Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment? How to choose linoleum - expert advice. Household flooring requirements

The abundance of flooring materials confuses everyone who is faced with the problem of choice. Yet, despite the emergence of modern flooring, practical and versatile linoleum remains popular and in demand. For an affordable price, you can get a high-quality and durable coating for your home, which is not afraid of heavy loads and moisture. But it also has drawbacks that affect the quality and operational life. Before purchasing a floor covering for an apartment, you will have to study the characteristics. This will be discussed in the article.


First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages of linoleum. As mentioned above, its main advantages are:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress (the degree of wear resistance depends on the quality of the coating in question);
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • elasticity;
  • ease of installation.

To lay linoleum on the floor, you do not need to possess special skills and knowledge, therefore, having instructions, everyone will cope with this stage.

Today the market offers a wide range of various patterns, colors and textures.


The type of linoleum is an important criterion with which they are initially determined, since manufacturers produce several varieties. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages, as well as certain features of use. All this should be taken into account when deciding which type of material to choose.

The composition includes the following components:

  • linseed oil;
  • cork and wood flour;
  • limestone powder;
  • pine resin;
  • natural dyes.

Manufacturers take jute fabric as a basis. The result is an absolutely environmentally friendly coating that can be used for any room in an apartment, including a nursery. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics will live peacefully in a house with such flooring, without feeling any discomfort.

Among the advantages also stand out:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • preservation of the original color for many years;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • incombustibility;
  • ease of care.


Polyvinyl chloride, which is widespread today, is also used in the production of linoleum. Thanks to the use of innovative European technologies, the coating is distinguished by:

  • thermal insulation properties;
  • the presence of dielectric properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to decay;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • a large selection of shades and patterns.

It should be borne in mind that this species is very sensitive to high temperatures, alkaline and chemical solvents. If the temperature drops sharply, then the elasticity will be minimal.

Subspecies by place of use

Linoleum can be:

  1. Commercial... Used in an office environment, its average lifespan is about 20 years. Strength and durability are the positives.
  2. Semi-commercial... It is spread both in offices and in apartments. If this type is chosen for an office space, then the room should have a small permeability, since the service life can be reduced to 7 years.
  3. Domestic... Thin and cheap coating, which has the shortest service life - 5 years. It can only be used in residential areas.

Other varieties

It is worth mentioning about the less popular varieties of linoleum:

  1. Glyphthal... The production process is quite simple: alkyd resins are applied to the fabric base. This allows you to give the material increased heat and sound insulation properties. However, the process of laying such material is not easy.
  2. Colloxylin... The composition of the coating includes nitrocellulose - a component that makes the coating moisture-resistant, non-combustible and elastic. However, there are also disadvantages: sensitivity to temperature changes and tendency to shrinkage.
  3. ... The production process is complicated, since the material consists of 2 layers: crushed rubber with bitumen and a mixture of pigment, rubber and a special filler. Advantages include flexibility and resistance to moisture.

Due to the fact that a large amount of harmful volatile substances is present in the relay, it is not recommended to lay it in residential premises.

Let's move on to considering the structure of linoleum. There are two groups:

  • homogeneous;
  • heterogeneous.

The first group has a relatively small thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm, and the patterning technology is continuous. This approach allows you to keep the original look longer, especially in rooms with high traffic. According to experts, it is homogeneous linoleum in terms of quality that is an excellent option for a kitchen or a corridor.

The heterogeneous type, unlike its counterpart, has a large thickness, which reaches 6 mm. It consists of the following layers:

  • PVC backing (foamed polyvinyl chloride);
  • fiberglass (reinforcement);
  • PVC with a picture;
  • lacquer coating with bactericidal impregnation.

The last layer is very important, as it performs both a decorative and a protective function. This type is suitable for a loggia, balcony, dining room, hallway and bathroom.

In some stores, you can find mixed-type linoleum, where a homogeneous layer is taken as a basis, but there are also layers of PVC, fiberglass, polyurethane film, which acts as a protection against mechanical stress.


An important criterion that has a great influence on the perception of the interior of any room and room. The style of the interior of the room can be anything, as well as its purpose; in any case, it will be possible to choose the best option that will complement the furnishings. In order not to be mistaken when choosing a color, you need to pay attention to two main criteria:

  • Interior Design;
  • the purpose of the room.

Let's look at examples for the main rooms.

  1. Bedroom... It is appropriate to choose a floor covering of soft and warm shades without a pattern. The ideal solution would be to choose an imitation of a natural material - wood or marble.
  2. Living room... Depending on the interior and style, calm and rich shades of warm colors will be appropriate here. You can consider options with pictures or ornaments.
  3. Children... Dull and monotonous drawings should be avoided here. It is best to give preference to bright and rich colors, contrasting and varied patterns. This combination will make the atmosphere festive and fun.


There is one more important point - which company to prefer linoleum. Most of the criteria will depend on the manufacturer, so this issue needs to be paid a lot of attention. When choosing a well-known and popular manufacturing company, you can automatically count on high rates of all characteristics. But be prepared for the fact that this option may not be affordable.

