What was the first person like? How did man appear? The history of the origin of man. First people

Let's try to uncover the geographical problem of anthropogenesis: on what continent did the first Intelligent Man originate? There is no consensus on this issue in world science.

Some scientists claim that Homo sapiens was formed in Africa, others - in the Himalayas, others - in Europe, and so on.

The process of transformation of a monkey (or rather a hominid) into a human is called anthropogenesis (from the Greek word "antropos" - man, "genesis" - occurrence, origin), or noogenesis (from the Greek "noos" - mind).

Where and when did a person appear on Earth: place and period of occurrence

The economic and social aspects of anthropogenesis are well studied: the evolution of marriage and family relations; reasons for the formation of the team; the role of labor in the emergence of man; the emergence and evolution of speech, language, writing, religion; collective labor; division of labor within the family, within the tribe, and between tribes; ancient agriculture, the emergence of crafts, metallurgy; natural exchange, money, value; the emergence of private property, social classes, the state, and so on - dopinfo.ru.

Science has many brilliant achievements in many fields of knowledge. For example, radiophysics helps to determine the exact age of the bone remains of human ancestors and their stone tools, biochemistry can identify the degree of similarity of blood protein fractions in monkeys and humans.

However, world science still cannot accurately indicate the continent where the first Intelligent Man on Earth arose.

The geographical problem of noogenesis remains unresolved until now, despite the fact that sociologists, philosophers, archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers have accumulated a huge amount of information on this issue, but it has not been systematized.

Indeed, on what continent did the first Man originate? For a correct solution of the problem of the origin of the first Man, the following facts must be taken into account.

Firstly, all the most ancient civilizations (Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Kingdom of Crete, Sumerians, Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs and all others) are located in the northern hemisphere between 30 º and 50 º north longitude, located between the north pole and the equator.

Therefore, the first man arose on some continent of the northern hemisphere, and not the southern!

Secondly, cold is the only reason for the emergence of Reason and the first Thinking Man!

For the survival of an animal in a cold climate, body weight (like a mammoth), sharp teeth (like a tiger), speed of running (like a deer) will not help. Only the Mind will help to survive. The Rational Animal will hide from the cold wind in a tent made of skins, build a fire there, melt ice in a pot and get water, boil meat in boiling water. Only with the help of the Mind can one survive in a cold climate!

Thirdly The earth began to cool from the poles.

The mind arose on the cold continent Arctida, which quite recently (2 million years ago) became the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. Once upon a time, the north pole of the Earth was occupied by a huge continent, which scientists call Arctida or Hyperborea - dopinfo.ru. This is the perfect place for hominids to suffer physically from the cold, where hunger and cold could force the animal to use intelligent activity to fight for survival.

Consequently, only Arctida can claim to be the continent where the first Intelligent Man could have arisen. The warm and “well-fed” African climate would never have forced the ancient hominins to strain their thoughts to the point of exhaustion in order to come up with a method of survival.

Test yourself

1. Where on Earth did the first human ancestors appear?
In Africa.

Why was one of the ancestors of man called a skilled man?
They knew how to make the simplest tools.

3. How does a reasonable person differ from the rest of his ancestors?
Homo sapiens differed from the nearest ancestor - Neanderthal - and other ancient people in the following features:
Structural transformations of the brain
Enlargement of the brain cavity and brain
Development of bipedal locomotion
Development of the prehensile hand
Descent of the larynx and hyoid bone
Reducing the size of the fangs
Reduction of most of the hairline.
He knew how to think, talk, and was distinguished by complex behavior.

How did man change the face of our planet?
He worked the land, cut down forests, tamed animals, built houses, then plants and factories, railways, roads. Basically, the impact of human activity on nature is negative.

5. How does a person seek to restore the wealth he has destroyed?
Creation of parks and reserves. Creation of the Red Book. Limiting the extraction and use of rare (dwindling/disappearing) resources, both minerals and living organisms

What significance for the development of mankind was such a feature of a person as the volume of the brain?
This was of great importance, because a second signaling system appeared, which was characterized by the appearance of speech and the systematic manufacture of tools, which actually made a person out of a monkey.

Explain why reserves are needed?
Reserve - a section of the territory (water area), where the entire natural complex is preserved in a natural state, and hunting is prohibited. In addition, any human economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, and the lands are forever withdrawn from any form of use.

How do schoolchildren of our country participate in the protection of rare species?
They helped save the lotus (collected seeds and distributed them to different lakes), ginseng and golden root, as well as other species.

Complete tasks

A. Tasks for comparison and explanation

compare a skilled man and a Cro-Magnon man
The Cro-Magnon brain had a large mass, taller, he knew how to make fire, speech, rituals, ceremonies, complex tools and jewelry appeared.

2. Explain how some plants and fungi from natural communities can serve as medicine for people
Many plants and fungi contain substances from which medicines are obtained.

Many plants are used in folk medicine (St. John's wort, dandelion, sage, celandine, etc.) and mushrooms (fly agaric).

The first people on earth. Human history

Explain why people of all ages have a duty to protect the natural environment.
Nature must be protected so that we ourselves can live on earth. And not only us, but also our ancestors, children, grandchildren.

Nature feeds us, waters us, supplies us with everything we need. Yes, and how not to take care, if everything that surrounds us is very beautiful, pleases us every day. This is our planet and it is our duty to keep order on it.

B. choose the correct answer from the given statements.

The closest ancestor of modern humans is:
c) Cro-Magnon

2. A new stage in human development began when primitive people learned to make tools from:
c) stone

3. From what plants, at the behest of Peter 1, was the Livaulovskaya Grove near St. Petersburg grown?
b) larches.

Make up a word that contains the suggested letters in the given order.
1. a. reserve
B. man
B. security
2. a. australopithecine
B. afforestation
B. felling.

Where did man first appear?

The most ancient of the genus Homo is Homo habilis, or a skilled man, the first representatives of which appeared on Earth about 2 million years ago. Until that time, only Australopithecus probably existed. About 2.5 million years ago, a split occurred in the evolution of hominids, as a result of which massive australopithecines (a dead-end branch of evolution) and the genus Homo separated.

