you need to choose them wisely. How to choose the right cross country ski?

Before choosing skis, you need to decide what you need them for. Because skis are very different - for tourists, athletes, for amateur athletes, for hunters or for extreme lovers. All skis are divided into cross-country and mountain skis. In this article, we will show you how to choose cross-country skiing.

How to choose the right skis

Cross-country skiing is skiing in two ways (styles). The first one is classic. Any person who has ever gotten up on skis knows about it - with this kind of skiing, the skis move parallel to each other. For classic skiing, softer skis are required, with a long and sharp toe.
The second way of skating is skating, or free style. In this case, the skier moves on skis, like on skates, pushing off the snow with the inside of the ski. In this case, the skis must be hard.
There are also lovers of skiing in both the classic and skating style - especially for them there are universal skis that are suitable for skiing in any way.

Which skis to choose: plastic or wooden
First, let's choose the material from which the skis are made. They can be plastic or wood. Wooden ones are much cheaper, but they are very outdated and are rarely found in stores. Such skis must be tarred before skiing so that the tree does not absorb moisture. Plastic skis have replaced wooden skis - they glide better, they do not need to be lubricated. In addition, they are much lighter than wood, stronger and more durable.
Therefore, to the question - which skis are better, the answer will be unambiguous: plastic.

How to choose the size of skis by height

For a comfortable ride, it is very important that the skis are of the correct size. It is very easy to choose skis by height - there are two main ways:
The 1st way to choose skis is to measure your height with your arm outstretched. And subtract 10 centimeters from this number.
The second way to choose skis by height is easier - just add 10-15 cm to your height.To be more precise, here is a table by which you can determine the length of skis and poles depending on your height:

Height, cm

Ski length, cm

Stick length, cm

Always choose skis based on your height. This is especially important for children. It happens that parents buy them "for growth" skis of a larger size, which is why the child is very uncomfortable to ride them.

How to choose the stiffness of skis
The optimal ski stiffness is directly related to the weight of the person. Therefore, when buying skis, you should carefully consider the issue of their rigidity. It is very easy to check your skis for the required stiffness right before buying. To do this, stand on the skis of your choice on the floor in the store. There should be a place right under the boot, between the skis and the floor, so that a sheet of paper can go through. If the sheet does not go through, then the skis will be soft for you. Then stand on one ski with two feet - in this case, there should be no space between the ski and the floor. Otherwise, the skis are too stiff for their owner. It's so easy to choose the desired ski stiffness.

How to choose ski boots
Ski boots are selected according to the skiing style. For example, for skiing in the classic way, ski boots should be low and with soft soles. And for skating, the boots are taller and harder. For lovers of a universal method of skiing, the so-called combi boots have been created; these are boots of medium hardness that are suitable for skiing in any style.

We hope our tips will help you choose the right skis, and skiing on them will be a real pleasure!

How to choose skis? This question first of all arises for a beginner who is just planning to go in for skiing.

First, you should decide on the riding style. Today there are two options:

  1. Classic, with skiing.
  2. Skate, when an athlete overcomes a wide, specially prepared track.

Skis designed for classic skiing can be either notched or not. When wondering how to choose skis for a child or a beginner, you should give preference to the first option. The notches in this case prevent skis from slipping back, which greatly facilitates the skiing process. But it should be understood that the speed in this case will be slightly lower in comparison with a smooth surface.

Important! Smooth skis can only be used with a special grip ointment that will prevent skis from slipping back. Otherwise, riding will not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe.

Stiffness is an important indicator

When thinking about how to choose cross-country skis for height and weight, you should not least pay attention to the rigidity of the products. The ski's ride performance is largely determined by the degree of deflection, which requires a certain weight of the rider to achieve. In simple terms, different models require different efforts, sufficient to push them.

Important! The easiest way to determine the stiffness of a classic ski. To do this, you just need to stand on the skis, having achieved their full contact with the floor. If this did not work out, then it is necessary to select products with less rigidity.

