What name fits paul. Paul - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Paul - Gemini

Meaning of the name

Pavel is the owner of a contradictory character, which, combined with a flexible mind, can both drag him into another adventure and help him get out of a difficult situation.

The kindness, responsiveness and sincerity of this man dispose people, although for his own good he can also violate the norms of morality and morality.

On the whole, calm, solid, conservative and somewhat closed in himself, Pavel is an outstanding and interesting personality, there is some kind of mystery in him that you want to unravel.

Characteristics of the name Paul

Winter Paul - the man is cheerful and witty. He has a lot of talents that he gladly demonstrates to others. At the same time, there is not a drop of vanity, pride or selfishness in him - he just likes to give people smiles and joy (although general attention also brings him additional "bonuses" in the form of interesting acquaintances and the love of others). But nevertheless, if necessary, the winter Pavel from a merry fellow and a joker turns into a serious business man who can easily solve any problem.

Spring Paul sensitive and gentle, he always takes someone else's grief close to his heart, while trying to do everything in his power to help a person in his trouble. He is open and honest, so people often turn to him for a solution to a problem. Paul also possesses excellent oratory skills, thanks to which he can become a successful lawyer or politician. Just don't forget about yourself in trying to help others.

Summer Paul diplomatic, reasonable and calm. He does not tend to make unwise decisions dictated by emotions. In his actions, he is guided only by common sense. Women like this man, because he is sweet, gallant and courteous. It is not surprising that the summer Pavel has a reputation as a seducer and womanizer, but he is always honest with women and tries not to offend them, and therefore does not promise to become an ideal family man.

Autumn Paul used to planning his future, and he tries to do everything in his power so that nothing interferes with his far-reaching plans. Romantic impulses are alien to him, because he is used to looking at things realistically. The patience and endurance of this man helps him to competently build a career and find happiness in family life, but on condition that his wife has a calm and balanced character.

Stone - talisman

The ruby ​​is considered the stone of Paul, symbolizing power, success, prosperity and greatness.

Ancient people believed that this stone helps to overcome evil spells, fights fear, gives vigor, normalizes sleep, improves appetite and cheers up.

In Europe, the ruby ​​symbolizes courage, strength, dignity, nobility, beauty and devotion.

In the Eastern tradition, this stone symbolizes vitality, love, as well as strength and health.

In Russia, the ruby ​​was considered a stone that relieves fear and gives its owner honesty.

Interesting Facts! For women, the ruby ​​attracts love (the energy of the stone is able not only to kindle a love fire, but also to support its raging flame), while for men it gives self-confidence and courage.

Important! It is impossible to wear products with a ruby ​​all the time, as it takes a lot of energy from its owner. In addition, this gem is not recommended to be worn by tough and oppressive people, as it enhances negative qualities.




The planets that help Paul are Mercury and Pluto (you can read about them in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").



Animal - symbol

The animals that patronize Paul are a rudd and already.


This freshwater fish symbolizes strength, nobility, purity and success in all endeavors.

Also, a rudd can personify passion, only one that does not overflow.

It already symbolizes opportunism, resourcefulness, arrogance, deceit and cunning (and this despite the fact that mostly snakes are associated with wisdom and fertility).


Paul's totem plants are aster, mountain ash and hazelnut.


In ancient Greece, aster symbolized sincere love, which is not afraid of any obstacles.

In China, this flower is identified with beauty, all the charm of which lies in elegance, femininity, charm and always modesty.

In Russia, from time immemorial, aster was considered a symbol of sadness, the reason for which is the inability to ascend to heaven. It is a flower of hope that will never come true.


The mountain ash, symbolizing wisdom, has always enjoyed special honor in Russia: it was believed that it was this plant with healthy fruits that could bring joy into the house and ward off all troubles. Therefore, chopping mountain ash was strictly prohibited.

In addition, magical properties were attributed to mountain ash, thanks to which it was possible to neutralize magic and any negative influence.

At the same time, rowan was considered a symbol of loneliness and resilience (not only do rowan bushes mostly grow at a distance from each other and from other trees, but also its berries acquire sweetness only after severe frosts).

In Russian poetry, the scarlet rowan was glorified as a yearning woman whose life has lost its meaning, since there is no place for mutual love in her. At the same time, in folklore, mountain ash personified happiness, good luck, peace and family happiness.


Hazel (or hazelnut) protects against evil forces, increases mental capacity and gives vitality.

Our ancestors believed that having tasted the fruits of a hazelnut, you can learn wisdom, discover the unknown and strengthen your intuition. Hazelnut is a symbol of justice, reconciliation and poetic inspiration.

Interesting fact! Products from this sacred tree cannot be accepted as a gift from strangers or unfamiliar people, since hazel perfectly absorbs diseases and curses, and then passes it on to its new owner.

If you want to attract peace, happiness and good luck to your home, then you can make a simple amulet, for this it is enough to string nuts on a red thread, after which such homemade beads should be hung in the house.


Aluminum is a metal that protects Paul and symbolizes orderliness, stability, moderation in views, reliability and unpretentiousness.

Auspicious day


The origin of the name Paul

Name translation

From the Latin language, the name Paul is translated as "baby", "small", "small".

Name history

The name Paul sounds in Latin as "Paulus" - this is how the children were called, who were born later than everyone in the family.

