What wallpaper is better for the hall. Wallpaper for the hall. How to properly glue the wallpaper to avoid defects

All family members living in the house often gather in the living room, and here they meet guests. When thinking about decorating this room, you need to think over the design in such a way that the whole environment is cozy and comfortable.

An important role is played, in this case, and the design of the walls. And what wallpaper to choose for the hall, the article will tell you.

Tip: Choosing the design of the living room walls, it is necessary to ensure the harmony of the entire interior style, while creating a favorable atmosphere in the room.

There are a number of criteria that should be considered before choosing a wallpaper for a hall.

These include:

  • Ecological cleanliness... This will ensure safety for residents and will not damage the structure of the walls. The material must:
  1. "Breathe";
  2. Do not contribute to waterlogging of the walls;
  3. Do not release harmful toxic fumes into the environment;
  4. Do not attract dust to your surface.
  • The appearance of the wallpaper. It includes:
  1. Quality;
  2. Shades of color;
  3. Ornamental drawing;
  4. General design style.
  • Ease of sticking canvases on the wall. This includes points such as:
  1. Simplicity of pattern selection;
  2. Wallpaper gluing method: overlap or end-to-end;
  3. The need to adjust the pattern, especially with a large step;
  4. The ability to stick canvases with your own hands, without the involvement of professionals.
  • Have resistance to burnout... This is especially important for rooms with large windows and a large number of them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall

Wallpaper types can be traditional and original (made from natural materials).

Samples of wallpaper for the hall are presented in the table:

Type of wallpaper for the hall Peculiarities

The advantages of this type of wallpaper: environmental friendliness, low price. Disadvantage: fragility, low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

This is a more practical option for wall coverings. They are stronger than paper ones and perfectly hide irregularities on the walls. There is a huge selection of patterns and colors, but the material cannot be called “breathable”. To eliminate this disadvantage, you can choose wallpaper made of perforated vinyl.

They are distinguished by their durability, do not fade in the sun and are not afraid of moisture. Such wallpapers can be repainted several times.

Advantages of fiberglass:
  • Great durability;
  • High strength;
  • They breathe well;
  • Easy to clean.

Lack of material:

  • Painting. You can only repaint the wallpaper a limited number of times. In this case, the paint will gradually hide the relief, deteriorating the decorative properties of the coating;
  • High price;
  • Difficult dismantling.

Natural wallpapers look great in all interiors. The materials of such wallpaper can be very diverse:
  • Bamboo;
  • Cane;
  • Rice paper;
  • Straw.

Natural wallpaper:

  • They are resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • They are not afraid of moisture;
  • Do not collect dust;
  • Easy to clean.

But you should not paste over all the walls with natural wallpaper - it is better to combine them with another type of coating.

Textile wallpapers help to create a luxurious and cozy atmosphere in the living room. In addition, the material:
  • Very environmentally friendly;
  • Resistant to pollution;
  • Does not fade.

The only drawback is the difficulty in leaving.

The wallpaper favorably emphasizes the design in techno or hi-tech styles. Some options can be used in a classic style.

The basis of the wallpaper is non-woven, covered on top with a thin layer of aluminum foil, on which an embossing or pattern is applied to the metal: bronze, platinum, gold, silver (see Non-woven wallpaper for walls). The foil has heat-insulating properties, it is resistant to moisture, does not fade in the sun, and does not wear out for a long time.

The basis of the finishing material is made up of cellulose, silk, dyes, decorative components and substances that protect the wallpaper from mold and decay. The appearance of the coating resembles plaster. Before use, the dry mixture is diluted with water.

Choosing wallpaper color

Choosing a color scheme, you should rely on your preferences. However, there are some tricks to keep in mind.

Before choosing the color of the wallpaper for the hall, you should pay attention to the features of the room itself:

  • For a large and spacious hall, you can purchase rich and bright materials. They can be: cherry, burgundy, green or blue. But using such shades is better dosed, choosing the right accents.
  • For a small living room, pastel shades of wallpaper are perfect. These can be colors: roses, mint, lavender.
  • It is also necessary to pay attention to the orientation of the room. For a room located on the north side, you should choose wallpaper in warm colors. They can be: apricot, peach, strawberry color.
  • In the southern rooms, preference should be given to cold colors: pale blue, lilac, mint, metallic, silver.

