What kind of paint can be used to paint the lining. Painting lining inside the house in different colors: beautiful ideas in the interior Why does the lining need to be painted?

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Painting lining - the final finishing process. The quality and durability of the coating depends on the quality of work and the right material. Let's see how to do it right.

How to paint the lining?

The tree needs to be covered. The range of paints and varnishes is huge, so the choice of material for lining depends on specific goals:

  • protection against fungi / mold;
  • giving moisture resistance;
  • decorative;
  • save texture, etc.

The lining can be painted in different ways. All of them are divided into two groups.

Functional compositions

Ensure the safety of wood, extend the service life. Give it the necessary qualities, increase operational functions:

  • flame retardants- protective compounds that reduce the flammability of the material. They are mandatory coverage. They can be universal (with biosecurity) and give a shade.
  • Antiseptics, biopyrenes, bactericidal compounds- often called impregnation, as they penetrate into the depths of the wood. Protect from aggressive environments, UV rays, block the development of rot / mold. They are divided into subgroups: for internal work and external.

  • Drying oil - gives water-repellent properties, protects from rotting. It is used only for outdoor work, dries for a long time, has a smell. A surface covered in several layers may stick for 1-2 years.
  • Alkyd varnishes- retain texture, are considered universal: wood protection + decorative effect. Used for finishing. Applied in two layers: the first is a transparent varnish, the second is a varnish with tinting.

  • Synthetic varnishes- Compared to acrylic, they have an aggressive, difficult to weather smell. After application, they form a smooth surface with a rich sheen. The composition contains substances harmful to health (toluene, xylene), so they are used, as a rule, for outdoor work.
  • Yacht varnish- the most durable and reliable coating. Provides protection against moisture, ultraviolet, fungal formations. It contains strong-smelling solvents, but after drying, the smell disappears. There are three types: matte, glossy, semi-gloss.
  • Oil varnishes - contain resins, desiccants, oils, solvents. They form a high-quality protective film on the lining, giving an ocher hue. Used inside and outside the house.

  • Wax based formulations- are an advantageous alternative to varnishes. They give a matte shine, reliably protect the tree. Texturol does not need a primer and is available in 18 colors.
  • Aqualaki- the best option for lining. Produced on a water basis, they are matte, glossy, semi-gloss. They retain vapor permeability, may have bactericidal additives, color, UV filters.

Decorative compositions

They help to radically change the color of the tree, are used in design projects, serve as protection for wood fiber:

  • Oil paints- increase resistance to aggressive influences, including moisture. Easy to apply, but dry for a long time, reduce the air permeability of the tree. Oil paint is considered an impractical coating: after 2-3 years, it begins to change color (burns out). Recommended for interior work.
  • Alkyd enamels- suitable for interior decoration, have a wide color range. After drying, they bark a glossy sheen. Not durable, after a few years they require re-painting.
  • Acrylic, acrylic paints - durable, in many respects superior to oil. Acrylic gives elasticity, so they do not crack from temperature changes and minor deformations. Acrylic paint is versatile, effective for lining inside and outside the house.

  • Water-based paints - create a matte surface, leave a wooden texture, dry quickly, do not interfere with breathability, do not have an unpleasant odor. In terms of reliability and durability, they are inferior to all types of varnish. A thick layer will completely hide the texture of the lining.
  • wood stain- completely preserves the texture, gives a shade / tones. The intensity of the color is achieved by the number of layers.

There are many mixed-type compounds that can be attributed to both groups. They can tint, give decorativeness and protect at the same time.

How to paint a lining

It is not difficult to paint the lining with your own hands. Surface preparation is an important step in painting technology. It must be cleaned of contaminants and treated with a solution of soda (2%). If the paint has already been applied and has peeling - apply mechanical cleaning with sandpaper.

Primary application involves the use of impregnations, but it is not necessary to impregnate a dry board. It is better to use universal formulations with protection. The lining is painted only on the front side, the back remains untreated.

Using water-based paint for lining, it is diluted with water - this will help to apply a thin layer and preserve the wood pattern. In a damp room, protective compounds must be used, preferably on both sides and at the places of cuts / cuts.

The high quality of the final result will be achieved by sanding and painting each board up to the moment of installation. Already processed boards are nailed to the walls / ceiling.

Consider the technology of piece staining:

  • The lining needs to be sorted. Deformed, cracked, knotty boards are rejected. They will go for undercuts, come in handy for testing paint and mounting in closed places.
  • Quality material is polished(front side and tenon/groove). It is more convenient to work with a grinder, you can use a bar with sandpaper. Grain is used Nos. 250–280. The back side can not be processed.

  • The prepared surface is cleaned from dust and paint with a roller, brush, spray. Using a brush, you need to blend the composition along the board, trying to get a uniform color.
  • Covering varnishes/paints can lift pile, after drying, leave roughness. In this case, the surface is ground again. Then a second layer is applied.

