What flower does a Taurus have according to the horoscope? Taurus. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. What flowers should be given to Taurus

The role of talismans is most often played by stones and some varieties of flowers, which are purely individual for each individual sign of the zodiac. Flowers are the source of life, so it is not surprising that certain types of flowers can greatly affect the mental balance, and indeed the well-being of a person of a certain mindset.

Flowers in a bouquet for Taurus

Taurus (April 21 - May 20) is a sign of the Earth, and people born under it are usually very practical and calm. This is also reflected in the love of gifts: it had to be material, "for centuries", so that it could be admired for a long time. Remember also that Taurus takes gifts more than seriously, so put playful ideas aside so as not to scare him away.

Flowers mascots Taurus helps him find harmonious solutions to problems, as well as gain peace of mind and balance. Girls born under this sign are confident and have a strong character. Therefore, bouquets for them should be distinguished by elegance, style and a certain severity: no disheveled leaves and unnecessary gold ribbons! Speaking of favorite flowers in a bouquet, it is worth recognizing that Taurus likes almost everything that blooms in their month, as well as those that have large red, white or purple buds or inflorescences. An unexpectedly pleasant gift for a girl will be a bunch of lilies of the valley, roses, lilies, daffodils and forget-me-nots.

In flowers, as in everything else, the Taurus man will appreciate the classics and respectability, so roses as a gift of roses will always come in handy. A bouquet for Taurus can be small but expensive, not flashy and tasteful. And make sure that the flowers are perfectly fresh, because the fastidious recipient will notice the slightest flaw, and this will ruin the whole experience.

Potted gift: indoor flowers

Indoor plants for Taurus play an important role, since it is indoor plants that Taurus can admire all year round, thereby stimulating their creative, mental and physical strength. The most suitable are large, undersized and: saintpaulia (uzumbar violet), Kalanchoe Mangina and Blossfeld, decorative flowering begonias (multiflorous, tuberous and winter-flowering), beautiful sinningia (gloxinia), ampelous peperomias and primrose.

Many of the properties of Taurus are manifested in these plants, but they all have two common properties:

  • Firstly, as we have already said, material goods play an important role in their life, Taurus is characterized by a craving for financial stability, and these plants will help to strengthen it. All of the above indoor flowers can be grown in order to attract material wealth to the house;
  • Secondly, people of this zodiac sign are considered one of the strongest and most enduring physically, so all these plants will help them maintain their vitality.

In addition to fresh flowers, an accessory or some decorative element with the image of a mascot flower will be an actual gift for Taurus. Give gifts with your heart, and we will help you with this!

Taurus April 21 - May 21
Most of all, the myth of Dionysus, which is represented by the same image of youthful power in its prime, reminds of the Taurus zodiac sign. Son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), a young man of stormy disposition, endowed with immortality, with the head of a calf, crowned with ivy, vine and fig leaves. Sometimes he was depicted sitting on a barrel, sometimes - standing in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs, and playing the lyre or the double flute.

There is another myth, in the hero of which you can recognize the zodiac sign Taurus, where he appears far from in the best light - this is the myth of the Minotaur, a cruel and insatiable monster, locked in a labyrinth of his most selfish desires and fears and does not want to open up to the reality around him. ...

Taurus ruling planet: Venus.

The ruling planet of the Taurus zodiac sign is Venus. The typical Taurus is a warm, friendly zodiac sign that is gentle and passionate, although they may not exhibit these qualities. The bull is a very accurate symbol of the sign. To achieve a goal, Taurus uses strength: they know what they want and work hard to achieve their goal.

Taurus stones:

Aventurine - the stone of love

Alexandrite is a stone of spiritual renewal

Agate is a stimulant of spiritual awakening

A diamond is a stone that brings happiness (only if it got to its owner in an honest way).

Rhinestone - a clairvoyant stone

Opal - a symbol of loyalty and guarantee

Heliotrope is the best Christian amulet

Moonstone - absorber of lunar energy

Malachite - a stone of health

Turquoise is a stone of victory and happiness

Sapphire - the stone of wisdom

Carnelian - the stone of the sun

Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.


