What wallpaper for walls will be fashionable this year: editor's choice. Wallpaper for walls Trendy wallpaper colors

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Interiors with nondescript wallpapers have long been a thing of the past. Modern style trends are recommending minimalism in the interior, which means that a small amount of furniture releases the wall surfaces, and the wallpaper becomes the center of attention. Creating coziness in the living room always comes first. After all, here the family spends evenings, guests are invited here and receptions are held. Choosing your style is not easy at all. We offer you to look at the best combined wallpaper in the hall. Photos, designs of 2017-2018 and manufacturers' catalogs will help you make the right choice.

Fashion direction 2017-2018

Wallpaper in the hall combined 2017-2018: photo, interior design and fashion trends

Every year, designers continue to amaze with new textures and combination options. The trends of the outgoing year have prepared us for the return of bright accents. On the one hand, it is the embodiment of the dynamic rhythm of life. On the other hand, it is a return to the fashion of the 80s with bright colors. Interesting options for how to combine wallpaper in the hall are presented in our photo selection at the end of the article.

In the TOP-8, the following areas can be distinguished:

ColourRecommendations for use in the interior
Juicy yellowA few bright accents in the interior or decor are enough, as the general perception will completely change. It is the color of the sun and joy.
Rich greenIt has been popular for several seasons. However, the dark is replaced by a noble shade. This color is in good harmony with juicy purple, muted blue shades.
BlackBlack, but only as a neutral tone to complement the base color.
WhiteIn combination with black, you can change the geometry of the room. For example, for small rooms, the main palette is white, black can be present as an addition. Conversely, large black emphasizes favorably as the main color, while white is needed only for balance.
Serene blue-gray-greenThis range soothes the interior, gives a feeling of coolness and tranquility.
Blue with orangeThe combination will complement the room with positive energy. Examples of such combined wallpaper in the living room can also be seen in the photo selection at the end.
PinkThis color is no longer associated with belonging to the female direction. Designers offer sophisticated shades combined with pastels as a vibrant decoration.
Brick and terracotta shadesSuitable for large areas. They fill the room with warmth and comfort, especially if a fireplace area is installed in the living room.

The entire color palette fits perfectly into the premises.

How beautiful to combine wallpaper in the hall

The use of combined wallpaper is a favorite technique of designers. But before you combine wallpaper in the hall with each other, you should look at photos of ready-made collections of manufacturers or think over your combination. Such options will help create your own unique interior.

Nowadays it is rare for anyone to stop at the same type of design. Designers insist on using combination options for texture, shade or pattern. Such a technique can favorably emphasize a certain area.

Advice! Before choosing a wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the location of the room, the geometry, the presence of protrusions, the height of the ceilings, and the illumination. All these nuances can be very profitable to beat, negative moments with the help of the right choice can be turned into advantages.

Basic combination techniques

There are a lot of options for combining wallpaper in the hall. Photo ideas can be found in manufacturers' catalogs. Let's list some of them:

  • The most common one - one wall stands out with a brighter texture, all the rest are performed in a calmer scale;
  • an interesting decision will be to paste over two adjacent walls with one view with a brighter pattern or geometry, and the other two in muted shades;
  • you can also combine the horizontal and vertical gluing technique;
  • diagonal is quite difficult to perform, but it will give a completely different look to the living room;
  • you can accentuate certain areas with the help of stripes, for example, rest, TV or entrance;
  • stripes decorated in baguette frames look spectacular. They give the interior a certain bohemian feel.

Wallpaper for the living room: photo catalog with examples of finishing

There are a lot of ideas for creating your dream interior. Manufacturers are constantly offering new collections and combination options. The variety of textures makes the choice quite difficult. We offer you to look at a selection of wallpapers for the hall and interesting ones that will suggest an ideal solution for decorating the living room.


