What should be the character of a guy. What should guys be like? What should be your boyfriend? Psychological characteristics of the character and behavior of men

How many people on earth, so many characters exist. Each person is unique and unique in his own way and, at least in some way, will be different from other people. For this reason, it is so difficult to create a simple, unified typology of characters that would help answer the question of what kind of character a person can have.

What can be the character?

Character is a set of various psychological traits that stem from a person, living conditions and upbringing. In order to determine the character, it is necessary to describe a person according to the following parameters:

  • a person's attitude towards himself (selfishness, selfishness, low self-esteem);
  • a person's attitude towards others (generosity, altruism, sympathy);
  • a person's attitude to activity (laziness, pedantry, workaholism);
  • the presence and strength of volitional qualities (strong-willed person, persistent, weak);
  • attitude towards life (optimism, pessimism).

What is the nature of men?

To understand the male character, consider it according to the above criteria:

  1. Attitude towards yourself. Men are more likely to have high and inflated self-esteem than women, who, due to the historical and social development of society, were more often assigned a secondary role.
  2. Attitude towards others. Men understand other people worse than women, more often they show callousness and exactingness.
  3. Attitude towards activity. Often men become fanatics of their work or hobby, in which they express themselves and realize themselves.
  4. Volitional qualities. Unlike women, men often have a stronger character, so they are better at setting goals and achieving them.
  5. Attitude to life. But this parameter is purely individual and does not depend on gender. Although it can be said that women are more likely to fall into, the cause of which is an unstable hormonal background.

The question of what guys should be has been discussed by girls for almost an eternity. And often you can hear from them that it is time to put them in the Red Book - they are too rare. But in fact, everything is simpler here, since each girl has different preferences.


Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity constantly complain that they are still alone. Then maybe you should think about your character? Often, such girls make too high demands on their potential young man. They have an overly idealized idea of ​​what a dream guy should be. But we all know that does not exist, and each has its own shortcomings. Therefore, you should think about it and reduce your requirements for young people.


Often, social surveys were conducted among girls, during which researchers tried to understand what guys should be like in their opinion. Many have stated that appearance is absolutely not important, and character plays the main role. This is a fairly correct approach, although not everyone adheres to it. Confidence is what interests girls in representatives of the strong half of humanity. What should be the relationship with which can become promising? A real man should know what he wants from life and do everything possible to achieve his goal. He must be rational, not waste his time on trifles. Also, the guy must be responsible for his words. Being straightforward, frank - this shows his willpower. Two more important qualities are devotion and fidelity. This is important for every girl. She wants to feel needed, to know that she will not be betrayed. And finally, reliability is another key quality. This is a sign of a stable relationship. In general, girls have the same answer to the question “what should your boyfriend be like”. Everyone wants to feel loved and know that she can always rely on her chosen one.


What qualities should a guy have in order for his relationship with a girl to be successful? Here, in fact, everything is simple. The foundation that underlies any relationship is common interests. After all, many couples met each other in places where they ended up for their own reasons - in the library, at the exhibition, in a themed bar, at a concert or at a football match. If people who liked each other have something to talk about, it means a lot. Perhaps in the future this relationship will develop into something more. However, it does not always happen that the interests of a couple coincide perfectly. The main thing here is tolerance and the ability to compromise - this is the quality a girl appreciates in guys. But they should also remember this. Only by understanding each other and respecting the interests of your chosen one or chosen one, you can build a strong relationship.


It's silly to say that looks don't matter. Everyone knows that it is important, but not everyone can recognize it. Girls often wonder how tall a guy should be. Basically, either too tall representatives of the fair sex, or very small ones, think about this. The vast majority of girls believe that a guy should be taller, but not by much. However, all this is conditional. There is no definite answer to the question of how tall a guy should be, because it all depends on the girl and her preferences. Regarding appearance, I would like to note that each of us has our own ideal. Girls argue that a guy should be, firstly, neat and well-groomed. Nobody likes a person with bitten nails, unwashed hair and unwashed clothes. It's repulsive. By the way, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity literally go crazy if a guy uses a good cologne. It is difficult to choose a universal option here, because everyone has different taste preferences, but it is worth taking into account. Also, in the course of some surveys, it was found that girls like guys. It is not necessary to spend half your life in the gym, but keeping yourself in shape is a must. In fact, most guys have the same requirements for girls, because few people like it when there are too many superfluous things on the body.