Most modern manufacturers indicate the weight range of athletes for which their products are designed. For beginners, it is best to choose skis of medium hardness.

Length selection

How to choose skis for height? This is a very important nuance that must be taken into account when choosing. Everything is simple here:

  1. If we are talking about classic skis, then it is necessary to add 30 cm to the athlete's height. The obtained result will be the length of the skis.
  2. Choosing skating or cross-country skis, we add 15 cm to the height.
Skier height Classic skis Skis Skis for Sticks for the classic move Sticks for
universal skating skating course
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Table: how to choose skis and poles by height

The length of most products is directly proportional to their rigidity. Therefore, if the model chosen in length turns out to be too soft, then it is advisable to purchase a longer version.

Features of the choice of ski poles

No less important than the choice of the skis themselves is the selection of poles. First of all, you need to understand the materials from which these products are made:

  1. Fiberglass. This is the cheapest option, which is characterized by low strength and stiffness. At the same time, they are quite heavy, but they are quite suitable for beginners.
  2. Carbon fiber. Lightweight, tough, but expensive.
  3. Composite, made of carbon fiber and fiberglass. In this case, strength and cost directly depend on the percentage of carbon in the composition.
  4. Aluminum. They are a good choice for beginners and heavier people due to their durability. Are very affordable.

Advice! When choosing ski poles, it is advisable to give preference to those models that have hand loops. They must be securely fixed with Velcro.


How to choose the right skis was described in detail above. This process is not particularly difficult, but it requires certain knowledge that will help any novice skier to master this sport. You should also pay attention to protection and equipment.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year, despite the cold and despite, or rather, thanks to the snow. It is in winter that you can, forgetting about your age and status, jump from a steep descent on a sled, run on skis in the forest, practice slalom or downhill, at the same time saturating your lungs with crystal clear mountain air, and your muscles - with health, which, as you know, never what kind of money you can't buy. But so that the pleasure is not spoiled by the wrong selection of equipment, we advise you to familiarize yourself with useful tips.

How to choose skis for skating and classic skiing

First of all, you need to understand that on skating skis you will not be able to ride in a classic style, due to their specific design, therefore, if you want to combine both sliding styles, it is better to give preference to combined skis (Combi), or to purchase classic skis of a shorter length - on you can practice skating with confidence. A simple rule of thumb for skating skis is to add 10-15 cm to your own height. Accordingly, to choose classic skis, you need to add 25 - 30 cm to your height, and for walking skis - 15 - 25 cm (the average value between skating and classic).

The stiffness of classic and recreational skis directly depends on the weight of the skier (the heavier the athlete, the harder the skis should be. a sheet of office paper (about 0.2 mm thick). The paper should move freely 10-15 cm forward from the toe and approximately to the middle of the foot in the opposite direction. A thicker sheet (two sheets) should no longer pass under the skis, and when pushed off , transferring the center of gravity to the toe of one leg, the sheet should be reliably pressed against the floor surface.For skating skis, the stiffness value should be higher and selected individually for each athlete.

Table of ski and pole lengths in relation to height

Height, cm Walking, cm Classic, cm Skate, cm Sticks, cm
190 210 210 195 165
185 210 210 195 160
180 200 — 210 205 — 210 190 — 195 155
175 190 — 200 200 — 205 185 — 190 150
170 180 — 190 195 — 200 180 — 185 145
165 180 — 190 190 — 195 175 — 180 140
160 170 — 180 185 — 190 170 — 175 135
155 170 — 180 180 — 185 165 — 170 130
150 160 — 170 175 — 180 160 — 165 125
145 150 — 160 165 — 170 155 — 160 120
140 140 — 150 160 — 165 150 — 155 115
130 130 — 140 150 140 105
120 120 — 130 95
110 110 — 120 85
100 100 — 110
90 90

How to choose alpine skis for height and weight

The parameters for the selection of alpine skis differ from those listed above, because for the descent you need shorter equipment, and this applies to both skis and poles. For beginner skiers, the length is calculated according to the formula "GROWTH minus 20 cm", and with the acquisition of experience, it will be possible to gradually increase their length to the indicator of your height (however, for slalom, the maximum length is limited to 165 centimeters, therefore, if you are at least 2 meters tall, that's all equally, skis longer than 165 centimeters do not "shine" for you). For women, skis are usually chosen according to the formula "GROWTH minus 25 cm" to facilitate handling.