When painting, achieving the intended result, you can apply an unlimited number of layers of paintwork materials. Repeated painting is always carried out with a minimum composition on the brush and good shading, otherwise there will be smudges and uneven color.

Raw, semi-moist wood should be primed. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve uniform coloring. A matte colorless varnish is often used for a primer.

Photo Description

Tip 1

Before work, the paint is thoroughly mixed - this is the golden rule.

Tip 2

The paint will lay down better if you work not with the middle of the brush, but with the tip.

Tip 3

You can express the pattern and emphasize the texture of wood with wax, varnish, pigmented oil.

Tip 4

The saturation of the coating is obtained not by applying one thick layer, but by creating several thin layers.

Tip 5

The paint lays down best during long, continuous strokes.

Tip 6

To paint difficult places (junctions of skirting boards, corners), use a thin brush 2-4 cm.

Wood is the most popular building material, but often many of us do not know how to paint the lining inside the house. The lining has a lot of positive characteristics and a large selection of types of wood, it is sheathed on the outside of the house, walls and ceilings inside the premises, as well as balconies, loggias, verandas. Walls finished with clapboard look even and beautiful, and also hide all the bumps and errors. It evenly distributes the level of humidity and perfectly retains heat, and also has a pleasant woody smell. The lining has high sound insulation, and in order for it to retain its positive characteristics and not be affected by sudden changes in temperature or precipitation, it must be painted.

Pine is the most ideal option for interior decoration, nature has endowed it with a golden hue, which over time has the ability to darken. Any surface needs protection and lining is no exception, but you have to choose how to paint the lining inside the house.

To paint the lining, glazing and coating antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints, acrylic scuba diving and alkyd varnishes are used.

Oil paints are perfectly absorbed into the wood, do not let moisture through and have excellent resistance to atmospheric precipitation. But over time, the surface treated with such paint loses color and matting and dries very slowly. If you painted the lining in a dark or bright color, then it will quickly lose its attractiveness.

Acrylic paints are also resistant to atmospheric precipitation, but unlike oil paints, they retain their color and gloss much longer. Surfaces treated with such paint have the ability to breathe, they are vapor-tight, elastic and do not crack.

Alkyd varnishes are usually used on floors because they are hard. The service life of such varnishes is not more than 10 years, then it is necessary to repeat the painting of the lining.

Interior lining painting

Before you start painting the lining inside the house, you should stock up on the necessary tools. To do this, we need: a paint tray, a bucket, varnish, paint, a brush, a roller, an airbrush, a ladder, a pumice stone, a primer, goggles.

We do the painting of the lining inside the house in stages.

  1. First you need to clean the surface of dirt and dust and the old composition. If this is not done, then the paint will peel off and you will have to start all over again. It happens that the surface is heavily contaminated and the old flaps are firmly held, then to remove it, you can prepare a solution in a bucket of hot water 300g of soda. And in order for the paint to adhere strongly to the surface, it must be degreased with an alkaline detergent solution.
  2. Then we grind the surface, for this we use an ordinary pumice stone.
  3. Now we apply a primer antiseptic, this can be omitted, but to enhance the effect and durability, it is better to apply. The fact is that wood releases resin over time and thereby reduces the protective properties of the paint.
  4. The last step is painting the lining. You can cover it with paint or a transparent antiseptic, and use a roller, brush or spray gun to apply. The finishing painting of the lining inside the house is applied in a thin layer, from top to bottom.

Painting is carried out in three passes. The first thin layer is applied, dries, the second thin layer is applied, and after drying, if necessary, a third layer can be applied. It should be remembered that it will be more effective to apply several thin layers than one thick layer. Another little tip, so that the brushes are not visible, the last layer must be applied from top to bottom.

In order for the color and gloss of the coating to be uniform, it is necessary to mix the paint thoroughly and only then apply it.

Before applying the paint, make a test stroke to make sure that the selected color is correct.

The best effect will be from painting the lining with a brush and it should be applied in thin layers.

Stock up on zigzag mittens, they will be needed if the lining will alternate with metal elements. If necessary, turn the mitten inside out with fur and paint the pipes, this method allows you to paint more than 5 m of pipes in a short time.

The primer must be tinted to match the color of the paint used.

Do not paint at high temperatures, because the paint will dry very quickly, and this is not recommended. Choose windless, warm and cloudless weather and paint to your health.

Carefully process the ends of the lining, for this it is necessary to cover them several times with a primer, and then with a paint and varnish material.

If you find a film on the surface of the paint, then lower a piece of nylon there and dip the brush through it.

If you want the paint not to dry quickly, then you need to put a piece of thick paper on the surface and pour it with drying oil.

To collect the remaining paint on the walls of the can, you need to bend a strip of iron and use it as a scraper.

If there is an urgent need to urgently close a window or door, and the paint has not dried, then put a layer of foil between the tangent surfaces and, when the surface dries, remove it without difficulty, and the integrity of the surface will not be violated.

