How do they get infected with syphilis. What are the ways of contracting syphilis? Clinical signs of syphilis development

Syphilis refers to a chronic infectious venereal disease. It affects the tissues of all organs, including the skin and mucous membranes, since pathogens penetrate into all fluid substances of the body and multiply there. They live in blood, lymph, male semen, vaginal secretions in women, in cells and intercellular spaces.

Even with one unprotected contact, syphilis is transmitted sexually from an infected partner to a healthy one, regardless of its course and stage and type of sex: traditional sexual intercourse (genital), oral or anal. If during genital sex partners try to use at least condoms, then with oral and genital sex, many do not even think about the fact that spirochetes can penetrate through damaged mucous membranes and skin: cracks, ulcers, abrasions, irritations, especially in the rectum.

Despite government orders and programs for the prevention of syphilis, the number of patients is growing every year. However, more and more often you can find on the Internet on forums and medical sites the question of whether it is possible to contract syphilis not sexually.

This is due to the fact that many do not know the statistics on the disease for the last current year, do not understand how to recognize the pathology by the primary symptoms, do not know about the existence of common syphilis. Unfortunately, the mass media and medicine do not work in this direction at all.

Most often, drug addicts, alcoholics and people whose living standards have dropped sharply are at risk of "getting" this terrible disease. At the same time, there is no normal nutrition, there is no hygiene: personal and household, there is no money to eat well, improve immunity and diagnose and treat pathology.

Treponema pallidum (spirochete) is contagious outside the body on household items at low temperatures down to -70 ° C (up to 9 years), on wet surfaces (until dry), on cadaveric tissues. Treponema is activated at a temperature of + 35-42 ° C, then it dies.

At a temperature of + 55 ° C, it lives only 15 minutes, and then dies. Chemicals can kill bacteria, but with prolonged contact with them, the microorganism can develop resistance or addiction.

Infection routes

In everyday life, infection occurs through:

  • kisses, bites and contact with skin with the presence of discharge from syphilitic elements: hard chancre, erosive rash;
  • household items of the patient: spoons or glasses, "common" cigarettes, towels or linen, washcloths, slippers, etc .;
  • blood transfusion from a sick donor and contact with the instruments of the procedure without gloves;
  • from doctors - when examining patients, performing procedures and operations;
  • in children - during childbirth and feeding on breast milk from an infected mother.

Manifestations, primary symptoms

After a 3-4 week incubation period, the primary period lasts 6-7 weeks and is manifested:

  • a small reddish spot;
  • a painless ulcer with hard edges - a hard chancre;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Household syphilis often affects:

  • lips, tongue, palate or tonsils, gums;
  • chin, cheeks;
  • conjunctiva of the eyelids and eyeball;
  • nipples of the mammary glands;
  • fingers, toes, other areas of the limbs.

After the softening and decay of the hard chancre, the period of secondary syphilis begins, which can last 3-4 years. The infection spreads throughout the body and manifests itself in rashes and ulcers.

During the tertiary period of the disease and relapses, the skin and mucous membranes become covered with tubercles, under the skin, on the surface of the bones and internal organs, gummas with pale treponemes appear. The period lasts 10 or more years and leads to severe complications and destroys the body. At this stage, it is difficult to treat pathology, so you should not think for a long time about whether syphilis is transmitted only sexually or not.

You cannot ignore the appearance of any rash on the skin and mucous membranes, you must consult a doctor that treats skin or sexually transmitted diseases. The earlier the doctor examines, diagnoses and complex therapy, the higher the prognosis of cure for treponema.

The video in this article provides information about common syphilis, there is information about sex during illness, and instructions for the treatment of pathology are given.

Questions and Answers

Evgeny is 35 years old. Hello. I have been married for a long time, I have a child, I never cheated on my wife and did not notice cheating on her part. But after a picnic in the bosom of nature with friends, lighting a pipe of peace, Brezhnev's kisses with assurances that male friendship could last forever, ulcers appeared on my lips, which soon became crusty with blood elements, I often began to get tired physically and mentally, and get irritated.

The same sores soon appeared in his wife and 5-year-old child. After going to the doctor and taking tests, it turned out that we are sick with syphilis. Could someone from our company not know that they have syphilis and whether it is transmitted through saliva and skin contact?