Tip: A selection of pearl or golden wallpaper for the hall will create a sense of celebration in the room, but these colors should not be overused.

Do not forget about the furniture in the living room. Dark furniture is emphasized by light-colored wallpapers: vanilla, light purple, apricot. When arranging from light furniture, you must choose bright shades of wallpaper. It can be fuchsia, aqua, honey or juicy greens.

Green wallpaper for the large hall Selection of wallpaper for the hall Wallpaper in the living room on the north side Wallpaper in the room on the south side Light wallpaper with dark furniture Wallpaper with light furniture in the hall

Wallpaper pattern for the hall

The ornament on the wallpaper plays an important role in the design of the interior.

Tip: It should be borne in mind that wallpaper with horizontal stripes visually expands the room, and with vertical stripes, it stretches.

Instructions for choosing a wallpaper pattern for the living room offers:

  • Choose the right color for wallpaper with a geometric pattern, which can look quite stylish and not annoying;
  • When purchasing wallpaper, you need to ask to unwind the roll and look at them for about one minute. In this case, you need to be careful, geometric patterns can ripple in the eyes, which can lead to dizziness;
  • You can choose a classic Victorian image if you have simple and elegant furniture in the living room;
  • To add light and additional paints to a room with poor natural light, a leafy pattern on the walls, as in the photo, helps.

To better imagine what kind of wallpaper, and choose them for your home, it's worth watching the video.

Classic style wallpaper

Which wallpaper to choose for the hall largely depends on the style conceived for decorating the living room.

The most common is the classic style, which is used to decorate rooms in apartments and in private houses. With this design option, the presence of bright saturated colors is not expected.

When decorating the hall with wallpaper indoors in a classic style:

  • Neutral calm colors are traditional.
  • For pasting walls, monochromatic materials are used, with a large or medium-sized pattern, which is slightly different in shade from the general background.
  • The canvases are combined with each other in different ways: on the walls you can place squares or rectangles of any material, and around these "inserts" you can paste over plain wallpaper. After that, such fragments can be highlighted with a baguette, which will be painted in a color that is in harmony with the canvases.
  • Another option for combining different wallpapers is to divide the wall surface into an upper body and panels of darker wallpaper with vertical stripes. On the upper part of the wall, light monochromatic or with a small pattern wallpaper is glued;
  • When decorating walls in this style, the installation of ceiling curbs is provided.

High-tech and country wallpapers

"Hi-tech" is a style that represents one of the directions of minimalism, which does not use wallpaper with decorative patterns. The traditional wall covering in this style is the use of plain materials or canvases that imitate masonry with small details.

When decorating walls, fiberglass and non-woven wallpapers are often used, which, if desired or necessary, can be quickly repainted. What color of wallpaper to choose for a high-tech hall?


  • Light or dark gray;
  • Steel;
  • White.

Coziness and comfort in the room is formed by the "rustic" style of "country". This is one of the most used styles for interiors, which creates favorable conditions for emotional relief and relaxation.

In the country style, soft, warm tones are used that do not cause irritation and aggression, and the furniture creates maximum comfort for a person. Traditionally, this style is characterized by gluing paper wallpapers in light and warm colors, with floral and plant elements placed in the correct order.

In the "country" style there are no big restrictions on the choice of material, however, it is preferable to choose a traditional color.

Usually this option is used by lovers of exotic, which makes the ethnic style not very popular. In addition, the use of natural materials increases the cost of styling.

For walls, wallpaper made of bamboo, cork, reeds and other similar materials are used. Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is sometimes used to imitate masonry or other natural material.

In ethnic style, a combined selection of wallpaper for the hall of different types is possible. For example, cover one wall with cork wallpaper, and all others with monochromatic canvases of a suitable color or coatings for painting.