It should be said that in Latin families the son was often given the name of the father, therefore, to distinguish them, the prefix "paulus" was added to the name of the son, which means "small".

The name Paul came to the territory of Russia from Byzantium, while Saints Peter and Paul, revered by the Slavs, contributed to its rapid popularization and spread.

Forms (analogs) of the name

The following forms of the name Paul are most common: Pavlik, Pasha, Pava, Pavlusha, Pavlunya, Panya, Pashenka, Pashka, Pavlukh, Palya, Paha, Pashechka, Pavelka, Pavlya, Pavka, as well as Pashuta, Pavlusya, Pavlyuka and Pashok.

The mystery of the name Paul

Patrons of the name

  • The youth Paul of Byzantium.
  • Martyr Paul of Caesarea (or Palestinian).
  • Venerable Pavel of Komelsky (or Obnorsky).
  • Patriarch and Hieromartyr Paul I of Constantinople.
  • Martyr Paul of Corinth.
  • Venerable Paul the Corinthian.
  • Confessor Bishop Paul of Neocaesarea.
  • Martyr Paul of Lampsak.
  • Patriarch Paul New (Constantinople).
  • The Monk Paul of Latrians.
  • Confessor Bishop Paul of Nicea.
  • Apostle Paul the First-Supreme.
  • The Monk Paul the Obedient (Confession).
  • Rev. Paul the Pre-Simple.
  • Confessor Bishop Paul of Prusiades.
  • Hegumen and Hieromartyr Paul of Sinai.
  • Martyr Paul of Ptolemaids.
  • Hermit Paul of Thebes (or Egyptian).
  • Martyr Paul.
  • Martyr Paul African.
  • The Monk Martyr Paul.
  • Martyr Paul the Russian.
  • Martyr Pavel Vilensky.
  • The Monk Martyr Paul of Gareja.
  • Martyr Pavel Kayumsky.
  • Metropolitan Pavel of Tobolsk.
  • Venerable Paul of Xiropotamos.
  • Martyr Paul of Damascus.
  • The Monk Martyr Pavel Zografsky.

Angel day (name day)

January: 5, 6, 17, 23, 27, 28 and 30 numbers.

February: 2, 6, 16, 26 and 29 numbers.

March: 1, 3, 17, 20, 23, 29 and 30 numbers.

April: 9, 19 and 29 numbers.

May: 10, 16 and 31 numbers.

June: 1, 4, 10, 14, 16, 21 and 23 numbers.

July: 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 20 and 29 numbers.

August: 10, 12 and 30 numbers.

September: 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 and 23 numbers.

October: 7, 8, 16, 17, 21 and 23 numbers.

November: 2, 4, 11, 16, 19 and 20 numbers.

December: 5, 8, 11, 20, 26, 28 and 29 numbers.

The legend of the name Paul

Christians venerate the holy Apostle Paul, who is rightfully considered one of the most important teachers of the Church of Christ.

The Jew Saint Paul, whose real Hebrew name was Saul, had the rights of a Roman citizen. He studied in Tarsus and Jerusalem, preparing for the position of rabbi. Saul was not only familiar with pagan culture, but also had a reputation as a zealot of the Pharisee traditions, that is, he acted as a persecutor of the faith of Christ. So, he was officially given permission to persecute Christians outside Palestine, namely in Damascus, on the way in which the Lord illuminated Saul with a bright light, from which he became blind. Jesus spoke to him. Surprisingly, Saul's companions also heard the voice of Christ, although they did not see the light.

Arriving in Damascus, the blind Saul learned the faith of Christ, and during his baptism he received his sight, which made him a zealous preacher of Christianity.

The rage and hatred of the Jews, who were outraged by Saul's conversion to Christ, forced the preacher to flee to Jerusalem (it was in this city that he not only joined the community of believers, but also met the apostles).

Saint Paul traveled a lot in order to convey the words of God to as many people as possible. He was in Antioch, Athens, Ephesus, Cyprus and the Philippines, Iconium, Lystra, as well as Derbe, Thessalonia and Veri, where he helped build Christian communities.

In Jerusalem, the Apostle Paul was arrested in 59, and two years later, of his own free will, as a Roman citizen, he was sent to Rome, where he was to appear before Caesar's judgment. He managed to get to Rome only by 62, as he was shipwrecked.

Little is known about the fate of the apostle Paul. According to one version, he was executed by order of Nero in 64. However, there is another version, according to which, after two years of imprisonment, he was released, after which he again went to travel to the East.

The Apostle Paul wrote 14 systematized Christian epistles that are incredibly distinctive and insightful.

Famous people

Famous artists named Pavel:

  • Pavel Priluchny;
  • Pavel Chukhrai;
  • Pavel Kadochnikov;
  • Pavel Molchanov;
  • Pavel Luspekaev.

Pavel Volya - Russian TV presenter and member of the Comedy Club television project.

Pavel Durov Is a Russian entrepreneur who is one of the founders of the VKontakte social network.

Emperor Paul I - the son of Catherine the Great, killed during a palace coup.

Pavel Bazhov - Soviet writer and storyteller.

Pavel Nakhimov - Soviet naval commander and admiral.

Pavel Sukhoi - Soviet aircraft designer.

Pavel Florensky - Russian scientist, religious philosopher, and also theologian.