Jade - a stone of tranquility

Calf metal - copper

Taurus flowers:

The first mentions of Kalanchoe are found in half-decayed records of medicinal plants dating from the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that the Kalanchoe flower was brought to us by Russian merchants. By the way, one of the merchants wrote in the ship's log a very interesting story of the healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sick sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a perfectly healthy sailor boarded a ship loaded with various goods. His pockets were filled with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them "kalanch", which translated from the language of the natives means nothing more than health.

And if you believe the ancient Greek legend, then the young Pan - the god of forests and meadows, once met a beautiful river nymph Syringa - a gentle messenger of the morning dawn and so admired her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about his fun. Pan decided to speak to Siringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. So the name of Siringi gave the name to the tree - lilac.

The simplest and most adorable of flowers. Its origin is associated with Ostarta (Ishtar among the Sumerians) - the goddess of the radiant dawn and spring among the ancient Germans, who adorned themselves with lilies of the valley, and then threw them into fires as a sacrifice. The pagan goddess was subsequently replaced by the Mother of God, and throughout the Middle Ages, lilies of the valley were considered symbols of purity and holiness, and their ripe red berries were drops of the blood of Christ.

Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

April 21 - 30 - GEORGIN.
A luxurious Dahlia should always keep the golden mean. Maximalism often gets in the way of achieving what you want. Dahlia should rely on their own strengths more carefully than others. Don't rely entirely on luck. This also applies to personal life.

May 1-10 - LANDYSH.
The generous, open heart of Lily of the Valley is the reason that it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or just a lover of subtle scent. A Lily of the Valley woman needs a reliable protector, for example, a Thistle man (Capricorn). At work, Lily of the Valley is doing well, although excessive zeal can sometimes get on your nerves.

May 11-21 - PORTULAC. Distrustful, cautious, always waiting for a catch, even from a loved one. It is difficult with Purslane at home and at work. And especially in love. Purslane must be protected.


WALNUT April 21 - April 30
The nut often consists of contradictions, it is capricious, aggressive, selfish. It is never known how he will act in this or that case and how to handle him. He cares about style, subtle and sophisticated manners, but in reality this can be caused by ordinary timidity. He often tends to complicate matters. At the same time, he knows how to be an excellent strategist: he estimates well the possible consequences of his intentions, decides on very insidious actions and is not tormented by remorse. Often he amazes others with his quickness of action. Nut has many friends as well as enemies. He is convinced that in life you can only rely on yourself, and anxiously protects his own independence and isolation.

Men. Perhaps a little self-centered, but hospitable and generous. In romantic relationships, they are both loyal and fickle, strive to please, but do not compromise.

Women. They can give and take away friendship and love for no reason, it is impossible to analyze their actions. Confident in her exclusivity, the Nut woman loves to suffer herself and takes pleasure in making others suffer.

Love and marriage. Not only love, but also friendship with Nut is full of surprises. If the one who wants to link his fate with the representative of this sign has enough strength to resist, he can try his luck; otherwise, Nut is able to enslave a partner.

JASMINE May 1-May 14
Jasmine is lively, lively and sociable. He attracts to himself with free and skillful conversation and becomes the center of attention even against his will. Jasmine does not like to feel bound, cannot stand restrictions, duties depress him. But, despite this, he always obeys his duty. He is not afraid of work, like no one else, he understands the need for diplomatic behavior and knows how to organize harmonious relationships in a team. His intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly appreciated by his superiors. Children bring Jasmine the greatest joy in life.

Men. They seem to be balanced and cheerful to others, and only the closest people know how much these men, in essence, are sensitive and how capable of being disappointed, since they are pessimists from birth, although they try to hide it.

Women. Possessing a cheerful disposition, they attract with their inner freedom and tranquility, the ability to cheer up those around them.

Love and marriage. Living with Jasmine is difficult: he is easily offended and becomes biased. His joy in marital relations is children, it is with them that he feels good.

