What features are characteristic of the conversational style of speech. Spoken language

The conversational style of communication is used in an informal setting. It is typical for oral speech, but can be expressed in writing (note text, personal diary, unofficial correspondence). In the process of communication, vulgar vocabulary is used. The conversational style is actively accompanied by gestures and facial expressions, it is also affected by the emotionality of the interlocutors and circumstances.

The main signs of colloquial speech:

  • Reduction of sentences to simple ones, and removal of some members of the sentence, if the meaning of the statement is clear even without them. Example: I miss you - miss you.
  • Short, shortened to one word phrases are used. An example of such a word: maternity leave - maternity leave.
  • The pronunciation of the word in a simplified form. Such a reducing agent is used in colloquial, familiar communication. An example of a similar word: "right now" instead of "now."

The linguistic features of the conversational style are expressed in the simplification of statements based on the spontaneity of colloquial speech. Only a few can speak coherently and beautifully without preparation, and spontaneous speech implies a certain development of speech abilities.

In order to avoid the appearance of unrelated parts, pauses, reservations, and profanity, abbreviations are used. Examples of the law of “saving speech means” work: a five-story house - a five-story building, a utility room - a utility room.

  • Label cliches. A set of template phrases used in repeated situations of daily communication. Example: “Come out? Hello".
  • Close contact of communicating people. Information is transmitted verbally and non-verbally.
  • Expressiveness or specific expressiveness of statements with the use of reduced expressions (example: fuck up, go crazy).
  • Everyday content.
  • Imagery.

The linguistic features of the colloquial style are expressed in a specific pronunciation (example: emphasis on the wrong syllable), lexical heterogeneity, morphology and syntax. The common style is not used for writing scientific literature, in the preparation of documents.

Signs of everyday style

The main features of the conversational style:

  • laid-back, familiar form of communication;
  • appraisal;
  • emotionality;
  • inconsistency, in terms of logic;
  • intermittent speech.

Most conversational style is manifested in oral speech in the form of dialogue.

The signs that determine the conversational style are situationality, informality and naturalness of communication. This includes the lack of preparatory thinking about speech, gestures and facial expressions used. Particles, sentence words, interjections, introductory words, connecting constructions, repetitions are actively used.

Everyday style implies the use of a multi-valued word, word formation is evaluative: suffixes of diminution or magnification, neglect, affectionateness are used.

Functions and purpose of everyday style

The main functions of the conversational style:

  • information transfer;
  • communication
  • impact.

The goal pursued by the common style of interaction between people is communication, the exchange of impressions and feelings.

Analysis of conversational genres

The characteristic of colloquial style is a narrower concept than colloquial speech. In colloquial speech non-literary components are used (examples: vernacular, slang words, dialect). The conversational style is expressed by linguistic means.

The genres of colloquial speech characterize the interaction between people. These include:

  • Conversation. A popular genre is communication for communication. This is an exchange of impressions, emotions, points of view. Conversation is characterized by a calm manner, it is a pleasant pastime.
  • Story. A monologue dedicated to some event. All aspects of the event are highlighted in detail, an assessment is expressed.
  • Dispute. Here, each of the interlocutors defends his own view. In colloquial speech, the dispute is characterized by the informality of the relationship between the debaters and the ease of communication.
  • Letter. The text of the letter has a specific purpose: reporting events, conveying feelings, establishing or maintaining contact, a call to something. The obligatory use of the etiquette formula is supposed - greeting and farewell, the further content of the text is free. This is one of the written genres of colloquial speech, an unofficial epistolary interaction. Themes of such texts change arbitrarily, incomplete sentences, expressive expressions are used.
  • A note. A distinctive feature of the genre is brevity. This is a small everyday text, the purpose of which is a message about what needs to be done, a warning, an invitation, politeness gestures. Sample text: "Soon I will, do not forget to buy milk." Sometimes the text of the note is presented in the form of a hint of something.
  • A diary. The genre differs from the rest in that the recipient and the author are one and the same person. The text of the diary is an analysis of past events or your own feelings, creativity that helps to improve the word and the personality itself.

Analysis of colloquial genres helps to understand the style of speech behavior, the structure of natural communication.

Functional styles of speech help determine the type of language used in various areas of communication. The sphere of interaction between people at the household level involves the included functions of the conversational style of utterances or texts.