Friendship is the basis of relationships

A lot has been said about what a guy should be. The qualities listed above, if they are inherent in a young person, make him definitely better, but there is something more important. They say that the best relationships are those that start with friendship. Most cases prove it. Not only common interests, well-groomed appearance, character traits matter. The important thing is that if a girl has problems in her life, and she wants to tell her young man about them, he will be ready to listen to her. He should not be indifferent to her and her life, share with her not only joy, but also sadness. This is attention, and this quality is the most valuable in any person. Gifts, flowers and compliments are not so important as a few right words of support at the right time. This inspires trust, which is another component of a strong and lasting relationship. If this is not the case, then the girl will feel lonely and not needed by her boyfriend.

Variety of flavors

Today you can see a huge number of the most diverse couples. Everyone chooses a chosen one or a chosen one according to his own. Some girls like intelligent young people who love to read Dostoevsky with a cup of tea in the evening, and others like “bad” guys who cut through the city at a speed of 200 km / h and listen to hard rock. This also applies to appearance. Some girls are crazy about brown-eyed brunettes, others can't take their eyes off blue-eyed blondes. In order to please this or that lady, it is necessary to find out her tastes and preferences. It's easy to do, especially these days. After all, almost everyone is registered today on social networks, where you can see what groups the girl is in, view the list of her audio recordings, read quotes that interest her. So it will turn out to get a little idea of ​​​​what kind of guy she wants to see next to her and, perhaps, work on herself in order to bring herself closer to the ideal of her beloved.

Sincerity of feelings

And, finally, it should be said that almost all girls unanimously claim that they like those guys who love them not for their body and appearance, but for their soul. Of course, it's nice to hear compliments and praise addressed to you, but every young lady wants to know that for her lover she is first of all a person, not a picture. And after all, when you feel loved, you want to reciprocate it. In general, it is pointless to draw ideals and perfect people for yourself, because love always comes unexpectedly. And you can talk a lot about what guys and girls should be like, but practice shows that young people often find their destiny where they didn’t expect it at all, and build relationships with the person with whom it was not even possible.

Fixed salary. Young students can afford to take a girl on a date to the park. But when an adult 25-year-old guy continues to save on his beloved, it's worth thinking about your future. It's not about commercialism, but about the ability to provide a family with at least a minimum.

After 20 years, a guy should imagine what he wants from life and how to achieve it. When a young man lives one day and does not think about his future, he begins to degrade. It is difficult to meet and plan family life with a person for whom there is only today.

A man should be able to protect his girlfriend from bullies and attacks. This will require physical strength. It is not necessary to be an athlete or a pumped-up thug, but you need to be able to stand up for your beloved.

A guy with a strong character is valued among girls. Only in this way can he overcome all the difficulties in life, protect his family from problems and hardships. Behind such a man, women will feel like behind a stone wall.

No or few bad habits. It is permissible to drink a little on a holiday. But if a man can’t imagine a Friday without alcohol or smokes several packs a day, think about your future. You and your children will have to live in an unhealthy environment, so stay away from men with bad habits.


Reliability is a very important trait in a man. A girl needs to know that she can rely on her partner. When help is needed, he will provide it, and will not throw “I'm busy” into the phone. It also implies that the guy knows how to keep his word and keeps his promises.

A caring man is the dream of many women. Among his friends and at work, he can be tough and domineering, but at home he takes care of his girlfriend. Gifts, help around the house, sympathy or elementary care during illness. Such small actions are worth much more than big words and promises.

With a sense of humor. Girls love men who can make them laugh. With the help of a good joke, you can melt the ice during a quarrel, solve many problems in a relationship. Living with a cheerful and optimistic guy is much more pleasant than with a gloomy and serious one.

Ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. Girls turn to their man for advice. And if he cannot deal with the problem, the girl will seek help elsewhere or rely only on her own strength. Therefore, it is desirable that the guy was with a lively mind and knew how to solve life's troubles.

But the most important rule is that the guy must be loved. Because no ideal man who meets all of the listed characteristics will suit you if you do not love him. Any little thing will annoy, and all the advantages will look fake.