CHESTNUT 15 May-24 May
Chestnut is a beautiful and even decorative tree, but he will not use his charm to attract someone. He is full of vitality and needs space. Chestnut has an innate sense of justice, and any violation of it causes an involuntary protest in him. Chestnut is gifted, quick and accurate, but has a penchant for daydreaming and philosophical reflections. In his life, a lot depends on the environment. Lack of flexibility in communication often leads to the fact that throughout his life he changes many activities and experiences a lot of disappointments, which he remembers for a long time, as he is very impressionable and sensitive. An unexpected feature of Chestnut is the desire for convenience in everyday life.

Men. Consistent and persistent (but not stubborn), these men pay great attention to moral and ethical standards, therefore, despite their sensuality, they are quite conservative.

Women. They are very observant and intelligent, they like to shock the audience. Their lack of self-confidence and distrust of others give rise to an impression of inappropriateness for life.

Love and marriage. The acute need for love and the fear that he may not be loved (and he is a monogamous person) find expression in behavior, complicate the relationship between Chestnut and a partner who will not understand the strange actions of this person.

Calf colors:




Taurus talismans:

Golden Taurus


Taurus symbol - Bull

Taurus lucky numbers: 2, 4, 6.

According to the horoscope, indoor plants of Taurus can be planted in their home for all those who wish to live in abundance and maintain their body in good shape.

A special talisman for Taurus is kalanchoe... This flower, like all Taurus, is distinguished by its unobtrusive beauty and strength. Astrologers claim that he will help Taurus in the fulfillment of desires. The plant usually blooms in spring, but Taurus, with their usual diligence, will surely help their pet to bloom even in winter. Kalanchoe also helps to cope with many ailments (for example, thrombosis), and therefore, it will be very useful for elderly Taurus.

And here cyclamen will help Taurus achieve peace of mind, bring peace and tranquility to their home.

Taurus mascot trees

Taurus are under the auspices of apple, chestnut, hazel, oak, aspen, linden, ash. Each Taurus tree is distinguished by the presence of roots deeply embedded in the ground. That is why all Taurus are so sensitive to family ties and honor their ancestors.

Almost all Taurus trees are famous for their healing properties. Having made a talisman on their basis, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and improve your health.

Hazel and oak help Taurus gain energy for great achievements. But the linden blossom will make the representatives of this sign even more resilient on the way to success. A charm made of aspen will not allow someone else's will to be imposed on Taurus. Walnut will be an excellent talisman for them, protecting against overvoltage at work and helping to improve relationships with others.

Plants of other signs of the zodiac:

Zodiac Sign Compatibility:

I will present all the plants of the Taurus zodiac sign (21.04 - 20.05). At the beginning about the sign itself:

  • Taurus is a sign of constancy and stability. Plants of this sign can improve the material side of your life.
  • Taurus is an earth sign and is ruled by Venus.
  • Taurus is a sign of physical strength and endurance, so all plants of this sign can be kept in the house to maintain the strength of your body.

Taurus plants are responsible for our digestive system, help regulate appetite and lose weight.

Taurus plants are strong, beautifully flowering and undersized. In the zodiacal circle, Taurus is the first of all earthly signs, which means that he has a stronger material sphere of influence, and economy is associated with the low growth of the plant.

And so, in more detail about the plants themselves.

Taurus plants for health

Since the calf needs sodium sulfate, this mineral salt is found in the following vegetables: beets, cauliflower, radishes, cabbage, pumpkin.

You can find out about the useful properties of some of them by following the corresponding links.

Taurus plants for the soul

Lily white

Wild plants are lilies of the valley.

Garden plants are white lilies.

Ornamental plants - Gloxinia (Sinningia) beautiful, ampelous peperomia, Uzambara violet (Saintpaulia), beautifully blooming begonia, Persian cyclamen, Kalanchoe Mangina and Kalanchoe Blossfeld, (primrose).

