Which company linoleum is better for the home. Which linoleum is better for an apartment: a complete classification and characteristics of each type. What to look for before buying

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the types of linoleum
  • How to understand the classes of linoleum
  • How to choose linoleum for a specific room
  • Linoleum which company is better to choose

On the modern market of building materials in Moscow, a wide range of products for finishing floors in an apartment is presented. Everyone who plans to repair faces the difficulties of choice. How to determine which coating is better if all manufacturers without exception recommend their collections, noting their exceptional quality and practicality. At the same time, the cost of such materials is not always affordable for the average buyer. If among all the selection criteria for you in the first place is the price, then it is better to pay attention to the good old linoleum. At an affordable cost, this material has a number of advantages, which will be discussed in this article. You can learn about the various characteristics of roll flooring and figure out which linoleum is best for an apartment.

Which linoleum is better to lay in an apartment, based on the type

Linoleum is a moisture-resistant flooring that has the following characteristics: flexibility, polymer composition and colors that mimic the texture of natural materials. Manufacturers offer a wide range of such products, which differ not only in color.

There is a stereotype that linoleum refers to modern artificial flooring. But this material appeared a long time ago and was originally produced from natural raw materials. Its name is a combination of two words linum (linen or linen) and oleum (oil). A patent for such material in 1860 was obtained in England by F. Walton.

The technology of its manufacture at that time was based on the production of a woven base made of linen or jute, which was processed with oxidized vegetable oil mixed with cork tree flour. The development of industrial technology has contributed to the constant improvement of linoleum. A variety of patterns and patterns began to appear on its surface.

The use of industrial chemical synthesis contributed to the reduction in the cost of linoleum, as a result of which expensive natural components were replaced with affordable synthetic canvases. This happened in the 60s of the last century. From that moment on, under the name of linoleum, a completely new artificial surface began to be produced.

Nevertheless, the emergence of demand for natural products made it possible to revive the traditions of the production of natural material, the sales of which are constantly growing. Today, linoleum is considered to be the most popular flooring option. Given the wide variety, it is necessary to understand the types of linoleum produced and their characteristics. This classification will allow you to choose the option that is best suited for your apartment.

natural linoleum

Natural linoleum is the best option for arranging residential premises. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients: flax oil, wood flour and resin, jute or linen woven fabric, limestone. For painting this type of flooring, a wide range of natural-based dyes is used.

Advantages natural linoleum:

  • The strength characteristics of natural linoleum allow this material to withstand loads up to 16 MPa.
  • Linseed oil provides bactericidal properties of the coating.
  • Due to wear-resistant characteristics, such linoleum retains its aesthetic and operational characteristics for 30 to 50 years.
  • Environmental friendliness and harmlessness to human health.
  • The material does not absorb dirt, it is easy to clean and wash with conventional means.
  • Lack of ability to accumulate static electricity.
  • Resistant to sun fading.
  • Low flammability.

The list of advantages of natural linoleum inspires respect for this coating.

But he also has his limitations:

  • High cost, which is comparable to natural wood coatings.
  • It is better not to use natural linoleum in rooms with high humidity, since its base can rot.
  • It is better not to use this natural coating option for arranging floors in cold rooms, as it has low elasticity.
  • Variants of patterns and colors of natural linoleum are not as diverse as those of artificial types of this coating.
  • New natural linoleum has a specific smell, which will remain in the apartment for some time after laying the coating.

Summing up, it can be noted that natural linoleum will be an excellent option for flooring in an apartment if you prefer eco-friendly housing and are ready to go for certain expenses for this. At the same time, it is better not to use it in bathrooms, in the kitchen or in the corridor, as the natural coating is afraid of moisture.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) linoleum

PVC linoleum today is the most common coating. Its international designation is PVC. It can be produced without a base or with the following types of bases:

  1. The basis of a fabric made of natural (jute) or synthetic (fiberglass, etc.) canvas. Such a base is covered with a PVC layer with a pattern. The total thickness of such a coating is up to 5 mm.
  2. Non-woven base made of synthetic raw materials or felt. A coating with such a base retains heat better, but it is completely unsuitable for use in wet rooms of an apartment and in places with a high intensity of use of the floor surface (corridors).
  3. The basis of foamed polyvinyl chloride appeared in the nineties of the last century and today is the most used for the manufacture of linoleum. Porous PVC perfectly withstands high loads and smooths minor floor irregularities. The application of foamed polyvinyl chloride can be carried out mechanically or chemically. It is better to choose a material with a mechanical application of the base, as it does not wrinkle under high loads.

In the assortment of some manufacturers, linoleum is presented, combining several varieties of the bases described above. Such coatings are called heterogeneous. Accordingly, linoleum with one base is called homogeneous. The number of layers of the base and the qualitative composition can differ significantly depending on the purpose of the linoleum.

Homogeneous linoleum is different in that its pattern runs through the entire depth of the coating, so abrasion of the top layer during operation does not lead to a deterioration in appearance. The thickness of this type of linoleum is in the range from 1.5 to 3 mm. It is better to buy homogeneous linoleum for places with high traffic, and it is not advisable to use such material in an apartment, since it has a high price.

PVC linoleum has gained popularity as a material for finishing floors in apartments due to the following characteristics:

  • The elasticity of the polyvinyl chloride coating greatly simplifies its installation.
  • A wide selection of colors and patterns allows you to better emphasize the features of various interiors.
  • Affordable cost.
  • High-quality PVC linoleum from the best manufacturers is a non-toxic material, which is confirmed by hygienic certificates.

Linoleum made of polyvinyl chloride has its own limitations:

  • It is better not to use PVC linoleum in rooms where temperature changes are possible, as this leads to shrinkage of the floor covering.
  • New PVC linoleum has a specific smell that can last for several weeks.

Alkyd linoleum

Another name for this coating is glyptal linoleum. It is produced on a fabric basis with the application of modified resins (alkyd or glyptal) using a special technology. To improve the performance and aesthetic characteristics, various fillers and pigments are added to the resins.

Advantages alkyd linoleum:

  • It retains heat better and serves as an effective soundproofing material.
  • Thanks to its high resistance to abrasion, it lasts up to 50 years.
  • It is well cleaned from various contaminants.

Flaws glyptal linoleum:

  • When the temperature drops to 0°C, such a coating loses its elasticity.
  • Laying should be carried out by experienced craftsmen.
  • Given the low resistance to fire, it is better not to use alkyd linoleum for flooring in apartments.

