What gas boiler is better to use - overview of types and models of equipment. What wall gas boilers heating is better - choice, price gas boilers which model to choose

In a private house, there is rarely anyone hopes for central heating. But without hot water outside the city can not do. Furnaces on firewood and coal - not exit, with them troublesome and dirty. Gas heating will help. And if there is gas (connection to the gas highway), you only need to buy a gas boiler. And if you choose the right model, the equipment will provide the house with hot water and warmth long-term and smoothly, while remaining inconspicuous, and therefore fragmentation.

All that is needed to ensure the work of such a boiler is to set the right mode, but carry out regular (non-specific) inspection.

  • outdoor;
  • and wall mounted.

The first can be established actually anywhere (quite often, a separate niche in the basement of the private house is taken at the flooring boilers). They have serious power (more than 30 kW) and a massive heat exchanger from cast iron, made by sections. Therefore, such equipment is advisable to use indoors, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 50 sq. M. The boiler and its own area is solid, so there will be more in a small house than to warm. For small rooms, the wall variant is just suitable. Such equipment and heat exchanger is smaller, and power.

One of the characteristic features of any gas boiler is the arrangement of the chimney. It can be of two types:

  1. In the form of a structural element of the structure. To create cravings, it put a fan. This passage received the name of the turbine, and the system of such a boiler is considered open. The problem of such arrangement is only one: the boiler burns oxygen indoors, so a constant flow of fresh air is necessary.
  2. Closed. Such chimney is performed from the coaxial pipe. It is just implemented by the removal of combustion products. To ensure cravings, such a pass is also turbined. And the fence of fresh air is carried out on the outer tube.

Burners and the ignition system

In modern gas boilers, exclusively modulating burners are installed supporting the constant water temperature at the outlet.
And all this on the task that the user exhibits using the regulator. However, the main option of such a burner is a mixture in optimal combustion of air and gas proportions. It provides full gas combustion, which means high efficiency efficiency.

When choosing a gas boiler, you must pay attention to the material from which the burner is made. It is best if it is stainless steel, providing parts operational durability.

And as to the ignition system, it is an element delivering a mass of harm engineers-designers of gas equipment. It would seem that the operation is simple: to bring fire to the gas stream. In manual mode - trifles, and automatically - a whole thing. The problem was solved with the help of the stamp - it is set on fire to the match, and then there is constant burning. As soon as the zone of the stobble is served gas, the burner flashes and starts to warm the water. And when the gas supply is stopped, the spice still continues to burn, up to the next gas supply. And Piezorozhig is not better than the fist. It's just that, instead of a match, a spark generates a piezoelectric element.

The problem of irrational gas flow (with a permanent job of the stobble) solves only an electric ignition, which uses a water flow sensor that is working only on the power on the tap. In the water highway built in the impeller, and the rotation of its shaft leads to the generation of sparks.

How many contours to choose?

The difference between the gas boiler from any other heating equipment lies in the working features: it not only gives hot water, but also participates in the heating of the room. And each of these options has its own feature:

  • if hot water for own needs, a pulse consumer is required;
  • if the contour of heating, it will need a constant inclusion for heating.

I simply solve the problem. The wall boiler has one heat exchanger, and both contours are warm from him in turn. An advantage of the open circuit: as soon as users unscrew the crane with hot water, all heating takes place on it. The heating circuit is waiting at this time, and as soon as the crane is closed, its heating is resumed.

Double-circuit boilers have a different scheme. In the usual mode, only heating contour is heated by its heat exchanger. As soon as the cerave with hot water opens, heating overlaps, and boiling water goes to the contour with another heat exchanger. And so as long as water flows. In this case, the forced systemic simple on the quality of heating does not affect.

If the need for users in hot water is no more boiler features - not scary. Most of the boiler equipment models may allow the installation of an external boiler.

Security and automation systems

Any gas boiler is an increased danger equipment. After all, where we are talking about hot water, gas and high temperatures, by definition cannot be complete. Three things are capable of preventing possible troubles:

  • proper operation of the boiler;
  • the implementation of the technical regulations described in its instructions;
  • and timely service.