Primula (primrose)

ampelous peperomia

gloxinia (sinningia) beautiful

More about some of them:

Uzumbara violet (Saintpaulia) Is a typical Taurus. Taurus is a leisurely, calm sign, the violet also has a soothing effect on the atmosphere of the house. The fleshy leaves of the violet have a velvety surface, this is the manifestation of the Moon, which brings comfort to the house.

Violets uzumbar

Uzumbar violets are useful to keep at home for those people who are prone to experience strong feelings, that is, constantly fall in love. And, at the same time, and those who lack love.

Violets are especially useful where there are babies, who are greatly influenced by the Moon at their young age.

There are more than a thousand varieties of Uzumbar violets (Saintpaulias), and they all have flowers of various shapes and colors. In this, more precisely, in the colors, there is a manifestation of Venus.

Now let's look at some violets with different colors of flowers.

White violets are a flower of purity, literally and figuratively.

Firstly, this flower for children, as the personification of the "beginning", has a very favorable effect on the child's psyche, balances it, and has a positive effect on the general development of the child.

Secondly, white violets will cleanse the atmosphere around them of dirty thoughts and bad feelings, prevent nervous breakdowns, even calm down in love disappointments.

Under the influence of white violets, you can even drive out household insects from the house, especially house ants.

Violets with blue flowers are plants that are responsible for creativity, needlework. In a house where blue violets grow, it is always fun, interesting and not boring.

Who is going to learn drawing, singing, playing musical instruments, get violets with blue flowers.

But you need to be patient, since Taurus is a slow sign, in order to achieve success, a blue violet must live for a long time in your house.

But violets with pink or red flowers are suitable where people are preoccupied with carnal (gluttony) and material (excessive hoarding) needs.

These flowers will cleanse the atmosphere of these energies, which will give people more health: the need for food will decrease, there will be joy from work and from communication.

Violets with purple flowers are suitable where there is no understanding between the household. This violet will cleanse the space from the energies of rejection.

Also, a violet with purple flowers transforms the energy of our feelings and thoughts into more subtle, spiritual and higher energies. Suitable for meditation, fortune telling.

The purple violet is the flower of wisdom. Under the influence of this flower, a person can gain earthly wisdom, strengthen his character and spirituality.

A person can even learn to notice clues in life situations and interpret them correctly for himself.

Even in ancient Greece, the violet was considered a symbol of modesty and virginity, innocence and tenderness.

In terms of health, the violet has a beneficial effect on those organs that Taurus controls: the thyroid gland and the throat.

Violet protects our throat from inflammation, thanks to the conjunction of Venus and the Moon.

Kalanchoe Blosfeld

The combination of earth and air transforms the energies of our words and thoughts into pleasant and beautiful energies.

Where irritable, rude people live, who speak unkindly and unpleasant things, this flower neutralizes heavy energies that can lead to chronic diseases.

Also, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe is well suited where people who are burdened with various problems live or, simply, elderly people who are already tired of life.

This flower will ease their state of mind. The fine structures of this plant will help such people find simple solutions to their problems and, as they say, not get dirty.

The earthly Venus of this plant is capable of developing creativity in a person, especially some kind of handicraft. Blossfeld's Kalanchoe is useful for developing a sense of taste and is suitable for fashion designers, stylists, makeup artists, etc.

If you do not have a sense of taste, be sure to get this flower - it will turn you into fashionistas!

In terms of health, like all Taurus plants, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe has a firming effect on the entire body, and, mainly, on the throat. Mercury, pronounced in succulent leaves, controls the blood vessels of the body, and earthly Venus gives the ability to dissolve blood clots in these vessels.

And you can find out about this by going to the page at this link.

And it is used as a remedy. Follow the link.

Kalanchoe Mangina

Kalanchoe Mangina

A distinctive feature of Kalanchoe mangin is its flowers - bells lowered down, as if sad.

It is these flowers that are capable of capturing the energies of despondency and sadness and, thereby, purify the atmosphere of the house where dull, melancholy people live or are.

This is important, since the energies of melancholy and despondency depress the energy of the people around them, deprive them of their feelings of joy, a person cannot make the right decisions, cannot collect feelings and thoughts.