Alkyd linoleum has been used as a floor covering in public transport: railway cars, subways, airplanes, etc.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

This type of flooring has two layers. The bottom layer is made from recycled rubber and the top layer is made from artificial rubber with the addition of dyes. Between themselves, the layers are fastened with mastic based on bitumen.

Advantages rubber linoleum:

  • Due to its high resistance to moisture, relin can be laid in the most humid rooms.
  • Wear resistance, strength and elasticity.
  • High anti-slip performance.
  • Long service life.

Relin is best used for arranging the floor near swimming pools, in garages, in gyms, but not in residential areas. Laying such a coating in an apartment is undesirable, as it emits substances harmful to health.

Nitrocellulose (colloxylin) linoleum

A single layer of nitrocellulose flooring is called colloxylin linoleum. To improve performance, components such as gypsum, plasticizers and pigments are added to it. Due to its high flammability, today such linoleum is practically not used for flooring.

Which class of linoleum is best for an apartment

The difficulty of choosing a floor covering for an apartment is due to the fact that most materials are heterogeneous, combining several layers with different characteristics. To simplify the task, European brands decided to create the EN685 standard, which classifies linoleums by strength and scope. To designate representatives of different classes, digital marking with a two-digit numeric code and a special pictogram is used.

The first numeric character of the class marking indicates where it is better to apply such a coating:

  • The number 2 indicates that the coating is best used for apartments and other residential properties.
  • The number 3 marks materials for floors in offices.
  • The number 4 is used to designate products oriented to operation in a production environment.

The 2nd digit of the class marking shows the load level for which the coating is designed:

  • 1 - low.
  • 2 - medium.
  • 3 - high.
  • 4 - very high.

Household flooring

The correct answer to the question “which linoleum is better for an apartment” is household linoleum of a class from 21 to 23. Its characteristics are described in the EN685 standard:

  • Specific gravity: 1.25-2.25 kilograms per square meter.
  • Coating thickness: from 0.15 to 3 millimeters.
  • The elasticity of household linoleum should provide the possibility of winding on a sleeve with a cross section of 45 mm without creases and cracks.
  • The ability to absorb sound up to 18 dB.
  • Water absorption up to 1.5%.
  • Shrinkage does not exceed 0.2 mm per 1 meter.

semi-commercial linoleum

Semi-commercial linoleum includes materials of classes from 31 to 34. They are used for flooring in commercial and office premises. They differ in the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.6-2.5 kg / m 2.
  • The elasticity of semi-commercial linoleum should ensure the absence of cracks when the material is wound on a cylinder with a cross section of 10 to 40 mm.
  • The sound-absorbing properties of such a coating are in the range of 12-16 dB.
  • Operational shrinkage should not exceed 0.1 mm per 1 meter of material length.
  • The period of operation guaranteed by the manufacturer with preservation of the properties of the coating is from 7 to 20 years.

commercial linoleum

Commercial linoleum belongs to classes from 41 to 43. It is used in high traffic areas. Abrasion resistance is ensured by the presence of a hardened film layer up to 8 mm thick. Commercial linoleum retains its dimensions better (material shrinkage up to 1 mm/m). Manufacturers guarantee the preservation of the characteristics of this type of flooring for a period of 10 to 25 years.

Many companies produce commercial linoleum with high-strength PVC film. The thickness of the protective layer is selected taking into account the features of the operation of the premises:

  1. A protective layer 0.15 mm thick is best suited for flooring in living rooms and bedrooms.
  2. Products with PVC film 0.20 mm are a good option for children's rooms in an apartment.
  3. A layer of 0.25 mm is an excellent choice for floors in the kitchen and in the hallway.
  4. Linoleum with a film of 0.30 mm is best used in rooms with an average level.
  5. A protective film with a thickness of more than 0.50 mm will cope well with high loads.

Linoleum sellers are required to provide the buyer with certificates confirming its compliance with applicable standards and hygiene requirements. As a rule, on the reverse side of the coating, along with the manufacturer's logo, data regarding the characteristics of the material are applied.

Such information will help you better choose linoleum:

  • Coverage class.
  • Batch number (it is better to buy products from one batch).
  • Manufacturing date.

In addition to this information, pictograms informing about the special characteristics of linoleum can be presented here:

Which linoleum to choose for a specific room

In this section, we will figure out which linoleum is better to buy for various rooms in an apartment, taking into account their characteristics and patency.

Linoleum for the kitchen

For the floor in the kitchen, it is better to choose linoleum with high mechanical strength and moisture resistance. The best material option for this room is natural marmoleum. Such a coating has a fabric base, which is usually made from jute fiber. Marmoleum is characterized by a long service life and easy cleaning of contaminants using detergents.

Of course, it is better to buy natural linoleum for an apartment, but if you are limited in finances, then synthetic linoleum can be laid in the kitchen. When choosing such a coating, pay attention to its service life declared by the manufacturer, and also make sure that it complies with GOST standards and hygienic requirements. Flooring experts say semi-commercial linoleum is best for kitchens. Such a material has an abrasion-resistant decorative layer, a reliable protective coating and a density that allows it to withstand the mechanical load resulting from falling kitchen utensils on the floor.

From the point of view of design for the floor in the kitchen, it is better to use linoleum with a pattern that imitates natural stone, parquet board or tile. When choosing materials for the floor in the apartment, pay attention to the antiseptic characteristics of linoleum. Natural linoleum with a linen base has such properties. If you decide to buy artificial linoleum, it is better to use materials with antiseptic properties as a substrate.

The width of the roll should be such as to minimize cutting operations and reduce the number of joints (it is the joints that are the most vulnerable point of linoleum in the kitchen).

Linoleum for the corridor and hallway in the apartment

The most passable places in the apartment are the corridor and the hallway. Therefore, when choosing linoleum for such premises, it is better to first of all pay attention to its resistance to abrasion. Of course, if no more than 2 people live in an apartment, then you can stay on class 22 or 23 coverage, and not overpay for more expensive products. If you have a large family, then you will need a material with a thickness of at least 4 mm, which has a protective layer exceeding 0.25 mm. The most reliable brands of linoleum grades 31 or 32 are best used for finishing floors in the corridors of offices or commercial enterprises.

Before you start laying linoleum in the apartment, make sure that the floor does not have significant bulges and depressions. . For high-quality laying of the floor in the corridor, it is better to use a PVC or cork underlay (a natural jute or linen underlay has insufficient density to withstand high mechanical loads and abrasion).