This style is characterized by warm, close to natural colors:

  • Brown;
  • Green;
  • Orange;
  • Yellow.

Often, wall decoration is done with photo wallpapers with a directional theme.

To choose the right wallpaper for your living room, you should adhere to these recommendations:

  • To visually expand the space, wallpaper should be selected with horizontal stripes. In this case, striped canvases are glued to two walls: with a built-in entrance door and one located opposite it. If it is necessary to visually lengthen the room, wallpaper with such a pattern is located on the other two walls.
  • Increase the space and wallpaper with a perspective image.
  • To raise the small height of the living room, the same striped wallpaper, glued to all walls or one, helps, but the stripes are arranged vertically.
  • If the ceiling is too high, you can visually reduce its surface by pasting all walls and ceiling with the same wallpaper.
  • Wallpapers of dark colors should not be purchased for a small living room, as they will visually reduce the room and “put pressure” on the viewer. Light shades of canvases will fill the space with light, and the room will appear larger. In addition, with such a finish, electricity is saved.
  • For a small living room, it is not recommended to choose wallpaper with a large pattern - they will visually reduce the space. For small rooms, plain canvases or with small plant and geometric patterns are better;
  • Warm pastel colors create coziness and comfort in the room.
  • The feeling of coolness and a lot of air helps to create cool light shades.
  • If there are defects on the wall that cannot be corrected, it is better to choose wallpaper with a diagonal pattern or with often large flowers.

Which wallpaper for the hall to choose, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is that the room is warm and comfortable for all family members.

To know how to choose wallpaper for a room in two colors, you can always turn to the opinion of professional designers, who already have a few correct rules ready.

At first, wallpaper should be selected according to shade... The most successful and universal combinations are the combinations of and, and, and, and, and, and, and silver.

Also, sometimes a great solution would be the use of the same, which will differ in shades of the same color... This solution is suitable for those who are interested in how beautiful it is in the hall of two colors, but do not want to end up with too catchy and clumsy design.

Lovers of plain walls and those who plan to focus on furniture or accessories will find a way out for themselves in this method.

Those who want brightness and originality should pay attention to wallpapers of different color categories. The main rule is not to use several saturated, bright colors at the same time.... It is best to combine two colors. Moreover, if you choose one juicy, then the second is necessarily neutral.

Advice: not only the above colors are well combined, but also their shades. Look for suitable options, select tones. Sometimes the same color, but in different shades, looks completely different.

Secondly, wallpaper is selected by combining in texture: matte with glossy, rough c.

Thirdly, drawing plays an important role in a harmonious combination. Motives with and flowers with stripes will look best.... The latter is the calling card of the design.

In general, patterns can be used in many different ways. For example, designers love horizontal division of walls... At the same time, always try to decorate the bottom with the help, the top - with wallpaper with a small pattern, or make the bottom plain, and the top - in stripes or with large patterns.

How to match wallpaper colors?

We have already briefly mentioned which colors and their combinations are considered the most successful. However, with the help of certain colors and shades, you can also create the necessary atmosphere, correct the imperfections of the room and make it the way you want.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to beautifully stick wallpaper in a hall of two colors, then it will be useful to listen to the following recommendations.

In addition, there are several different options for gluing wallpaper in two colors in the hall. Let's take a closer look at each example of combinations.

Accent walls

Perhaps one of the first answers to the question of how to stick wallpaper of two colors in the hall comes to mind exactly accent wall idea... The very name of such a technique already speaks for itself. An accent wall is a wall in a room that stands out from the rest of its original texture, color, pattern.

Often it is decorated using at the same time. The image for the accent wall is selected based on the main color of the interior: for example, if the wallpaper on the walls is in shades of blue, the plot will be the most original photopanel, but with a slight splash of blue.

Why is this technique so popular among interior designers? It's very simple: it has been scientifically proven that a person's impression is formed in the first 15 seconds. And if you attract him with something beautiful and original at this time, then the whole interior will seem to him as such.