And now, precisely, Kalanchoe mangin will help to cope with these problems.

Also, I would like to say about the ability of Kalanchoe Mangin - to inspire the desire and mood to do some kind of business that you always put on the back burner.

A hard worker Taurus in this flower has a stimulating effect on people. In addition, Taurus is a stubborn sign, he develops diligence, therefore, Kalanchoe mangina is perfect for lazy people.

The representative of this sign has physical and spiritual endurance, and indoor plants for Taurus, ideally, should help support the strength of his body.

In order to be in good mental as well as physical condition, the representative of this sign must surround himself with plants and flowers that cleanse the environment of negative energy. Taurus plants should be short and flowering.

Taurus is a representative of the earthly element, which characterizes him as a down-to-earth, economical and conservative person. It is these features of his that predetermine the choice, according to which undersized and strong flowers for Taurus are the best option.

The representative of this zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Venus, which endowed him with a tender attitude towards everything beautiful, including flowers.

Since this person strives for stable material wealth, Taurus plants should first of all become a talisman for attracting good luck in business, achieving prosperity, and maintaining a stable income.

From the Taurus talisman tree, you can make an excellent amulet for a representative of this sign, because his element is earth and he needs her support more than anyone else.

A representative of this zodiac sign can spend quite a lot of time doing floriculture and caring for almost any plant, be it a capricious or unpretentious flower.

In addition, this person should be aware of the importance of the beneficial effects of the talisman in the form of a plant. In this regard, indoor plants for Taurus are a way to combine business with pleasure.

Asking the question of which indoor plants and flowers are suitable for Taurus, preference should be given to those plants that bloom beautifully and smell good, because this person in flowers is most attracted by the natural beauty and aroma.

Delicate, medium-sized plants are the most suitable indoor flowers for a Taurus woman.

She will certainly be interested in violet, hyacinth, begonia, jasmine, episcia, myrtle or achimenes.

In addition to flowering varieties, simple plants that do not bloom at all can also be a good choice for a representative of this sign. Geogenanthus and Ragwort are the most popular non-flowering indoor plants for Taurus.

It should be borne in mind that almost all Taurus flowers are some kind of talismans that protect the material condition of the representative of this sign, help to achieve career growth, and also endow him with patience.

Considering the question of which flowers are suitable for Taurus, one should take into account the fact that the best choice will be the choice of plants ruled by the planet Venus.

In this regard, Taurus should pay attention to the violet, begonia, Kalanchoe or primrose.

The most suitable flower for a Taurus woman is a violet, since it is she who has the same characteristic features as the representative of this sign herself: calmness, patience, craving for harmony and a positive aura.

Anyone who is not endowed with the ability to save and save should understand the importance of breeding the right plants, because it is the Taurus flower according to the horoscope that will help overcome the desire to throw money down the drain and there will be much less rash spending.

It should be noted that all Taurus flowers are universal, because they can be grown both at home and on the site and they will work as an amulet, equally attracting prosperity and good luck, as well as supporting the body's strength.

In addition to all of the above, flowers according to the zodiac sign Taurus are able to awaken in a person this zodiac sign the ability for creativity and leadership, as well as attract employers into his life.

First of all, you need to take into account the fact that the representative of this sign is the first earth sign, which means that the Taurus tree talisman can give charm, vitality and inner strength, give a patient and confident disposition.

Taurus tree by horoscope should have long roots, be unpretentious to care, temperature extremes and watering. In this regard, the most popular tree of the Taurus zodiac sign is linden, which is distinguished by longevity and strong characteristics.

It should be noted that it is linden, and especially its honey, that helps this person maintain health, increase immunity and become more active both in family life and in career.

When considering which tree is suitable for Taurus, one should also take into account the fact that rowan, oak and fruit tree varieties are suitable for representatives of this sign, in particular: pear, cherry, apple or plum tree.

In this regard, it is not necessary to keep an amulet made of wood with you, but you can plant a tree in your garden or on a plot of land. According to the horoscope, the Taurus fruit tree will not only protect its owner, but also supply him with useful and tasty fruits.