Pavel Tretyakov - Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the Tretyakov Gallery.

Pavel Kogan - Russian conductor.

Pavel Bure - the famous Russian hockey player who played for the CSKA club.

Pavel Globa - Russian astrologer and predictor.

Pavel Lungin - Russian director.

Pavel Popovich - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut.

The meaning of the name Paul

For a child

Little Pasha is kind, obedient, sympathetic and very attached to his family. He is happy to help his parents and younger brothers and sisters. No wonder he is often called a little man, because all his actions are meaningful and logical.

In the company of his peers, he is active, sociable and energetic, but he cannot be called a playful. On the contrary, he will definitely dissuade his friends from undertakings that may have negative consequences. But fun and safe adventures that develop imagination always captivate him.

Often Paul's prudence, slowness and caution are mistaken for laziness, which does not quite correspond to reality: like any other child, he is not particularly hard-working, but if Pasha really wants something, he will definitely get his way.

This boy cannot be called assiduous, which does not prevent him from studying well, especially if the subject fascinates him. It is also important that Pavlik is able to synthesize information, and this makes the learning process easier and more accessible. His academic success is hindered by the modesty and shyness with which he tries to fight.

Pavel is benevolent, sincere and sensitive, it is easy to communicate with him, which helps him to make friends. It is always interesting with this boy, because he is developed beyond his years, and therefore can support a conversation on any topic.

For a teenager

The matured Pavel is a harmonious, calm and benevolent nature. He is hardworking and modest, good-natured and responsive, which is what attracts people to himself. It is also important that this young man knows how to sincerely sympathize, and this quality, unfortunately, is extremely rare among modern youth who think exclusively about themselves and their interests.

If necessary, Pasha will help not only with good advice, but also with deeds (his relatives know that you can always rely on him in everything).

But! And the balanced Paul can be pissed off, and then a real rebel wakes up in him, acutely reacting to any injustice happening around him. The impulsiveness and impetuosity of this young man can make him a vindictive and vindictive person, especially if he is deprived of friendly or parental support.

I must say that in his youth, Paul pays great attention to creating his own individual image, which will be unlike any other. He strives to make a good impression on others, and for this he has all the makings - tact, courtesy, charm and an excellent sense of humor. But there is no point in trying to remake it, since Pasha considers himself to be an ideal person who made himself.

For a man

Despite the fact that the adult Pavel cannot be called the owner of an easy character, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him, because he is balanced, agreeable, intellectually developed and diplomatic. In addition, he does not seek to surpass everyone in wit, which is important when establishing contact with people. Finding out the relationship and proving his opinion does not attract this man, who prefers to spend time more rationally, namely, to help those who really need it.

Human stupidity, arrogance and selfishness alienate the sincere Paul, who always acts justly and in good faith. But this man also has his own shortcomings, including laziness, excessive exactingness and suspicion.

The adult Paul cannot be called an outstanding person - on the contrary, he tries not to stand out especially among those around him. Moreover, the excessive attention to which he so strived in his youth, in adulthood, can lead to the fact that he becomes withdrawn.

The owner of this name is going through defeat quite hard, because by nature he is a perfectionist, for whom everything that he undertakes is important to do ideally. But still Paul belongs to the category of men who know how to withstand all the troubles of life.

Description of the name Paul


Paul is just and moral, although he can disregard the norms of morality, if this promises him a solid benefit. At the same time, he will not betray his friends under any circumstances.


Paul's health is quite strong, especially if he monitors the state of his immunity.

But! Overeating and metabolic disorders can cause problems with the digestive tract and lead to obesity.


Pavel is a sensual and sensitive nature. He is gallant and courteous towards the fair sex, who are trying to win the attention of this calm, reliable and balanced man.

Love in Paul's life takes a big place, because he needs affection, tenderness and care. Therefore, he will look for an attentive, feminine and devoted woman who can melt his heart with sincerity and kindness.

For Pavel, it is important that the woman understands him and does not try to remake him in her own way, because in every new relationship he is looking not for a girl-decoration, but for a girl-wife who can share both joy and sorrow with him. It is for such a chosen one that he will become a romantic lover, a passionate lover, and a devoted husband.

A cruel joke can be played with the cheerful and open Paul by his credulity, which can be used by cunning and insidious women.


Although Pavel considers himself to be the main thing in the family, he always listens to the opinion of his wife, whom he chooses very carefully, so he marries, firstly, late, and secondly, not always out of love, which does not at all prevent him from creating a happy family.

I must say that Pasha rarely decides to divorce, even if the feelings between the spouses have cooled down, or there are some disagreements.

For Paul, marriage is a quiet and calm island where everything is stable, there are no storms and passions.

Family relationships

Paul treats his family with tenderness, warmth and love. He will always help his wife and children, although he will do it so that others do not suspect him of being henpecked. At the same time, he does not mind that it was the wife who took over all the household chores.

Paul's wife must be not only a clever girl, but also a wonderful lover, otherwise there is a possibility that the husband will seek satisfaction of his sexual desires "on the side" (but the wife will never know about his betrayal). She will never forgive treason to her soulmate.

Despite a certain isolation, Pasha loves to visit and receive friends, because in his life there are already few bright events that allow him to take a break from the gray everyday life.

