What sliding doors are better to put. Types of sliding doors and features of their design. Sliding door materials

Interior doors can be the most unusual! But the main trend of our time is sliding. How to make interior design stylish, original, special with the help of this element - look at our photos.

Advantages and disadvantages of using sliding doors

The door system in which the canvas (that is, the main part) opens along the wall is called sliding.

The sliding door system was borrowed by designers from the Japanese. This is not surprising, because in Japan, where an incredibly small territory and high population density, every square meter is worth its weight in gold.

Despite the originality and unusualness, sliding doors have firmly entered our everyday life. There are a number of good reasons for this, which are the key benefits of using sliding doors:

  • Unlike swing doors, which occupy at least one square meter of usable space, sliding doors do not need additional space. Thanks to this, even the smallest apartment will become as comfortable and spacious as possible.
  • The number of canvases in a sliding door system can vary from one to several, which can not only become an unusual element of interior design, but also an excellent option in terms of functionality, because it is much easier to control and adjust the width of the doorway with such a door system than in the case of hinged doors.
  • Sliding doors can serve not only as doors, but also as a multifunctional partition between rooms or zones. Sliding interior partitions are very relevant for owners or one-room apartments, where, on the one hand, you don’t want to reduce and divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and on the other, one way or another, there is a need for each family member to have personal space. At least for a while.

However, like every medal, sliding door systems have some disadvantages:

  • Sliding doors save space near the doorway itself (forward or backward), but it is critical that there is space on the sides of the doors so that the leaves have somewhere to move. This space is called "parking". Without a place to "park" the door leaf (for example, at the end of the corridor), the sliding system simply cannot be installed. Even if parking spaces are hidden in the wall, it is not recommended to install such structures in load-bearing and adjacent walls with neighbors.
  • Sliding doors move on rails and rollers, so it is almost impossible to open them without accompanying sounds and noise. Therefore, it is better not to install such doors in the bedrooms of the owners of sensitive sleep and, especially, in children's rooms.
  • Prices for sliding door systems are an order of magnitude higher than for standard swing structures due to the cost of the sliding mechanism (especially if it is of high quality).

Types of designs of sliding door systems


Standard sliding doors are a design that is installed in the door reception. At the same time, the door leaf does not swing open, but moves aside and is fixed near one of the walls.

Standard sliding doors come in two main types:

  • Single-leaf (with one movable canvas)
  • Double-leaf (with two movable canvases)

The first option will be convenient for small rooms with tiny doorways.

If you need to install a door between two small rooms or a room in which every square meter counts, then single-leaf sliding door systems will be the ideal option for you.

The second option is more suitable for spacious spaces with wide doorways. Thanks to this design, you will be able to independently adjust the size of your doorway (which is very important not only in terms of functionality, but also the visual perception of the room as a whole).


The radial design of sliding door systems assumes that the door leaf is moved not in a straight line, but in a circle. This option will perfectly fit into the non-standard layout of the room, in which there are round or curved walls.

It is good to use radial structures as stylish sliding partitions for zoning space in a room. This will be especially appropriate when creating an interior in high-tech, minimalism, fusion styles.


Accordions (or as they are also called - folding interior doors) are a design of several relatively narrow canvases that do not move away, but fold (see photo below). The beauty of this design lies in the fact that the width of the doorway when using it varies from a narrow gap (for example, so that a cat can slip into it) to a full-fledged spacious passage.


Sliding compartment doors differ from standard ones in that the design occupies not only the doorway, but completely replaces the wall. On the one hand, depending on the materials used, this allows you to divide the room into two independent functional areas without strong visual concealment of space, and on the other hand, create two or more cozy personal spaces for each family member in a studio apartment or one-room dwelling.

The separation in the studio apartment with the help of sliding compartment doors will prevent the spread of odors and steam from the cooking zone throughout the room.

Sliding door materials

The most popular materials for the manufacture of sliding door systems today are:

  • Wood
  • Fiberboard or MDF
  • Glass


The traditional material for the manufacture of not only doors, but also furniture in general, is wood. At the same time, both the entire leaf (s) of the sliding door system and the frame for combination with other materials can be made of wood:

  • Glass
  • Plastic
  • Paper
  • Textile
  • Mirror

The easy pliability of wood processing allows it to be used for interior decoration in almost any style. Want a charming country room? Use unplaned wooden boards! Do you like classic interiors? Choose a wooden door leaf of strict forms. Looking for a shabby chic or art deco interior? Give preference to carved wood with forged elements or inlay. Are you a follower of the East? Use canvases with a wooden frame and rice paper inserts.