The conversational style is appropriate in the sphere of domestic, everyday and professional informal relations. The predominant form of speech is oral (conversation, conversation), but it is possible to use the conversational style in some genres of written speech - personal diaries, notes, private letters.

In texts of colloquial style, to a greater extent than in texts of others with styles, the function of communication, or communicative, is realized.

The main properties of colloquial style texts include informality, ease, lack of communication, the lack of preliminary selection of language tools, the participation of gestures, facial expressions, dependence on the situation, characteristics and relationships of speakers, a lesser degree of regulation compared to book styles.

Since spoken texts are primarily oral, a special role is played by means of the phonetic level - intonation, pauses, rhythm, pace of speech, logical stress. Unlike other oral genres - scientific reports, political speeches, lectures - colloquial texts are characterized by incomplete, sometimes indistinct pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, fast pace of speech. The orthoepic, or pronunciation, norm of speaking allows for options: Hello, Leksey Mikhalych (Hello, Alexei Mikhailovich), a “contract” with emphasis on the first syllable (such emphasis is undesirable in a scientific report, lecture, speech).

The vocabulary of colloquial-style texts is characterized by the predominance of specific words over abstract ones (table, chair, sleep, eat), widespread use of words with emotionally-valued (eagle, dog - about a person) and colloquially-colloquial (sleep, plump) coloring, as well as metaphors (vinaigrette, porridge, okroshka - about confusion; kissel, noodles, a daub - about a languid, spineless man) against a background of neutral vocabulary. Book, foreign language and terminological vocabulary is not enough. The so-called empty words that can replace any other words (deed, thing, thing) are considered to be a feature of colloquial style texts: “I drink without sugar, but with this thing (pie).” In everyday communication, it is possible to name objects in a special way: “Give me something to hide (blanket, plaid, sheet). Often used speech occasionalisms - created in the process of speaking words, and their meaning is clear without further explanation (opener - can opener, whistles - high-heeled shoes). Often synonyms are used, including occasional ones, an extension of the compatibility of words is permissible.

At the word-formation level, the emotionality and appraisal of colloquial style texts is realized with the help of subjective assessment suffixes with the meaning of affectionateness, disapproval, magnification (cold, frying, belly, thinner), repetition of words (barely, big-big). The tendency to save language resources in colloquial texts is manifested in the fact that the phrase can be replaced by one word (condensed milk - condensed milk, stew - stew, minibus - minibus) and in the formation of new words by truncation (magician - tape recorder, teacher - teacher , video - VCR, cash - cash, strained - voltage).

At the morphological level, the colloquial style is characterized by the predominance of verbs over nouns, the frequent use of personal pronouns (me, we, you, etc.), particles (well, well, here, after all), the use of interjections as predicates (He jump into the water), use present tense in the meaning of the past (this is what happened: I’m walking, I’m watching, but he is standing and hiding), the presence of special vocal forms (Sasha! Zhen!), as well as unchanging forms (mood so-so), lack of participles, germs and short forms of adjectives . Only in colloquial texts is it possible to simplify the declension of phrases (I don’t have one hundred and twenty-five rubles, ask Yegor Petrovich), use case endings at -y (leave the house, be on vacation; Wed: leave the house, be on vacation) , –– in them. p. pl. h (contracts, sectors; cf .: contracts, sectors) and the clan. p. pl. the number of zero endings in some words (orange, tomato, kilogram; compare: oranges, tomatoes, kilograms), the use of forms of a comparative degree on the –th and with the prefix - (stronger, faster, better, simpler; Wed: stronger, faster better, easier).

In the syntax of spoken texts, as well as at the phonetic, word-building, lexical and morphological levels, common properties are realized - expressiveness, evaluativeness, desire to save language resources, and unpreparedness. This is manifested in the private use of incomplete (I'm in the store; do you have coffee or tea?), Impersonal 9 It's hot today), interrogative (When will you come back?), Incentive sentences (Let's hurry up!), Free spelling (To the Central market how to get there?), in special predicates (And she is dancing again; he sits reading; doesn’t know), in the main part of the compound sentence of the relative word (Put where she got it; cf .: Put where she got it from), in using introductory, plug-in constructions (I I probably won’t come; Zoyka will come (she’s my cousin)), interjections (Wow!). According to scientists, non-union and compound sentences prevail in spoken texts over complex ones (compound sentences in spoken texts make up 10%, in texts of other styles - 30%). But the most common are simple sentences, the average length of which ranges from 5 to 9 words.