And one more thing: Paul's wife will have to be patient, because this man is touchy, capricious and vulnerable.


Pavel is a sensual man, a generous and gentle lover who is ready to do anything for his beloved woman. In matters of intimate life, he pays a lot of attention to trifles: romantic atmosphere, comfort, lighting. And this is quite natural, because for Paul, sex is a separate world in which everything should be perfect.

For Pavel, who in his younger years leads a rather stormy sex life, it is very important that the partner understood all his desires without further ado and went to meet them. But gross carnal pleasures do not seduce the owner of this name.

Mind (intelligence)

Pavel is the owner of a good memory, rich imagination and deep intellect, but still the mind of this man is somewhat passive (he can instantly assess the situation correctly, but at the same time not proceed to decisive actions that can promise the success of the planned enterprise).


For Paul, nothing is impossible, because he is stubborn, responsible, honest and just. The only thing that can prevent him from achieving his goals is natural laziness, which must be fought with.

Calm, reliable and good-natured Paul can find application in any area. Colleagues sympathize with this witty man, who, if something happens, will always lend his strong shoulder. The bosses, however, appreciate the talent of this man, his perseverance and desire to do everything perfectly.

Pavel will make a good journalist, a capable mathematician or scientist, a talented teacher or a thorough bank employee. He likes professions that involve the possibility of additional earnings, because it is money that opens up a lot of opportunities both for work (especially for starting his own business) and for good rest.


If Pavel can overcome his laziness, then he will make a good businessman. It is interesting that this man is completely devoid of ambition, so he will build his own business in such a way that there is enough income for everything you need, but no more (expensive cars, exotic tours and gold jewelry are not objects of his desires).


Paul's main hobby is mysticism. He reads exoteric literature, is interested in everything unknown and inexplicable. In addition, Pasha is a lover of travel, and even starting a family, he does not forget about this hobby.

Character type


Calm and balanced outwardly, Paul lives a very rich inner life, because he has an excellent imagination. He is capable of sacrifice, but in the hope that he will someday be treated in the same way.

The owner of this name tries to mask all his emotional impulses behind delicacy and courtesy, as he is afraid of being deceived and disappointed.

Paul does not like to argue and enter into philosophical discussions, he would rather back down than allow emotions to prevail over reason. But a productive dialogue in a comfortable environment is always to his liking. In general, Pasha is a person who can compromise.


Pavel has a well-developed intuition that helps him understand people.

Horoscope named Paul

Paul - Aries

This is a man with a contradictory and temperamental character who has to fight with himself every day. So, on the one hand, he gravitates towards power and independence, and on the other, he is driven by fame and universal recognition.

If Paul-Aries cannot find peace of mind, then he will not achieve either one or the other. An understanding, sensitive and patient woman who is ready to forget about her own ambitions for the sake of the ambitious plans of Paul-Aries can help Paul achieve his goals.

Paul - Taurus

The main feature of Paul-Taurus is slowness. He is thorough, prudent and scrupulous (sometimes excessively), so he tries to bypass adventurous and risky enterprises. Before making any decision, he thinks for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons. The slowness of Paul-Taurus is also manifested in relationships with women: he doubts the correctness of the choice made and his willingness to build serious relationships.

Paul - Gemini

Observant, ambitious and principled Paul-Gemini gives the impression of an arrogant and cold man who puts himself above others. His criticism, straightforwardness and irony can hurt others. But behind such negative qualities in Paul-Gemini lies a vulnerable and impressionable nature, thirsting for love, affection, tenderness and understanding that a truly loving woman can give him.

Paul - Cancer

Suspicious, suspicious, wary and distrustful Pavel-Cancer tries to isolate himself from those around him, because he does not believe in the sincerity of people. Despite the fact that he needs understanding, affection and warmth, Pavel-Rak is absolutely not ready to open up to those who are trying to lend him a helping hand. The isolation of this man leads to loneliness and depression. In addition, it is difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex.

Paul - Leo

The authoritarian and impulsive Pavel-Lev hides indecision and timidity behind feigned indifference and dispassion. The negligence and swagger with which he communicates with people only repel, only Paul-Leo realizes this too late. With women, this man is passionate and rude at the same time, while he perceives any manifestation of tenderness as unworthy weakness. Living with such a tyrant is very difficult.

Paul - Virgo

Reasonable, serious and intellectually developed Paul-Virgo is critical of people. He is demanding both to himself and to those around him, so building any relationship with him is not an easy task. For this man, everything should be ideal and strictly planned, from the work schedule to the routine of family life. Not every woman can get along with such a pedant.

Paul - Libra

Refined, mannered and pampered Paul-Libra is very popular with women. Such qualities as timidity and shyness are especially disposed towards him: any rudeness, any ridicule hurt his kind and sympathetic heart. In the society of women, Paul-Libra is embarrassed and lost, which is why he is very worried. But in vain, because this shy and timid man makes a wonderful husband who will cherish his family.

Paul - Scorpio

Observant, but at the same time secretive and indecisive, Pavel-Scorpio is well versed in people, so he prefers to stay away from them. He not only sees all the shortcomings of a person, but he will definitely point out them at the first opportunity he comes across. But this man absolutely does not notice his shortcomings, which makes him a lot of ill-wishers. A woman for Paul-Scorpio is another way to assert herself and nothing more.