Since wood is not the cheapest material, it may well be replaced by materials such as fiberboard or MDF. In appearance, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural wood, but the cost is an order of magnitude lower than that of similar products made from natural wood.


Glass sliding doors are a great option for creating an interior in minimalist, futuristic or high-tech styles. Due to the property of glass to transmit light, glass interior sliding doors do not create a feeling of total isolation of space. Moreover, by choosing the degree of coloration and cloudiness of the glass for the door leaf, you can choose the degree of transparency (and, as a result, integration with the adjacent room) of interior doors.

Sliding interior partitions

The versatility of sliding door systems allows them to be used not only as doors in doorways, but also as an element of space zoning. The most common use of zoning in the interior is the zoning of studio apartments and one-room apartments. In this case, it's more of an obvious need than a design decision. However, sliding partitions can be used in other cases:

  • If children of different sexes or fly of different ages live in one, then with the help of a sliding partition you can make two smaller ones out of one large children's bedroom.
  • If you want to organize in your apartment or house, and there is no special room for this, then with the help of a sliding partition you can separate part of the bedroom for these purposes.
  • A large kitchen can act not only as a functional working area for cooking, but also as a full-fledged dining room. The use of sliding partitions will prevent the spread of odors in the kitchen from the cooking zone, and will also hide from prying eyes "production costs" in the form of dirty dishes, garbage and other things.
  • It would be appropriate to use sliding partitions not only in residential premises, but also in offices in order to separate the workspace of different employees or the manager's office and, for example, a meeting room.

Thanks to a wide range of products from manufacturers of building (and not only) materials, almost all stages of repair and future interior elements can be created and installed with your own hands. And the Leroy Merlin online store will help with this, in which you can get acquainted not only with the range of materials available, but also with their main characteristics.

First of all, decide what type of installation you will be using. There are two types of them:

Overhead. In this case, the guides and rollers are installed on the wall, outside the doorway. This option is easier to install, but remember that the door panels in this case will always be in sight.

Built-in. In this case, the sliding mechanism is mounted inside the doorway, and the canvas slides into niches in the walls. This option is more compact, however, a beginner will most likely not be able to cope with it.

Having decided on the type of installation, you can think about the type of design of the sliding door system and the material from which it will be made. As mentioned above, the main types of sliding door designs include standard, radius, cascade (accordion) and coupe.

After the appearance of the future door is thought out and selected, it is necessary to measure the height and width of the structure to be installed and make markings for the overlay mechanism.

Marking should only be done with a water level, otherwise your doors may be skewed!

Some designs involve the installation of a guide not only from above, but from below. In this case, the door leaf will completely occupy the space from floor to ceiling and the ability of the door to isolate noise and extraneous sounds will increase significantly.

After the guides are securely fixed, rollers are installed in them. For each canvas, depending on its width, you will need from one to three rollers. The edges of the guides are blocked with a bracket (so that the rollers do not fly out).

The next step is to screw the door panels to the rollers and install the door hardware. All! The door is ready for use.

Sections of the article:

Increasingly, in the process of replacing existing interior doors, buyers opt for sliding systems. This trend has a fairly good justification, because sliding doors significantly save the available space by opening along the wall. In addition, such designs do not lose their originality, since they have the widest range of decorative and finishing materials.

Door device

All sliding type products have an almost standard similar set of elements, which includes the following components:

  • Door leaf, presented in the required quantity;
  • Decorative framing frame;
  • A set of accessories in the form of door handles and a locking mechanism;
  • A mechanism that includes guide rails, roller carriages and clamps.

In some cases, the design can be supplemented with an engineering element in the form of a cassette. This device is necessary when installing sliding doors of a hidden type, hiding in the wall when opened.

The decorative framing frame has a U-shape and is used in combination with platbands as an element that covers uneven walls and neatly frames the doorway. In the manufacturing process, solid wood is most often used. Installation of the product is carried out using anchors, screws, adhesive or mounting foam. Thanks to the frame, sliding doors have a neat, finished appearance.

The guide rail is made of steel or aluminum profile. Its preparation for use consists in cutting to the required dimensions and mounting it to the height corresponding to the calculations.

Roller mechanisms in most cases are metal. Doors are supplemented with special rubber or plastic pads on the wheels to ensure smooth and quiet operation of the doors. The durability and correct operation of the structure directly depend on the quality of the roller mechanisms, since most of the load falls on them.