Early human migrations

In addition to the finds from the Olduvai Gorge, the so-called Rudolf man, Homo rudolfensis, whose skull was found in Kenya in 1972 in the area of ​​Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana), as well as finds from Ethiopia and South Africa. The antiquity of these species is from 2.4 to 1.9 million years. It is assumed that these first people were the creators of the tools of the most ancient Olduvai (pebble) culture on Earth. There are finds that have not found a taxonomic definition and some researchers refer to Homo habilis, and the other part to groups of archanthropes (the oldest people) who replaced Homo habilis about 1.6-1.5 million years ago.

The group of archanthropes includes two main species.

This is a species of Asian ancient people, Homo erectus, and its African version, a working man (Homo ergaster).

For many millions of years, human ancestors inhabited a limited area in eastern Africa. Here, on Lake Victoria, 18 million years ago lived a proconsul - our common ancestor with the great apes; there are more than 4 million

years ago, the Afar Australopithecus, our upright ancestor, arose. Here the first representative of the genus Man spent his entire history - a skilled man who appeared more than 2 million years ago, and here 1.6 million years ago an upright man arose. Where our species - a reasonable person - began its journey is not known, but somewhere nearby.

Place of formation of sapiens

"The processes of sapientation, as evidenced by paleoanthropological data, took place in various regions of the Old World, although at different speeds.

Various circumstances, environmental features, the specifics of the social structure of the population, etc., could play a role here. Thus, both hypotheses - the multiplicity of centers of sapientation (polycentrism) or its limitation to one fairly large territory (wide monocentrism) - have points of contact. It can be assumed that, so to speak, "outpacing" it took place in East Africa, Southeast Europe and the Middle East.

Now a lot of controversy is caused by the problem of the priority of Africa or Europe.

Judging by some data, sapiens could have appeared in the ancient ancestral home of mankind several tens of thousands of years earlier than in other territories. However, even if this hypothesis is accepted, it does not at all rule out the possibility that sapientation also took place in other parts of the Old World. Most supporters of polycentrism recognize a moderate number of centers of sapientation: from two ("dicentrism") to four or five.

True, the following consideration was also expressed: there could be as many centers of origin of sapiens as there were places of formation of the culture of the Upper Paleolithic.

After all, the Mousterian culture is mainly associated with the Neanderthal, and the culture of the Upper Paleolithic - with sapiens.

However, there was no rigid connection between the stone inventory and the physical type, and there was apparently no insurmountable boundary between the Neanderthal and sapiens in cultural terms.

Polycentrism is also supported by the almost simultaneous appearance of sapiens at the turn of the Upper Paleolithic - about 40-35 thousand years ago, moreover, in such remote from each other, and sometimes even marginal areas, such as Indonesia (Nia on Kalimantan), Western Europe (Cro-Magnon, Hanofersand) or South Africa (Florisbad).

One of the most significant questions concerns the antiquity of the formation of the races of modern humanity - Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid.

The great races of modern humanity themselves formed only in the post-Paleolithic time. That is, sapiens is older than races, the processes of sapientation and racial genesis coincided only partially, and the latter occurred already on a rather mixed basis.

The final stage of hominization - the process of sapientation - took mainly the last 100 thousand years.

years. During this period of anthropogenesis, significant changes occurred in the morphological organization, cognitive abilities, the rate of aging processes decreased, and life expectancy increased (p.

The spread of modern man

More ancient fossils have been found in Africa than on any of the other continents. So, in southern Ethiopia, they found Omo-I - an incomplete skull with many modern signs, whose age is probably more than 60 thousand years. At the mouth of the South African river Clasis, "modern" remains were found, whose age is 100 thousand years, and in the cave of the Border, a "modern" lower jaw was found 90 thousand years old.

Fossil skulls of 40,000 years ago, which are of a completely modern type, are found in various parts of Asia - from Israel to Java.

They all have a chin protrusion or other distinctly "modern" features.

Humans first appeared in North America, probably between 70,000 and 12,000 years ago.

During periods of the greatest cooling at this time, the sea receded and a wide land barrier of Beringia was formed, which is now flooded by the Bering Strait.

Fossil traces and fossils, whose age has been established, indicate that modern man lived in Australia at least 40 thousand years ago.

Most likely, people first appeared here in the period from 55 to 45 thousand years ago, when the ocean level was 160 feet (50 m) lower than now, and many islands formed a single whole.

On this scale, the development of all the primitive people of the world is given, starting from the period when the first human-like hominids arose (5 million years ago) and up to 700 BC.

5,000,000-2,000,000 up to.

In Africa, the first tree-dwelling hominids appear.

2,000,000-250,000 up to. AD

Homo erectus appeared and settled in Asia and Europe.

250,000 – 120,000 up to. AD

In Africa - Homo sapiens - which are gradually moving north.

80,000 – 30,000 up to. AD

Neanderthals (cave dwellers) live in Europe.

50,000 – 25,000 up to.

Modern people are settled in Europe, Asia, Australia, America. Tools are made from bone and stone.

25,000 – 10,000 up to. AD

The first round houses, drawings and carvings.

10,000 – 9,000 up to. AD

Climate change, end of the ice age.

9,000 – 7,000 up to. AD

The emergence of agriculture in certain regions of the world.

Settlements in Syria, Palestine, Cyprus. Domesticated dog.

7,000 – 6,000 up to. AD

In the eastern Mediterranean, goats, sheep, and pigs are domesticated. Linen fabrics, ceramics are made, copper is used. The first cities are being built.

5,000 – 4,000 up to. AD

In Anatolia, copper and lead are processed. Domesticated horse, donkey. Maize is grown in the Gulf of Mexico, cotton is grown in Peru, and rice is grown in China and India.

4,000 - 3,000 up to.

Sumerian civilization. First writing. Products from gold, silver, lead. Irrigation. Sailing ships on the Nile and Euphrates. Stone temples and tombs in Malta and Europe.

3,000 – 2,000 up to.

The first pharaohs of Egypt, hieroglyphic writing. The chariot was invented in Mesopotamia. Rise of the Valley Civilization of India. Cotton fabrics. Methods for processing copper and making fabrics spread throughout Western Europe.

2000 - 1000 to. AD

Spread of bronze processing methods in Europe. Stonehenge completed.

1000 - 700 BC

Olmec culture in Mexico. The Celts settled in Central Europe, the British Isles.

By 700 B.C. in Europe, the secret of iron processing was discovered. Prehistoric cultures develop in America and Africa.

