Which wood glue is better. Choosing a glue for wood. What are the synthetic-based adhesives?

When carrying out renovations, renovating furniture or making something, we need to use certain adhesives. Today there are many brands of adhesives that are designed for wood products. Now on the shelves there are many well-known compositions, as well as innovative products created using modern technologies.

The use of wood glue serves different purposes and tasks: fixing or joining different structures, creates safe, insulated joints that are protected from moisture penetration, etc. You can choose the right glue if you determine the purpose and purpose of its application.

Application of glue

Waterproof glue has enhanced hydrophobic properties and fixes objects better. When cladding rooms with condensation or water capacity, as well as rooms with high humidity, these qualities of the adhesive will do a good job. Moisture-resistant wood glue does not react to low temperatures, it is good to use it when covering external and internal elements. The frost resistance and heat resistance of such adhesives will help to veneer open structures that are periodically frozen and flooded. .

Waterproof adhesive has high adhesion adhesive composition, can be used on all types of surfaces. Waterproof glue is used for fixing slabs made of natural stone, ceramics, ceramic granite products. These types of adhesives have a very wide range of applications, they can glue wood, ceramics, leather, vinyl, glass, plastic, cardboard, and all this in various combinations.

Selecting the type of glue

Today there is a wide range of excellent adhesives of various properties, such as moisture and heat resistance, slow or fast hardening, longer shelf life from the moment of preparation, etc. Many adhesives provide such a strong bond that the adhesive layer is sometimes stronger than wood. Let's find out what types of glue are used most often:

  • Animal adhesives are traditional carpenter's adhesives. For their manufacture, animal skins and bones are used. Previously, such adhesives were the most important in the woodworking industry.

  • Hot melt adhesives are cylindrical rods that are used in specialized glue guns. These types of glue are very convenient, they freeze in a few seconds, they are indispensable when working with templates and models.
  • PVA is a polyvinyl acetate emulsion that hardens during drying or penetrates into the wood. This adhesive is non-toxic and has an infinite shelf life. PVA - moisture resistant glue, when it dries, it becomes transparent. It is often used for the production of furniture.
  • Urea-formaldehyde adhesives are moisture resistant, able to fill cavities well, and harden through a chemical reaction. This glue is a powder, it must be mixed with water and applied to the bonding areas. There are also two-component adhesives that have a liquid hardener. Hardener should be applied to one of the surfaces to be glued, and the other with glue mixed with water.
  • Contact adhesives are thinly spread over two surfaces. At first, it partially grasps two surfaces, and then quickly glues together. This type of glue is good to use when gluing melamine coating on table tops, while other types of glue are used when gluing veneer. The glue smells pretty bad.
  • Epoxy adhesives are composed of two components - resin and hardener, they are mixed in a certain amount and get glue. When cured, epoxy adhesives form durable, insoluble transparent joints. Basically, these types of adhesives are used if the product to be glued will be in high humidity conditions.

Nowadays, moisture-resistant wood glue has a lot of advantages, as well as a wide range of different types and a wide range of applications. There are many possibilities for choosing a product of excellent quality. Modern adhesives are resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, have a shorter period of complete hardening, and much longer durability than before. And these are not all the advantages of moisture-resistant adhesives.

In everyday life, you have to perform various work with wood products - to repair, restore, or even make something with your own hands. The use of traditional fasteners (nails, screws, or otherwise) is not always possible or advisable.

In most cases, gluing the structural parts is the best option. But is any composition suitable for working with wood? How to choose the right glue for wood, what to consider? All such questions will be answered in this article.

Any glue is selected based on the specifics of its application. Therefore, before you buy the composition, you should familiarize yourself with its properties:

  • Final drying time.
  • Density of bonding.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Versatility of application, that is, adhesion to other materials, not just wood.
  • Connection strength, ability to withstand dynamic loads.
  • The degree of toxicity.

From this point of view, we will consider the features of all commercially available compositions for working with wood, and those prepared independently.

Types of adhesives


Such products are also called dispersed, polyvinyl acetate.

Main characteristics

  • No toxicity. Therefore, such glue can be safely used for working with wood indoors, without taking any precautions (hood and the like).
  • High-speed performance. Initial setting in about ⅓ hours, final hardening in 24 hours.
  • Any surface can be processed.
  • The shelf life of the glue is unlimited.