Whatever modern finishing materials appear on the market, for most Russians, wallpaper remains the main option for decorating walls in rooms with a wide variety of purposes. Practical and inexpensive, easy to install and use, with the widest choice of color palette and texture - wallpaper can be the easiest and fastest way to refresh the interior of a room or radically change the design. But this finishing material also has many varieties. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the right print, the color scheme of finishing, but also the raw materials from which the canvas is made. The aesthetics, durability, strength and ease of maintenance of the decorated walls will directly depend on the properties of the wallpaper.

Fashionable design 2017

All areas of our life are subject to fashion trends. Clothing designers easily change color priorities, new trends exclude previous, more recently most relevant ideas. In the field of decorating living spaces to the delight of ordinary people, the change in trends is not so rapid - the renovation created may be relevant for several years. But “keeping your finger on the pulse” is necessary for everyone who has decided to make a major renovation or a small reconstruction of their home.

What wallpapers can be considered the most stylish in the new 2017? What color and texture will be relevant and modern? Fortunately for us, there is no definite answer to these questions. Too many factors influence the choice of finishing materials in rooms with different functional purposes. Not to mention the personal preferences of designers and their customers - someone prefers timeless classics and is ready to spend money, for others it is important to keep the family budget, while others need ultra-fashionable design. And yet, among the latest trends in the field of finishing materials, the most popular trends can be distinguished:

usage plain wallpaper... This approach is chosen not only by conservatives or those who are just starting their journey in creating the design of their own home. Light-colored plain wallpaper can be the only viable option for finishing a very small room. In other cases, the walls act only as a background for wall decor - a collection of framed photos or paintings. Applying a bright, solid color wallpaper can be a great way to decorate an accent wall;

geometric print now in trend. Depending on the size of the room, the level of illumination (location relative to the cardinal points) and stylistic design, you can use both a small and variegated print, as well as a large, but barely noticeable pattern;

plant drawing on canvases made from various raw materials. Paper wallpapers, vinyl or textile - floral print is always relevant. The nuances of using plant motifs for the new season are mainly related to dosed use. If earlier our compatriot often pasted over all the walls of the living room or bedroom with wallpaper with a large floral pattern, now the decoration is combined, and the pattern or ornament is used as a material for an accent surface;

practicality, functionality and aesthetics are always in fashion, so modern designers prefer wide wallpaper... The wider the canvas, the fewer joints there will be on the walls;

for reasons of ease of installation and operation the liquid wallpaper are becoming more and more popular.

Popular materials

Wallpaper canvases are made from various materials. Due to the wide variety, the modern owner of an apartment or house can find an option that will satisfy him in terms of quality and value. Obviously, for rooms with different climates and functional background, it is necessary to choose wallpaper with a certain composition. But there are many versatile options that can become a practical, durable and aesthetic wall covering in a wide variety of rooms. What types of wallpaper are considered the most popular these days?

Most modern home and apartment owners planning renovations or minor alterations choose non-woven wallpaper (or vinyl on a non-woven basis). High strength, durability (relative to other types of canvases) and a wide range of colors and textures become the main criteria for choosing this type of finish for modern homes. The advantage of pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper is that you only need to apply glue to the wall - there is no risk of the canvas getting wet, erasing the pattern and damaging the material. This material can be painted or already contain a print (pattern, drawing, ornament).

Liquid wallpaper is becoming more and more popular. The application of such a material is more like painting. But unlike usual staining, liquid wallpaper is presented in a variety of textures, may have various additives and additives in a color that differs from the main tone. If the surface is prepared for finishing, then applying liquid wallpaper (saving your room from joints and seams) will not be difficult even for an inexperienced owner who is doing repairs for the first time.

Textile wallpaper is most often used to decorate accent walls in bedrooms and living rooms. Luxurious performance, the ability to "breathe" and excellent sound insulation bribe the owners of houses and apartments to use this expensive material. But the impossibility of cleaning the surface with a damp sponge and any cleaning agents imposes a ban on the use of textile cloths in rooms with a high level of possible pollution - children's rooms, kitchens, hallways and corridors, bathrooms and toilets.