Hello. This insidious disease may not manifest itself for some time. Therefore, the carrier of pale treponema might not know what infects others.

The microorganism is especially activated when drinking alcohol, lighting cigars and cigarettes, transmitted "in a circle". You may not have noticed that you drank from a sick friend's glass, which is often the case when drunk.

In brotherly or in the arms of girlfriends and kisses, you can also "pick up" a spirochete. The wife can be infected during sex after being infected at a picnic, and the child can be infected during parental kiss and contact with his hands.

You might actually have symptoms:

  • fatigue, joint aches, fever;
  • spots and hard scattered rashes - hard chancres;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • swelling of the genitals;
  • ulcerative rash all over the body and mucous membranes.

It is important to consult a doctor on time, because the price of delay is a violation of the functions of all body systems and a fatal outcome.

Nika, 25 years old. Hello. Me and my boyfriend are students, we eat in inexpensive cafes and student canteens. We have not yet had sexual contact, and syphilitic rashes first appeared on the lips, mucous membranes, as in the photo in your article. Could we have been infected in a cafe or canteen?

Hello. The management of cheap cafes and canteens cannot guarantee that employees sterilize or adequately wash reusable dishes: cups, glasses, plates and utensils: forks and spoons. Therefore, low-grade institutions can be a breeding ground for pale treponema, since they are visited not only by local residents, but also by nonresident, visiting students from other countries: African, Eastern, where the percentage of syphilis is quite high.

In all these cases, the families of those students who caught treponema in such food points will suffer from the disease. Indeed, household syphilis will spread in families due to close contact and non-compliance with strict rules of personal hygiene.


With a large gathering of guests at home or in the bosom of nature, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene and elementary caution, not to lose vigilance when drinking alcohol, not to drink from other people's glasses and not to take food from the plate of those sitting next to you. In catering establishments, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of cutlery and dishes.

There is no need to let a friend try your dish, with your own or his fork or spoon. In beauty salons, it does not hurt to ask the master about how he disinfects tools for manicure or pedicure, as well as for haircuts and hairstyles. It is especially important to know about the availability of disposable or reusable brushes for removing hair from the neck and face after haircuts. If they are reusable, then how are they disinfected.

If any rash appears, you need to consult a doctor for examination and treatment. It is necessary to figure out where and how the infection could have occurred, so as not to repeat mistakes in the future and to advise relatives and friends about such methods of transmission of domestic syphilis.

The management and staff of food outlets or beauty salons, guilty of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene when serving clients, can be held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To prevent infection with household syphilis, you need to use only your personal belongings, hygiene products, cosmetics (lipstick is at risk), in public places - disposable dishes, in medical institutions - disposable syringes and individual kits for gynecological examination (for women). You should also not smoke one cigarette for two. The partner's saliva may contain treponema pale.

We must not forget about all kinds of medical procedures. There is a great chance of getting infected through blood transfusion or during dental procedures if the clinic staff does not take responsibility for their duties. Doctors themselves can also suffer from contact with patients or even the corpses of patients. The bodies of children with congenital syphilis are especially dangerous for pathologists. Special care should be taken when opening them.

The infectiousness of the sweat and urine of a syphilitic patient has not been proven, therefore, theoretically, handshake and touch do not pose a threat. But on the skin of both healthy and sick person there may be microcracks, cuts and other injuries that are not visible to the eye. They exude a real danger, therefore, it is imperative to observe at least elementary hygiene standards (washing your hands after returning from the street).

Even when going on a first date, you need to remember: when kissing, the danger of contracting common syphilis is very great. The mucous membrane in the mouth is not protected if there are wounds on it. Checking your readiness for a first date is easy. It is enough to brush your teeth. If your gums are bleeding, you will have to forget about kissing this evening.

According to WHO, 12 million new cases of syphilis infection are detected annually (about 3-5% of them have a household route of spread). These are only those patients about whom it became known. Many patients hide their condition and heal themselves, endangering others. Domestic infections are more common in children and adolescents, so they should be protected from infection in the first place.