The "reasonable" gas boilers (SMART families) necessarily provides a comprehensive protective system. It protects the product and surrounding:

  • excess temperature standards at the entrance;
  • gas pressure drops;
  • flame fading;
  • water or gas leaks.

All modern boiler equipment is also equipped with additional controlling and preventing systems (control of traction, burner wear, etc.). Such devices warn of future faults during diagnostic measures in the process of planned CO.

Power selection of boiler

Choosing a boiler for a private country house, first of all we need to decide what area to heat with it? For premises, the ceilings of which are below 3 meters, it can be calculated as follows:

  1. Because of the target consumption of 1 kW for every 10 meters of the total area of \u200b\u200bhousing.
  2. The magnitude of the total area is divided into 10 and rounded the resulting value in the most side.
  3. The resulting basic power to increase by 25%.

Further (already in terms of indicators) in specialized directories, choose a suitable model of the gas boiler, having studied its characteristics and work subtleties.

The features of each particular country house should also be taken into account. Because it is possible a building with elevated heat lines. Then the power of the selected equipment will have to increase the same 25%. Or break the head over the "passive heated". And for this it will be necessary to insulate the walls and floors in the housing, as well as put good modern double-glazed windows.

Boilers of different power as a result give a different amount of hot water. One- or a small two-room apartment, for example, will easily provide both heating and hot water boilers (up to 15 kW). Provided that only 2 people live there, which are quite enough hot water with a capacity of 12 liters arising in a minute.

If the family consists of 4 people, water consumption will be no less than 15 l / min. With such a task, boilers can cope with 20-25 kW power. The upper power level of household gas boilers is approximately 35-40 kW. In this case, hot water flows at a speed of 20 l / min, and the heated area can be up to 200 sq m.

Many users have a desire to buy the most powerful and expensive boiler gas equipment to warm up without any problems. Experts warn from such a choice, explaining that the boiler operating with the "underload" is out of order not less than the overloaded units. Causes can be different. Such, for example, it happens if, instead of heating the heating circuit, an unauthorized transition to the pulse mode occurs in continuous mode. And at the boiler, the power supply is solid, he heats the house very quickly, then the automation of it simply "cuts out". And this adversely affects the state of the chimney and the burner. The first when cooled sails condensate, and the second is generally poorly tolerates frequent alternation of the heating cycles / cooling. All this leads to the failure of expensive nodes of gas equipment.

The risk of an unjustified overpayment primarily manifests itself at the time of buying equipment. Buy the boiler is better with some reserve from the required calculated values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of the heating system. What are the parameters and which gas boiler to choose?

We define ...

Functionality of apparatuses

When choosing, it is necessary to determine its functionality: it will be a single-circuit boiler or double-circuit.

A single-mounted gas boiler ensures heating of the coolant transported into the heating system with a circulating pump. To ensure a hot water supply, such a boiler work in a pair with a cumulative boiler of indirect heating, which keeps the supply of water to ensure the "smoothness" of the hot water supply system.

A double-circuit boiler uses two independent circuits: one for the heating system, the second for heating the sanitary water in flow-mode, the performance of which is sufficient to provide one two points of water intake (for example, kitchen and bathroom).

Installation option

Gas boilers are in a wall or outdoor performance. Any of them has a modern ergonomic design that allows you to organically fit into the kitchen interior or other premises.

Wall-mounted option is the optimal solution for an apartment or a residential building. The ability of such aggregates to take at least a place on the wall, organically fit into the kitchen set or "tangling" in the corner of the attic or basement, speaks only in their favor. After all, the performance parameters are impressive.

Preferably, such devices are two-door: intended for "supply" with warm heating system, and to ensure hot water supply of the object (DHW).

Outdoor design - differs by "demanding" to the landing site, possess, mostly, higher indicators and are able to warm up large objects better.

Outdoor devices can be recycled (in addition to atmospheric) also replaceable superfluous gas or liquid fuel burner, which simply expand the possibilities of using a heat generator.

Principle of operation and features of the device

On the principle of combustion of gas, you can choose:

  • boilers with an open combustion chamber;
  • boilers with a closed combustion chamber.