In addition, this option for combining wallpaper is very functional: a skillfully designed accent wall can visually enlarge or shrink a room, hide its flaws and emphasize its merits.

For small rooms, when combining wallpaper with photo wallpaper, choose pictures with the horizon line - believe me, there is no better way to visually expand the space than this one.

Exists a few rules on how to design an accent wall.

And although choosing wallpaper for the hall in two colors is a task that takes a little more time than usual, the effect of such work is strikingly different from simply pasting the walls with monochromatic coatings.

Remember that there is nothing more stupid than combining cheap and luxury wallpapers with each other and gluing them side by side. This will in no way help the interior to look richer, but the general atmosphere will certainly spoil it.

At the same time, listen more to your own feelings. Moderation, a sense of style and your own preferences will tell you your ideal combination.

Wallpaper is a quick and relatively inexpensive way to update your living room interior. Thanks to a wide variety of shades, patterns and textures, they can be used to transform a room, visually expand, and also make it cozy and stylish. In order not to get confused among the huge assortment presented in hardware stores, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the types of wallpaper, find out the pros and cons of each material, read the recommendations and see photos of the best examples of living room design using them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper wallpaper

This is the most affordable type of wallpaper. Due to their low cost, they can be used to decorate rented apartments, hostels, or simply change every two to three years for new ones. Depending on the type of paper used, a distinction is made between matte and glossy products.

Thin single-layer wallpaper is also called simplex, and two-layer wallpaper, consisting of a dense substrate and a decorative front side, is a duplex. The latter are more resistant to getting wet, so they do not tear so much during gluing and better hide the unevenness of the walls.

The advantages of paper wallpaper are low price, environmental friendliness (air and microparticles of water vapor permeate well), a large selection of patterns and colors. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the fragility, susceptibility to mechanical damage, burnout in the sun, and also the fact that, collecting dust, they do not lend themselves to wet cleaning.

For gluing paper wallpaper, the walls should be perfectly flat.

Vinyl wallpapers

Such wallpapers are made by applying an artificial material - polyvinyl chloride - to a paper or fabric base. It can be smooth, hard, foamed, or embossed (silkscreen). The resistance of PVC to moisture makes this material an optimal base for painting, and its low weight and mechanical strength makes it easy to attach to walls. The high price is justified by the long service life - from 10 to 20 years, and in addition - the ability to repaint (up to 5 times).

Vinyl wallpaper is resistant to moisture, sufficiently elastic and durable, capable of hiding small irregularities in the walls. Volumetric patterns and beautiful texture make them a very aesthetic finish. The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper include the unpleasant smell of plastic (which should disappear over time) and the fact that they do not let air and steam through the walls, do not allow them to "breathe".

Textile wallpaper

Using fabrics to decorate the walls in the hall is not a cheap pleasure, but their delightful appearance is worth it. Linen, satin, silk, velvet, with an amazing patterned interweaving of threads - they make the interior truly luxurious.

Fabric wallpapers require very careful care - they should be protected from UV and moisture, and carefully cleaned. The environmental friendliness of such a finish depends on the material chosen, but in general, textiles are good for air permeability.

Glass fiber

They are produced by the weaving method from the finest glass threads. The result is a very durable translucent canvas with a relief pattern. Such wallpapers are firmly attached with starch paste over the plaster and can be re-painted.

The advantages of glass fiber wallpaper include environmental friendliness (they contain only natural materials, such as quartz sand, limestone, soda, clay), fire safety (glass fiber melting temperature + 600 ° C), durability (up to 30 years of operation).

The disadvantages are the relatively high weight and poor choice of textures.

The liquid wallpaper

They can also be attributed to decorative plasters, because liquid wallpaper is, in fact, an acrylic solution with the addition of natural fibers (cellulose, sawdust, cotton, silk) and pigment.

This type of finish allows you to hide the original irregularities, create an interesting texture, paint the walls with a color gradient. Liquid wallpaper is easy to apply and remove, has a beautiful relief, level the surface of the walls. Glitter, small stones can be added to the mixture.

