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With the onset of frost, the issue of energy saving comes to the fore. And even if you do not think about the problems of environmental pollution and global warming, it is still worth thinking about the efficiency of heating, as this will significantly save money.

It's no secret that a lot of heat is lost through cracks in windows and doors, as well as through glass. In winter, you can feel how cold literally blows from the windows.

The situation can be corrected with the help of special insulated curtains, which will let less cold air into the room. In this article, we'll show you how to sew curtains to help keep you warm in winter.

The design of such curtains is very simple - they are multi-layer panels according to the size of windows. The materials used for sewing curtains are about the same as for making kitchen potholders.

Materials and tools for sewing warm curtains: special heat-reflecting material (similar to felt) opaque fabric meter, scissors decorative fabric sewing machine or needle and thread How to sew curtains with your own hands

Measure the window. Decide how much material you need for each curtain. Don't forget about allowances. In our case, the window dimensions are 100 × 150 cm.

We need a sheet of heat-reflecting material of the same size. But the opaque and decorative fabric should be taken with a small margin (approximately 2 centimeters for each of the seams).

Fold the sheets of opaque and decorative fabric with the right sides inward. Having retreated 1.5-2 cm from the edges, sew three sides. Turn out the resulting cover, iron the seams with an iron.

With the onset of cold seasons, not only the biorhythms of the human body change, but also the mood: the world around us becomes colder, grayer and more cloudy. We are beginning to appreciate the pleasant, cute and cozy little things of a warm home like never before. It's time to create an atmosphere of protection in the apartment from the winter cold and cold weather. You cannot do without changing the window "clothes", you need to purchase a set of curtains for bad weather.

Curtains for bad weather

Window insulation with curtains for the winter

In the store, among the variety of structures, colors, types of curtain fabrics, it is easy to get confused. Particularly fascinating are the weightless summer options, bright as butterflies, but winter, warm curtains are made from completely different types of fabric:

  1. Texture. Forget about flying, flowing fabrics, among the latest innovations is the use of soft, with a small pile and "shaggy" fabric (chenille). Those who like to soak up the long evenings in the warmth with a cup of tea will be delighted with the quilted material for winter curtains with sintepon lining. Classic models remain relevant - jacquard fabrics. Their convex drawings with clear, volumetric lines turn the window opening into a work of art.
  2. Color. The diversity and riot of colors are appropriate for hot, bright summer months - such curtains in inclement weather will only cause vacation nostalgia and slight irritation.

Curtains should be tight (like clothes) and warm (like sunlight). Such products will not only satisfy our increased need for comfort and coziness, but also stop the all-pervading currents of icy air.

The highest quality multi-chamber windows allow the cold to pass through to one degree or another. Warm air in winter leaves the room through gaps and crevices, heat loss also occurs in the form of radiation through transparent window glass. Additional insulation and protection of windows - dense, heavy curtains in light warm colors, which during this period are used not only for decoration. Curtains for window insulation become an element of comprehensive protection of the house from bad weather and cold.

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Required parameters of winter curtains

Choosing the decor of window openings for the cold season, it is necessary to adopt the following product characteristics:

  • Color spectrum. With the onset of autumn, the intensity of lighting outside the windows changes, the duration of daylight hours. Therefore, it is important to transform the gray twilight streaming through the glass into a kind of sunlight. Warm curtains on the windows will help you cope with this task using the right color scheme.

Color spectrum

Designers advise to stick to warm shades of yellow, orange, beige and terracotta.

The less natural light in the room, the more intense and saturated colors the window will require.

Feel free to experiment with hot, sultry shades.

Avoid deep, dark colors - such winter curtains will create a gloomy, heavy mood in a dimly lit room.

  • Material texture. The play of light will be created by a curtain fabric with a glossy, shiny surface. Reflective highlights and reflections add a festive and mischievous mood to a gray day.

The density of the fabric is also important. In the presence of drafts, impenetrable, heavy curtains will stop the flow of cold air penetrating through small cracks and prevent the heat from leaving the heated room.