The burning in the open-type combustion chambers is provided by oxygen coming directly from the room in which the gas apparatus itself is located. The combustion products are thrown through a special chimney outside the room. The main requirement - the chimney must be equipped, and the room should be constantly provided with the influx of fresh air, that is, ventilated, as the gas heaters "eat" a lot of oxygen from the room where people can be.

In the absence of a smoking chimney or the ability to "organize" it, the optimal option is to use a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber.

It uses a special coaxial chimney and a smoke fan, removing combustion products from the furnace in forced mode. For such devices located on the walls of apartments or private houses, a coaxial chimney passes through the wall outward. And the arrangement of an expensive ordinary stationary chimney will require significant means and time.

Heat exchanger material

Cold coolant is heated during passage through heat exchangers, which can be made of various materials. Distinguish heat exchangers:

  • cast iron - you can say about them: firmly, reliable, expensive. They are "long-livers", although they are "afraid" of a sharp difference in temperature;
  • steel - prerogative inexpensive patterns of boilers. Afraid of corrosion, although plastic and easier;
  • copper - leaders of heat exchanger components. Corrosion resistant. With a small mass, ideal for wall mounted models of boilers.

The choice is determined by the type of heat generator and financial capabilities.

Calculation of power

It is possible to determine the desired power of the heater through relatively simple calculations. For this:

1. Perform averaged calculation of the heat loss of the room. If the heated room does not bordered with other unheated premises, then for 1M2 heat loss, you can take 100 W. For angular premises and in the presence of glazing a large area in the room, they increase the "need of" heat to 150 W / m2.

On average, for a cottage area or apartment in 250 m2, with a height of ceilings up to 3 m, it will be enough to choose a gas heat generator with a capacity of up to 25 kW. More accurate calculations are possible only with a detailed study of the object and its warmth and hot water needs.

2. In the case of the use of a two-circuit heating unit or single-circuit with a cumulative boiler, it is necessary to take into account the need of an object in hot water supply. Mathematics and here is quite simple. From the standard crane of the mixer, about 400 liters of water is poured at an hour. Since its GVS productivity and other boilers indicate its performance on the DHW per 1 min, then to ensure hot water of one point of consumption, it is enough to divide 400 liters per hour for 60 minutes.

400l / h / 60 min \u003d 6.6 l / min.

Featuring a device with such a performance on DHW, you will satisfy your hot water needs. With more water intake points, this productivity value must be multiplied by the number of points. It should be understood that such productivity is indicated by increasing the temperature of water outgoing from the heat exchanger by 25-35 degrees (see the passport).

Note! With insufficient performance on DHW, it is better to work out such an option as the installation of a cumulative boiler of indirect heating, from 40 to several hundred liters. In it, due to heat, water and "stored" is heated by the coolant at a certain temperature for a long time.

According to the power control method, gas boilers are distinguished:

  • single-stage - work at one power level, control is carried out by periodic on and off the burner;
  • two-stage - have two modes of operation, and the output real power is determined by the frequency of turning on and off the burner;
  • with the possibility of smooth (modulated) power changes - the aggregates, which not only optimally economically consume gas, but also "carefully" belong to themselves.

From the point of view of financial "politics", it is advantageous to buy a two-stage unit, which is able to economically provide a house with warmth, both in the cool time of the year and in severe frosts. The reduction in the inclusion / off frequency of the burner significantly increases its workable life.

The power of the device also affects the method of its installation, since for the walls of the "ceiling" of power is 32 kW, when starting at 18 kW, and the floor instances can develop more than 100 kW of power.

Additional options boilers

Gas boilers are aimed at "independent" heating of the coolant for the heating system and plumbing water for the needs of consumers. These high-tech devices are controlled automatically.