Paul - Sagittarius

The just, ambitious, but reserved Paul-Sagittarius is reluctant to converge with people, while he is not capable of betrayal and lies. He does not tend to idealize people, so he does not try to remake them. In his beloved woman, he values ​​tenderness and femininity. Family for him is a daily hard work that brings happiness. Paul-Sagittarius is not capable of treason and betrayal.

Paul - Capricorn

Calm, complacent and open-minded Paul-Capricorn does not seek to be in the spotlight. On the contrary, he is quite content with the role of an observer. With women, he is timid and indecisive, so he often does not dare to speak out about his feelings, which can lead to the fact that his love will be unrequited. But if Paul-Capricorn manages to achieve reciprocity, then he will become an ideal husband who will never betray.

Paul - Aquarius

Self-confidence, perseverance and ambition are inherent in Paul-Aquarius, whose leadership qualities help him in all areas of life. He is not afraid of difficulties, therefore, without unnecessary questions, he takes on the most difficult cases, while always bringing his undertakings to the end. Even in relationships with women, he loves difficulties, so he chooses proud and unapproachable partners, for whose hand and heart he will have to fight.

Paul - Pisces

Compatibility of the name Paul with female names

Pavel and Olga

The owners of these names love each other, but often their desire to be together all their life is not enough to create a strong family.

And the wall of misunderstanding, which grows between Olga and Pavel as a result of everyday problems, is to blame.

Pavel and Anna

This is a partnership in which Anna and Pavel think and act in the same way, because they have a similar temperament. They solve all work and family issues together, there is no place for secrets in their lives.

Pavel and Elena

This couple knows firsthand what tenderness, care, attention, serenity and sensuality are. It is quite logical that their family life is happy and prosperous in all aspects.
Elena - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Pavel and Julia

Impulsive Julia does not like to accumulate negative emotions, therefore, one cannot do without a stormy showdown in this union. At the same time, Pavel is ready to concede to Julia, provided that she too will make compromises.

Pavel and Anastasia

In this optimistic couple, they know how to accept life as it is, with all the joys and sorrows. Pavel and Nastya set common goals and move towards them, no matter what.

Pavel and Tatiana

Sincerity, understanding, mutual trust and, of course, love - these are the foundations on which the union of Paul and Tatiana rests. Their spiritual closeness is able to withstand any trials, including envy and backbiting of others.

Pavel and Ekaterina

This union is based on friendship, which does not mean that there is no love between Paul and Catherine. It's just that they have this feeling deeply and thoroughly, there is no passion and recklessness of youth in it.

Pavel and Natalia

These two are sincere in showing their feelings. There are no secrets and understatements between them, so Pasha and Natasha have every chance to create not only a solid, but also an exemplary tandem, living by common interests.

Pavel and Marina

For Marina, Pavel is an ideal man, who is her support, hope, best friend and wonderful lover. Therefore, Marina does everything in her power to become an ideal woman for him in every sense.

Paul and Maria

The bright and passionate couple of Paul and Mary often perplexes those around them, who cannot understand what this union is based on, in which not a day passes without quarrels and scandals, which, however, always end in reconciliation.

Pavel and Svetlana

For Svetlana, Pavel is a reliable partner who will never let you down.

Pavel, like Sveta, seeks to create a real family in which it will be possible to forget about all the troubles in life that lie in wait for us at every step.

Pavel and Christina

Reasonable, detailed and calculating Pavel and Christina are perfect for each other in character and emotional content. The result of this similarity is a long and happy married life.

Pavel and Victoria

The romantic Victoria knows how to find an approach to the practical Paul, who, under her sensitive guidance, turns into a dreamy philosopher who is ready to give his beloved the Universe.

Pavel and Xenia

The unusual tandem of Xenia and Pavel is initially built on contrasts, because both have completely different characters. Over time, partners get used to the fact that in order to avoid quarrels, they have to close their eyes to each other's minor flaws.

Pavel and Yana

Between Pavel and Yana, warm feelings reign, in which there is no passion, which absolutely does not upset them, since they see the guarantee of family happiness in other categories - for example, in trust, understanding, kindness.

Pavel and Alina

These two often quarrel, but their union is saved by the fact that both know how and want to make concessions, without which their family life would collapse. This is the case when it is difficult to live together, and it is simply impossible to be apart.

Pavel and Evgeniya

Pavel and Eugene perfectly complement each other, real harmony reigns between them, so disagreements in their relationship are extremely rare, and even those arise mainly on the basis of everyday problems.

Pavel and Daria

Modest and indecisive Pavel sees in Daria his soul mate, so he makes every effort to win her trust and heart. Daria just can't help but reciprocate.

Pavel and Irina

Practical, reasonable, but at the same time freedom-loving Pavel and Irina are building on a particle their family happiness, in which practicality and rationalism coexist with the ease and ease of being.

Pavel and Olesya

Olesya does not know how to keep her mouth shut, so she always says what she thinks, not really thinking about the consequences. Paul does not tend to commit impulsive acts. Their union is possible, but for this, both should be patient.

Pavel and Polina

Emotionality of Pauline and thoughtfulness of Paul allow this union to become not only happy and durable, but also exemplary. In addition, these two are great for each other in terms of intimate relationships.