Too low a price makes you wonder, as the quality of the flooring will be questionable. In this case, one can only guess about the true composition of the coating. Be careful as this material may emit toxic fumes that are harmful to the human body.

After studying the domestic market, Tarkett can be distinguished among the leading brands of flooring. This manufacturer has introduced modern and innovative technologies. Linoleum contains only natural or acceptable ingredients. Products fully comply with sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards. In addition, Tarkett has another advantage - a large assortment.

And finally, a few more practical tips on how to determine a quality floor covering.

  1. After choosing linoleum, smell the coating. If there is a too strong odor, it means that the composition contains harmful substances. High-quality material either does not have any smell, or it is insignificant, the pattern looks clear, and the surface does not have a greasy sheen.
  2. To avoid joints, you need a canvas that matches the width of the room's dimensions. If you can't get the appropriate linoleum, purchase the material with a margin, as you may have to adjust the pattern. Consider the presence of thresholds, protrusions and niches for batteries.
  3. The coating must fully comply with all safety standards. Check out the marking that confirms the passage of the examination and the availability of the corresponding quality certificates.
  4. Consider the method and possibility of transportation.
  5. The presence of a protective layer will extend the operational life of the coating.
  6. The canvas is not recommended to be folded in half, and also to use adhesive tape for fastening, since a trace will subsequently remain.

You need to check the quality in an expanded form. This is the only way to notice the presence of bumps, waves or peeling film.

As you can see, the process of choosing a floor covering for an apartment is quite complicated. But if you take into account all the nuances and subtleties, it will be easier to purchase high-quality flooring. Experts recommend using PVC coating for the hallway, for the kitchen - a semi-commercial natural coating, the bedroom and the nursery also require coating with special indicators of quality and environmental friendliness.

The modern variety of floor coverings unwittingly puts any person making repairs in an apartment or a house, before the "torment" of choice. Well-known manufacturers, perfectly building their advertising policy, persistently recommend their products, which are really good. But it happens that for this you will have to part with the amount that was not planned. And the good old linoleum for some reason is undeservedly relegated to the background, considering it a choice for the poor. In fact, it has a number of advantages that the consumer most likely does not know about. It might be worthwhile to be more aware of this popular flooring and find out which linoleum is best for your home.

Historical reference

Linoleum is mistakenly attributed to modern and artificial materials, but its historical roots are hidden in the name. The word linoleum consists of Latin: linum - meaning flax or linen, as well as oleum - oil. Linoleum was patented back in 1860 by the Englishman Frederick Walton. Originally, this flooring used a woven linen or jute backing to which oxidized vegetable oil was applied in combination with cork flour. Technologies have been constantly improving, manufacturers have learned to apply patterns on linoleum and at the beginning of the 20th century it was one of the most popular materials.

Due to the high cost of plant raw materials and the development of chemical synthesis, in the 60s of the last century, they began to produce floor coverings on a synthetic basis, which were left with the old name - linoleum, although this is a completely different material. In the 90s, they remembered the traditions of the production of natural linoleum, and the volume of its production is constantly increasing, since there is a steady demand for it. Thus, under the name linoleum, a very wide class of flooring, both natural and synthetic, was united.

Types of linoleum

To find it easier to navigate the ocean of proposals and make the right choice, it is worth learning about the types of existing linoleums and specifically which ones are suitable for the home.

Natural linoleum

One of the best choices is natural linoleum. For its production, exclusively natural ingredients are used: linseed oil, wood flour, jute or linen, natural wood resin, limestone. A rich palette of natural dyes, together with modern technologies, allow this wonderful coating to be dyed in any color. Natural linoleum has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High strength. Natural linoleum can withstand pressure up to 16 MPa.
  • Linseed oil, which is part of the composition, makes this coating bactericidal.
  • High wear resistance determines a long service life: up to 30-50 years.
  • Exclusively natural ingredients determine its environmental friendliness.
  • Natural linoleum does not absorb dirt and is easy to clean from various dirt with detergents.
  • Static electricity does not accumulate on the natural linoleum.
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet rays, does not fade from the sun.
  • Low flammability.

With such an impressive list of advantages, natural linoleum is still not devoid of disadvantages:

  • Natural linoleum has a high price, comparable to a parquet board.
  • In rooms where a natural linoleum coating is planned, there should not be high humidity, since the natural base is prone to decay.
  • Low elasticity limits the use of natural linoleum in cold rooms and makes it difficult to install.
  • Features of manufacturing technology limit the variety of patterns and ornaments.
  • Only the laid natural linoleum flooring has a specific smell, which may not be to everyone's liking. However, after a few months, the smell disappears.

Natural linoleum is an excellent choice for living spaces for all green living enthusiasts who are willing to go for high costs. Low moisture resistance limits its use in bathrooms and hallways.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) linoleum

PVC linoleum (international designation - PVC) is the most widely used. It can be either without a base or with different types of bases:

  • Fabric base. For it, both natural jute and synthetic fabrics, for example, fiberglass, can be used. The patterned top cover is made of PVC. Such linoleum can have an impressive thickness - up to 5 mm.
  • A non-woven base made of natural felt or synthetic materials improves thermal insulation properties, but in rooms with high traffic and high humidity, such linoleum should not be used, since it does not like intense loads, and the porous base will perfectly absorb moisture.