It often happens that a decent, intelligent and well-mannered girl meets a brutal and ill-mannered guy. Why do girls like bad boys and what attracts girls to bad guys so much?
Imagine: your boyfriend is modest, responsible, so positive, goes in for sports, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke - in short, just like in the song “so that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and always gives flowers, calls his mother-in-law mom ...” well, everything like that.

And why, then, does the bully Vasya have more fans than him? And perhaps this girl will marry the quiet and modest Pasha - but at the same time she will look in the direction of Vasya, who will also wink at her a couple of times.

What is happening to us, why such an incomprehensible choice, why does the soul often rush to the bad guy, and the mind to the good? Let's figure it out.

Who is this bad boy?

I want to note right away that we are talking about “bad” boys (the quotes are not just there), and not scoundrels. Therefore, do not confuse these two concepts, we are not talking about notorious hooligans, but about noble bad guys are completely different things.

The bad guy is the one who always knows what he wants. He rarely thinks about what other people think about it. Sometimes, he can go over the heads - the goal is more important for him than some sentimental nonsense.

In some ways he can show cruelty, more often he is physically strong, selfish, but at the same time he is damn charming, and he always uses it - while he himself, as a rule, is not fond of anyone.

In relation to others, he tries to maintain neutrality according to the principle “I like everyone, I don’t single out anyone” or “I don’t care at all - you live how you want, I live how I want.”

In work, he thinks only about his own benefit, do not try to make him an ally - it will not work. He himself will not interfere with you either, well, unless you cross the road for him, but do not expect help from him either - he is always on his own.

But now, if you managed to become his friend - this is a different question. Here you can be sure - he will tear all your offenders, without much hesitation - after all, you have earned his gratitude, and he does not care about the rest.

So why do we usually like these guys?

There are many reasons, let's consider the most basic ones, those that are based on the female instinct inherent in us since the cave period:

1.) Every woman wants to feel safe. A bad guy is able to provide such protection - for a lady of the heart, he is generally ready for a lot, but for other women he will do it simply because it will add to him the love of others - and this is so nice for a bad guy when they talk well about him, but if speak badly - he doesn't care. Do not try to hurt him - it will not work. It is thanks to these qualities that he will literally cripple all your enemies, without even blinking an eye.

2.) Bad boy is usually sexy as hell, while it doesn’t matter how tall he is, he can be short, bald, with broken teeth, or vice versa tall and handsome - in any case, this man has such an attractive power that women rarely pass him by - they simply cannot help but pay attention attention to him.

The secret is that such a man is internally relaxed, he knows about his shortcomings and is not ashamed of them, and he also knows about his virtues - and is proud of them. He perceives himself always and everywhere as he is - and, interestingly, others too, which captivates. He never tries to remake others: those who he does not like simply leave his circle of friends, and this does not bother him much, or rather, does not bother him at all.

3.) If you became the chosen one of a bad boy, you can say, in a sense, lucky. Behind him you will be like behind a stone wall, he will protect you, and if his feelings are sincere, then it is quite possible that you will become his only woman. Bad guys, despite their selfish nature, most often then become very good family men - well, of course, after they work up - bad guys usually don’t get married early, well, unless they really fall in love so much that once and for all. But just do not expect that life with him will be easy!

He will always invent something and rush somewhere, that is, you understand, in order to stay close to the bad guy, you need to match him - if he loves hiking, then start packing your backpack, if he loves sports, get ready to watch football matches with him, loves his wife to cook deliciously - run right now to the store for a cookbook. Otherwise, quarrels are inevitable, although you can subdue a bully with affection)). And what is more important, if his MOM ... or his sister suddenly didn’t like you, he won’t even listen to them! The main thing is that he likes you! Not a bad advantage, right?

4.) A bad boy knows how and loves to make decisions. That is, usually you will not face the question of how to spend the weekend or where to go on vacation. Your bad boy will decide everything for you, and he will put you before the fact. Forgive him this weakness, yes, he can choose the wrong country where you would like to go - but the most important thing is that he took care of everything, you didn’t even have to strain.

