What are the best blinds for the balcony? Overview of options, pros and cons (35 photos). Tips for choosing roller blinds for the balcony Fabric blinds for the loggia

Blinds have long been considered a convenient replacement for curtains. This is not a new invention, their official history dates back to the 19th century. There are many types of blinds. And often people get lost in front of such a wide choice. What are the best blinds for a balcony and a loggia? It depends on a number of factors.

Basic information about blinds

Blinds are a practical and functional analogue of curtains. They are a series of plates. Basically, they differ depending on the location of the plates (vertical or horizontal). The regulation of the amount of sunlight and privacy is ensured by the rotation of the plates.

Their demand all over the world is explained by the following advantages:

  • Convenience. To make the room a little lighter or darker, or to provide protection from curious people from the house opposite, you can simply turn the plates;
  • Privacy. Blinds help to achieve complete protection from prying eyes;
  • Comfort. The plates do not impede the circulation of fresh air, which is especially important in an office environment;
  • A large assortment. You can choose blinds for specific conditions and your personal taste. They are made from different materials: aluminum, plastic, fabric, bamboo, wood. There are options made from a variety of materials. Thus, you can choose the blinds for the unusual design of the room;
  • Easy installation. You can install the blinds yourself;
  • Appearance. Correctly selected blinds will organically fit into an apartment with any design;
  • Light scattering effect;
  • Versatility. Blinds can be installed in window openings, on balconies, and as partitions;
  • Affordable cost.

Blinds appeared in our country in the 90s, and quickly became in consumer demand. They are especially in demand for offices, work spaces, and more recently for home interiors.

Varieties of blinds

How to choose blinds for the balcony? First of all, you need to navigate in their varieties:

  • Horizontal... They are often installed on balconies with metal-plastic windows. This is one of the most demanded blinds options. They are convenient, practical, easy to clean;
  • Vertical... They are distinguished by the vertical arrangement of the lamellas, stylish appearance and convenient regulation of the flow of light into the room. Vertical blinds reliably protect the balcony from prying eyes and sunlight. They are usually made of aluminum, plastic, fabric;

  • Facade... Their main difference from conventional blinds is installation outside the building. Accordingly, their quality is very high. Facade blinds feature high strength, reliability... Some of the models not only provide shelter from the sun's rays, but also serve as protection from burglars. Due to the fact that the blinds are combined into a solid facade, they increase the functionality of metal-plastic windows. They help to maintain the desired temperature in the room due to the fact that the light, in this case, is reflected even before it hits the windows, which serves as protection against overheating of the room in the summer. They are ideal for growing flowers on the balcony, as they help to easily distribute light and prevent glare. Blinds are made of aluminum and stainless steel. Due to the materials, they are resistant to corrosion;

  • Pleated... They are a design with pleated fabric with pleats of two centimeters. This is the most expensive type of blinds, and their high cost is fully justified. This option has a number of important advantages: they can be washed, they can be mounted on any type of windows (trapezoidal, semicircular, mansard, etc.), adjustable by a number of methods (rope, handle, electric control). Such blinds are closed from bottom to top, which provides your protection from prying eyes even when you are looking at the street. They are mounted on windows made of wood, plastic, aluminum. Can be made from several fabrics and tones;

  • Roll... These are universal blinds (curtains) for balconies and loggias. They are distinguished by a democratic price, many variations of fabrics and textures, a snug fit to the window. This is the best option if your balcony faces the sunny side. The dense fabric of the roller blind will reliably protect the room from the sun's rays. If your windows are on the other side, you can always purchase blinds made of translucent fabric;

  • Roman... This practical option will fit into any interior design. Roman blinds-blinds look much more spectacular than classic blinds. They are rectangular canvases with sections that fold when adjusted. Functional and comfortable. The only drawback is the high price. They can be made from various fabrics: linen, silk, cotton. To prevent natural fabric from burning out in the sun, it is covered with an appropriate composition;

  • Bamboo or wood... These blinds are primarily used to decorate the interior. This original detail immediately attracts attention. These are natural materials that are always in fashion. This option is very convenient. Wood or bamboo blinds can be adjusted in the same way as horizontal ones, or they can be folded into a roll. They also have disadvantages: high cost, relatively heavy weight, which can quickly weaken the mount.