The length of ski poles for alpine skis is selected so that when installed perpendicular to the floor, and with the elbows pressed parallel to the body, the arm in the elbow bend should make an angle of 90 °.

According to the weight of the skier, bindings should be selected, but in addition to weight, when selecting bindings, experience and riding style are also taken into account, and the predisposition to falls is taken into account. The skis should be securely fixed on the legs, but unfastened when falling, therefore, it is better that an experienced person calculate the load supported by the mount for you, because the health and integrity of your limbs may depend on this.

How to choose alpine skis by height, table

Height, cm Skis, cm
190 170 — 190
185 165 — 185
180 160 — 180
175 155 — 175
170 150 — 170
165 145 — 165
160 140 — 160
155 135 — 155
150 130 — 150
145 125 — 145
140 120 — 140
130 110 — 130
120 100 — 120
110 90 — 110
100 80 — 100
90 70 — 90

Do winter sports and you will see that winter is not a "depressive season", but a wonderful time, providing a lot of entertainment and opportunities.

In order to choose cross-country skis, first you need to decide on the types of cross-country skis. If you have not yet decided on this, then read on, I hope after my explanations, it will become clearer to you which type of cross-country skiing you have decided to choose. Be sure to read the entire article, then, to consolidate the material - watch the video at the end of the article.

All cross-country skis are divided into several types by their nature and surface of movement, they are intended mainly for movement on the plain by using the forces of the skier, let's look at what types of skis there are:

  • There are skis for classic running
  • There are skis for skating
  • There are skis that combine all the characteristics at once (combined)


Skating skis are designed for running on a flat and well-groomed track without a ski track, this type of skiing resembles speed skating, with this style of skiing, the whole body works very well in the combination of legs and arms.

These skis are generally shorter than conventional cross country skis, reaching a maximum length of 190 centimeters. The design of such a ski is very rigid, especially in the middle of the base, when starting and the pressure of the foot on the ski, the base does not bend and does not reach the snow, this gives a good push at the start.

Classic cross-country skiing

Designed for groomed trails, on cross-country skiing you need to get under way with both feet at the same time, pushing off with sticks. The length of cross-country skis, in comparison with skating skis, reaches up to 207 centimeters. According to their characteristics, such skis are softer, have a pointed toe. On the reverse side they have serifs or are smeared with ointments for adhesion to snow.

Combo skis

As I said, these skis combine all the characteristics of the previous types. They have a maximum length of 200 centimeters, which makes them suitable for both skating and cross-country skiing.

It is also worth mentioning about a rare type of ski called Backcountry. When choosing such cross-country skis, it is worth knowing that they are designed for extreme running and walking. Such skis are used in mountainous areas that are not passable.

As a rule, in Backcountry skis, the entire support is reinforced with a metal edging, if you cut such a ski, then you will see a multi-layered variety of materials, this type of cross-country ski is very expensive and they are rarely sold.

If you have already decided on the types, then move on to the choice of cross-country skis. To choose cross-country skis, you should take into account your weight and height. For a beginner, it is worth noting only one thing, if your weight is much more than normal weight, then you should choose longer skis, if your weight is less than normal and you are thin, then you need to choose cross-country skis a little shorter.

This method is for beginners who do not want to fool their heads with a choice, but now we will consider ways to choose cross-country skis for advanced athletes.

  • Skating skis in length should be chosen 15 centimeters longer than the height of the athlete.
  • Classic skis should be chosen 20-30 centimeters longer than the athlete's height.
  • We choose combined skis 15 - 20 centimeters longer than the height of the athlete.