Pavel and Alena

This is a contradictory union in which the energetic Alena can be irritated by Paul's slowness. Only patience and a desire to preserve the marriage can save this union, in which quarrels and omissions are frequent.

Pavel and Alexandra

Such a concept as mutual understanding is not familiar to this emotional couple, in which the active Alexandra cannot cope with her violent emotions, for whom life is movement. Paul does not keep pace with the rhythm of life of his chosen one, which leads to parting.

Pavel and Nadezhda

Nadezhda is a leader by nature, so she will do everything in her power to take power into her own hands. Paul is not against this state of affairs, but he is still not ready to completely give the reins of government to his chosen one.

The love relationship between Lyubov and Pavel is far from ideal. These people are easily attracted to each other, but they cannot be together for a long time. The woman seems to this man too capricious. Her arrogance and commercialism repel her partner, who above all values ​​the spiritual component of life. The woman considers this man a failure. Even if feelings arise between them, due to mutual disappointment, they can quickly pass.

These people rarely get married. In their family life, there are difficulties and griefs that unsettle them. Having children does not bring spouses closer.

Friendship compatibility 58%

Love and Paul can become friends.

A friend who knows how to defuse the situation delights this woman. However, due to his unpredictability, she often loses her composure and breaks down on him.

The man respects this creative and frivolous woman. She brings him many problems, but he gladly takes on their solution. But not seeing the gratitude of his girlfriend, he often takes offense at her and leaves her company.

In order to become good friends, these people need to accept each other's shortcomings.

Work compatibility 25%

Collaboration between Love and Paul does not bring good results. The efficiency and success of these people is higher if they work separately. A man seeks to impose his authority on a woman who is not used to obeying. She gets upset because of the lack of implementation of her brilliant ideas and projects, which is pumped up by quarrels. A woman does not like to work and is not capable of logical reasoning. Therefore, it is easier for a man to break off a partnership with her than to do double work.

What names are the best to be friends with, communicate with, whom exactly is Paul to love? In culture, the opinion about the compatibility of the vibration of names has become widespread. Especially the compatibility of male and female names is of greatest interest. As if the names communicate with each other, and not people exchange energy and experience together moments of happiness, anger, develop together.

What is name

Name is sound, meaning, association. That is, information and vibration. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The entire amount of information with which a person identifies himself and which then presses / affects the unconscious / character / aura of a person.

The vibrational information code of a name is like a detail in an electrical circuit (unconscious programs and character structure). And if the part is chosen correctly, then the whole circuit becomes more powerful, works faster.

The body no longer conducts 1 kW of energy of a certain quality, but let's say 5 kW or 10 kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, then the power of the whole organism is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the rate of development, achievement of goals, accordingly, slows down.

With the right approach to the issue, the name gives a person strength and support, it becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not say about the whole electro-magnetic device, about me in general.

Name and destinies

The name does not determine fate. The name corrects the character given from birth in "+" or "-". And either fate makes it easier (improving character) or not. Therefore, for different people the same names - do different things.

My name is a tool that influences me. They call me that name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare comparable, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of character structures (date and place of birth, past life experience, crystallization of qualities). The name does not set the character, the name corrects the structure of the character of its owner according to a unique program. Therefore, the question with the name and compatibility are questions from different planes.

Specifying the digit of the name

The house number cannot tell who lives in it. Different people live there. Also, behind the figure of the name are hidden
dozens of names and millions of different people. On what basis can a line be drawn and a highly accurate generalization made? After all, even people born on the same day and hour have different characters and destinies. And this has been proven many times.

And then even if you have some observations of what qualities the carriers of one name have, you must always understand that one name colors each one with its own color. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and it cannot be said that a person will strengthen in you, just knowing his name. The clairvoyant person can determine this influence, but for him the name is simply a starting point for the analysis of a complex structure of characters and auras, and not the final area of ​​analysis.

Paul and compatibility with female names. There are many people, but few names. The truth is even less.

It is very easy to give a general, abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. Like the weekly horoscope in the newspapers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of the compatibility of people - what type, level, quality of compatibility.

Paul and ANY female name - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and over time, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a chance that this meeting will change your life or it will not affect it in any way.

Pavel and Adeline (noble)
Pavel and Alena (solar)
Pavel and Alina (stranger)
Pavel and Alla (selfish)
Pavel and Anastasia (resurrected)
Paul and Angelina (angel)
Paul and Angela (angelic)
Paul and Anna (grace)
Pavel and Valentina (healthy)
Pavel and Valeria (strong)
Pavel and Veronica (bringing victory)
Pavel and Victoria (win)
Pavel and Galina (calm)
Pavel and Daria (winner)
Paul and Diana (divine)
Pavel and Eugenia (noble)
Paul and Catherine (virgin)
Pavel and Elena (chosen one)
Paul and Elizabeth (worshiping God)
Paul and Jeanne (gift of God)
Pavel and Inna (stormy stream)
Pavel and Irina (peace)
Paul and Christina (baptized)
Pavel and Xenia (stranger)
Pavel and Larisa (seagull)
Paul and Lily (flower)
Paul and Love (love)
Pavel and Lyudmila (dear to people)
Paul and Margarita (pearl)
Pavel and Marina (sea)
Paul and Maria (bitter)
Paul and Nadezhda (hope)
Pavel and Nastya (resurrected)
Pavel and Natalia (native)
Paul and Nina (ruler)
Pavel and Oksana (hospitable)
Pavel and Olesya (courageous)
Paul and Olga (saint)
Paul and Pauline (fortune teller)
Pavel and Svetlana (light)
Pavel and Tatiana (founder)
Pavel and Julia (furry)
Paul and Yana (sun goddess)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of the "compatibility" of any names under a general interpretation - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and over time, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a chance that this meeting will change your life or it will not affect it in any way. (see Barnum effect)

Not a person for a name, but a name for a person. Man to man speaks

People don't feel sympathy for the sound of a name. And unconsciously, by how comfortable you are, it's interesting together. What an interchange of energies, qualities, actions takes place between you. What you strengthen in each other.