The disadvantages of finishing with liquid wallpaper include low moisture resistance.

It's all about style!

A huge number of varieties of wallpaper allows you to find the perfect solution for any style of interior. Read on for tips on some of them.

Modern assumes a restrained design in monochrome colors. For a living room in this style, plain or wallpaper with a dull graphic pattern (rhombuses, circles, lines, abstractions), imitation of polished marble, metal are suitable. Wallpaper can be an interesting addition to create a visual perspective.

In the classic interior of the hall, light wallpapers with golden or silver floral ornaments, repeating the texture of expensive fabrics (satin, brocade, velvet), natural sandstone, mahogany, and soft leather will look harmonious.

For a Provence style living room design, it is better to choose matte pastel wallpaper with a small floral print. You can not glue them with a solid canvas, but frame them with monochromatic inserts repeating the color of the patterns.

The main motif of the Scandinavian style - snow-capped rocks and transparent blue fjords - should be reflected in the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper can be white, light blue, gray, with abstract patterns.

Wall murals depicting a winter mountain landscape or a waterfall will also help to visually expand the living room.

This style is characterized primarily by natural materials. Imitation of masonry, wooden planks or logs, hay, straw are basic options for country music.

A relaxed rustic atmosphere will help to create wallpaper with floral patterns, in a cage, with images of pets, birds, butterflies, pastoral scenes. Photo inserts should also remind of life outside the city: a lot of sun, sky, green trees, endless fields and horses.

Color solutions

White wallpaper

White wallpaper in the hall is an elegant, unobtrusive background for brighter decor and furniture. They are always appropriate, visually expanding the space and giving it a soft glow.

Gray wallpaper

A neutral silver to graphite palette is perfect for both monochrome designs and softening bright accents. A living room in gray will always look modern and sophisticated.

Wallpaper in pastel colors

The dull, sun-bleached, bleached colors create a very soothing atmosphere. Light blue, lilac, sand, beige, pink, greenish - all of them are ideally combined with each other.

The living room with such wallpaper will visually seem more spacious.

Brown wallpaper

Shades of brown are perfect for a cozy home environment. The color of coffee and chocolate is in perfect harmony with the soft glow of yellow, the festive purity of white, the spring vitality of green, as well as the heavenly elevation of turquoise.

Yellow wallpaper

It makes sense to decorate the walls of the hall in yellow tones, the windows of which face the northwest side. Banana, lemon, orange wallpapers will fill the living room with warmth and light, and give the inhabitants a good mood.

Combining wallpaper in the living room

So that the living room does not get bored with the monotony, different elements should be used for wall decoration. A successful combination of plain and patterned wallpaper will help to beautifully zone the space, increase the height of the ceilings, expand or narrow certain areas, and highlight dark corners.

Using this technique, you should be guided by the shade combination table. The most harmonious look is a uniform base and patterns repeating in color on a lighter background. Shiny prints reflect light and grab attention; lines visually stretch the room; large elements fill the void of oversized halls.

Wallpaper in the hall can also be combined with painting, decorative plaster, ceramic tiles, brick or masonry, wood veneer, cork and plastic panels. Carved wooden frames, stucco molding (or its imitation made of polyurethane), plasterboard niches will help to highlight the most interesting areas.

A hall in an apartment or in a private house is considered to be the main room - a kind of visiting card. It is in this room that guests often gather, so the owners should take care of its quality transformation. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the interior in order to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere by combining walls, furniture and other details.

Currently, a variety of styles can be used to decorate a hall. Moreover, the design of the room completely depends on the preferences of the owner of the apartment.

It is worth noting that some designers prefer to mix seemingly completely incompatible styles, and as a result, new directions appear.

When choosing stylish wallpapers for the hall, first of all, the interior of the room is taken into account.

But before proceeding with the choice of wall covering, you should determine what kind of image will appear before the guests after the completion of all finishing work. Therefore, among the many styles (high-tech, empire or rococo, etc.), it is necessary to find the most suitable one.