  • There are types of winter curtains depending on the number of layers of fabric used for sewing. Curtains can be made lined. An interesting combination is a dense lining and light, weightless coverings (for example, organza). The lower fabric adds volume to the product and protects the thin upper fabric from mechanical damage.

Models of curtains are produced from 2-3 layers of fabric of different texture. You can beat the color scheme using several shades of the same type of material.

Sewn together, the canvases are fixed to the cornice. The multi-layer design allows you to change the mood of the room in a short time: it is enough to replace the upper, bored (or not corresponding to the internal state) fabric

Layered design

Related article: Installation of roller blinds "day-night"

In addition, this "design" has increased protective qualities:

  • Cold air is not able to penetrate through several layers of matter, warm curtains from the wind are an insurmountable obstacle.
  • An additional insulating air cushion is created between the layers. The curtain protects and maintains the internal temperature of the room like a thermos.

But do not forget about the eaves: they carry an additional load. Fasteners must be reliable to support the impressive weight of several pieces of fabric.

Sizes of winter curtains

Now we decide on the size of the seasonal set of curtains. Radiators in most rooms are located under the windowsill. Long winter curtains cover their surface, which significantly reduces the heat transfer of heating devices. And if we are talking about a dense, multi-layer fabric used for warm curtains, then here the protective qualities will turn out to be a huge drawback: not letting cold air through the windows, they simultaneously prevent radiators from heating the room.

Therefore, the optimal length of the winter kit (so as not to cover the battery with curtains) is a few centimeters below the windowsill:

  • It is possible to make custom-made warm curtains for the house of the desired size.
  • The vertical dimensions are varied with decorative mountings. The bottom of the curtains drapes beautifully or is picked up and fixed in position with clips.
  • There is another option: transforming curtains. In the middle of the curtain, along the horizontal line, buttons are sewn, and the lower edge of the product is “completed” with loops. The length of the curtain is adjusted as needed: with the onset of cold weather, the hinges are fastened, and the curtain acquires the required length, opening the radiator surface.

Lambrequin in the winter months also performs not only an aesthetic, but also an insulating function, being an obstacle to cold air in the upper part of the window. But here it is important to maintain the style of the room: this decorative element will not "make friends" with the modern, clear and laconic design of the room. And with a low ceiling height, a lambrequin will emphasize this lack of a room.

How to sew "winter" curtains that will not only decorate the interior of your room, but also help keep it warm

How cold and uncomfortable it is to wake up in the morning in an apartment that has cooled down overnight. Sometimes you don't even want to stick your nose out of the blanket, but you need to. With the onset of cold weather, many are faced with a loss of heat in the room. This is because the window from the street side cools down, the room tries to heat it up and intense heat exchange occurs, while the temperature drops dramatically. To prevent this from happening, you can purchase special curtains, the so-called thermal curtains. And you can make them yourself without spending a lot of money on it.

As you know, curtains are one of the essential elements when decorating a room, which helps to create a cozy atmosphere and a unique interior for your room. Everyone has different windows: some have more, some have less, there are windows with a balcony door. How do you make the curtains not only keep warm, but also fit your interior? Everything is quite simple: you need to choose the right fabric and sew the curtains according to the parameters of your window.

What you need for "winter" curtains

1. Foil insulation;
2. A fabric that will fit your room interior;
3. Ceiling cornice.

Insulation is our base, which will be located inside the curtain. For this we take an ordinary reflector, which can be purchased at a hardware store. The size of the insulation should be equal to the size of the window.

We buy fabrics at a fabric store, respectively. Choosing a dense fabric for curtains. To calculate the amount of fabric, we measure the window opening. The width of the fabric is equal to the width of the window, the length of the fabric is the height of the window multiplied by 2. Plus ten centimeters of margin on all sides so that the curtain overlaps the window and does not let out warm air.

We sew curtains

Fold the fabric in half and sew the sides. Thus, a large cover, closed on three sides, is obtained, similar to a pillowcase. The most important thing in the cover is that it can be easily removed and washed. Therefore, on the fourth side of the curtain we sew Velcro or a zipper - whoever likes it.