There are other types of wallpaper that are used to decorate residential premises, but their popularity is significantly lower than the listed options. For example, paper wallpapers are highly environmentally friendly and are cheaper than all other materials for wallpaper, but completely impractical, short-lived and often look "simple" for creating a unique room design.

Color palette and print

Designers invite us to plunge into the world of complex shades of blue in the new season. The color of aquamarine, whitened indigo, light blue, deep ultramarine will be relevant. It is best to use different shades of blue in rooms located on the south side of the building and well lit by sunlight, because all shades of blue are cold colors.

Gray does not cease to be one of the leaders in the top list of the current color palette of 2017. The neutrality and versatility of most shades of this color allows it to be used as the main solution for the interior palette in a variety of rooms. Living rooms and bedrooms, hallways and offices - gray color is relevant in rooms with different microclimate and functional background. Even in a children's room, a gray tone can be used as a companion to a bright shade and get an original and at the same time unobtrusive design of the room. Colorful furnishings, textiles and wall decor look very impressive against a neutral gray background of the walls.

Almost all shades of beige can be called neutral and warm. That is why the beige tone is so often used in the formation of the design of small rooms, rooms located on the north side of the building, deprived of a lot of natural light. The light beige palette is perfect for decorating a bedroom - a pacifying and cozy atmosphere perfectly adjusts for rest and relaxation. Pastel shades of beige will always be relevant.

Black and white print did not come into fashion yesterday and will not cease to be mainstream tomorrow. Graphic images often become the basis for the design of premises in various stylistic designs - from classic to avant-garde. Depending on the variegation of the pattern, the ratio of white and black in the pattern, canvases with graphic prints can be used both in spacious rooms and in small rooms to highlight functional areas.

Wallpaper canvases with a vertical pattern will help to visually increase the height of the ceiling in the room. Whether it will be a stripe or a vertical pattern is up to you. The main thing is that the "stripes" should not be frequent, not dazzling, not to attract too much attention to themselves.

Metallic wallpapers or embossed canvases have not lost their popularity for several seasons. As a rule, wallpapers with a silvery or golden tint are executed with an ornate pattern (English, Windsor, Versailles ornament) or a floral print. The luxury of embossed canvases gives any interior a touch of well-being, elegance and style. In classic, neo-classical interiors, such wallpapers can be used both for finishing all walls, and for highlighting certain zones within a combined room or a separate space that has several functional segments.

The combination of wallpaper from different materials can lead to the creation of a difficultly original design of the room, but a unique concept. For example, in classic and neo-classical interiors, the selection of zones decorated with embossed wallpaper and moldings looks luxurious. At the same time, the wallpaper canvases, limited by moldings, can be made in the same color scheme as the main tone of the walls and differ only in the pattern, or they can appear in a contrasting, colorful version that stands out against the general background.

Wall murals have not become less popular. The best way to highlight the accent surface is difficult to come up with. High-quality printing of images allows us to immerse ourselves in a beautiful landscape from the comfort of our own apartment. Or feel the warmth of the hearth against the backdrop of bookshelves, admire a huge family portrait on the entire wall, or decorate a nursery with an image of your favorite hero of a fairy tale, cartoon, or comic strip.

When using photo wallpaper to create a modern interior, designers around the world often began to use various cards. It can be a map of the world or your city, a nonexistent kingdom or the place where you were born and can now only feel nostalgic.

Several versatile options

We bring to your attention several options for wallpaper that harmoniously fit into the interior of both residential and utilitarian premises. There are many modern paintings that look relevant in the living room, bedroom, study, dining room and even the hallway. Modern materials have high strength and wear resistance, can be cleaned, do not fade in the sun and serve for many years if used correctly. That is why many options for finishing with wallpaper are suitable for rooms with different microclimate and functional load.

And finally, another option for using the same wallpaper in different rooms of the home.

Wallpaper in a modern interior - new items in 2019

Long gone are the days when wall painting was done only for practical purposes, that is, in order to protect the surface of a building material, the modern variety of which has led to a new demand from society for aesthetic satisfaction.