Tip: For balconies and loggias, you should choose plastic blinds. They are easy to clean, easy to use, retain their appearance for a long time, do not deteriorate under the influence of the sun.

But still, which blinds are best suited depends more on your own preferences, and, importantly, on the type of windows.

How to choose blinds for the balcony? The following tips will help you with this:

  • On aluminum frames, horizontal blinds are not installed, which must be attached to the sash;
  • If you are interested in aesthetics, choose pleated blinds. They look very attractive on large windows, and therefore are optimal for balconies and loggias;
  • If you have chosen roller blinds, you can purchase their free-hanging variety in the event that you have sliding window frames on the balcony;
  • When choosing roller blinds, it is also better to install structures with a cassette mechanism. In this case, the fabric is located inside an aluminum or plastic box, which protects it from dust and dirt, and makes it easier to care for the blinds.

Summing up, I would like to note that in fact there are no specific rules for choosing balcony blinds. You can choose any, but you should not forget about certain restrictions. In particular, with sliding or aluminum windows, blinds attached to the sash are not suitable... They cannot be installed on aluminum structures, and sliding windows with such blinds cannot be opened. In this case, it is recommended to choose vertical blinds that are mounted to the ceiling.

Remember that preference should be given to those options that you not only like visually, but also suit the type of attachment. Do not forget about the basic recommendations for choosing. Otherwise, you can be guided by your taste. At the moment, there is a huge selection and you will definitely find something that suits you both in terms of aesthetics and in terms of practicality and ease of installation.

Photo blinds on the balcony

In this section, we have selected a few more photos for you on the topic of our article.

The usual blinds, so cool replacing classic curtains and curtains - items with a very long and rich history. The first mentions of such a device date back to the 19th century! For more than two centuries, blinds have undergone many transformations, and now there are many varieties for any window. Therefore, often buyers who decide to embellish a balcony or loggia are easily lost in such an extensive range. Knowledge of specific characteristics will help to determine, by which it is easy to choose an acceptable option. In addition, it would be nice to consider in advance the various blinds for plastic windows, photo options of which can be viewed in our gallery.

Blinds - a device similar to curtains, consisting of many plates of the same size. Changing the position of the plates is done with a simple turn by means of levers (knobs). There are two main types of rotation: vertical and horizontal.

Today blinds are used all over the world in offices, apartments, industrial buildings and private homes. Such a high level of demand is simply explained by a large number of positive qualities:

  • ease of use and management;
  • the convenience of use;
  • full provision of the privacy of the room;
  • full provision of air exchange;
  • comfort;
  • a huge assortment in all respects: from size and size to exclusive piece design work;
  • ease of installation and no need for specialized knowledge;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • versatility;
  • dispersion of sunlight;
  • a cost that is available to literally everyone.

The very first thing to decide is. It is with this parameter that the path from desire to purchase and installation begins.

Types of blinds

A huge number of variations on the theme of "blinds" can confuse even experienced craftsmen. Beginners are completely lost at the sight of luxurious variety.

  1. Horizontal products... They are undemanding in care and easy to maintain. They are considered one of the most practical and therefore popular models. Such blinds are most suitable for curtains on plastic windows.
  2. Vertical - a combination of style, comfort and convenience of regulating the flow of light into the room. They hide the interior of the balcony very well from prying eyes, and are easy to clean. Mostly made of plastic, textile or aluminum.
  3. Facade blinds differ primarily in the method and place of installation - from the outside of the building. It is this circumstance that determines a very high degree of protection against unwanted eavesdroppers, bright sunlight and at the same time serves as a reliable security system against intrusion. The external arrangement of the blinds allows them to increase the functionality of plastic windows. Together with the window structure, such devices remarkably maintain the temperature on the balcony: in winter they retain heat, and in summer they prevent the room from overheating, thereby creating optimal conditions for growing indoor plants, arranging an additional room on the balcony or playing for a child. The main material of execution is stainless steel and aluminum, which are practically not subject to corrosive processes ( read more about).
  4. The most expensive option is pleated blinds on plastic windows, photos of which are available in the article catalog. It is a structure made of pleated fabric with pleats, measuring two centimeters. The high price is fully justified by its versatility: accordion pleats can be used in any conditions, installed on a wide variety of window openings, are easily erased, look original and bright. Opening / closing adjustment is done with a handle, rope or even electronic control. The closing pattern is "bottom-up", which additionally provides protection from unwanted light or accidental glances. In addition to plastic, pleated blinds are made of aluminum and wood. The fabric base allows you to choose shades and the material itself.
  5. Roller blinds - universal for balconies, pleasant in price and versatile in implementation. Thoroughly hide the room from prying eyes, reliably protect from light. Most often they are installed on the sunny side of the building, as they perfectly maintain the temperature and prevent the room from overheating. The price is more than democratic. Read more -.
  6. Roman curtains - a classic, practical option. One-piece fabric, consisting of separate sections, is easy to fold and adjust. The material of manufacture is different: linen, cotton, silk fabrics, coated with special anti-burnout compounds. more expensive than others, but very functional and reliable.
  7. Bamboo blinds (wood) are primarily used as an element of decoration in the interior, and then for their intended purpose. However, in terms of protection, they are in no way inferior to analogues made of other materials, they fold perfectly into a roll and are easy to adjust. But, in addition to the rather high price for such products, they are also very heavy. Therefore, the reliability of the fastening plays a very important role.