Linoleum for an office and a bedroom in an apartment

To equip the floors in the bedroom or in the office in the apartment, it is better to use soft-foamed linoleum. In these rooms, there is no need to use high-density coatings, so you can take care of maximum comfort. Such conditions are best satisfied by artificial linoleum of class 21 with a base of foamed polyvinyl chloride. You can also use a single coat complete with a soft linen or jute backing.

If we are talking about a children's bedroom, then experts recommend natural linoleum with higher strength. Coatings of grades 22 and 23 will better withstand the loads that arise when children play with various toys.

Linoleum for the living room in the apartment

When choosing which linoleum is best for the living room, you need to take into account the possible loads on the floor surface. So, for a family of more than 3 people, which has a tradition of receiving guests, semi-commercial coverage of classes 31 and 32 can be recommended (similar linoleum is also suitable for the corridor). In addition, if you often have guests, it is better not to buy expensive linoleum, since the service life of such material will be 7-9 years.

For a living room in a small family apartment, you can use household linoleum of class 22 or 23 with a protective layer of 0.15 to 0.20 mm.

Linoleum for a balcony in an apartment

Balconies are characterized by frequently changing temperature conditions, so for flooring it is better to use materials with minimal shrinkage and high strength. In addition, factors such as exposure to ultraviolet rays and high humidity must be taken into account. As a rule, moisture-resistant, frost-resistant and anti-slip coatings are chosen for balconies in an apartment. It is best to choose the same linoleum as for office space with a high load.

Which company's linoleum is better to choose for an apartment: an overview of manufacturers

The best linoleum for an apartment, whichever company you choose, must meet criteria such as:

  • High wear-water-chemical resistance, as well as bacteriostatic and absence of characteristic odors.
  • Service life not less than 7 years.
  • Stain resistant and easy maintenance.
  • Compliance with hygiene and safety standards.

To answer the question, which company's linoleum is better to choose for an apartment, we provide an overview of the brands represented on the domestic flooring market.


This manufacturer is known as one of the largest global brands in the segment of natural and synthetic flooring. Its history goes back about 130 years, and today the concern has its representative offices in many countries of the world. The concern's products are supplied to more than 140 countries.

Assortment line:

  1. Natural linoleum and PVC coatings (household, semi-commercial, commercial, special).
  2. Parquet board.
  3. Laminated parquet.
  4. Cork coverings.
  5. Accessories, consumables and other products for flooring.

In Russia, the brand's enterprise appeared in 1995 (Otradny, Samara region). PVC coatings are produced here. In addition, the domestic market is supplied with products manufactured by the Tarkett concern at Eastern European factories. The company manufactures products under 4 trademarks:

  • Tarkett (EU, RF). The manufacturer's catalog contains about twenty collections of premium tiles and roll materials made from natural raw materials and PVC. Under this brand, all types of linoleum are produced with wear resistance classes ranging from 21 to 43. The main advantage of Tarkett products is the variety of patterns on the smooth and textured surface of the coating.
  • Sinteros (RF). Under this trademark, PVC materials of an economy level are produced with a wear resistance class from 21 to 34. Consumers choose Sinteros linoleum for its practicality and affordable cost.
  • Vinisin (Ukraine). Products manufactured under this trademark are similar to Sinteros linoleum.
  • Polystyl (RF) - belongs to the middle price category. The trademark catalog contains 6 collections of coatings of 23, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 41 classes.

Advantages linoleum for the Tarkett apartment:

  • Floor coverings of this brand are distinguished by high strength and wear resistance, which is ensured by the presence of a transparency with a protective layer (Extreme Protection, Titan, etc.).
  • Thanks to the use of fiberglass reinforcement, Tarkett linoleum has an increased resistance to deformation.
  • The best selection of designs and colors compared to competitors' products.
  • The choice of the consumer in the Tarkett collections includes linoleum with three base options: foamed polyvinyl chloride, artificial felt, duplicated base.
  • Tarkett materials are approved for use in health care facilities.
  • The safety of the flooring of this brand is confirmed by various certificates, including documents
  • Good information support.
  • Simple installation and unpretentiousness in service.
  • Availability of offers in different price segments.
  • Service life, depending on the type of linoleum, ranges from 7 to 50 years.


  • Tarkett products are relatively expensive;
  • Linoleum, presented in the budget line, may smell unpleasant at first.


The Forbo group of companies has a large number of manufacturing enterprises operating in different directions. The largest division unites seven European factories producing products for finishing floors and walls.

For about twenty years, the company has been producing natural coatings under the Marmoleum brand. The catalog contains coatings of all classes in various forms. In our country, Forbo production facilities were launched in 2012 in the Kaluga region.

Advantages linoleum Forbo:

  • Under this brand, natural and environmentally friendly products are produced.
  • The manufacturer's product line includes rolled materials, tiles, as well as combined coatings based on HDF-plates.
  • A wide range of color and design options (linoleum under wood, stone, etc.).
  • Resistance to abrasion and exposure to household chemicals and deformation.
  • Linoleum Forbo is characterized by bacteriostatic and low thermal conductivity.
  • Persistent mineral dyes are used for coloring floor coverings.
  • Forbo coatings are approved for flooring in health resorts and institutions for children.
  • Good information support allows you to more accurately determine which linoleum is best for an apartment.
  • The quality and safety of materials are confirmed by a full package of EN certificates.
  • Easy installation and low maintenance.
  • The period of operation, depending on the type of linoleum, is from 10 to 30 years.


  • The high cost of all collections.
  • Many decor options are only available by pre-order with a waiting period of one month.


A manufacturer of floor coverings from Hungary began its activity with a small workshop for the production of tarpaulin and oilcloth products. At present, the company's production facilities include four modern factories for the production of wood and PVC materials for floor and wall decoration.

Grabo catalogs contain synthetic linoleums of all classes (21-23, 31-34, 41-43). In the household series, you can choose a coating option with a variety of decor in different color shades (it should be noted that the choice, although large, is not as rich as that of competitors).

Grabo also produces special PVC linoleum, including coatings for transport, gyms, as well as bacteriostatic, soundproof and anti-slip products.

Advantages linoleum Grabo:

  • A high degree of resistance to abrasion and deformation elasticity of Grabo linoleums is ensured by the use of fiberglass for reinforcing materials.
  • A variety of designs, including unique avant-garde and children's series.
  • Grabo products comply with European safety and health standards according to CE.
  • Easy installation and easy maintenance.
  • Affordable cost of all collections, regardless of coverage class.
  • Operational period from 10 to 25 years.

