What name to come up with a children's magazine to do it yourself. What is the name of the diary, what to write in it? Tips and ideas on how to design the cover and title. The most distributed magazine in the world

Review of the journals "Bulletin of the art teacher" No. 2 for 2011 and No. 1 (3) for 2012.

I remember how surprised I was by the name of the magazine during the first acquaintance with it exactly a year ago. As a rule, literary magazines have more poetic names, but here - "Herald of the art teacher". And now, a year later, having already published in two issues, I understand that the magazine is named after itself.

It is possible to divide the material published in the journal (I judge, in any case, by the two issues with which I am personally familiar) into three conditional parts, corresponding to the three words that make up the title.

VESTNIK. The magazine tells us about cultural events among the first. News from the theater festival "Davydovsky", the scientific and practical conference "To the 200th anniversary of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum", the anniversary of the theater "Sphere" MUDOD DYUTS, in Shcherbinka, Moscow Region, the opening of the school of arts of one famous ballerina, all kinds of exhibitions and presentations. Thus, the magazine enables its readers to always stay up to date with the most significant events in the art world.

TEACHER. A significant part of the journal is made up of texts by recognized and honored teachers. This is “How to organize a theater in kindergarten” by L. A. Marisova (music director of MDOU No. 45, Ramenskoye), and a generalizing integrated lesson of fine arts - music - MHK for the 7th grade “Harmony in Art” N.N. Koroleva, M.A. Skaternikova, V.A. Cherke (Issue No. 2, 2011), and “Bring beauty to children” by O. V. Korovitsyna (head of the MDOU TsRR d / s No. 27 “Semitsvetik” with 16 years of experience), and “Funny finger games for kids” by O. S. Kolesnik (teacher of MDOU d / s No. 18 "Malyutka", Vysokovsk) (issue No. 1, 2012) and much more. This category of materials may not attract the attention of an ordinary reader, but undoubtedly represents a storehouse of knowledge for professional educators.

And finally ART. It should not be forgotten that the journal also publishes artistic literary works. Personally, I, who also refers my texts here, this category attracts the most. I am also attracted by the fact that preference is given to modern prose, which most publications for some reason neglect. Modern at its best. I, who started with cyberpunk in my work, who once wore wires on my head, quite harmoniously merge into this category with my stories "Munich Heartbeats" (issue No. 2, 2011) and "Eyes of the color of the sky" (issue No. 1 (3) , 2012). The stories of the author of German Snegov "Umbrella" and "The Trajectory of the Solar Thread" (issue No. 1 (3), 2012), the fantastic story by I. Agapova "Brand Hook", "Walking the Bridge" by M. Abakin, fantastic story by E. Yasen "The Unicorn" (issue No. 2, 2011).

SUMMING UP ALL OF THE ABOVE… The journal "Bulletin of the Art Teacher" is intended for those who live art here and now, those who try to keep up with the latest trends in art, both practical, displayed in literary works of our time, and theoretical, developed by professional teachers.

Oksana VOLKOVNITSKA, Slavyansk, Donetsk region. Ukraine

Magazines were created for people to get useful information and also to have fun in their free time. At the same time, in order to interest the reader, the name of the journals should be modern and unique, inimitable and original. Therefore, you need to take responsibility for choosing a name. Next, we will consider in more detail how to name the journal.

How to come up with a magazine name?

- First of all, you need to determine the target audience for which the magazine will be interesting, as well as its subject matter. In order to correctly come up with a name, it is recommended to write out the characteristics of the journal on a piece of paper and attribute them to the desired group.

- In order to characterize the journal, it is recommended to choose a few short keywords. From all the available options, you can choose the best one in order to formulate the optimal name for the magazine.

— It is recommended to choose as many synonyms and antonyms for the keywords that characterize the journal. Among the options presented, you will surely be able to choose one interesting and original.

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- After compiling a list of key phrases and synonyms, it is imperative to revise them. In other words, you need to throw out words from the list that have a negative meaning or have associations with something bad. Such words are not suitable for the title of magazines.

— The title of the journal should be short and at the same time informative. From the title alone, the reader should understand what the magazine itself is about. At the same time, the name should be fun and easy to understand. The reader should immediately remember the name of the journal. Therefore, it should be associated with something good and positive, evoke the right feelings in a person and tune in to the right actions.

- After the name has been chosen, it is recommended to test it on close and dear people. It is best to evaluate the name from the outside. Close people will be able to give useful advice, which will improve the name, make it more harmonious and modern.