People who prefer aesthetic and aristocratic beauty to all newfangled trends should dwell on the classic style. After all, wall decor made in a similar direction will adorn any home, and will not be considered old-fashioned.

Modern designers offer many options for decorating walls in an apartment. Moreover, much attention is paid to absolutely all rooms, be it a kitchen, a nursery, a gym or a living room.

Increasingly, the owners are not afraid of fashionable experiments, because with their help the hall is transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, with the right approach, it is very simple, even in Khrushchev, to visually enlarge the room and create a unique image.

The most effective options for modern hall decoration are the following.

Dark tones wallpaper

This option is recommended for use in a room with light furniture. Thanks to the contrast, it is possible to beautifully decorate the living room, making it brighter and at the same time cozy. But do not paste over the entire room with dark wallpaper, instead, it is better to highlight one area.

Light-colored wallpaper

Dark-colored furniture suits them well.

If you glue rolled material of gentle and "calm" tones, a contrast will arise, with the help of which an atmosphere of aristocracy and comfort is created in the hall.

Muted wallpaper tones

They go well with bright furniture. Today, more and more often you can find a room in which interior items are distinguished by a variety of bright colors.

To successfully set off such furniture in the living room, wallpaper in muted tones will be an ideal solution.

Types of wallpaper for the hall: how to make the right choice

It is important to understand that there are no rolled canvases that have no flaws at all. However, due to the variety of such materials, you can easily choose which will meet the basic requirements of the consumer.

The main types of wallpaper are:

  1. Paper. They belong to the budget category and besides this, the material is easily glued. However, they do not hide surface defects, and also have low wear resistance.
  2. Non-woven. They are characterized by an acceptable price, in addition, they have average heat and sound insulation. Helps to hide small irregularities in the walls.
  3. Photo wallpaper. Due to the great variety and affordable price, the photos look good on wall surfaces. However, when using them, professional pasting skills are recommended.
  4. Vinyl. They are embossed and moisture resistant, and are highly durable. But they include expensive materials, so not everyone can afford these wallpapers.
  5. Textile. Natural materials are used for their production; they have no joints on the walls. But this type of wallpaper is considered very expensive.

In addition, to facilitate the choice, wallpaper samples will be good helpers.

Even more useful information for those who for the first time decided to independently choose and glue the wallpaper:

Wallpaper for a small room: what is important to pay attention to

Quite often, the hall in the apartment is small in size.

Therefore, in order to properly decorate the walls of a small room, certain rules should be followed when choosing wallpaper:

  1. Dim wallpaper. Variegated colors visually reduce the footage, so bright colors should be abandoned.
  2. Monochrome. Pictures and patterns are best used in textile fabrics.
  3. Embossed. With the help of the relief on the wallpaper in a neutral color, a cozy atmosphere can be achieved in a small living room. However, you should avoid too intrusive embossed drawing.

To visually enlarge a small room and emphasize the interior favorably, you should not use dark wallpaper tones. Instead, pastel colors and delicate light colors are a great solution.

When to choose non-woven wallpaper for the hall

The composition of non-woven wallpaper contains a combination of cellulose and synthetic fibers, which makes the wallpaper durable and easy to use. Therefore, at present, it is non-woven wallpaper that is most in demand for decorating walls in rooms.

Repairmen note that this material:

  • It differs in an environmentally friendly composition, that is, when making repairs in a room, you do not have to worry about the health of others;
  • Helps to hide wall defects;
  • Washes well;
  • It can be used for painting.

However, non-woven wallpaper has some disadvantages. Due to the small assortment of colors, it is sometimes difficult to choose the required option. In addition, the material has low sound and heat insulation.

Wallpaper is one of the main elements of the interior decoration of the hall. They should go well with the furniture. About this in the following article:

Liquid wallpaper in the hall: photo, advantages and disadvantages

Modern designers are increasingly using liquid wallpaper (a subspecies of decorative plaster) for wall decoration.

This method of surface finishing allows you to quickly and original decorate the walls.