See how many different people - with the same name. There are also similar people - with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge delusion that erases the entire inner world of a person, his true nature. And it reduces to a simple number or one property, without studying the essence of this person. And what effect the name has on a particular person and how the name influences the character.

Where Real Compatibility Is Buried

The compatibility of people must be sought in a bunch of character constructions, auras. And when we surface and want to reduce the relationship of people to the melodic / digital relationship of names, we don’t even think about what his name reflects in a person. How is the name and character of this person connected?

Name compatibility is a theater of false shadows. Which confuses and leads away from understanding the essence of human interaction into incorrect scenarios for the interaction of personal self-regulation tools (names).

How to check people for compatibility by names only?

As well as the compatibility of partners in a marriage in the size of socks. This will be so much common sense and even more, because we choose socks for ourselves, comfort and convenience. And not because loving and ignorant people called us by a name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

To really assess the compatibility of people, you need to move away from superficial data taken from the "name number", and begin to calculate the interaction by characters / auras / qualities

The secret of real compatibility

It is necessary to begin to consider this issue from the perspective of the individual construction of people.

A person has a certain bioenergetic structure, the form and content of which is determined by many factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth Is the influence of astrology
Accumulated experience- this is the influence of karma from this and past lives
Crystallization level- development of the chakra channel system

You can imagine that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a kind of puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is wrong from the point of view of symmetry and geometry - facets, surface, consistency, density vary within this figure. Accordingly, energy flows through different areas in different ways. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the areas, the current can flow well, difficult or stop - clogged. As a result, in general, such an individual design will conduct energy at a certain rate and of a certain quality.

The human task from the point of view of evolution is the perfect transformation of his structure. In order to transmit divine energy to the figure without any difficulty and resistance. Such a goal is impracticable in the presence of serious "roughness and irregularities" of this figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To implement this task, it is necessary to "finish building", compact the desired part of the figure, or remove or clean it. This can be solved in various ways of self-development: practice, meditation, prayer, asceticism, reading and comprehending the necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neurolinguistic programming, introspection, self-discipline, working with a master, using weak currents and other technical means, using compatibility, etc. ... In this context, the use of interoperability will be considered.

In the context of our metaphor, the description of a human structure, compatibility is manifested when two people are in the same space, whose structures are most suitable and dock with each other, as if multidimensional puzzles that fit each other. That is, one or several faces of one structure complement a certain part of another structure as much as possible or ideally, compensating for other people's failures with their bulges or smoothing out other people's bulges with their failures.

Compatibility levels. Mutual benefit and kind of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On a sensual level- there is joy, confidence, inspiration.
At the physical level- for example, expressed in sex
At the mental level- an intelligent channel opens

There are various levels of compatibility, varying in quality and benefit.

Compatibility can be bi-directional and unidirectional, it can be equally beneficial, more or less, it can be harmful. It all depends on the individual designs.

Complementarity- perfect compatibility, subject to equal benefits. In general, people feel more harmonious together than each one of himself individually. Some kind of "plugging" each other's holes.

Generation of one or more qualities, states (automatic) - when 2 people are in each other's field, a certain quality or condition is automatically generated.

Anticompatibility- harm to both structures up to destruction. The interaction of structures destroys and suppresses development. The solution in this situation is to disperse, physically move away from each other and remove attunement. It happens, at the behest of love feelings or due to the duty of the family, as well as work, the question arises of the need for communication of incompatible people. In this case, you need to contact good specialists in the selection of amulets, exercises (in terms of Castaneda - magic passes, in yogic terms - assan, kriya), mandalas, stones and other external additional objects that smooth out incompatibilities. But it's still better to limit interaction, no matter how difficult it may seem.

One-way compatibility- only one benefit from interaction. Distinguish:
with harm for one of the couple - interaction is harmful to the other.
no harm to anyone - no benefit to another person, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases) the solution and the way out is to break and no longer maintain communication.

Group compatibility- Compatibility for 3 or more people.

Karmic compatibility- A bond for repaying the debt, which creates and delivers "joy" and leads to an easier state.

Channel opening- If one person has a certain channel open, then when another compatible person interacts with him, energy also begins to flow through the latter, as if he himself has this channel open. One without harm to himself pumps up the second.

Development of qualities- If one has worked out and developed any quality, then with this quality he can put pressure on the other, and the latter begins to develop the processes of working out the same aspect that was not previously developed.

And names have nothing to do with it.

Find out your human compatibility. How do you influence - what do you receive and give to each other consciously and unconsciously

Calculate the future and potential of your relationship

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

We will analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7 926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics named
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

The name Paul comes from the Latin word "Paulus" (small) and means baby, small, small.