  • Foamed PVC backing. Such linoleum began to be produced in the 90s of the last century, and this type of substrate is one of the most popular. The main porous layer of PVC absorbs all loads and “forgives” small irregularities in the base, and the reinforcing fabric retains the geometric dimensions of the canvas. Foamed PVC can be applied chemically and in a more progressive mechanical way, which is better, since such linoleum will not wrinkle under high loads.

Also, some types of linoleum are made, which combine several types of the above layers. Linoleum, which has several of them, is called heterogeneous, and one is homogeneous. The number of layers and their purpose in linoleum for various purposes can be very different from each other.

The advantage of homogeneous linoleum is that its pattern is present throughout its entire depth, therefore, with its inevitable wear, the pattern will not be erased. The thickness of such linoleum can be from 1.5 to 3 millimeters, and it is intended for rooms with high traffic. Its use in apartments and houses is impractical. The main disadvantages of homogeneous linoleum are its high price, as well as the impossibility of applying complex patterns.

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum has a number of advantages that explain its widespread use.

  • PVC linoleum has high elasticity, which greatly simplifies its installation.
  • A variety of patterns and textures of PVC linoleum will allow you to realize any idea of ​​interior design.
  • PVC linoleum has a reasonable price.
  • Easily cleaned from dirt.
  • Linoleum from well-known manufacturers is non-toxic, which must be confirmed by the presence of a hygienic certificate.

The disadvantages of PVC linoleum are:

  • When exposed to high temperatures, linoleum shrinks.
  • Only after installation, the PVC linoleum coating has an unpleasant specific odor, which disappears after several weeks of operation.

Alkyd linoleum

Alkyd, also called glyphthalic, linoleum is always made on a fabric base, on which modified alkyd or glyphthalic resins with special fillers that improve the properties of the coating are applied using a special technology. Pigments and dyes are also added, which make linoleum either one-color or multi-colored. The advantages of this type of linoleum are:

  • Compared to PVC linoleums, glyphthalic linoleums have better heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Such linoleums are extremely wear-resistant, they can last 40-50 years.
  • Contamination from such a coating is easier to remove than from PVC.

The disadvantages of alkyd linoleum are:

  • Low elasticity at temperatures close to zero.
  • Alkyd linoleums require qualified installation.
  • Insufficient fire safety severely limits their use in residential premises.

Glyphthal linoleum is widely used in transport: flooring in carriages, sea transport cabins, and airplanes.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

Such linoleum is made in two layers: the lower one is made of recycled rubber, the upper one is made of synthetic rubber painted in various colors. These layers are connected to each other with bitumen mastic. These floor coverings have several advantages:

  • Excellent water resistance allows you to install the relay in the wettest rooms.
  • High elasticity and strength.
  • Excellent anti-slip properties.
  • Long service life.

Rubber linoleums can be used near swimming pools, in garages, workshops, sports rooms and halls, but in residential premises their use is contraindicated, as they emit harmful substances into the ambient air.

Nitrocellulose ( colloxylin) linoleum

These types of linoleum are a single-layer, baseless coating made from nitrocellulose with the addition of various components: gypsum, red lead, plasticizers and dyes. Currently, such coatings from this material are not used due to the increased fire hazard.

It is possible that such an abundance of information about the types of linoleum will further complicate the choice. Moreover, most modern linoleums are heterogeneous and can combine several different layers. That is why European manufacturers have developed a special standard EN685, in which linoleums are divided into classes depending on the strength characteristics and field of application in certain rooms. Each class is designated by a two-digit numerical code and a corresponding pictogram.

The first number in the class indicates:

  • 2 - linoleum is intended for residential use.
  • 3 - for office or commercial premises.
  • 4 - for industrial premises.

The second number in the class indicates the degree of load that linoleum can withstand:

Household linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 21-23, is usually called household. According to EN685 standards, it must have the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.25-2.25 kg / m 2.
  • Thickness - from 0.15 to 3 mm.
  • Flexibility and elasticity should be such that no cracks should form when wound on a rod with a diameter of 45 mm.
  • Sound absorption - not less than 13-18 dB.
  • Water absorption should be no more than 1-1.5%.
  • Shrinkage during operation - no more than 0.2 mm per 1 meter.

The cost of household linoleum from well-known manufacturers can range from 3 to 10 euros per square meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 31-34, is called semi-commercial, and it is intended mainly for office and office space. Must have the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.6-2.5 kg / m 2.
  • Elasticity and flexibility should be such that no cracks should form in the linoleum when wound on a cylinder with a diameter of 10-40 mm.
  • Sound absorption should be at least 12-16 dB.
  • Shrinkage during operation - no more than 0.1 mm per 1 meter.
  • The service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is at least 7-20 years.