Flaws linoleum Grabo:

  • A small selection of design solutions on the Russian market.
  • Most Grabo products cannot be used on underfloor heating.
  • Low degree of resistance to pollution.


Utex is a company with a long history. Back in 1939, a packaging manufacturing plant was established. Over time, a large European concern for the production of floor and wall coverings grew on the basis of the enterprise. In the Juteks product line, the segment of PVC linoleum with a wear resistance class of 21-34 is most widely represented. In our country, Utex production was opened in 2009 in the city of Kameshkovo (Vladimir region.).

The company markets its products under the brands:

  • Juteks is a premium segment of linoleum with a smooth or structured surface. Products under this brand are manufactured at factories located in Belgium, Slovenia and the Russian Federation.
  • Beauflor - business level coverage. (Produced at the enterprises of Slovenia and the Russian Federation).
  • Ideal is an economical segment of floor coverings.

Advantages Utex:

  • High resistance to abrasion and moisture, which is provided by additional protective layers.
  • The presence of reinforcing fiberglass prevents shrinkage and deformation of the coating.
  • Every year, the manufacturer updates about 40 collections with a wide variety of decor.
  • All products presented in the Utex catalog have been certified for compliance with domestic and European quality requirements. For linoleum from the luxury category, eco-expertise conclusions are provided.
  • Easy to install and maintain.
  • Affordable cost.
  • Service life from 7 to 30 years.


  • Economy segment products have a low density of the base layer and are distinguished by a rather slippery surface. In addition, such linoleum retains an unpleasant odor for a long time.
  • Linoleum with a textured surface gets dirty quickly and is difficult to clean. To remove contaminants, you will need special detergents.
  • It is better not to use coatings from budget series for arranging underfloor heating.

Comitex LIN

The production facilities of this brand have been located in the city of Syktyvkar since 2002. Here, linoleum is made on the basis of foamed PVC and synthetic felt.

You can choose the material in 5 wear classes (21-23 and 31-32) from 9 collections. These are household and semi-commercial coatings, as well as a commercial series. The design is limited to natural wood patterns, ceramic tiles or marble chips. All coatings have a laminating film supplied from China.

Advantages Comitex LIN products:

  • The linoleum of this brand has a waterproof surface that is resistant to active substances that are part of household chemicals and intensive operational loads.
  • The quality of products is confirmed by all necessary certificates.
  • Simple styling.
  • Affordable price.
  • The service life is from 5 to 7 years.


  • Due to insufficient density, Komiteks LIN linoleum is prone to dents.
  • The unpleasant odor persists for a long time after installation.
  • It is better not to use the products of this brand for heated floors.
  1. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing linoleum for an apartment is the smell of the material. The less smell, the better the material, as it contains a minimum amount of harmful substances. Natural or synthetic material of high quality practically does not smell. The outer surface of the coating should not have a gloss, and the pattern on it is clearly visible.
  2. It is good if the width of the canvas matches the size of the room. You need to buy a floor covering with a small margin, since in the process of laying it will be necessary to achieve docking of the pattern. In addition, for an accurate calculation of the material, it is necessary to take into account the presence of niches, thresholds and other features of the room.
  3. It is better not to buy linoleum on the market. It must be stored in a heated room. In addition, in a store it will be more convenient to check the quality characteristics of the material.
  4. Be sure to check the compliance of linoleum with hygiene requirements and safety standards. Products that have passed the examination are labeled accordingly, and the seller must present the hygiene certificate to the buyer.
  5. It is better to check the quality of linoleum in rolled form. It should not have bumps, waves or areas with a peeling protective film. All these points indicate marriage, and therefore, such material should not be bought for an apartment.
  6. If you decide to use the same floor covering for several rooms, then it is better to buy the material in one piece. It is only necessary to take into account the possibility of transporting a large roll along the landing.
  7. You can not fold the linoleum in half and stick adhesive tape on the front surface of the material. For transportation, it is better to roll linoleum upside down. If the roll is folded "face" out, then it should be packed in a protective film.
  8. In order for linoleum to last as long as possible and retain its attractive appearance, it is better to choose a coating with a special protective layer.
  9. It is good if you have the opportunity to bring samples of linoleum to those rooms of the apartment where it is planned to be laid. This will help you choose the material that best harmonizes with the interior.
  10. If you need to cover a large area with linoleum floors, it is better to buy material from the same batch, since the coating released at different times may differ slightly in color shades.

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Linoleum is the most popular floor covering among the population with an average standard of living. Firstly, the price is not as high as that of parquet or carpet, and secondly, the service life is normal. And today's manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, choose any! But it turns out that although this material is well known to consumers, there are many nuances that must be considered when buying. Therefore, this article is devoted to the question of which linoleum to choose, because the house has different rooms with their own operational features.

What to look for before buying?

To understand in detail how to choose linoleum for your home, you should know the main criteria for a rational purchase:

  • compliance with the purpose - a nursery is a room, or a bedroom, a kitchen;
  • characteristics - the degree of wear resistance, noise absorption, antistatic, moisture resistance, antibacterial properties;
  • whether linoleum can withstand the load, given the number of people living and the rate of patency;
  • whether harmony is created in the interior - linoleum can be monophonic, with abstract patterns, with imitation of different textures: wood, tile, stone.

If all of the above criteria are taken into account, the buyer will not get lost in the modern variety, because he will know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, as well as for a private house.

What is linoleum anyway?

Perhaps, linoleum can be called the most democratic flooring. The arguments to confirm these words are significant, because the material fits in schools, offices, and, of course, in a house / apartment. Therefore, it is understandable why the market offers a variety of types of linoleum: how to choose the best one? The question is simple, you just need to understand the problem and then everything will become clear.

- made from wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, natural dyes, and the basis is jute fabric. Due to the fact that this material is made from purely natural ingredients, it is excellent for a child's room, rooms where asthmatics and allergy sufferers live. Therefore, if the question is being decided which linoleum to choose for an apartment, this is an excellent option - the material is environmentally friendly, not harmful to health, and also resistant to abrasion, does not shed in the sun, and has bactericidal properties.

PVC linoleum is made either on a fabric basis or on a non-woven heat-insulating one. Domestic manufacturers use European technologies, so everyone can afford such linoleum, because the price of products is affordable.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • a wide palette of patterns, shades;
  • pronounced dielectric characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

There are certain disadvantages, we are talking about sensitivity to high temperature, instability to chemicals. So, if the temperature in the room drops sharply, then elasticity is lost and PVC linoleum may crack.