Colorless name. Implicitly expressed signs (except, perhaps, the qualities of "quiet" and "meek", that is, conservative, solid, not fond of changes) can be interpreted as indicators of Paul's tendency to withdrawal.

In 1961-1970. this name was given to 8-10 newborn boys for every thousand. Since then, its popularity has slowly increased, especially in cities.


Paul of Byzantium, youth, martyr, June 16 (3).
Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 1 or February 29 (16) (in a leap year).
Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, July 29 (16).
Pavel Kozelsky (Obnorsky), reverend, January 23 (10).
Paul I of Constantinople, patriarch, martyr, November 19 (6).
Paul of Corinth, martyr, March 23 (10).
Paul the Corinthian, reverend, July 4 (June 21).
Paul of Lampsax, martyr, May 31 (18).
Paul Latriansky, reverend, December 26 (15).
Paul of Neocaesarea, bishop, confessor, January 6 (December 23).
Paul of Nicaea, bishop, confessor, September 23 (10).
Paul the New, Constantinople, Patriarch, September 12 (August 30).
Paul the First-Supreme Apostle (Apostle of Tongues), Hieromartyr, July 12 (June 29). Previously, he was called Saul and was a persecutor of Christians. But then he was miraculously called by the Lord to the apostleship. For spreading the faith of Christ in different countries, he endured a lot of suffering and was beheaded in Rome in 67 g. For our spiritual salvation, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote 14 Epistles, one of which contains such wise words: ! For we have not brought anything into the world; it is obvious that we cannot take anything out of it. Having food and clothing, we will be content ... for the root of all troubles is the love of money ... "
Pavel Pechersky, Obedient, in the Far (Feodosiev) Caves, September 10 (August 28), September 23 (10).
Paul the Obedient (Blame), Reverend, December 20 (7).
Paul the Pre-Simple, reverend, disciple of the Monk Anthony the Great, March 20 (7), October 17 (4). Paul of Prusiades, bishop, confessor, March 20 (7). Paul of Ptolemaids, martyr, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Pavel Sinaisky, abbot, hieromartyr, January 27 (14).
Paul of Thebes, Egyptian, hermit, originally from Thebania. He was the first Christian desert-dweller: he asceticised in the desert for 91 years. Died 130 years old (IV century), January 28 (15).



COLOR NAMED AFTER PAUL- Red, purple, dark orange.


PAUL VIBRATION- 77,000-104,000 fps.

STONE-TALISMAN OF PAUL- Densely colored ruby.

THE PLANT OF PAUL- Rowan, aster, oak, hazelnut.

ANIMAL PAUL- Hedgehog, rudd.

KEY FEATURES OF PAUL- Will, intelligence, activity, morality, sociability, sexuality,


TYPE OF PAUL- Sentimental or phlegmatic. Pavel holds dynamite in one hand, and a fuse in the other. But in moments requiring an instant reaction, he says to himself: "Attention! Do not do anything in a hurry." This is a builder, like his totem - a beaver. He himself builds his life, interests, love.

CHARACTER NAME PAUL- The character is not easy, but, as a rule, communication is easy. As a child, Pavel is kind and sympathetic. With a great desire, she helps her mother take care of younger children. She never breaks prohibitions and convinces others not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, the capacity for compassion is even more pronounced. However, he has little interest in external circumstances and people. There is nothing too bright and outstanding in Paul's calm and benevolent character - all his qualities are in harmony with each other and the world around him. He is kind and helpful. His ability to empathize attracts many people to him, and they willingly confide in him their secrets ... which is not always good, because Paul is talkative and likes to boast of his awareness of other people's problems. In other words, he is a fair gossip and braggart, but his charm is so great that it is simply impossible to be angry with him. Pavel is inclined to philosophizing, but he is not a fighter, that is, he will not rush into battle for the truth with an open visor, but will try to find a workaround. Moreover, in caring for lofty ideals, he will not forget to take into account YOUR interest. He is a woman-loving and mercantile - quite an earthly person.

THE FATE OF PAUL- Being forced to solve his problems, build his own destiny, choose a field of activity, he may become not very pleasant and comfortable in communication. There are few bright events in the life of Paul, he is often mysterious and incomprehensible to those around him, perhaps he will remain undisclosed.

THE PSYCHE OF PAUL- Introvert. Lives an extremely rich inner life. Possesses a wild imagination. He considers himself a couch potato, but travels a lot, sometimes even emigrates. Capable of sacrifice, but proud. Despite this, he is a little timid. This is a person of specific goals and desires, who always manages to accomplish what was planned. He is patient and knows how to wait for the results of his work.

PAUL'S INTUITION- Very strong. His curiosity borders on curiosity. Instantly grasps the hidden background. He is not surprised at anything.

THE THINKING OF PAUL- Usually highly developed. A deep, but somewhat inert mind of a synthetic warehouse, which allows him to assess the situation at a glance. Good memory. However, it is difficult for him to move from planning actions to implementing them. Loves and can impress. Has a great sense of humor.

THE MORALITY OF PAUL- It seems to him that he has the right to commit acts, regardless of the opinion of others. A sense of camaraderie developed. He is able to love, but tries almost by force to force others to reciprocate.