Syphilis is a chronic venereal disease characterized by severe damage to many organs and systems - in advanced forms, irreversible and disabling. Syphilis ranks 3rd in prevalence among sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Therefore, the question of how to get infected with syphilis is of interest to many.

According to official statistics, about 12 million people become victims of this serious disease every year. However, this figure cannot be considered reliable, since many patients self-medicate, do not contact specialists or contact anonymously without involving a source in the treatment.

The infection is widespread. The main age group among the sick are persons from 15 to 40 years old. Syphilis is most common among young people aged 20-29.

This dangerous infection remains an urgent problem for both physicians and the population. Knowing how syphilis is transmitted will help many to protect themselves from infection.

Ways of spread of syphilis

The causative agent of the infection is a bacterium from the genus spirochete (treponema) - pale spirochete. Neither mucous membranes nor skin are a serious barrier for her. It is able to penetrate the human body through microtrauma of the skin and mucous membranes invisible to the eye. From the moment of infection, all liquid biological substances in the body contain a spirochete, and pose a danger to other persons upon contact with them.

The first information about syphilis dates back to the 15th century. From that time until the discovery of antibiotics, the disease was classified as a severe, disabling ailment that significantly shortens the life of the patient. The modern version of the infection against the background of the widespread use of antibiotics for another pathology in some patients leads to the development of the disease in an erased, latent form. The routes of infection with syphilis vary.

The main routes of transmission of syphilis:

  1. Sexual route: Syphilis infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact. It is the main mode of transmission of syphilis, since both semen and vaginal secretions contain a significant amount of treponema pallidum.

The likelihood of infection with syphilis in women is higher, since the area for penetration of the spirochete is larger, and microtrauma of the mucous membrane in the vagina easily occurs during intercourse. The transmission of syphilis occurs with any type of sex: vaginal, anal, oral. But, nevertheless, anal intercourse is the most dangerous due to the frequent occurrence of microdamages to the anus and mucous membranes.

Therefore, in men, syphilis is recorded more often (due to the spread of homosexual relationships). In homosexuals (they make up 60% of all patients with syphilis), who also practice oral contact, syphilomas are formed not only on the genitals and in the rectum, but also in the mouth.

The appearance of specific syphilitic ulceration in the mouth can also be observed in heterosexual partners who practice sex without a condom. Syphilides in the oral cavity are not only invisible to the partner, but also do not cause concern for the patient himself. How can you get syphilis from such a person? Easy: contracting syphilis from it is possible not only with oral sex, but even with a kiss.

Even with a single sexual intercourse with a patient, the partner becomes infected with syphilis in 50% of cases.

A feature of the infection is that the spirochete can be transmitted to another person in any of the stages of the disease. Therefore, even during the incubation period, an infected person, still not knowing about his problem, can become a source of infection for many, having sex with them.

  1. Household way, although less common, it is possible among family members of the sick person. The pallid spirochete does not remain viable for long on personal items, so cases of domestic syphilis are rare.

Family members can become infected through:

  • towel;
  • loofah;
  • cutlery;
  • cups and other utensils;
  • a toothbrush;
  • lipstick;
  • cigarettes;
  • linen.

A moist environment increases the vitality of treponema. The possibility of infection being transmitted to relatives increases with the secondary period of the disease. With physical contact, with a handshake, infection is possible in the presence of open syphilitic ulcers on the patient's body and microtraumas of the skin in a healthy person.

With syphilitic rashes on the lips or mouth, transmission of infection is possible through saliva with kissing. But at the same time, the presence of damage to the mucous membrane or skin in a healthy person is also necessary.

The transmission of the pale spirochete by airborne droplets does not occur. The condition for the development of domestic syphilis is a violation of basic hygiene rules.

  1. Transfer via blood or infection by blood transfusion. Infection during blood transfusion from a patient with a venereal disease of the donor is unlikely, since a preliminary examination of the donor is carried out before taking blood from him.

This route is more significant for injecting drug users when using one common syringe. In everyday life, this path can lead to infection when sharing shaving accessories, a manicure set. There may be traces of blood on these items. Through blood, you can also get infected when providing help without rubber gloves in case of injury to a patient with syphilis.