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- You can turn to specialists who will suggest keywords for the title of the magazine. And it can be done completely free of charge. Today there are special forums where you can ask questions of this nature.

- It is imperative that each name be checked for uniqueness, because similar names may already be approved. This can be done at the local registration authorities for periodicals. Before that, you can check the name on the Internet. This is how you can choose an interesting and relevant title of the magazine.

How to come up with a story title

- As in the previous case, you need to come up with the shortest and most informative title for the story. From the title itself, it should be clear what the story is about. Therefore, we select keywords that will be most suitable for the main theme of the story.

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- To interest the reader, you can choose words that will contain some kind of intrigue or mystery. Such names, on the contrary, encourage everyone to quickly open the page and read the story.

- You also need to check the title for uniqueness. To do this, you can use the Internet.

Do you remember how the heroes of the famous Soviet film hit “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, which was released almost 35 years ago, argued over whether television would destroy the theater or not? As you can see, the theater is alive! And this is the best answer to the pessimists who claim that the Internet will soon replace the print media. Moreover, new magazines are constantly appearing, and some periodicals have managed for many years to attract audiences that require circulations of several hundred thousand or even millions of copies to satisfy their needs.

A bit of history

As you know, a journal is called which, according to GOST, must have a permanent heading. By the way, the idea of ​​informing fellow scientists and the general public about new discoveries first occurred to the Frenchman Denis de Sallo. It was he, with the approval of the all-powerful minister Colbert, who published the Journal des Savants in 1665, which a century later Voltaire called the prototype of all such publications. By the way, it was Salo who introduced the concept of feedback, inviting readers to “send their comments so that they would also be published in the journal,” and began to place illustrations, including very large ones. The first in the world very quickly gained popularity among the reading public. Therefore, it is not surprising that by the end of the 17th century in France there were already about fifty magazines of various kinds.

The most distributed magazine in the world

As you know, most of the super achievements in various fields are published in the Book of So, it claims that the most distributed magazine in the world is The Watchtower, its circulation is 40,000,000 copies, it is published in more than 180 languages. Since 1879, the magazine has been published by the well-known organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the magazine is sent to 236 countries of the world where communities of followers of this organization operate legally or illegally. However, in this case, the title “the most distributed magazine in the world” does not mean at all that the Watchtower is incredibly popular.

After all, it is known that very often “witnesses” have to go to various tricks in order to convince some “soul”, which, in their opinion, needs salvation, to read it or at least agree to take a look through it. In any case, at the moment the permission to distribute The Watchtower on the territory of our country has been revoked, so people often try to bring this magazine into Russia illegally, especially since the members of this organization have vast experience in this kind of activity. After all, for over 140 years of existence, they were constantly persecuted by the authorities.

As for the contents of the publication, suffice it to say that the first issue of The Watchtower magazine for 1879 declared the main purpose of the publication - "to help readers realize that the world is going through its last days." As they say, comments are superfluous!

Popular magazines in Russia

To date, among the printed publications of our country, the palm in terms of the number of readers belongs to the TV guide "Antenna-Telesem". Its weekly circulation is 4,077,288 copies. Of course, this is not enough to claim the title of “the most distributed magazine in the world”, but the figure is still quite impressive. The geographical coverage of the publication is also solid, including 72 cities in Russia and 4 cities in the CIS. In this magazine, readers can read a TV program, learn about the life of stars, find a huge number of crosswords and puzzles, as well as get tips that will come in handy when running a household.

Among the most popular are also such Russian magazines as “All for a Woman”, “Home”, “My Favorite Dacha”, “Secrets of the Stars”, etc. In addition, there are Russian versions of magazines with a worldwide reputation, which have our country an audience of several hundred thousand people.

Printed editions for ladies and girls

The first Russian women's magazine was published in 1779. He set as his goal to acquaint girls and ladies with the latest fashion and teach good manners. A little later, from the beginning of the 19th century, literary and entertainment magazines began to be published, and in the 1860s gossip corners began to appear in printed publications intended for women. In addition, the advent of cinema led to the emergence of interest in the life of stars and gave rise to such a phenomenon as the paparazzi.