How to process lining inside the house?

To date, lining has made a worthy competition for interior decoration. But few people know how to process the lining inside the house. Before we start processing the lining, it must be dried and sanded so that the applied substances lie more evenly.

Now you need to impregnate the wood, for this they use antiseptic preparations, they prevent the appearance of mold, black spots and protect against insects. After impregnation, the lining should be allowed to dry thoroughly and only then proceed with the processing of the lining inside the house.

To process the lining inside the house, various materials are used at your discretion. If you use a stain, then this is a good choice, as there is always the opportunity to touch up the color. If you need a color darker or lighter, you need to apply stain several times in thin layers until you reach the shade you need.

It is necessary to process the lining inside the room with varnish. If the lining has not been treated with anything before, then the varnish is applied several times, while allowing the previous layer to dry completely.

Another good treatment option is wax. Wax perfectly impregnates the wood, gives it a noble sheen, and applying paintwork can enhance this effect. So all you have to do is make your choice.

If you do not want to bother with the processing of the lining, spend time drying, contact a specialized store where special compositions will be selected for you. To begin with, the lining will be treated with an antiseptic, then covered with UV glazing, after which, if necessary, it will be varnished. If the lining is opened with varnish, then it can be used to finish the balcony, since the varnish does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the wood, and thereby protects the lining.

Most are wondering how to cover the lining inside the house, our article will help you figure it out. If you have purchased a high-quality lining, then to cover it, use German compounds containing natural oils and waxes.

Usually, coniferous lining is used inside the house, and varnished with it. The tree is subject to aging, it is negatively affected by water, humidity and fungal diseases, so the varnish must be of high quality in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Often the balcony is made into a living room where you can relax. To cover the lining inside the balcony, you must first get rid of the dirt, for this you can use a steel or hair brush. If mold or fungus has appeared on the surface, it should be cleaned with wood bleach. It happens that bleaches are not able to whiten the surface, then you can cover it with stain. The stain is used to lighten the wood, and the tool for applying the composition can be a brush or roller. After that, the cleaned surface must be primed, with a primer on wood, and after it dries, covered with a finishing paint or a transparent antiseptic.

To finish the bath with clapboard, hardwoods are chosen. It can be alder, linden, aspen. The advantage of such a lining is that, unlike conifers, they do not emit resin, which allows the lining not to heat up too quickly and have high moisture resistance. All these positive characteristics are taken into account when choosing a finishing material for a bath. To cover the ceilings in the bath, finished with clapboard, use a special oil or wax, and mother-of-pearl aqualak can be used to treat the walls. The floors in the bath from the lining are covered with high-quality varnish with the addition of White Spirit.

How to paint lining inside the house?

For painting, decorative glaze, impregnation and various paints are used. To protect the wooden surface, translucent and opaque antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints and alkyd varnishes are used.

Antiseptics are ideally absorbed into the wood for a few millimeters and protect the surface of the lining from ultraviolet rays, mold, blue, rot and precipitation. If you want to preserve the texture of wood, give it a rich shade, emphasize the natural beauty and pattern of wood, then use translucent antiseptics. And if you need to completely hide the texture of the wood, and at the same time only preserve the relief of the wooden surface, then use opaque antiseptics.

Paints for lining must be selected correctly so that they do not spoil the interior. Oil paint dries quickly, prevents moisture from accumulating and changes color over time. Acrylic paints in all respects are many times higher than oil paints, but the main difference is that they do not spread at all.

If you need to save on paint, water-based semi-gloss paints are the ideal solution for lining the lining, they have a variety of colors and shades, are economical and environmentally friendly.

Your ceiling in your house is made of lining, and to make it perfect, use scuba gear. To do this, it is necessary to cover the ceiling several times with a thin layer of aqualak, it is better to do this with a brush. You can also cover the floor with scuba varnish, but for this it is necessary to cover it with water-repellent or anti-slip oil, and after it is completely absorbed, proceed to painting.

To paint the wall lining, first the surface is treated with an antiseptic, then with a special impregnation to ensure the fire resistance of the material, and then opened with varnish or paint.

The lining can be painted with decorative glaze. There are several types of such painting - this is wash-style painting, traditional decorative surface coatings, textured surface coatings, metallic effect coatings and the use of patterns and patterns in decorative painting. Glaze gives the surface a glossy sheen and protects it from stains and damage.

After painting the lining, you stained your hands with paint, then you can wash them with vegetable oil. To do this, pour vegetable oil on a rag, and rub it on the contaminated areas of the hand, hold for 5 minutes and rinse using washing powder.

And to clean glass from paint, a special paste is used, which includes chalk and concentrated soda. The paste must be applied to the painted area, let stand and when the paint softens, it can be easily removed. To remove old oil paint from the wall, heat the iron, attach foil to the wall and iron it with an iron, after this process the paint will be perfectly removed with a spatula.