  1. It is important to know how syphilis is transmitted from sick mother to child... This transmission path is called vertical. If infection occurs in the womb, then this is due to the ability of the pallidum spirochete to overcome the placental barrier. Infection through the placenta leads to the development of congenital syphilis, which can cause fetal death or stillbirth. Miscarriage more often occurs in late pregnancy (at 5-6 months).

If the death of the fetus has not occurred, then the child is born prematurely with manifestations of congenital syphilis. If the child survives, the disease leads to disruption of all organs and systems. In addition to the transplacental method of transmission, it is possible that the child becomes infected during childbirth due to contact with the mother's blood while passing through the birth canal. To prevent such infection, a woman is often delivered by surgery (a cesarean section is performed).

Transmission of the pathogen (pale spirochete) to the baby through breast milk is also possible. Therefore, children born to mothers with syphilis are artificially fed. With vertical transmission of infection, the timing of pregnancy is important if a woman is infected already while carrying a fetus. If a pregnant woman falls ill in the early stages of pregnancy, then the risk of infection of the fetus reaches 80%, and if at a later date, the risk is minimal.

  1. Professional way: It is important for healthcare professionals to know how they contract syphilis in the line of duty.

Infection can occur:

  • during surgery if the surgeon's hands are damaged and the wound comes into contact with the patient's blood;
  • in case of injury to the hands of a pathologist during the autopsy of a patient with syphilis;
  • the dentist can become infected through the patient's saliva or blood if there is damage to his hands, if there are syphilitic manifestations in the oral cavity;
  • obstetricians-gynecologists when examining women, carrying out childbirth through vaginal discharge, the blood of a woman and a newborn;
  • laboratory assistants when conducting research on various substrates of patients.

In the event of an emergency (damage to the hands of a medical worker with tools during procedures and manipulations), a preventive course of treatment is carried out to prevent infection.

Risk group

Knowing how the disease spreads, it is possible to distinguish a group of increased risk of infection, which includes:

  • sexual partners of patients with syphilis during unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • persons with non-traditional sexual orientation;
  • persons with promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • drug users;
  • persons engaged in prostitution;
  • children of mothers with syphilis;
  • alcohol abusers (drunk often have casual relationships without using a condom).

The incubation period is usually 3-4 weeks... It can be shortened up to 1-2 weeks in case of simultaneous infection from several sources or lengthened up to 6 months. if infected during antibiotic treatment of another disease. Without any manifestations of the disease, the infected person is able to spread the infection, infect other people in any possible way.

Only a serious attitude to one's health, knowledge of the ways of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, the use of barrier means of protection during sexual intercourse, rejection of bad habits, adherence to basic personal hygiene will help to avoid situations with the probability of infection.

Syphilis is a socially significant chronic infection that belongs to a group of diseases that are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. It is characterized by a long course, damage to organs and systems of the body and is capable of causing specific, irreversible damage to the brain, spinal cord and internal organs, which can result in disability and death. The only difference between common syphilis and genital syphilis is the different route of transmission.

In accordance with the data of official state statistics, a gradual decrease in the number of new cases of diseases and the number of cases of congenital syphilis is observed in the country. However, against this background, the number of patients with specific lesions of the central parts of the nervous system has increased almost 7 times, among which late forms of tertiary syphilis prevail.

How the disease is transmitted

Common syphilis is caused by treponema pale, which belongs to the Spirochetes family. It is a microorganism that has a spiral shape with uniform curls, number from 8 to 12, and characteristic types of movement - forward, wavy, rotational and angular.

Treponemas multiply every 30-33 hours by transverse division into several segments, which grow 60-90 minutes before a full-fledged microorganism. They can exist without a cell wall (L-form), and under unfavorable conditions, they can survive in a membrane form (in the form of cysts). At low temperatures, the pale spirochete is easily preserved, but it dies under the influence of ethyl alcohol even at a concentration of 50-55 ° C, when dried or heated to 55 ° C, it dies within 15 minutes, and during boiling - instantly.

The causative agent of household syphilis is very sensitive to the effects of alkalis, acids and antiseptic solutions. This is the basis for various methods of individual prophylaxis of the disease through the use of 0.01% chlorhexidine digluconate, solutions "Tsidipol" or "Gebitan".