Most of all, plastic blinds are suitable for loggias and balconies: they are easy to clean, freely adjustable, do not require special care, are easy to use, are not subject to temperature effects, are durable and resistant to fading.

However, homeowners may of course have a different opinion. The most important thing is that the chosen option suits the household in all respects and fits a specific window.

The nuances of choosing blinds for the balcony

It is highly undesirable for the curtains to lie on the windowsill or, even worse, hang below the window. Therefore, before buying, it is worth measuring and marking or writing everything down. The blinds themselves must be checked for ease of rotation of the plates: there should be no effort, squeak or squeak during manipulation.

On the sliding windows, the curtains pass inside the opening, therefore, when measuring, 2 cm are subtracted from the result of the frame height. If it is supposed to go behind the frames, then you need to take away 10-15 cm. Vertical products are installed at least 5 cm of the lamella from the floor. It is better to write down all the results obtained or do it if you plan to have blinds on a balcony with sliding windows, a photo of the options can be viewed in the gallery of this article.

Blinds for sliding windows on the balcony

Vertical blinds made of fabric look great on plastic windows - a budget and convenient option. Roller blinds will be great helpers in creating a unique interior. Thanks to the color variations, you can “play” with the mood of the room. They are, of course, very expensive, but they will last 10 years, at least.

In general, the blinds on the balcony are not only beauty and convenience, but also space saving. After all, the product will not hang down to the floor, which means that it becomes possible to come up with something else. And the blinds themselves can be chosen in bright colors, focusing attention and adjusting the entire style for them.

There are no specific criteria for choosing blinds for a balcony. Unless there are restrictions in the choice due to certain designs. For example, blinds that are fixed on the window sash will not go on sliding windows. Vertical patterns are fine here. Aluminum structures are picky too. For the rest, choose what the soul asks for. Just make sure that the option you like fits the window and by the type of attachment.

Balcony in the living room and curtains

A balcony is a modern, functional and rational room that is present in almost all multi-storey buildings. In many apartments, the exit to the balcony is conceived as a continuation of the window opening, and is decorated together. Therefore, it is more optimal to use sliding curtains on the window with a balcony to the living room, view the photo options in advance. Although products with a lifting mechanism will look no worse, leaving the passage free. The main thing is to make sure that the doors close completely. The fabric of the curtains should be easy to wash, and the design should be easy to remove for washing.

Blinds in the living room on the windows with access to the balcony

The most practical and convenient option for such a window with a balcony is blinds. However, they do not look as good as the curtains. And the living room is somehow not conducive to ordinary records. However, if the owner is not so concerned about the external decoration of the room, the blinds will become faithful helpers and protectors from light.

You can opt for the roll mechanism, although it is more preferable in the kitchen or bedroom. Rolling up, they quickly open access to the doors to the balcony.

They are most suitable for decorating a balcony door combined with a window from the point of view of aesthetic perception. For the convenience of the exit, it is better to use two curtains, and not one (this also applies to tulle), moving apart in different directions. Such curtains will completely cover the door, and, if necessary, will easily open access to the balcony. It is worth noting that it is desirable to fix one part, in particular, tulle. And the one that is directly located above the balcony door, leave movable, and slightly shorten and round the lambrequin so that it does not interfere with the opening of the sash.