Conversational style text example:

My dear darling Anechka, I received your sweet letter, and it was very sad for me to read how the kids cried when I left. Lovely darlings! Tell them right now that dad remembers them, kisses and calls to Petersburg. Hug and kiss continuously and bless. I, Anya, are all unwell, my nerves are very annoyed, and in my head like fog, everything is exactly spinning. Even after the most severe seizures, such a state has never happened to me. Very hard. Like a dream and a nap, and they can’t wake me up. It would be necessary to rest for at least two weeks from work and continuous care - that’s what. (Dostoevsky F.M. Complete collection. Op .: In 30 vol. T. 29. Book 1.M., 1986, S.2-9).

The text of the colloquial style is presented in this case in writing, although the most common is the oral form. The general properties of the text include informality, ease (the author and addressee of the letter are close people), and the lack of a careful selection of language tools.

In the text of the letter, neutral vocabulary is mainly used, although there are colloquial words (dad, at least, is necessary). Words with evaluative suffixes (darling, darlings, Anechka, week) give an emotional character to the text; verbs conveying the state of the author (remembers, kisses, blesses); figurative means of language, for example, comparisons (in the head like fog, like a dream and a nap); expressive treatment (my dear darling Anechka, dear darlings); personal pronouns (I, them, with me, me), particles (but, even, at least, would). The text syntax is characterized by various types of sentences, a free word order (one would have to rest for at least two weeks), the frequent use of homogeneous members. There are extremely short sentences (very hard); there are even unfinished ones (... that's what). The composition of the text is free, factual information, description and narration, thematic means of communication, emotional means of influencing the addressee prevail. Type of reaction of the addressee to the text - emotion, action (for example, a reply letter).


Stylistic features of conversational style of speech

A high culture of speaking and writing, good knowledge and development of the intuition of the native language, the ability to use its expressive means, its stylistic diversity - the best support, the most faithful help and the most reliable recommendation for each person in his social life and creative activity.

V.A. Vinogradov


My work is devoted to the study of the conversational style of speech.

The main goal is to identify the stylistic features of this style of speech, to understand how conversational differs from other styles. My task is to define the colloquial style of speech, divide it into types, determine the specifics and internal styles of the colloquial style.

Language is a means of communication between people, an instrument for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, the native speaker of this language must have a good command of it, that is, have a speech culture.

Gorky wrote that language is the primary element, the main material of literature, that is, vocabulary, syntax, the whole structure of speech is the primary element, the key to understanding the ideas and images of the work. But language is also an instrument of literature: “The struggle for purity, for semantic accuracy, for the acuity of language is a struggle for an instrument of culture. The sharper the gun, the more precisely directed - the more victorious it is. ”

Stylistics (the word "style" comes from the name of the needle, or the stylet that the ancient Greeks wrote on wax tablets) is a section of the science of language that studies the styles of the literary language (functional styles of speech), the laws of the functioning of the language in different areas of use, especially the use of language tools depending on the situation, content and goals of the statement, scope and condition of communication. Stylistics introduces the stylistic system of the literary language at all its levels and the stylistic organization of correct (with observance of the norms of the literary language), accurate, logical and expressive speech. Stylistics teaches the conscious and appropriate use of the laws of the language and the use of linguistic means in speech.

In linguistic stylistics, there are two directions: the style of language and the style of speech (functional style). The stylistics of the language explores the stylistic structure of the language, describes the stylistic means of vocabulary, phraseology and grammar. Functional stylistics studies, first of all, various types of speech, their conditionality by various goals of expression. M. N. Kozhina gives the following definition: “Functional stylistics is a linguistic science that studies the features and patterns of the functioning of the language in various types of speech, corresponding to one or another spheres of human activity and communication, as well as the speech structure of the functional styles and“ norms "Selection and combination of language tools in them" 1. At its core, style should be consistently functional. It should disclose the connection of different types of speech with the topic, the purpose of the statement, with the conditions of communication, the addressee of the speech, the author’s attitude to the subject of speech. The most important category of stylistics are functional styles - varieties of literary speech (literary language) serving various aspects of public life. Styles are different ways of using the language in communication. Each style of speech is characterized by the originality of the selection of language tools, and their unique combination with each other.