And even in Soviet times, the magazines Rabotnitsa and Peasant Woman, originally created for propaganda purposes, published articles on housekeeping, the psychology of family relations, and advice on needlework. But the real revolution in the women's press came in 1989. After all, it was then that the women's magazine "Burda Fashion" began to be published in the USSR. It immediately gained immense popularity, as it published patterns and patterns by which women could sew their own clothes, which was extremely important in an era of general shortage.

Popular for ladies, published in Russia

Today in our country you can buy periodicals for women of several directions:

  • family-household, such as "Lisa", "Peasant Woman", "Household";
  • elite, for example, "Cosmopolitan", "Elle", "Marie Claire", "Harper's Bazaar";
  • for young girls (“Elle Girl” and “Liza. Girl”);
  • for mothers, for example, “Liza. My child";
  • dedicated to women's health (“Women's Health”, “Beauty & Health”).

In addition, hobby magazines, especially sewing magazines, as well as knitting magazines, are very popular. For example, for many years, Russian women have been looking for patterns for their handicrafts and photographs of current models in Sabrina.

The most popular magazine for real men

Of course, the most famous periodical for representatives of the strong half of humanity is Playboy, the first issue of which was published in 1953. Although most people associate it with scantily clad beauties, over the years it has published works by Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen King, Stanislav Lem and others. As for Russia, the first Russian men's magazine, Medved, appeared in 1995. However, it only lasted until 2011. Today, the most popular publications of this kind in our country, in addition to Playboy, include Maxim, Men's Health Russia and GQ.

Magazines for children

“Murzilka” and “Funny Pictures” - these names are familiar to many since childhood. In general, children's magazines in our country have always been very popular. Suffice it to say that the same "Murzilka", the first issue of which was published back in 1924, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest of the existing children's publications. Moreover, it continues to be issued with a circulation of 85,000 copies, which is quite large for children's periodicals.

The most popular literary magazines of our country

The idea to print literary works in periodicals arose in 1668 from a group of Italian writers. The magazine they published was called "Il Giornale de" Letterati ", which translates as" Journal of Writers ". Later, collegiums from England and France followed their example. As for Russia, one of the first such publications is the magazine of A. P. Sumarokov However, they became really popular in the 19th century, when representatives of the Golden Age of Russian literature began to be published in them.As for the present, when listing the names of famous magazines of this orientation, one cannot fail to note "Spark", "New World", "Foreign Literature" and "Friendship of Peoples".

Method #2 - Name

Method #3 - Surname

chain of McDonald's restaurants

Method #4 - Nature

Internet hypermarket "Utkonos"

Method #5 - History

Method #6 - Mythology

Mikhail Goncharov,

Method #7 - Compound Word

Method #8 - Acronym

Method #9 - Quote

For hobbyists, the brand name doesn't really matter. They often do not care which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives Leonardo the freedom to create its own trademarks, bypassing the difficult path of dealerships of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for trademarks, has no less than 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and rely on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protected. Before investing in branding, it is important to clearly understand that the brand has exclusive rights in relation to the respective goods and services.”

Today, for professional naming - the development of a commercially effective name for a trademark, businessmen are more willing to pay good money. But before paying money to naming specialists, you can try to come up with a name yourself. Often the result of such an amateurish approach, after an examination conducted by reputable branding specialists, is recognized as very successful. Vadim Gorzhankin, General Director of PR & Brand of Krasnoe Slovo agency, an expert in the field of marketing communications, talks about the 10 simplest methods for developing a name for a trademark that can be adopted by every businessman.

Method #1 - Toponym (place name)

Pay attention to where your business is located or where your product or key ingredient comes from. According to this principle, such brands as the Rublevsky meat processing plant, Essentuki mineral water, Klinskoye beer, Vologda oil, Finlandia vodka, Ochakovsky kvass, Shatura furniture, Winston cigarettes, liqueur Malibu, telecommunications company Nokia.

Method #2 - Name

One of the easiest ways to name a company or product is with a person's name. Such brands as Alenka chocolate, Afanasiy beer, Daria frozen semi-finished products, Maxim men's magazine, Liza women's magazine, Mercedes car, Diana dry-cleaning and laundry chain, fast food products preparation of "Alexandra and Sophia".

We originally planned that the brand would be the first price product in its price segment. Hence the name was born, which, as it were, says - "put me on the butt." And our main task is to participate in promotions, this is the feature of promotion.