In addition, the flooring in question can be alkyd, colloxin, and linoleum-relin is also common.

Classification and marking of coatings

To accurately answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you need to understand the markings corresponding to the purpose of the room. As for the first digit of this very marking, it varies from one to four:

  • 1 - for rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 - residential rooms;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 - industrial premises.

And the second digit indicates the expected load, which means that the unit, respectively, is the lowest, the four is the highest load. For example, class 21 coverage is great for an office and bedroom, it is advisable to buy class 23-24 linoleum for a kitchen and hallway.

To cover the topic in more detail, you need to give a few more examples. Let's take the hallway for example. Of course, the entrance hall, the corridor are rooms with a very high degree of patency. This means that the best option is linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important: it is desirable to pay increased attention to the thickness of the protective layer, it should be at least 0.25 mm.

Also, before buying, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface on which this flooring will be laid in the future. The smoother the surface, the thinner the linoleum can be and vice versa. The ideal solution for the hallway is household linoleum with a foam base. Or it can be expensive semi-commercial linoleum, which is characterized by increased strength.

How to choose a good linoleum? This multifaceted issue worries many consumers. So that the purchase in the future does not become a cause for disappointment associated with low quality, you should follow these guidelines:

  • trust your own sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor clearly indicates that the coating contains harmful additives. High-quality linoleum, both synthetic and natural, does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the drawing must be clear;
  • compliance with safety standards - good linoleum undergoes a special examination, is labeled, and the seller must also present a hygiene certificate;
  • quality must be checked in rolled form: for the absence of bumps, areas with a peeled film. These indicators indicate a marriage, such a coating cannot be bought, because the existing irregularities cannot be smoothed out;
  • it is advisable to give preference to a material with a special protective film - such linoleum is easy to clean, retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • all linoleum must be from the same batch - even when the articles are the same, color differences are possible.

The question of choice is not so difficult, if you know all the subtleties and nuances. All of the above tips will help buyers make the right choice, the purchase will not bring grief in the future, that is, during operation.

In this article, we will try to dissuade you and suggest which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment. Here will be given the characteristics and description of different types, as well as recommendations for choosing the optimal parameters for certain rooms.

Rumors about linoleum and their debunking

Let's start by listing all far-fetched flaws coverage and explain why these fears are unfounded. We deliberately start the article with this information., because, without understanding some of the main points, it will be difficult for you to choose, and you will always remember all sorts of "buts" that will speak against the purchase.

And it is worth buying linoleum, since it is quite a budget and very practical floor covering. Let's go...

Myth #1: Unbelievably unhealthy

Some people are very afraid that linoleum emits toxic fumes, and believe that it is this coating that emits them, almost for life and in huge quantities.

What can be said here? Yes, there is harmful linoleum, but there is also harmful laminate, harmful carpet and even a harmful board covered with low-quality and cheap varnish. Yes, we will tell you more. There are harmful wallpapers, paints and stretch ceilings...

The point here is not at all that it is linoleum, but in production technology and initial components.

Everyone knows that it’s better not to deal with the Chinese: the guys are hacking and reducing the cost of production as much as possible. As a result, their products contain such an amount of phenol that it simply fills the room with an unpleasant, chemical smell. And it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

Yes, and it is difficult to determine in the store which of the coatings has a smell and which does not, because there, in the air, phenol is floating and it seems that all the coatings are wrong ...

Therefore, there is only one way out: look not only at the colors and parameters, but also at the manufacturer. You should not take on faith what is written in the store on the price tag, since, in supermarkets, often not entirely correct information is given.

It’s better to write down this name on a piece of paper, and at home, on the Internet, already read reviews about it the people who used it. If it has a smell, then you will certainly read about it somewhere, now many people write to the network and share their advice.

By the way, in the modern market there is completely safe linoleum, environmentally friendly. It is made from natural ingredients, but the price for it, of course, completely negates these advantages.

It is often easier to put a real board on the floor than to buy linoleum without chemicals. Moreover, the selection of flowers there is quite poor. But since it is on sale, it means that someone takes it. The rich have their quirks, as they say.

Myth #2: Only suitable for narrow rooms

Anyone who has not visited a construction market for a long time is simply sure that the linoleum panels have not changed and there is a choice of width from 1.5 to 3 meters. And this means that in a larger room it will be necessary to make ugly joints from plastic or iron strips, and no beauty, integrity will come out.

But, we hasten to please you: it's not like that for a long time.

Firstly, there are now both four and five-meter panels on the market, but there are certainly far fewer of them than standard ones. If you don’t find the right color from wide canvases, then don’t worry either: no planks are needed anymore.

Secondly, now there is a special welding for linoleum, and the seam comes out almost imperceptible. The name is, of course, very exemplary. In fact, welding is nothing more than the usual butt-gluing of seams, but the composition of the bonding compound is such that it literally dissolves the linoleum and splices the pieces together. As a result, the surface comes out whole, and it cannot burst at the junction in any way.

Myth #3: Very impractical and short-lived

And here we also, as in the first block, say: depending on what kind of linoleum.

Yes, to this day there are coatings on the surface of which the slightest pressure leaves sagging marks, not to mention heel marks and other aggressive things. But not all linoleum is like that!

There are incredibly durable floors that will serve you faithfully for decades without losing their original appearance. But we are talking about this moment in more detail below, in a separate block, since the topic of the right choice is extensive.

Here the class is important, and the top coat and a lot of other things that you should pay attention to.

We can only say that in 90% of cases, the basis of linoleum is fiberglass, and this ensures that the canvas does not “sit down” over time and does not deform, and there is no reason to fear that it will tear from some little thing.

Myth #4: It's not prestigious and embarrassing

Here, yes, if you take the cheapest linoleum, which will be painted in unnatural colors and looks like oilcloth - it is, it looks disgusting, to put it mildly. But if you choose something more expensive, with a good texture and color, without any oilcloth highlights, then the floor looks pretty decent.

Often, a good linoleum is much more effective than an inexpensive laminate. And practical, which is the most important thing. It is necessary to monitor the laminate: in no case should water droplets fall on it, otherwise it will swell ... And linoleum is an unpretentious thing, absolutely.

Myth number 5: under linoleum you need to perfectly level the floor

Many people think that linoleum requires too careful leveling of the screed, which is expensive and, it seems, in this case, the game is not worth the candle. You will save on the coating, but on the screed you will lose. Isn't it easier then to take carpet or laminate?