What other advantages can we offer modern gas boilers:

  • their ability to dynamically change the room temperature without human participation (according to a predetermined program),
  • independently control the performance of all heat generator systems;
  • to ensure the safety of its functioning for the object and located indoors (shutdown in the absence of gas supply, thrust in chimney or leakage of the coolant from the system). The same automation will turn on the device alone when restoring system parameters;
  • maintaining performance with significant gas pressure fluctuations in the highway, which is relevant and better when using them in the domestic gas supply system;

Attention! When buying equipment, pay attention to the values \u200b\u200bof the nominal and minimum gas pressure values \u200b\u200bclaimed in passport documentation. Russian gas highways may not give the necessary pressure for some models of foreign aggregates.

  • the presence of a burner power control system in the scheme, which allows to receive from it from 37 to 100% of possible heat during the need. The reduction in capacity avoids the intensive formation of scale in heat exchangers, which increases the term of the "healthy longevity" of the device;
  • the presence in the design of the device temperature control module of the primary contour allows you to quickly (instantly) react to a sharp rise in temperature in the heat exchanger, reducing the power of the burner;
  • the presence in some models of the magnetic system intended to reduce the formation of scale in the system - passing through a constant magnetic field of salt in water is drawn up so that they are not precipitated on the walls of pipes when the heat exchanger is heated;
  • the presence of an electronic ignition system makes it possible to better control the burner, without using a constantly burning stall, as in Piezorozhiga, which also saves gas significantly.

More expensive, but more profitable ...

In the last decade, more expensive, but also capable of saving a significant amount of gas, conslexible boilers are confidently pierced in the domestic market.

Unlike traditional convection boilers, condensation units are able to give 10-25% more heat with the same volume of gas burned. This is due to the use of heat in heat exchanger from water vapor and the transition from a gaseous state into liquid.

Overpayment for such an aggregate at the time of installation of the heating system pays off rather quickly due to significant fuel economy.

You can choose more and non-volatile boilers capable of working without electricity consumption, but since most of the heating systems today work on the principle of coercive coolant circulation, then the nutrition of the circulation pump will still have to ensure. But such a boiler can be ideal to ensure hot water supply.

Attention! Working with gas equipment should be trusted only by professionals with the appropriate admission to work. This will allow you to:

  • correctly select a suitable heat generator;
  • be in guaranteed safety during its operation;
  • do not have unpleasant contacts with such services as controlling the organization's gas supply, which will certainly arise with the unauthorized connection of equipment to the gas highway.

After all, gas, breaking free, can be cruelly punished for mistakes.

Highlights, which should be touched and examined when choosing, we affected. It remains to decide on the parameters and still consult with professionals in your area as to which gas boiler is better to use on your facility.

The heating gas boiler is a device, with the combustion of fuel (natural or liquefied gas) heating the heat carrier.

Gas boiler device (design): Burner, heat exchanger, heat insulated housing, hydraulic unit, and safety and control devices. Such gas boilers require the connection of the chimney to remove the combustion products. Chimney can be both ordinary vertical and coaxial ("pipe in a pipe") for boilers with a closed combustion chamber. Many modern boilers are equipped with built-in pumps for forced water circulation.

Principle of operation of the gas boiler - The coolant, passing through the heat exchanger, heats up and then circulates through the heating system, giving the resulting thermal energy through radiators, warm floor, heated towel rails, as well as ensuring water heating in an indirect heating boiler (if it is connected to a gas boiler).

The heat exchanger is a metal container in which the coolant (water or antifreeze) is heated - can be made of steel, cast iron, copper, etc. The reliability and durability of the gas boiler depends on the quality of the heat exchanger in the first place. Cast iron heat exchangers are resistant to corrosion and have a long service life, but are sensitive to the sharp difference in temperature and differ significant weight. Steel tanks may suffer from rust, therefore their inner surfaces are protected by various anti-corrosion coatings, providing the extension of the "life" of the device. Steel heat exchangers are the most common in the production of boilers. Copper heat exchangers corrosion is not terrible and thanks to the high heat transfer ratio, low weight and dimensions such heat exchangers are often used in wall boilers, but from the minuses it should be noted that they are more expensive than steel.
In addition to the heat exchanger, an important part of gas boilers is a burner, which can be different types: atmospheric or fan, single-stage or two-stage, with smooth modulation, double.