Man is the crown of creation of the highest heavenly powers, - every believer will say.
- No, - the convinced materialist will object to him. - Man evolved from apes in the process of long evolution millions of years ago.
“You are both right and wrong,” an intellectual who keeps track of information about all the latest scientific discoveries and hypotheses will inform them. - The fact is that evolution really took place, but it is also very likely that some heavenly forces initiated and directed it ...
The material below also supports this point of view.

About the sons of God
For thousands of years, people believed that their distant ancestors were created by the gods - or God, the Most High, the Creator. This process is described in sufficient detail, in particular, in the Bible (Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter two).

But in 1871, the book of the English naturalist Charles Darwin "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection" was published, where the author substantiates the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor.

Soon this hypothesis was recognized as reliable by both many scientists and people "from the common people." However, not everyone recognized it as such, and not only from among the ministers of worship and believers of various faiths. And this controversy continues in society to this day.
And since the second half of the 20th century, various versions of the “crazy” hypothesis have become popular, according to which the appearance of people on Earth is the result of the activity of ... aliens.

Two events contributed to the development of such an idea: the appearance on June 24, 1947 over the Cascade Mountains, in the northern part of the Pacific coast of the United States, of a link of clearly manned flying saucers, and also the emergency landing (or catastrophe) of an alien that allegedly happened exactly one week later, on the night of July 2 spacecraft in the vicinity of the town of Roswell in the US state of New Mexico.
By the way, it was after these two events that the term "unidentified flying object" - UFO (in English Unidentified Flying Object - UFO) and the name of the science that studies such objects - "ufology" appeared.

It is characteristic that some adherents of the idea of ​​the “creation” of mankind by space aliens refer to ancient myths and legends of various peoples, in which the gods who created people, as a rule, arrive on Earth from heaven. The Bible tells the same story. In it, along with the statement about the creation of Adam and Eve - the first two people in our world - the Lord God himself also speaks of the participation in the production of the earthly population of some sons of God: “When people began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, then sons God saw the daughters of men, that they are beautiful, and took them to their wives, which one they chose. “At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them ...” (Bible, Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter six, 1-2, 4 ).

Star Brother Rescue
After the Roswell incident received wide publicity, publications began to appear in the media (mainly in the American ones) about meetings and conversations of people with aliens, during which space aliens reported how their ancestors participated in the creation and formation of our population.

According to an article in the September 1996 issue of the American magazine Pague, one of these encounters took place just over a month after the Roswell incident, and again in New Mexico.

On the evening of August 13, 1947, six young descendants of the Apache Indians stopped for the night in the desert area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe said state. They were preparing supper when there was a great rumble, then a crash, and the earth trembled like an earthquake. Having gone on reconnaissance, the Indians found a mangled metal object crashing into the ground not far away, inside of which there was a strange creature of small stature. It was badly maimed, but showed signs of life. The Indians decided to try to save their foundling.
They managed to get out Star Brother, as they began to call him among themselves. Having recovered, Brother (his real name sounded like Bek Ti) with the help of a crystal that transmits information in the form of images, told young people an absolutely incredible story of the Earth and mankind.

It turns out that aliens appeared on our planet back in those days when it was a lifeless stone block, and during the entire period of evolution they constantly interfered in its course. In some cases their intervention was beneficial, in others it was not. When people appeared on Earth, the aliens directed the development of mankind, but at the same time they often led him to a dead end. They became our gods... and our devils. But they have always been here.

How people were created
About the rescue of Star Brother, as well as what this messenger of a distant highly developed civilization told earthlings about the history of their planet, 20 years later, he told his young grandson - Robert Morning Sky - one of those six Indians who saved the dying Beck Ti.
What he heard shocked and captured Robert. Since then, he has devoted himself to finding and studying sources that confirm Bek Ti's message. Its essence, together with the results of his search, Morning Sky outlined in the work “Terra. The Unknown History of Planet Earth, published in the early 1990s. Here is its content.

In ancient times, aliens from outer space mastered the Earth, then still deserted. Homo sapiens - a reasonable person - was created by the decision of their leader, initially so that his subjects would have intelligent and obedient workers. But for the right to dominate the Earth, this ruler fought with his brother and, in order to assert this right, introduced his DNA into the genotype of the first human beings. And the first people became the "sons of God", the children of their creator.

However, this "God-Father" was also a scientist, he was interested in the possibility of creating creatures endowed with sensitivity and passion, as well as the ability to make their own judgments and independent actions. To achieve this goal, in the first generations of people, he used the DNA of representatives of another race, emotional and sentimental bird-like creatures. It gave people the opportunity to possess the qualities and abilities mentioned above. The "Creator" also taught people to unite for procreation of their own free will, without observing the pre-established breeding regulations. And the young human race began to grow rapidly.

Are they still with us?
As a result of the creativity of space aliens at an early stage of the origin of mankind, two varieties of it arose: obedient individuals who unconditionally obey aliens and genetically changed mutants whose behavior was controlled by their own will. The brother of the creator of the human tribe drove the mutants into the desert, dooming them to inevitable death, and to be sure, he even staged a flood to destroy the entire recalcitrant branch of the human race. But its creator managed to save a certain number of persecuted shrews - a familiar episode from the Bible, isn't it?

The moment came when another race of aliens began to rule the Earth, in the guise of intelligent lizards, which are now often called "gray". The Grays, genetically created by an even more highly developed race of reptiles, whose empire is located in a distant galaxy, and now secretly, imperceptibly for us, manage many aspects of earthly life. They consume the natural resources of our planet, extract genetic material from our bodies to continue experiments to breed new types of intelligent beings, use our government agencies, such as NASA and the CIA in the United States, to keep secret the purpose, design and operation of a vast class of technical means, which we define by the general concept of UFO. They have their own base on the moon, and they warned us not to go there and stay away from it.

Robert Morning Sky ends his work with the following words: “As long as people accept the existence of lords and gods, they also accept the existence of slavery. When a person finally realizes that his possessions have been taken away from him, when he finally begins to look at himself as his only god and master over himself, then, and only then, will he be freed from the power of aliens and alien gods. Develop your spiritual world... This is the only way to liberation.”

Evidence of alien visits
In the "Rand of Canyons" ("Canyonlands") - a national park in Utah - there are a number of anomalies that, according to the Morning Sky, indicate that aliens have been there since time immemorial. He considers the main of them to be the Arch of the Druids - the ruins of a giant structure with preserved traces of a hieroglyph. According to Robert, it means "king", and this mark could be left by an alien ruler, proclaiming his dominion after winning a battle with a rival.