The classification of styles is based on extralinguistic factors: the scope of the language, the topics it determines and the purpose of communication. The scope of the language is correlated with the types of human activities corresponding to forms of public consciousness (science, law, politics, art). The traditional and socially significant areas of activity are: scientific, business (administrative and legal), socio-political, art. Accordingly, they are allocated and styles of official speech (book): scientific, official business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). 1

Functional style is a historically developed and socially conscious kind of literary language (its subsystem), functioning in a certain area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of using language tools in this area and their specific organization 2.

Chapter 1. Conversational Style

Conversational style is a functional style of speech, which serves for informal communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and vernacular vocabulary.

The usual form of implementing conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. It lacks a preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, an important role is played. extralinguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

Conversational style is characterized by emotionality, imagery, concreteness, simplicity of speech. For example, in a bakery, the phrase: “Please, with bran, alone,” does not seem strange.

The relaxed atmosphere of communication leads to greater freedom in the choice of emotional words and expressions: colloquial words are used more widely ( stupid, rotosay, talking room, giggle, gaggle) colloquial ( neigh, loose, crusty, mash), slang (parents - ancestors, train, worldly).

In the colloquial style of speech, especially at its fast pace, less reduction of vowels is possible, up to their complete loss and simplification of consonant groups. Word-formation features: suffixes of subjective assessment are widely used. Doubling of words is used to enhance expressivity.

Oral speech - a form of speech activity, including understanding sounding speech and the implementation of speech utterances in sound form ( speaking) Oral speech can be carried out with direct contact of the interlocutors or can be mediated by technical means ( telephone etc.) if communication takes place at a considerable distance. For oral speech, in contrast to written, characterized by:

    redundancy (the presence of repetitions, clarifications, explanations);

    using nonverbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions),

    speech saving ellipses (the speaker may not call, skip something that is easy to guess).

Oral speech is always determined by the speech situation. Distinguish:

    unprepared spoken language ( conversation, interviewperformance in discussions) and prepared spoken language ( lecture, reportperformance report);

    dialogical speech (direct exchange of statements between two or more persons) and monologous speech (a type of speech addressed to one or a group of listeners, sometimes to oneself).

    Literary colloquial style

Literary language can be divided into two functional varieties - book and spoken.
Calling this division of the literary language "the most common and most indisputable," D.N. Shmelev wrote on this subject: "At all stages of the development of the literary language, even when overcoming the manifest alienation of the written language, when the halo is dimmed simply by literacy and proficiency in a particular book language, the speakers generally don’t lose the feeling of the difference between" how You can say, "and those," how to write.
The next step in the division of the literary language is the division of each of its varieties - the book and spoken languages \u200b\u200b- into functional styles. The conversational variety of the literary language is an independent and self-sufficient system within the general system of the literary language, with its own set of units and the rules for combining them with each other, used by native speakers in a context of direct, unprepared communication in an informal relationship between speakers.
Spoken literary language is not codified: it certainly has certain norms (thanks to which, for example, it is easy to distinguish spoken language from a native speaker from spoken by a native speaker of dialect or vernacular), but these norms have developed historically and are not consciously regulated by anyone and are not fixed in in the form of any rules and recommendations.
Thus, codification - non-codification - is another, and very significant, feature that distinguishes between book and colloquial varieties of the literary language. Conversational style is a special kind of language that is used by a person in everyday, everyday communication.
The main difference between the conversational style and the book styles of the Russian language lies in the different manner in which information is presented. So, in book styles, this manner obeys the rules of the language fixed in dictionaries. Conversational style is subject to its own norms, and that which is not justified in book speech is quite appropriate in natural communication.

    Conversational style

Conversational style operates in the field of everyday communication. This style is realized in the form of informal speech (monologue or dialogue) on everyday topics, as well as in the form of private, unofficial correspondence. Under the ease of communication understand the lack of installation on the message, which has an official character (lecture, speech, response to the exam, etc.), unofficial relations between speakers and the absence of facts that violate the informality of communication, for example, unauthorized persons. Conversation operates only in the private sphere of communication, in everyday life, friendly, family, etc. In the field of mass communication, speaking is not applicable. However, this does not mean that the colloquial style is limited to everyday topics. The conversation may touch upon other topics - family conversation or the conversation of people in informal relations: about art, spider, politics, sports, etc .; friends talking at work related to the profession of speakers, conversations in public institutions, such as clinics, schools, etc.
Conversational style is opposed to book styles, since they function in the same areas of social activity. Conversation includes not only specific linguistic means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of a literary language. Therefore, this style is associated with other styles that also use neutral language means.