The composition of liquid wallpaper is composed of cellulose and special silk fibers, which creates an ideal texture for covering walls.

Some homeowners choose to make their own liquid wall covering. That allows you to achieve an exclusive effect in the room. Another advantage of using this material is its ease of application and quick drying.

But liquid wallpapers have several drawbacks:

  1. They are easily damaged. Compared to other types of wallpaper, a patch will need to be done to repair the damaged area.
  2. They are hygroscopic. If high humidity is observed in the apartment, this method of decorating surfaces is considered unacceptable.
  3. It is forbidden to wash them. Due to the fact that the material for liquid wallpaper is decorative plaster and is made from improvised means, it is capable of collapsing under the influence of water.

Today, many people combine several types of roll materials in order to stick wallpaper in the hall.

There are three ways to combine wallpaper to make your living room look beautiful and unusual.

Below are the ways to combine wallpaper.

Vertical stripes

There must be a basic background and special additions in the form of vertical stripes. Moreover, the main background is chosen to be monochromatic, and the fragments, on the contrary, with drawings.

Dividing the wall into horizons

Separating the bottom third of the wall is a good solution. This option is considered classic and is often used in wall decor.

Wallpaper inserts

With the help of wallpaper inserts, it is possible to make the interior of a single-colored hall more dynamic.

But too many of these inclusions in the room should be avoided.

Wallpaper in the hall in a private house: what are the differences

It should be noted that there are no significant differences between wallpapering in an apartment or in a private house.

But sometimes the halls in houses have a large area, so the use of a combination of wallpaper is considered an excellent solution.

It must be remembered that a private house is located in a natural environment, closer to nature, so the best solution would be to create a natural image in the interior. An example of one design solution is the use of special wallpaper that has a wood texture. This will help to decorate the room and provide a harmonious atmosphere.

Types and design of wallpaper for the hall (video)

Thanks to the right wallpaper, you can transform any room beyond recognition. Therefore, the material for pasting the walls in the hall is selected depending on the expected result. Someone is closer to light and calm tones, while others prefer brighter colors. However, do not forget that the atmosphere in this room should be cozy and warm, and the owners of the apartment or their guests could be comfortable here.

Wallpaper for the hall (photo)

The living room of the house or the hall is the center of the dwelling from the point of view of outsiders. Perhaps the favorite place in the house is the bedroom, a cozy balcony, a study, but the first thing that guests see is the hall. To arrange it correctly, tastefully and in such a way as to create a good impression is really not easy.

Trends and new wallpapers in the 2017 hall are significantly different from last year's and provide a unique opportunity to decorate your home in a completely different way.

Fashionable wallpaper colors in 2017

Do not forget about unchanging things - light shades with a barely noticeable addition of delicate colors will give the room a discreet luxury, visually increase the volume. In such a hall, guests will feel comfortable and warm, as in their own home or a place from distant childhood memories.

In the light interior, there is no bright aggression of warm and aloofness of cold tones, calm reigns. Wallpaper for the hall in a light setting can be picked up by an inexperienced person in interior affairs - white, silver, beige, pearl colors will do. You can take a chance and take wallpaper in a pale gray shade - this will give the living room a fashionable asceticism now.

For lovers of original designs, a combination of black and white, inserts of neutral shades of bright colors into interiors are in vogue. Such combinations play in contrast, they can be found in the apartments of creative people; boredom, traditionalism, or following a clear design is unacceptable.

Wallpaper of this color is a great opportunity to create your own interior yourself, as in the case of a patchwork design method, which is especially relevant along with the fashion for geometry. Combined wallpaper in the hall can also include a mixture of plain wallpaper with patterned ones - it is more difficult to select and implement, but worth it.

Combinations of neutral pastel shades with bright ones are very relevant. It may seem that these two elements are completely unsuitable for each other and will combine well only in rooms for children, where any, the most ridiculous contrasts are appropriate. However, it is worth looking at this design of wallpaper in the hall, as you will see how good and fresh it looks.

Against the background of last year's fashion for cold shades and all-consuming modernity with minimalism, your hall will look truly unique.

Wall decoration trends this year

Last year's minimalism still haunts the wallpaper market. At the height of fashion, its echoes are now - abstract patterns, invisible on the wallpaper, until you come close, light geometric patterns. Designers try to create the feeling that there is no wallpaper at all - the material merges so organically with the wall and furnishings.

Wallpaper of this type can be carefully combined - up to a reasonable limit in three colors, of course, which will give the walls a special charm and your personal idea, which is incredibly important for uniqueness. The desire for maximum naturalness will still show itself in the trends of 2017.

The main innovation now is the return of wallpaper imitating natural or building materials. Fashion, as expected, made a hook with a slight tilt back and modern wallpaper for the hall became very similar to their counterparts ten years ago.

Only the quality of the print has changed - now only detailed concepts are accepted, whereas in the past there was a rather rough similarity, and the materials have been modernized.

This is how walls appeared in the apartments of interior gourmets, with amazing accuracy copying brickwork, bamboo, wood and stone of different varieties, even fabrics with various textures.

The wallpaper described above is often confused with photo wallpaper, but in vain. This is a completely different type of wall decor that leaves you maximum freedom to choose how to decorate your home.

Modern technology for the production of photowall-paper allows you to apply any drawing or photograph based on any whim. All that a studio for the production of such wallpapers is required of you is a large-format image of what you want. And then it's up to the ultra-modern technique of high-quality printing on large volumes.

No concept? So things will go even faster, the studios have impressive portfolios, with which agents usually offer the album. Tell the consultant and immediately get samples, choose a dream design from thousands of wallpaper photos in the hall. Remember that all ideas are accepted and the concept does not have to be a photograph.

How to make a choice?

Start from your interior, it will be much easier. What is the point of gluing beautiful wallpapers to the hall when nothing in this hall suits them?

Think carefully about your decision, before deciding on the style of things and furniture already in the furnishings. If you have furnished the room in cooperation with the designer, then it will not be superfluous to discuss with him the replacement of the wall covering, if possible. Use common sense, taste and a color matching table, if necessary - re-sticking the wallpaper is possible, but difficult.

It's another matter if you are thinking over the design of a living room from scratch. In this case, start with them. A useful design rule is that every room starts with three paths: floor, ceiling, and walls. Take advantage of the fact that you do not need to adjust your purchase to existing items and somehow limit yourself in your choice.

The main thing is to observe a certain sequence of objects that are nearby, and this is not at all difficult. A white vase and a black oak table will look much better together than a black vase with the same table - this is the rule according to which monochromatic objects in an interior that is competent in terms of design should not be next to each other (there are exceptions, but they are rare).

Another example - wallpaper with an ornament and a laconic floor covering look more harmonious than patterned wallpaper with carpets - this is a rule that prohibits a pile of patterns, no matter how fashionable and designer they are.

There is another pitfall that beginners may not pay attention to - the types of wallpaper materials. If the division of the wall covering into a single-layer (thin wallpaper, fade in the sun, does not hide the unevenness of the wall and is much cheaper than the others) and two-layer (a higher-quality analogue with which partial masking of problems in the primer is possible), then its other classifications may surprise at first.

There are practical vinyl, environmentally friendly and high-quality textile, durable non-woven types of coverings and most people who are first faced with creating an interior in their home are perplexed about how to glue wallpaper in the hall, especially if they are so difficult.

Despite the desire to do everything yourself, better think twice. Only you know if you can handle the preparation of the wall, the choice of high-quality glue and the process itself, which is not only difficult, but dangerous for people with allergies or simply sensitive to odors.

The risk of ruining expensive wallpaper just because you failed to stick it is great - it is better to contact a professional repair service.

Do not be afraid to experiment - 2017 welcomes bold decisions, extraordinary designs and similar attempts to make your home truly unique. Do everything in your power - think over the process and its result, and enjoy the renewed interior in your hall.

Photo wallpaper in the hall