Today, there are a wide variety of styles and designs, and this year was no exception in the appearance of new ones. Wallpaper of 2017 not only meets high quality requirements, but can also become an adornment of any interior.

New items

Styles "Hi-tech" and "Minimalism" are now out of fashion. The new hit of the season is retro and a return to exquisite patterns and various ornaments. The following is also relevant for this year:

  • the absence of abstraction and oversaturation with color - only restraint and clarity of the picture;
  • shades of bed tones are considered fashionable, giving the design lightness and airiness;
  • mainstream of this year - contrasting solutions: black and white drawings, which can be diversified by inserts of bright flashy colors (blue, purple, yellow, etc.);
  • a new direction - creating an atmosphere of harmony with nature: green tones and patterns, wallpaper with a landscape, artificial "natural" materials: bamboo, wood, stone;
  • the use of photographic, glossy materials, as well as wallpaper with a 3D effect.

Summing up, we can say that bright graceful patterns and ornaments, including ethnic ones, have come into fashion. An important point is that they should not be vague, since the new style requirement is the clarity of the picture.

It should be noted that the new wallpapers include such interesting shades as peach, turquoise, olive, gold, etc. Designers advise not to be afraid of experimenting with the background and use several colors in the interior at once. The main thing is not to forget about the harmony of each element in combination with others.

Geometric shapes that can be combined are also in vogue. For rooms with a small area, wallpapers with an oblong ornament are well suited, which will visually expand the space.

General Provisions

The emergence of new trends in the field of wall coverings is always driven by textile innovations. Therefore, experts advise you to familiarize yourself with them before choosing wallpaper for repair. As already mentioned, patterns and floral arrangements have returned to fashion, the influence of which is so strong that they began to be combined with the "Hi-tech" and "Minimalism" styles.

Bright hues with rich prints can be used to zone a room in the same way as wallpaper. Bright patterned materials will look great against the background of simple furniture and furnishings in general, neutral tones. The perfect solution would be a combination of warm pastel shades and flashy colors.


It is recommended to choose wallpaper for the living room from such old graceful styles as classic, "Provence" and "Retro", which suggest an abundance of bright floral patterns and ornaments. In order to divide the room into parts or to avoid oversaturation with a pattern, you can combine variegated wallpapers with monochromatic ones - this is a practical and successful move in this season.

A combination of colors and geometric shapes will also become fashionable:

  • small drawing and straight vertical stripes;
  • rhombuses and waves
  • landscape photowall-paper and "urban" ornament.

It is better to choose a pastel shade as the main tone. Wallpaper design in the hall can be "supported" by repeating certain colors in interior items.


Decorative panels and tiles give way to light wallpaper (large patterns are allowed), which can visually expand the space. Furniture is advised to purchase laconic and compact. It has also become popular to paste over one (free) kitchen wall with photo wallpaper and black and white rolls.

The real hit of the year is the design of this zone in shades of white, brown and gray, as well as a combination of materials of different textures: wallpaper (or paint) and wood, for example.


This year, in the design of the sleeping area, it is advised to use materials with a dull muted ornament or pattern. The use of floristic compositions, which became fashionable in 2017, will also be an excellent solution.

It also became possible to use dark colors, while not diluted with light tones. The main thing in this case is a developed lighting system.

Combinations of contrasting colors, for example, purple and light green, are allowed, but the shades should not be bright.


New trends of this year have opposite directions to the recently popular "Hi-tech" and "Minimalism". Refined patterns and flowers, rich ornament returned to fashion, floral motifs and geometric shapes became popular.

Contrast is relevant - a combination of incompatible colors, as well as a synthesis of monochromatic materials with motley and bright ones. The drawing should be clear, abstraction no longer plays a leading role.

Pastel colors, often the main ones, still hold the dominant position. Below are photos of new products in the interior of 2017.

2017 wallpaper design photo

Existing varieties of wallpaper. A wide range of ways to decorate interior design. Useful tips among the variety of ideas for wallpapering walls. Photos with examples of the latest trends in 2017. Combination of different textures and materials.