Another nuance is the curtain garters, they are necessary to roll up and fasten the curtain in the daytime.

We take pieces of fabric and make garters for the curtains. You will need two of them. Each segment should be about one meter long and ten centimeters wide. We fold the segment in half in length, while we wrap the edges inward and sew. It turns out a harness in the color of the curtain. Fold the harness in half and sew the middle to the top of the curtain. Of course, you can use a beautiful ribbon or lace as a garter.

So, the "winter" curtain is ready. The lower part of the curtain is the side that unfastens, the upper part is on which the harnesses are sewn. We put the insulation inside (be sure to use the foil towards the room, if the foil is on the insulation only on one side).

But how can all this be hung on the window? Very simple! To do this, you should use the ceiling cornice. It is sold in various lengths, you can simply cut it to fit your window. It is necessary to attach the curtain rod to the wall directly above the window opening so that there is no gap between the curtain and the window. Sew on the loops on the curtain and hang on the hooks of the cornice.

Of course, you can stop at this, but if you are not a fan of boring and monotonous curtains, you can come up with some other stylish and unusual decor. It can be original decorations in the form of butterflies, flowers, ribbon bows, you can sew on various beads or sequins. Your imagination is already playing a role here, the main thing is not to overdo it.

In this way, a roller blind has turned out, which will not only help keep warm, but also complement the interior of your room, creating a cozy atmosphere in it.

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Not only clothes are warm, but also ... curtains. The special "design" of such curtains allows literally insulating windows, protecting them from the penetration of cold air from outside.

This is especially true for regions with cold climates. Indeed, no matter how high-quality the windows are, no matter how well the heating works, in frosts from the window panes it still blows cold. This creates discomfort if you are sitting nearby. And it reduces the energy efficiency of housing, which has been discussed a lot in recent years - both in terms of saving money for heating, and in the light of the fight for the environment.

Warm curtains on the window. A photo

How to sew a warm curtain with your own hands? To find out what is needed for this, and in what sequence to build the process, a simple master class will help.

A simple recipe for warm curtains

As you know, the more layers, the warmer. This principle, which is true for clothes, is proposed to be used when creating warm curtains. They are made from several pieces of fabric of different types. It is important to follow the recommendations of specialists - then everything will turn out exactly as it should.

You will need:

  • material that will create the decorative layer; it can be any decorative fabric;
  • material for the seamy side of the curtain (opaque); it can also be decorative;
  • a special fabric with the ability to reflect heat - something like felt; this will help to make really warm curtains for the window.

Warm curtains for windows made of such materials will protect well from drafts and from the cold coming from the glass. You also need a regular one, a needle, thread, scissors and a tailor's meter.

We take measurements of future warm curtains

The first step in how to sew a warm curtain is to measure the window. It is necessary to take measurements from it in height and width. It is advised to do this carefully.

Warm curtains can be made in different sizes. Usually their dimensions are the same as for ordinary curtains: up to the floor.
Having decided on the width and length of the curtains, you need to add another two centimeters to the allowances - on the decorative and purl fabric. The heat-reflecting fabric is cut exactly to the size of the curtain.

How to sew warm curtains. Photo master class

Put on the cover

Then the blanks are stacked with each other. First, the decorative and opaque fabrics are placed one on top of the other so that the front surfaces are inside. The edges of the parts must match exactly.

Then, on a sewing machine, a line is laid at a distance of two centimeters from the edge along each edge. Turn the part inside out and iron the edges well.

Now you need to put a heat-reflecting material in this "cover". This can be done in two ways: insert the fabric inside, or put a "cover" on it, as is done with pillowcases and a pillow.

Warm curtains. Master Class

When this is done, the edges of this multi-layered "pie" are cleaved along the face with pins and stitched around the perimeter.

Now you need to attach a lace for hooks to the top of the curtain or decorate it in another way, for example, using eyelets or sew on loops, or do something else. Do-it-yourself warm curtains on the windows are ready.