To control the gas boiler, automatics with various settings and functions are used (for example, a weather-dependent control system), as well as devices for programming work and remote boiler control.

The main technical characteristics of gas heating boilers are: power, number of heating contours, fuel type., Fuel chamber view, Type of burner, Mounting method, Pump and expansion tank, Boiler control automation.

To determine necessary power Gas heating boiler For a private country house or apartment, a simple formula is used - 1 kW of boiler power for heating 10 m 2 well insulated room with ceiling heights up to 3 m. If heating of the basement, glazed winter garden, premises with non-standard ceilings, etc. The power of the gas boiler should be increased. It is also necessary to increase the power (about 20-50%) when providing a gas boiler and hot water supply (especially if water is needed in the pool).

Feature of calculating power in gas boilers: the nominal gas pressure in which the boiler works 100% declared power producer, for most boilers is from 13 to 20 mbar, and the actual pressure in gas networks in Russia may be 10 mbar, and sometimes below . Accordingly, the gas boiler often works only on 2/3 of its capabilities and it must be taken into account when calculating. In more detail with the table of calculating the power of the boiler heating can be

Most gas boilers can translate from work from natural gas to liquefied gas (Balloon propane). Many models switch to the liquefied gas in the factory method (when buying, specifying these characteristics of the model), or nozzles (jets) are additionally supplied to the gas boiler to switch to balloon gas.

Pros and cons of gas boilers:

Bottling - These are devices for the full operation of the heating and water supply system. It includes: pumps, expansion tanks, filters (if necessary), collectors, reverse and safety valves, air valves, valves, etc. It will also be needed to purchase radiators, connecting pipes and valves, thermostat, boiler, etc. The question of choosing the boiler is quite serious, so the selection of equipment and its full complete set is better to entrust professionals.

What boiler is the best? On the Russian market of gas boiler equipment there are leaders in quality and reliability. The best manufacturing firms and brands of gas boilers are presented in assortment:

"Premium class" or "luxury" - The most reliable and durable, comfortable in management, the kit is collected as a "designer", more expensive than the rest. These manufacturers include German companies

The classification of these aggregates is quite complicated. Given the peculiarities of their installation and some limitations associated with the specifics of the heating of apartments in Townhouses or small cottages, the most important parameters are the following.

1. Fuel type

When choosing a model for an apartment, a private house should be focused only on gas boilers.

All other (firm, liquid-fuel or combined) are clearly not suitable for them. The argument is simple - any "fuel" (solarium, pellets and so on) must be stored somewhere. An electrical option also disappears. In addition to difficulties in the installation (separate line, UDO, AB or Diffabtomat), there are two more problems.

  • Ground. How to connect the boiler to the corresponding bus? Supports specialist services, and practical implementation (depending on the type of email) will cost quite expensive.
  • This method of heating is economically unprofitable. Taking into account even the minimum power of the boiler installed in the apartment for a month, the counter will turn on a very "round" amount.

2. Engineering decision

2.1. By Montaja method

There is no choice here - only the wall is the wall. To install the outdoor model, a separate room (fuel) is required, as well as compliance with a number of requirements for the placement of gas equipment. For townhouses, small cottages, duplexes, multi-apartment low-rise buildings are not an option.

2.2. By power

The most common advice that can be obtained from the manager in the store is to navigate the ratio of 1 to 10 (boiler power, in kW / apartment area, in m 2). But is everything so easy?

  • No technical device will be able to work long at the limit of its capabilities - breakdowns are inevitable.
  • As far as qualitatively, the home is insulated, it is impossible to reduce heat loss to zero.
  • The intensity of heating is influenced by the material of the walls and the position of the apartment in the house (an angular one or not a number of other factors).

Therefore, when choosing a gas boiler, the value of the calculated power (according to the above formula) should be increased by 30 - 35%.

2.3. By type of combustion chamber

It can be open or closed. Here you need to take into account the specifics of the structure.