Semi-commercial linoleum is an excellent solution for modern offices

The cost of semi-commercial linoleum ranges from 5 to 15 euros per square meter. A slight difference in the price of household and semi-commercial linoleum makes it advisable to use it for domestic purposes in those rooms where there is an increased load on the floor covering: kitchens, hallways and others.

Commercial linoleum

If linoleum belongs to classes from 41 to 43, then it is called commercial. Its purpose is in rooms with intensive movement of people and equipment. Such linoleums have a hardened film layer (up to 0.8 mm), even lower shrinkage (0.02-0.1 mm / m) and a warranty period of operation (from 10 to 25 years).

The relatively high cost of such linoleum (10-40 euros per square meter), combined with technical characteristics that are excessive for apartments and houses, make its use in residential premises impractical. Some commercial linoleums may have special uses:

  • Sports surfaces that are soft and resilient for good contact with sports shoes.
  • Coatings that are resistant to chemicals and have bactericidal properties, which are very useful in medical institutions.
  • Anti-slip coatings near swimming pools and other areas with high humidity.
  • Antistatic coatings.

The thickness of the protective layer of linoleum

Most modern linoleums have a strong protective film made of pure PVC on their surface. It is its thickness that should be taken into account when choosing linoleum, depending on the purpose of the room. Manufacturers offer the following gradation:

  • A 0.15 mm thick film is quite suitable for using such linoleum in living rooms and bedrooms.
  • A protective layer of 0.20 mm will be optimal for children's rooms.
  • 0.25 mm - for kitchens, hallways and corridors.
  • 0.30 mm - service and office space with an average load.
  • A protective layer of 0.50 mm or more - for rooms with high and very high loads.

Find out what methods are used for, from our new article.

Linoleum marking

When choosing linoleum, all its technical data must be provided by the seller along with the necessary certificates: compliance and hygiene. Manufacturers of high-quality linoleum always put their logo on the back, as well as all the information that will greatly help the buyer:

  • Linoleum class - will help you make the right choice.
  • Lot number - if you plan to purchase a large amount of linoleum, then it is desirable that it be from one batch.
  • Date of manufacture.

Also, the manufacturer can apply additional pictograms that indicate the special properties of the coating. Such possible designations are shown in the figure.

Prices for a popular line of linoleums for home

Linoleum for home

How to choose linoleum correctly?

Now that there is complete clarity with the types of existing linoleums, you can indicate a number of important points that will help you make the right choice.

  • You should purchase linoleum only in specialized stores, where all storage requirements are met, and there is also a full set of accompanying documents confirming compliance with standards and safety.

  • Depending on the purpose of the room, a linoleum class is chosen and it is better to do this with some margin: one step higher than necessary.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the linoleum, its strength and the presence of an upper protective layer.
  • It is necessary to strive to ensure that the linoleum flooring does not have connecting seams or there are a minimum of them. This is achieved by carefully measuring the premises and choosing the rolls of the required width.
  • The modern variety of colors, textures, patterns of linoleum allows you to make any choice, but at the same time, one must take into account the purpose of the room, pleasant color schemes for a comfortable stay in it and the preferences of all household members.
  • In rooms with possible heavy pollution, it is better to use glossy linoleum.
  • When buying, you must carefully examine the entire surface of the linoleum and make sure that there is no damage.
  • Poor preparation of the base and an illiterate one can negate all the advantages of this coating.

Video: How to choose the right linoleum for your home?

Thanks to the huge assortment, it is not difficult to choose linoleum for an apartment or house. It continues to be popular despite a large number of other floor coverings. Buyers are attracted by an interesting design with a variety of colors, the characteristics of the material are springiness, softness and sufficient strength, low cost and ease of installation. Consider how to choose linoleum in quality and color, how to choose the right one for the kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway and other premises.

Selection options

Answers to the following questions will help you make the right choice:

  • the number of residents, the permeability of the place and the load on the floor;
  • Does the coating have the necessary properties: thermal insulation, sound absorption, moisture resistance, antistatic, antibacterial properties;
  • Does linoleum fit into the design of the apartment - it can be with an abstract pattern, plain or with imitation of various textures: fabric, wood, stone, tiles, etc.

Which linoleum to choose

There are many varieties of flooring made from synthetic and natural materials on the market.

There are the following types of linoleum:

  • natural;
  • colloxylin;
  • rubber;
  • glyphthalic;
  • polyvinyl chloride.

Natural linoleum

For its manufacture is used:

  • pine resin;
  • cork flour;
  • wood flour;
  • limestone powder;
  • linseed oil;
  • natural dyes;
  • jute fabric.

Linoleum made from natural materials is great for living quarters. It will appeal to people with asthma or allergies and will be an excellent option for a nursery.


  • abrasion resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • does not shed from the sun;
  • does not change color and structure over time;
  • has bactericidal properties;
  • does not support combustion;
  • it is easy to look after him;
  • a wide range of different colors - with a solid or marble pattern.


  • relative fragility - when bending linoleum, cracks may appear, you cannot throw it during transportation and laying;
  • it is undesirable to apply the coating in a room with high humidity - a bathroom, toilet;
  • quite a big price.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) linoleum

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum is made on a fabric or non-woven thermal insulation base. The coating can be either multi-layer or single-layer.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • dielectric properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • does not rot;
  • variety of shades, patterns and patterns;
  • ease of styling.