About types of wallpaper, cost comparison

Bamboo wallpaper is a piece of nature in your home.

Today, a large number of types of wallpaper are known. The most popular are:

  • paper;
  • fabric;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • bamboo;
  • bubbly.

It is impossible to list all of them - the assortment among the manufacturers and the materials from which they are made is so wide. Let's take a closer look at each view.

A nursery for a boy is a combination of cold pastel colors and pure white. White furniture goes well with white splashes of wallpaper pattern and painted birds sitting on a branch.

Bedroom of a teenage girl. Fabric wallpaper with one of the most popular motives - "English cage".

Fabric wallpaper in silvery tones will become the main decoration of the bedroom of a young successful lady living in the modern world. Note that the furniture also has "metallic" fittings and tones.

Romantic living room in lilac tones. Delicate hearts on the wallpaper are emphasized by purple leaves of a decorative tree.

The wallpaper is decorated with an embossed pattern of birds sitting on the branches. Delicate pastel colors blend perfectly with the selected furniture.

Embossed vinyl wallpaper, reminiscent of ancient stucco on the walls, will be a great addition to the boudoir of a middle-aged lady.


The most common type of wallpaper at all times has always been paper. They are the cheapest. Most often they have a pattern on the front side. However, they are not strong, and also cannot hide the uneven surface of the walls. But, nevertheless, paper wallpaper still remains the main leader in the market of global manufacturers.

The room located in the southern part of the building should be covered with wallpaper in light cold colors with a large pattern. Furniture, decorated to match, looks harmonious with the walls.

The most common are plant motifs - flowers, plants, trees and the like.

The perfect combination of paper wallpaper and window textiles. A bedroom for romantic natures who appreciate sophistication and comfort.

Paper wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern will ideally fit into a combined bathroom (washbasin and toilet), where there is no high humidity, like in the bathroom.


Such wallpapers are mainly fabrics of silk, cotton or synthetic material, as well as their various combinations. Against paper wallpapers - fabric wallpapers are much more expensive, but at the same time they will last you much longer. And their appearance is more luxurious. Fabric wallpaper can slightly improve sound insulation, besides reducing the loss of heat from the room through the walls.

Luxurious wallpaper in a luxurious interior. What could be better ?!

In rooms with a low ceiling, wallpaper with vertical stripes will visually raise it.

Modern style bedroom. Furniture with elements of antiquity (aged wood) plus bright decor elements is a great option for a creative person.

Minimalism - smoothness of forms and nothing more. "Geometry" in wallpaper is the only bright element of the decor.

The bedroom, decorated with fabric wallpaper with bright colors on a black background, clearly reflects the world of the sensual nature of its inhabitant.

Provence style bedroom. An unpretentious pattern on one of the walls perfectly matches the color scheme of all textiles.


Non-woven wallpapers are very similar in structure to the paper ones that formed their basis, but with a more durable panel surface and material density. This is what allows them to be used in the living room or - in those places where there is a lot of traffic of people or special strength of materials is required. The multilayer structure of these wallpapers also allows you to choose the most suitable option for the outer layer - polymer or natural textures.


The outer layer of this wallpaper is made of pure PVC. That allows you not to be afraid of wetting walls and wallpaper in rooms with high humidity, prolonging the service of covering the walls and the building itself. But on the other hand, vinyl wallpaper does not allow air to pass through. This means that the walls will not "breathe". But using such panels, you can form any textures and make embossed walls.

This type of wallpaper is based on fiberglass and reinforcement, which increases the strength of the fabrics. Glass fiber:

  • as beautiful as pure silk;
  • durable like plastic;
  • as strong as steel cables.

But they are quite expensive in terms of cost. However, they quickly pay off with the duration of use and the reliability of the material. If you suddenly get bored with them, it is not necessary to remove them from the walls, you can simply apply putty on top of them.

Glass wallpaper - pros and cons:

In fact, this is a dry mixture, by making a solution from which you can decorate the room. It contains cellulose. Drying, the walls look like theirs. That is why this type is called liquid wallpaper. They are much stronger than ordinary plaster or putty, perfectly level the surface of the walls, maintaining the air circulation of the room's microclimate.