The localization of the primary focus and, accordingly, the initial signs of domestic syphilis depend on the method of infection. Features of transmission are associated with the need for the pathogen to have certain conditions of existence - a humid environment and an appropriate temperature.

The most contagious are people who are suffering, that is, the duration of the disease in whom does not exceed 2 years. They are also contagious during the period of tertiary syphilis, when the disintegration of syphilitic granulomas (nodes, gum) occurs in the subcutaneous tissue, bones, internal organs with the formation of hidden and open ulcers.

Although the likelihood of contracting common syphilis is very low, it cannot be ruled out. The pathogen can be transmitted through the contact-household route from sick people to healthy people and penetrate into those parts of the body where the stratum corneum is thin enough, that is, through damaged skin or mucous membranes (even intact). Infection occurs with the shared use of dishes, towels, washcloths, bedding or underwear, toothbrushes, bathtubs, syringes (drug addicts), with saliva when kissing. In the latter case, this infection is possible, as a rule, only if there are syphilitic foci in the mouth of a sick person.

Most often, children who are in direct contact with parents who have the first signs of illness or rashes on the mucous membranes and / or on the skin are infected through the household route.

How does household syphilis manifest?

After the introduction of pale treponema into the human body, a certain period of time passes (incubation period) until the first manifestations of the disease. Its duration can be on average from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Reduction of the incubation period to 8 days is possible with re-infection or the introduction of pale treponema into the body from several entrance "gates". These factors contribute to the more rapid spread of the infectious agent and the development of immune responses. An increase in the duration of the incubation period (up to 6 months) is facilitated by the use of relatively low dosages of antibiotics (especially the penicillin series) at the time of infection for any other inflammatory diseases.

For different periods, or stages of disease progression (in the absence of timely treatment), specific symptoms of domestic syphilis are characteristic, which differ from sexual only in the localization of the primary focus at the initial stage. Distinguish syphilis:

  1. Primary. At this stage, early symptoms of the disease appear.
  2. Secondary. It is characterized by an alternation of infectious and inactive periods.
  3. Tertiary, in which organs and systems are damaged. Currently, it is extremely rare.

The primary stage of household syphilis

Primary period of syphilis. Genital erosive chancre.

It develops after the end of the incubation period. Its main sign is the development of a tissue defect, or syphiloma (chancre), on the skin or mucous membrane, on the lips, tonsils, tongue. What does syphiloma look like? Syphiloma is a term that combines two primary forms of manifestation of the disease: ulcerative and erosive.

An ulcer or erosion has a rounded shape, saucer shape, smooth edges, a diameter of 2 mm (dwarf chancre) to 15 mm or more (giant chancre). The bottom of the primary defect is smooth and shiny, has a red or pink color, less often it is grayish-yellow. It is covered with a discharge of a serous nature, which gradually dries up on the skin or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe red border of the lips and forms a crust.

The features of such an ulcer are the absence of pain and the presence of a dense elastic infiltrate (edema) at its base. With the development of erosion or a shallow ulcer, the compaction is somewhat less pronounced. In the event of a secondary infection, the formation of scabs or necrosis is possible. On the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, painless ulcers of bright red color with a moist surface form.

In typical variants of the course of domestic syphilis, 5-7 days after the appearance of the chancre, the regional lymph nodes corresponding to this area (lymphadenitis) increase. They are very dense, when palpated, they are painless, mobile, not welded to each other and to the surrounding tissues. In more rare cases, the development of lymphangitis is possible - an inflammatory reaction of the lymphatic vessels, which are defined under the skin in the form of dense bundles. Lymphadenitis and lymphangitis are not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or redness of the skin in this area.

By the end of the primary period, the concentration of the causative agent of syphilis in the lymphatic system reaches its maximum. It actively penetrates the bloodstream and disseminates (spread) pale treponema throughout the body. At this stage, the development of syphilitic polyadenitis is possible - an increase in multiple subcutaneous lymph nodes, not only regional, but in various parts of the body.

Erosion or a shallow ulcer without a pronounced infiltrate, located outside the genitals, in many patients with household syphilis does not cause much concern and undergoes a regression within 1 to 2 weeks with the formation of a scar or a small compaction, and therefore many people go to a medical institution not considered necessary. Large primary foci with a pronounced solid infiltrate can persist for up to 2-3 months.

Secondary period

Secondary period of syphilis. Roseola rash.

The moment of massive penetration of the pathogen into the blood in 95% of patients proceeds without any subjective sensations, in the remaining 5% it is accompanied by high body temperature, general weakness, headaches and malaise. This stage is the beginning of the second period and is called.

The latter is characterized by typical multiple, even abundant polymorphic roseolous eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes. Roseola are pale pink spots with rounded outlines. They are randomly located throughout the body and do not tend to merge. In the absence of treatment, regression of elements occurs independently within 3-4 weeks.

Secondary period of syphilis. Psoriasiform syphilis.

Secondary household syphilis occurs with periods of relapse, during which the patient is contagious. With the second and subsequent exacerbations, which can occur after 3-4 months, multiple, round-shaped dense papules (nodules) appear, vesicles (vesicles) are possible, less often pustules with purulent contents.

These elements appear on the trunk, limbs, including the palmar and plantar surfaces, in the scalp, on the face, on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals, in the mouth, around the anus in the folds of the skin, where wide weeping warts with unpleasant odor. On the mucous membranes, roseola and papules are in the form of separate elements and drainage.

The trunk and extremities are characterized by lenticular (flat) densely elastic papules 3-5 mm in diameter, bluish-red or pinkish-red in color, with clear contours and not prone to fusion. Features of this rash on the palms and soles are symmetry, brownish-brown color, the presence of dense edema at the base, and the formation of skin cracks. As a result of the development of the papule, the stratum corneum of the epithelium in its center begins to gradually separate, forming a characteristic “Biet's collar” on the periphery of the element.

Common characteristics for all secondary manifestations of domestic syphilis are:

  • no signs of an acute inflammatory process;
  • false (one type of elements, but at different stages of development) and true (elements of different types) polymorphism;
  • roundness of the shape of the elements, pronounced boundaries, lack of tendency to merge and peripheral growth;
  • as a rule, there is no deterioration in the general condition of the patient and the absence of negative subjective sensations against the background of the appearance and development of rashes;
  • the content of a large number of pathogens in any element of the rash (therefore, during the relapse period, a sick person is contagious);
  • independent (without treatment) regression and disappearance of all elements in 2-3 months.

In addition to rashes, during the second exacerbation, pigmentation disorders and diffuse or focal hair loss on the head, in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows, mustache, beard, hoarseness, sore throat, "sticking" in the corners of the lips, general weakness and malaise are noted. These symptoms disappear after 30-60 days. In the future, the disease is asymptomatic for several years. During remission, in which there are no visual symptoms, diagnosis is possible only through serological (immunological) tests.

Syphilis refers to venereal chronic systemic diseases, the causative agent of which is Treponema pallidum, or treponema pale.

Nowadays, the disease is widespread and, if untreated, can lead to severe pathologies.

In this article, you can find out how syphilis is transmitted, which groups of people are more likely to be at risk of contracting a syphilitic infection.

Ways of transmission of the disease, causative agent

Basically, there are 5 ways of transmission of syphilis, including:

  • sexual;
  • transplacental;
  • transfusion;
  • domestic;
  • professional.

The process of infection involves the entry of the causative agent of the disease (pale treponema) into the internal environment of the human body.

Pale treponema is characterized by high invasiveness, can penetrate the skin (in the presence of microcracks, other violations of the integrity of the skin) and mucous membranes.

Pale treponema is the root cause of syphilis. The microorganism is a rod-shaped, long, thin, spiral-shaped, motile bacterium.

One of the characteristic features of bacteria is the inability to live under aerobic conditions.

Pale treponemas belong to strict anaerobes, they are able to live, grow, and multiply only under anaerobic conditions. Treponema quickly dies when it enters an oxygenated environment.

Sexual route

Most often, syphilis is sexually transmitted. The defeat of a person's syphilitic infection occurs during unprotected intercourse with a patient.

Treponema pallidum is an obligate anaerobe capable of reproduction in all fluids of the internal environment of the body, including sperm from men and vaginal discharge from women.

The chance of contracting the disease with a single unprotected intercourse with a patient is at least 45%. The high invasiveness of syphilis is manifested at all stages of development, including latent.

A pathogenic microorganism can penetrate to a healthy person through oral, anal sex. The risk of infection during a blow job, anal sex may be higher, due to the rare use of contraceptives for non-traditional types of intercourse.

The rectal mucosa is more susceptible to damage than the vaginal mucosa, which is why more cracks are formed during unconventional intercourse.

An abundant amount of microcracks on the mucous membrane opens up new ways of penetration into the internal environment of the body for treponema.

The likelihood of transmission of the causative agent of syphilis during anal sex is high, which is why homosexual men occupy up to 60% of the total number of people affected by a sexually transmitted disease.

Is syphilis transmitted through a condom? The condom is considered an effective contraceptive that, when used correctly, protects against the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases during intercourse.

A condom will not protect a person from the transmission of syphilis if the rules for use and storage of the contraceptive product are violated:

  • storing a condom in places with high levels of humidity and temperature leads to rupture of the product during intercourse;
  • the use of narrow, wide products leads to the breaking or slipping of the condom during the act;
  • use of expired contraceptives;
  • the use of lubricants (lubricants), which are made on a fat basis (petroleum jelly, oils), leads to damage, breakage of the condom;
  • opening the contraceptive package using scissors, nails, and other sharp objects may lead to a violation of the integrity of the product.

The acute phase of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of a rash, a hard chancre on the skin, the possibility of transmission of the causative agent of the disease through close contacts, so that places not covered with a condom can cause infection with a venereal disease.

Syphilis refers to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The sexual transmission of the disease is the main one.

The share of unprotected intercourse among all causes of infection with the disease is 96%.

To prevent sexual transmission of the disease, you must:

  • refuse to have unprotected intercourse with acquaintances / strangers;
  • refuse to frequently change sexual partners;
  • use contraceptives (observing the rules of operation, storage) during traditional, unconventional sexual intercourse.

Each type of sex uses its own type of condom, not intended for others.

Using a condom for oral sex during anal, vaginal sex, there is a risk of rupture of the contraceptive due to the fact that the products for oral sex are thinner.

Through a kiss

Is syphilis spread through kissing? When a hard chancre spreads in the oral cavity, together with saliva, the pathogen enters the body of a healthy person, infecting it.

When transmitted through saliva, the most dangerous are the incubation period, the period of remission, which are characterized by the absence of external signs of the disease.

The syphilis that formed during these 2 periods are practically invisible to the parterre.

The patient may also not be aware of the defeat of syphilis during the first stages due to the painless passage of the stages of the disease. Syphilis is transmitted through saliva to relatives, close people, and not only to sexual partners.

In order for the infection to occur, it is necessary that a person with syphilis on the lips kisses an individual on the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe body with an open wound (treponema can penetrate through microcracks that are invisible to humans).

Household way

Less common, found in families where one or more members are infected with a venereal disease and other members are unaware of it.

Infection occurs when personal care items are used by multiple people, including an infected individual.

The causative agent of syphilis can enter the human body with general use:

  • dishes;
  • cutlery;
  • toothbrushes;
  • towels;
  • bed linen;
  • cigarettes;
  • underwear;
  • lipstick.

Syphilis in domestic conditions is transmitted less often due to the short life span of pale treponemas outside the human body.

To protect yourself, you should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, exclude the use of personal hygiene items by other people, thoroughly wash used dishes and cutlery.

Treponemas can live up to several hours in a humid environment, so it is worth taking care that each family member has their own toothbrush, stored separately.

During the secondary period of the disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of a papular or spotty rash, the disease can be transmitted through close contacts of naked parts of the body, through underwear, bedding.

Transfusion way

With the transfusion route of transmission, people become infected through the blood. Most often it occurs during transfusions, or the use of one injection syringe by a group of people, among whom there is a patient.

If infection during transfusion occurs extremely rarely (a blood donor is tested for blood-borne diseases, venereal diseases), then many drug addicts become infected with an injection with one syringe, who constitute a special risk group for contracting syphilitic infection.

It is worth not forgetting that careless general use of shaving, manicure products can lead to human infection.

Invisible droplets of blood, remaining on the devices, continue to live and be invasive for 1-3 hours.

Also, infection occurs during first aid for bleeding patients with syphilis.