On one of the rocks, deep even horizontal furrows are cut in parallel. Their natural origin is unlikely, especially since at the foot of the cliff there are no accumulations of crumbled rock, which are usual in such cases. These traces could be left by a laser beam from a powerful weapon of space aliens.

Huge boulders with smooth rectangular edges lie in the bed of the dried stream. In the rocks that form the bed, there are long straight furrows. There are no drops. A quarry using laser technology?

Along the road leading to the national park, there is a rock called Newspaper with numerous six-toed footprints scratched on it. All traces lead to the silhouette of a vertical structure on three pillars standing among circles with various signs (a spaceship?). According to Robert Morning Sky, this is a message about the resettlement of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth to other star worlds.

“You can believe everything that I have said, or not believe a single word of mine. Whether this is true or fiction is up to you." In the old days, the Apache Indians ended their oral traditions with such words.

When did the first man appear on earth

According to the "scientific data" modern man (homo sapiens) appeared the omnipotence of evolution, separating from other hominoids, great apes and placental mammals about 200 thousand years ago! In fact, this is a completely false theory! Homo sapiens was a given in the Universe long before the "Big Bang" in our Universe. And the Fathers-Creators of our Universe, before the death of the "old world" (before the "big bang"), put into its fabric their dream of the birth of a "Living-Intelligent Creature - Man" in the new Universe! And this sphere - the only one of all remained the same, as it has been for billions of years since the beginning of the Big Bang(that is, before the birth of our universe), only sounded stronger and higher!!!

So who is the "first man"? The first man appeared very far from the solar system and in those days when it was not yet in sight, and not descended from monkeys, as some fairly famous people think" scientists", - So said the Higher Forces of the Universe upon contact. And now you will know the truth for the first time when the first man appeared on Earth!!! The first population of intelligent individuals (humans) first brought from space to earth about 1, 2 billion years ago . And these are not my words and not my conjectures, but the words of the Higher Powers! And our "scientists" write that people appeared about 200 thousand years ago!

Our scientists believe that the main version of the appearance of man on Earth is that this is a "version of anthropogenesis" - part of "biological evolution", which led to the emergence of "homo sapiens", separated from other "hominids", "great apes" and "placental mammals"! And the Higher Forces of the Universe are very negative about Charles Darwin's theory of man . And when the Higher Forces of the Universe were asked a question about a person, They answered the following, -

Evolutionary processes are true for any creature in the universe, but only these evolutionary processes" does not apply to humans and therefore to a person such a concept - unacceptably !!! A person initially has "mind-blowing" abilities and possibilities about which he knows almost nothing! Man is a masterpiece, but people, instead of their development, eventually became even worse! Therefore, all the "mind-blowing possibilities" of a person that were originally laid in him, during his creation, are blocked for the time being, for the time being, until a person goes along the spiritual path of development! AND v You can't even imagine how complex and diverse construction, whose name is man, - soHigher Forces said at the contact about a person!

And the living structure of nature, as a rule, cannot be created in earthly conditions !!! But in certain continuums, intertemporal gaps of Macrogalaxies, there are certain, so-called "laboratory systems", which are greenhouses to create absolutely all Intelligent units of the Universe, including human. And man did not arise on Earth as a result of an evolutionary process - anthropogenesis, as our fairly well-known "scientists" believe, but was created initially with "mind-blowing abilities that will open up in a person only when he begins to develop spiritually !!! And it is there that the experiments of the Creators with them take place! This is where people are created and created in the likeness of God (below you see a model of the real Universe and compared It with a model of a person)!!!

Super Ring Forces (in the picture They are in the Head of our Universe, They live for more than 800 billion years and are essentially the "Bioscreen" or "Brains" of our Universe.)!!! And They, upon contact, confirmed this and said, - What the energy model of a person is similar to the universal ! And it differs only in the frequency range. And since you (people) live in 3 dimensional space,then the concept of time is not yet available to you ! And when the 4th dimension is available to you, then this concept will be available to you too!

The Old Testament says. - And God said: Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness. And God created man in his own image (Old Testament, chapter 1, Genesis 1:26, 1:28).

For the first time you see a simplified drawing of a model of our universe. And the drawing of this Model of the Universe is very similar to the model of a person (as in the "Old Testament") and I asked the Super Ring Forces (which are in the picture in the head of the Universe) a question, - And you, in my opinion, are something like"Bioscreen", or "Brains" our universe! It is right!? And this is what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring answered me, -

you think right!!! But We not only supervise your Universe, We create and build your Universe . And we are watching you all the time you are our children!!!

Here is what the Higher Powers said about man and the Universe, - Between " Above the Universal object - the center of the Universe " and " Bioscreen " of man there is a certain analogy of the structure and communication of functional units. What is this relationship and similarity:

1. They have a common external shape (For man and the universe ). A person means his "subtle body".

2. The general concept of the passage of certain information.

3. The general direction of movement of certain processes.

4. And certain structural building blocks.

So " Bioscreen"of a person is a structure that allows the physical matter of a person to interact with various "temporal" and "energy" formations in the Universe. And besides this, the "bioscreen" is able to store a huge amount of different information on its tori and be its carrier. And its capacity is such that if the information of the entire humanity of the Earth is multiplied by four, then it will fit freely in it!!!But in order to carry out such operations, a person simply needs:

1. Learn to fully manage the "bioscreen"".

2. Know how to translate your shell twin"in different other dimensions. You will read about the human bioscreen below.

According to the Bible, man was created by God in his own image and likeness on the 6th day of creation after the creation of all things.!!! And now for the first time you will understand this saying ! Look carefully at the first model of the Universe from the left side and on it you see the number 6! And exactly on 6th spiral"snails of time" and man was created! And our solar system was created on the 4th orbit"snails of time". The countdown goes from the bottom of Her first lower spiral. One revolution of such a Universal spiral is equal to 2 , 5 billion years!

And now look at the drawings of our Universe and you will see for the first time what it really is!!! On the green drawing, I painted arms and legs to her with a dotted line, and you saw Her for the first time and made sure that we (people) were created in Her likeness! And on the head of the Universe you will see something like a hat - this is the Super Ring of the Universe, which approximately plays the same role as the "bio-screen", or "brains" in a person. (below you will see a drawing of a human "bio-screen"). And in the "Launchers" there are always many different Minds with which you can make contact with the help of the "universal language" of the Universe - thoughts! (You can see a photo of thoughts below!).