  • sensitivity to high temperatures;
  • not resistant to alkalis, fats and chemical solvents;
  • with a decrease in temperature, the elasticity of linoleum decreases sharply, it can crack.

Types of PVC linoleum

Synthetic material is divided into:

  1. semi-commercial;
  2. commercial;
  3. domestic.

Linoleum for home (household) cheaper, thinner and not very durable, service life no more than 3-5 years.

Commercial linoleum (for work and office premises) possesses the highest wear resistance, it is the thickest and most durable, it can serve for more than twenty years.

Semi-commercial linoleum used in houses and apartments with high traffic or in commercial premises with low traffic. He serves for 7-20 years.

Other types of PVC linoleum: antistatic, noise-absorbing, electrically conductive.

Alkyd (glyphthalic) linoleum

The coating is done by applying an alkyd resin to a fabric base. Its advantages include good heat and sound insulation properties.

The disadvantages include fragility and, as a result, the complexity of laying, as well as a tendency to the appearance of kinks and cracks. Before laying, linoleum must be held in a warm room, otherwise it may deform - its width will increase and its length will decrease.

The material is made from nitrocellulose. Usually it is released without a base.


  • elasticity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • decorative shine;
  • fire safety.


  • tendency to shrinkage;
  • sensitivity to temperature changes.

The coating is two-layer: the lining is made of crushed rubber with bitumen, the front top layer consists of a mixture of rubber, filler and pigment.


  • high moisture resistance;
  • elasticity.


It contains substances harmful to humans; it is not advised to lay it in living quarters.

How to choose linoleum for different rooms

Linoleum is classified and labeled in accordance with the purpose of the room.

The first number ranges from 1 to 4:

  • 1 - rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 - industrial premises;
  • 3 - office rooms;
  • 4 - Living spaces.

The second number indicates the expected load:

  • 1 - the lowest;
  • 4 is the highest.

For example, a 21 class coating is suitable for a bedroom and an office. In the kitchen or in the hallway for a family of 4-5 people, material from 23-24 or 31-33 grades is suitable.

To the hallway, corridor, kitchen

The rooms have a lot of traffic, here it is recommended to lay thick linoleum 3 mm.

You can use polyvinyl chloride household, but the best option is a semi-commercial one. In terms of texture and color, ceramic tiles are a traditional solution for these premises.

To the living room

The living room has a moderate permeability, for her thickness 1.5 mm- the best option.

The likelihood of mechanical damage is small, here you can lay PVC linoleum or inexpensive household polyester.

To the bedroom

The bedroom is a room with low traffic, it needs a thinner material - from 1.2 to 1.5 mm.

For the bedroom, household polyester linoleum or polyvinyl chloride foam is optimal.

To the children's room

The children's room has an average degree of permeability, but the likelihood of mechanical damage is high.

In the nursery, you can lay household linoleum made of foamed polyvinyl chloride, or better semi-commercial, having a protective top layer not less than 0.25 mm.

To the balcony

Linoleum does not tolerate temperature extremes and sunlight. Any form of it will quickly deteriorate when applied on a veranda, in a garden gazebo, in an unheated loggia or on a balcony.

How to choose decor and colors

The range of colors and designs is simply huge. During production, linoleum is given rich and bright colors that do not fade over time.

The synthetic material has good decorative possibilities. It very faithfully imitates ceramic tiles, wood or stone.

Imitation of a parquet board or parquet is in demand. Linoleum perfectly reproduces cherry, beech, oak, as well as exotic species - rosewood, zebrano, bamboo.

The flooring imitates the texture and pattern of natural wood. Imitation of solid wood boards and mosaics on wood is in good demand. Unusual and daring people are suitable for unusual colors and fancy decors.

Those who like to experiment will be able to pick up abstract and original geometric patterns. Very spectacular linoleum with imitation of stone - marble or granite.

You can find coatings that can reproduce artificially aged materials - shabby stone or wood with traces of time.

When choosing linoleum for your home, you should adhere to the following tips.

  • Trust your sense of smell - the pungent smell of linoleum indicates its low quality... It may contain additives that are unhealthy. Good quality natural or synthetic material practically does not smell.
  • High-quality linoleum does not have a greasy sheen, his drawing should look natural and be distinct. The coating must have at least five layers.
  • The width of the linoleum sheet should be the same as the size of the room. It is necessary take with a margin so that the pattern can be adjusted and trimmed at the seams. When calculating, be sure to take into account the presence of thresholds, niches under the batteries and other protrusions in the room.
  • Advise buy linoleum not on the market, but in a heated room... In addition, it is more convenient to check its quality in a store.
  • Be sure to check compliance of the coating with safety standards... Linoleum, which has passed a special examination, must have the appropriate marking. The seller must have a hygiene certificate.
  • You need to check the quality of linoleum in a rolled form... So you can see bumps and waves on the surface or areas with a peeling top film. These indicators indicate a marriage. Such a coating cannot be purchased, since the existing irregularities will not be smoothed out in any way.
  • When buying the same linoleum for several rooms, it is better to buy it in one piece. But first calculate whether it will be possible to bring a long roll into the room and whether it can be transported along stairs and narrow openings.
  • It is strictly forbidden to fold the canvas in half.... We do not recommend sticking the tape to the front surface, as there is a sticky mark that is difficult to remove. It is necessary to fold linoleum with the front side inward. If it is folded right side out, then it must be wrapped in a protective film.
  • Choosing linoleum, give preference to the coating with a special protective layer... Such a coating washes well and retains a wonderful appearance for a long time.
  • If possible, look at samples of linoleum in the room where it will be laid. This will help to more accurately select the appropriate color for the interior.
  • You need to purchase linoleum in one batch... Different batches often differ in color, even when their SKUs are the same.

Video: how to choose linoleum

In this article, you will find the most essential tips on how to choose linoleum for an apartment or house. The importance of choosing the right flooring cannot be overstated, as the floor is usually laid for a long time, at least 7-10 years.

Therefore, at the stage of planning repairs, it is worth approaching this issue with full responsibility.

What is the most common and popular flooring material? - This is linoleum used both for residential premises and for public and industrial buildings.

It is so diverse in its characteristics that any buyer will find his own version on the market. You can also look at the photo to determine the color.

Choosing linoleum for an apartment, many buyers focus only on external qualities:

  • Price.
  • Design (color, pattern).
  • Web width.

But there are more significant parameters that are not visible, and are only reflected in the characteristics of the material.
... More attention should be paid to them. And most importantly, linoleum should be chosen not for an apartment, but for each room separately. Indeed, despite the fact that all the rooms, the corridor and the kitchen are in the same apartment, they have different purposes. It's like a family. An individual family can use the services of one hairdresser, but everyone has different hairstyles. It is rare that one good linoleum is optimal for all premises.

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How to choose linoleum

All manufacturers have linoleums for various purposes in their product line. Conventionally, it can be divided into:

  • Domestic.
  • Commercial.

Everything else, such as office, industrial, semi-commercial, is just a gradation. When choosing linoleum for an apartment, be guided by household linoleum. For the degree of its wear resistance (abrasion) is determined by the corresponding parameter.

There is no single correct designation for these categories for all manufacturers. Some manufacturers designate these parameters with a pictogram, others with numbers, and others with letters. Therefore, to clarify this classification, you should read the instructions from the manufacturer. The main thing: the apartment needs linoleum for household use. There are only rare cases when a very busy family may need a higher class of linoleum.

Linoleum material can be natural and artificial. Natural linoleum is more expensive, but it is also more optimal for the home, especially for the bedroom. He does not have the disadvantages that are inherent in other types of linoleum, except for two, such as:

  • Rotting (affected by mold).
  • Brittle in the cold.

Therefore, such material should not be chosen for rooms without heating or with high humidity (in particular, for a corridor and a balcony). There are many reviews on the Internet that confirm this.

Types and classes of linoleum

Given the set of components, linoleum is divided into natural and synthetic. The first is made from natural ingredients: resin, limestone, linseed oil. Jute fabric or felt is used as a base. It is easy to clean, does not fade, has a small bactericidal effect due to linseed oil, is fire resistant, moderately resistant to chemical reagents. This is the most environmentally friendly and safe type.

Synthetic linoleum is made from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of various fillers, dyes and plasticizers. It consists of one or several layers, has different types of bases, different technologies for applying a pattern. Tarkett synthetic linoleum is cheaper than natural, just as easy to clean, absorbs noise, and has low thermal conductivity.

If you want complete comfort, it is better to choose antistatic linoleum with copper stripes, because it will save you from unpleasant sensations in case of accumulation of static charge on slippers or woolen socks.

By designation, the synthetic type of linoleum is divided into household, commercial, semi-commercial and special. Household appliances are usually single-layer, have a felt or foam base, are varied in design, layer thickness from 1 to 4 mm. It is flexible, easy to fit, clean and absorb sound. This is the most budgetary option that you can choose, but with a short service life - 2-3 years with active use.

The commercial type of coating is stronger and more durable, with a thickness of 1.5-3 mm with a protective layer applied, it can be homogeneous with a paint over the entire thickness or heterogeneous, with alternating layers. Semi-commercial linoleum has a backing, one main layer and a protective coating. In structure, it is similar to the household one, the difference in the thickness of the top layer is 0.7 mm. Special linoleum is used for special premises. It is subdivided into sports, bactericidal, anti-slip.

The linoleum class is indicated by a 2-digit number, where the first is the type of room, and the second indicates the degree of abrasion.

Width Is an extremely important parameter. How to choose linoleum for an apartment according to this parameter? The size of your premises is important here. All its advantages, linoleum is able to show only when flooring with a single sheet, without seams and joints. In some rooms, choosing linoleum, you should be creative. For example, in a kitchen 2.5 m wide and 4 m long, you can buy a canvas 4 m wide and 2.5 m long. where the length and width of the blade cut are up to you.

The underlay simultaneously insulates and evens out the subfloor

The thickness of linoleum must also be selected with judgment.... In theory, the thicker the better. But there are also exceptions. For example, if the room has underfloor heating, then thin linoleum without a base is the best option. Before deciding which linoleum to choose, you need to know how insulated the floor is. By the way, if you liked thin linoleum, but the floors still need to be insulated, then you can use a special substrate. Thick linoleum, on an insulating base, is immediately ready for installation.

What color and pattern?

With design choices, advice is the hardest thing to do. Everyone chooses color, pattern, pattern according to their preferences. But there are some points to note. We made a small photo review in order to understand which colors and types are more suitable for this or that material. For example:

  • The texture of linoleum without a clear pattern, like marble or stone, hides almost any damage to the coating that appears during operation.
  • By drawing, you can visually increase the size of the room. Frequent, transverse lines on linoleum will optically reduce the length of the room. A room with sparse, longitudinal pattern lines on the floor will get a more elongated look, this is a great option for the home.
  • Dark linoleum, in a room on the sunny side, according to the reviews, will muffle the illumination, but will increase the heating of the room. Plus, it will burn out faster in bright sunlight. This is ideal for a bedroom.

Will we choose by price?

Indeed, despite the ingrained opinion that linoleum is a budget option, prices for some samples can reach or even exceed the most expensive laminate flooring.

Why it happens? Yes, simply because linoleum is a very practical, environmentally friendly and versatile floor covering, and global brands simply cannot stand aside, creating “elite” versions of these products. Therefore, when visiting some specialty stores, you may stumble upon quite high prices.

Average Tarkett linoleum average quality will cost about 400-600 rubles per 1 m 2... What options are offered for this money, you can see in the photo. If you don't have a large budget for floor renovation, you can count on these prices. If your budget is very small - do not worry, you can pick up quite good options and cheaper.

Anti-static natural options tend to be even more expensive, have copper grounding tapes and are more expensive to lay.

Extra options

When choosing linoleum, in some rooms, for example, in the nursery, hall or kitchen, you should pay attention to such a parameter as antibacterial properties. Almost all large manufacturers have a series of household linoleums with this property.

Sound and thermal insulation are important qualities, but their disadvantages can be compensated for by using them with the required parameters. Soundproofing is best done at least in the hall, bedroom and hallway.

Have you decided how to choose the right linoleum? Now for some more useful tips.

Perform the following quality checks when making a purchase:

  • Check out the rolled out Tarkett linoleum. It should not have bulges and bumps, delamination of the material. Their presence speaks of a flaw from the manufacturer.
  • Household linoleum should not have a persistent specific odor... This smell is inherent in commercial coatings. After a while, it will wear off, but a trace presence will remain.
  • Be sure to ask the seller for a hygiene certificate. All linoleum for living quarters undergo an examination.
  • If the floors in Vanya's apartment or house are cold, then choose insulated linoleum, with a thick layer of insulation.

Which linoleum to choose home

For a long service life of the coating, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, its temperature and humidity conditions. The premises with the highest traffic are the entrance hall, kitchen, corridor. In addition, they are more often than others exposed to wet cleaning. Household or semi-commercial linoleum with a thickness of 3-4 mm and a top layer of 0.25 mm is suitable here.

See also great in the interior of apartments and houses.

The living room and bedroom have low traffic, moreover, they are often covered with carpets. For these rooms, according to reviews, the most optimal household linoleum with a substrate of fabric or polyester with a thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm with a coating of 0.1-0.2 mm. In the bathroom and toilet, where there is high humidity, it is enough to put a synthetic single-layer material 1.5-1.6 mm thick, with a top layer from 0.25 mm.

There is no need to save money on covering the children's room and choose natural antistatic linoleum, soft and does not emit any harmful substances. Its thickness should be from 3 mm. If it is impossible to choose a natural one, a household type of linoleum on a fabric or foam base of the same thickness is suitable.

The color of linoleum should be correctly combined, the color of the walls and furniture, the style of the apartment or house. It is better not to choose a light color in rooms with the greatest traffic, but dark will not give comfort. All calm shades (beige, blue, brown, gray-green) are suitable for the kitchen, a gathering place for the whole family.

If the corridor or hallway is finished with wood, then the linoleum will look good in color and wood-like pattern, as in the photo above. It is better to cover the floor in the bathroom with a material of green, blue or aquamarine. For a bedroom, a light color of the coating, with a medium-sized pattern, is appropriate. It is better not to lay dark linoleum in any room, since such a floor visually reduces the volume of the room, makes the ceiling lower.

The color of linoleum, the nature of the pattern applied to it should be an important link in the overall design of the room, give it completeness, without losing the practical purpose of the coating.

Using our advice, you can choose not only beautiful, but also practical, relatively inexpensive coverage for your home.