To avoid infection, it is worth using rubber gloves; in case of arterial bleeding, it is necessary to use improvised means to protect the mouth and eyes from possible blood ingestion.

Professional way

Employees of medical institutions (doctors, medical staff) can become infected.

Basically, there are infections of surgeons, dentists, obstetricians, gynecologists and laboratory assistants who carry out the appropriate therapeutic (diagnostic for laboratory assistants) manipulations:

  1. For surgeons, surgical interventions are dangerous, in which the doctor's hands are injured, the blood of a patient with syphilis gets into them.
  2. The defeat of the dentist occurs when saliva, the patient's blood, and direct contact with the scab in the oral cavity hit the damaged areas of the skin of the hands. Instruments used during dental procedures can also become a source of infection for the doctor.
  3. Amniotic fluid, blood and other secretions during childbirth are the reason for the possible infection of obstetricians and gynecologists who take part in the physiological process.
  4. Laboratory assistants are susceptible to infection while working with patient's liquid materials without gloves or other adaptations.

The professional route of transmission is not widespread due to the use of sterilization of instruments, the use of gloves during surgical interventions, procedures, and other precautions that workers in medical institutions adhere to.

Transplacental pathway

Can syphilis be inherited? In the transplacental way, pathogenic microorganisms enter the fetus during gestation through the placenta.

The hereditary form of the disease is called congenital syphilis. When the fetus is affected by treponemes, the latter cause severe disturbances in the formation of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems and others.

As a result of violations in the process of embryogenesis, the child dies inside the womb, or the child will die during childbirth, after them due to the impossibility of extrauterine breathing in newborns.

With a live-born child, the latter has disturbances in the formation and functioning of the body's systems.

A baby can get an infection while passing through the birth canal. To prevent this from happening, the mother of the baby undergoes a cesarean section.

Can infection occur through breast milk? The arteries, bringing with the blood the gland all the necessary substances for the functioning and formation of breast milk, brings treponema, which, together with milk, enter the child's body during breastfeeding.

So that infection does not occur, after the cesarean section of the child, artificial feeding is prescribed with adapted milk formulas.

Transmission by other routes, treatment

You need to know that syphilis is not transmitted by airborne droplets. Treatment of patients separately from other people is carried out in order to protect his loved ones from household transmission of the pathogen.

If you find genital or other forms of syphilis, you should immediately go to the hospital. Knowledge of the clinical manifestations of syphilis will help a person in determining the disease.

The most common symptoms are:

  • hard chancre on the skin;
  • inflammatory process in the chancre area caused by regional scleradenitis;
  • edema appears around the chancre.

Symptoms can be supplemented by complications, depending on the localization of the inflammation focus. In the presence of a focus in the oral cavity, the tonsils may be affected; in case of genital syphilis, the patient has difficulty walking and defecating.

Primary syphilis is most often painless, therefore, if you suspect a sexually transmitted disease, special attention should be paid to the presence of chancre, inflamed skin areas, edema and swelling around it.

Long-term presence of a sick person in the family circle threatens the health of other members, which is associated with the gradual transition of syphilis to severe stages, at which the disease is more contagious.

To quickly get rid of the disease, you should go to the hospital at the first manifestations. In the early stages of syphilis, treatment can be dispensed with using antibiotics based on penicillin.

Treatment of tertiary syphilis, neurosyphilis is complicated by the addition of bismuth-based antibiotics, injections with antibacterial agents, supportive therapy.

At-risk groups

Knowing how syphilis is transmitted, it can be assumed which people belong to groups at particular risk:

  • persons who are engaged in prostitution;
  • persons who maintain frequent promiscuous sex;
  • people who do not use contraceptives during intercourse;
  • homosexual men;
  • people who use drugs;
  • babies whose mothers are infected with syphilis.

Alcohol abusers are distinguished separately. It is also associated with inappropriate behavior, accompanied by promiscuous sex without the use of contraceptives.

As you can see, there are many ways of transmission of the disease, given that treponemes can be transmitted with any liquid, no one can be immune from infection.

The main thing is not only to be confident in your partner and loved ones, but also to use means of protection, to pay more attention to your body's well-being, so as not to cause infection of other people and start treating the disease on time.