What kind of light should be in the apartment. How to make the right room lighting, good lighting. For incandescent lamps

In the evening with the onset of dusk, and if the windows are in a bad position during the day, you have to turn on the lamps, and the question arises, how to calculate room illuminationto save on electricity and not sit in the dark.

How to calculate the room illumination correctly?

Comfort in the house is not only a pleasant microclimate, a pleasing interior and a crackling fireplace in the corner. Correct distribution of lamps is very important in creating coziness in order to provide eye-tiring lighting or soft twilight. In a large room, zoning with light sources is possible, in a small room it may be sufficient to distribute them by height levels, for example: a floor lamp, sconces and a chandelier... But, in any case, it is imperative to insert the most suitable light bulb into each device. You will have to choose it from a dozen different options so that it does not turn out to be too bright or dull.

When choosing the optimal level of lighting for rooms, you should rely on factors such as the presence or absence of mirrors, the color scheme of the room decoration, the color of the furniture (dark or light). Even the height of the ceilings will play a role when choosing bulbs for a chandelier. It should also be remembered that the lighting must correspond to the purpose of the room. In the bedroom, a dim light would be the best option, in the study, a bright light bulb is needed only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe desk, in the living room it is better to use different options. Illumination power is usually taken per square meter, an example can be seen in the table below.

Generally accepted standards of illumination at the height of the ceiling of the room no more than 3 m

The simplest way to calculate the illumination of a room is to use the formula P \u003d (p. S) / N, wherein p is the specific power, usually taken as 20 W / m2, S Is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and N - number of lamps. However, this formula will give only an approximate figure and will not reliably show the need to add or, conversely, decrease the brightness of the light. To begin with, the power density for each room is different, and may vary depending on what type of light bulb is inserted into the socket. You can verify this by looking at the table.

What should be considered when calculating the required lamp brightness?

So, we have considered the simplest method for calculating the possible illumination power in a room. But again, this is the total power. You can screw in 2 bulbs of 100 W or 4 bulbs of 50, distributing them on a wider front. What will change? Number of light sources. It is logical that by placing a two-arm and very bright chandelier in the center of the room, sitting with your back to it at the table, you will see your shadow on the work surface. And it's easy to guess that placing 4 lamps with a total power identical to the previous version in different areas of the room, including the working one, will give a much greater effect.

Before calculating the number of luminaires, consider the height of the ceiling and work surface. Above is a table of room brightness standards for ceilings up to 3 meters. And if they are much higher? Then the same indicators should be multiplied by 1.5, and after 4 meters - by 2. Ideally, natural light sources should also be taken into account in the calculations, that is, but it is hardly possible to recalculate the number of lumens penetrating through them. But for lamps it is quite feasible if you use the table.



Light flow
(lumen) (F l)

Average service life

Incandescent lamp
warm white light



12V halogen lamp
warm white light



2000 - 4000
Halogen lamp 220 V
warm white light



2000 - 4000
Luminiscent lamp
warm white light
cold white light
neutral white light



7500 - 8500
Mercury lamp
warm white light
neutral white light



8000 - 12000
Sodium lamp
yellow light



8000 - 10000
Metal halide lamp
warm white light
cold white light



6000 - 9000

Therefore, let's pay attention not to external factors, but to internal ones, that is, to the light of the lamps and its interaction with the decoration. A matte finish on furniture and walls has the ability to absorb light rays, and a glossy finish, as you know, reflects them. It's the same with colors, darker ones require bright lighting and vice versa. The specific power from the formula given earlier should be taken based on all the listed factors, and the following table will help with this.


Average power

Direct lighting

Mixed lighting

Indirect lighting

Room decoration







For incandescent lamps

Study, living room
Bathroom, kitchen
Basement, attic

For fluorescent lamps

Hallway, staircase
Bathroom, kitchen, living room
Pantry, basement, attic

How to calculate the number of fixtures per room?