Just hint to him on the trip which countries attract you exactly - and next time you will go there. Bad boys love surprises too. But remember one piece of advice - never scandalize or scold his choice. Otherwise, you risk losing it - do not forget, by nature, a bad boy is a proud bird - he may be offended! And this, first of all, will turn out badly for you.

5.) If a bad guy has a crush on you and wants to make you his wife, he usually does it right away, why should he think about what and how will happen later, he wants to see you next to him right now. This is another important touch in the character of a bad boy that attracts women so much. True, they sometimes love to the point of fanaticism, they are very jealous, but they don’t always show it - but it’s better not to play with fire, these jealous people can kill, just like Othello.

Who is a good boy?

A good boy is good at everything, but... for some reason, he is not so attractive to women. Let's try to figure it out on the same points, compare it, so to speak, and try to understand what is wrong with him.
1. A good boy usually tries to avoid conflict. in principle, therefore, if suddenly you have a verbal skirmish on the bus with a not entirely polite passenger - do not expect him to rush to help you with this, he will simply remain silent. He will not support you when you start talking about your unfair boss, even if you tell him that he has begun to pester you lately - he will decide that you are able to deal with this problem yourself or, even worse, you yourself provoked such a situation.

He will argue for a long time, offer you options for solving the problem, etc. Can you imagine a "bad guy" like this? Yes, consider that your boss has already lost two teeth in absentia for such jokes. What does <<плохиш>> will not understand who is right and who is wrong.

2. About sexuality- everything is individual, who likes what. Usually good boys take care of themselves, and go to the hairdresser and do a manicure. Dress representatively, strictly, elegantly. But with all this, they are not so exciting women. Why? Well, the main reason is that they strive too hard to be perfect in everything to the point where it becomes annoying. They usually have everything and always according to plan, even sex - but sometimes you also want to improvise.

In addition, the eternal desire to be correct (no swearing, no smoking, always look good, etc.) makes such a man constantly keep the brand, which deprives him of naturalness, and hence the share of attractiveness.

3 . So, you are the chosen one of a good boy.. Good too. He will be faithful to you, betrayed, will go to the theater with you, go to family dinners on Sundays - but this does not always happen because he really wants this - it just needs to be, it’s right. And sometimes it happens with sex too - often it happens not because your man wants you, but again because it is supposed to.

Well, as for mom ... then immediately be prepared - for starters, you should like her, and only then he. And if suddenly she doesn’t like you, no one says that they will immediately leave you, but the fact that your mother’s opinion of you will be a fundamental component of his opinion of you is a fact. “You need to listen to your mother” is another rule to follow.

4. At its core, a good boy is indecisive, and he explains this by the fact that "your opinion is important to him." But this most often results in the fact that all decisions always have to be made by you, and at the same time, he will not only agree with your decision, but think it over in every possible way and find flaws - well, he just has to take part in the choice, too, well, even through only criticism and without any alternative options on their part.

5. Well, what about marriage?- until a good boy is sure that the ground has been prepared for your life together: an apartment, stable income, approval of your candidacy by relatives (do not forget about this), he will not marry you. If you are ready to wait, then in principle you will eventually be organized a stable and prosperous life. Only, perhaps, by that time you will have run away with some “bad” boy - but if it doesn’t work out there, then you can always return to the good one - if he sincerely loves you, he will wait for you.

Well, here is a rough description. good and "bad" boys.

And so that everything does not seem so gloomy, I will say right away that purebred positive and negative men do not exist in nature - that's why I wish you to meet a man who will collect all the most positive qualities from a “bad” and a good boy, and may he make you the Queen not only of his heart, but of the whole world!

Oh those men! And they attract, and repel, and annoy, and inspire unearthly love, and then they frighten with their unpredictability, then they seem understandable and predictable. How to determine the type of a man? Go, figure out in this host of representatives of the stronger sex, which of them is reliable, and who is only fooling you! Here's that bumpkin who mumbles something unintelligibly under his breath when we meet - what does he expect from us? And this nimble and skillful boyfriend with a firework of wit and intellect - what does he need? What are men answers vague. Who, in the future, can become a reliable husband, and with whom are short-term relationships unacceptable, because, in the end, they will only cause unbearable pain? Questions, questions, questions...