The irrefutable advantages of wood have made it one of the most popular finishing materials even in the era of the "construction paradise", when every craftsman can choose the material for every taste. It is precisely due to the low thermal conductivity and other positive qualities, such as ease of fastening, the ability to hide surface defects, as well as environmental safety, that wooden eurolining has ensured stable popularity for a long time. The lining is a thin finishing panel made of selected wood, designed for interior and exterior decoration of premises and performing several functions, among which a special place is given to cosmetic, decorative and soundproofing. Despite the fact that there are several types of lining - wooden and plastic, experienced professionals prefer the first option, in view of its significant advantages. In most cases, clapboard is sheathed on the outside of the house, as well as verandas, loggias and balconies. After finishing the walls with clapboard, which hides their irregularities and other shortcomings, they acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance. The use of wooden lining contributes to the uniform distribution of humidity and the preservation of heat in the room, which, after finishing with this material, is filled with a pleasant woody smell. An ideal option for interior decoration is pine, which nature has endowed with a pleasant golden hue that darkens with time. Despite the fact that, theoretically, lining is a durable material, like any other, proper care is needed to extend its service life. The main component of proper care is painting the lining, which will protect the material from drying out, dust and damage by insects, as well as from changes in temperature and humidity. Due to the relevance of this issue, in this article we will answer the question: “How and with what to paint the lining inside the house?”

Painting lining: the relevance of the issue

We can talk for a long time about the advantages of wood as a finishing material. It is characterized by the ability to heat and sound insulation, and the ability to visually hide the irregularities of the finished surface, and ease of installation, and, of course, durability. Thus, lining is characterized by all the advantages inherent in wood. However, wood also has its own disadvantages, such as a tendency to ignite, rot, as well as susceptibility to damage by insects and fungus. In this regard, despite the fact that lining is a durable material, over time it loses its original characteristics. To avoid this, wood finishing materials must be properly maintained, one of the stages of which is painting the wooden lining.

Important! Painting the lining is the final stage of finishing activities, however, as well as the implementation of other stages, it must be approached with due responsibility. The operational life of the lining and its ability to maintain the original performance characteristics depend on the selection of the most effective paint and varnish composition.

lining photo

How to paint the lining: the choice of paint and varnish composition

The most susceptible to destruction and aging is the lining, which was used for cladding the facades of buildings. This is due to the fact that it is constantly influenced by negative environmental factors, such as microorganisms present in the environment and causing wood decay, ultraviolet radiation, as well as sudden changes in temperature and humidity, leading to mold growth. In this regard, for exterior decoration, experts recommend using lining made from coniferous wood, which contains resin that has antiseptic properties and prevents the development of mold and fungus. However, it must also be treated with special compounds to extend the performance. For the processing of wooden lining, functional and decorative compositions are used. The first group includes:

  • flame retardants- functional compounds used to reduce the combustibility of the material. Due to the fact that wooden lining is a fire hazardous material, flame retardant treatment is a must;

Important! According to experts, the most effective is the industrial processing of wooden lining with fire retardants, which involves the application of a protective composition under high pressure. Do-it-yourself flame retardant application is considered less effective.

  • Bactericidal and antiseptic compounds, penetrating into the wood structure to a depth of several millimeters and preventing its destruction under the influence of aggressive environmental factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, mold and rot. For processing wooden lining inside the house, compounds are used that indicate their purpose for interior work;
  • Drying oil- a composition that provides reliable protection of wood from decay, as well as giving it water-repellent characteristics. However, the disadvantages of drying oil, such as an unpleasant odor and a long drying time for each layer, significantly limit its use;
  • Acrylic varnishes- paint and varnish compositions that have not only functional, but also decorative characteristics. They are used for finishing the lining and are applied in two stages: the first layer involves the application of a transparent varnish, and the second - a varnish with the addition of a tinting composition. Choosing a water-based acrylic varnish is ideal for those who want to keep the original texture of the material;

  • Yacht varnish forms a reliable and durable coating of wooden lining, protecting the material from moisture, mold and fungus, as well as ultraviolet radiation. In view of the presence of solvents in the composition of the varnish, it is characterized by an unpleasant, but quickly weathered odor. There are matte, semi-gloss and glossy varnishes. The disadvantage of yacht varnish is its high cost, but it is fully consistent with the quality of the composition. In this regard, painting the lining with varnish can be significantly limited;
  • Synthetic varnishes- unlike water-based acrylic varnishes, they are more toxic, but during application they provide the lining with a rich shine and a smooth surface. Due to the fact that the composition of synthetic varnishes includes xylene and toluene, it can only be used for outdoor use;
  • A profitable alternative to varnishes is considered wax-based formulations, providing the lining with a semi-matt sheen. However, the limiting point in its use is the complexity of application.

If the first group of funds is focused on protecting the lining from operational factors and extending its use, then the use of the second group - decorative compositions is relevant if you plan to radically change the design of the room.

Decorative compositions for painting lining:

  • Oil paints, deeply penetrating into the structure of wood and effectively increasing its resistance to negative environmental influences, including moisture. However, they are characterized by a rather long drying time, as well as a gradual loss of color during operation. In addition, the peculiarities of the composition of oil paints contribute to the fact that the air permeability of wood is reduced, and therefore, they can only be used for painting individual elements indoors;
  • Acrylic paints in terms of performance, they are superior to oil compositions, which guarantees greater preservation of the color and luster of wooden lining. They are characterized by high elasticity, and therefore, they do not crack even with significant temperature changes and deformations, and painting the lining with paint can be used both for outdoor and indoor work;
  • Enamels based on alkyd allows you to paint the lining in a wide range of colors both inside and outside the room. After painting a wooden lining with alkyd-based enamel, a glossy surface is formed on the surface of the material, which may fade over time, which leads to the need for re-painting;
  • Water-based paints do not hide the texture of wood, giving it a matte surface. They are characterized by the absence of an unpleasant odor and a quick drying time, but they are inferior to varnishes in terms of reliability. The construction market offers a wide variety of water-based paints and varnishes, among which there are facade, waterproof, washable, as well as enamels intended for interior use.

Important! For painting wooden lining in a bath or sauna, professionals recommend choosing special impregnations or varnishes that reliably protect the decorative coating from moisture and dirt, and also do not emit harmful volatile components when heated.

Lining painting technology: step by step instructions

Regardless of which paint you choose, painting a house, in which lining is the main finishing material, requires compliance with the technology for applying paint for lining. An important role in this process is given to preparatory activities.

What are the preparatory measures: we prepare the lining for painting

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the lining from the old paint. If the layer of paintwork material is strong enough, the painted lining must be cleaned with a 2% soda solution, which will help to effectively remove the layer of old paint. If fragments of paint still remain on the surface of the lining, they can not be removed, as they make it possible to give the lining a new, original texture;
  • After cleaning the lining, it is necessary to polish it, for which it is recommended to use not a specialized grinder, but traditional sandpaper or even pumice;
  • After grinding, process the lining with drying oil;

Important! To improve the result of processing lining with drying oil, add 50 grams of turpentine and dry pigment to its composition, which can be used as minium or ocher;

  • The final stage of the preparatory measures is the primer, for which primer compositions for wood or compositions are used that will be used for further painting.

Important! Experts recommend replacing the traditional primer with a primer antiseptic, which to a greater extent will increase the protective characteristics of the processed wooden lining. Despite the fact that this preparatory stage is not mandatory, experienced specialists do not recommend neglecting it, explaining that certain types of wood in the area of ​​sawn knots have specific formations - “tar pockets”, from which resin is released from time to time, reducing protective properties of paint or antiseptic. Currently, manufacturers offer many varieties of primers: both for outdoor and indoor use, as well as specialized antifungal and anti-mold primers that significantly extend the life of paint and varnish coatings.

Lining painting technology

  • Painting the lining, the video instruction for which is attached below, is a process that is not difficult and can be carried out even by a beginner. But, despite this, experts recommend following some tips, which can also be found in this article.
  • The application of paint must be carried out in a thin layer, making continuous movements along the wooden panel. It is important that in the process of painting the lining, only the tips of the bristles of the brush pass along its surface, but not its base;
  • Even if the paint or varnish does not completely cover the surface of the lining, it is not recommended to apply too thick a layer of paint and varnish composition, since several thin layers will provide a more durable coating than one thick layer;
  • In order to effectively paint over the lining in hard-to-reach places, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bskirting and platbands, experts recommend using a thinner brush, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm;
  • The following advice will avoid the appearance of marks on the surface of a freshly dyed lining. To do this, the top coat of paint must be applied from top to bottom, which will most effectively smooth the surface of the freshly painted lining.

Important! In the process of painting vertical surfaces, for which wooden lining was used, a layer of paint must be applied continuously. At the same time, it is not recommended to paint over the same place more than two or three times, as this will lead to the fact that the painted surface will not be strong enough and will acquire a sloppy appearance. In addition, after applying each layer, it is necessary to wait for it to dry, and then proceed to apply the next layer of paint.

  • To improve the quality of your painting, follow the advice of our experts.
  • Before painting, as well as in the process of work, it is necessary to mix the paint thoroughly, which will achieve uniformity of color and gloss;
  • To make sure that the color match is correct, make a test paint, which involves applying paint to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unused board;
  • To avoid uneven color and gloss, experts do not recommend applying too thick a layer of paints and varnishes, replacing it with several thinner layers;
  • The following fact may seem surprising to someone, but sometimes, in the course of painting the lining, zigey mittens may be required. Experts explain this by the fact that sometimes wooden lining can alternate with metal pipes and other metal elements that are quite difficult to paint, which is explained by the fact that one side is on the ground. To facilitate the dyeing process, it is enough to turn the zigey mitten with the fur outward, put it on your hand and, dipping it in the paint, use it instead of a brush. This method significantly speeds up the painting process and allows you to paint up to 5 meters of pipe in 1 minute;
  • Experts recommend tinting the primer in the color that best matches the color of the subsequently used paintwork;
  • It is not recommended to carry out paint and varnish activities in sunny weather or under the influence of direct sunlight, which can excessively speed up the drying time of the paintwork material. To avoid this, do not hold such events in hot sunny weather, as well as on rainy days. The most optimal weather for painting events is warm, cloudy and calm weather;