PVC strip curtains are an effective way to keep the required temperature (heat or cold) in the room: PVC curtains are what you need for your warehouse, workshop, shop or production!

We manufacture PVC Curtains according to individual customer sizes. A ready-to-install set of PVC curtains for the opening consists of a cornice in the form of a "comb" and the required number of PVC strips (taking into account the required overlap) with riveted clamping plates with holes for suspension on the comb.

We also repair PVC Curtains. We sell all standard sizes of transparent and colored PVC tapes and fixing accessories:


A photo NAME PRICE in Product and in cut PRICE for BOX 50 m

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm TRANSPARENT Standard
(-5C ° ... + 50C °)
RUB 165 / m 7.250 rbl

PVC curtain 200 mm х 2 mm TRANSPARENT Frost-resistant
(-25 ... + 30C °)
175 rub / m 7.750 rbl

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm GRAY NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub
PVC curtain 200 mm х 2 mm RED TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 200 mm х 2 mm RED NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm BLUE NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm WHITE NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 200 mm х 2 mm ORANGE NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm BLACK NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 200 mm х 2 mm YELLOW TRANSPARENT anti-mosquito
(-15 ... + 50C °)
240 rub / m 11.000 rub

PVC curtain 300 mm x 3 mm TRANSPARENT Standard
(-5C ° ... + 50C °)
RUB 330 / m 15.500 rbl

PVC curtain 300 mm х 3 mm TRANSPARENT Frost-resistant
(-25 ... + 30C °)
RUB 350 / m 16.500 rbl

PVC curtain 300 mm х 3 mm TRANSPARENT Corrugated Frost-resistant
(-25 ... + 30C °)
390 rub / m 18.500 rbl

PVC curtain 300 mm х 3 mm GRAY NON-TRANSPARENT
(-15 ... + 50C °)
RUB 500 / m 22.000 rbl

PVC curtain 300 mm x 2 mm RED for welding RUB 500 / m 22.000 rbl

PVC curtain 300 mm x 2 mm BRONZE for welding RUB 500 / m 22.000 rbl

PVC curtain 300 mm x 2 mm GREEN MATT for welding RUB 500 / m 22.000 rbl

PVC curtain 400 mm x 4 mm TRANSPARENT Standard
(-5C ° ... + 50C °)
620 rub / m 30.000 rub

PVC curtain 400 mm х 4 mm TRANSPARENT Frost-resistant
(-25 ... + 30C °)
650 rub / m RUB 31.500

Galvanized comb 1 meter RUB 400 / pcs.

Galvanized plate 200 mm 45 rub / set
Plate 300 mm galvanized 70 rub / set
Plate 400 mm galvanized 90 rubles / set

It is possible to complete the finished PVC Curtain with a comb and stainless steel fixing plates

Table of recommended types of PVC strip curtains and sizes of strip overlap values \u200b\u200b(overlap) depending on the opening height

Opening height in meters Types of strip curtains in millimeters (thickness * width)
2*200 3*300 4*400
2 4 cm (1 eyelet)
2,5 8 cm (2 eyes) 4 cm (1 eyelet)
3 8 cm (2 eyes) 8 cm (2 eyes)
3,5 8 cm (2 eyes)
4 12 cm (3 eyes) 8 cm (2 eyes)
4,5 12 cm (3 eyes) 12 cm (3 eyes)
5 12 cm (3 eyes)
5.5 and up 16 cm (4 eyes)

In many enterprises, the problem of energy saving arises due to constantly open doorways through which vehicles and personnel pass. To equip the openings with doors would be too inconvenient solution, especially since there is an excellent alternative - PVC curtains made of durable material.

Many enterprises and warehouse complexes are faced with the problem of maintaining a comfortable temperature inside industrial and warehouse premises, shops.

With the constant opening of doors and gates for the passage of personnel or the passage of equipment, air is exchanged between the room and the street. In winter, cold air enters the room and heating devices "warm the street", and in the summer heat, air conditioners do not cope with the tasks.