The fact is that the "Big Bang" occurred about 15 billion years ago and after that the Universe began to be born and built in a new way, and the Higher Powers of the Super Ring began to build It, who have been living for more than 800 billion years and inhabiting the "Head of the Universe", which is not subject to various "Big Bangs" and is " brains" and "bioscreen" of the Universe- so said the Higher Forces upon contact. After all the conditions for human habitation were created on Earth, Higher Forces created in their " laboratory systems "people and settled on Earth first human population .

This happened about 1.2 billion years ago. (you understood that this is information from the Higher Forces and that They said that They created and settled people and man did not come from a monkey !!!). They were humanoid-type individuals with an average height of approximately 125-148 centimeters, with slanted and large eyes. They ate only plant foods., but lived more or less for a long time, approximately 200 years! In total, there were about 5 of them living on Earth. billion people. And it was they who invented and created first wheel on the ground. And it was they who became after a while melt metal on the ground. If we compare them with our race, then they have reached a level of development of approximately ancient rome .

And about 800 appeared millions of years ago 2 -I race. This race had a slightly shorter lifespan than the first race. They lived until about 110 years on average. But their growth was higher than that of the first race. Approximately, on average 180 centimeters. After some time they had their own aircraft and in many ways surpassed even the achievements of modern people Earth!!! Main weapon they had laser weapons . But after a while they got a very dangerous virus, like our AIDS. And since they paid very little attention to it, after a while this virus covered all the continents of the Earth. And in about a hundred years, this virus destroyed the entire population of the 2nd race of the Earth. And after about 600 years, this virus destroyed the entire animal world of the Earth! Therefore, the 2nd race lasted only about 20 million years!

And after the death of the 2nd race, after about 80 millions of years people appeared on Earth 3 -th race . They almost did not differ in anything from modern people in their appearance. AND did not come from caves , as our modern "scientists" like to say. A appeared initially with a fairly powerful baggage of scientific and technical knowledge stuffed into them which contributed to their rapid technical development. But they lived already less than the previous 2nd race. Approximately, about 80 -and years. But in technical progress, they surpassed even ours - the 5th race . They had one common language in those days - Sanskrit!!! But in obtaining the necessary energy from "Solar Energy", they overtook us.

And after them the 4th race was created. The average height of the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans was approximately 2, 8 meters. And the Lemurians were even taller. Approximately, about 3 -x meters. As you have read, all these human races were brought from the Cosmos to the Earth and already in a ready-made human form and with certain programs. I specifically conducted a session with the Higher Forces on this topic about the people of our - the 5th race.

And the people of our 5th race appeared on Earth approximately 7000 years ago and they appeared in several different places at once our planet. Arabs and Jews appeared in Europe. In the very west of it appeared the Celts. German tribes appeared in the area Altai and to Central Asia. A Anglo-Saxon - from Central Asia to Babylon . Slavs appeared in Greenland. It was then a flourishing island and the ancient Tibetans called it the "Island where rose apples grew, The Tibetans themselves appeared in the region of Tibet much earlier than other peoples. True, representatives of the previous one continue to live on our Earth, 4 th race - Hyperboreans, they still live on our planet , but in " artificial parallel world "Earths and are far ahead of us in their development and live a very long life compared to us (approximately 1000 years). And if they live on our planet and only good and love , then we are only degrading. Such an attitude towards nature and such wars that are taking place in our race, they could not have foreseen even in the most nightmare dream.

When creating a man of the Fifth Race, the Creators collected and used all the most advanced components of the DNA of humanoids from all over the Universe!!! People of the Fifth Race were created by various Space Systems. More precisely, each System created its own type of person. And they settled these people at the same time on our Earth, but in different places!!! And the goal of the Creators was to develop the human brain by at least 50%.

But our science knows very little about human DNA. she doesn't know what's in a person's DNA" energy node "which all the time supplies the" energy of life "both the DNA itself and the cell sponsored by it. And our" scientists "generally consider 90 thousand genes" garbage. "In fact, they were created in a person of our race initially, but they were blocked and did not work people before time" transition of our civilization to a new high level of development ". But for this, a preliminary impact on humanity is provided." white cleansing energy"which is capable of launching a "new chromosomal mechanism" in human blood cells and which will begin to influence the mental functions of the human brain! Such a "period" of human development has already begun and will last until 2018! This white " cleansing energy"which outwardly is no different from ordinary light, will affect people for some time and with its help all negative" thoughts "in the brains of people, of which a person has accumulated a lot !!! And the impact on mankind with "white energy" will help launch a "new chromosomal mechanism" in human blood cells and which will begin to influence the mental functions of the human brain!

But the fact is that absolutely every person, along with the good and necessary "energy of life", absorbs many more different things " energy-information garbage", about which our Earth scientists do not yet have any knowledge. And this "energy-informational garbage" flows throughout the spinal canal, polluting it and causing various diseases in a man!!! And I will give you a small example, which neither our scientists nor our people know about yet: the state of only one first "chakra" with its energy depends human healing process. If only the complex of the first "chakra" with its energy is violated, the following diseases occur.

  • 1. Neoplasms in the areas of various organs, including many " malignant " ( cancerous ) diseases.
  • 2. Vascular diseases associated with changes in the structure of blood vessels.
  • 3. Diseases associated with changes in the morphology of the liver. As well as cerebral palsy and many other diseases. And I repeat, this is only from one first chakra with its "life energy"!!!

But the fact is that in the Universe, along with all its energies, there is also energy " milky white "which can clean the spinal canal of a person from this "garbage"! I learned how to create this "energy of life" on my device, which generates energies of all spectral colors and which the Higher Forces prompted me, including this one" milky white ".

Therefore, before each treatment and rejuvenation, it will be necessary at the very beginning to rid the human body of this "garbage".

The whole trouble is that many processes in the human body do not occur in our 3 dimensional space, but on higher planes, currently unavailable to us and about which we currently have almost zero knowledge . And when the 4th dimension is available to us, then this concept will be available to us!!! But the fact is that the 4th dimension is just a transitional phase in the development of mankind. In comparison, it's like a corridor between two rooms. And so humanity is actually moving towards the 5th dimension. And it is there that it will receive all sorts of other knowledge about different dimensions and proportions and about the time dependence of a person!

Since 2012, a new Sixth race begins to grow. AND humanity must, in a short period of time, go through the path of its development, such as it usually goes through in 1000 years . It refers to the worldview of man and mankind as for ourselves , and on nature that surrounds us, so and to the universe !!! The fact is that a person knows very, very little about himself, and he generally “forgot” about nature all the knowledge that our ancestors possessed in ancient times! The fact is that m A person's ozg, if compared with anything, is like his biological computer . And the physical space of the human brain is currently involved in about 4% ( and that's not for everyone! ). In the future, man will open his " storerooms ", about which a person knows absolutely nothing and does not even know about their existence and which were artificially blocked, since earlier a person was simply not ready to work with them (these 90 thousand genes which our Earth scientists consider " rubbish "!) The fact is that people know very little not only about their "thin bodies", but they simply do not know that the human "cerebellum" has a powerful information bank that controls the most complex human mechanism !!! And it is in it colossal information is stored, which is stored in the cells of its memory.

olduvai gorge

Scientists have been arguing for decades about where the first man appeared on Earth. Supporters of the monopolar theory called the birthplace of a skilled man, who later became a reasonable man, then Africa, then South Asia.

In the Olduvai Gorge in East Africa, archaeologists have found the skeleton of the most ancient person on Earth. He is 1.5 million years old. It was thanks to this find that the theory arose that the first man appeared in Africa, and then settled throughout the earth. However, in the 1980s, scientists made a sensational discovery in Siberia, which turned the idea of ​​human development upside down.

The first man could have appeared not in Africa, as was previously believed, but in Siberia. This sensational version appeared in 1982. Soviet geologists were excavating off the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia. The area is called Deering-Yuryakh, translated from Yakut - Deep River. Quite by accident, geologists discovered a late Neolithic burial - the 2nd millennium BC. And then, digging even deeper, they came across layers more than 2.5 million years old and found there the remains of the tools of the most ancient man.


These are hewn cobblestones with a pointed end - they are called "choppers". In addition to such ancient axes, anvils and chippers were also found. This led researchers to believe that, in fact, the first man appeared in Siberia. After all, the age of the local finds is more than 2.5 million years. So, they are older than African.

Axes of the ancients, "choppers"

"There was a whole archipelago, where now the ice is solid, the Arctic Ocean. And due to some catastrophes, this civilization was destroyed, and the remnants of this people were forced to move to the mainland, to develop the lands that now belong to the Arkhangelsk region, Murmansk , the Polar Urals, and further - to Siberia. There is such an assumption, "- says the historian, ethnographer Vadim Burlak.

Burial in Deering-Yuryakh

More recently, it turned out that on the territory of Russia there are traces of not only primitive people, that is, creatures that only outwardly resembled a person, but did not have a developed intellect, but also a reasonable person, that is, similar to you and me.

Ancient weapons found in Deering-Yuryakh

For a long time it was believed that the first people who were no different from us today - first appeared in Europe 39 thousand years ago. However, in 2007 it turned out that the earliest site of an ancient person is located on the territory of modern Russia. Thus, it turns out that the first Homo sapiens was born twenty thousand years earlier, and not somewhere in the vicinity of Paris, but in the Voronezh region, where a simple village called Kostenki is now located. This opinion was expressed by the famous American scientist John Hoffecker.

"In 2007, a remarkable researcher from the United States of America, John Hoffecker, published in the journalScience article, which sounded like this: "The first European comes from Kostenki." She, this article, was based on his five years of work here in Kostenki, and on the dates that he and Vance Holiday, his friend and his colleague, made from the results of research, and these results were stunning. That is, the age of the existence of Homo sapiens here, on the territory of Kostenki, is very sharply getting older, "- explains Irina Kotlyarova, chief researcher at the Kostenki Museum-Reserve.

The remains found in Kostenki, which are about 60 thousand years old

The American Hoffecker found out that the first Europeans settled this area 50-60 thousand years ago. And the most amazing thing is that they really were reasonable tribes. Of course, practically nothing remains of such ancient sites. Only depressions, stone tools and pits filled with ash from burnt bones. And newer sites, those in which our ancestors lived about 20 thousand years ago, are well preserved in Kostenki.

Wall made of mammoth bones

Even the houses, the walls of which are lined with mammoth bones, have been preserved. The researchers found that the inhabitants of these houses knew how to make tools, hunted, gathered, built dwellings, had a well-established life and lived in a community. Mammoths were the main source of human life. There were a lot of them living in this area. People hunted them. From the skins they sewed clothes, they ate the extracted meat. The bones of these animals were also used.

Irina Kotlyarova in one of the houses of Kostenkovskaya culture

Kostenkovskaya archaeological culture is amazing in scale. About six dozen large human settlements were found here. According to some experts, at least a thousand people lived here. Others estimate the population of the ancient Voronezh region more modestly - about 600 people. In any case, this number seems to be very impressive. After all, even the population of medieval European cities rarely exceeded several hundred people. Of course, the oldest sites in Kostenki cannot be called a city. But for such a long time, just a huge population lived here.

The location plan of the sites of ancient people in Kostenki

The real amazement of archaeologists was caused by a collection of miniatures. These are carved from dense rock - marl - figures of mammoths. Most likely, already 22 thousand years ago the inhabitants of Kostenki knew how to keep score. This seems to most anthropologists quite incredible.

Spearheads found during excavations in Kostenki

From this conclusion it follows that the Voronezh civilization is twenty thousand years older than the Sumerian kingdom, with their clay tablets, and the ancient Egyptians. Scientists claim that long before the Sumerian Anunaki, Kostenki already knew how to count mammoths and write them down, not relying on memory. So the mammoths from Lizyukov Street - inscribed by the hand of prehistoric Picasso - are a completely scientific argument in favor of the fact that Voronezh is the cradle of human civilization.

It is generally accepted that Russians are a rather young nation. In fact, the Egyptian pyramids were already built four thousand years ago. By the time of the birth of Christ, the ancient Romans had already managed to sink to the bottom of luxury and even depravity, while our ancestors had not really begun anything yet - neither the state, nor culture, nor writing.

Historians decided to check whether this is really so? And it turned out that 6 millennia ago, when the Sumerian civilization, as it is commonly believed, the first on Earth, was just emerging, in our country, on the territory of the modern Urals, our ancestors were so developed that they even knew metallurgy.

"We are talking about a very large developed civilization on a very large territory, which had a strong influence on the entire Eurasian region - this is already unambiguous and beyond doubt. Therefore, here, I think that the future belongs to science," - says Alexey Palkin, researcher at the Laboratory of Natural and Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

This is Vera Island. It is located in the Chelyabinsk region on Lake Tugoyak. In the 80s of the last century, archaeologists discovered a find here that became a real sensation: amazing ancient structures that turned out to be much older than the famous English Stonehenge. It was this discovery that made scientists seriously talk about the fact that the first civilized society in the history of not only Russia, but the whole of Europe, and maybe the whole world, was born right here - in the Chelyabinsk region, next to the Ural Mountains.

"I AMI understand that this may cause a shock, what I will say now, but I say this with complete responsibility, these megaliths on the island of Vera, they are much brighter and more interesting than Stonehenge. Why? Because Stonehenge is a healthy thing, but it's the only one there. Here. Here in this particular place, and here on a plot of 6 hectares there are several objects of various types, "-

Megalith No. 1

The ancient structure discovered on the island of Vera is called Megalith No. 1. That's what the archaeologists called it. Once this ancient building was 3.5 meters high and served as an observatory. The ancient builders specially positioned the window so that on the days of the summer and winter solstices the sunbeam would penetrate, hitting exactly on the altar.

Megalith window

The main mystery of the ancient observatory is not even in how people at that stage of their development thought of following the movement of heavenly bodies, but in the fact that the building was made of huge boulders. Each - several tens of tons. It turns out that the ancient inhabitants of these territories near modern Chelyabinsk were able not only to move heavy blocks, but they could put it all together correctly. So reliable that after thousands of years, the megalith did not collapse.

Central hall

There is a central hall, which is connected to the side chambers by corridors. The hall is composed of a number of megaliths, which are located on the sides and in the ceiling. There are about twenty-five to thirty of them in total. The largest of them weighs 17 tons. The size of megaliths is from one and a half to two and a half meters in length and half a meter in width. The construction dates back to the 4th - 3rd millennium BC.

Huge plates were made by nature itself - this is the remnant of the mountain. But in order for the blocks to lie flat, the progenitors had to process them.

Nearby, archaeologists discovered a real melting furnace. Its design suggests that metal smelting technologies in ancient times were practically no different from those that were invented just a couple of centuries ago. It turns out that the semi-wild tribes that lived on this island were engaged in non-ferrous metallurgy.

"It was here that the oldest copper smelting furnace was located. Scientists discovered a chimney, which stands out very clearly from the general background. The traces of smoke that were reflected on the stones remained clearly and are visible on the stones," says Alexey Palkin, researcher at the Laboratory of Natural and Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Zyuratkul geoglyph

The fact that an incredibly developed population lived on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region thousands of years ago is also evidenced by another amazing find - the Zyuratkul geoglyph. It was discovered by accident. In 2011, one of the employees of the Zyuratkul National Park noticed that the grass at the foot of the ridge was growing unevenly. This is despite the fact that no mechanical impact was clearly exerted on it. The scientist decided to find out the reasons for such a strange phenomenon. He managed to establish that the grass does not grow in some places because it is hindered by boulders laid out by a path resembling a drawing or even a diagram. To see it in its entirety, national park officials took off in a helicopter and discovered a giant drawing laid out on the ground. Most of all, it resembles the image of an elk.

The dimensions of this elk are impressive: the length of the drawing is 275 meters. The age of the geoglyph is 5-6 millennia. How its creators controlled the accuracy of laying, how they managed to observe the direction and correctness of the lines, if the entire pattern is visible only from a great height, is not clear. But most importantly - why did they need this image of an elk?

The geoglyph resembles an image of an elk

"VIn the Neolithic, in the Urals, we mainly had a farm - hunters, fishermen, and so on. That is, the population that built this here, it had to exploit a significant territory. That is, we are talking about some connections between these groups, about some slightly different social structures than we imagine today. This is not just a group, a separate group of hunters-fishers, it is a more complex social organization," considers Stanislav Grigoriev, archaeologist, senior researcher at the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

If archaeologists were not mistaken in determining the age of this miracle, then it turns out that our ideas about the abilities and capabilities of the most ancient population of Russia do not correspond to reality, which means that official science was mistaken, claiming for many years that intelligent life came to these parts only shortly before baptism Russia.

Scientists treat this hypothesis with great caution. However, new archaeological finds raise more and more questions, the answers to which are not yet available.

Another proof that ancient people on the territory of modern Russia were very developed is in the Ignatievskaya cave. It is located on the southern tip of the Ural Mountains in the Chelyabinsk region. In 1980, speleologists accidentally discovered a drawing on its vaults, which made a real revolution in archeology. Studies have shown that the drawings were made on the walls more than 14 thousand years ago. In no place on the planet has it ever been possible to find a drawing of such antiquity that would contain a clear plot. This cave depicts the very process of creating life. Exactly as our ancient ancestors saw it.

But why does the whole world know about the oldest rock paintings in Australia, and why do all textbooks on archeology list people and gobies from Algeria as the first drawings? After all, they appeared on the walls of caves in the 11th century BC. That is later than the Urals by 13 thousand years. Why are scientific journals silent about the discovery of the Ural archaeologists?

Many experts are sure that such data will force us to revise not only scientific theories, but also rewrite school textbooks.

- Man is the crown of creation of the highest heavenly powers, - every believer will say.

No, - the convinced materialist will object to him. - Man evolved from apes in the process of long evolution millions of years ago.

You are both right and wrong, an intellectual who keeps track of information about all the latest scientific discoveries and hypotheses will inform them. - The fact is that evolution really took place, but it is also very likely that some heavenly forces initiated and directed it ...

The material below also supports this point of view.

About the sons of God

For thousands of years, people believed that their distant ancestors were created by the gods - or God, the Most High, the Creator. This process is described in sufficient detail, in particular, in the Bible (Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter two).

But in 1871, the book of the English naturalist Charles Darwin "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection" was published, where the author substantiates the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor.

Soon this hypothesis was recognized as reliable by both many scientists and people "from the common people." However, not everyone recognized it as such, and not only from among the ministers of worship and believers of various faiths. And this controversy continues in society to this day.

And since the second half of the 20th century, various versions of the “crazy” hypothesis have become popular, according to which the appearance of people on Earth is the result of the activity of ... aliens.

