What blinds are better to choose for a balcony or loggia. Curtains on sliding windows on the balcony: horizontal and vertical blinds, pls and rolled curtains cheap balcony blinds

  • It is not recommended to choose vertical lamellas for a small balcony space.
  • On loggia with spreading windows, both vertical and horizontal models with ceiling mounting are suitable.
  • For loggias located on the south side, it is advisable to use products from more dense materials.
  • Small balcony windows better make up horizontal structures, with the type of fastening on the glass.
  • The size of the lamellas is better to choose less than 5-10 cm balcony frame.

Types of designs

There are several constructive varieties of blinds, each of them allows you to find the perfect solution to decorate the loggia.

Horizontal models

A pretty simple and convenient design does not occupy a lot of space, looks weightless and does not overload the space of even the smallest balcony.

In the photo of the loggia of 3 meters with horizontal lamellas on the windows.

Vertical blinds in the balcony interior

They are made of plastic, fabrics, aluminum, have many shades and colors. In a completely closed form, they resemble curtains and perfectly protect the loggia from the sun. It is better to use such models for large areas.

On the photo balcony with light vertical lamellas.

What lamella material is suitable for the balcony?

For the manufacture of lamellae, various types of materials are used with various textures and density.


Lightweight, resistant to sunlight and are not subject to deformation. The only minus of fabric models is their fast pollutability.

In the photo of the loggia with tissue vertical lamellas.


It is easy to care, practically not fade in the sun and over time do not lose their appearance. However, lamellas from inexpensive plastic are very quickly deteriorated due to the fact that they are mechanically exposed.


Durable and durable metal slats are perfectly clean and no moisture is afraid. A small disadvantage is that such structures create noise when opening and closing the sash.

In the photo aluminum slats attached to the window frame, harmoniously look at the loggia.


They look very beautiful and expensive. The lamellas do not fade in the sun and do not lose weight. Natural bamboo products look original and exotic and instantly attract attention.

On the photo wooden horizontal lamellas on the balcony.


Paper blinds Plisses are a versatile and multifunctional option for decorating balcony windows. Indoors, they create a unique bucket.

On the photo balcony with paper blinds pliers.

What are the types of blinds for the loggia?

Blinds on the balcony allow not only to ensure control over the level of light, but also stylishly arrange the room.

  • Pliste. Present a design with pleated web in the form of a harmonica with folds in two centimeters.
  • Classic. Mountain vertical and horizontal sunscreen lamella will become the most optimal solution for creating a modern and practical appearance of the loggia.
  • Pictures - this is the most beautiful view with bright and clear images deposited by photo printing. The print format can be chosen independently this is an indisputable advantage for creative people. They will add a special mood to the balcony.
  • Multifactore Blinds - Universal view that combines the benefits of fabric and plastic lamellae.

How to choose for windows of various forms?

Blinds on the balcony allow windows to gain a more thoughtful, deep and stylish look. However, the windows can be not only standard, but also a variety of shapes and structures. Consider a private case.

Blinds on sliding windows on the balcony

On the windows and the coupe are suitable for both horizontal and vertical models with a ceiling profile.

In the photo of the loggia with horizontal lamellas on sliding windows.

Panoramic windows

For such window openings, you can choose vertical lamellas to the floor, which can reach up to 6 meters in length and more. Panoramic windows on a small French balcony, designed with horizontal planks and blinds of plize. They look easily and make the room spacious.

What color to choose?

Various shades create an exquisite color gamut indoor.


A fairly interesting solution that allows you to revive and make a variety of laconic and strict balcony space.


Blue color causes associations with the sea and gives a feeling of coolness. Therefore, blue or blue lamellas are especially suitable for loggias located on the southern sunny side.

On the photo blue vertical lamellas on the loggia.


White models well reflect the light and return it to the room, due to which a visual increase in the small balcony space is created.

On photo White horizontal lamellas on the balcony.


Classic design option. Calm and gentle beige on plastic windows does not have an annoying action and looks very organic.

On the photo balcony with beige horizontal lamellas.


Attention attracted attention and look pretty stylish. But on a small balcony, dark red strips will make space overloaded.

How to hang: Step-by-step instruction with video?

Without drilling, blinds can be consolidated in the following ways:

  1. The design can be hung using a special tape, which has a double-sided adhesive surface. Before installing, it is important to degrease the balcony frame and check that it is not cold.
  2. There is also a fastening option on special brackets that are thrown on the window sash and blinds are attached to them.

Photo gallery

Blind blinds are the perfect design option. Such designs allow not only to make the appearance of the room with stylish and attractive, but also take into account all its functional features.

The blinds entered our life in the last century, and for several decades are considered a worthy alternative to ordinary curtains. Today they are successfully used in homes, offices, apartments, in dachas and public institutions. Sometimes there are circumstances when only these products can be hanging on the window. Thus, blinds are an important and necessary element of the decor.

Modern samples of the curtains on the windows can well cope with their functions without creating any difficulties in operation. But the best, comfortable and most practical version of the design of balcony windows still remains the blinds.

What better blinds on the balcony? Let's try to figure it out in this article. After all, from the entire variety on sale on sale, nevertheless, you have to choose one single one, your own option.

Initially, blinds were made of plastic, and they were used mainly in office or public spaces. However, the enhanced ease of this decor made the masters change its design and installation method, thanks to which the blinds had many varieties and decorative moments. To date, there are several types of blinds:

Types of lolivory curtains:

  • Horizontal. These products are most often installed on the windows of the balconies due to the fact that they are practical, comfortable, and easy to operate.
  • Vertical. It is also quite comfortable designs so that you can adjust the entry of light on the loggia or balcony.
  • Facade. Their main difference is that they are attached to the window outside, which is very affected by the quality of the curtains. These products are very durable and reliable.
  • Plisse. The design of pleated fabric into a fold 2 cm.
  • Rolled. These designs are perfectly suitable on the balcony and the loggia. They are not very expensive, and have an infinite number of variations.

But the Roman curtains look more spectacular and modern. Loggia or balcony, decorated with the help of data of structures, will be able to be awesome anyone who will throw out their eyes.

Rolled hand-made rolled curtains can be hung on the balcony windows. Step-by-step instructions and photo review can be found in the article :.

Blinds on the balcony with sliding windows: photo options

After making the decision to purchase for glazed balconies, these products, owners of balconies and loggias turn out to be in front of the choice, not knowing what the blinds are better. The modern market has a large number of blinds that differ in shape and materials from which they are manufactured.

Horizontal blinds on loggias: choose your own option

Cassette horizontal blinds for the loggia today, apparently, the most popular of all. They are very practical and comfortable in operation. At the same time they have no high cost.

Blinds on loggia should perfectly perform their protective functions and provide a pleasant aesthetic appearance. The most corresponds to these requirements horizontal blinds.

Such models are attached directly to the glass. This allows them to be fixed when carrying out or opening the window design. These products are much easier to care, but, unfortunately, are not suitable for aluminum frames.

Horizontal blinds usually happen:

  1. Cassette types of isolate and sulfur. This is one of the most popular plastic types of blinds for windows that have a huge amount of advantages in comparison with vertical models. These designs are quite practical and effective. Between themselves, somewhat differ in the design of systems.
  2. Aluminum holov. An ordinary classic version with label-rope control. Their main advantage is low price, but they are not very convenient to use.
  3. Wooden. An option suitable for eco-style. But the design data is sufficiently heavy. Their main advantage is environmental purity and excellent appearance. Different with high cost.
  4. Bamboo. More lungs in comparison with wooden structures, have more color shades, however, the most expensive cost.
  5. Plastic. Economy, besides, easy to leave and varied in color.

Recently, the "wave" type blinds are becoming increasingly popular. They have an excellent aesthetic appearance. The essence of the structure consists in the wave-like form of the edge of the lamella.

How to hang blinds on the balcony (video)

Increasingly, you can see glazed balconies, equipped blinds. And not in vain. These designs are convenient and easy to use, and low cost makes them available for almost everyone.

Design Blinds on the balcony (photo in the interior)

For reading 4 min.

Balcony is the most illuminated part of the apartment or at home. This is not only a big plus room, but also gives some inconvenience. For example, on a hot day from the balcony, the room adjacent to it is heated, the home plants are burned under the influence of direct sunlight, and the bright light from the lanterns interferes at night. That is why almost all modern balconies can see a variety of curtains. We will understand which curtains are best suited for accommodation on the balcony windows.

What is better: blinds or rolled curtains?

As the balcony and the loggia are a limited space, hang on the windows here tulle and classic curtains in the floor are impractical. The most successful and common options are blinds and. What do you choose from this?

Jalousie Rolled curtains
Materials - aluminum and plastic - rather durable and durable Plastic mechanism and fastenings are rarely broken, but the tissue curtain can break or lose aesthetic appearance
Replacing the bent or broken plates - a complex process requiring the work of the Master Replace fabric on a rolled curtain can be independently, and the cost of materials will be small
The lamella turns 360 °, which allows you to adjust the illumination of the room Separate curtains on each sash can be fixed at different heights, creating perfect balcony lighting
Collect all the dust that is very noticeable when closing the lamellae Quality rolled curtains are practically not attracted to themselves dust and wool
Resistant to moisture influence, so they are easy to wash and can be used on poorly waterproof balconies Require periodic cleaning with a dry way (vacuum cleaner, knocking dust, etc.), do not suit indoors with high humidity or leakage windows
Heated through the glass under the sunny rays Even in hot weather burning from the fabric curtains is impossible

See also: What to choose to protect the balcony from the sun?

Vertical blinds
Horizontal shutters

All who ever compared in the interior horizontal or vertical blinds with rolled curtains, mark a more aesthetic look of the latter. Most often, blinds are associated with offices, cabinets and government agencies, but not with cozy residential rooms and balconies.

A few more advantages of rolled curtains:

  • the versatility of the design is suitable for a wooden, aluminum or plastic window frame;
  • a large selection of materials, colors and patterns;
  • simplicity of installation and operation;
  • wide price range.

Of the disadvantages, it is possible to note only the decreasing angle of opening the sash and the impossibility of fastening on the sliding windows, but this minus belongs to the blinds, and to the Roman curtains.

Each owner of a modern apartment or a country house in which there is a balcony, at a certain point, it is necessary to think about establishing blinds. Those times have long passed when the balcony space was used exclusively as a place for storing conservation, skis and old sled. More and more of our compatriots belong to the balcony as an additional holiday destination they want landscaping and do As attractive as any other residential room. To do this, they have to buy various items and accessories, among whom they necessarily include blinds.

Increasingly on many balcony windows you can see curtains-blinds. The use of such a device carries the owner of the following advantages:

Modern blinds have many useful properties. But you should not hurry to install them on your balcony. The first thing the owner should find out what blinds offer manufacturers, and from which materials they can be made.

Material manifold

Companies engaged in the manufacture of blinds pay great attention to the designer component, and therefore today in the range you can meet a sufficient number of models that may be made from various materials. The most common variations of the blinds for the balcony are wooden, fabric, metal, plastic and multifactores.

Plastic species

Most often consumers stop the choice on plastic models. This is explained by this good-quality ratio.

These products possess the following advantages:

  • Easy to use, so they do not create problems in care;
  • Strength. They are able to cope with wind load, while for many years they do not lose their original shape and appearance;
  • Can be performed in a wide variety of colors. If you wish, you can purchase products decorated with a specific pattern.

Have a number of shortcomings. If the buyer decides to acquire too cheap product, then over time he faced with such an unpleasant phenomenonlike color burnout. Another defect is often detected after long-term operation of the product - over time, the blinds begin to open badly, crumbling, break and bent.

Wooden curtains

Another option that is enjoyed quite high demand among compatriots - wooden blinds. They have the following advantages:

Among the shortcomings with which wooden blinds possess, the main points should be called considerable weight and high cost. Similar products Do not install owners living in apartments with large windows on the balcony. Otherwise, soon they risk face difficulties while turning lamellae.

Be that as it may, wooden blinds are very attractive products. If these designs fell, then initially need Discuss this issue with the manufacturer's company, where the order will be taken. It is possible that there will be offered to buy instead of one cumbersome design several pieces smaller sizes.

Metal constructions

They are not as popular compared to the above options. The main reason It is the fact that they create a lot of noise during operation. If they are purchased, mainly for industrial enterprises.

The main advantages of the blinds from the metal are:

  • Affordable price;
  • Ease of care;
  • Resistance to negative impact on the moisture and the sun.

Fabric products

This type of structures can be made of various types of fabrics. Most often, buyers stop the choice on products that are sewn from polyester. This is explained first of all durability Blinds, as well as high resistance to sunlight and lack of problems in care. From the disadvantages that tissue structures possess, the absence of protection at the edges should be isolated, and this is fraught with the fact that after a while the structure of the material will begin to change in the negative side.

Original multifacture

These products differ from the above in that their designs can simultaneously be used immediately. several different materials, textures and shapes. They attract attention from consumers with an interesting and unusual species. Thanks to this feature, they will harmoniously look at the strict interior, and in the romantic setting of the balcony.

Select design

Despite the fact that today the market presents many different options for balconies for the balcony, most often consumers buy horizontal, vertical, rolled and pleated.

Horizontal on each window

This is today the most popular option. To enjoy horizontal blinds, it was more convenient, usually installed on each balcony window separately. This is a solution bars considerable benefits For the owner, because it allows it to open the windows. In order to during operation, horizontal blinds did not knock on the window frame, they can be equipped with special fishing racks or retainers.

Horizontal blinds on the balcony possess the following advantages:

  • Has a minimal price of all the blinds available today;
  • Very simple in care - to maintain clean, it is enough to regularly remove dust with a dust cloth;
  • Due to the tight fit to the surface of the glass pack, they not only do not create interference while using the balcony, but also save useful space;
  • Allow you to quite accurately adjust the amount of sunlight entering the room;
  • Offered in a wide variety of colors.

But also horizontal blinds have a number of flaws:

  • It is impossible to create a cozy atmosphere on the balcony if it is used as a rest space;
  • The control mechanism is extremely short-lived and fails to quickly.

Vertical For sliding races

This kind of blinds are not so often chosen buyers for installation on balconies. Acquire it only in cases where it is necessary to replace ordinary curtains as well for installation on the balcony or loggia where sliding windows are installed. The use of horizontal blinds here is inappropriate due to the fact that their eaves will interfere with the balcony design to function fully.

Vertical blinds for loggia have the following advantages:

  • Fully closed the surface of the glass packs, and do not create problems when opening and closing;
  • In its appearance are very similar to ordinary curtains;
  • They are distinguished by the presence of dust-repellent coating, which makes it easy to care for these structures.

But at the same time they have some drawbacks:

  • After installation, windows and window sills are closed, which is why access to them becomes limited;
  • In the case of the installation of such products on the owner, the owner has difficulty opening windows;
  • If the balcony was installed on the floor, they start to get dirty or breaking;
  • In the event of a strong draft can create strong noise;
  • During the departure, they cannot be erased. It is allowed only to carefully remove dust and other contaminants from the surface.

Rolled Options

This is superb blind option for balconieswhere they will help create a truly cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

Such versions of the blinds have the following advantages:

They have certain disadvantages:

  • Limit the possibility of opening windows;
  • Cleaning such blinds is only in wiping with a wet cloth.

Pleated models

This variety of blinds will also look good on the balcony. True, you need to mention one important the lack of these structures - They cost more than other models. It is taking into account this nuance and you need to choose a suitable model of blinds.

The blinds of Plears have the following advantages:

  • During care, they are allowed to erase;
  • Opening such products occurs from the bottom up;
  • Can be installed on windows of any form;
  • Depending on the wishes of the buyer can be made using various types of tissues;
  • Installation can be produced on windows made from different materials;
  • Provides a large number of fastening and control methods.

Each owner of a country house or apartment, where there is a balcony, even wants to create in this room. the atmosphere of comfort and comfort. To do this, you can use a wide variety of accommodation, among which are very popular with the blinds recently.

These designs are presented on the market in a wide variety of options, which significantly complicates the choice of a suitable model for the consumer. However, it is not worth a hurry and run to the store for the purchase of the most popular model. Need to know, how to choose These products. You always need to proceed from your own preferences and features of the balcony. It must be remembered that each owner has its idea about how the balcony should look like, as it is planned to use it most effectively.

A large number of blind options just allows you to satisfy the needs of each buyer, because among them today you can find not just attractive products in our design, but also designs that different with high practicality and reliability, which, perhaps, for many owners can be the main factor in favor of selecting a specific option.

Blind blinds - the optimal solution for creating a cozy and modern loggia. A wide variety of such curtains allows you to find the perfect option for a particular interior. Narrow, wide, smooth, textured, with a pattern or without it, made from various materials and at various prices - a variety will delight the owners. Pick up the elegant design today is quite easy thanks to the huge selection of models and manufacturers.

Features and advantages

A huge plus blinds: they do not lose their relevance over time and look organically in any room. Previously, they were used as protection from the sun in offices and cafes, today they were widespread. They are practical, look carefully, convenient to use. This design is connected to one row long lamella, the rotation of which is adjusted using a simple mechanism.

Lamins are located horizontally or vertically, depending on their type. Blinds are an analogue of curtains, but more practical and functional. They do not fall, quickly and easily cleaned. Vertical models are impregnated with a special solution, which repels dust and dirt. The design is easily adjustable: the lamellas can be completely closed, open or adjusted at the request of the lighting level on the balcony.

If the plates are closed, it does not interfere with the circulation of air and protects the room from prying views. The design allows you to freely open a window for venting. Regardless of the type, the blinds are easily installed on their own. A large selection of forms, textures, colors refers to the advantages of the design. Models are attached in the window opening, on the ceiling, to the wall.

Despite objective advantages (protection against sunlight, aesthetics), they have their drawbacks. Plastic models are yellowing with time in the sun, deteriorate, disintegrate. If they are actively used, the mechanism fails quickly. Budget lamellas can be laughed, breaking, saving.


Blinds are divided into types of two signs - manufacturing materials and lamellae.

Horizontal. The most fiscal option. Most often, this type of design is installed on the window with a balcony door or on the balcony frames separately to each glass unit. Horizontal models are simple and consist of a cornice with adjustment mechanism, lamellae, control cord. They are recorded using a plank attached from below.

The horizontal model is convenient if there are pots with flowers on the windowsill. The design does not take away a lot of space, it looks weightless, does not overlap the space of window openings. The lamellas are securely protected from the Sun, dust. The horizontal models are cleaned easily with a soap solution, drier quickly. During washing, it is impossible to water the eaves, otherwise the mechanism will quickly come into disrepair.

Vertical.The design consists of aluminum or plastic cornice, vertical lamellas connected by a chain with runners, weights and control cord. The lamellas rotate around their axis, and if you open them, harmonicate. Blinds Vertical can be in a height of 3 meters, 6 meters, depending on the parameters of the window.

They are opened in several ways: right to left, from left to right, from the center in both directions. The design on the ceiling or wall is mounted. Lamaders can be made of plastic, fabric, aluminum, to be different shades and colors. For balconies, designers advise the use of models with drawings that give the interior of atmospheric and comfort.

In the closed form, vertical models are like curtains, so they are ideal for the design of the balconies. Of the disadvantages: it takes place, it is easy to damage the lamella, sometimes there is a difficulty in opening windows.

Rolled.Externally resemble curtains, as they consist not from individual strips. Rolled bowls are whole. They consist of a thin roller on which the cloth is wound, and the mechanism with a control chain. The models are closed, have an additionally box, 2 shaft, 2 planks.

They protect the cloth from sagging and folds. Mount the curtains to the frame, wall, ceiling. Make them of various density material. Some models are transparent and well misses light, differentifactore and multi-colored.

Pliste.Blinds refer to horizontal, but differ from classic. The design is a metal profile (plastic), between which the pleated fabric is fixed. The model is controlled by cord or chain. In the closed state, they do not miss the light, attach to the outline of glass, window opening or on the frame.

The design is excellent for non-standard window openings. They look at the loggia effectively and stylish. Plistes transform even the easiest interior.


Thanks to modern production technologies and the large selection of models, shapes and coloring blinds, the buyer can choose the most successful option for a particular balcony interior. Today, color models (rainbow), gradient, tricolor appeared on the market. The most popular and classic color in the style of minimalism is white.


Black designs - spectacular, but heavy option for the balcony. Designers advise pay attention to soft, rich shades: sea wave color, green, chocolate, peach. The color depends on the model and material, as well as the overall setting on the loggia.

How to choose

The length of the balcony blinds should be less than the window frame for five to ten centimeters. Choosing a specific model, pay attention to the mechanism. It should not publish creaking sounds, and function smoothly, without causing discomfort. The best option for a plastic frame is vertical fabric patterns. They perfectly overlap the window of any size and easily adjust the lighting level.

The loggia is better to choose spectacular models, colored, with a pattern. Vertical designs are ideal for sliding windows. Choosing blinds, remember that they should not reach the floor.

When choosing a design, pay attention to the material. Ideally, the cornice must be made of aluminum, not plastic. A high-quality chain connecting vertical lamellas - white, without a yellowish shade. Blind design is one of the main criteria for the right choice. It is from coloring, style, the drawing will depend on the interior of the balcony. Ideal colors for loggia: white, dairy, beige or bright, mysterious, but not gloomy.

How to choose?

Take advantage of the following tips:

  • Sliding windows with aluminum frames are not suitable models that are attached on sash.
  • Vertical designs are suitable for sliding windows on the balcony.
  • On the windows of loggias located on the south side, rolled patterns made of dense material are ideally suited, and for the North side - vertical with thin lamellaes.
  • Bamboo or wooden structures are suitable for balconies, decorated in ethno-style and chalet. Stud minimalism corresponds to laconic plastic models.
  • If the loggia is used as a place to relax, it is wiser to choose bright fabric blinds.
  • The windows of a small balcony are better to make up horizontal structures that are attached to the glass.


The design material depends on the price, design, durability, convenience of installation, operation, and many other factors.

Metaldesigns are strong and durable, well clean from dust, do not deteriorate under the influence of sun rays, no moisture is afraid. The minus of iron models - thunder when opening / closing, have a simple design, with time fade.

Plasticeasy to use, these are inexpensive models, not heavy by weight, are not afraid of moisture. White lamellas are yellow with time, crackle, break, and the mechanism often fails.

Wooden.It looks expensive and look spectacular. Wooden design does not fade in the sun, does not succify. The minus of wooden lamellae is heavy, which leads to a savory and problems with the mechanism.

Fabric. Practical blinds, lungs, practically do not fade into the sun, are not deformed, suitable for different interiors and design styles.

Bamboo.Durable and durable designs. It looks original and exotic. There are expensive models, so they are rarely used for registration of loggias.

Nutrition. Fashionable blinds that have original design. Lamels are made of threads without loads and lower fixation. With the mechanism, the design is easy to move aside, turning. These vertical models are suitable for designing balconies with panoramic glazing.

How to install yourself

Install the design on the balcony windows is not independently difficult. First, decide on the method of fastening the model and make measurements. Remember that they must be accurate. Rolled and horizontal blinds are mounted with drilling and without it. Installation of vertical is performed only by drilling. Next, decide where the design will be located: on the wall, in the opening window or glass.

Before hanging the design, prepare the necessary tools. For installation, you will need: an electric drill with a concrete drill from six mm, selflessness and dowels, a simple pencil, a ruler, level, tape measure, screwdriver, screwdriver.

  • Check the design package, spread all parts on the table. The kit must include universal fasteners, screws and blinds.
  • Attach the design to the wall or ceiling, mark the installation site on the left and right with a pencil. Take advantage of the level and ruler to determine the exact installation location. From each mark you need to retreat two centimeters and also mark the place for fasteners.
  • Attach left and right fasteners to mark the drilling points for screws. Tags Drill the drill. The depth must be no more than four centimeters.
  • Screw the brackets using screws to the wall, window frame or ceiling.
  • When installing the blinds of more than two meters wide, install the intermediate fastener.
  • Insert the design into the upper eaves and close the locks of the brackets.
  • If the horizontal model is attached to the window opening, take advantage of the following installation tips.
  • As in the previous installation recommendation, check the bundle package. It should include two brackets, screws and assembled design.
  • Scroll through the curtains to the window to the window and check if the design prevents the design and close the window.
  • Attach the right and left fasteners to the upper inside of the window opening, step from the wall two centimeters to the center, make marks in the places of holes. Thus, two labels should be left on the right and left.
  • The drill need to make holes on the labels, their depth should be three or four centimeters.
  • Left and right fasten screws to the top of the window opening with self-draws.
  • Insert the blinds into the upper cornice and close the locks.
  • Vertical design requires effort when installing, but it is also possible to make it yourself. It all depends on the length and height of the model.