What is liquid wallpaper, technology for applying liquid wallpaper:

Bamboo wallpaper is a piece of nature in your home, it is completely free of any toxicity. Initially, it is an environmentally friendly material, but somewhat expensive relative to others. With their help, you can create a unique cozy atmosphere in any home and room. They do not need to be painted - natural colors and textures are much more popular and are in particular demand among many buyers who can afford this trendy wallpaper.


Beaded wallpaper is a wallpaper on a paper, non-woven or vinyl base, covered with tiny beads in a wide range of colors. The interior, in the design of which such wallpapers will be used, will be unique and impeccably excellent. All neighbors will be jealous.

3D wallpaper is a three-dimensional image, from the side such wallpapers look very realistic.

Wallpaper: the pros and cons of using

As a rule, photowall-paper is one bright glossy drawing, which is the main accent on one of the walls of the room being decorated. What is it for? Let's take a look at the positive and negative aspects of this subspecies.

Photo wallpaper in the interior:

3D wallpaper, specificity of gluing

3D wallpaper is a three-dimensional image, from the side such wallpapers look very realistic. But even among them there are several types. Which ones? Let's figure it out.

Single / Standard

This is a small part of the wallpaper. In appearance, they resemble a kind of optical illusion:

  • spreading stripes;
  • distorted reality;
  • various geometric projections.

Such wallpapers already take up more space - either a whole wall, or two, or even three. These are three-dimensional images, incomparable in their splendor, from mythological subjects to fantastic landscapes.


The peculiarity lies in the fact that during the day it is just a three-dimensional drawing, and at night the room is filled with pleasant diffused light, which creates a feeling of complete unreality of what is happening. And all thanks to the fluorescent bulbs that underlie their illumination.

LED wallpaper is a complex system of backlighting that can be adjusted using the remote control, creating a different picture.

Choosing the type of wallpaper depending on the room

Living room

Find out what trends will be relevant in 2017.


In the nursery, it is best to use paper wallpaper. They can be changed along with the development of the child, without fear that he will ruin them ... Children's wallpapers should be pastel colors.


Fiberglass and vinyl are your best bets. They are moisture resistant and durable.


Vinyl and glass wallpaper will help prolong the life of your hallway, they are reliable and durable. Natural wallpaper - bamboo will also look good.

How to visually expand / reduce space with the right wallpaper

To do this, you need to remember about small tricks:

  1. At low walls, the walls should be pasted over with wallpaper in light colors or have a small pattern.
  2. If the ceilings on the contrary are too high, then choose wallpaper with horizontal lines or large patterns.
  3. In large rooms, it is customary to paste over the walls with dark wallpaper. Or they should have large patterns.
  4. In rooms located on the north side of the building, it is better to glue wallpaper in warm colors. And for those located in the southern part, cold shades will be the best option.
  5. If you want to experiment a little and make combined wallpapers, then they should be of similar tones, the same thickness and texture.

Combining wallpaper in the interior

If, when combining wallpaper, you choose vertical stripes, then know that this way you visually increase the height of the space between the ceiling and the floor. Horizontal lines help to expand the space of the entire room, but "lower" the ceilings. You can also use the patchwork method. Most of all, it is suitable for a children's room. The main thing is to approach the matter with all responsibility, so that you do not get a "clown outfit" instead of a well-thought-out design.

Trendy colors and wallpaper design trends for 2017

We invite you to browse the catalog of this year's trendy wallpapers.

"Deceptive" wallpaper - it looks like anything - leather, brickwork, paving stones, rock, but not wallpaper.

Wallpaper with plants - any plant motives.

Cartographic wallpaper - maps of antiquity and modernity. Including as children's treasure maps.

Wall murals - everything is clear here and without words. Any landscapes, paintings and photos.

3D wallpaper - volumetric images of various subjects.

Geometry of shapes.

Look at other examples of wall decoration with wallpaper: