Which stone is right for a Virgo woman. What stones are suitable for a Virgo woman

Virgo Women are complacent and balanced people, so almost any type of stone according to the horoscope is suitable for them. But this sign of the zodiac gives preference to natural amulets.

Precious stones-amulets for the Virgin


For those women whose work is related to active mental activity, rock crystal is ideal. This mineral sharpens attention and brain processes, develops oratory skills. A crystal accessory helps shy girls to significantly expand their circle of acquaintances.


The pomegranate will give its owner the missing energy and inspiration, and will not miss a promising opportunity. The blood-red stone contributes to the independent overcoming of the Virgo of their passivity and isolation.


A chrysolite amulet will be useful for a girl or woman who feels constrained in the company of a man. The stone helps Virgo to show herself properly, to overcome excessive modesty, but at the same time not to lose her natural softness and benevolence.

Yellow topaz

Yellow topaz protects against the negative influence of envious people. Therefore, the stone is often chosen for children who are unable to distinguish between friends and ill-wishers. Topaz also helps to be more attentive to loved ones, to pay attention to the problems of others, to show mercy. But on long-term travel, the stone can accumulate negative energy.


Emerald is able to cleanse the aura of the female Virgo, protect from temptations and negative influences. The most powerful force is possessed by those stones that are passed from generation to generation through the female line. It is believed that the guardian angel in this case will protect the entire family. Emerald is perfect for thinking people eager to learn about the world around them. It is better to wear a ring with an emerald on the little finger of your right hand without removing it.


Sapphire has a beneficial effect on health. An amulet made of this stone cleanses the genitourinary system, treats minor diseases of the female reproductive system, and alleviates the manifestations of diabetes. Virgo women wishing to become pregnant are advised to wear sapphire jewelry.

Semiprecious stones


Jade is considered one of the best stones for Virgos. This zodiac sign is not prone to expressing vivid emotions, unfamiliar people may even consider it cold and cynical. But jade softens the soul, helps to achieve understanding with others. In addition, the amulet gives the already prudent nature a reasonable gambling, which helps in business. The stone easily changes its color, depending on the condition of the owner. When you feel unwell or in a mood, the stone darkens.


Jasper is perfect for a business lady. Mineral improves financial condition, brings thoughts in order. It protects unnecessary doubts that interfere with achieving success, and also gives a person eloquence and external self-confidence. Jasper is a stone of diplomats, helping to find a compromise in the most difficult situations and not allowing negotiations to come to a standstill.

Lapis lazuli

For those whose work is connected with daily communication, it is recommended to wear lapis lazuli jewelry. The amulet helps to establish contact even with the most difficult interlocutors. Lapis lazuli bestows its owner with radiant cheerfulness and inexhaustible energy. Women who wear lapis lazuli jewelry are liked by men, because the stone gives the wearer a unique magnetism and charm.


Malachite has powerful healing properties for the psychoemotional system, but it is best suited for people born in the first decade of the Virgo cycle according to the horoscope (i.e. from August 24 to September 2). Mineral products protect against stress and overvoltage. A good gift is malachite office accessories, they will help a person make difficult decisions and prevent the accumulation of negative energy around the workplace. In addition, cute little things from this gem are often given to little Virgins. According to legend, malachite grants wishes.


Carnelian is a powerful talisman against hostile energies. If a person has become too tired, then he should definitely purchase a small carnelian jewelry. In addition, the mineral helps schoolchildren and students to focus on the educational process, properly organize themselves and prevent wasting time.


Virgos are people prone to self-sacrifice. Milky white opal is able to soften at times excessive susceptibility, it helps to learn to think not only about the well-being of loved ones, but also about their own needs. The amulet should be worn by women who are tired of the gray everyday life and responsibilities. Opal's action softens the rough edges of family disagreements, facilitating a compromise.


Certain nuances are associated with pearl jewelry. Such jewelry is well suited for girls with strong character and self-control. But if there is self-doubt in the character, then it is better to refuse pearls. It is the stone of business leaders and those whose activities are filled with risks and surprises. If you still doubt which stone is best for Virgo women according to the horoscope, then take pearls and you will not go wrong.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiacal circle, under the auspices of Mercury. Traditionally depicted as a beautiful and pure girl. Virgos do not like openly demonstrative activities "for show", they are executive, honest and persistent, have high intelligence and the ability to analyze. Also, representatives of this zodiac sign are prudent and pay attention to their health.

Like all signs of the zodiac, Virgo has stones - talismans that have a beneficial effect on life and character.

What stones are suitable for Virgo Women according to the horoscope

People who, according to the horoscope of Virgo, have great taste. Women of this sign always think logically and analyze everything that happens, they are able to overcome situations when a representative of another zodiac sign would give up. But because of the severity and criticism towards yourself and others, communication with Virgo can turn into a test. Virgos prefer to control their emotions and achieve clearly set goals.

Ideal stone talismans for women of this sign will be:

Talisman jewelry is worn in a frame made of precious metals. Rings and earrings are perfect, as well as a string of beads made of natural stones or a brooch pinned to clothes.

What stones are suitable for Virgo Men

The man of this sign is restrained in the manifestation of emotions. They are very calm, it is not easy to piss them off, but if this happens, the offender will feel on himself all the stinginess that this sign is capable of. Virgo men do not tolerate vulgarity and licentiousness, they are very reliable and sacredly honor any agreements.

As a talisman, Virgos should choose:

  • flint is a truly masculine stone that awakens courage, strength and determination. Also develops eloquence and protects travelers on water and land;
  • lapis lazuli strengthens sincerity and friendship, pacifies, relieves aggression, frees from fears. This stone helps to cope with anxiety and bad memories;
  • chrysolite perfectly cleanses the energy of a person and protects against evil deeds. This is a classic lucky charm. Chrysolite increases libido and allows you to achieve female attention;
  • jasper protects from slander and the evil eye, gives a man courage and determination, relieves depression and helps to concentrate on tasks. Even in ancient times, armor was decorated with jasper to protect a warrior from injury and death. Nowadays, this stone protects against defeat in financial affairs.

Figurines and figurines made from these minerals can be used to decorate a workplace or desk, and you can also wear polished stones as key rings.

What stones are contraindicated for Virgo

Some precious and semi-precious stones have too strong energy and activate weak points of character or hypertrophy strengths. To avoid such an impact, Virgos should avoid wearing the following stones and jewelry with them:

Alexandrite stone

  • alexandrite - absorbs energy, plunges passive Virgo into apathy;
  • pomegranate - awakens a passion that Virgos cannot handle;
  • ruby has too strong a passionate energy.

Also, Virgos should refrain from jewelry with beryl, turquoise and hematite.

For the amulet, choose a stone that you like to the touch and pleases with color - so the stones make it clear that they are suitable for the owner. It is better not to wear other people's stones, because minerals accumulate energy. Also, talismans cannot be stolen or taken away by force - all the positive properties of minerals will evaporate at the same time.

Stones are worn as jewelry or key rings, medicines, things and valuable money can be stored in inlaid caskets. The amulet stone is not a panacea for all ills, it is able to improve health and influence life events, but the main control always remains in the hands of a person.

Birthstones for Virgo by date of birth

There is a list of stones that will become a perfect talisman for a person. It is necessary to choose a talisman depending on the date of birth. These stones are universal: they are suitable for men and women.

The first decade (24.08. - 02.09.) - the protection of the Sun. Solar Virgos are conservatives who value their own calmness above all. Talismans:

The second decade (03.09. - 11.09) - the patronage of Venus. They are secretive and restrained people who protect the inviolability of their inner world. Stones:

  • heliotrope is perfect for creative people and enhances fantasy and sensory perception, creates a connection with outer space, brings success;
  • jadeite affects a person's virtues. The owner becomes compassionate, honest, cordial, persistent, intellectual abilities are enhanced;
  • chalcedony protects travelers at sea and protects true love. Also, this stone protects against vain anger and longing;
  • chrysoprase drives away bad dreams and protects honest people from lies and slander of ill-wishers, and also protects from envy.

The third decade (09.13 - 09.23) is the patronage of Mercury. These Virgos are secretive and passive, if not lazy. Sapphire, emerald, chrysolite will help to overcome negative character traits. Also effective amulets will be:

  • rock crystal protects peace of mind and harmony, activates thought processes, purifies thoughts and activates sensory perception;
  • topaz exposes bad secrets, suppresses aggressive emotions, allows you to get rid of destructive passions.

What jewelry to give and what stone for a virgin woman according to the horoscope will help to win her heart. How to reveal the subtle nature under the Virgo zodiac sign and which stones to avoid.

If you have met an unusually attentive person in your life who is always surprised at the imperfection of being, you can be sure that this is a Virgo. She has a rather highly developed intuition, but logic, at the same time, does not fade into the background. Such people, although they can answer many questions and resolve any dispute, will enter into it only with a worthy and interesting interlocutor. Even for women, excessive extravagance and waste of money is not inherent. Pay attention to which gems a person prefers and you can learn a lot about him. Not wanting to be indebted to someone, makes them avoid unnecessary spending. All major purchases are planned long before they are purchased. If you met this zodiac sign in a car dealership or an expensive fur coat store, know that he did not come there by chance.

What minerals will positively affect the fate of Virgo

If you want to believe in yourself and give yourself confidence, pay attention to jade. He will endow you with perfection and good luck. An excellent indicator of mood. The mineral changes its shade to a darker one if its owner is out of sorts.

Natural pearls will soften the absurd nature and help to gain financial well-being. Virgo woman will be very pleased with the gift of a pearl necklace. Such a gift will melt the heart of an impregnable young lady. It is worth remembering that pearl jewelry will only favor strong and self-confident natures. You shouldn't wear pearls if you don't fit them. Pearls are an excellent talisman for those who have their own business and who love to travel.

Eye of the Tiger.

Virgo - calm, hardworking, humble zodiac sign. They love to constantly receive new knowledge and become very erudite with age, it is useful for them to develop their intelligence and use it for good. Virgin very practical and do not like to waste time in vain, condemn laziness, secular idle talk, non-punctuality and disorder. Their pedantry sometimes becomes unbearable, and the manner of reprimanding for the slightest offense pushes people away from them, but Virgos simply cannot but be neat, very down to earth and material.
Restraint is manifested in most of the actions of Virgo, with the exception of talkativeness, which some representatives of this sign suffer from. For the rest, Virgos are stingy with emotions, even if inside the feelings they are much stronger than those of the interlocutor. Virgos know how to communicate in an interesting way, but they prefer to spend time more useful and alone. The desire for independence and lack of obligations to anyone makes them want to earn money and get everything on their own, without anyone's help. This sign is distinguished by a high degree of conservatism, Virgos do not like to change their habits very much.
With regard to stones, Virgos do not tolerate both too gloomy and overly shiny, sparkling stones - they suit deep shades and muted tones. Virgos are recommended to collect the widest assortment of different stones, to approach their selection very carefully and judiciously. Transparent, white and bright - in summer; muted, blue and red - in winter; bright, noticeable, green and orange - in spring and autumn, etc. Virgo's pedantry requires that stones and minerals do not shine, in color they are in perfect harmony with clothing, situation and appearance in each case - this is the main criterion for the selection and wearing of stones by a Virgo.

RHINESTONE... The term "crystal" is a Russified form of the Greek word "crystallos" - ice; it is in this sense that it is used in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Later, but even in ancient times, transparent quartz, which was then considered to be strongly solidified ice, began to be called a crystal by its external similarity. In Russian terminology until the second quarter of the 19th century. "crystal" and "crystal" were synonymous and even used together. Only later the natural polyhedrons of minerals began to be called crystals, and "crystal" with the definition "mountain" was assigned to quartz. Heavy, highly refractive glass is simply called "crystal". In ancient Greek myths, gods, heroes and kings drink only from crystal goblets. At that time it was believed that this mineral expels diseases from the water, that is, in modern terms, it disinfects it. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing. It turns out that when ultraviolet rays pass through the crystal, they kill bacteria, which contributes to an early recovery.
Since ancient times, it is believed that crystal endows its owner with the gift of clairvoyance.
how mascot crystal brings love and good luck to the owner, fills it with joy of life and spiritual harmony. Well-being is attracted to a house where there are products made of rock crystal, and the crystal saves the owner from awkward situations and incidents, helps to clarify any information. The sympathies of others are also on the side of the owner of the crystal. Even if you don't like jewelry, a piece of rock crystal (worn by women in the left pocket, by men in the right) will do you a lot of good. The magical significance of rock crystal makes it a valuable amulet that protects the owner and his family from external evil influences. To do this, the stone (the larger the size, the better) must be stored in the place of the house where people, including strangers, are most often. Energy of stone adapts to the owner, so he is able to heal, and its medicinal properties are quite diverse. He is credited with the ability to relieve headaches, bring down the temperature, recover from stress and serious illness.
Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) it should be worn only if they suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction - smoky crystal cures these serious diseases.
In Russia, there are large deposits in the Urals. Also the Aldan shield, Transbaikalia, Primorye.

JASPER known to man since the Paleolithic era, when weapons and tools were made from it. The name "jasper" comes from the Greek. "jasper" (variegated), probably derived from the Arab. "yashb", Old Hebrew "yasfe" and Persian "jasper". Once in Russia the word "jasper" meant "speckled stone". There are many types of jasper. The color of the stone can be monochromatic or multi-colored, there are such colors as red, purple, blue, green, white, black, all of them are of different shades. Fancy combinations of stripes, spots, ribbons, specks, veins of different colors allow you to create jewelry inimitable in beauty and design.
Jasper protects a person from disease, helps to align the relationship of a person at work, with the authorities. It is associated with social hierarchy, so it is best worn at work. Jasper is the only stone that removes all the negative energy potential that has already been accumulated by the body. Hippocrates treated fever and epilepsy with jasper. With the spread of Christianity, they began to believe that jasper, consecrated in the church, has magical properties. A.S. Pushkin wore bracelet with green jasper, considering her to be an assistant in love affairs.
As a talisman, jasper promises wealth and health, gives eloquence, improves memory. Helps with bleeding and low blood pressure. Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves pain from bruises.
Jasper gives Virgo the strength and ability to live in peace with others, especially helping to maintain good family relationships. Jasper makes talkative and boring Virgins wiser and more pleasant. It also contributes to intellectual development and education.
Jasper is widespread in Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, Germany, India, Czech Republic, China, Egypt, USA, France and Poland.

AVENTURINE. Aventurine got its name from the Italian "aventura", which means "happiness", "adventure". It is white, pink, orange, cherry or green quartzite with multi-colored inclusions of mica that cause the stone to shimmer when turned. It is believed that it creates a joyful, happy mood, helps to maintain good spirits and clear thinking. Aventurine is called the stone of love, it protects this feeling and attracts heartfelt affection to its owner. The magical value of aventurine is enormous, but it is very difficult to work with aventurine, because it is a changeable and capricious stone. Therefore, wearing it should not be constant, it should be removed from time to time. For medicinal purposes, aventurine is worn on wrist or neck in the form of beads. It is believed to help cope with allergies, bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases, reduce blood pressure, and promote early wound healing. This stone sharpens a person's positive emotions: it charges him with optimism, self-confidence, gives him clarity of mind and improves his mood.
Aventurine can also be called a "muse" because it evokes inspiration and creative impulses from writers, artists, musicians.
Aventurine can be worn by people born under the signs of Earth and Water, which include Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo... However, even these people cannot wear it all the time - no more than one lunar phase (from full moon to new moon).
The best aventurines are found in Austria, Russia (in the Urals), Brazil and India (green). Aventurine, retaining its original blue color, comes from the vicinity of Salzburg in Austria. Cap de Gata in Spain is a deposit of reddish brown aventurine containing hematite. Green aventurine containing fuchsite is found in India. In the state of Jaipur, blue aventurine is found.

COIL (serpentine) The name comes from the Latin serpentine - a snake. The rock is dark green in color with a characteristic snake pattern. The coil has been used as an ornamental stone for over 400 years. Synonym - magnesium silicate. Serpentine, aka serpentine, is an exception to the class of guide stones, as it puts obstacles in front of a person. A special cleaner that cleans from astral slags.
Serpentine helps with headaches, unstable blood pressure, colds, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and the digestive system, relieves increased excitability and nervousness, smoothes emotional outbursts. As an amulet and amulet, serpentine is a guardian against damage, evil eye, etc. It is closely related to the secrets of the universe, secret sciences and knowledge and is useful only to those who want and have the will to learn the hidden mechanisms of the work of the universe. If there is an evil eye, damage, the coil even cracks.
It is sometimes used by cunning people to deceive, seduce other people. Stone "snake-tempter". According to legend, the serpentine was spat out by Adam after he choked on an apple. This stone indicates original sin, temptation.
The serpentine powerfully pumps out negative energy, which is why the stone should be placed at least once a week in running cold water. He especially strongly manifests his qualities only with those who want to learn, strive to get to know themselves, with those who are actively correcting their character and want to know what he should perform in life, and what to give up, that is, the stone loves researchers ... You should not give your stones, even from the best intentions, since the serpentine never forgets its owner, but it is good if the stone passed to you by blood inheritance: its actions are amplified many times, because in this case the stone already knows your problems clan (family) and can become, if you yourself want it, the "adjuster" not only of your life, but also of people dear to you.
The rich shades and variety of forms of coral have long attracted jewelers to it. Corals have been a favorite decoration since ancient times. The warmth and sensuality of this stone gives special energy to jewelry. Coral jewelry has been around for 6,000 years. They were also appreciated in the Sumerian kingdom. Healing properties were attributed to coral, it was believed that it protects people from the "evil eye", poisoning, and cures a number of diseases. It was even believed that coral, as an indicator, bleached before the owner showed symptoms of serious illness.
A hard rule: a man must wear red coral, and a woman only white, otherwise nothing good will happen. Coral is a wonderful amulet for children. how amulet protects the owner from lightning, bad people, and can even remove damage.
Corals live in warm and clean seas around the world.

EYE OF THE TIGER - one of the varieties of brown quartz, in which the needles, when oxidized, took on a golden-yellow or rusty-red color. Its "glaze" is associated with the presence of thin light fibrous minerals (for example, actinolite) in quartz, on parallel surfaces of the stone, as a result of which, when the stone is turned, a narrow movable strip runs over it. All eye quartz stones are very capricious, they feel only the owner, only the person who is able to cope with himself. For people who are bifurcated, unable to control themselves, it is better not to wear eye quartz. It takes a long time to get used to quartz, they are made of "hard" stones that give in to work: they need to be worn for several years before they begin to work. It is believed that the ring containing such a "talisman" (and it should be worn only in a ring, sometimes in a bracelet), before the imminent danger begins to "press", squeeze the finger, interfere. If a person pays attention to this and puts ring under the pillow on the 18th lunar day, then he will receive a revelation in a dream what danger awaits him. Usually, the warning comes long ago, amulets are warned several months before the event occurs.
It is believed that this stone is capable of developing our consciousness, helping to separate harmful desires from real needs. The tiger's eye helps to cleanse the body after eating too much. This stone helps us see in the dark, develops discernment and can bring good luck.
The tiger's eye strengthens common sense, enhances the ability to concentrate, activates pedagogical abilities, and directs its owner to useful things in time. He also helps women become good housewives, protects competitors from the insidiousness and torment of unreasonable jealousy.
In folk medicine, the tiger's eye is considered an excellent tool for restoring the body after heavy operations. In some countries, healers recommend wearing tiger's eye jewelry to prevent disease.
Virgo's tiger eye will help to increase vitality, find sunny optimism. It is a strong amulet. ABOUT you need to rule amulets only in silversince silver is a good conductor.
Main deposits: Russia, India, Burma (Myanmar), Australia, Africa.

For the correct selection of a precious talisman, it is important to take into account not only the astrological sign, but also the exact date of birth.

We select stones according to the decade of the sign

  1. Virgos included by date of birth ( August 23 - September 2) in the first decade, they feel the influence of the Sun. They are harmonious personalities who do not tolerate anxiety and travel. What stones are suitable for the Virgins of this decade? Their main precious minerals are aventurine, jasper, rock crystal, agate, jade, amethyst, tiger's eye, moonstone, carnelian, lapis lazuli and jade.
  2. In the second decade by date of birth ( September 3 - 11) includes Virgos under the protection of Venus. They are characterized by a love of secrets, modesty and loyalty in love. Suitable for them citrine, hairy, jadeite, sardonyx, pearls, chrysoprase, heliotrope, onyx, chalcedony.
  3. The third decade of Virgo by date of birth ( September 12 - 22) is under the influence of Mercury. Representatives of this decade are often quiet and inconspicuous, their own laziness interferes with their work and personal life. Matching gems for this zodiac sign are diamond, chrysolite, garnet, sapphire, emerald and topaz.

The main gems for Virgo

It is determined to say which stone is suitable for Virgos is very difficult. Representatives of this zodiac sign often need energy with a different focus, therefore it is necessary to select talismans not only by date of birth, but also taking into account the life situation.

Nephritis - suitable according to the horoscope. Representatives of this sign often suffer from illness and injury.

Jade will make them stronger physically, strengthen the body's resistance and help to cope with existing ailments.

The talisman with this strong green stone literally forces its owner to change life and leave the comfort zone for new achievements.

Since Virgo is one of the energetically weak signs of the zodiac, it is difficult for her to cope with external negativity. Their precious talismans should be reliable protectors from enemies and envious people. The serpentine will be a good amulet for all public Virgins and those who work in a large team... The stone helps to fight negative energy and manifestations of dark magic.

Another good mascot for Virgo by date of birth is cornelian... This gem makes the down-to-earth representatives of the sign more sublime, improves intuition and discernment.

Carnelian saves its owner from depression and outbursts of anger, strengthens memory and improves public speaking skills.

The gem protects against any black magic, hatred, betrayal, lies and jealousy.

Virgo woman and gems mascots

According to the horoscope for Virgo women, precious jewelry with chrysolite is suitable as a talisman. The mineral makes its mistress more attractive in the eyes of men, helps to build relationships correctly. Talisman with chrysolite contributes to personal growth and the acquisition of new knowledge.

It is common for a woman of this sign to be afraid of everything new, so she misses a lot in life and refuses innovations in the professional sphere. will fight the conservatism and categorical nature of Virgo. Talismans with this gem are especially useful for women in HR management. Chrysolite will help to find a common language with subordinates, make its owner more tolerant of strangers and her own shortcomings.

The Virgo woman talks a lot, criticizes and spoils the nerves of her loved ones. Talismans with jasper have a beneficial effect on family ladies, making them calmer and more peaceful. The mineral relieves the feeling of wine and hidden anxieties. Jasper not only improves relations with the okru Chrysolite, but also with their own soul.

It is difficult for a Virgo woman to arrange her personal life according to the sign of the zodiac for a low-emotional and pedantic woman. She hides all the feelings inside herself, unable to show her sympathy. To overcome this drawback, astrologers are advised to wear talismans with carnelian.... This stone makes a woman more open, teaches not to pay attention to trifles. Carnelian attracts a good mood, pure and true love.

For a young mother of Virgo according to the sign of the zodiac and her baby, it is useful to have a talisman with cat's eye... This stone sharpens the mother's intuition, helps the mother cope with children's whims and protects against diseases. The lilac cat's eye keeps love and loyalty in the family.

Stone for a man in the sign of Virgo

Virgo men according to the zodiac sign tend to criticize everyone and enter into conflicts. Because of this, they are often unable to move up the career ladder. Talismans with jasper useful for a man seeking to get promoted and get rich. The stone makes its owner more sociable and teaches him to interact normally with others. Jasper helps Virgo men to become good husbands and loving fathers.

For a Virgo man, a talisman with carnelian... The mineral is able to enhance all the positive qualities of character and neutralize the influence of bad ones. It develops mental abilities, increases craving for beauty. Carnelian for a man will become an assistant in any matters related to money. The talisman with him restores physical strength and strengthens the spirit.

Representatives of this zodiac sign can be worn as a talisman agate... Virgo men have a complex character, so it is difficult for them to win the sympathy of others. Talisman with agate attracts good luck and happiness, makes its owner more sociable and helps to establish friendly ties. Mineral promotes new acquaintances, brings harmony to family relationships. Brown agate is a powerful talisman for a Virgo man, it gives courage and protects from dangers.

Unwanted minerals

Astrologers do not advise Virgos to wear talismans with stones that are strong in energy. Among the unwanted minerals is alexandrite. The gem subjugates weak people to its will. And Virgos are not distinguished by high resistance to other people's influence. Alexandrite will enhance the pedantry and captiousness of the representatives of the sign. It makes its owner uncommunicative and rude.

Malachite is especially contraindicated for Virgo women. He attracts too much attention, which will be a burden to humble Virgins. In addition, malachite is strongly associated with magical powers. And it is not easy for earth signs to cope with things that defy logical comprehension.

Obsidian makes Virgo fearful and overly cautious... For this sign, excessive cowardice is fraught with an inability to make serious decisions. Bloodstone is highly undesirable for such a weak sign. It attracts troubles and illnesses to its owner. Ruby drains Virgo, does not allow her to restore vitality. It is undesirable to often wear tourmaline talismans. This mineral completely deprives Virgo of dreaminess and fantasy.