  • The weakest point in this case is the ends of the boards, through which water is absorbed at the highest rate, causing damage to the wood. This causes the most thorough approach to their processing, including the application of several layers of primer and paintwork materials;
  • An interesting fact is that in the process of re-painting the facade of the building (if there are no gross structural defects on it), the same or a different shade can be used. However, it is important to follow the rule that it is necessary to use the same paintwork material that was previously used.
  • Determining the types of paintwork can be done visually. For example, acrylate paint typically cracks along the grain and has a leathery surface. At the same time, it can be torn off and even rolled into a tube, which will not affect its integrity in any way. As for the antiseptic, it is characterized by a glossy surface. A surface previously painted with an antiseptic can be painted with it or with oil paints.

Some tips for choosing paints and varnishes:

  • Due to the fact that during the drying process oil paints change their color somewhat, in the process of choosing the tone of the paintwork composition, give preference to a darker one;
  • As for acrylic paints, they do not change their color in the process of work and do not crack;
  • Water-based paints are environmentally friendly, however, more expensive materials. Having given preference to them, you will be surprised at the vastness of the choice of color palette;
  • Using aqualak, pre-paint the lining with water-repellent and anti-slip compounds, and also treat the lining with an antiseptic and impregnation, which will increase the fire safety of the treated wood;
  • If you or your family members are allergic, give preference to scuba diving, which is the safest material;
  • If you are using lining made from precious woods and want to emphasize its texture and naturalness, give preference to transparent polyurethane varnishes;
  • To paint wooden lining in the dressing room, use urethane-alkyd varnish or antiseptic paint, the service life of which exceeds a decade. They will reliably protect wood from rot, mold and fungus, as well as increase its water and dirt-repellent characteristics.
  • Due to the fact that oil paints reduce the air permeability of wood, to create an optimal microclimate in the room, use a primer and acrylic scuba varnish, which will reliably protect wood from dirt and dust and emphasize its natural beauty.
  • Also remember that after applying the varnish, a translucent film forms on the surface of the lining, the paint contributes to the formation of a durable film, and the impregnations are not visible at all on the surface of the wood.

How to paint the lining: the choice of color scheme

Regarding the question: "What color to paint the lining?" , then we can safely say that there is no unequivocal answer to it, and the choice of colors depends only on your preferences.

But, despite this, certain trends dominate at one stage or another in the development of design, and at the moment they are in the “leadership” of white, which contributes not only to the visual expansion of the interior space, but also to raising the mood of the residents.

And other buildings. It is made of natural wood, is an environmentally friendly product and is great for all kinds of interior and exterior decoration.

Lining attracts attention and can be used in a variety of sectors of construction and repair work. This material has many advantages and optimal cost. Thanks to such material as painted lining, the room acquires a special atmosphere, comfort, beauty and style. Quite often, it is painted in the factory, and if it is purchased in an unpainted state, the question often arises whether it is possible to paint the lining on its own and, as well as outside if necessary.

Before you start painting or buying a finished product, you should figure out how to paint the lining inside and outside the building. Usually, painted lining in the interior is represented by several coating options, among which each buyer will be able to find the best solution for himself, resulting in excellent quality. finishing material that meets all safety standards.

Regardless of what materials cover the lining, by definition they must be of excellent quality, which will maximize the service life without losing visual appeal. lining, depends on the individual preferences of the person and on the style of the entire finish. The lining painted in the interior (pictured below) has a rather original appearance. If we talk about its use outside the building or in a room where there is high humidity, it is best to take care of additional protection on the back of the board.

Coating for lining

Modern manufacturers offer their customers a finishing material made from a variety of tree species. As raw materials, there can be both expensive wood species and budget options acceptable to most customers, such as pine. Expensive and valuable species should not be painted, and usually they don’t, but lining from budget tree species paint with paint or wood stain at the request of the manufacturer and the client.

The owner decides on his own what is better to paint the lining. Someone prefers, someone varnish: it all depends on the result that the person wants to come to. A fairly common option - when selected White color, since the painted white lining is a kind of universal solution, and it will easily fit into any style of interior, regardless of whether it is a residential, commercial or technical room.

Advice! Do not forget that the tree begins to absorb moisture and change color over time, so you should decide in advance how to paint the lining inside or outside, since painting will be inevitable, provided that the owner seeks to preserve the quality of the tree and its appearance.