Method #3 - Surname

Along with the name, the basis of the brand can be a surname. As a rule, the name of the brand becomes not just the surname, but the surname of the founder of the company. For example, Ford auto concern, A. Korkunov chocolate products, Bochkarev beer, Smirnoff vodka, McDonald's restaurant chain, Levi's jeans, Brooke Bond tea, Jacuzzi hydromassage equipment ”, Martini vermouth, Boeing aircraft, Parker pens, sportswear manufacturer Adidas.

Method #4 - Nature

Nature can be a source of inspiration not only for artists and musicians, but also for naming specialists. It is worth noting that often an animal, plant or natural phenomenon is associated with the properties of the product: the Grad multiple launch rocket system, the Sapsan high-speed train, the Utkonos Internet hypermarket, the network of salons for children and expectant mothers - Kangaroo, cars Jaguar, Puma sportswear, Alligator car alarms.

Method #5 - History

Often, a significant historical event or character becomes a brand name. It is worth noting that the exploitation of history is especially often used to form the names of restaurants. Examples include the Moscow restaurants Godunov, Pushkin, Graf-Orlov or Petrov-Vodkin. Many examples of “historical naming” are found in other business areas: Napoleon cognac, Stepan Razin beer, Belomorkanal cigarettes, Lincoln cars, Borodino trade and production group of companies.

Method #6 - Mythology

The naming specialists have not left without attention the mythology, which has become one of the most productive sources for brand names. For example, the Mazda auto concern got its name in honor of the Zoroastrian god of life named Ahura Mazda, and the idea of ​​the name of the Sprite drink was born in the 40s of the XX century. At that time, baby Sprite was especially popular in advertising campaigns - an elf with silver hair and a wide smile, who wore a drink cork instead of a hat. A little later, his name became the name of a new carbonated drink - "Sprite".

Mikhail Goncharov, About the network development strategy in the new market

- And how was the name of the network translated?

- We did not translate the name of the network itself, the spelling will be in Latin transcription - Teremok. No one is embarrassed that the phones are called Apple. In the USA there is a pharmacy chain Duanereade, it's not even readable. In America, strange names do not bother anyone. And we can tell you that there is a fairy tale in Russia about a tower.

Method #7 - Compound Word

Quite often, a brand name becomes a compound word formed by adding two words together. For example, Alba-Bank commercial bank, Aeroflot airline, BeeLine mobile operator, Volkswagen car concern, Aquafresh toothpaste, Sunsilk hair care line, MasterCard credit cards, TV channel Euronews, the weekly socio-political magazine Newsweek.

Method #8 - Acronym

An acronym is an abbreviation formed from initial letters, parts of words or phrases, pronounced as a single word, and not spelled out. Example: The abbreviation "GUM", derived from "Main Department Store" is pronounced as a single word gum, not ge-u-um. i.e. not spelled. As well-known acronyms, one can cite the name of the musical group "ABBA", formed from the first letters of the names of its members: Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid, or the name of the automobile brand "VAZ" (Volga Automobile Plant).

Method #9 - Quote

A well-remembered brand name due to its fixation in the minds of consumers can be the name or expression from a work of mass artistic culture: cinema, animation, music, literature, etc. Examples include brands such as Prostokvashino dairy products, the White Sun restaurant deserts”, a chain of leather and fur stores “Snezhnaya Koroleva”, a chain of stores of building materials “Old Man Hottabych”.

We held a master class in the Leonardo hobby hypermarket, is it always necessary to create your own brand?

For hobbyists, the brand name doesn't really matter. They often do not care which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives Leonardo the freedom to create its own trademarks, bypassing the difficult path of dealerships of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for trademarks, has no less than 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and rely on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protected. Before investing in branding, it is important to clearly understand that the brand has exclusive rights in relation to the respective goods and services.”

retail, brand, business https://www.site https://www. 2019-06-24 2019-06-25 https://www.

Today it has become fashionable to keep a diary again. In the 70s, almost every girl had a personal notebook. In the 90s, this became a rarity, but today the girls, and the boys, have again begun to express their thoughts. Some of the notes are very interesting, even publish a book. And always people try to decorate them beautifully, so that it would be nice to take them in hand and inspire. We want to offer some ideas on how to do this - how to name the diary and its pages, where to start.

Where to start, how to start a personal diary?

Now more often use an electronic diary - it's convenient. But it is not always possible to quickly open it at the right time. A small notepad in such cases is more functional, I took it out of my purse and it's ready. In addition, paper can be designed with imagination, sketch something there according to your mood.