Cross-country ski selection by weight

Now let's look at the choice of cross-country skis by weight, on the Internet there are many clever ways to check the weight of cross-country skis that you can break your head and lose interest in skiing, so I propose the usual way to determine the stiffness of a ski by weight.

For skating skis, the gap between the floor and the ski should be about 1 millimeter when you stand evenly on both skis, and a piece of plain paper under the heel should “walk” 30-40 centimeters under your foot.

If you transfer all the weight to one ski, then the distance from the ski to the floor should be halved and the piece of paper should already walk under your foot by a maximum of 20-30 centimeters. If everything is as I said, your weight is proportional to the selected cross-country skis,

For classic skis, the distance from the floor to the skis is 0.5 millimeters and a piece of paper under the foot must walk in different directions by 10-15 centimeters, this type of ski, as we already know, is softer, therefore the distance is very small.

As for the selection of cross-country skis of the combined type, then adhere to the selection rules for classic cross-country skiing.

Cross-country ski selection table by height and length

Skier height Classic skis Universal skis Skating skis Sticks for the classic move Skating sticks
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Well, that's all, you know how to choose cross-country skis, if you decided for yourself, then I already talked about this in detail, be sure to read it before buying. I wish you an excellent choice, smooth tracks and good weather conducive to active rest.

Where to buy cross-country skis and equipment at low prices?

Where to buy cross-country skis at low prices? I recently bought myself a running pair for 4400 rubles, to be honest, I'm happy as an elephant with this store. If you really decided to get yourself a ticket to a healthy lifestyle, then I advise you to look into “ shop "Planet Sport", Here you will find not only a huge selection of skis, but also the equipment you need.

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Choosing a pair of skis that will completely suit the skier is a puzzle with an asterisk. Here it is necessary to take into account many parameters: the area where the skis will be used, the level of training, the style of skiing, where the selection of skating skis plays an important role. Of course, the table will always help to make the correct selection of skis for height and weight, but besides this, there are still a lot of nuances. In this article, we will consider the main parameters of the selection of skis according to the anthropometric data of a person.

Varieties of skis

First, let's consider what types of skis are and their main characteristics.


Racing skis (RACING) are intended for athletes who participate in cross-country skiing competitions and other similar sports: winter courtyard, biathlon, ski orienteering.

They differ:

  • Special dynamic characteristics are the distribution of the athlete's weight along the length of the ski, rigidity.
  • Light weight.
  • A special type of sliding surface that provides the best sliding performance in different weather conditions.

Important! Racing sports equipment is divided into equipment for classic and skating. Moreover, the differences between these species are so significant that they can be used exclusively for their intended purpose.

On racing skis, you can only move on specially prepared tracks - they are not intended for movement on soft tracks or loose snow.

Important! In this category, the equipment of the elite type RACING PRO stands out - expensive models for professional riders and skis of the RACING sports series - relatively inexpensive models for amateur riders.


Walking views (RECREATION category) are intended for skiing enthusiasts. This is the most massive category of consumers, therefore such models have a relatively low price and are considered universal. They can be used for both classic and skating, walking trails and prepared trails.

Important! These skis are slightly heavier and wider than racing skis, but they are more stable, and the beginner will feel more confident on them.

FITNESS models should also be referred to walking options. They are intended for those who do not seek to take part in competitions, but want to keep their body in good shape through active exercise. These equipment are made using high quality materials and advanced technology, so their price level is about the same as for racing models.

For tourism

Models for extreme tourism (BACK COUNTRY) are intended for lovers of skiing in conditions where there are no ski and walking trails. They are wide enough to make it easy to move around on virgin snow, and are particularly durable.

Important! These are relatively expensive models that have passed a number of reliability tests, since the success of an expedition or campaign, and sometimes the health and life of a person who challenged the wild nature, depends on their quality.

For children and adolescents

Among the KID / JUNIOR models, which are designed for children and adolescents, you can find both sports types that are close in quality to racing models, and fairly inexpensive outdoor sports equipment, including equipment for children aged 3-8 years who are taking their first steps on the track.