Popular coverage options

In order to determine what and how to properly paint the lining, you need to understand what effect you are trying to get as a result. Some of the most popular options for painting wood for finishing include:

  • wood stain, which includes components that can penetrate deep into the wood, while not globally changing the color of the board, which allows you to preserve the natural, natural pattern of the wood pattern. How much the color will change as a result depends on the type of wood;
  • varnish has a minimal visual impact on the wood, it emphasizes the natural pattern and pattern. A variety of varnishes allows you to choose the best option. It may differ in color, density, be with glossy and matte finish. You can varnish absolutely any type of wood;
  • wood paint- a more radical option. What paint to paint the lining and what color to give preference to, only you can decide. If you are striving for a universal option that is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, both for and for, then white or is the best option. If you need to show creativity and originality, then calmly take a bright color and paint the lining with paint, which will be a harmonious addition to the overall design in each individual case.

Features of painted wood

Before buying a painted lining, it is worth noting all the features of painted wood. She's perfect for interior linings, for and ceiling, looks great as a finishing material for, pavilions and .

This material has many advantages: durability, uniform distribution of moisture throughout the room, high level of thermal insulation. It also prevents the formation and stagnation of condensate, isolates sound well, has a beautiful appearance and is an environmentally friendly product.

Since this is a natural, ecological product, its relevance and demand only increase over the years. In order to preserve all the positive characteristics of wood, it is worth thinking about whether to paint the lining and with what kind of paintwork is best done. Regardless of which tool you choose, you need to paint a wooden lining in two stages. It will take about 48 hours for the layer to dry completely and evenly, depending on the material with which the product is painted.

Important! To avoid unnecessary ugly streaks, staining is carried out from top to bottom.

Choice of paintwork materials

What paint to paint the lining inside the house or outside depends on the choice of brand and type:

  • Oil paint. Its composition is well absorbed into the wood, effectively protecting it from moisture. Most often, oil paint is used to paint the exterior facade of a building or structure. Light colors are more UV resistant. , be prepared for the fact that they can lose their color very quickly.
  • Acrylic paint. Refers to paints with a long service life. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. A vapor barrier film forms on the surface of this paint.
  • Acrylic scuba. This tool belongs to the most popular and sought-after option of how best to paint the lining inside the house.
  • Wax or oil. It preserves the original natural pattern of wood, such a coating allows it to "breathe". The only drawback is the regularity of application.

It is necessary to choose the material for coating, based on individual preferences and financial capabilities.

Color selection

Before you go shopping, you should decide not only on the coating material, but also on the shade. In order to choose the right color, it is worth evaluating the main message and idea. The color of the lining should emphasize and harmoniously combine with its other elements.

Depending on the room to be painted, colors are selected. For and more suitable calm and warm colors. Cooler colors can be used for or. Despite the fact that it is considered universal, the choice in its favor should be careful, since it is also a fairly easily soiled option. It is worth choosing it in a room where the possibility of staining the coating will be minimal.

You should also be careful with mother-of-pearl colors. They certainly belong to spectacular shades, but they are also quite easily soiled, especially in light variations.

The main advantages and methods of coloring

You can paint the lining at home, but many prefer the one that is painted in the factory. The main advantages of the painted version include the following:

  • accuracy and exclusion of the formation of streaks and irregularities;
  • high quality paint and its uniform distribution;
  • saving time and effort on painting yourself;
  • the wood is already ready for use, has a high drying quality.

If, nevertheless, you decide which paint is better to paint the lining and bought it, planning to do the work yourself, you should also decide on. There are two ways: manual and automatic.

In the first case, staining is done with a brush or roller, but be prepared for the fact that a perfectly uniform application still cannot be achieved, and streaks cannot be avoided either. For the automatic method, you will need a spray gun or compressor. The work will be more accurate, provided that you already know how to use this kind of technique, and you also need to be prepared for the fact that you may need a little more paint, as consumption increases. The advantage of this method is the speed of painting.

Lining has long been used for finishing all kinds of surfaces indoors and outdoors. This sheathing method is quite reliable and simple, as well as universal, because the material can be used in the area of ​​​​ceilings, verandas, doors and loggias. Wood is so popular with the modern consumer for the reason that it is environmentally friendly, it can be used to create a comfortable and warm microclimate, and the appearance allows you to get a feeling of closeness to nature.

The need for staining

Over time, the surface of this finish may lose its appearance, which occurs due to changes in moisture and temperatures, as well as other negative factors. Therefore, she needs protection measures. If you paint the lining, then this will save it from drying out, exposure to insects and damage, and extend its service life. Among other things, the painted surface can be subjected to wet cleaning, which prevents the penetration of water and dirt.

Many owners of houses and apartments are wondering not only how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, but also decide for themselves whether it is worth doing such work at all. Without staining, the wood will darken rather quickly, it will have to be restored.

The choice of material for staining

If you are faced with the question of how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, you may prefer a material that belongs to one of the two existing groups. Compositions can be decorative or protective, in the latter case, you can choose impregnations and primers that can protect wood from insects, the occurrence and development of fungus, decay and drying. If you prefer decorative means of protection, then you can choose acrylic or oil paint, decorative glaze or scuba, stain or opaque enamel. This list is not complete, as there are many different products among paints and varnishes, each of which differs in cost, manufacturer, service life, decorative properties and environmental friendliness. If you are faced with the task of how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, then you can, for example, prefer a hypoallergenic varnish, which also has decorative qualities. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a glossy or matte surface.

When to choose oil paint

Thinking about how to paint the lining inside the house in the country in white, you can choose oil paint. These compounds are able to serve for a long time, they dry quickly, and in the process of use they are able to repel moisture. But you must be prepared for the fact that during the course of carrying these mixtures emit a persistent odor, as well as during drying. Therefore, staining with oil compositions must be carried out on warm days, when it is possible to ventilate the room. After 5 years, such a surface will begin to lose its original luster, which will indicate the need for renewal of the coating.

Is Acrylic Paint Worth It?

If you still can’t decide how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, then you can buy which has a higher cost compared to the one described above. You can apply this composition at any time of the year. The high cost will be offset by the absence of odor and the possibility of application at various temperatures.

Decorative glaze or acrylic scuba

Decorative glaze perfectly emphasizes the texture of natural wood, as it has a transparent structure. If there is a desire to give this composition a certain shade, then all kinds of colors can be added to its ingredients. Acrylic scuba lacquer retains its texture just as well, but it cannot be used to paint surfaces that will be subjected to intense stress.

Alkyd varnishes, stains or opaque enamels

Quite often, people are interested in experts, how to paint the lining inside the house in the country. The photos presented in the article will allow you to understand which composition is best to purchase for this. If you do not want to hide the natural pattern of wood, then you can use alkyd varnishes, but they are applied only on a completely dry surface. That is why you must ensure that the lining is prepared in accordance with all the rules, which is not always possible. If you do not follow this rule, then the surface can quickly become covered with cracks when dried.

Will not paint over wood and stain, but only change its basic tone. But you can use this composition only when you are sure of the perfect evenness of the products, they should not have flaws. When choosing a lining of low quality, it is best to refuse such surface treatment. If you are still thinking about how and with what to paint the lining inside the house in the country, then you can purchase opaque enamel that will completely color the canvas. At the same time, natural wood will not be visible, however, it is possible, using these mixtures, to completely renew the surface, which has been used for more than one year and has lost its original beauty. The application of these compositions is carried out in several layers, between which it will be necessary to wait a certain time.

Which varnish to choose

The huge range of paint and varnish products can lead to confusion for the modern consumer. Having visited the store, you can pick up varnishes that are great for lining the lining, including alkyd, acrylic-polyurethane, water-based acrylic, water-based and polyurethane. Acrylic water is excellent for interior work, they can be glossy or matte in structure. Alkyd are universal, as they can be used to cover lining installed not only inside, but also outside the premises.

Traditional water-based emulsion excellently show their quality characteristics in interior decoration, but acrylic-polyurethane can be used even in rooms whose surfaces will be exposed to sunlight. This is due to the fact that such compositions are completely not subject to burnout. If you are especially afraid that the lining will turn yellow over time or will age under the influence of ultraviolet rays, then you should choose polyurethane compounds that do an excellent job of protecting wood.

How to paint lining on top of drying oil

If the premises have not been renovated for a long time, then you may face the acute question of how to paint the lining inside the house in the country on top of drying oil. If necessary, you can sand the surface, only after that you can start applying any enamels or paints, but you should refuse organosilicon, which has silicone in its composition. If you cover the lining with alkyd or acrylic compounds, then the materials will hold together well, which applies even to dry drying oil. However, in the latter case, you should not rush, as the surface may subsequently become covered with ugly wrinkles.

If you cannot decide how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, it is recommended to read the reviews. From them you can find out that the base, if there are small cracks on it ranging from 1 to 1.5 millimeters in size, can be covered with putty, but you should not be zealous when applying it. As a putty, you can use a composition that is independently prepared from chalk powder and drying oil. If you do not want to bother with the independent preparation of different mixtures, then you can use the special Pufas wood putty, which is sold in tubes. Its cost is significant, but it justifies all expectations. Another solution is a tinted one specially designed for wood.

Quite often, the owners of suburban buildings think about how and how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, the reviews will allow you to understand which composition is better to choose. The opinions of users in most cases coincide with the information presented above. But a successful outcome should be expected only with the right choice of mixture, as well as subject to the rules for application. To begin with, the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, as well as old finishes. After the lining is polished, for which you can use ordinary pumice. At the next stage, the master can apply a primer antiseptic to enhance the effect of durability. If you have already decided how to paint the lining inside the house in the country house cheaply, then at the next stage you can purchase the appropriate materials and start work. To do this, use a roller, spray gun or brush. Movement should be directed from top to bottom.