For convenience and safety of use, sliding doors are most often equipped with mortise fittings. The use of protruding handles in most types of sliding systems will not allow the doors to be fully opened.

Manufacturing materials

Almost any sliding door can be made of various materials and their combinations. However, the main components are wood and glass. Based on the principle of combining these materials, doors are conventionally divided into four types:

  • Combined;
  • All-massive;
  • Wooden with glazing;
  • Glass with metal or plastic elements.

The door leaf of the combined type is a sash, the frame of which is made of inexpensive wood, most often pine, using chipboard or fiberboard. As a decorative and protective layer, natural veneer from oak, rosewood, beech, Karelian birch or walnut is most often used.

Solid sliding doors are made from expensive types of wood and are distinguished by their heavy weight and high cost. These doors require mounting using reinforced fasteners and in most cases have both top and bottom guides. However, if a floor rail is used, it is recommended that the floor be reinforced at the location of the rail. This is necessary so that during use in the threshold area the floor does not sink under the weight of the canvas.

Wooden sliding doors with glazing can be made from a solid natural array, or by combining a solid frame with chipboard or fiberboard sheets. Fully glazed products can have framing elements in the form of a plastic or aluminum profile, or be made only from a single sheet of glass.

Recently, it has become very fashionable to install sliding analogues instead of ordinary doors. And all thanks to the fact that they add sophistication to any interior and at the same time do not take up space at all.

But before you choose sliding doors and buy them, you need to know that they have their drawbacks, which, with the right approach, can simply become features in operation. Firstly, such models have rather poor sound insulation, since they have some gaps between the wings and the wall itself. Secondly, due to the door opening / closing system, they are in many ways inferior in strength to their simple counterparts. And, thirdly, such doors practically do not prevent the penetration of foreign odors into the room, and this is not a very favorable factor, especially if sliding doors are installed in the bedroom.

Basically, sliding doors are a multifunctional partition that operates on the principle of a compartment. Speaking of such models, they immediately recall Japan or some kind of supermarket. But they have long been part of the modern interior.

Sliding doors: the main advantages of the system

The features of these doors are as follows:

  1. Space saving. The opening system of these doors implies the departure of the structure to the sides, which saves the perimeter of the area occupied by an ordinary door. This means that the saved space can be occupied by any interior elements.
  2. Safety. Such doors are designed even for small users, because they exclude hard slamming, as a result of which there is a chance of pinching your finger. Also, sliding models are equipped with a special mechanism, due to which they can be operated even by people with impaired physical abilities or people of advanced age. Thanks to this design, they are not subject to drafts.
  3. The breadth of design approaches. Depending on the interior, almost any material can be used to create sliding doors or various combinations can be made from them, which allows you to fit doors into both classic and high-tech interiors.

Sliding door set

Mandatory elements of sliding models are:

  • canvases;
  • box;
  • complete set of guides;
  • fittings (door handle, rollers and wheels with silicone coating, due to which noiseless operation is ensured);
  • cassettes;
  • limiters or mechanical locks of movement.

For a traditional interior, it most often has one or two door leaves. But in some cases, it is possible to create a door structure even from eight canvases (but no more). This is done when the doorway is very wide.

Today it is possible from the following materials:

  1. Whole wood.
  2. Combined materials. The basis is taken bars made of wood, chipboard or fiberboard, for example, chipboard and fiberboard. The external facade is finished with natural wood veneer or laminated MDF.
  3. A combination of wood and glass.
  4. Combinations of glass and aluminum frame.
  5. In some moments, you can even use mirrors.

Door leaf opening systems

Before you choose the right sliding doors, you need to decide on the system itself. Today, they can be installed in several ways. Most often, a combined type is used, when two canvases are attached to the doorway, and moving doors are already attached to them.

Now there are the following schemes for opening the valves:

  1. Both compartment doors “leave” into the wall.
  2. Folding symmetrical and asymmetrical doors.
  3. 4 sashes are completely hidden in the opening.
  4. One or both doors move along the wall.
  5. Both door leaves go in the same direction of the opening.
  6. Two moving canvases and two fixed.

When installing sliding doors, you need to choose for yourself where exactly the leaves will go - along the wall or into the wall itself.

The system itself, which sets the doors in motion, can be non-threshold and roller. In the first case, the door opens / closes due to the upper suspension. In the second version, there are special rollers that move along the rails.

Types of sliding door systems

There are automatic and mechanical sash movement systems.

The mechanical version is designed for relatively small loads, so it is most often used in a home or office interior.