Linoleum is a publicly available democratic material that has been used to cover floors for the second century. Despite the variety of existing floor coverings, linoleum is still quite popular in our country today. This is natural, because it is interesting in design, easy to install and relatively cheap. This flooring differs from others in its softness and springiness, and at the same time it is durable - it does not crack, like, for example, wood or ceramic flooring. Today, a huge selection of different types of this flooring is available to the consumer, and, as you know, a competent choice of linoleum is a guarantee of the durability of this material. How to choose linoleum and what to look for when buying it, so as not to worry later about wasted money? We will try to figure it out in this article.

The color and texture of linoleum is an important selection criterion

Linoleum selection criteria

When purchasing linoleum for your home, you need to focus on the following selection criteria:
1. Does the coating correspond to its purpose (for a nursery, a hallway, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom).
2. Will it withstand the load on the floor, taking into account the number of residents and the degree of permeability of the place.
3. Does the selected coating meet the requirements (antistatic, thermal insulation, moisture resistance, noise absorption, antibacterial properties)?
4. Does it fit into the design of the apartment (it can be monochromatic, with an abstract pattern, or imitating various textures - fabric, wood, tiles, stone, etc.).

In terms of color and texture, the traditional solution for these premises is linoleum for ceramic tiles.

Living room

In the living room, the permeability is moderate. Therefore, linoleum with a thickness of 1.5 mm will be optimal.

Household linoleum in the living room


For a bedroom, as a room with low traffic, you can choose thinner linoleum - from 1.2 to 1.5 mm thick.

Household polyester linoleum works well for the bedroom.

The best option is polyester household linoleum or linoleum on a foamed polyvinyl chloride base.

Children's room

A children's room is considered a room with an average degree of traffic, but with a high degree of probability of mechanical damage.

Foamed PVC linoleum in the children's room

Therefore, in a room for children, you can lay household linoleum on a polyvinyl chloride foam base, and even better - semi-commercial linoleum with a protective top layer of at least 0.25 mm.


On a balcony, in an unheated loggia, as well as in a veranda and a garden gazebo, any linoleum will deteriorate very quickly, since this material does not tolerate direct sunlight and temperature changes.

Choice of decor and colors

Linoleum is attractive with an endless palette of designs and colors. Manufacturers give natural linoleum bright, juicy colors that do not fade over time. The decorative possibilities of synthetic linoleum are even better. It can imitate very faithfully such natural materials as stone, wood, ceramic tiles.

Dense semi-commercial linoleum imitating ceramic tiles

Recently, the types of decor that imitate expensive parquet or parquet board have become very popular. Linoleum perfectly reproduces oak, beech, cherry, and also such exotic tree species as, for example, zebrano, bamboo, rosewood. At the same time, the floor covering reproduces both the pattern and the texture of natural wood.
Linoleum imitating wood mosaic and solid wood boards is in great demand.
Brave and extraordinary people will choose fancy decors and unusual colors.

Fancy linoleum decor - for courageous and extraordinary people

For those who like to experiment with interior design, manufacturers offer original geometric and abstract designs.
Linoleum looks very impressive, imitating stone - granite or marble.

Linoleum looks spectacular, imitating stone - granite or marble

Sometimes there are coatings that reproduce artificially "aged" materials - wood with traces of time or worn stone.

Consider how to choose the right linoleum for your home.
1. First of all, let's trust our sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor indicates a low quality of the coating and that it contains additives that are harmful to health. High-quality natural and synthetic linoleum does not smell like anything. In addition, good linoleum should not have a greasy sheen, the pattern should not be distinct and look natural, the optimal number of layers should be at least five.
2. The width of the cover should be the same, as a rule, with the size of the room. But you need to take with a margin - for adjusting the pattern, trimming the panel at the joints. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the presence of thresholds, niches for batteries, and other protrusions in the room.
3. It is recommended to buy the coating not on the market, but rather in a heated room. In addition, it is more convenient to check its quality in a store.
4. It is worth checking the coverage for compliance with safety standards. The material that has passed a special examination is marked accordingly, and the seller must have a hygienic certificate.
5. Check the quality in the rolled form to see if there are waves and bumps on the surface, or areas where the top film is peeling. These indicators indicate a marriage, such a coating cannot be bought, the existing irregularities will not be smoothed out in any way.
6. Buying the same linoleum in several rooms, it is better to buy it in one piece. But at the same time, it is necessary to first calculate whether it will be possible to bring a long roll into the room and whether it will be possible to transport it along narrow openings and up stairs.
7. It is strictly forbidden to fold the panels in half. Do not stick the tape on the front surface, as there will be a sticky mark that is difficult to remove. Roll up the linoleum with the front side inward, and if it is rolled up with the front side out, the roll must be wrapped with a protective film.
8. When choosing a coating, preference should be given to linoleum, which has a special protective layer. Such linoleum is easy to clean and will retain its beautiful appearance for a long time.
9. Samples of linoleum, if possible, should be examined in the room where it will be laid. This is convenient for a more accurate selection of the appropriate tone in the interior (cold or cold), because it is not so easy to do this from memory.
10. All purchased linoleum must be from the same batch, since different batches sometimes differ in color, even when their articles completely coincide.
All of the above tips, tricks and explanations will help you make a successful purchase of linoleum from any price segment.