PVC curtains for gates. Thermal curtains
Pvc curtains for gates are an ideal solution for entrance gates. PVC curtains for gates are installed for the doors to the workshop, for the warehouse gates and for the garage doors. Silicone curtains for gates are safe and resistant to loads when passing from small to oversized vehicles. PVC curtains for gates open only part of the opening, according to the size of a passing person or transported cargo. PVC curtains for gates do not require the driver to exit: the equipment simply passes through the PVC curtains, and the curtains on the gate almost instantly return to their original, vertical position and hermetically close the opening.

As practice has shown, strip curtains (PVC plastic curtains, thermal curtains) can significantly save on energy consumption.

PVC strip curtains can be selected based on the following rule - the higher the opening, the greater the overlap (strip overlap) and the width of the tape should be.

The price of a PVC curtain depends on their type and width. You can order and buy pvc curtains in our company.

Strip curtains are divided according to their type into smooth and corrugated, and in width: 200x2 (mm), 300x3 (mm) and 400x4 (mm).

Types of PVC curtains

By type and purpose, pvc tape curtains are

- smooth

- corrugated

- non-combustible

- with special impregnation to repel insects

- frost-resistant curtains for refrigerating chambers

Smooth PVC strip strip curtains are used for refrigerating chambers, doorways of shops and enterprises, separation of working areas at enterprises - a transparent "wall" of curtains successfully fulfills the tasks of eliminating drafts, maintains the necessary thermal regime, sound insulation, protects against dust, leaves and insects allows enough light to pass through. However, it does not interfere with the free passage of personnel.

Corrugated PVC curtains have special stiffening ribs, they are recommended to be installed in the gates of enterprises and warehouses with a large flow of loading equipment. The ribs of the curtains are designed to exclude the moment of "sticking" to the parts of loaders and equipment, which happens with conventional curtains. The sliding resistance of such curtains, due to the longitudinal ribs, is minimal. The ribs of the curtains reduce the contact area, which significantly reduces friction. In addition, the edges of the curtains take all the load on themselves, which allows the main part of the curtain to remain clean and without scratches for a long time. At the same time, such curtains quickly take their original vertical position, closing in and closing the opening.

PVC curtains for refrigerating and freezing chambers
Frost-resistant PVC strip curtains for refrigerating and freezing chambers with temperature differences from -40 C ° to +25 C °: PVC curtain for the refrigerating chamber (Silicone curtain) is designed to protect refrigerating chambers from cold / heat loss. Frost-resistant PVC curtains for refrigerating chambers contain a high percentage of special plasticizers, therefore, such curtains retain the elasticity of the material and do not break at low temperatures. You can buy frost-resistant PVC curtains for refrigerators in Moscow at prices from the manufacturer.

PVC strip curtains
Non-combustible PVC tape curtains (not supporting combustion) are used in places of high fire hazard - warehouses with combustible substances, paper, paint. In case of fire, PVC curtains prevent the spread of fire throughout the warehouse or enterprise. Such curtains can be used in welding areas - they prevent the spread of sparks during welding or metal processing. Strip curtains for welding work are produced with a special coating that acts as a filter to protect personnel from being blinded by the welding arc.

Curtains with special impregnation have a chemical composition that repels flying and crawling insects - flies, wasps, mosquitoes, horseflies, cockroaches, ants. The use of such curtains in public catering enterprises has shown their high efficiency.

Installation of PVC curtains

The device of fastening combs allows you to fix PVC plastic curtains in any opening of doors or gates. The length of the comb must match the width of the opening. Installation of strip curtains is simple, can be done in a short time independently, and in case of large volumes or complex configurations of openings, it is better to contact our specialists - installers. For self-installation of the silicone curtain, you need to mark the bottom line of the comb installation with a marker. The comb must be installed horizontally. The comb is installed on self-tapping screws, anchors, dowels, depending on the wall material and installation locations. The required amount of fasteners depends on the strength and material of the wall. The length of the strip curtains should be such that 2-3 cm remain from the bottom to the floor.

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