Conversational-everyday style is opposed to book styles, as they function in various spheres of social activity. However, colloquial speech includes not only specific linguistic means, but also neutral ones which are the basis of literary language. 3
Within a literary language, colloquial speech is opposed to codified language. (A language is called codified, because in relation to it, work is being done to preserve its norms, its purity). But codified literary language and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. As a rule, each native speaker of the literary language speaks both of these types of speech. from
The main features of the everyday colloquial style are the already specified laid-back and informal nature of communication, as well as the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. Therefore, colloquial speech uses all the riches of intonation, facial expressions, gestures. One of its most important features is its reliance on a non-linguistic situation, i.e. the direct environment of speech in which communication takes place. For example: (Woman before leaving home) What should I wear? (about a coat) Is that it? Or that? (about the jacket) Will I freeze? Listening to these statements and not knowing the specific situation, it is impossible to guess what is at stake. Thus, in colloquial speech, a non-language situation becomes an integral part of the act of communication.

3 - Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook (edited by prof. V.I. Maksimov. - M .: Gardariki, 2002. - 89 - 93 p.

The everyday colloquial style of speech has its own lexical and grammatical features. A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is its lexical heterogeneity. Here you can find the most diverse and thematic and stylistic terms of the group of vocabulary: general vocabulary, terms, foreign borrowing, words of high stylistic coloring, as well as facts of vernacular, dialects, jargon. This is due, firstly, to the thematic variety of colloquial speech, not limited to the scope of everyday topics, everyday remarks; secondly, the implementation of colloquial speech in two keys - serious and playful, and in the latter case, the use of various elements is possible.
Syntax constructs also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, constructions with particles, interjections, and phraseological constructions are typical: “They say to you, they say, it's all to no avail!”, “But where are you? There is dirt!” and so on.

Historically functional or, as they say, speech styles are divided into book (among them scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic) and conversational.

Read more about book styles in previous articles on our website. See a look at examples of style, and. And here we will analyze the conversational style in detail.

Asked a lecture or a term paper on literature or other subjects? Now you can not suffer yourself, but simply order a job. We recommend contacting \u003e\u003e here, they do it quickly and cheaply. Moreover, here you can even bargain
By the way, they do homework there too 😉

So, the colloquial style of the text is called such a style, which includes linguistic units (words, clichés, stable expressions, phraseological units), characteristic of oral speech. A similar style is a style of easy communication, information exchange in an informal setting. In general, it is considered oral, but it is often used in written forms.

For example, in artistic speech, conversational style often draws the dialogue of heroes, which helps to give the artistic reality of the work more credibility.

Conversational style features:

  1. A common form is dialogue, less often a monologue.
  2. Lax selection of language tools and simplicity (and slang words, and professional terms, and dialectisms, and curses), imagery and emotionality.
  3. Conversational simplification of words (now - right now, what - what), sentences (one cup of coffee - one coffee). Phrases are often truncated and “adjusted” to a specific situation, in which clarifications and details are not needed (the door was closed, rose and went out); duplication of words is common (yes, right, right).
  4. Fuzzy observance of the logic and concreteness of speech (if the interlocutors lose the thread of the conversation and move away from the initial topic).
  5. The environment of verbal communication is important - facial expressions and gestures of interlocutors, emotional reactions.
  6. Frequent use of exclamatory and interrogative sentences.

Moreover, written forms of colloquial style (essays, essays, notes, stories) also differ in informality and “conversational” presentation of information.

Consider examples of analysis of colloquial style texts.

Spoken Style: Case Studies

Take for analysis a passage from an essay by K. Paustovsky.