If you decide to start one, here a few tips:

  1. Get a notebook or lined diary with the right number of pages;
  2. More convenient than notebooks, from which it is easy to tear out sheets. On rings or with special perforation.
  3. The main rule is no rules. Write what you want, draw, stick stickers. Offended by someone - splash out the negative on the pages, then read these lines with a smile.

Some people think that it is necessary to describe in detail every day. No, you can leave one offer and once a week. Sometimes this is enough to describe what happened. The only thing - try to put down the dates, sometimes it is important to know when and what happened.

How to name a diary for a girl?

Girls use diaries more often, so below we will give examples that are more suitable for them. Although some are universal, guys can use them too.

In general, personal records are usually hidden from prying eyes. A notebook with a title will draw attention. Seeing the "Cache" or "About Me" on it, a curious person will immediately want to read it. So think about whether you should name it.

If you decide what you need - choose the options. There are many of them, it can be a thematic name or a wise aphorism. Or it could be a set of words:

  • Soul notes;
  • My stupid thoughts;
  • The world of my emotions;
  • Come in with a knock;
  • I need only you;
  • The world of the one you are not worthy of;
  • With a stroke of a pen;
  • My zabobons;
  • Corner of true selfishness;

Many take lines from their favorite song, movie. And you don’t need to invent anything, I picked up a suitable quote. But still, think about it leave cover blank?

It seems to some that it is useless to keep a diary. It doesn't, depending on how you use it. You can only leave your thoughts in it, or you can turn an ordinary notebook into a real encyclopedia.

Here's how to do it:

  • Enter information about visited exhibitions, performances, movies and trips into it. Get the envelope inside and put the remaining booklets, tickets or brochures into it. Then you can advise your friends by looking at your notes, where it is interesting and where you should not go;
  • Sketch or write down gift ideas. Often we do not know what to give for a birthday. We remember that there was some idea, but what? Write down ideas like this in a notebook. straightaway and then look back and remember;
  • To improve your mood and self-esteem, stick your successful photos on the pages. We looked in and enjoyed ourselves at the right time;
  • Outline phrases in foreign languages. The time will come, and they will come in handy;
  • Plan a budget for them;
  • Write down the recipes in your notebook. Suddenly a situation will happen when it will be necessary to cook something tasty, and you are fully armed;

Agree that such a notebook will be useful to any person - everything is at hand. Those who manage to make the diary functional, then do not throw it away, but keep it for a long time, using it as a reference book.

Name of pages for a personal diary

To make it easier to store information and find it faster, divide the diary into topics and give the pages appropriate titles.

For example:

  • Favorite dishes;
  • Impressions from reading and viewing;
  • Joyful moments;
  • Traveler's Notes;
  • Quotes and aphorisms;
  • Money page;
  • Calendar;
  • Plans for the summer;
  • Holidays and birthdays;
  • Top yummy;
  • Photo;
  • For a good mood;
  • Fashion and beauty;
  • Questionnaire for friends;
  • Women's calendar;
  • Dark page (for a splash of negative emotions);
  • Cities I want to visit
  • Poems;
  • Schedule;

These are templates. Change them, add the necessary words: quotes and aphorisms about love or the schedule of trains, buses.

How to make a cover?

To prevent the diary from fraying, design a cover. It is better to make it dense and such that you can remove it if necessary:

  • Take a glossy page from any magazine with a picture you like. It can be a photo of your favorite actor or some kind of abstraction. Paste your notebook with double-sided tape and put the selected material on top;
  • The cover of a cut geographical map made using the same technology looks original;
  • Or print some photos from social networks, stick them on tape or special decoupage glue;
  • A great option is scrapbooking paper. It can be changed at least every week. But do not buy too dense, it will peel off;
  • There is also wrapping paper for wrapping gifts, but it is thin. If you make a cover out of it, it is important to stretch the sheet well so that it does not cling to anything. And the edges can be decorated with a wide fabric tape, wrapping them with glue with it.

If you also want to make an application, do not make it too lush. Glue small parts that will not cling, but you will carry it with you all the time.

So, we have offered you several options for how to name the diary. In addition, we considered how you can arrange pages in order to use it to the maximum. Let it become your real assistant - it will brighten up loneliness, allow you to throw out negative emotions without consequences and keep important events in your memory.

Video with personal diary design ideas

In this video, Maria Zhukova will show several options for designing a diary for girls, tell you what it is better to make a cover from, how to come up with a name: