What lighting to choose in the toilet. Types of lighting in the toilet with different layouts. Principles of organizing lighting

Depending on personal preferences and the usable area of ​​the bathroom, the brightness of the lighting and the type of fixtures are selected. The light in the bathroom should be comfortable and sufficient for the operation of plumbing fixtures.

The light in the bathroom should be comfortable and sufficient for the operation of plumbing fixtures.

As a rule, in an urban environment, a bathroom is characterized by an almost complete absence of natural light, so all kinds of lamps are used for artificial lighting. Shaving and applying makeup in front of a mirror, as well as showering and doing laundry, will require the provision of directional or localized lighting.

Rules for the distribution of light in the bathroom

When planning and organizing the space in the bathroom on your own, it is important to divide the room into certain zones that have their own lighting. Such areas may include:

  • plumbing fixtures;
  • shower cubicle;
  • sink;
  • a mirror;
  • cabinets and shelves;
  • household appliances, including a washing machine.

Of course, not every bathroom has the opportunity to equip the above zoning. For example, in rooms that are too small in size, there is no place to place household appliances or pieces of furniture.

How to arrange lighting in the bathroom (video)

Lamps on the wall

Wall lamps can be represented:

  • slightly protruding shades, fixed with a minimum distance from the surface;
  • wall sconces, the lampshade part of which is fixed on a special bracket;
  • suspension-type sources, made in a bowl-shaped form and fixed on special suspensions.

The original design of the bathroom is made with architectural elements represented by pedestals, steps or niches. Light sources installed in such areas serve as an excellent complement to wall luminaires.

General bathroom ceiling lighting

The most important in the room is the overhead lighting, which is planned depending on the general style and features of the ceiling covering used. If in a small room it will be enough to install a single ceiling lamp, then in a large space of a room with high humidity, in order to achieve a uniform light flux, it is required to install several devices.

By a similar principle, the power level of the installed light bulbs is also selected. All manufactured ceiling lights are built-in and open. Built-in models are best used on suspended ceilings. However, experts recommend using spotlights with an adjustable angle of rotation in lighting rooms with high humidity.

The most important in the room is the overhead lighting, which is planned depending on the general style and features of the ceiling covering used.

Decorative floor lighting in the bathroom

In-floor lighting is popular not only in living spaces, but also in the bathroom, which makes it easy to zone the room and bring originality to the environment. Illumination on the floors can be represented by:

  • point type lighting fixtures, including halogen bulbs;
  • LED diffused systems;
  • searchlight type light sources.

Such a stylish option in the bathroom serves at the same time not only as additional, but also as decorative lighting. Very important in a room with high humidity, use not only beautiful and durable, but also hermetic lamps, the power of which does not exceed 5.0 W, and original colored light bulbs can be used to create an unusual lighting effect.

In-floor lighting is popular not only in living spaces, but also in the bathroom

Bathroom mirror lighting options

The surface near the mirror installed in the bathroom must be allocated as an individual functional area. In rooms with a niche, a podium or other design elements, there may be several functional zones. Professional designers recommend using symmetrical placement of fixtures on both sides of the mirror, which will provide sufficient and high-quality lighting, but will not dazzle the eyes. Also, very important, so that the light from the light sources is not reflected in the mirror surface.

Shower cabin lighting

When operating a shower cabin with closed doors, such a plumbing fixture is required to it is necessary to ensure the presence of light, which can be:

  • built-in lamps;
  • colored LED lighting.

Recessed lights can be placed on the ceiling of the shower cubicle or on its side panels. Any lighting devices used must be closed with transparent covers, and also be characterized by a high degree of protection. Also, in modern shower boxes, various options for original LED lighting around the perimeter of the cabin or in the shower head can be installed. Despite the fact that the purpose of the second option, as a rule, is purely decorative, it is very important to carefully check its serviceability and safety of operation.

Gallery: bathroom lighting ideas (95 photos)

Organization of lighting in the bathroom with a stretch ceiling

It is not too difficult to properly organize lighting in rooms equipped with stretch ceilings. In this case, it is desirable to give preference not to classical, but to modern light sources.

The choice of fixtures and lamps for the bathroom

If a stretch ceiling is chosen during the arrangement, then in the process of planning a lighting solution, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface of the walls and ceiling, which can be matte or glossy. The second option stands out strongly against the general background and contributes to the creation of volumetric reflection. Such surfaces look very stylish, and also contribute to the visual increase in a small space.

Matte surfaces are able to muffle glare and do not cause distortion at all.. With a competent approach to the installation of a stretch ceiling, there is a great opportunity to create in the bathroom not only an exclusive, but also a very stylish, modern design. One of the most interesting solutions in the presence of a matte ceiling and walls is lighting with special ceiling spots. If you correctly connect such light sources, you can make the whole space very bright and beautiful.

How to install the right lighting in the bathroom (video)

Spot ceiling lighting

If there is a stretch ceiling, then the ideal lighting option would be to use a standard LED strip. The color scheme of such illumination can be completely different. As a rule, the lighting tape is mounted directly under the stretch ceilings and performs the function of decorative lighting, so it is advisable to use powerful lighting fixtures located in the corner zone as the main ceiling lighting.

Original bathroom lighting ideas

As a rule, the concept of high-quality lighting of a room is based on the use of a classic ceiling chandelier, as well as installation of halogen light sources in the floor, around the bath, as well as around the entire perimeter of the shower cabin:

  • installation of halogen lamps inside cabinets;
  • creating a false window with decorative lighting;
  • installation in the floor of hermetic and durable fixtures with a power of not more than 5.0W;
  • selection of plumbing fixtures by means of directed light beams.

Some manufacturers are currently offering modern bath models with an independent lighting system. The disadvantages of such products include high cost, therefore, with a limited budget, it is advisable to use original lighting ideas.

The concept of quality room lighting is based on the use of a classic ceiling chandelier, as well as the installation of halogen light sources in the floor, around the bathtub, as well as around the entire perimeter of the shower cabin

The choice of fixtures for a small bathroom

Ideal in small spaces is three-level lighting, represented by:

  • lighting fixtures located at the top of the room. In small rooms, it is enough to install a central ceiling lamp;
  • a pair of lighting fixtures are installed as working lighting at the mirror, located in parallel in the upper part;
  • An advantageous solution is to install wall lamps on flexible brackets, which allows you to adjust the direction of the light flux.

Wall lighting at the bottom of the wall is more decorative than functional, but is quite suitable for small spaces.

Lighting devices are installed as working lighting near the mirror.

Toilet lighting options

In the toilet room, it is allowed to install modern suspended ceilings made of gypsum boards, followed by uniform embedding of traditional spotlights around the entire perimeter. When operating such a lighting system, it is possible to obtain a soft and diffusing light that does not irritate the eyes at all.

With the right organization, the light sources in the toilet room not only fulfill their basic functions, but are also an original design element that helps to hide all the shortcomings in the room.

It is not recommended to use one or a pair of traditional lighting fixtures that are capable of fulfilling their main functional purpose, but cannot be considered as a decorative element. Usually, the choice of lighting option in the toilet directly depends on the size of the room. Lighting fixtures must necessarily fully comply with all safety requirements and be comfortable in daily use. All lamps installed in bathrooms must be classified as waterproof, and switches must be taken outside the premises.

In rooms characterized by high levels of humidity, only lighting and electrical products with a degree of protection of IP-44 or more are used.

How to make lighting in the bathroom with your own hands

Perform work on the arrangement of the lighting system in the bathroom it is quite possible on your own, given the specifics of the use of lighting devices:

  • creation of an electrical lighting circuit, with a mark of the number and location of all lighting fixtures and switches;
  • with proper arrangement, the junction box, as a rule, is taken out of the bathroom;
  • installation of point light sources and traditional sconces takes little time, and the devices themselves are not able to occupy a large amount of free space;
  • for the design of hidden ceiling lighting, it is best to use a modern LED strip;
  • fixtures should be waterproof and placed, if possible, at a sufficient distance from the water;
  • it is desirable to give preference to modern low-voltage lighting devices operating from 12V;
  • A very successful alternative to traditional light sources will be lamps with a directional and adjustable luminous flux.

Do-it-yourself installation of spotlights in the bathroom (video)

Important to remember, that in rooms characterized by high levels of humidity, only lighting and electrical products with a degree of protection of IP-44 or more are used, and the cable is laid in a hidden way, with mandatory protection of the electrical wiring with a corrugated pipe.

Attention, only TODAY!

It is no secret that properly selected light sources provide not only comfort, but also safety when taking hygienic and relaxing procedures. Today we will talk about lighting in the toilet, as it plays an important role in creating a comfortable and stylish interior for your home. With the help of lamps, you can emphasize the design details of the design of the bathroom or divert attention from pipelines and vents.

Types of lighting in the toilet

What kind of lighting is best for the toilet is determined based on the design of the bathroom, its area, the color scheme of the interior and a number of other conditions. Before making a choice, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the types of lighting and light sources.

Lighting for bathrooms is divided into three types:

  1. General - provides the main light level of illumination.
  2. Decorative - used to highlight interior items of bathrooms.
  3. Spot - highlights different areas of the room.

Usually the lighting in the toilet, as well as in the bathroom, consists of a combination of these three types. According to the type of lamps are distinguished:

  • Halogen. Sources of this type for 12 V can be used in the wettest areas of bathrooms. They are characterized by low power consumption with sufficient luminous flux.
  • LED. Lamps in lamps of this type do not heat up, consume little electricity. LED lighting in the toilet is often used for decorative and spot lighting. An important advantage of such light sources is the ability to change the color of the lighting.
  • Incandescent lamps. Classic lamps. Their main advantage is cheapness. Such lighting products are more widespread than any other.
  • Luminescent. Their main advantage is low power consumption. These lighting products are cheaper than diode light sources.

According to the method of installation, suspended, overhead and recessed luminaires are distinguished.

There are also floor, ceiling and wall light sources.

The choice is made on the basis of several conditions.

  • Light sources for the bathroom and toilet must match the design solution of the bathroom interior. For example, for a high-tech bathroom, chrome or nickel-plated lamps with clear lines and shapes are suitable.
  • Before choosing lighting, you need to calculate its level. According to current standards, its level should be approximately 200 lux or lumens. The power of each type of lamp is translated into lumens according to special tables. The luminous flux of incandescent lamps is approximately 20-30 W per m2, fluorescent lamps give 4-6 W per m2, halogen light sources - 10-20 W per m2.
  • When calculating the lighting in the toilet and bathroom, it is recommended to use standard methods that are in the public domain.
  • Each lighting device is marked according to the degree of protection against ingress of moisture and foreign objects, which is designated as IP, followed by a combination of 2 or 3 digits.
  • For toilets, light sources of protection class IP 21-41 are recommended.

Properly selected toilet lighting in the photo below.

On how to choose and do it right - a useful master class.

Lighting in a small toilet

Properly organized lighting of a small toilet will visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom. In rooms with a small area, it is advisable to make ceiling lighting. The light from above does not visually hide the already small space of the toilet room.

The type of fixtures is chosen based on the height of the ceilings, the general style, the material of the ceilings.

So, for example, recessed point halogen or LED light sources are well suited for plasterboard ceilings.

Flat single luminaires with shades of the appropriate design are suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

For toilets with high ceilings, it is better to choose a pendant-type light source.

Options for a successful lighting solution for small toilets are shown in the photo.

According to the current classification, country toilets are classified as rooms with high humidity. Therefore, the following rules must be observed.

  • When organizing lighting in the toilet in the country, you need to choose fixtures of protection class IP 55 to IP 66.
  • Wiring should be carried out in pipes that will provide additional protection against damage.
  • The switch must also be waterproof.
  • Sometimes the best solution to the question of how to make lighting in a country toilet is to use stand-alone battery-powered lamps.

If, nevertheless, you decide to make lighting for the toilet in the country from electricity, then first you need to carry it out. This can be done in two ways: by air and underground. It is easier to conduct a current-carrying line through the air. If there are no limiting conditions, this method is recommended for lighting a country toilet.

For wiring you will need:

  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Perforator with various nozzles.
  • Mounting knife for cutting insulation.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Pliers.
  • Round nose pliers.
  • Side cutter.
  • Hammer.
  • Crimping pliers.
  • Multimeter.
  • 3-core wire brand VVG with a cross section of at least 1.5 mm.
  • Junction box and switch.
  • Metal insulated cable with hooks for fastening the cable line.
  • Corrugation to protect wiring from moisture.
  • porcelain insulator.

Installation steps

So, step by step instructions on how to lead the light to the toilet in the country.

1. We close the fastening structures into the walls and fix the cable on them.

2. We pass the wire into the corrugation.

3. Turn off the voltage on the input shield.

4. We drill inlet holes in the walls and lay pipes in them that will protect the cable.

5. We install a circuit breaker or RCD to which the wire will be connected.

6. We mount junction boxes, switches and fixtures, we stretch the wire, we carry out all electrical connections.

7. Check the correct connection with a multimeter.

8. Apply voltage.

According to the current electrical safety rules, the combined bathroom is divided into 4 zones, each of which has its own design of fixtures.

  • In the zero zone, you can install light sources with a rated supply voltage of not more than 12 V, moisture and dust resistance class IP 68 or 68.
  • Light sources from IP 55 to IP 66 can be mounted in the first zone. In this sector, splashes of water under low pressure are possible.
  • In the second zone it is allowed to install lighting devices in IP 34-54 housing.
  • Zone three. Two meters from the bath or shower, where direct exposure to moisture is excluded, light sources and electrical installation products IP 21–41 are recommended.

The following tools are required for installing light sources for lighting in a toilet and bathroom with electrical wiring already done:

  • Screwdriver with phase indicator.
  • Double sided construction tape.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Knife with handles made of insulating material.

Stages of work on lighting the bathroom and toilet

1. To begin with, we determine the phase, neutral and ground wires. Phase and zero are determined using a phase indicator screwdriver.

2. Grounding conductor - using a multimeter. To do this, switch the device for measuring resistance. One probe touches a heating radiator or a grounded housing of any electrical appliance. The second one checks the wires one by one. When testing the ground wire, the multimeter will show zero resistance. It is advisable to mark all conductors so as not to confuse during installation.

3. Spotlights are installed as follows: first you need to strip the wires, connect them to the terminal block of the lighting device and install the lamp in a pre-prepared socket.

4. Pendant lights are attached to special mounting feet, which are hung on a hook.

Luminaires with transformers and controllers in bathtubs can only be placed in zone 3, according to.

5. LED light sources with controllers for lighting in the bathroom and toilet are usually delivered unassembled. Assembly begins with familiarization with the instructions.

7. Fix the power supplies and the controller with double-sided adhesive tape.

8. Then install the decor elements.

The assembly of LED lamps is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Install lamps.
  2. Connect the power supplies to the corresponding channels of the controller.
  3. Connect lamps to power sources.
  4. Fix the control unit and power supplies.
  5. Connect a light source.

Bath and toilet are areas of increased risk of electric shock. Self-lighting in the toilet and bathroom is best done with the necessary experience. If it is missing, after studying the materials in this article, you will be able to use this knowledge to control the work of a specialist.

Details on the installation of lighting and electrical wiring in the toilet can be found in this video instruction.

In the bathroom, we put ourselves in order after sleep, preparing to meet the new day fully armed: we perform a variety of cosmetic procedures and evaluate our appearance. All these actions cannot be performed blindly or in the twilight. This means that the lighting in the bathroom is designed to perform, first of all, a practical function.

But its aesthetic component cannot be discounted. The emotional coloring of our whole day may depend on how we see our reflection in the mirror. Thinking about how to arrange the lamps in the bathroom, we sometimes solve problems more important than just organizing artificial lighting.

The overall impression that your bathroom will make largely depends on the location of the light sources. Therefore, the lighting scheme for this room should become one of the constituent parts of the overall design of the project, even if we are talking about a tiny bathroom space in an ordinary Khrushchev.

What can we say about modern new buildings, the rooms in which are spacious and have an original layout. There is room for the imagination to run wild here. Moreover, new design solutions, technologies and modern lighting devices provide such an opportunity.

When the bathroom is spacious and its ceilings are high, the designer's imagination has no limits and can create real miracles.

The layout of fixtures in the bathroom depends on many factors, including the following:

  • room size;
  • location levels;
  • breakdown into functional zones;
  • interior style and color scheme of the room;
  • choice of lighting fixtures.

All these factors can both contribute to the flight of design fantasy and bring us back to the realities of life. A professional designer involved in such work will definitely ask the owner of the room if he has a desire to visually correct the bathroom space using the play of light.

After all, skillfully directed rays are able to "raise" the ceiling or jacuzzi, "lengthen" or "push" the walls.

With the help of lighting and some other design tricks and tricks, you can turn a small bathroom into a magnificent underwater kingdom.

Regardless of the scale of future changes, the main points of the planned placement of lighting fixtures should be included in the scheme. Although it is possible that in the course of further work, adjustments may be made to it.

Three levels of luminaire placement

When planning for any other space, we take into account not only artificial, but also natural daylight. But windows in the bathroom, as a rule, are not provided, so you have to rely solely on artificially created light. It should provide us with a full-fledged luminous flux that can satisfy all needs.

It is not necessary to use all three levels of bathroom lighting, but once you start this amazing play of light and shadow, it is so difficult to curb your own imagination.

Artificial lighting in the bathroom can be presented in three levels:

  • top - ceiling;
  • medium - working;
  • lower - outdoor.

A successful combination of these levels can create a truly magical decorative effect. But do not forget about the practical side of the issue - the room should be light and comfortable.

Mandatory top level

The upper level is located at a distance of 180 cm from the floor level and above. Ceiling lighting is a must in any bathroom. No matter how extravagant the implemented design solutions are, no one is in a hurry to abandon ceiling lights.

Moreover, design ideas are becoming more sophisticated. In accordance with the chosen interior style, you can, for example, organize the popular "starry sky" on the ceiling or hang a single, but luxurious chandelier made of flowing crystal.

Who would have thought that this colorful crystal chandelier would fit so flawlessly into the interior of a very bright Provence-style bathroom.

Of course, the only lamp under a frosted ceiling, which was installed either in the middle part of the ceiling or above the doorway, has long lost its relevance. Although this option is still used in small spaces. But more and more modern lighting devices are used and in much larger quantities.

It has become popular to install spotlights in the bathroom. They attract attention with their reliability, variety of appearance, decorativeness, efficiency and ease of use. The scheme of their location must be thought out in advance. You can concentrate them in the center of the room or distribute them over the areas of the bath, washbasin, and so on. Shaded areas in the room should not be. This is especially true for niches, columns and so on.

This gorgeous bathroom looks snowy thanks in large part to the clever ceiling lighting, which combines the light of elegant lamps and a luxurious chandelier located in the center.

It is to solve the problem of uniform distribution of light that a large number of its sources are used. The more of them are installed in the room, the less the power of each of them can be, the more modest their sizes can be. Multi-position lighting fixtures are most often equipped with halogen lamps.

Halogen lamps are open and recessed. If a suspended ceiling is to be installed in the bathroom, then such built-in structures can be mounted in it. It does not matter what material the ceiling itself will be built from. Halogen lamps emit a beam of light from above, which is directed vertically downwards, so it is more rational to use spotlights, the angle of rotation of which is adjustable.

An interesting top-level solution for rooms with high ceilings is the simultaneous use of direct and reflected light fluxes. At some distance from the surface of the main ceiling, an aluminum suspension can be installed. A number of point devices are fixed on its lower surface. They will organize a direct stream of light.

On the upper surface of the same design, a number of sources with a wide scattering angle are placed. Lighting with such a scheme will be not only sufficient, but also original.

Not only the combination of direct and reflected light flux looks impressive in any bathroom, but also the distribution of light sources at different levels

If the ceiling is low and the style of the room allows, the lighting system will help to simulate a modern design, which is based on conductive systems - string and bus. These peculiar light beads are attached to the ceiling or to the upper level of the walls. With their help, you can create very unusual futuristic combinations.

The Secrets of Light Placement in the Middle Level

A spacious bathroom can be easily and simply divided into zones, providing each of them with local light sources that will help realize the functionality of each selected area.

Mirror and washbasin

When it comes to the work area, first of all, the correct lighting of the mirror and washbasin is implied. For this purpose, you need to choose a source of bright but diffused light so that there is no unnecessary strain on the eyes. Illuminate the mirror to solve different problems should be different.

  • For shaving. The lamp should be located above the mirror.
  • For applying make-up. Lighting should come from two sides at the same time.

Solving these two tasks simultaneously, we organize the illumination of the mirror from at least three sides. On the sides of the mirror, identical sconces, fixed symmetrically, look best. This arrangement is not only beautiful, but also functional. The light in this case is distributed evenly, without unnecessary shadows.

The illumination of the mirror should be done especially carefully, because how you see yourself in the morning will depend on your mood for the whole day.

You can buy a mirror equipped with hidden or external lighting. A similar idea, realized with LED strips, can be used to decorate the edge of a bathtub, furniture elements or decorative niches. An excellent source of light can be sconces mounted on flexible arms that can be bent as you like so that the result achieved is optimal.

The effect of light scattering is achieved by using lampshades made of white plastic or frosted glass. Give preference to white, as your own reflection in the mirror in this case will be as realistic as possible and optimal for applying cosmetics.

It is not necessary to place sconces on the sides of the mirror. The washbasin area can also be illuminated with the help of plafonds fixed on the ceiling

You can emphasize the qualities of a wide mirror with a whole series of sources, placing them along its upper edge. If the mirror has medium parameters, you can illuminate it around the perimeter. In this case, it is not necessary to mount the lamps on the wall. Some of them are glued directly to the mirror surface.

Bath and jacuzzi

Many models of shower cabins are initially equipped with autonomous lighting. If this option is not provided, its implementation should definitely be taken care of during the repair period. Why not provide local lighting fixtures and a bath? A number of manufacturers offer us models with autonomous illumination, but this pleasure is too expensive.

Of course, such original bath lighting is not the only one in this room. Most likely, it is used when meditation is accompanied by ablution.

You can come up with other interesting solutions. For example, organize a separate group of spotlights above the bathroom, a beautiful wall lamp or a tall floor lamp with a stained-glass lampshade. Here it is not necessary to observe the sterile whiteness of the light. You can use multi-colored light bulbs or a rainbow lampshade.

Illumination of furniture items

It's amazing how much space is taken up by household chemicals that we used to store in this room with a modest size. This is where most of the cosmetics are located. For all this, as well as for towels, washcloths and all kinds of hygiene items, shelves and cabinets are required.

It is not necessary to highlight the furniture, but sometimes the smallest lamp makes life so much easier! After all, even in the refrigerator there is light, why not provide them with cabinets and shelves in the bathroom? All the items we need will be found in a shorter period of time.

Of course, it is impossible to realize all the ideas in a modest-sized room, and there is no need for this. In addition, do not forget that the light sources must match the style in which the entire interior of the room is made.

Light at the bottom

As a rule, the lower level of lighting is used exclusively for creating decorative effects. However, as an emergency, this backlight can also be used.

They organize it either in the floor covering itself or at a height of no more than a decimeter from the floor surface. For these purposes, the same sealed low-power lamps are used. With the help of similar devices, garden paths are marked in summer cottages. Such lamps, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm, are mounted directly into the floor covering. The power of the lamps used in this case is approximately 5 watts.

Thanks to spectacular bottom lighting in the bathroom, you can create a futuristic interior that can impress all family members.

Well suited and LED lenka, not afraid of moisture. Attached to the lower perimeter of the bathtub, it creates the floating effect of this massive plumbing fixture.

Individuality and romance

One of the signs of our time is the massive rejection of everything impersonal and standard. Each owner wants his apartment or house to acquire individual features. Therefore, beautiful handmade compositions, which are non-traditional light sources, are especially popular.

If there is a niche in the spacious bathroom that does not carry a special functional load, it can be decorated with a composition that emits light.

Candles create an unforgettable atmosphere of romance and happiness, which we sometimes lack. Do not stop to fully relax and recharge with the energy of joy

It is impossible not to mention those light sources that fill our home with romance. They themselves are its universally recognized embodiment. Of course, we are talking about candles. This wonderful invention of mankind today takes on unusual forms and incredibly captivating aromas.

When we light candles, we plunge into the atmosphere of peace and sensuality, forgetting about everything that worried and annoyed us throughout the day. You need to give yourself the opportunity to fully relax and recover.

Remember about safety

When planning how to place lamps in our bathroom, we should not lose sight of the state standard that regulates the electrical safety requirements for this room with a high level of humidity. According to the standard, the room is divided into zones as shown in the picture.

Compliance with the rules for placing electrical appliances in the bathroom, established by domestic GOST and international regulations ensures our safety

If you select and install electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of GOST, then:

  • In zone 0, only low-voltage devices with voltage up to 12V can be fixed.
  • Only water heaters are placed within zone 1.
  • In zone 2, it is permissible to mount not only water heaters, but also fixtures that have second-class protection against electric shock with reinforced or double insulation without grounding.
  • In zone 3, socket outlets are installed, which are connected to the network using residual current devices or by means of isolating transformers.

The degree of protection of electrical appliances from water is regulated by the standards of the IP (Ingress Protection) system. If guided by them, then the following devices should be located in the zones:

  • Zone 0 - class IPx7, impervious to moisture even when immersed in water;
  • Zone 1 - class IPx5, protected from the effects of water jets, regardless of their direction;
  • Zone 2 - class IPx4, not reacting to splashes on the surface;
  • Zone 3 - class IPx1 with protection against drops falling vertically.

The combination of beauty and safety will make the bathroom in your home a place where you can truly relax, take a break from the hustle and bustle of the past day and adequately prepare for the day ahead.

Watch also video options for organizing bathroom lighting:

Any room in your home should fully meet the requirements of comfort and safety. This is necessary so that a person in his home feels normal, can fully relax and do daily activities.
In the design of home premises, a special place is occupied by lighting, which will allow the room to fully meet the requirements imposed on it and create the proper conditions for rest and work. Many people don't think about the need for quality lighting throughout the home, including lighting in rooms like the pantry, bathroom, and closet.

It is about what lighting in the toilet should be that will be discussed in this article. After reviewing the information that will be presented below, you can make high-quality lighting in this room with your own hands.

Room features

Spacious bathroom

To create full-fledged lighting for the toilet, you need to think through all the nuances and features of this room. In apartment buildings, a toilet with a bath takes up very little space. Therefore, here the creation of the desired interior and its illumination has a lot of obstacles and reservations. Especially often there is a situation of combining a bathroom with toilets. This will visually expand the space a little, making it more comfortable and convenient.
At the same time, already modern apartments and private houses have a spacious toilet with a bathroom. Here you can use different approaches and lighting fixtures to create the optimal level of lighting.

So, the most important aspect that should be assessed in this matter is the dimensions of the room. And only then it is necessary to correlate the interior of the toilet (one or combined with a bathroom) with the types of lamps and their installation options.
Note! Proper lighting of the room will allow you to achieve a visual expansion of the space and many other things that will significantly improve the visual perception of the toilet with a bathroom.
You should also evaluate the ceilings in the room and their height. The worst option in this situation are small dimensions and low ceilings.
A toilet with a bathroom, along with a kitchen, are those rooms that put forward specific requirements for lighting fixtures. They must be taken into account when planning a lighting system. Luminaires for such premises must meet the following requirements:

Waterproof lamp

  • high degree of protection against moisture. Here it is necessary to buy only lamps with an index of IP 65/66. This indicates that the device is able to withstand direct water ingress;
  • resistance of lamps to sudden changes in temperature. This parameter should be taken into account when the toilet is combined with a bathroom;
  • high tightness of devices. Due to the tightness of the fixtures will be resistant to dirt and moisture. Penetrating inside the lamp, water and dirt can harm the electronic components of the lamps, which will most directly affect the life of the lighting fixtures;
  • Do-it-yourself connection of fixtures should be carried out with extreme caution, preventing contact of wires with water.

Depending on the requirements of the room (whether combined with a bathtub or not), you can make optimal lighting in your toilet with your own hands.

Backlight levels

Before proceeding with the choice of fixtures for the toilet, it is necessary to determine the levels of illumination. In this room, you can arrange several levels:

Ceiling lighting

  • ceiling lighting (upper). Ceiling lamps for these purposes can be used in various ways, the main thing is that they meet the requirements of the room. This is, so to speak, the original standard, which is often found in a small toilet. But when choosing the type of lamp, it is necessary to take into account the fact at what level the ceilings are;

Note! Placing fixtures on the ceiling will allow you to avoid reducing the space on the side of the walls. This is the perfect solution for a small toilet.

At the same time, you need to know that any level of suspension can be arranged with your own hands. But remember that ceilings and walls are better places to place lights than the floor.

Selection of fixtures


The basis of good lighting in the toilet are properly selected fixtures. Their type and appearance depends on the selected backlight level:

  • ceiling type. Here you should use small-sized ceiling chandeliers or spotlights. If in the first case one chandelier installed in the center is enough for a small toilet, then in the second case there are several appliances placed all over the ceiling;

Note! To install spotlights, ceilings must be suspended.

  • wall type. Here you can use wall sconces. This is a great option for a small closet with low ceilings. But here you should choose flat models that will not protrude much from the wall space. Otherwise, such a sconce will interfere with free movement around the room;

wall sconce

The number of lighting fixtures must be selected based on the dimensions of the toilet and the norms that are prescribed in the special regulatory documentation (SNiP).
Since the toilet is not the place where people spend most of their time, there is no fundamental need to pay close attention to the appearance of the lamps. The main thing is the functionality, and only then the appearance. For this room, simple lighting fixtures are suitable, which, however, should still fit into the existing interior. This condition is more applicable to a small toilet, but for a combined room, you can also use beautiful decorative lamps of any type of illumination.

Lamp installation

Connecting fixtures in the toilet and bathroom is an important step on which the duration of the products depends. If you decide to make the connection of the lamps with your own hands, then you need to be extremely careful not to get an electrical injury. This is where wiring plays a major role. The lamp itself is installed according to the standard scheme, which is given in the instructions for the device.
Wiring is done as follows:

  • first, draw a diagram of the placement of fixtures;


Note! In the bathroom and toilet, the wires must be at least 1.5 m from the floor level.

  • remember that all places where the wires connect to each other and to the box must be well insulated. Insulation can be done with a special PVC insulating tape. At the same time, before connecting, the ends of the wires must be cleaned with a knife or wire cutters by 1-2 cm;
  • we fix the wires in the prepared strobes using dowel clamps;
  • this procedure must be repeated for the wires under the remaining lighting fixtures;
  • we cover the strobes with a moisture-resistant putty.

Finished lamp

In order for everything to work out, you should strictly follow the safety precautions when working with electricity, as well as adhere to the rules for wiring.
As you can see, creating high-quality lighting for the toilet is not so very difficult. Knowing the features of this room and the requirements for lamps, your toilet will be lit as it should.

Pros and cons of LED lighting for an apartment

Hidden lighting can make the space more airy and the atmosphere pleasant. Thanks to it, you can create a special mood in the interior, make it spectacular and attractive. How to achieve all this, and how to apply hidden lighting in your home? We found a lot of interesting examples!

When an apartment or house has a second level, then there must be a staircase. Equipping it with a backlight is a practical technique that will come in handy in the dark. In addition, it will make the flight of stairs more original and interesting in design.

Stylish bathroom and toilet solutions

Where is the best place to use hidden lighting? In small spaces where natural light does not reach, such as bathrooms and toilets. These rooms do not differ in large quadrature, they constantly lack space, but you can change the situation at least visually. For this, lighting of the ceiling, floor, plumbing or mirrors is perfect. First of all, the space will look light and airy, and secondly, visually the interior will become larger and more spacious.

In the bedroom, hidden lighting is not used so often, but in vain, because it is able to create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere in the space. If you install it under the bed, it will seem that this piece of furniture is floating in the air. Also, hidden lighting looks good in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head of the bed, and can become a stylish accent in the dark.

The best assistant in the dressing room

Where else do you need hidden lighting? In closets, small niches and dressing rooms. Here, sometimes it is simply impossible to do without it. It helps you find the things you need and also makes small spaces brighter. It is easy to install on the ceiling, on a shelf or in the back of a cabinet.

Where I most often use hidden lighting is in small kitchens. And such a technique is fully justified, so it is convenient to illuminate the work area, as well as the place at the stove and at the sink. Sometimes backlighting is done on the bottom wall of hanging cabinets so that the space acquires visual lightness.

I want the living room to always have a harmonious and cozy atmosphere. It is not difficult to achieve it with the help of hidden lighting, it will come to the rescue when it is necessary to create an intimate and relaxing environment. In addition, in diffused light it is nice to just relax or watch your favorite movie.

Hidden lighting is such a versatile tool that it can be used not only in each of the rooms, but also in the exterior. It will look great on a balcony or in a private courtyard, it will illuminate the house at night and make the atmosphere in the courtyard special.

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