What works did Marshak write for children? Children's poems by samuil yakovlevich marshak

Great about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: another work will captivate you more if you look at it up close, and another if you go further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of greasy wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which fell through.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most tempted to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen sparkles.

Humboldt W.

Poems work well if they are created with spiritual clarity.

Writing poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poetry grows without knowing shame ... Like a dandelion by the fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is poured everywhere, it is around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life blows from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a mental growth disease.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn along the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing within us. As he tells us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens our love and our sorrow in our souls. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no room for quibbling.

Murasaki Shikibu

I am turning to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags a stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! - asked the visitor pleadingly.
- I promise and I swear! - Ivan said solemnly ...

Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write them in words.

John Fowles. "The mistress of the French lieutenant"

Every poem is a blanket stretched out over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, the whole Universe is invariably hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for the one who inadvertently wakes up the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

One of my clumsy hippopotamuses-verses I attached such a paradise tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not worry, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not the sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore - chase critics. They are just pitiful slips of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Do not let his vulgar palpating hands go there. Let the poems seem to him an absurd hum, a chaotic pile of words. For us, it is a song of freedom from boring reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "Thousand Lives"

Poems are a thrill of the heart, excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Marshak's Tales Is a special world that cannot be forgotten or confused with anything. After all, each story told is not only a syllable, rhythm and story from which it is difficult to tear yourself away, but also the image, morality, justice that we endure from them. How can you not sympathize with the scattered from Basseinaya Street, or not admire the kindness and responsiveness of little kittens from the Cat's House, or forget about what happened to the little mouse, because of his fastidiousness and capriciousness, and a New Year's meeting with twelve months will always take a special place in the soul of everyone who has read or listened to this tale. All these images are so vivid and vivid that the memory of them is forever preserved in our hearts. Read Marshak's tales online you can on this page of the site.

Samuel Marshak was the first writer in a very long time who created primarily for children, and he carried this love for real, lively, bright and high-quality children's literature throughout his life. Each of us gets acquainted with the tales and poems of this author from a very early age and his vivid characters and images, despite the fact that they are created, do not tolerate lies and slickness for young children. And this honesty creates that trust that is forever preserved between the author and his readers.

Genius Samuel Marshak

You can almost endlessly tell and describe the many stories that came from the pen of Samuel Marshak, but the best and most cognizable will be only one way: you have to discover this world, see the created reality for children. And such a world could only be created by a person who himself did not close the doors of his childhood. Because he understands, appreciates and gives children exactly what they will not only want to read and hear, but also what they really need to understand, what they need to learn and what should never be forgotten, and all this is presented in this form, that it is virtually impossible to tear yourself away from these books. We give you the opportunity to read Marshak's fairy tales directly on the pages of our site online.

Read the tales of Samuil Marshak- this is one of the pillars in the upbringing of your children, and walking past it is akin to committing an unforgivable crime against your beloved child. For this reason, do not deny not only your child, but also yourself to miss these extraordinary and mind-blowing works.

Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) - Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator, literary critic.

Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1963) and 4 Stalin Prizes (1942, 1946, 1949, 1951).

Samuil Marshak was born on November 3, 1887 in Voronezh in the Chizhovka settlement, into a Jewish family. His father, Yakov Mironovich Marshak (1855-1924), worked as a foreman at a soap factory; mother - Evgenia Borisovna Gitelson - was a housewife. The surname "Marshak" is an abbreviation (Hebrew מהרש"ק) meaning "Our teacher Rabbi Aaron Shmuel Kaidanover" and belongs to the descendants of this famous rabbi and Talmudist (1624-1676).

Samuel spent his early childhood and school years in the town of Ostrogozhsk near Voronezh. Studied in 1899-1906 at Ostrogozhskaya, 3rd Petersburg and Yalta gymnasiums. In the gymnasium, the teacher of literature instilled a love of classical poetry, encouraged the first literary experiments of the future poet and considered him a child prodigy.

One of Marshak's poetic notebooks fell into the hands of V.V. Stasov, a famous Russian critic and art critic, who took an ardent part in the fate of the young man. With the help of Stasov, Samuel moved to St. Petersburg and studied at one of the best gymnasiums. He spends whole days in the public library where Stasov worked.

In 1904, in Stasov's house, Marshak met Maxim Gorky, who treated him with great interest and invited him to his dacha in Yalta, where Marshak lived in 1904-1906. He began to publish in 1907, having published the collection "Zionids", devoted to Jewish themes; one of the poems was written on the death of Theodor Herzl. At the same time, he translated several poems by Chaim Nachman Bialik from Yiddish and Hebrew.

When the Gorky family was forced to leave Crimea due to the repressions of the tsarist government after the 1905 revolution, Marshak returned to St. Petersburg, where by that time his father had moved, who worked at a factory behind the Nevskaya Zastava.

In 1911, Samuil Marshak, together with his friend, the poet Yakov Godin, and a group of Jewish youth made a long journey across the Middle East: from Odessa they sailed by ship, heading to the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean - Turkey, Greece, Syria and Palestine. Marshak went there as a correspondent for the St. Petersburg newspaper "Universal newspaper" and "Blue magazine". Lyric poems, inspired by this trip, are among the most successful in the work of the young Marshak (“We lived in a camp in a tent ...” and others).

On this trip, Marshak met Sofya Mikhailovna Milvidskaya (1889-1953), with whom they married shortly after their return. At the end of September 1912, the newlyweds went to England. There Marshak studied first at the Polytechnic, then at the University of London (1912-1914). During the holidays, he traveled a lot on foot in England, listening to English folk songs. Even then, he began to work on translations of English ballads, which later glorified him.

In 1914 Marshak returned to his homeland, worked in the provinces, published his translations in the journals Severnye Zapiski and Russkaya Mysl. During the war years he was involved in helping refugee children.

In 1915 he lived with his family in Finland in the nature sanatorium of Dr. Luebeck.

In 1918 - he lived in Petrozavodsk, worked in the Olonets provincial department of public education, then flees to the South - to Yekaterinodar, where he worked for the newspaper "Utro Yuga" under the pseudonym "Doctor Friken". He published poems and anti-Bolshevik feuilletons there.

In 1919 he publishes (under the pseudonym "Doctor Friken") the first collection of "Satires and Epigrams".

In 1920, while living in Yekaterinodar, Marshak organized a complex of cultural institutions for children there, in particular, created one of the first children's theaters in Russia and wrote plays for it. In 1923 he published his first poetry books for children ("The House That Jack Built", "Children in a Cage", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse"). He is the founder and first head of the English language department of the Kuban Polytechnic Institute (now the Kuban State Technological University).

In 1922, Marshak moved to Petrograd, together with the folklorist Olga Kapitsa, he headed the studio of children's writers at the Institute of Preschool Education of the People's Commissariat for Education, organized (1923) the children's magazine "Sparrow" (in 1924-1925 - "New Robinson"), where among others published such masters of literature as BS Zhitkov, VV Bianki, EL Schwartz. For several years, Marshak also headed the Leningrad edition of Detgiz, Lengosizdat, and the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. Was related to the magazine "Chizh". Conducted the "Literary Circle" (at the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers). In 1934, at the First Congress of Soviet Writers, S. Ya. Marshak made a report on children's literature and was elected a member of the board of the USSR Writers' Union. In 1939-1947 he was a deputy of the Moscow City Council of Working People's Deputies.

In 1937, the children's publishing house created by Marshak in Leningrad was destroyed, its pupils were repressed at different times - in 1941 A.I. Vvedensky, in 1937 N.M. Oleinikov, in 1938 N.A. Zabolotsky, in 1937 T.G. Gabbe, in 1942 Kharms was arrested. Many are laid off. In 1938, Marshak moved to Moscow.

During the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940) he wrote for the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland".

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer actively worked in the genre of satire, publishing poetry in Pravda and creating posters in collaboration with the Kukryniksy. He actively contributed to fundraising for the Defense Fund.

In 1960, Marshak published his autobiographical story "At the Beginning of Life", in 1961 - "Education by Word" (a collection of articles and notes on poetry).

Almost throughout his literary career (over 50 years), Marshak continues to write both poetic feuilletons and serious, "adult" lyrics. In 1962, he published the collection "Selected Lyrics"; he also belongs to a separately selected cycle "Lyric Epigrams".

In addition, Marshak is the author of the classic translations of William Shakespeare's sonnets, songs and ballads by Robert Burns, poems by William Blake, W. Wordsworth, J. Keats, R. Kipling, E. Lear, A. A. Milne, J. Austin, Hovhannes Tumanyan, as well as the works of Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Armenian and other poets. He also translated the poems of Mao Zedong.

Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. For translations from Robert Burns, Marshak was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Scotland.

Marshak stood up for Brodsky and Solzhenitsyn several times. From the first, he demanded "to get the translations of the texts on Lenfilm as soon as possible," for the second he interceded before Tvardovsky, demanding that his works be published in the magazine "New World". Its last literary secretary was V.V. Pozner.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak died on July 4, 1964 in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery (site No. 2).

A family
In 1915, the Marshak family suffered a misfortune: in Ostrogozhsk, having overturned a samovar with boiling water, their daughter Nathanael (born in 1914 in England) died of burns.

The eldest son Immanuel (1917-1977), Soviet physicist, winner of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1947) for developing a method of aerial photography, as well as a translator (in particular, he owns the Russian translation of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice).
Grandson - Yakov Immanuelevich Marshak (b. 1946), a narcologist.
The youngest son Yakov (1925-1946) died of tuberculosis.
Sister Leah (ps. Elena Ilyina) (1901-1964), writer.
Brother Ilya (ps. M. Ilyin; 1896-1953), writer, one of the founders of Soviet popular science literature.

Marshak S.Ya. - Russian poet, translator, playwright, screenwriter, literary critic, popular author of children's works. Thanks to their light rhyme and simple style, his books resonate with the growing generation, reveal the facets of the world around them, teach goodness and justice. The above list of Marshak's works for children includes various poetic genres: plays, poems, fairy tales, jokes, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters.

Bus number twenty six

The work is an alphabet with the names of animals from the letter "B" to "Z". The animals ride the bus, and some of them are rude and impolite. The poem not only broadens the child's horizons and teaches the alphabet, but also calls for adherence to the rules of behavior in public transport, mutual courtesy.


The satirical work "Baggage" is known and loved by many generations of readers. The poem tells the story of a lady who checked in a little dog, among other things, and got back a huge, angry dog. "During the journey the dog could grow up!" - tell the woman. The piece attracts children with the repetitive refrain of the lady's luggage items, which makes it easy to remember.

Large pocket

The work tells the story of a thrifty boy Vanya, putting in his pocket everything that falls into his hands: nuts, nails, an old crane. Mom takes the baby to the nursery, but there are so many things ... The boy's pocket turns into a suitcase, in which they find: a broken spoon, slippers, a pancake, a nesting doll, a canvas drum and much more.

Funny alphabet about everything in the world

The work will help the child learn the letters of the alphabet. A simple syllable and rhyme contribute to better memorization and assimilation of the alphabet. The poem broadens the kid's horizons, tells about animals, birds, plants, insects, natural phenomena, people and their occupations and much more. The book is suitable for the first independent reading.

A fun journey from "A" to "Z"

Marshak in his work invites children on a journey through the alphabet. A fascinating trip through the lines of the ABC book will not only help the kid remember letters and learn to read, but also get to know the world around him. The book is intended for reading by adults to children of preschool age. Thanks to the fun content, the learning process is of interest to the child. The poem is suitable for the first independent reading.

Cheerful account

The work of Marshak is intended to teach kids how to count from 0 to 10. The poem contains stories about each number. Cognitive and funny text introduces children to the world around them, contributes to the rapid memorization of numbers. The book is suitable for the first independent reading.

War with the Dnieper

Marshak's work "War with the Dnieper" tells children about the confrontation between man and the mighty river. The poem tells about the great construction work carried out on the Dnieper, powerful equipment. The author extols the human mind, the strength of people, their desire to replenish the country's reserves with natural resources.

Volga and Vazuza

The work of Marshak "Volga and Vazuz" tells about the rivalry of two sister-rivers. They constantly argue about who is stronger, faster, more cunning and so on. And the rivers decided to run to the sea in the morning, whoever reaches it first is the main one. But Wazuza deceived her sister and set off earlier. The Volga caught up with its rival, she completely ran out of strength, and the 2 rivers united. Since then, Wazuza wakes up her sister every spring to make her way to the sea.

That's how absent-minded

The work tells about an absent-minded person living on Basseinaya Street. He finds himself in ridiculous situations, confusing things, household items, words in phrases. A simple trip from Leningrad to Moscow becomes a problem for a person. He goes to the station and spends 2 days in a detached carriage, believing that he is on the way. The age of the work is approaching a century, but the expression "scattered from Basseinaya Street" is still a household word.

To be afraid of grief - happiness is not to be seen

The work "To be afraid of sorrow - not to see happiness" tells about the Grief-Misfortune, which traveled around the world, deceivingly passing from person to person. Having reached the king and ruining the state, Misfortune falls into the hands of a soldier who refuses to deceive people and pass on misfortune further. Grief tries to intimidate the servant with various troubles, but he does not succumb to fears. By deceit, the servant locks the Misfortune in a snuff-box and returns to his bride Nastya. The snuffbox subsequently remains with the greedy king, the woodcutter and the merchant, and the Grief takes them away. The soldier and Nastya are getting married.

Twelve months

The work "Twelve Months" tells the story of a hardworking and sympathetic girl who lives with a cruel stepmother and her arrogant daughter. On a chilly January evening, an evil woman sends her stepdaughter into the forest for snowdrops and tells her not to return without them. In the bitter cold, she meets 12 months in the guise of people who decide to help the frozen girl, briefly changing roles. The stepdaughter returns home with flowers, but this is not enough for the stepmother and her daughter, they want richer gifts. The evil sister goes to the forest by the age of 12 months, but behaves rudely and impolitely, for which she receives a punishment - she is covered with snow. The stepmother is looking for her daughter, but she freezes herself. A kind girl grows up, has a family, lives happily ever after.

Children in a cage

The work "Children in a Cage" is popular with preschool children. The book tells about the life of the Zoo and its inhabitants. The author tells about many animals: lions, kangaroos, crocodile, camel, elephant, hyena, bear, monkey and others. Funny quatrains are replaced by lines with sad and touching shades.

If you are polite

The work "If you are polite" teaches generally accepted rules of decency and behavior. A well-mannered person will give up his place in transport, help a disabled person, will not make noise in class, interrupt adults, free his mother from household chores, will not be late, and so on. The poem teaches to protect the weak, not to be shy in front of those who are stronger, not to take other people's things without asking.

Jafar's Ring

The tale tells about old Jafar, who moved with the help of porters. One day, on his way home from the market, the sage lost his ring. He asked his servants to look for the jewel, but they refused, arguing that this was not their responsibility. Then Jafar replied that in this case he would look for the ring himself and sat on the shoulders of the bearers. The servants had not only to go in search of the jewels, but also to carry the old sage on them.

Cat and quitters

The work of Marshak "Cat and Quitters" tells about lazy people who went to the rink instead of school. And they met a cat, upset that they had not invented schools for animals, and in his year he was not taught either writing or reading and writing, and without them you will disappear in life. The idlers said in response that they are already twelve years old, but they do not know how to do anything, because they are too lazy to learn. The cat was very surprised and replied that he was meeting such lazy people for the first time.

Furrier cat

The work tells the story of a dog who brings the skin of a ram to a furrier cat and asks to sew a hat. The dog regularly comes for an order, but he is not ready. The dog guesses about the deception and swears with the cat. Animals are judged. After that, the furrier runs away, taking all the furs with him. Since then, cats and dogs have not gotten along.

cat house

The work "Cat's House" tells the story of a rich cat living in a luxurious house. She accepts guests, but refuses food and lodging for her poor nephews, kittens. Once a fire started in the house and it was not possible to save it: everything burned to the ground. The cat and the janitor, cat Vasily, are asking for shelter from former guests. However, all of them refuse to fire victims under various pretexts. The cat and her companion are helped by beggar nephews, kittens. They live together all winter, and in the spring they build a new luxurious house.

All year round

The work of Marshak "All year round" tells the reader about 12 months, their features and characteristics. The poem helps the kid remember the seasons, learn to distinguish between them. Rereading the lines, the child will learn the months, the order in which they follow. The book is recommended for reading by adults and children of preschool age. Suitable for the first independent reading.

Master Lomaster

The work tells the story of a boy who considers himself an excellent carpenter, but does not want to learn. He conceived of making a sideboard, but could not cope with the saw. I decided to make a stool, but did not master the ax. I took up making a frame for a portrait, but only ruined the material. Only a pile of chips left from the boards for kindling the samovar. Eh, master lomaster!

Miller, boy and donkey

A comic tale tells about people who, no matter how hard they try, cannot please public opinion. An old man is riding a donkey, a boy is walking next to him - people judge that this is wrong. Then the miller makes room for his grandson, and he goes on foot. But even now people are unhappy - the young old man is forcing him to go. Then the boy and the miller together sit on the donkey, but now the people feel sorry for the animal. As a result, the kid and his grandfather walk on foot, the donkey settled down astride the miller. But even now the people are not appeased: "The old donkey is lucky!"

Mister twister

The satirical poem "Mister Twister" makes fun of racism. An anti-bourgeois feuilleton tells about a wealthy banker who came with his family on vacation to the USSR. Mr. Twister, seeing a black man in the hotel, did not want to stay there any longer, and the family went to look for another place to live, but to no avail. As a result, the doorman arranged for them to sleep in the Swiss, in the hallway on a chair and on the pantry. Twister dreams that he is not allowed back to America. In the morning, the family agrees to live in the proposed 2 rooms, despite the presence of persons of a different race in the neighbors.

Why does the month have no dress

The piece tells the story of the tailor's attempts to sew a dress for the month. However, the figure of the celestial body was constantly changing: it became a full moon, then a crescent, then a thin sickle. Several times the tailor had to take measurements and alter clothes again, but as a result he gave up and recommended to stay without a dress for a month.

First day of the calendar

Marshak's work "The First Day of the Calendar" tells about September 1. The author describes the first day of school after the summer holidays, when children from different countries, cities, villages, villages, auls, kishlaks go to school. Some of the guys have it in the mountains or on the seashore, while others - among the fields or in large settlements. All the girls and boys are in a hurry to the beginning of the new school year.


The work "Fire" tells about the difficult and hard work of firefighters, who are always ready to join the fight with fire. Events in the poem are developing rapidly: mom leaves for the market, Helen opens the stove door, and the flame bursts into the apartment. A brave and kind fireman Kuzma selflessly fights fire, rescues a girl and a cat.


The work "Mail" tells about the work of postmen, about a registered letter that has flown around the world after its recipient. The poem tells the children about the joy of people receiving the long-awaited news, about the time when a man with a "thick bag on his belt" carried mail home and was practically the only link between settlements.

The Adventures of Cipollino

The work tells about the cheerful Cipollino, his homeland, where lemons, oranges, mangoes and other fruits ripen. The bow boy tells about his origin and relatives: grandfather Cipollona, ​​father, brothers and sisters. The Cipollino family lives in poverty, and he goes in search of a better life.

About two neighbors

The work tells about a beggar man who asks his neighbor for a donkey to go to the market. At this time, the cry of an animal is heard from the barn, but the rich man continues to deceive the poor man. The beggar leaves with nothing, but on the way home he sees a neighbor's ram strayed from the herd. He hides the animal in his home. Now the poor neighbor is deceiving the rich who came for the ram.


Marshak's funny poem "Poodle" tells about an old woman and her funny dog. Reading the adventures of the heroes, it is impossible to refrain from laughing: either the poodle climbs into the buffet, then the hostess loses it and looks for it for 14 days, and at the same time he runs behind her, then the chicken pecks the dog in the nose, then he wrapped the whole apartment, his grandmother and the cat in a ball thread. And one day the old woman decided that the dog had died and ran after the doctors, and he turned out to be safe and sound.

The story of an unknown hero

The work tells about the search for a young man who rescued a girl from a fire and wished to remain anonymous. He drove past a burning house on a tram and saw the silhouette of a child in the window. Jumping out of the car, the guy went through the drainpipe to the burning apartment. The arriving firefighters could not find the child, but the hero came out of the gate with the girl in his arms, gave her to her mother, jumped on the footboard of the tram and disappeared around the corner. The reason for writing the poem was a similar case of a citizen rescuing a woman from a fire in 1936.

The tale of the stupid mouse

The work tells about a mouse that could not lull the mouse. The kid did not like her voice, and he asked to look for a nanny for him. However, no one lullaby came to his liking: not a duck, not a toad, not a horse, not a chicken, not a pike. And only the sweet voice of the cat liked the mouse. The mother has returned, but the stupid baby is not on the bed ...

The Tale of the Clever Mouse

The work is a continuation of the sad "Tale of the stupid mouse." The kid is carried away from the mink by a cat and wants to play, but he runs away from the predator into a hole in the fence. A new danger awaits the mouse there - a ferret. But the baby deceives him and hides under an old tree stump. On the way home, there is a mouse a hedgehog, an owl, but he managed to outwit everyone and return unharmed to his mother, father, brothers and sisters.

The tale of the goat

A fairy tale play in 2 acts tells about a goat helping a woman and a grandfather in the household. A kind animal prepares food, stokes the stove, chops wood, brings water, spins yarn. While the grandfather and the woman were resting, the goat went to the forest for mushrooms, and 7 wolves attacked him. The beast was frightened that the old people would disappear without him, and began to desperately defend himself. At this time, the grandfather and the woman went to look for an assistant and scared off the predatory flock with shouts. The old people are happy that the goat is alive and well, and he promises them to bake a mushroom pie.

Old woman, close the door!

The comic work tells about a stupid argument between an old man and an old woman about who will close the door. They decide that whoever utters the first word will do it. Midnight has come and the door is still open. Strangers entered the dark house, took away the food cooked by the old woman, grandfather's tobacco, and they did not object, fearing to betray each other.

Quiet fairy tale

In The Quiet Tale, the author tells about the quiet life of a family of hedgehogs. They were very quiet, walking in the forest at night while the other inhabitants were sleeping peacefully. However, the two wolves cannot sleep and they attack the family. Needles reliably protect hedgehogs, and evil predators retreat. The family quietly returns home.


Marshak in the play-play "Teremok" slightly changes the traditional fairy tale plot, opposing the peaceful inhabitants of the house to aggressive forest dwellers - Bear, Fox, Wolf. The story tells about weak, but friendly and courageous friends who managed to repel evil predators. The aggressors are left with nothing and run back into the forest, and the frog, mouse, hedgehog, cockerel remain happily living in the teremka.

Calm down

The work tells about the older brother of a calm sleep - Ugomon. He calms those who do not want to go to bed, makes noise and disturbs others. Calm down visits trolleybus and tram fleets, pavements, forests, trains, steamships, and airplanes. And even baby Anton he manages to put to sleep. But not only comes Calm down at night, at school he is also indispensable to calm down noisy students.

Mustachioed - Striped

The touching story "Mustache-striped" tells about a girl caring for a kitten like a child who does not want to swim, sleep in a crib, and learn to read. The work combines poetry and prose, word play attracts young readers. Children feel big and smart next to a stupid kitten.

Smart things

The comedy fairy tale "Clever Things" tells the story of a trading store where an old man sold outlandish items: a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisibility hat, running boots, and so on. Once a kind and honest musician liked a pipe and a mirror, but he had no money. The seller of the outlandish shop gave him the items for free with the condition of returning in a year. However, the musician was deceived by an greedy merchant and took possession of his things, and he himself was sent to prison. However, smart objects did not serve the new owner and did not benefit him. Good triumphs over evil: the musician was released, and the greedy merchant was punished.

A good day

The poem "Good Day" tells the story of a boy who is happy that his dad has a day off and they will spend time together. Father and son make grandiose plans, and then bring them to life: they go to a shooting gallery, a zoo, ride a pony, a car, a trolleybus, subway, tram. After the adventure, the tired boy and his dad return home with a bouquet of lilacs.

Six units

The work "Six Units" tells the story of a student who received 6 lowest marks for his answers in the lesson: he called the baobab a bird, the hypotenuse - a river, a zebra - an insect, and, according to the boy, kangaroos grow in a garden bed. Upset parents send their son to bed. And the negligent student had a dream in which his wrong answers were embodied.

Popular poems

The poems of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak will interest children in grades 1-2-3 and preschoolers.

  • A, Be, Tse
  • Artek
  • White cat
  • Grandma's favorites
  • Drum and Trumpet
  • Lamb
  • Bayu-byu, kids
  • White page
  • Vanka-vstanka
  • Giant
  • Visiting the Queen
  • In the underground
  • Wolf and fox
  • A meeting
  • In the theater for children
  • Where did you dine, sparrow?
  • Two cats
  • Ten little indians
  • Orphanage
  • Rain
  • Doctor Faust
  • Friends-comrades
  • Fools
  • Greedy
  • The hare wooed the fox
  • Punctuation marks
  • Captain
  • Ship
  • Kittens
  • Who will find the ring?
  • Who fell
  • Blacksmith
  • Moonlit evening
  • Little fairies
  • Bubble
  • About boys and girls
  • Why was the cat called a cat?
  • What horses, hamsters and chickens talked about
  • Gloves
  • Song about the Christmas tree
  • Petya-parrot
  • Piglets
  • Adventure on the road
  • The Adventures of Murzilka
  • Signs
  • About the hippo
  • Rainbow
  • Rainbow arc
  • Talk
  • Conversation with first class
  • Robin-Bobbin
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Guinea pig
  • The tale of the king and the soldier
  • Old lady
  • Counting room
  • Three wise men
  • Three gifts
  • Clever Vasya
  • Courtesy lesson
  • Fomka
  • Round dance
  • Brave men
  • Four eyes
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • To the student as a keepsake
  • I have seen

Marshak's translations

Marshak is recognized as one of the best translators for his ability to preserve the richness of the Russian language, while not changing the nature of the foreign original.

  • Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll
  • Alice in the Wonderland. Lewis Carroll
  • The ballad of the royal sandwich. Alan Milne
  • The house that Jack built. Jonathan Swift
  • Heather honey. Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • Lyrics. Robert Burns
  • Brothers Grimm fairy tales
  • Fairy tales. Rudyard Kipling
  • Sonnets. William Shakespeare
  • Cold heart. Wilhelm Hauf

Old grandfather Kohl

There was a jolly king.

He shouted loudly to his retinue:

Hey pour us some cups

Fill our pipes

Call my violinists, trumpeters,

Call my violinists!

There were violins in the hands of his violinists,

All trumpeters had trumpets,

Between the swamps from a small well

The trickle, without stopping, pours.

A clean stream is inconspicuous,

Not wide, not ringing, not deep.

You will cross it over the board,

And you look - the stream has spilled into the river,

At least in some places wade this river

And the chicken in the summer will go over.

But her keys, streams give water,

And snow, and showers of summer thunderstorms,

Works are paginated

Each of us from childhood remembers cute fairy tales for children about "Basseinaya scattered from the street" or a funny story about a woman who "checked in a sofa, cardigan, bag ...". You can ask any person WHO wrote these extraordinary works, and everyone, without hesitation for a second, blurts out: this poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak created a huge number of poems for children. Throughout his life he was a good friend of children. All his poems teach children to enjoy the beauty of the poetic word with love. With his children's fairy tales, Marshak easily draws colorful pictures of the world around him, tells interesting and informative stories, as well as teach to dream about the distant future. Samuil Yakovlevich tries to compose children's poems at a very early age. At the age of 12, he began to write whole poems. The very first collections of the writer with poems for children began to appear more than seventy-five years ago. We get to know Marshak's fairy tales for children quite early. As very young children, we listened with extraordinary pleasure, watched and recited by heart his children's fairy tales: "Mustache-striped", "Children in a cage." The famous poet and professional translator, playwright and teacher, and, among other things, an editor - this is the huge creative luggage of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, read poetry which is simply necessary.