Excerpt from the essay:

I’m sure that for a complete mastery of the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but communication with pasture and forests, waters, old willows, with a chistle of birds and with every flower that nods his head from under a bush of hazel. Each person must have his own happy time of discovery. I also had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows. This summer has passed in the rumble of pine forests, crane screams, in the white heaps of cumulus clouds, the game of the night sky, in the impassable odorous thickets of meadows, in the warlike cock cries and songs of girls in the evening meadows, when the sunset is gilding girl's eyes and the first fog is carefully smoked over the whirlpools . This summer I learned again - to the touch, to the taste, to the smell - a lot of words that until then were known to me, but distant and not experienced. Previously, they evoked only one ordinary meager image. But now it turned out that in every such word there is an abyss of living images.

As already mentioned, this text is written in the genre of essays and refers to the colloquial style.

Note the attributes of the named style that are observed in the passage.

1. Morphology:

  • there is some preference for nouns over verb forms;
  • participles and participles are often used;
  • quantitative and ordinal numerals are used, and at the same time, collective numerals are almost completely absent;
  • there is a characteristic selective attitude to pronouns (primarily, relative and indicative are used).

2. The consistency of presentation is achieved using the transition of the linking units from offer to offer. ( “For complete mastery you need communication - the time of discoveries - it happened and I have a summer of discoveries - this summer passed in - this summer I learned a lot of words again - it turned out that every such word contains an abyss of living images” etc.)

  1. This type of speech corresponds expanded compound syntaxconstructions (“This summer has passed in the rumble of pine forests, crane screams, in the white heaps of cumulus clouds, the game of the night sky, in the impassable odorous thickets of meadows, in the warlike cock cries and songs of girls in the evening meadows, when the sunset is gilding girls’s eyes and the first fog is carefully smoked over whirlpools »), filled with descriptions and experiences, expressed in grammatical constructions - first-person narration, frequent use of the pronoun “I”, preference for using nouns and adjectives over verbs.

4. Theses of the verb system are actively used.: “I’m sure that for a complete mastery of the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people,” “each person has his own happy time of discovery,” “each such word contains an abyss of living images. Theses of the nominative system are not marked in the proposed text.

5. Words and phrases related to both book and colloquial vocabulary: abyss, plentiful, anew, gilding, girlish, impassable, screaming, booing. There are no specific terms in the text.

6. Emotional expressive language means are used. (primarily colloquial vocabulary), which adds to the text of emotionality, liveliness, imagery, conveys the feelings of the author.

7. Frequent means of artused in the text: personification ( "With every flower that nods its head from under the bush of hazel, a game of the night sky"), metaphors ( "Sunset is golden"), adjectives ( "In the white masses of cumulus clouds"), repeat ( “I had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows”), epithets ( "Warlike cock cries").

8. The language features of the text in connection with the syntactic constructions are marked by the alternation of complex and simple sentences, when one complex sentence is replaced by two simple or vice versa.

Consider a second example of conversational style text analysis.

Excerpt from the article:

Borovoy healthy crippled for the war. They burned a good half of the huts. There was almost no cattle left. Gardens were knocked out. And what gardens were there! It's expensive to see! The village was depopulated. As ours came, so maybe a sixth of the collective farmers in the village remained, or maybe less. Whoever left himself went east, some into partisans, and whom the Fritz had stolen to Germany. Oh, it was bad! True, in Borovoye the German was still not so fierce as in neighboring villages, but nevertheless ... But what can I say - he ruined the village. And now do not recognize Borovoy ...

The style of the text is conversational. Signs of style in this passage:

  1. Lax following to the literary norm (applies to all language levels).
  2. Use of common vocabulary, against the background of which special words are used that reflect the general mood of the text (Gardens cut down. And what gardens were).
  3. Morphology is characterized by:
  • some preference for nouns over verbs and verb forms (Borovoy was crippled badly for the war. They burned a good half of the huts);
  • selective attitude to pronouns (the use of relative, indicative: such, as, nevertheless, ours);
  1. The consistency of presentation is achieved by the transition of the linking units from the sentence to the sentence (crippled - burned - not left - knocked out - (which ones were - a sweet look) - depopulated - the sixth part remained - who left - oh, it was worse - though not yet fiercely ruined - ruined the village - not to know now).
  2. Expanded Complex Syntax Constructs (As ours came, so maybe a sixth of the collective farmers remained in the village, or maybe less. Who left - went east, some into partisans)filled with descriptions and experiences, which is reflected in grammatical constructions - first-person narrative, preference for using nouns and adjectives over verbs.
  3. Words and phrases related to both book and colloquial vocabulary (knocked out, Fritz, fierce, it was bad). No specific terms are observed in the text. The choice in favor of emotionally expressive expressions, figurative means of language adds emotionality, liveliness, imagery, well conveys the feelings of the author.
  4. Frequent use of trails: metaphors (Borovoy healthy crippled) , metonyms and synecdochi (The Borovoy German was still not so fierce, ravaged the village)hyperbole (depopulated village)dysphemisms (Fritz, ravaged by a German).
  5. The linguistic features of the text in the syntax are marked by the alternation of complex and simple sentences, when one complex sentence is replaced by two simple or vice versa (The village became depopulated. As ours came, maybe a sixth of the collective farmers remained in the village, or maybe less. Who left - went east, some went to the partisans. Oh, that was bad!).

Thus, the colloquial style in the use of linguistic units, in terms of semantic content, sharply differs (and in many ways is contrasted) with book styles.

Conversational style is a functional style of speech that serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and vernacular vocabulary.

The usual form of implementing a conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. It does not have a preliminary selection of language material.

In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play a large role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Conversational style is characterized by emotionality, imagery, concreteness, ease of speech. For example, in a cafe, the phrase: “Please, two coffee” does not seem strange.

The relaxed atmosphere of communication leads to greater freedom in the choice of emotional words and expressions: colloquial words (stupid, rotoshey, talking room, giggle, gaggle), colloquial (neighing, mellow, shitty, disheveled), slang (parents are ancestors, ironically, worldly) .

Spoken words and phraseological units: waved (grew up), electric train (electric train), vocabulary with emotional-expressive coloring (cool, clever, terrible), diminutive affectionate suffixes (gray).

The conversational style as one of the varieties of the literary language serves the sphere of easy communication of people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations in the workplace, in institutions, etc.

The main form of realization of the conversational style is oral speech, although it can also be manifested in written form (unofficial friendly letters, notes on everyday topics, diary notes, replicas of characters in plays, in certain genres of fiction and journalistic literature). In such cases, the characteristics of the oral form of speech are recorded.

The main extralinguistic signs that determine the formation of a conversational style are: ease (which is possible only with informal relations between speakers and in the absence of an orientation to a message of an official nature), spontaneity and unpreparedness for communication. Both the sender of the speech and its recipient are directly involved in the conversation, often changing roles in this case, the relations between them are established in the speech act itself. Such a speech cannot be preliminarily considered, the direct participation of the addressee and the addressee determines its predominantly dialogical character, although a monologue is also possible.

The colloquial monologue is a form of a laid-back story about any events, about something seen, read or heard, and is addressed to a specific listener (s) with whom the speaker must make contact. The listener naturally responds to the story by expressing agreement, disagreement, surprise, indignation, etc., or by asking a speaker about something. Therefore, the monologue in colloquial speech is not so distinctly opposed to dialogue, as in writing.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, evaluative reaction. So, to the question Wrote! instead of No, they didn’t write usually followed by emotionally expressive answers such as Where did they write! or Directly and wrote !; Where did they write !; So they wrote !; Easy to say напис wrote! etc.

The environment of verbal communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, the nature of the relationship of the interlocutors, etc.) play a large role in colloquial speech.

Extralinguistic features of the colloquial style are associated with its most common linguistic features, such as standardness, stereotyping of the use of language tools, their non-structural appearance at the syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, discontinuity and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view, weakening of syntactic connections between parts of a statement or their lack of formality , sentence breaks of various kinds by inserts, repetitions of words and sentences, widespread use of language tools with pronounced emotionally expressive coloring, activity of language units of a specific meaning and passivity of units with an abstract-generalized meaning.

Conversation has its own norms, which in many cases do not coincide with the norms of book speech, fixed in dictionaries, reference books, grammars (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, in contrast to books, are established by theusus (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, native speakers feel them and perceive any unmotivated deviation from them as a mistake. This allowed researchers (, and others) to argue that modern Russian colloquial speech is normalized, although the norms in it are quite peculiar. In colloquial speech, to express similar content in typical and repetitive situations, ready-made constructions, stable turns, various kinds of speech cliches (formulas of greeting, farewell, appeal, apology, gratitude, etc.) are created. These ready-made, standardized speech tools are automatically reproduced and contribute to the strengthening of the normative nature of colloquial speech, which is the hallmark of its norm. However, the spontaneity of verbal communication, the absence of preliminary deliberation, the use of non-verbal means of communication, and the concreteness of the speech situation lead to a weakening of norms.

Thus, in a conversational style, coherent speech standards coexist in typical and repetitive situations, and general literary speech phenomena that can undergo various biases coexist. These two circumstances determine the specificity of the norms of conversational style: due to the use of standard speech means and techniques, the norms of conversational style, on the one hand, are characterized by a higher degree of compulsoryness than the norms of other styles, where synonymy is not excluded, free maneuvering with a set of acceptable speech means . On the other hand, general literary speech phenomena characteristic of the colloquial style can, to a greater extent than in other styles, undergo various displacements.

In the colloquial style, in comparison with the scientific and official business, the proportion of neutral vocabulary is much higher. A number of stylistically neutral words are used in figurative meanings specific to a given style. For example, stylistically neutral verb cut off ("separate something, part of something") in the colloquial style is used in the meaning "sharply answer, wanting to stop the conversation" (said cut off and did not repeat anymore), fly ("move, move along air with wings ") and in the meaning of" break, deteriorate "(The internal combustion engine flew). See also: dump (“shift the blame, responsibility to someone”), toss (“give, deliver”), put (“appoint to any position”), remove (“dismiss”), etc.

Widely used vocabulary of everyday content: greed, slow down, instantly, tiny, not well-known, rightly, slowly, train, potato, cup, salt shaker, whisk, brush, plate, etc.

The use of words with a specific meaning and limited to the abstract is common in the style under consideration; the use of terms and foreign words that have not yet become commonly used is uncharacteristic. Author's neologisms (occasionalisms) are active, polysemy and synonymy are developed, and situational synonymy is widespread. A characteristic feature of the lexical system of colloquial style is the wealth of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology (hard worker, parasite, old man, silly; stupid, whirlwind, cast a shadow over the wattle fence, take by the throat, climb into the bottle, take starving).

Phraseologisms in colloquial speech are often reinterpreted, change their form, processes of contamination and comic updating of the phrase are active. A word with a phraseological-determined meaning can be used as an independent one, while preserving the meaning of the whole phraseologism: don’t poke; This is expressed by the law of economy of speech means and the principle of non-structuralness. A special kind of colloquial phraseology is made up of standard expressions, familiar formulas of speech etiquette like How are you ?; Good morning!; Be kind !; Thank you for attention; I apologize, etc.

The use of non-literary vocabulary (jargon, vulgarisms, rude and abusive words, etc.) is not a normative phenomenon of colloquial style, but rather a violation of norms, as well as abuse of book vocabulary, which makes colloquial artifice.

Expressiveness and appraisal are also manifested in the field of word formation. Formations with suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of affectionateness, diminution, neglect, (un) approval, irony, etc. (daughter, daughter, daughter, hands, furious, tremendous) are very productive. Active formations of words with the help of affixes, giving a conversational or colloquial tone. This includes nouns with suffixes - ak (-yak): weakling, good-natured; - to: a stove, a wall; - sh-a: cashier, sec-retarsha; - an (s); old man, troublemaker; - un: bouncer, talker; - ysh: strong guy, baby; - l: imagined, bigwigs; rel: I was running around, crushing; adjectives with suffixes:: tremendous, thinner; with the prefix pre-: pre-kind, unfriendly; verbs of prefix-suffix education: to courtyard, walk around, sentence, whisper; the verbs on - to whit: to fashion, grimace, wander, carpentry; on-off: push, scold, scare, grunt, gasp. Conversation to a greater extent than book speech is characterized by the use of multi-platen verb formations (re-elect, hold, ponder, re-throw). Prefix-return verbs with vivid emotional-evaluative and figurative expression (run up, work out, agree, think out), complicated prefix-return verbs (dress up, think up, talk) are used.

To enhance expression, word doubling is used, sometimes with a prefix (large-large, white-white, fast-fast, small-premalenky, high-high). The tendency is to reduce names, to replace non-word names with single-word ones (gradebook за record, ten-year school десятилет ten-year-old, nautical school ка seafarer, surgical department, surgery, specialist in eye diseases - eye, schizophrenic - schizophrenic). Metonymic names are widely used (Today the meeting of the trade union bureau will take place - Today the trade union bureau will be; Dictionary of the Russian language, compiled by Ozhegov).