  • With openthe camera to install the boiler in the apartment is much easier - it will only be necessary to connect it to the nozzle to the dynamic dynamic channel. Some minus such a solution is that taking air from the room, he is somewhat dried. But this is the optimal version of the gas boiler, and the regular ventilation of the housing is leveled.
  • Closedthe camera assumes the air fence (to ensure the combustion process) from the outside. So you will have to hammer the wall and install the knee of the duct (or coaxial chimney). How rationally and is it possible, in principle, depends on the type of building. Well, if the boiler is chosen on replacing its resource spent, with an open camera, it is definitely not suitable - additional installation costs will be too significant.

2.4. By the number of contours

With this, it is easy to decide. If in the apartment, the cottage is a flowing water heater (gas column), enough and one. But if it is necessary to ensure and heating, and the DHW, it is advisable to purchase a double-circuit boiler for the townhouse or a private house, although it is more expensive.

Everything else is secondary, and at the discretion of the buyer. For example, the type of control, the presence of the console, the number of options in the menu, form, color solution, and so on.

The best models of gas boilers for small areas

When buying a wall modification, preference should be given to import units. They are fully equipped with everything necessary, and the only thing they need is a competent connection. Installing domestic gas boilers in apartments and low-rise buildings undesirable - there are complaints about the functioning of the circuit of the GWS of the aggregates, and something will have to be purchased further. For example, the expansion tank.

Wall-mounted heating devices under the brands of Bosch, Vaillant, Protherm, Lemax (completely from imported components), Baxi are enjoyed in great demand.

Choosing a gas boiler for the heating of a private house, we face a gigantic choice of equipment. The choice of buyers shows single-circuit and double-circuit models, wall and outdoor, atmospheric and turbocharged, simple and multifunctional. How to deal with all this variety and make a really right choice - will tell our detailed review.

In this material we will tell:

  • On major varieties;
  • On the advantages and disadvantages of gas equipment;
  • On the peculiarities of certain apparatus.

We also give information about the calculation of the required power and give custom reviews.


How to choose a gas boiler for home heating - known to every specialist engaged in the installation of heating systems. First you need to decide on the basic equipment requirements. Gas boilers are divided into the following categories:

  • Wall and outdoor;
  • Single-circuit and dual circuit;
  • With open and closed combustion chambers;
  • Convection and condensation.

Energy-dependent and non-volatile modifications are also found. Let's look at the above criteria in more detail.

The choice of gas heating equipment for the heating of a private house begins with choosing a place to install the technique. Everything is simple here - if there is a place for a separate boiler room, you can limit the outdoor model. If there are no places for floor installation, pay attention to wall modifications.

Floor devices are often performed on the basis of reliable cast iron heat exchangers - these models have a solid reserve of reliability, they are unpretentious and do not cause problems in operation, almost do not flow and can work for many years without failures and breakdowns. In addition, floor models for private houses are distinguished by high power - if at your disposal is a large household, boldly choose modern metals.

Wall-mounted devices are characterized by their compactness. According to its inner arrangement, they resemble the most common flowing water heaters, only instead of the flowing water water, they heat the coolant circulating on the heating system of the private house. The power of individual models can be very high, up to several tens of kilowatt.

Single-circuit and double-circuit models

For the heating of private houses, the simplest gas boilers with one contour are often used. They differ from an extremely simple device - they have a burner and one heat exchanger. These aggregates are able to work exclusively in heating systems, they do not know how to prepare hot water. Such boilers are performed in two versions - in the outdoor and wall design.

Two-circuit modifications combine two units in themselves - this is a flow gas water heater and a boiler. The priority is given to the contour of the DHW, during its operation, the heating is turned off. The design of the two-circuit boilers is complex, here there are three-way valves, as well as combined or separate heat exchangers. But they are more functional and easy to install and in operation.

The main advantage of the two-integral gas boilers used for heating and preparation of hot water is their compactness - they are at times less space than separate equipment.

We have another division of gas boilers - they are divided into modifications with open and closed combustion chambers. Models with open combustion chambers are often called "atmospheric", since air to the burners comes in gravity, taking place directly from the room in which the equipment is installed. As for the combustion products, they are removed through the usual chimney with a natural burden.