The original design of blinds on the windows

Another very interesting way to decorate a window opening is a Chinese curtain, which is a strip of fabric proportional to the window. To open, you need to manually lift the canvas and fix it in the upper position with a string or tape. At the same time, you can choose a suitable height, it is not at all necessary to completely roll up the fabric. We can say that Chinese curtains for windows are a new design that is increasingly being used for decoration. It is noteworthy that some craftsmen not only select original curtains, but also completely change the style of the room, turning it into a "fang".

Well, and finally, it is worth remembering thread products that fit perfectly into any interior and do not restrict access to the balcony door. Which option to choose is up to you. The most important thing is that the final result should bring joy, pleasure and reliably protect against unwanted "effects".

Blinds on sliding windows on the balcony Blinds on sliding windows on the balcony Blinds in the living room on the windows with access to the balcony Original design of blinds on the windows Horizontal blinds pleated on a horse

September 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (foundation laying, wall erection, roof construction, etc.). Internal construction work (laying of internal communications, rough and final finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technologies, computer technology, programming.

Recently, at the request of a friend of mine who lives on the top floor, I had to attend to the choice of blinds for the balcony. She needed products that could be installed on aluminum sliding windows 3 meters wide and that they effectively protect from the sun and the immodest glances of neighbors from the opposite house.

I told her which models are best to use and how to do them yourself. I think that such an instruction will be useful to all readers, especially since I described, in my opinion, the best models on the market that are suitable for installation on windows or on a balcony door.

Benefits of using blinds

A feature of balconies and loggias is the large glazing area of \u200b\u200bthese premises. That is, the windows in them occupy most of the walls. Therefore, they really need dimming structures that will restrict the access of sunlight to the rooms and hide people who are there from immodest looks from the street.

Of course, you can use ordinary textile curtains, but I always advise my clients to install blinds on loggias and balconies. They perform the tasks assigned to them more efficiently, since they differ in the following advantages:

  1. Convenience. Blinds for balcony windows always have control elements with which you can flexibly regulate the amount of light entering. With the help of laces or handles, these products can be either fully deployed, creating a twilight (or impenetrable darkness) in the room, or rolled up, providing a 100% view.

Blinds for sliding windows proved to be especially good. In this case, the fixing of light-shielding structures can be made to the ceiling, and they themselves will not interfere with the movement of the frames.

  1. Privacy. I recommend using blinds when there is a bedroom or other living space on the balcony. In this case, the dense material of the lamellas in the evening will ensure the complete impermeability of the windows. While the curtain fabric can show through.

  1. Airing. Blinds on the balcony do not prevent fresh air from entering the room. It creates the most comfortable microclimate for people, which contributes to both productive work and pleasant rest.

  1. A wide range of. On sale, I personally met a huge number of models that are distinguished from each other by shape, size, color, material, price and many other factors. Even if you are a perfectionist at heart, you will still find the perfect option for yourself that will organically fit into the interior of the loggia or balcony.

  1. Easy to install. Even a novice craftsman will understand how to hang blinds on balcony windows. These are not curtains for the installation of which there are a huge number of not the most obvious ways.

  1. Versatility. Blinds on a balcony are a universal design, with which you can not only decorate windows, but also decorate a balcony, equip a partition, close a cabinet, and so on.

I hope the listed factors are enough to make you choose these particular light-shielding structures.

Varieties of blinds for balconies

And now I'll tell you how to choose blinds. More precisely, not so. I'd rather describe to you the technical characteristics and features of various models of light-shielding structures, and you yourself.

By material

First of all, I advise you to choose sun protection structures according to the material from which the lamellas are made. Indeed, their technical characteristics and convenience of subsequent operation directly depend on this.

In my practice, I came across such varieties:

  1. Plastic blinds for a loggia or balcony. This is the most widespread option, believe my experience. And the similar popularity of light-shielding plastic structures is due to the fact that they have an ideal combination of affordable cost and excellent technical characteristics. Especially for the balcony.

Plastic blinds are quick and easy to clean, do not break with slight mechanical stress, can have different colors and be decorated with patterns. They can not only protect the loggia from the sun, but also become the central element of its design.

It is important here not to save money and not to purchase very cheap models of their low-quality polymers. Otherwise, the lamellas will either break or turn yellow. In any case, they will not last very long, so soon they will have to purchase a new model. So you won't get any benefits.

  1. Wooden blinds for balconies. These are expensive models that will make the room truly luxurious. They are perfect for use on balconies, as the wood lamellas are treated with special compounds that protect the natural material from moisture and direct sunlight.

The disadvantage of this solution is, first of all, the high price. In addition, the structures themselves have a very solid weight, so you will have to take care of high-quality fastening of light-shielding structures to window frames, ceilings or walls.

If you still prefer wooden blinds, do not buy products with large slats along the entire length of the balcony. It is better to equip several shorter and lighter sections that are easier to manage.

It is better to put wooden slats complete with the same windows. Or, as a last resort, plastic structures, decorated "under a tree". Ordinary plastic or aluminum does not go well with noble wood.

  1. Fabric blinds on the loggia. They can be made of various fabrics, but I advise you to pay attention to polyester, the performance of which is ideal for use on balconies.

This material tolerates exposure to direct sunlight well and is easy to clean from contamination. Also buy blinds made of thick fabric: they provide better privacy and have a longer service life. Therefore, their higher price is fully justified.

  1. Metal blinds for balconies. The option, in my opinion, is far from the best. Yes, metal lamellas perfectly tolerate the effects of ultraviolet radiation and moisture, they are very strong and durable. But when regulating, they make a lot of noise, which is unlikely at least someone will like it.

I advise you to buy blinds with metal slats only if you will use the balcony as a storage room, workshop or something similar.

Choosing the right material is not all you need to know to buy blinds. It is also necessary to decide on the design features, which we will talk about further.

By design

So what are the most common designs? Personally, I've come across the following:

  1. Horizontal blinds on the loggia. They are ideally combined with metal-plastic windows. They are placed separately on each glazing section, which allows you to flexibly adjust the level of illumination.

They are easy to operate, easy to maintain and allow you to completely block off light from the street. The only negative for me personally is a very utilitarian appearance. Although it can be diversified by ordering lamellas of different colors or drawing on them.

  1. Vertical blinds on the balcony. They differ from the previous version by the location of the lamellas. They create more coziness on the balcony and allow you to conveniently regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room.

In the photo - vertical blinds for the balcony.

In addition, with the help of vertical blinds, you can protect the balcony from the immodest glances of neighbors.

The lamellas of these products can be made of plastic, aluminum or fabric. It is convenient to control them with the help of special cords, and they are cleaned with household detergents.

  1. Facade blinds. The difference from the other species that I am talking about here is that they are installed from the side of the street. Accordingly, they are distinguished by increased strength and the ability to tolerate destructive natural factors.

Such blinds serve not so much as a light-protective structure, but as a way to protect a room from unauthorized entry. Blinds are usually used to form a solid façade. After closing the slats, they exclude strangers from entering the room through.

Another plus is the ability to completely isolate the balcony room from sunlight. For example, in the summer, you can adjust the slope of the slats and create the desired lighting and temperature in the room. I put such a structure on the balcony, which the owners intended to use as a greenhouse.

Lamellas of front blinds are most often made of stainless steel or aluminum. Actually, I did not use other options.

  1. Plisse. Such blinds are made of textiles that fold into an accordion in folds of several centimeters. These designs are distinguished by their high cost, which, however, is quite understandable.

Pleated blinds have a huge number of advantages:

  • can be mounted on windows of any shape (semicircular, triangular, trapezoidal, and so on);
  • can be connected to electronic control systems;
  • provide both the proper level of privacy and effective regulation of the amount of sunlight entering the balcony;
  • are ideally combined with window frames made of any materials.

You can buy pleated blinds of any color, including those with a printed pattern. And then they will organically fit into your chosen style of balcony decoration.

  1. Rolled. Light-protective structures, which many refer to as blinds and curtains. Structurally, they are a roll of fabric, fixed on a shaft in the upper part of the window, which, if desired, can be deployed, limiting the access of light to the room.

Roller blinds are inexpensive, fit tightly to window glass and come in a wide variety of colors.

The advantage of these blinds, in my opinion, is the possibility of using window sills. The fabric itself is close to the surface of the glass, so it does not interfere with placing whatever you want on the windowsill.

  1. Roman curtains. They belong to the category of blinds, as they have special control systems that allow them to be easily opened and closed, regulating the access of sunlight to the balcony.

Structurally, they consist of a strip of fabric, which is divided into sections by several strips moving along side guides. Once installed on balcony windows, you can open and close the curtains using strings. In this case, the fabric will not sag.

The textiles used in these are impregnated with special compounds that protect it from the sun, dust, moisture and other negative factors. So you are guaranteed a long service life while maintaining an excellent appearance.

  1. Bamboo blinds. Unlike wooden ones, they are a roll of bamboo fiber, which does not so much protect from the sun as decorate the interior of the balcony.

On the downside, I can also include a lot of weight and high cost. And they are not suitable for all window frames.

As for me, I prefer the classic white plastic blinds. But I have prepared some tips for you to help you make the best choice. About them - below.

So, when choosing blinds for a balcony, consider the following:

  1. On sliding aluminum frames, the classic horizontal blinds, which are attached directly to the sashes, cannot be installed. It is necessary to select models that are mounted on walls or ceilings.

  1. For lovers of sophisticated design, I would recommend pleated blinds. They look especially organic on large windows, which are typical for balconies.
  2. Buy roller blinds that are mounted on rails. Then, when opening the flaps for airing, the canvases will not hang and dangle. You can generally buy cassette curtains, in which the roll is disguised in a special cassette.


How to decide which blinds are better for the balcony if the market is replete with a variety of materials and models? What principles should be followed in this case and what should be paid special attention to?

To begin with, let's define what "blinds on the windows to the balcony" are, and what are they for? These are the so-called curtains, consisting of a number of interconnected plates (lamellas), which can be located vertically or horizontally. These structures do not interfere with the flow of fresh air, but perfectly protect the room from the hot rays of the sun. Installing blinds on the balcony will also help to hide from prying eyes.

According to the materials from which the blinds are made, they are divided into:

  • fabric;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • wooden.

According to the location of the lamellas, blinds are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

There are still roll blinds on the balcony, which, due to their originality, are becoming more and more in demand lately. To understand and understand which blinds are better for the balcony, let's take a closer look at all the options.

Materials used for the manufacture of blinds

Plastic. The most common option. Plastic curtains for the balcony are convenient in design, affordable price and good quality. They are easy to care for, easy and quick to clean.

Wood. For greater resistance to moisture, wooden lamellas are pre-treated with varnish. Blinds made of this material have a special handle for fixing the length. This option is more suitable for small balconies.

The cloth. Polyester is preferred. The material lends itself well to cleaning and practically does not fade in the sun. Polyester blinds have a long service life.

Metal. Easy to maintain and inexpensive, aluminum balcony blinds are resistant to environmental influences. They are reliable and practical.

Blinds are vertical

These structures are made of plastic or aluminum cornice, control cord, connecting chain, weights, runners and slats. Lamellas can be made from any material.

Vertical blinds for the balcony are attached to the wall or ceiling with brackets. To do this, it is enough to drill 2-3 holes. Old lamellas can be easily replaced with new ones. The closing method is selected at will:

  • from right to left;
  • from the center to the sides;
  • from left to right.

Vertical lamellas are assembled into an accordion and easily rotate around their axis. The opinion that vertical blinds are installed mainly in office premises is erroneous.

A huge selection of textures, materials and colors allows you to decorate any interior with these structures.

When choosing vertical blinds for a balcony, pay special attention to the following details:

  • It is better to choose an aluminum cornice. The tendency of plastic to deform can lead to failure of the entire mechanism.
  • The plastic chain with which the vertical stripes are connected at the bottom should only be white. Yellow plastic indicates poor quality.
  • All-plastic weights have proven themselves better than anyone else. They don't rust.
    These designs will be an excellent option for balconies with sliding windows.

Blinds are horizontal

A huge plus of horizontal blinds on the balcony is the ability to install them directly on the window frame. In this case, they adhere very tightly to the glass and do not dangle even with an open window.

Numerous lamellas, interconnected by fasteners, easily open and close, gathering in an accordion.

The main advantages of horizontal curtains for the balcony:

  • simple and easy maintenance;
  • take up little space without visually reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • if desired, they can be mounted on the upper slope of the window opening, on the wall or on the window frame.

Advice! If you install horizontal blinds on each window frame, you can place flowers or other objects on the windowsill, and you can easily open and close windows.

Roller blinds

Such structures consist of a special shaft on which it is neatly wound tightly. The shaft itself can be attached to a window frame, ceiling or wall as appropriate. Roller blinds on the balcony, installed directly on the window sash, are very convenient and do not interfere at all when closing or opening window frames.

A variety of color shades and textures of roll-on filters allow you to create original interiors of premises. Blinds can be translucent or very dense. Attractive, reliable, convenient roller blinds on the balcony provide comfort and coziness in the room.

It is important! When choosing roller blinds, purchase designs where the shaft with the fabric wound around it is hidden inside the box. In this case, the canvas will be reliably protected from dust.

Choice of blinds. What should you pay attention to?

  • The length of the blinds on the balcony with sliding frames should be slightly less than the length of the frame itself (5-10 cm).
  • When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the swivel mechanism. Its moving parts should not creak. The mechanism should function smoothly, creating only comfort for daily use.
  • Fabric vertical blinds will be the most suitable option for plastic frames. In this case, you can block windows of any size and easily adjust the lighting level.
  • Roller blinds in a wide variety of colors can be extremely attractive and can be costly. But they will be an excellent solution for a long time and for any balconies.
  • The length of the blinds must not extend to the floor. These constructions successfully save the space of the room and create comfort in it. With such a huge assortment, you can create the most striking interior masterpieces.

What kind of blinds to install on a balcony or loggia? The answer is unambiguous - any. It all depends on your taste. There are, of course, some limitations. For instance:

  • Blinds with sash attachments are inappropriate on balconies with aluminum or sliding windows. Otherwise, the sliding frames simply will not open, and blinds are not installed on aluminum at all.
  • Horizontal blinds can be used to regulate the flow of light. They can be raised completely - if you need a lot of light. And if you just turn the slats, then only a small backlight is created.
  • Vertical blinds on the balcony are similar to traditional curtains, as they cover the entire window opening. The only drawback of such structures is that in order to open the window, you first need to open the blinds. And when the shutters are open, it is impossible to close.
  • Roller blinds will be the best option for balconies that are located on the sunny side. Thick enough fabric will not let the sun's rays through. If sunlight is a rare guest on the balcony, then it is better to choose blinds made of translucent fabric.
  • An interesting option for decorating an inexpensive balcony interior would be the installation of plastic blinds on PVC windows. High quality plastic does not deform, so it will last long enough.
  • Wooden blinds go well with natural wood window frames. The disadvantage of these structures is a rather high cost.
  • Aluminum blinds for the balcony are opaque, fireproof and durable. But they “thunder” strongly at opening and closing.

The main functions of window decoration are to protect rooms from outside view and from sunlight. In this article, we will consider blinds for the balcony - the advantages and disadvantages, we will discuss what pitfalls you can encounter during the operation of this product.

The advantages of blinds on the balcony over curtains are obvious:

  • disassembled do not prevent the penetration of fresh air into the room during ventilation;
  • the ability to smoothly regulate the flow of sunlight;
  • in harmony with additional window decoration;
  • several options for installing the cornice. Naturally, the question arises - which blinds are better on the balcony, what should be taken into account when choosing a particular option? The blinds should create comfort on the balcony, be easy to use and easy to maintain. To reduce the noise from structures during ventilation, it is not recommended to mount blinds on a loggia with metal slats. When choosing materials for a window with a balcony, you should also take into account temperature and humidity differences. Therefore, it is not advisable to attach cheap wooden blinds to the balcony and loggia. Due to the need to regularly remove the cloths for cleaning, it is not advisable to install models with dubious mountings.

    Types of blinds: brief descriptions and features

The designs of various products generally consist of lamellas or cloth and cornice. Lamellas of devices are made of metal (aluminum), plastic, fabrics, wood. In order to choose the right model of curtains or blinds that meets the requirements of the room, you should have an idea of \u200b\u200ball kinds of blinds.

Vertical blinds perfectly support the theme of a single space on balconies with panoramic glazing

2.Popular when decorating plastic windows. Models with plastic, metal blades are offered on the markets. The color design of the planks is very diverse - from strict metallic shades to imitation of wooden, marble surfaces. The planks are available in various widths - from 16 mm to 50 mm.

Plastic or metal blinds on the frame of the balcony window

It is better to install blinds with metal slats in a kitchen with a balcony, which are moisture resistant and do not absorb odors. To care for the structure, it is necessary to use products for cleaning kitchen surfaces that do not contain abrasives.