The automatic system has a special control mechanism, which itself drives the entire door structure.

Such a system works by capturing pulses from an approaching object with an ultra-sensitive sensor and opens doors in front of it. It can be controlled either by a stationary relay or by a control panel. In order for such a door to function, it needs electricity. But in the kit these models always have a battery. A striking example of such a system are doors in supermarkets. At the same time, they are quite versatile, since they do not have standard sizes, and their work does not produce any noise.

But any mechanism is designed for a door weighing 80-100 kg. Although, of course, experts recommend that in each case the mechanism be selected individually.

The standard set of the mechanism is as follows:

  • aluminum profile rails (about 2 m);
  • bottom guide;
  • fasteners;
  • stroke limiters.

The main points to consider before buying such doors:

  1. Sliding system type. As already mentioned, the door can move along the surface of the wall, or it can go inside. In the second option, it is necessary to additionally develop the design of the canister, which "hides" the sash. A very important criterion for the mechanism is the entire weight of the door leaf.
  2. Manufacturing firm. Today, the undisputed leaders in quality in this area are Italian and German representatives. Poor-quality products quickly acquire cracks and undergo deformation.
  3. Manufacturing material. It is on the strength of the door, which means that the service life is indicated by this parameter. If a tree is used, then it is better that it be an array (solid wood). If you want a glass door, it is best to use triplex or tempered glass. The complete set of guides must have an aluminum base. Although they have good strength indicators, their weight is relatively small. Of course, high-quality materials are more expensive, but the likelihood of their early replacement is zero. And as the famous proverb says, a miser pays twice. First you have to pay for installation, and then - for repair or replacement.
  4. Door furniture. The most common example is a doorknob. After all, if you think about it, an ordinary swing door handle will not allow the door leaf to open completely, as it will interfere. Often such accessories are included, but if desired, the door handle can be made to order.

Main models of sliding doors

Depending on the desire of the buyer and his vision of the interior, you can choose the following types of sliding doors:

  1. Sliding door-pencil case. It is installed in any room, regardless of its size. It is so called because, when open, the door leaves are hidden in a special structure on the wall - in a pencil case. This type will fit well even in a one-room apartment.
  2. Sliding door-techno. Such a sliding door is installed in any selected room. Of course, when choosing this model, it is necessary to “match” wall panels, skirting boards and trim to get a complete picture. The “techno” model, in addition to the interior version, can be used to decorate balcony doors and access to the terrace, as well as be used for cabinets and dressing rooms. The sliding mechanism allows you to open and close the sash into a wall, into a wall opening or move in both directions.
  3. Sliding accordion doors. Most often this type is used in bathrooms, narrow corridors and aisles. Such a door-book is quite functional and technically convenient.
  4. Roto door. This model is suitable for those who do not like to think standard. Due to the swivel mechanism, such a door can be opened from both sides. They are good to install for kitchens and children's rooms.
  5. Movable partitions. With the help of them, you can successfully delimit a large area than several residential zones are created. Thanks to the partitions, the common children's room can be divided for two children separately. Almost any material is used to create partitions.

I would like to say a few words about the installation of sliding doors. There are two ways: by breaking the wall or by applying a frame with attached guide elements, which are later sewn up with drywall (thus, a “pencil case” is formed). The effectiveness of each system should be considered individually for the interior of a particular apartment.

But you should be aware that the cost of installing sliding doors significantly exceeds the cost of installing ordinary models. It is quite difficult to install a sliding door on your own, and besides, it is likely that a correctly installed door will not move at all in practice, or it will happen with difficulty. Therefore, in order to avoid problems and negative emotions, it is better to immediately contact specialists. But first of all, the main indicator of sliding doors should be that they fully fulfill their functional purpose and harmoniously emphasize the entire interior.

Recently, in addition to traditional swing doors, which are familiar and understandable to the consumer, in everyday life you can increasingly see such a non-standard option as sliding interior doors. They are increasingly being installed in different rooms - for example, when zoning or for special allocation of a certain part of the usable area.

Since sliding models look beautiful and cozy in any place (they can even be used for the pool and bathroom), you can think about how to install them in your own home.

Pros and cons

Of the main advantages of sliding interior doors, it should be noted significant space savings, external beauty, accuracy, aesthetics and ease of use. Since the mechanism implies easy walking of the valves along the guides, it is very easy and convenient to open and close such models.

However, when installing a simple sliding structure, the owner should take note of the fact that it will not be able to provide the room with full sound insulation - except perhaps when installed behind a false wall, if we are talking about inexpensive options.