It is not easier, because it is necessary to level the floor under any coating, especially under a laminate! If the linoleum can withstand small irregularities, then the laminate is definitely not, and over time, in places of small holes, the locks of the boards will diverge ... Under the carpet, however, you can’t really equate if we are talking about a carpet with a high pile. But after all and care of it is more difficult.

Try to put a soft floor in the house where there are children. Yes, in a year they will turn the once pretty floor into something sloppy ... And it is simply unrealistic to wash it off on your own.

Here, in general, is the whole list of common prejudices that simply do not let buyers go to stands with linoleum. As you can see, there are definitely no grounds for categorical judgments here, and it's all about the quality of the material itself.

What classes does he have?

And now let's get down to specifics. In this block, you will learn what kind of linoleum is and how, in fact, to choose it.

Linoleum comes in several classes, here they are:

1st class The most short-lived, but also the most inexpensive. It is intended for rooms with very little traffic and, on such a coating, it is advisable not to walk in heels. It would be ideal if a rug is laid on the places of greatest trampling (for example, by the bed, if such linoleum is in the bedroom).
2nd grade This species is already stronger, and, by and large, suitable for all living spaces. But its service life is short, about seven years, while it must also be handled with care.
3rd grade commercial linoleum, very strong, durable, not afraid of heels and moving furniture. One trouble, with the colors in this class - rather weak. As a rule, commercial linoleum has a neutral color, solid and not very bright. For example, gray and blue coatings are popular.
4th grade Industrial. Very durable linoleum, is not afraid of practically nothing. But, as in the previous case, this class cannot boast of original colors.

In addition to these classes, linoleum has varieties according to the materials of manufacture, which you also need to know in order to make the right choice. But we will talk about them in a separate block, and now we will consider which class is suitable for specific rooms.

So what do we have? Or very durable coatings, but not distinguished by original colors, or beautiful, stylish, but their service life is not so long.

In our opinion, there is no point in chasing excessive strength, since third-class linoleum, subject to certain conditions, can please you not for ten years, but much more.

The most versatile option is linoleum of the 3rd class.

In general, it is very good when the floor covering for the whole apartment goes one color. Therefore, sometimes it makes no sense to talk about the classes of linoleum for rooms. In fact, you won’t cover the kitchen with one color, and the corridor will be different, because it is less passable and, therefore, you can take cheaper linoleum?

Now let's talk about the materials from which linoleum is made.

What material?


The most common linoleum, it is made of PVC, that is, polyvinyl chloride. There is no need to be afraid of this terrible word, there is nothing harmful in it, provided that the product is produced by a decent company and does not have a sharp, unpleasant smell.

It is a good choice as PVC is a practical material. Naturally, it is not eternal, and it must be protected. He is afraid of fire, you can’t put hot pans on him (absurd, but the same children can think of this), he doesn’t “like” shoes with heels ...

Other than that, it's a hassle-free and easy-to-clean coating.

natural linoleum

Absolutely environmentally friendly, suitable for kids' rooms and allergy sufferers. Made from jute fabric, wood flour, natural resins. There are a lot of colors and they, as a rule, look very natural and expensive.

But he is very expensive, this is one thing, and the second - he is afraid of moisture. Therefore, if we are talking about a children's room, then this is not the best choice, since children can pour water often and thickly. Due to this, the coating will look sloppy and covered with indelible stains.

Glyptal linoleum

This is alkyd resin linoleum, which is applied to a fabric base.

Its advantages are that it is quite strong and wear-resistant, but at the same time fragile, and before spreading it, the roll should rest in a warm room (especially if you bought it in the winter and it froze during delivery ). If you spread it immediately, then there is a high probability of cracks.


This is linoleum without a base at all, there is neither fabric nor rubber underneath. Made from cellulose and, in general, it is also a fairly environmentally friendly material. But, unlike purely natural linoleum, this coating is not afraid of water.

In care, it is unpretentious and in no way inferior to PVC in properties. The only bad thing is that such coatings are rare in supermarkets, and ordering such a thing via the Internet is a big risk.

On one of the forums, we read a review: there a woman complained that she got one color, but they sent another. In general, we do not recommend doing this. This is exactly the product that you need to see and feel before buying ...


It's not even linoleum, but rather, a rubber coating. Very durable, comfortable, has good soundproofing properties. But, if we are talking about an apartment, it is not recommended to lay such linoleum, since it still has harmful fumes that do not disappear for a very long time.

Yes, it is puncture resistant, and the only place where it can and should be adjusted is the vestibule where you take off your shoes. Not a corridor, but a vestibule, in which people stay for a few minutes. And the price is loyal, by the way.

Which company's linoleum is better to choose?

And finally, let's touch on the topic of manufacturers. Naturally, the ideal option is European manufacturers, but the price of such a coating "bites" in comparison with domestic or Chinese factories.

It makes no sense to list the names of companies, since they are expanding every day, and you can’t simply keep track of everyone.

The only thing that can be said is that European linoleum is better than domestic, and domestic is better than Chinese.

That is, see for yourself, think for yourself, but be sure to pay attention to the smell!

As we wrote above, it is advisable to first look at the linoleum, then read real reviews about it, and only then give the command to the sellers: "Cut!"

In conclusion, what more can be said? We have told you all the possible nuances, and now you will be pretty savvy when you come to the store. Now you know what material is better in quality, what width, what thickness linoleum is and what size is the most optimal.

The modern variety of floor coverings involuntarily puts any person making repairs in an apartment or a house in front of the "throes" of choice. Eminent manufacturers, perfectly building their advertising policy, persistently recommend their products, which are really good. But, it happens that for this you will have to part with the amount that was not planned. And for some reason, the good old linoleum is undeservedly relegated to the background, considering it a choice for the poor. In fact, it has a number of advantages that the consumer is most likely not aware of. Perhaps you should be more aware of this popular flooring and find out which linoleum is best for your home.

History reference

Linoleum is mistakenly attributed to modern and artificial materials, but its historical roots are hidden in the name. The word linoleum consists of Latin: linum - meaning linen or linen, as well as oleum - oil. Linoleum was patented in 1860 by the Englishman Frederick Walton. Initially, this flooring used a woven base of linen or jute, which was coated with oxidized vegetable oil combined with cork flour. Technologies were constantly improving, manufacturers learned how to apply a pattern to linoleum and at the beginning of the 20th century it was one of the most popular materials.

Due to the high cost of plant raw materials and the development of chemical synthesis, in the 60s of the last century they began to produce synthetic-based floor roll coverings, which were left with the old name - linoleum, although this is a completely different material. In the 90s, they remembered the traditions of the production of natural linoleum, and the volume of its production is constantly increasing, since there is a steady demand for it. Thus, under the name of linoleum, a very wide class of floor coverings, both natural and synthetic, has united.

Types of linoleum

To make it easier to navigate the ocean of proposals and make the right choice, you should learn about the types of existing linoleums and which ones are suitable for your home.

natural linoleum

One of the best choices is natural linoleum. For its production, only natural ingredients are used: linseed oil, wood flour, jute or linen, natural wood resin, limestone. A rich palette of natural dyes, together with modern technologies, make it possible to paint this wonderful coating in any color. Natural linoleum has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High strength. Natural linoleum can withstand pressure up to 16 MPa.
  • Linseed oil, which is part of the composition, makes such a coating bactericidal.
  • High wear resistance determines a long service life: up to 30-50 years.
  • Exclusively natural components determine its environmental friendliness.
  • Natural linoleum does not absorb pollution and is easily cleaned from various contaminants with detergents.
  • Static electricity does not accumulate on natural linoleum.
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet rays, does not fade from the sun.
  • Has low flammability.

With such an impressive list of advantages, natural linoleum is still not without drawbacks:

  • Natural linoleum has a high price, comparable to a parquet board.
  • In rooms where a natural linoleum coating is planned, there should not be high humidity, since the natural base is prone to decay.
  • Low elasticity limits the use of natural linoleum in cold rooms and complicates its installation.
  • Features of manufacturing technology limit the variety of patterns and ornaments.
  • Only the laid natural linoleum coating has a specific smell, which may not be to everyone's liking. However, the smell disappears after a few months.

For all eco-home enthusiasts willing to go to high expense, natural linoleum is a great choice for living spaces. Low moisture resistance limits its use on, in bathrooms and hallways.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) linoleum

PVC linoleum (international designation - PVC) is the most widely used. It can be both without a base, and with various types of bases:

  • Fabric base. Both natural jute and synthetic fabrics, such as fiberglass, can be used for it. The upper cover, which has a pattern, is made of PVC. Such linoleum can have an impressive thickness - up to 5 mm.
  • A non-woven base made of natural felt or synthetic materials can improve thermal insulation properties, but such linoleum should not be used in rooms with high traffic and high humidity, as it does not like intense loads, and the porous base will perfectly absorb moisture.

  • Foamed PVC backing. Such linoleum began to be produced in the 90s of the last century, and this type of substrate is one of the most popular. The main porous PVC layer perceives all loads and "forgives" small irregularities in the base, and the reinforcing fabric maintains the geometric dimensions of the web. PVC foam can be applied chemically and more progressive mechanically, which is better, since such linoleum will not wrinkle under high loads.

Some types of linoleum are also made, which combine several types of the above layers. Linoleum, which has several of them, is called heterogeneous, and one is called homogeneous. The number of layers and their purpose in linoleum for various purposes can vary greatly from each other.

The advantage of homogeneous linoleum is that its pattern is present throughout the entire depth, so when it inevitably wears out, the pattern will not be erased. The thickness of such linoleum can be from 1.5 to 3 millimeters, and it is designed for rooms with high traffic. Its use in apartments and houses is impractical. The main disadvantages of homogeneous linoleum are its high price, as well as the impossibility of applying complex patterns.

PVC linoleum has a set of advantages that explain its widespread use.

  • PVC linoleum has a high elasticity, which greatly simplifies its installation.
  • A variety of patterns and textures of PVC linoleum will allow you to realize any idea of ​​​​interior design.
  • PVC linoleum has a reasonable price.
  • Easily cleaned from dirt.
  • Linoleum from well-known manufacturers is non-toxic, which must be confirmed by a hygiene certificate.

The disadvantages of PVC linoleum are:

  • When exposed to high temperatures, linoleum shrinks.
  • Only after laying the PVC linoleum coating has an unpleasant specific smell, which disappears after a few weeks of operation.

Alkyd linoleum

Alkyd, also called glyphthalic, linoleum is always made on a fabric basis, on which modified alkyd or glyphthalic resins are applied using special technology with special fillers that improve the properties of the coating. Pigments and dyes are also introduced, which make linoleum either one-color or multi-color. The advantages of this type of linoleum are:

  • In comparison with PVC linoleums, glyphthalic ones have better heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Such linoleums are extremely wear-resistant, they can serve 40-50 years.
  • Pollution from such a coating is removed more easily than from PVC.

The disadvantages of alkyd linoleums are:

  • Low elasticity at temperatures close to zero.
  • Alkyd linoleums require skilled installation.
  • Insufficient fire safety severely limits their use in residential areas.

Glyptal linoleum is widely used in transport: flooring in carriages, cabins of sea transport, aircraft.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

Such linoleum is made two-layer: the lower one is made of recycled rubber, the upper one is made of synthetic rubber painted in various colors. Between themselves, these layers are connected with bituminous mastic. Such floor coverings have some advantages:

  • Excellent water resistance allows you to lay relin in the most “wet” rooms.
  • High elasticity and strength.
  • Excellent anti-slip properties.
  • Long service life.

Rubber linoleums can be used near swimming pools, in garages, workshops, sports rooms and halls, but their use is contraindicated in residential premises, as they emit harmful substances into the surrounding air.

Nitrocellulose ( colloxylin) linoleum

These types of linoleums are a single-layer baseless coating made from nitrocellulose with the addition of various components: gypsum, minium, plasticizers and dyes. Currently, such coatings from this material are not used due to the increased fire hazard.

It is possible that such an abundance of information about the types of linoleums will further complicate the choice. Moreover, most modern linoleums are heterogeneous and can combine several different layers. That is why European manufacturers have developed a special standard EN685, in which linoleums are divided into classes depending on the strength characteristics and scope in certain rooms. Each class is identified by a two-digit numeric code and a corresponding pictogram.

The first digit in the class means:

  • 2 - linoleum is intended for residential premises.
  • 3 - for office or commercial premises.
  • 4 - for industrial premises.

The second digit in the class indicates the degree of load that linoleum can withstand:

Household linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 21-23, is commonly called household. According to EN685 standards, it must have the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.25-2.25 kg / m 2.
  • Thickness - from 0.15 to 3 mm.
  • Flexibility and elasticity must be such that when wound on a rod with a diameter of 45 mm no cracks should form.
  • Sound absorption - not less than 13-18 dB.
  • Water absorption should be no more than 1-1.5%.
  • Shrinkage during operation - no more than 0.2 mm per 1 meter.