In principle, the weaker sex likes different types of men. They say that women, for the most part, choose a man themselves and hunt for him with the help of all sorts of female tricks. Maybe so, but even the most hardened young ladies in these matters also often fall into a trap prepared by a man. After all, among the representatives of the stronger sex there are many of those from whom both young girls and ladies already experienced in sexual relations are thrilled and lose their heads. These skillful seducers have an amazing ability to paralyze the will of a woman, turning her into their victim and taking advantage of the unfortunate until she gets bored. The most unpleasant thing in such a situation is not even that we are eventually abandoned, but that we ourselves willingly climb into the set trap. And, the strangest thing, we often realize that this is a trap, but we convince ourselves that we are exceptional and this number will not work with us. And in vain. Because the number will pass. Even if we manage to keep such a seducer for a long enough time, sooner or later his nature will prevail. And we will receive our portion of tears in full.

Whether we need these tears or not, everyone decides for themselves. In the meantime, let's look at some types of men and decide which of them pose a potential danger to women.

Types of male seducers

gallant admirer

This type of male character is based on the principle of worship in front of any woman, whether she is a mother, sister, wife, lover or just a neighbor in the stairwell. He perfectly understands the state of young ladies and has the ability to understand and console them. The manners of a gallant admirer are striking in their sophistication, and any lady, even the most sophisticated in these matters, can go crazy with them. However, having lost his head from a gallant admirer, one should remember that he behaves this way with all women. Therefore, it may well happen that the seducer's heart, in fact, already belongs to someone, and his passport already has a marriage stamp. And be careful if he did turn his head - this fact is likely to bring serious suffering in the future. If we are looking only for male participation, warmth or a beautiful life, then it is possible to succumb to temptation without building grandiose plans for the future. These types of male character help overcome depression, but are practically not suitable for long-term relationships.

Don Juan

This is a macho man, next to whom a woman, not believing her own happiness, is speechless with delight. He is incomparable - tall, excellent figure, courageous face! The vibes of sexuality emanate from the macho, in the ocean of which all the representatives of the stronger sex who approach him drown. Of course, to become the chosen one of this type of man is the dream of any young lady, whose self-esteem increases significantly when connected with him. In addition, he is a great lover, and is able to give his partner unforgettable moments of bliss. And in the case when she wants only intimacy, it is difficult to find a better macho. Then, when a woman is also looking for spiritual contact ... Alas, alas. Because with this type of behavior, men are usually not capable of intimate conversations. They are simply not interested in them, since the life goal of a macho is to impress with their appearance and captivate as many representatives of the weaker sex as possible into bed, and he simply has no time to waste time on some kind of conversation.

Seeker of adventures

These types of men are romantic vagabonds by nature, who are very fond of freedom-loving women. Usually they have a very attractive masculine appearance and quickly conquer the ladies who seek to give the irresistible romance both soul and body. And in vain. Because at the forefront of this type of men is not family at all, but friends with whom he solves global issues.

How to determine the type of a man - a tramp? Quite simply, in his disdain for everyday amenities. He can wear the same sweater for months and is completely oblivious to what is served to him at dinner. Women who intend to take such a man into their hands should beware of investing too much effort in arranging the hearth - romance will get bored very quickly, and he will rush into the distance, to new adventures. As for those ladies who themselves are not averse to forever wandering around the world - well, it is quite possible that a romantic will be a good match for them! If not lost on the road without a trace!


These types of men tend to perfectly master the art of verbal communication. They have a rich vocabulary and great power to convince of anything. Chrysostom can very easily express any of his feelings - love and hate, disappointment and delight. If this talker needs some kind of woman, he will tirelessly tell her that he has finally met his soul mate, and his life has turned into a whole firework of endless joy and happiness. Try to resist such a speaker, because he is always ready to discuss with his girlfriend all her problems and reveal his secrets to her. All this, of course, captivates the young lady incredibly ... But she should always remember that if this talker wants to leave, he will also do it very talentedly and subtly. Chrysostom will name many reasons for parting. At the same time, he will skillfully pretend that he is extremely bitter and hurt, but “the situation has developed so that separation is inevitable, and nothing can be done about it. Life is life". In a word, Chrysostom is unreliable as a spouse, but as an adviser and comforter, he will do just fine.