Minus - since PVA is diluted with water, in rooms with excessive humidity, the reliability of gluing is gradually reduced.

Epoxy glue

A set familiar to many, consisting of two components (resin + hardener), which must be mixed in a certain proportion before use.

Main characteristics

  • Connection strength.
  • Versatility of use.
  • Epoxy adhesives are resistant not only to water, but also to fuels and lubricants, a number of aggressive reagents.
  • Guaranteed drying time (depending on layer thickness) up to 24 hours.
  • When working with such adhesives, care must be taken to protect the skin. The formulations are irritating.
  • Increased consumption. In practice, it is impossible to determine exactly how many components should be diluted for a particular job. Some of the glue remains unused and is thrown away.


Several varieties of the composition are sold under this brand. For gluing wood, including with other materials, series "2" and "4" are suitable.

Main characteristics

  • Fast drying - no more than 1 hour at normal temperature and humidity.
  • For internal work, it is advisable to use "BF-2", external - "BF-4".
  • Such adhesives are applied in 2 layers, with an interval of 15 minutes.
  • High moisture resistance, and the 4th series can withstand low temperatures.

Minus - it is somewhat relative, but sometimes it matters. Before using such adhesives, the tree needs high-quality cleaning and degreasing.

Heat-resistant compounds

Such adhesives are sold in the form of rods, so you will have to additionally purchase a special "gun".

The main characteristic is clear from the name - increased resistance to high temperatures. Given the specifics of the application, such compositions are used mainly for fastening small parts and for sealing cracks in wood.

Joiner's adhesives

They do not apply to ready-to-use products. Before gluing, it is necessary to prepare the composition.

Cooking specifics

  • The dry mass is poured with warm water and kept for 6 to 12 hours, depending on the size of the dishes and the amount of glue. It should be completely saturated.
  • "Water bath. The liquid is drained from the container, and it is heated with steam until a homogeneous mass is obtained. During the preparation process, the glue is periodically mixed until all solid particles are completely dissolved. It is necessary to ensure that the composition does not boil! This is a prerequisite for obtaining quality glue.

Order of use

Segments to be glued are coated with an even layer in the direction of the wood grain. After that - tight pressing of the parts and their fixation in this position. After 7–8 hours, the composition is completely cured.

Minus - the effectiveness of gluing when the moisture content of the wood is more than 10% decreases sharply.

Syndeticone glue

It is prepared on the basis of carpentry by adding lime (slaked) and powdered sugar.

Main characteristics

  • High bond strength.
  • Resistant to liquids and aggressive chemical compounds.

The downside is the lengthy cooking process. Before use, the dry mass is kept in water for at least a day.

Glue paste

It is obtained by introducing chalk or wood ash, crushed to the state of powder, into hot joiner's glue. Such formulations are excellent for puttying or priming wood. The following materials adhere well to it: glass, metal, stone.

Polyurethane compounds

They cost more than many types of wood adhesives, and this is understandable.

Main characteristics

  • The gluing site is capable of withstanding increased dynamic loads. For example, a repaired chair leg will not loosen over time.
  • Inertness in relation to low and high temperatures, humidity, ultraviolet and so on. If a wood product is used in extreme conditions, this glue is the best choice.

Casein glue

Those who are engaged in aeromodelling are well acquainted with him. With such a composition on a tree, you can qualitatively fix leather, paper, fabric.

Main characteristics

  • Inertness to dampness.
  • Connection strength.
  • Complete drying - no more than 18 - 20 hours.

Minus - cooking requires accuracy and time. Water (cold) is poured into a portion of the powder, after which the mixture is constantly mixed. It is brought to the state of sour cream, and it will take at least 1 hour for the dry composition to completely dissolve.

Wood adhesives are sold in various packaging. For the convenience of the reader, the average price in rubles / kg is indicated in brackets after each name.

According to the reviews of those who often have to deal with wood, it is worth using adhesives of the brands "Jowat" (204), "Casco" (502 - PVA), "Kleiberit" (439), "Titebond" (from 260 to 310 ml), "Moment-joiner" (478). It is with them that most professional masters work, especially since you can choose any modification, since their compositions differ, depending on the series.

The water resistance class is easy to determine by the markings on the package with glue. It is designated by the letter "D". The number behind it gives an idea of ​​the stability of the composition against liquids: 2 - low, 3 - sufficient, 4 - very high. But adhesives of the D4 class are quite expensive, so their use is justified only in those cases when the product will be used in conditions of constant dampness.

  1. Composition
  2. Mezdrovy
  3. Isinglass
  4. Bone
  5. Casein
  6. Moisture resistant
  7. How to prepare the mixture
  8. Titebond
  9. Moment
  10. Titanium
  11. Selection rules

Joiner's glue is intended for joining parts made of paper, cardboard, wooden boards, bars, hardboard. The material is inexpensive, safe, and has a natural composition.


The base of wood glue, the main agent is animal protein.

By the type of raw material, there is glue:

  • mezdrovy,
  • fish,
  • bone,
  • casein,
  • polyvinyl acetate (PVA),
  • moisture resistant.

All types are used for carpentry work.


The main active ingredient is obtained from the processing of animal skin. Protein is the subcutaneous layer without adipose tissue. It contains oligopeptides. They contain cysteine, which forms bridges-bonds for reliable connection of parts.

Mezdrovy carpentry glue is produced in the form of:

  • powder,
  • tiles,
  • scales.


For the production of fish glue, fins, scales, swim bladders are used. The result is a solution suitable for gluing similar and dissimilar surfaces. The only drawback is the high price. Glue is produced in the form of dry flakes and granules.


They are made from the bone remnants of animals. The composition includes:

  • collagen,
  • gelatin,
  • cysteine.

These substances are viscous and reliably glue the surfaces of wood products. The price of the material is low. You should choose transparent compositions: they are better than unrefined, cloudy, with impurities.



  • casein,
  • kerosene,
  • copper sulfate,
  • sodium fluoride,
  • slaked lime.


  • Significant volume shrinkage.
  • Changing the color of the glued surfaces.
  • The prepared solution has a short shelf life - several hours.

Bonds wood parts well.

Raw materials for the preparation of casein glue solution are produced in the form of a dry powder.


PVA glue is used in joinery and other areas. The solution is sold ready-made.


  • elasticity,
  • reliable grip,
  • transparent layer,
  • stability of the finished seam.

PVA adhesives differ in properties. Some are waterproof, quick dry.

Moisture resistant

Waterproof mortar for gluing wood can be prepared from slaked lime and freshly curdled curd. The components are mixed in certain proportions to a working consistency.

How to prepare the mixture

To prepare the working material, take ready-made grain, dry powders, tiles, granules. They are thoroughly crushed, diluted with warm water according to the instructions. Swelling of active components is awaited. Then use. Store in a hermetically sealed container. All formulations, except for casein, retain their sticky properties for several days.

The preparation method is prescribed in the instructions on the package.... The composition of the mixture may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. Consistency matters. In the description of a specific glue, the required amount of water is indicated. It is designed to obtain a mixture of a specific viscosity. If a more liquid material is needed for work, the liquid is added in small portions, each time the paste is thoroughly mixed.

Before gluing the surfaces to each other, they are cleaned and degreased. Then the solution is applied with a thin layer on one of the parts, the planes are pressed. To increase the effect, a load is placed on top, it does not allow the workpieces to disperse. Bonding takes place in 2-3 hours, drying - in 2-3 days. The exact terms and conditions are spelled out in the technical characteristics of each composition.

Modern synthetic-based adhesives

Ready-made adhesives of industrial production are often used: Titebond, Moment, Titan.

Titebond (from 200 rubles, 0.296 l.)

The Titebond wood glue of the American company Franklin International is used in the production of plywood furniture, wood flooring, and in woodwork. Formulated with solvent-free synthetic and natural polymers. This allows for excellent adhesion of surfaces without damaging them.

Titebond II Premium joiner's glue is a high-quality replacement for traditional wood and paper glue. It is used in the production of door and window blocks, frames, furniture assembly. This is a composition with a high level of moisture resistance, can be used for outdoor work, assembly of external door and window fillings, fastening decorations to a wooden facade.

Bonding strength reaches the value of wood strength. The connection remains intact for many years.

Moment (from 300 r.)

Henkel's Moment Super PVA D3 joiner's glue has a Soviet counterpart - DF51 / 15V. It is a good waterproof adhesive for bonding paper, cardboard, plywood, and other wood-based materials.

Waterproof PVA is added as a plasticizing agent to concrete solutions to increase the plasticity and water resistance of the working mass, of the finished stone. Bonding with cement mortar improves adhesion to the surface to be covered with screed or tiles.

The letter D in the name indicates the degree of resistance of the material to water, 3 - a sufficient level. 4 - higher class, used for special work, expensive.

Titanium (from 200 rubles for 500 ml)

Glue "Titan" is universal, reliably glues:

  • plastics,
  • glass,
  • paper,
  • wood.

It is often used to make various wooden products.

"Titan Universal" is a fast-drying adhesive suitable for working with wooden surfaces. It quickly gains strength, reliably connects surfaces without damaging them, and becomes transparent.

Glue-mastic is suitable for finishing works, gluing wooden beams, boards, rosettes.

Liquid nails are also compatible with wood and can be used for finishing and decorative elements.

Selection rules


  • Consider the scope and specifics of the work. When processing a large amount of wood, it is better to give preference to semi-finished powder products due to their low price.
  • Pay attention to the characteristics, select the solution according to its physical properties.
  • Find a suitable glue in consistency.
  • Carefully read the information on the label, read the product reviews.

All photos from the article

The thorn + groove connection is a wonderful invention of mankind, thanks to it, it does not lose its functionality for decades. But there is one "but"! Wood is a natural material, therefore, it has the ability to shrink.

As a result of this, parts quickly leave their nests and strive to fall off at every inconvenient occasion. To prevent this, man invented adhesives. Moreover, there are so many of them that it is sometimes difficult to choose. Today's instruction is about glue mixtures.

Adhesive - selection principles

A very important role in the choice of glue is played by where and with what loads this or that part will be used, what are the operating conditions. For example, in the kitchen, glue should be resistant to moisture and steam; in furniture in rooms, this condition is not necessary.

The selection principles can be summarized as follows:

  • a minimum set of preparatory actions;
  • the glue must be easy to use;
  • the bonding effect and the possibility of use comes quickly.

Our help! The preparation of the surfaces to be glued is of the same type for the application of any type of glue, and the full operation of the product is possible after 24 hours after gluing.

Preparation of parts

Regardless of the choice of glue, the preparation for the process is the same everywhere.

The instruction reads:

  • the surfaces to be glued must be sanded in order to eliminate drips of old glue;
  • after sanding, the surfaces are degreased with any solvent;
  • after the parts have dried, the adhesive can be applied.

That's the whole instruction. It remains only to choose the glue and carry out the process itself.

Choosing glue

When visiting a store, the main criterion for choosing an adhesive, like any product, is the price, but in this case we will also be interested in other components of success - reliability, application technique, working conditions:

  1. PVA wood glue Is an emulsion that contains polyvinyl acetate, some water and additional additives. The mixture is non-toxic and is used even in the food industry. Schoolchildren use this particular composition for the design of applications and the production of papier-mâché.

The film, which is formed by PVA, has good strength, is not fragile, although it is well washed off with many solvents. The application technique is simple: with a brush, the composition is applied to one of the surfaces to be glued, then the parts are pressed and left under compression for a while. The works are carried out at an air temperature not lower than 6 degrees Celsius, humidity - not higher than 80%.

  1. Fast drying formulations... There are a lot of them. The positive qualities of this composition is that at the usual recommended application rate, the parts to be glued are pressed with force for 45-60 seconds. Hardening occurs in an hour or two. But immediately there are reservations - if the gaps are minimal, if the ambient temperature is not lower than 6 degrees Celsius, etc.

Advice! When choosing a quick-drying glue for wood, keep in mind that the compositions themselves are quite aggressive and in addition to general safety precautions when working with these products, be prepared for the fact that many products of this line change the color of the wood at the points of application and joining.

  1. Epoxy resin... This set is very revealing. If you want a good result, with a guarantee that the products can be used even outdoors, then use two-component wood glue. The two components of the composition - resin and hardener initially come in two different containers, since their mixture is capable of not only hardening, but also withstanding temperature fluctuations in the corridor of 180 degrees Celsius, from -30 to +150 degrees.

Note! The hardened resin does not react to technical oils and solvents, it is removed only mechanically, therefore this composition does not accept a second chance. And one more thing, the instructions for use describe the proportions of using the ingredients.

In order to make sure of their efficiency, conduct a small experiment: in a small container, for example, a cap from a plastic bottle, add both compositions according to the described method. If solidification occurs as described, within the specified time, then the mixtures can be used.

  1. Separately, I would like to highlight contact glue for wood... Its main application is for gluing wooden slats to the floor. You can use other types of adhesive mixtures, but the contact was designed in such a way that the seam between the parts had elasticity, and the wooden parts did not tear off each other under different loads in different areas, and the single coating did not break.

Considering that this composition is applied over large areas, the developers have provided for the possibility of applying glue with their own hands, as well as with the help of sprayers.

  1. Pros and cons. There are two criteria on the market today that are designed to attract a buyer: super glue for wood and professional glue for wood. It is assumed that these compounds do not just connect parts in a minimum time with a maximum warranty period, they are used specifically for professional, almost conveyor belt use. Practice often shows the opposite effect, and wood glue copes with the task much better without any advertisements.

  1. Silicone glue for wood. To be more precise, it is one that is intended for outdoor and indoor use. The composition is applied using a special pistol using the extrusion method. For these compounds, the declared application period reaches 20 years.


Joiner's glue presupposes not just the connection of parts, but also the possibility of using the item for its intended purpose. The video in this article has prepared an overview of these mixtures, but if you have questions, you can ask them in the comments.

When choosing a suitable glue for wood, you should take into account the specifics of the work to be done and pay special attention to the properties and characteristics of the composition. The decisive factors are the types of materials to be glued, the conditions where the work will be carried out and the finished structures will be used.

The choice of the main properties of the adhesive

There is no universal glue for any type of work, each has certain properties. To figure out which glue is best for wood, and which one for gluing other materials, you should study the characteristics and composition of the selected product.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. the degree of moisture resistance - denoted by the letter D and is subdivided into classes (2 - minimum, 3 - sufficient, 4 - increased);
  2. toxicity;
  3. adhesive bond strength (kg / cm³) and composition density;
  4. adhesion to other materials - fabrics, metal, plastic, rubber, ceramics, glass;
  5. complete drying time;
  6. heat resistance;
  7. resistance to bacteria and fungi.

Secondary characteristics include color, it can also be different: transparent, white, black, or imitating the natural shade of a certain tree species.

Varieties of wood glue

Manufacturers have developed a wide variety of compositions for woodworking, and if you turn to the experience of carpentry craftsmen, you can select a number of the most suitable types. It should be noted that some types of glue can be subdivided into several subspecies, each of which has a narrow specialization, a special color or composition.

PVA glue or compositions based on it

PVA glue remains the undisputed leader; many users prefer it, despite hundreds of new products with unique compositions. Glue is produced by almost all brands, and the average price per 1 kg varies from 80 to 400 rubles. The best furniture adhesives are often PVA-based.


  • environmental friendliness - the composition does not emit dangerous toxins before or after drying;
  • leaves no traces;
  • complete drying time - up to 24 hours;
  • high adhesion to various materials.


  • the water-based composition is not intended for use in rooms with high humidity.

Crushed wood chips can be added to PVA glue for better fixation of elements.

The familiar glue made on the basis of epoxy resin is widely used for a variety of purposes, including for joining wooden structures. The set includes two components: adhesive and hardener.


  • high adhesion to all known materials;
  • does not leave marks on the product, does not change the color of the wood;
  • epoxy adhesive is very strong and ideal for fixing even moving parts;
  • resistant to water, oils and various aggressive solutions;
  • has electrical insulating properties.


  • when using, you must wear protective gloves, the composition can provoke an allergic reaction;
  • with little experience of use, it is very difficult to calculate the proportions, which sometimes leads to overruns.

Universal glue is often used to connect small elements in the design of various models of buildings or vehicles, repairing furniture or interior items.


  • provides a very strong connection;
  • full drying time less than 20 hours;
  • more resistant to moisture and high temperatures than wood glue.


  • complex preparation process - glue powder is mixed with cold water and thoroughly mixed. It will take about 1 hour to bring the glue to readiness.

Cyanoacrylate formulations

Cyanoacrylate mixtures are considered versatile and very popular. Experienced craftsmen have long been convinced of the effectiveness of such compositions. Glue is most often sold in small containers: given that the cost of such goods cannot be called low, it is rational to use them for a small amount of work.


  • high strength;
  • the minimum setting time is about 10-15 seconds;
  • glue does not change the color of products, does not leave traces;
  • resistant to various liquids;
  • the minimum density of the composition allows it to be used for decorative work or joining small parts.


  • relatively high cost (for example, Cosmofen seconds glue, 20 g - 120 rubles);
  • requires utmost care during work.

Clay BF

Among the many types of BF glue for wood, two products are suitable: BF2 for indoor work and BF4 for outdoor. The multi-purpose compound is suitable for gluing various materials to wood, is easy to use and is sold in almost every specialty store.


  • BF2 - moisture resistant, BF4 - moisture resistant, frost resistant;
  • dries completely in 1 hour;
  • great for gluing metal to wood.


  • effective only after careful preparation - the products should be well cleaned.

If you heat the bonding site to 80 ° C, the complete drying time will be reduced to 15 minutes.

Heat-resistant compositions are highly specialized, they are used when the workpiece is subjected to firing or other effects of high temperatures. The glue does not dry out, does not crack or flake off.

One of the varieties of high-temperature compositions are glue sticks. Such a composition is applied with a glue gun, where the core gradually melts. The intensity of application is adjustable by the user.

Wood glue

Joiner's glue for wood is only suitable for gluing wood blanks. Powdered glue is poured with water 3-4 cm above the powder level and the mixture is kept for 6 to 12 hours, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. Then the adhesive is brought to a state of readiness in a water bath, stirring thoroughly. In this case, the temperature of the mixture should not exceed 70 ° C. If you add natural drying oil to the composition, the glue acquires water-resistant properties. With the addition of salicylic acid or borax, the glue will resist all types of bacteria, mold or fungal spores.


  • used for all types of wood;
  • has sufficient strength.


  • long and relatively complicated cooking process.

How to glue wood to wood or other materials?

Determining what kind of glue to glue wooden products with is quite simple. First of all, you should analyze what work will be carried out: gluing wood products or gluing other materials to wood.

You can glue wood to wood or other material with any of the above types of glue. When working with small parts, it is better to use a fast drying cyanoacrylate compound or casein glue. When it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work, for example, to glue linoleum to a plywood base, to cover wooden furniture with leather or to decorate walls, PVA is most suitable. If the structure will be on the street all year round and will be exposed to temperature extremes, BF4 is needed.

Fastening wooden elements to each other also implies a medium to large amount of work, therefore, carpentry or epoxy glue, as well as PVA, is used. The compositions are neutral in color and outwardly invisible, as a result, a solid monolithic structure can be obtained. Which one is better to use is a subjective question, these compositions have a large difference in moisture resistance, but similar bond strength.

General rules for the use of glue when working with wood

The maximum effect can be achieved if the structural details are properly prepared. The wood should be processed; for this, the surface is cleaned with a fine abrasive cloth and all dust is removed. Other materials, such as porcelain, glass or plastic, are degreased with acetone.

According to the technology, the glue is applied in an even thin layer on both surfaces. Bonding with BF glue is carried out in two stages with a break of 15 minutes. When using two-component formulations, they are either mixed, or one component is applied to one side, the other to the other and fastened.

When joining the end parts, joiner's glue for wood is applied in two layers, allowing the first to dry slightly. A second is applied on top, the glue is allowed to absorb a little, and the parts are fastened together. When the slabs are joined, the mixture is spread along the fibers in one layer.

After applying the composition, the elements should be pulled together using a press or clamp. If this is not possible, then only quick-drying "second" types of glue are used for gluing. If the composition dries for more than 4 hours, the clamps are kept for about 2 hours. Excess glue protruding between the workpieces must be quickly removed before the composition has set.

The last point is compliance with security measures. Sometimes even simple formulations can provoke an allergic reaction. To protect the eyes and skin, it is sufficient to use rubberized gloves and goggles.

Only popular and relatively safe types of adhesives and mixtures are presented here. There are other types that will do their job well - for example, the Moment Joiner glue is quite effective, but it has increased toxicity and is applicable only for technical purposes. Other types often require a long preparation of the mixture or are intended only for production work.