The cost of household linoleum from well-known manufacturers can range from 3 to 10 euros per square meter.

semi-commercial linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 31-34, is called semi-commercial, and it is intended mainly for office and office space. Must have the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.6-2.5 kg / m 2.
  • Elasticity and flexibility should be such that when wound on a cylinder with a diameter of 10-40 mm, cracks should not form in linoleum.
  • Sound absorption should be at least 12-16 dB.
  • Shrinkage during operation - no more than 0.1 mm per 1 meter.
  • The service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is at least 7-20 years.

Semi-commercial linoleum is a great solution for modern offices

The cost of semi-commercial linoleum is from 5 to 15 euros per square meter. A small difference in the price of domestic and semi-commercial linoleum makes it expedient to use it for domestic purposes in those areas where there is an increased load on the floor covering: kitchens, hallways and others.

commercial linoleum

If linoleum belongs to classes from 41 to 43, then it is called commercial. Its purpose is in rooms with intensive movement of people and equipment. Such linoleums have a reinforced film layer (up to 0.8 mm), even lower shrinkage (0.02-0.1 mm / m) and a warranty period of operation (from 10 to 25 years).

The relatively high cost of such linoleum (10-40 euros per square meter), combined with excessive technical characteristics for apartments and houses, makes its use in residential premises impractical. Some commercial linoleums may have a special purpose:

  • Sports surfaces with softness and elasticity for good contact with sports shoes.
  • Coatings that are resistant to chemical reagents and have bactericidal properties, which is very useful in medical institutions.
  • Anti-slip coatings near pools and in other areas with high humidity.
  • Antistatic coatings.

The thickness of the protective layer of linoleum

Most modern linoleums have a strong protective film of pure PVC on their surface. It is its thickness that should be taken into account when choosing linoleum, depending on the purpose of the room. Manufacturers offer the following gradation:

  • A film with a thickness of 0.15 mm is quite suitable for using such linoleum in living rooms and bedrooms.
  • A protective layer of 0.20 mm will be optimal for children's rooms.
  • 0.25 mm - for kitchens, hallways and corridors.
  • 0.30 mm - service and office premises with an average load.
  • Protective layer of 0.50 mm or more - for rooms with high and very high loads.

Find out what methods are used for, from our new article.

Linoleum marking

When choosing linoleum, all its technical data must be provided by the seller along with the necessary certificates: conformity and hygienic. Manufacturers of high-quality linoleum always put their logo on the reverse side, as well as all the information that will greatly help the buyer:

  • Linoleum class - will help you make the right choice.
  • Batch number - if you plan to purchase a large amount of linoleum, then it is desirable that it be from the same batch.
  • Date of manufacture.

Also, the manufacturer can apply additional pictograms that indicate the special properties of the coating. Such possible designations are shown in the figure.

Prices for the popular line of linoleums for the home

Linoleum for home

How to choose linoleum correctly?

Now that there is complete clarity with the types of existing linoleums, you can point out a number of important points that will help you make the right choice.

  • Linoleum should be purchased only in specialized stores where all storage requirements are met, and there is also a complete set of accompanying documents confirming compliance with standards and safety.

  • Depending on the purpose of the room, a class of linoleum is selected and it is better to do this with some margin: one step higher than necessary.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the linoleum, its strength and the presence of an upper protective layer.
  • It is necessary to strive to ensure that the linoleum flooring does not have connecting seams or there are a minimum of them. This is achieved by careful measurement of the premises and the choice of rolls of the desired width.
  • The modern variety of colors, textures, patterns of linoleum allows you to make any choice, but at the same time, you must take into account the purpose of the room, pleasant colors for a comfortable stay in it and the preferences of all households.
  • In rooms with possible severe pollution, it is better to use glossy linoleum.
  • When buying, you must carefully examine the entire surface of the linoleum and make sure that there is no damage.
  • Poor base preparation and illiterate can negate all the advantages of this coating.

Video: How to choose the right linoleum for your home?

Tarkett, the world's largest manufacturer of flooring materials with a 130-year history, produces one of the highest quality and most durable coatings - PVC linoleum. Its factories are open all over the world, including in Russia. Since 1995, a plant has been operating in the city of Otradny, Samara Region, for the production of:

  • Household roll floors designed for residential use;
  • Semi-commercial materials used in medium traffic areas (offices, halls, conference rooms);
  • Commercial homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (multilayer) flexible PVC used for commercial, commercial, industrial facilities.

In domestic stores, Tarkett products are sold under 4 brands:

  1. Tarkett- the most expensive segment of the best high-quality linoleum 23, 31-33 and 41-43 classes. The assortment includes more than 20 collections for domestic, semi-commercial, commercial and special purposes. A characteristic feature of the series is the variety of designs, as well as an interesting appearance with a plausible imitation of the textured surface of parquet, solid board, porcelain stoneware, etc.
  2. Sinteros- a budget option for household and commercial PVC coatings of 21-23, 31-34 classes. The advantages of linoleum are versatility, practicality and durability. An analogue of this line is the products of the Ukrainian plant Vinisin.
  3. Polystyle- vinyl material of 23, 31-34 and 41 classes, combining an affordable price and Tarkett quality. Available in 6 collections, the assortment is chosen so that each design can be used in any type of premises.

Thus, the Tarkett company produces high-quality PVC linoleum in a huge assortment for every taste, color and budget.

Main advantages:

  • The high level of resistance of linoleum to abrasion and tensile loads. Thanks to a transparent polyurethane tarnsparent and additional protective coatings Extreme Protection, Titanium, R.MAX and others, the surface of the material is inert to water, aggressive household chemicals, abrasives, and shoes. And the use as part of fiberglass ensures the stability of the floor finish to deforming factors.
  • Sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and environmental friendliness. Tarkett's products are the only ones in the Russian Federation that have received the Leaf of Life voluntary eco-testing certificate.
  • A huge selection of designs and structures for parquet, solid board, marble, ceramics, natural stone, textiles and much more. There are more than 1000 decors in various shades in the assortment.
  • Possibility to choose felt-based linoleum or foam-based PVC. The first is warmer, recommended for use on the screed. The second is universal.
  • Approved for use in preschool, educational and medical institutions.
  • Easy installation and maintenance.
  • Available in many collections price.
  • Long service life - from 10 to 40 years.