The development of such an idea was facilitated by two events: the appearance on June 24, 1947 over the Cascade Mountains, in the northern part of the Pacific coast, of a link of obviously manned flying saucers, and also the emergency landing (or catastrophe) of an alien spacecraft that allegedly happened exactly one week later, on the night of July 2, ship in the vicinity of the town of Roswell in the US state of New Mexico.

By the way, it was after these two events that the term "unidentified flying object" - UFO (in English Unidentified Flying Object - UFO) and the name of the science that studies such objects - "ufology" appeared.

It is characteristic that some adherents of the idea of ​​the “creation” of mankind by space aliens refer to ancient myths and legends of various peoples, in which the gods who created people, as a rule, arrive on Earth from heaven. The Bible tells the same story. In it, along with the statement about the creation of Adam and Eve - the first two people in our world - the Lord God himself also speaks of the participation in the production of the earthly population of some sons of God: “When people began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, then sons God saw the daughters of men, that they are beautiful, and took them to their wives, which one they chose. “At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them ...” (Bible, Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter six, 1-2, 4 ).

Star Brother Rescue

After the Roswell incident received wide publicity, publications began to appear in the media (mainly in the American ones) about meetings and conversations of people with aliens, during which space aliens reported how their ancestors participated in the creation and formation of our population.

According to an article in the September 1996 issue of the American magazine Pague, one of these encounters took place just over a month after the Roswell incident, and again in New Mexico.

On the evening of August 13, 1947, six young descendants of the Apache Indians stopped for the night in the desert area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe said state. They were preparing supper when there was a great rumble, then a crash, and the earth trembled like an earthquake. Having gone on reconnaissance, the Indians found a mangled metal object crashing into the ground not far away, inside of which there was a strange creature of small stature. It was badly maimed, but showed signs of life. The Indians decided to try to save their foundling.

They managed to get out Star Brother, as they began to call him among themselves. Having recovered, Brother (his real name sounded like Bek Ti) with the help of a crystal that transmits information in the form of images, told young people an absolutely incredible story of the Earth and mankind.

It turns out that aliens appeared on our planet back in those days when it was a lifeless stone block, and during the entire period of evolution they constantly interfered in its course. In some cases their intervention was beneficial, in others it was not. When people appeared on Earth, the aliens directed the development of mankind, but at the same time they often led him to a dead end. They became our gods... and our devils. But they have always been here.

How people were created

About the rescue of Star Brother, as well as what this messenger of a distant highly developed civilization told earthlings about the history of their planet, 20 years later, he told his young grandson - Robert Morning Sky - one of those six Indians who saved the dying Beck Ti.

What he heard shocked and captured Robert. Since then, he has devoted himself to finding and studying sources that confirm Bek Ti's message. Its essence, together with the results of his search, Morning Sky outlined in the work “Terra. The Unknown History of Planet Earth, published in the early 1990s. Here is its content.

In ancient times, aliens from outer space mastered the Earth, then still deserted. Homo sapiens - a reasonable person - was created by the decision of their leader, initially so that his subjects would have intelligent and obedient workers. But for the right to dominate the Earth, this ruler fought with his brother and, in order to assert this right, introduced his DNA into the genotype of the first human beings. And the first people became the "sons of God", the children of their creator.

However, this "God-Father" was also a scientist, he was interested in the possibility of creating creatures endowed with sensitivity and passion, as well as the ability to make their own judgments and independent actions. To achieve this goal, in the first generations of people, he used the DNA of representatives of another race, emotional and sentimental bird-like creatures. It gave people the opportunity to possess the qualities and abilities mentioned above. The "Creator" also taught people to unite for procreation of their own free will, without observing the pre-established breeding regulations. And the young human race began to grow rapidly.

Are they still with us?

As a result of the creativity of space aliens at an early stage of the origin of mankind, two varieties of it arose: obedient individuals who unconditionally obey aliens and genetically changed mutants whose behavior was controlled by their own will. The brother of the creator of the human tribe drove the mutants into the desert, dooming them to inevitable death, and to be sure, he even staged a flood to destroy the entire recalcitrant branch of the human race. But its creator managed to save a certain number of persecuted shrews - a familiar episode from the Bible, isn't it?

The moment came when another race of aliens began to rule the Earth, in the guise of intelligent lizards, which are now often called "gray". The Grays, genetically created by an even more highly developed race of reptiles, whose empire is located in a distant galaxy, and now secretly, imperceptibly for us, manage many aspects of earthly life. They consume the natural resources of our planet, extract genetic material from our bodies to continue experiments to breed new types of intelligent beings, use our government agencies, such as NASA and the CIA in the United States, to keep secret the purpose, design and operation of a vast class of technical means, which we define by the general concept of UFO. They have their own base on the moon, and they warned us not to go there and stay away from it.

Robert Morning Sky ends his work with the following words: “As long as people accept the existence of lords and gods, they also accept the existence of slavery. When a person finally realizes that his possessions have been taken away from him, when he finally begins to look at himself as his only god and master over himself, then, and only then, will he be freed from the power of aliens and alien gods. Develop your spiritual world... This is the only way to liberation.”

Evidence of alien visits

In the "Rand of Canyons" ("Canyonlands") - a national park in Utah - there are a number of anomalies that, according to the Morning Sky, indicate that aliens have been there since time immemorial. He considers the main of them to be the Arch of the Druids - the ruins of a giant structure with preserved traces of a hieroglyph. According to Robert, it means "king", and this mark could be left by an alien ruler, proclaiming his dominion after winning a battle with a rival.

On one of the rocks, deep even horizontal furrows are cut in parallel. Their natural origin is unlikely, especially since at the foot of the cliff there are no accumulations of crumbled rock, which are usual in such cases. These traces could be left by a laser beam from a powerful weapon of space aliens.

Huge boulders with smooth rectangular edges lie in the bed of the dried stream. In the rocks that form the bed, there are long straight furrows. There are no drops. A quarry using laser technology?

Along the road leading to the national park, there is a rock called Newspaper with numerous six-toed footprints scratched on it. All traces lead to the silhouette of a vertical structure on three pillars standing among circles with various signs (a spaceship?). According to Robert Morning Sky, this is a message about the resettlement of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth to other star worlds.

“You can believe everything that I have said, or not believe a single word of mine. Whether this is true or fiction is up to you." In the old days, the Apache Indians ended their oral traditions with such words.