Sliding doors can keep warm, but much worse than ordinary ones, so you should not install them in the corridor or hallway as entrance doors.

The mechanism itself and the installation of sliding doors are not cheap, if you want to insulate them, or provide a decent soundproofing effect, you will have to spend a lot of money, but in many cases it justifies itself.

Design, device and accessories

The principle of operation of such systems has two varieties.

  • There are parallel sliding models that include more than one leaf. In this case, the door leaf moves parallel to the vertical surface. If soundproofing properties are important for the buyer, it is recommended to install this type of construction. In addition to such a reliable and monolithic model, there is an even lighter type of door, which is called folding and sliding. It consists of a certain number of canvases, which in appearance are very similar to an accordion.

Such a model will not give sound insulation, but it is she who is the most optimal for space zoning (for example, in a one-room apartment).

  • More simple folding and sliding system often comes with top rail only. The weight of such a design can be considerable, especially if the canvas is made of polycarbonate or glass, so you should stock up on reliable high-quality fittings in advance.

The standard set of interior doors usually includes the following items:

  • guide skids (or lower and upper profiles), the length of each of them is 2000 cm;
  • canvases, they must be securely fixed on rails and rollers, so a certain number of them must be included in the kit. It can be different and depends on the type of door structure;
  • fasteners;
  • suspension, the required number of extensions and trim - usually with a margin;

  • ready-made door panels or sashes (either "accordion" or classic, monolithic models);
  • decorating bar to hide the mechanism on rollers, with entry in a box or in a box;
  • limiters-stops;
  • latch and cassette (several pieces) - in order to hold the sashes in the desired position when they are in the open position;
  • handle and lock with the possibility of embedding in the door leaf.

Depending on the type of model, internal sliding doors can be with or without threshold. Also, many manufacturers offer to purchase additional accessories. For example, a mosquito net, if it is planned to install a sliding system on the terrace, and those customers who dream of insulated doors can be offered a special seal.

System types

Like other door systems, sliding ones are also divided into several types based on how they open and close: canvases are folding, retractable and sliding.

  • Rollback (or rollback) systems. Usually they look like a canvas with one sash, for the movement of which special suspension profiles are attached, moreover, in one direction or the other. The width of the structure for doorways is no more than 900 mm. This is an overhead model with a hinged view of the mounting mechanism - according to the height, which in total is the height of the rollers and the gap during installation.

  • Sliding (or sliding) models have similarities in the principle of installation with retractable structures. Such doors can move in different directions, as well as by opening each leaf in turn. If desired, you can equip such a model according to the action of the chain mechanism of its opening, as in wardrobes: if one sash moves, the other automatically follows it.
  • Folding or collapsible- the very "accordion", which is most often used as a partition door or screen door, separates the necessary space in the room. They open in the same way as previous systems, moving along a special profile guide with a roller mechanism. The difference from other models lies in the fact that their canvases are not sliding, but folding, consisting of several lamellas. They are folded in a one-sided way, with the help of loops. The main advantage of the "accordion" is that it is very compact, but the handling of such a door should be as accurate as possible.

  • If the owner wants to give the doors additional noise and sound insulation, they can be installed with a vestibule. In this case, the canvas will be even more silent and airtight. Also, for maximum convenience and ease of installation and operation, sliding models with telescopic mechanisms are often installed: the sash moves only in one direction, which can be especially convenient in rooms with a non-standard layout.

What are the types

Sliding doors with one leaf are installed in small apartments not only to save space, but also to make the interior look cozy and neat. Installation is very simple, it does not require the installation of a door frame, however, the opening itself will need to be strengthened and a good finish should be carried out.

Such models are attached to both walls and ceilings - the accessories included in the package provide for one or another type of fastening. As a rule, the design itself is quite light, often single-leaf panels are frameless, vertically sliding. Also, the Japanese-style lattice door has become very popular recently. It perfectly zones the room and, at the same time, decorates it.

double leaf

Internal double-leaf interior structures are mounted in wide openings, they are distinguished by functionality and ease of use. Ideally look in rooms with a large area, performing also a decorative role. They consist of two panels, which, based on the possibilities of installation, can simply move along the walls, or be retractable into the wall, hidden when opened. One half of the panel is easily stopped by a latch so that it does not interfere, while you can use the other.

The fixed canvas will be beneficial to hide the room, and the running canvas will perform the main function.


Three-leaf doors are very convenient in operation and are installed if there are wide openings of non-standard sizes in the room. Three sashes successfully block any opening, and for profitable zoning, you do not need to build an additional wall. Thanks to the installation of the opening mechanism at the top, the space acquires visual integrity. The undoubted advantage of three-leaf models is that there is absolutely no need to install floor rails here.

Three-leaf sliding options are often made according to the principle of cascading canvases, each of which has its own rail. When they open, they overlap each other, and it looks very beautiful. The sashes are installed differently: for example, one of them stands in the center and moves in different directions, going in turn behind the other two, which are permanently mounted. At the request of the customer, it can be done exactly the opposite: the side flaps move, and the middle fixed canvas can perform a panoramic function of decorating the room, it often has a drawing or a beautiful stained-glass window.

Pencil case

A pencil case is a very interesting and useful kind of sliding design. It got its name based on the technical features in operation. Roll-out canvases with sound insulation move along the walls according to the principle of a school pencil case. They are universal in that they are successfully used in a variety of premises, from offices to residential. The case door takes up little space, and its design and equipment can be assembled and formed at the request of the customer.

Semicircular radius

Semicircular radius doors are the original and, perhaps, the most beautiful and aesthetic invention of design minds. This is a large and wide construction of a convex plan, often glazed, with certain types of decor on the panels. This swing-out model, unfortunately, is not designed to be installed in small spaces. Its main purpose is to give comfort and beauty to large areas of supermarkets, large country houses, offices and apartments with high ceilings.


Functional interior doors are a model with elements built into the opening, which provides both aesthetics and additional benefits. The leaves move towards each other along the opposite guide, while ½ of the doorway remains free for entry and exit. Moreover, the location of the opening itself can be changed at will.


Sliding partition doors can be made in the form of a light accordion made of plywood or plastic. There are whole systems of internal partitions, including corner ones, the number of panels in which can vary from two or more. To give the structure special strength, aluminum is most often used as a material, and the doors themselves can have glass inserts, or made from any other transparent material.

The multi-leaf interior partition works on the principle of moving the opening to the left or right. Their sliding system is absolutely silent and soft, and the closer allows you to close them as tightly as possible.

Lift-sliding HS-portal

Lift-sliding models of the HS-portal type include movable and deaf canvases. They are designed to close large doorways. It is this portal design that can provide a completely open space, devoid of both canvases protruding from the wall and uncomfortable vertical racks, which are often indispensable when installing three or more panels.

Thanks to the principle of the portal, you can completely remove the boundaries between the rooms at any time, turning the room and the terrace into one, and if necessary, close the doors back. Such designs can be warm and even double, to ensure the preservation of heat in the cold winter. It is very easy to manage such shutters, despite the fact that they can weigh 300 kg or more.


In accordance with the GOST standard in Russia, the optimal door panel height is 2000 cm, and the width of models with one leaf is from 600 to 900 mm. Most of the manufacturers are trying to produce their products with a focus on these indicators, so choosing the right kit is not difficult. The advantage of standardization can also be called a lower price for such a set of paintings and fittings, however, given that in the vast majority of cases strict dimensions are not adhered to during construction, you still have to order doors according to individual sizes.

Large doorways, typical for hypermarkets and large private mansions, have non-standard sizes, for the removal of which it would be best to invite a specialist so as not to be mistaken. If non-standard wide doors are ordered, it is important to take into account the gap so that the leaf opens and closes well, while the width of the leaf itself must correspond to the dimensions of the side walls.

Custom designs can be different: light or heavy. Usually a large weight and thickness of the canvases is not a problem, because the control mechanism allows you to minimize the technical side. All doors of the original form (light arches for narrow passages to the utility room, large canvases with transoms, as well as all bay windows) are made only individually, and the price for such an order will be much higher.


Various materials are used in the production of sliding doors.


Different options for interior partitions for government and medical institutions are often aluminum or iron.

As a rule, such a design does not look too heavy and has good strength indicators. Aluminum and iron are well resistant to external weather conditions. Aluminum partitions are often used for glazing loggias and balconies. The soundproofing properties of these materials are quite high, and if you use a good sealant, it will provide both heat preservation and sound insulation at a high level.

The service life of aluminum partitions is 50 years or more. Perhaps over time they will need a new cosmetic coloring.


Wooden products or canvases from different arrays will never go out of fashion, and a sliding structure made from natural materials will always look both rich and stylish, especially in the living room or in the hall. Such models open up space for craftsmen to be creative as woodcarving and create different types of doors: from deaf frameless to models with figured glazing.

Natural wood is an environmentally friendly and durable material, provided that it is carefully cared for.