However, these types of behavior of men may well be suitable for someone in life, but the wife of Chrysostom always needs to be prepared for the fact that her husband, in order to improve his oratory skills, will rush to look for new listeners. And in no case do not take on faith everything that he, in this case, will say in his defense, no matter how plausible it may sound.

It should be noted that all the above-described classifications of male seducers are rather arbitrary. In their pure form, they are quite rare. After all, judging by these types of behavior of men with a woman, almost every one of them can be classified as womanizer. So what now, do not trust anyone at all and do not get married ?! Of course not! But, if the qualities of character we have considered in a male representative prevail, before deciding to associate life with him, you should think carefully. Do we need unpleasant surprises, the likelihood of which in marriage with such a man is quite high, and can we bear them? Perhaps it is better to choose someone more reliable as a spouse? And how to determine who is more reliable and who is not?

It must be admitted that this is not so easy to determine. But still, let's try to find some guidelines, according to which we can make a more or less correct conclusion about the strength of marriage with this particular man. So…

What types of men are the most suitable for marriage


These types of men by nature, the main thing is to achieve the love of a woman. The male conqueror has a striking distinguishing feature - in a conversation he very often uses the pronoun "I" and quite rarely the pronoun "we". The conqueror is overly concerned with demonstrating his physical and intellectual advantages over others. Usually, representatives of this type of men are witty, erudite and have good connections in society, which they will not hesitate to tell a woman about in the very first hours of meeting her. Actually, a conquering man is a good option for a husband if a woman makes him constantly seek her favor. You can’t relax with him - he will lose interest in the conquered object and go in search of other victories. To prevent this from happening, a woman should continuously improve herself in all respects and often make it clear to her chosen one with half hints that she has a lot of broken hearts on her account. In addition, even if she sincerely and deeply loves the "conqueror", one should try to hide this, pretending that she is almost indifferent to him.

Tradition Keeper

This is the type of a man - a conservative who prefers stability in everything. He talks a lot about what order was observed in his parents' house, what dishes his mother cooked, what methods of education were practiced in the family, and so on. Such a man is seriously interested only in the young ladies who are excellent mistresses. In addition, they must be economical, able to create coziness in the house and ready to give up any, even the most prestigious, work and regular meetings with girlfriends outside the home in the name of this. Otherwise, you can not even dream of a successful marriage with a custodian man. It just seems like he's not prone to conflict. If it comes to violating the principles of this representative of the stronger sex, he can throw a huge scandal and even insist on a divorce.


These types of men by nature are workaholics, for whom the family is the continuation of professional activity. Work for them is the light in the window, and they talk about it all the time, as about intense, but, at the same time, pleasant daily work. A comrade-in-arms is looking for a helper wife, whose achievements at the professional level, at the same time, will not exceed his own. Therefore, if a young lady intends to become his wife, but, at the same time, has such achievements, she will have to keep quiet about them. The wife of a male comrade-in-arms, in order to avoid conflicts in the family, will have to give up her own ambitions and devote herself to the work that her husband is so passionate about. In this case, a happy union with a man of this type, even in the presence of adversity, is guaranteed.

Free Bird

This type of man tries his best to show his independence and with might and main pours some kind of sharp remarks at the address of those around him. At first glance, he is a tactless brute, but this is only at first glance. Because in reality they just love personal freedom very much and try to root out any attempts to limit it at least in some way. Such types of men are even ready to give up a good career if it threatens this very freedom. A woman who intends to become his life partner will have to control her emotions and constantly make it clear to the “free bird” that she is ready to let him go at any moment in all four directions. Otherwise, he will not endure any attempts to limit his actions and will instantly fly further from the most comfortable nest. However, there is a significant plus in marriage with him - “free birds” almost never tend to the left, because they are well aware of how such relationships can threaten their freedom.

In general, a good and lasting union can be created with any type of men we have studied. In fact, as we have already said, there are no exact answers to what men are like. And which man is more suitable for this or that woman, only she decides. There are many people in the world. And there are countless types of men. We have tried to describe only the most common. Each of these types is good in some ways, and not so good in some ways. And each of them can change in one direction or another. And with which it is better, only the heart will tell. After all, love - it is merciless, and can flare up suddenly to anyone. And there's nothing you can do about it...

Talk 1

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