Important! Before choosing skis by weight, determine your goals, assess your abilities and needs. Depending on how correctly you choose your ski model, each ski ride can be a real curse and incomparable pleasure.

How to choose skis according to weight and height?

If you have opted for any of the ski models, then when you come to the store, you will also need to select them in accordance with your height and weight.

Selection according to height

The rules for choosing equipment in length are different for skating and classic models, so you should keep in mind some points:

  • Skating models should be about 10-15 cm longer than the height of the skier.
  • The recommended length of models for a classic ride is considered to be 25-30 cm longer than the height of the skier.
  • Recreational sports equipment must be selected in the range 15-25 cm larger than your height.
  • When choosing walking equipment, skiers with a relatively large weight should adhere to the upper limit of the range, and with relatively small ones - to the lower limit.

Important! Novice skiers need to remember that shorter models are easier to handle and therefore easier to learn to ride at first. Confident skiers can choose longer options because longer skiers provide better glide.

Selection according to weight

In order to select skis by weight, it is necessary to determine their stiffness. The rigidity of the equipment can be selected using a special meter - a flex tester. Determine it on a flat surface or a specially designed board for measuring the stiffness of skis. And if you have enough experience, you can first estimate the rigidity by simply squeezing the pair with your hands.

Important! The flex tester is a special device for selecting the stiffness of skis in accordance with the weight of the skier. Sellers-consultants of specialized stores should help to choose equipment using this device.

The selection procedure using a flex tester is as follows:

  • Fix a pair of skis in the clamp and make an effort equal to half of your body weight (taking into account the weight of your boots and clothes), focusing on the dynamometer readings.

Important! Make sure there is a significant gap between the skis (at least 40-50 cm in length and 1-2 cm in height). If the gap is less, then you should choose a stiffer pair.

  • Next, increase the clamping force to a value equal to your body weight. At the same time, the free gap under the block between the skis should decrease in length to 10-15 cm for racing species, and for recreational ones it should practically disappear altogether.

Important! If the gap is too large, it is advisable to pick up a softer pair.

Selection of alpine skis

To choose the right model, you need to know about some tips and tricks. Let's take a closer look at them.

For the classic move

It is necessary to be especially careful when choosing a mountain model for a classic ride, because it will determine how comfortable you can ride:

  • When choosing, you must take into account your weight, the weather conditions under which the equipment will be used, the force of the kick with the foot, and, of course, personal preferences.
  • As a rule, skis for cold weather are chosen more elastic and softer than models for positive weather. In the cold, there is no need to apply thick layers of ointment, and this makes it possible to take a softer pair. And at positive temperatures, the thickness of the applied layer of ointment is significantly greater, and the stiffness of the ski must be higher in order for the deflection to compensate for the difference in the thickness of the ointment layer, especially when using ground and liquid lubricants.
  • Athletes of a higher level who have a powerful push, it is advisable to choose a model that is somewhat stiffer. On such a pair, a skier can make a long ride without contact of the holding zone with the snow. For less trained people, it is advisable to choose softer models for which it is easier to obtain a reliable "holding" of the lubricant.
  • If you choose a pair of the classic type, then the length of the skis should exceed your height by about 25-30 cm. And the sticks, on the contrary, should be picked up by about 23-30 cm less than your height. Although if you have excellent physical fitness and want to increase the load, then you can buy more authentic products.

For skating

Skating skis are called due to the fact that when moving on them, the skier uses the same running technique as the skater. To do this, it pushes off the snow surface with the inner part of the ski, while transferring all its weight to the sliding ski, and vice versa.

Important! It should be noted that the skating course is more appropriate for those who have well trained body and arms.

Here's what you need to consider in order for the selection of skating skis to be correct:

  • Skis of this type are shorter in length than classic skis - their maximum length can be no more than 192 cm. While riding such a pair, the athlete should not come into contact with the surface of the middle part of the ski. Therefore, such models should be more rigid than classical ones.

Important! If you are going to use them only for walking, it is better to choose softer and more elastic products on which it is easier to maintain balance.