However, sliding structures of this type are very heavy, so you should definitely remember that the fittings selected for them must be of the highest quality and with increased strength indicators.

Of course, if it is planned to install wooden doors, it is important to properly care for them so that they do not darken and crack prematurely due to temperature changes and sudden changes in weather conditions. You should first consult with experts about what care products for wooden products should be used.


The most common and inexpensive material from which a good sliding structure can also be made is a fine fraction of wood or MDF. In terms of environmental characteristics, it is not inferior to natural wood, and its surface can also be decorated with various patterns and applications.

The advantage of MDF panels is that, unlike wood, they weigh very little, and therefore there is no need to purchase expensive and reinforced fittings.

Of course, the service life of such doors is much less, but with careful operation, this option may become acceptable.

To give the panels additional beauty and create the effect of expanding space, mirror inserts of various shapes and sizes can be embedded in them. It looks very nice and attractive, but it also requires a strong mechanism and reinforced fittings due to the fact that the mirror inserts have extra weight. As for the simpler models of sliding doors, if you wish, you can independently make an interior partition from drywall or veneer, sanding it “antique” or painting it in the desired color.


Thanks to modern technologies, the color scheme of any design, including sliding, has no strict restrictions. Depending on the material used, you can choose a product for every taste and color.

The main thing is that it is combined in scale with the main elements of the interior, and the overall picture looks harmonious and holistic.

White color is relevant for aluminum partitions, often used in medical offices, but if it is painted with sliding wood panels leading to the bedroom of an apartment building, the effect will be very gentle and “homely”. Of course, if you plan to install white panels, it is important to make sure that the entire space around, from wallpaper to furniture, breathes lightness and romance.

Wenge-colored sliding structures will always look massive and solemn, especially if the doorways are wide, and high windows and ceilings prevail in the room. This color is best used in large rooms where there are already large pieces of furniture designed in a classic style.


As you know, the belonging of doors to a particular style most often determines the nature of the material from which they are made.

  • Massive blind panels made of natural wood in dark shades can be safely attributed to "classics". The classic style, despite its severity and not always obvious affordability, will never go out of fashion and will please its owners for many years with the severity of lines and sliding interior models “adapted” to its elements.
  • Discreet modern high-tech style involves the use of glass doors in combination with inexpensive polymers or metal. Also, eco-doors made of bamboo, upholstered in leather or leatherette, will organically fit into what is called the trends of our time.
  • If you use such a versatile and lightweight material as MDF for the manufacture of panels, you can make an excellent option, seasoned in mediterranean scale.

  • Traditionally, and for a very long time, Japan is considered the first country in which sliding doors were once invented, so there is a so-called "Japanese style decoration of the room, reminiscent of where such a convenient and functional invention came from. Japanese-style sliding interior options can be lattice, matte, decorated with intricate bright ornaments in the form of mythological animals and even embroidery.


As for modern design solutions, if the very first sliding models sometimes looked artisanal and primitive, now this is no longer the case, thanks to the development of modern production technologies and bold and functional inventions of designers.

The style of the room must be determined even before the door kit with all the necessary fittings is purchased.

The possibility of an individual order will always help in the best possible way to determine the style and technical features that will have to be taken into account during installation.

For the manufacture of classic interior doors, any wood material can be suitable - the question is how the owner of the premises wishes to “staff” the doorways. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, conventional swing models can also be partially installed, and in places where the area is limited, a sliding structure can also be installed.

In large private houses, sliding models are most often installed in the kitchen. They are made of durable glass, which ensures both ease of operation and ease of maintenance. Glass models are also used in offices - for the same reason as in kitchens: ease of maintenance, practicality and, not least, additional penetration of natural light - in working conditions for employees it is always necessary. Glasses with a matte finish and unpretentious patterns will decorate any room: from the office to the home kitchen, and the impact resistance of modern glass will ensure such options for the longest possible life.

A door with a mirror will not only visually increase the space of the room, but will also be the best solution to the problem if the room is small and it is impossible to install a separate mirror in it for one reason or another. In addition, a large mirror takes up a lot of space, and a small one often does not bring much benefit if a person needs to see himself completely from head to toe.

It is in this situation that you can mount a large mirror panel in a sliding sash, be sure to provide the necessary clearance so that the mirror surface is not damaged or scratched during its constant movement.