The main advantages of "atmospheric" models are a simpler design, a low noise level, non-volatility (characteristic of individual models that are not connected to the power grid).

The turbine gas boilers for home heating are models with closed combustion chambers. Air for their work is closed outside buildings, through a special two-layer chimney. Through the same chimney is smoking. Fans are installed above the combustion chambers, which are responsible for removing smoke and air intake. Boilers with closed combustion chambers can be installed in any premises of private houses.

Disadvantages of turbocharged models - reduced reliability due to more complex design, noise and increased power consumption (one fan only consumes about 100 W).

Convection and condensation

Gas boilers for heating a private house are most often built on the convection scheme. She is simple:

  • The burner generates thermal energy;
  • The heat exchanger takes the resulting heat;
  • Heat is sent to the heating system, and its remnants are in the atmosphere.

As a rule, the efficiency of such devices varies in the range of 90-93%. Therefore, up to 10% (and sometimes more) thermal energy simply fly into the atmosphere.
Condensation gas boilers are built on a slightly different scheme - almost all generated heat is closed in heating systems. As a result of the operation, condensate sent to drainage is formed. Developers argue that the efficiency of such aggregates is over 100%But we know that it is impossible to get more than invested. Consequently, the highest numbers are a classic marketing stroke.

According to data from manufacturers, condensation boilers are capable of saving up to 10-15% gas fuel, if you compare them with conventional convection models. In practice, these numbers can be lower.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the most important advantages of gas heating is its price, and if a gas pipeline is held next to your home, then it is meaningless about other types of fuel.

The use of AGB and gas boilers for a private house for the purpose of heating promises certain benefits. To begin with, it should be noted the cheapness of natural gas - it is cheap, and his burning releases a giant amount of energy. Operation of electric boilers is more expensive, and liquid and solid fuel models do not differ in particular convenience. Other benefits of gas equipment:

  • Fully automated work - heating on gas equipment practically does not require user intervention and operates in automatic mode (except for temperature adjustment);
  • Low fuel costs - this can compare unless free firewood from the neighboring forest;
  • Readiness for work at any time of the day and night - just activate heating on the control panel. The same solid fuel boilers will require preparation for ignition and subsequent cleaning;
  • Minimum service is usually carried out once a year. But with liquid and wood boilers, it is much more;
  • Electrical safety - many models can work without access to the power grid.

Not without some of some shortcomings:

Gas is very explosive, therefore, do not neglect the rules of operation of gas equipment.

  • Complexity in connecting to the gas network - permissive documentation will be required to start the equipment;
  • Mandatory, though minimal service - it will not work without it;
  • Gas is explosive - if the gas leak will appear, an explosion may occur;
  • The need for individual premises for some species - for example, outdoor combustion chambers are required separate boiler rooms.

Nevertheless, gas boilers were and remain an inexpensive solution for organizing heating in private residential buildings.

The indisputable advantage is their convenience in operation. And if a gas highway is not supplied to a private house, then the output is simple - we use the connection of the balloon gas. True, its quality does not always meet the standards - because of this, burners, heat exchangers and chimneys are rapidly contaminated.

Types of heat exchangers

Copper heat exchangers perfectly proven themselves in the heating equipment market.

If you want to buy a gas boiler for the heating of a private house, pay attention to the differences in the heat exchangers used. They can be copper, steel, bimetallic and cast-iron. Copper heat exchangers are made of purified copper and have good performance characteristics. They can easily carry thermal overload, they rarely produce leaks, they are characterized by a high heat capacity.

One of the main advantages of copper heat exchangers is a fuel repairs - in case of detection of leaks, they can be sealing them as the most common soldering iron of high power.

Steel and bimetallic heat exchangers can not be called the most reliable and practical solution. They are prone to rapid exercise, and their internal space quickly clogs slags. Therefore, they are not repaired, but most often change. As a rule, steel and bimetallic heat exchangers are installed in the cheapest gas boilers used for the heating of private houses.

Cast iron heat exchangers are the most reliable and endless. They quickly warm and slowly cool, the temperature overloads are well tolerated, they have resistance to corrosion. Cast iron is the perfect material for such purposes, but when installing the equipment, caution must be taken, since the alloy is characterized by some fragility.