3. on the balcony are sewn from plain or patterned fabrics. The special coating of the canvas repels dust, liquids, therefore, it is elementary to take care of the product. Roller blinds for balcony windows can be equipped with a cassette tube or simply screwed onto a shaft.

Milky neutral roller blinds to protect the balcony from the sun Pleated blinds are laid in parallel folds. Thanks to the supporting ladder, the curtains do not "flow" down. For canvases, textured or jacquard materials with various shades are used. The blinds on the balcony or loggia are controlled by tension, chain, free-hanging mechanisms.
For a bay window, or a curved balcony, paper or fabric pleated blinds are economical and practical.

4. Gather in folds and are suitable for decorating the design of a loggia in any style. Fabric blinds for the balcony are made of cotton, silk, linen. A special impregnation prevents the fabric from burning out in the sun.

Roman blinds match equally well both in the bay window and on the rounded balcony

5. for the balcony are made of light, strong wood. Models are available with lamella widths from 25 mm to 70 mm. To prevent the strips from fading, not deformed, the surfaces are varnished.

It is advisable to purchase wooden blinds from trusted companies that guarantee a long service life of products. Lamellas made of unsuitable wood, without observing technologies, can "spin" when humidity, temperature changes

6. made of woven fabric. Natural material is durable and moisture resistant. Roll / roman models are available on the market. Products up to 1 m wide are equipped with a metal cornice decorated with a strip with a shade of canvas. Models from 1 m are equipped with a cornice with a wooden strip, masked by a bamboo fold.

Bamboo blinds for windows on the balcony may have differences in the shade of wood, which is explained by the technology of production, the naturalness of the material and is not considered a marriage.

How to choose blinds for balcony glazing

It is difficult to talk about the blinds on the balcony which are better or more beautiful, since the first stages of selection are the analysis and clarification of the technical parameters of the installed window. For example, blinds on a balcony with sliding windows can be of the same type of attachment - directly to the window frame.

When installing structures on a loggia, special attention should be paid to the options for attaching the cornices. Which blinds are best mounted on the balcony is determined by the material from which the glazing of the room is made.

Blinds on the balcony. Which models are better - an overview of the advantages, disadvantages

The expanded assortment of the construction market allows you to choose a decor for the balcony, based on the characteristics of the room, the desires of the owners. When choosing, the strengths and weaknesses of the products, their cost (depending on the size of the structure, the quality of materials) are taken into account.

Blinds type Distinctive features approximate cost
pros minuses
Vertical Easy maintenance, low price, installed on non-standard openings; easy replacement of damaged lamellas; smooth control of natural light. In the case of drafts, they make noise and get confused. In products with a pattern, it is difficult to replace individual damaged strips; it is difficult to open the doors. from 370 rubles
Horizontal Installed on separate double-glazed windows; wipe and wash without dismantling; fixation of the lower bar eliminates noise during drafts; the daylight level changes smoothly. They are not mounted on aluminum frames, plastic white lamellas turn yellow over time; plastic is deformed with a sharp impact; from 420 rubles
Roll They adhere tightly to the glass due to the peculiarities of the fastening. The inability to smoothly adjust the natural light of the room. from 1110 rubles per item
with sides 0.7 m by 1.8 m
Roman Several mounting options; ease of maintenance (the cloth can be washed). The light intensity changes only by lowering / raising the canvas; high price. from 1600 rub.
Pleated Many installation options, various control systems, design non-standard wooden, plastic, aluminum windows; the canvas is erased (manually). High price; it is not advisable to install it on the kitchen loggia due to rapid pollution. from 1200 rubles per item
with sides 0.4 m by 1.6 m
Wooden bamboo Environmental friendliness; stylish window decor. Significant weight weakens the mount over time; cost; the level of illumination is regulated only by raising / lowering the slats wooden - from 2600
rub / sq.m. bamboo - from 900
rub / sq.m.

Blinds models for a loggia, balcony, bay window - differences

When installing blinds, the distinctive features of the glazing of the premises must be taken into account. Taking these nuances into account creates a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere on the site:

Which blinds are better to choose for the balcony - depends on the tasks of the room, its location. For the working corner, products are selected that smoothly regulate the degree of natural light. It is rational to mount structures with thin canvases on balconies on the north side. A variety of types of curtains / blinds solves lighting issues, implements interesting design ideas.