Mirror inserts can also be used simply as a decor. For example, MDF panels make it possible to slightly weight the structure without harming the supporting mechanism. For owners prone to mysticism and Mediterranean motifs, you can always offer a stained glass design of the front fixed panel of wide three-leaf doors. Modern stained glass decorations are made of durable materials, they do not fade in the sun and do not make the structure heavier, and when they are made by qualified craftsmen, they sometimes look no worse than the old ones.

Beautiful model options in the interior of the living room

Of course, when it comes to installing doors in a large private house, there are rarely problems with the concepts of beauty and functionality. As for small spaces, installation options for sliding interior structures in this case seem to be the most popular among ordinary buyers.

If the "Khrushchev" has a recess in the form of a niche, the best option would be doors that enter the niche on skids designed in accordance with the dimensions of the recess. When installing doors made of lightweight polycarbonate into the pantry, a functional partition will be created with an insulating role assigned to it.

In addition, the “Khrushchev” can also be decorated with an interior durable “accordion”, which will not take up much space, unlike a swing door, and the passage to the kitchen will always be free.

Different models of interior partitions, many of which can be made independently, will help to optimally organize the space of a children's room, in which both a boy and a girl can live at the same time. With the help of such a partition you get two small but full-fledged bedrooms.

If a person lives in a one-room apartment, in which it is not possible to build a full-fledged dressing room with a place for changing clothes, the partition can also play a “saving” role, allocating a certain part of the room for this.

When living in a studio apartment combined with a kitchen, a high screen will become a universal separator that will not only prevent the spread of odors throughout the room, but will also hide dirty dishes and other unsightly things in the form of garbage and food waste from guests.

Thus, sliding interior doors can be installed not only in large houses and offices. Since now there is a great opportunity to manufacture and install them individually, such a convenient design can be fully adapted to the needs of the economy class.

How to install sliding doors yourself, see the video below.

Now there are a huge number of options for decorating an apartment. But they all come down to one thing - the preservation and increase of space.

Sliding doors are one of the best ways to do this, as regular doors take up much more space visually. Another advantage is that it reduces the chance of injury.

Sliding door makers

When we talk about interior doors, we have associations with Japan.

After all, it was there that similar structures were used and are being used to divide the room into separate zones. They look like a frame, which is covered with a very durable paper material.

In Europe, interior doors gained popularity around the 1st century. They were actively used by the Greeks and Romans to hide the location of secret rooms and other rooms.

Types of sliding doors

Absolutely all sliding doors can be divided into 2 types:

  • Parallel sliding. It is characterized by vertical movement and good sound insulation after closing.
  • Sliding-folding. They look like an accordion and fold about the same. They are mainly used to divide an apartment into several zones. But most of the time they are completely impractical.

Also sliding doors can be classified into:

  • Single leaf. Move parallel to the wall.
  • Bivalves. They move in the same way as the previous ones, but together 1 sash here 2.
  • Radius doors. Characterized by a special appearance. Doors move in a small semicircle.
  • Books. It is characterized by the fact that folding, occupy a very small space.

The choice of the number of doors and their type depends on the size of the space that you want to divide.

Sliding door materials

To create interior doors, manufacturers resort to the following materials:

  • Wood. A great classic option that will add luxury to your home.
  • MDF. It is characterized by the fact that it is very easy to process. This allows you to make sliding doors of any shape from it, opening up a limitless chance for fantasies.
  • Glass. Used to create flat interior doors. Experimenting with the shape of this material is almost unacceptable, but despite this, it gives a little refined austerity to any home.

Choose the material based on your personal desires and preferences.

Pros and cons of sliding doors

Benefits of sliding doors include:

  • the possibility of their easy closing and opening;
  • have good soundproofing and protect against drafts;
  • you can close the doors absolutely without noise;
  • greatly saves space at home and even visually increases it.

Now let's move on to the cons:

  • buying and installing interior doors is not the cheapest event;
  • they have no locks;
  • I gather in my recesses a large amount of dust;
  • the mechanism that is responsible for sliding the doors apart can easily break if precautions are not taken.

Despite the shortcomings, interior doors are still a great solution for any apartment.

Where to install sliding doors

The best place to locate them is between the rooms in your apartment.

The most commonly used sliding doors, consisting of two wings. This allows you to expand the space of one room with the help of another at any time.

Sliding doors are also suitable for creating some zones. For example, work or play. They do not spoil the appearance of your apartment at all.

A small summary

Sliding interior doors are a great option that will help save space in the apartment. They are quite versatile, which allows you to place them in any style of interior.

But they require careful maintenance and a little care in use. Good luck with your purchases.

Photo of sliding interior doors