Cast iron heat exchangers are used in floor gas boilers to heat private houses. The technique built on them can have very high power (up to hundreds of kilowatt).

As for the two-circuit gas boilers, they are two types:

  • With dual heat exchangers;
  • With separate heat exchangers.

The dual design is good for its low cost. In such boilers, one heat exchanger, he responds not only for heating and for the work of the circuit of the DHW. But this scheme has a disadvantage - low reliability. In addition, a dual heat exchanger is often clogged with screaming, losing its performance. Therefore, only the cheapest models are equipped with such exchanger.

Gas boilers with separate heat exchangers have a more complex scheme - here heat generation is carried out in the main heat exchanger (steel or copper), and hot water is prepared in a separate lamellar exchanger. At the same time, the secondary exchanger does not contact with the flame of the burner, it is generally located elsewhere - heating is carried out at the expense of a portion of the coolant.

Constructive features

We have already talked about the fact that gas boilers for the heating of private houses can be single-circuit and double, convection and condensation, wall and outdoor, atmospheric and turbocked. But there are other differences presented by some constructive features.


Gas boilers are equipped with various automation systems. Some of them work on the basis of electronic modules, while others are tied to mechanical control. And those and others possess their advantages and advantages, but it is necessary to understand that non-volatile boilers can work in the heating systems of private houses without electrification. And if you use the balloon gas, you can do without a gas highway. Electronic control models will require access to the power grid.


Two-integral models that are already equipped with all the necessary strapping are expansion tanks, circulation pumps and security systems. If there is no strapping, it will have to buy and mount separately, and it will take an additional place. But the external strapping has a plus - it is easier to repair and maintain, as it does not require interference in the internal structure of the boilers.


Gas boilers for the heating of private houses are endowed with simple regular control panels. But to gain access to the extended functionality, external control modules are used - these are simple room thermostats, multifunctional control panels, as well as remote control modules with a GSM channel connection or via the Internet.

Built-in boilers

Separate models used for the heating of private houses and the preparation of hot water are equipped with built-in boilers of a particular container. They allow you to store small hot water reserves heated to a certain temperature. As soon as the reserve ends, it is replenished.

This option is implemented in a limited amount of heating boilers - such equipment is distinguished by large sizes and requires a large amount of free place for mounting.

Other options

Heating equipment is continuously improved, all new and new features appear in it. Prices for gas boilers for heating a private house directly depend on the functional defined by developers. And the more options, the higher the price. For example, units with electronic ignition are more expensive than with piezoelectric. Sample rates:

  • Simple outdoor single-mounted models of 10 kW - 8-12 thousand rubles;
  • Low-power two-circuit wall samples - from 17 thousand rubles;
  • Two-integral average power, 20-22 kW - from 26 thousand rubles;
  • Dual-circuit floor non-volatile, 20 kW - from 15-19 thousand rubles.

Additional options and applied in the equipment used in the equipment are provided.

Calculation of power

Choosing a gas boiler for a private house, you should pay attention to the power of the equipment. It is believed that for heating 10 square meters. M. Residential Square in the Russian climate requires 1 kW of thermal energy. In the Northern and Far Eastern regions, it rises to 1.2-1.5 kW, and in the southern falls from 0.8 kW. But even in the south, it is customary to adhere to the average indicator, in case of cold winters.

Following the formula, we get that for heating a private house of 200 square meters. m. We will need a gas boiler with a capacity of 20 kW. But we forgot about the required stock - it is needed in case of heat losses and unnecessarily cold winters. As a rule, the supply is 10-20%. Based on this, the recommended capacity of the equipment for heating private houses of 200 square meters. m. is 24 kW.

Table of calculating the power of the gas boiler heating for a private house.

Thermal losses affect:

  • Windows design;
  • The presence of insulation of the attic (or heated second floor);
  • The presence of insulated walls;
  • The ratio of windows area to the fields of floors;
  • The number of external walls in a particular room.

Also in the calculation takes the average temperature in the coldest period in this area.