So, we know the height of the ceiling, for example, 3.2 meters, in our office we have a table 80 centimeters high. How do you know how many lights you need? Here, a simple method is no longer enough, and therefore we will use a more complex option, which requires a number of formulas. And in addition to watts, you will have to operate with such units of measurement as lux and lumen. First of all, we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room along the standard path S \u003da.bwhere a and b - the length of the adjacent sides of the room. Let's say the required value is 12 m 2.

Next, you need to find out the utilization rate of the lighting device, for which we need the room index and the reflection coefficients of various surfaces. The formula for obtaining the first indicator is as follows: φ \u003d S / ((h1 - h2) ∙ (a + b)).Two new variables are added here, h1 and h2, representing the height from ceiling to floor and from ceiling to illuminated work surface of the table. As for the coefficients, they depend on what material the surface is made of and what texture it has. Suitable values \u200b\u200bcan be selected from the table.

The nature of the reflective surface

Reflection coefficient r,%

Highly reflective surfaces; white marble
Whitewashed ceiling; whitewashed walls with windows covered with white curtains; white faience tiles
Wallpaper white, cream, light yellow
Whitewashed walls with unfinished windows; whitewashed ceiling in damp rooms; clean concrete and light wood ceiling; pine wood light
Plywood wood
Light oak tree
Concrete ceiling in dirty rooms; wooden ceiling; concrete walls with windows; walls covered with light wallpaper; gray surfaces
Dark wallpaper
Walls and ceilings in rooms with a lot of dark dust; solid glazing without curtains; red brick not plastered; walls with dark wallpaper
Red brick
Window glass (thickness 1-2 mm)

It is usually customary to take the reflection coefficients for the ceiling, walls and floor (they are converted to decimal fractions, that is, a value of 50 corresponds to 0.5). Based on them and the result of calculating the room index, it is not difficult to find another variable - the lighting use index U, which we need for further calculations. The next factor is determined according to tables, which differ significantly depending on the use of a particular brand of lamp. Take, for example, lamps with the KSS M type, that is, a wide range of illumination within 180 degrees of maximum brightness. This is just an ordinary household light bulb.

U value,%

With r ceiling \u003d 0.7, r walls \u003d 0.5, r floor \u003d 0.3

and φ equal to:

With r ceiling \u003d 0.7, r walls \u003d 0.5, r floor \u003d 0.1

and φ equal to:

0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5 0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5
M35 50 61 73 83 95 34 47 56 66 75 86

With r ceiling \u003d 0.7, r walls \u003d 0.3, r floor \u003d 0.1

and φ equal to:

With r ceiling \u003d 0.5, r walls \u003d 0.5, r floor \u003d 0.3

and φ equal to:

0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5 0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5
M26 36 46 56 67 80 32 45 55 67 74 84

With r ceiling \u003d 0.5, r walls \u003d 0.5, r floor \u003d 0.1

and φ equal to:

With r ceiling \u003d 0.5, r walls \u003d 0.3, r floor \u003d 0.1

and φ equal to:

0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5 0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5
M31 43 53 63 72 80 23 36 45 56 65 75

With r ceiling \u003d 0.3, r walls \u003d r floor \u003d 0.1

and φ equal to:

With r ceiling \u003d r walls \u003d r floor \u003d 0.1

and φ equal to:

0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5 0.6 0.8 1.25 2 3 5
M17 29 38 46 58 67 16 28 38 45 55 65

Learning the meaning U, then we substitute it into the formula N \u003d (E ∙ S ∙ 100 ∙ K z) / (U ∙ n ∙ F l)... We have new variables in the numerator: E - the minimum illumination, expressed in lux (lx), and K s - the safety factor, taken into account based on the aging of bulbs during operation. The latter is, in fact, a constant that can be found in SNiP, but on average this figure corresponds to 1.5 for fluorescent lamps and 1.3 for incandescent lamps. The denominator is unknown to us n - the number of light sources in the appliance and F l - radiation from one lamp, expressed in lumens (lm). The minimum illumination value is calculated by the formula E \u003d F l /S... Using all the parameters given in the tables, as well as the results of the secondary formulas, find the number of lamps N the room is not difficult.

No matter how many bulbs there are in the chandelier, it is not able to shine for the whole room, somewhere there will definitely be darker areas, so it is wiser to distribute the light sources throughout the room.

When developing any design project, you need to think about techniques that can favorably emphasize the advantages of a room and hide flaws. And one of those effects is light. Thanks to the right lighting, you can create a certain atmosphere in every corner of the apartment.

In addition, it has long been known that light affects the emotional state of a person and vision, so you need to try to ensure that the lighting design of the room and the entire home as a whole is not only original, but also meets all the rules, because health depends on it.

Another reason why you should first think about how the room will be lit is the wiring. After all, it must be carried out even before the walls and ceiling are finished. When the repair is complete, it will be practically impossible to redo anything without breaking something.

Features of lighting living quarters

In his home, each person performs certain repetitive actions every day, and this is what makes it easy to develop an apartment lighting design.

Moreover, most often, people are at home in the morning, in the evening and at night, when a minimum of natural light enters the apartment, so artificial light must be placed in such a way that all corners of the home are illuminated.

But there are subtleties here, because somewhere you need more light, somewhere less, and in some rooms it is necessary that in one part there was bright lighting, and in the other half-darkness. To achieve the right lighting, you need to understand its types.

Lighting types and their functions

There are several types of lighting and a wide variety of light sources. But each person can easily determine what kind of light he needs in this or that part of the apartment.

It is necessary to know the types of lighting mainly in order to explain to the sellers of electricians or workers who will make repairs what should be the result.

So, in every living space there is general lighting, accent, working and combined. Some of these species have several subtypes.

General lighting features

The name of this type of lighting speaks for itself. Its function is to illuminate the whole room. There is such light in every apartment, regardless of the interior design. An example of such a generic light source is a chandelier that hangs from the ceiling. It illuminates the entire room at once evenly.

General lighting is of several types:

  • Most often seen directional general lighting... In this case, the light from the lamp "flows out" in one spot. To achieve this effect, you need to purchase chandeliers with open shades, in shape they resemble a ball cut on both sides. But sometimes there are other models: cone-shaped, in the form of a rectangle, and sometimes even in the form of a trapezoid.

  • Also general lighting is absent-minded... This effect is provided by a shade that completely covers the light source. In this case, the "cover" for the light bulb is not transparent, but transmits light. Most often, these shades are made from frosted glass, paper, or a certain type of fabric material.

  • In addition, general lighting can be mixed... In this embodiment, the light source is covered with a shade with holes, which are usually located at the bottom or top. Moreover, it is made of materials that transmit light. And so it not only spreads on all sides, it is also reflected by the walls and ceiling.

Accent lighting principle

With the help of such lighting, accents are placed in any room, that is, they highlight any detail or part of the room. It happens that designers use this kind of lighting to draw attention to a beautiful cabinet handle, or a wallpaper pattern on the wall.

That is, accent lighting creates a cozy atmosphere and is an additional decoration for the interior.

Although sometimes it is used to light up the stairs, or the place on the dresser where the clock is. Examples of light sources that can add accents:sconce, floor lamp, table lamp with lampshade.

Accent lighting can easily transform any room, while it allows you to achieve different effects:

  • Harsh accent lighting will help to highlight a point in space. For example, a picture on the wall or a beautiful antique vase. An example of such lighting in a theater is the main character on the stage, highlighted by a beam. Also, such accent lighting is used in stores to highlight small details in display cases.

  • Accent lighting can also be relaxed... In this case, any part of the space is highlighted by a smooth transition of light. So often the building is illuminated around the perimeter - several spotlights attract attention, but they shine unobtrusively. Indoors, to create such a reception, LED lamps are most often used.

  • Soft accent lighting often used in museums that house the greatest works of art. They are illuminated in such a way that a person can see, but at the same time, for example, the statue itself remained in the twilight so that it could be stored longer. The apartment also uses this technique to create a certain atmosphere.

Work light functions

If accent lighting highlights a specific thing, then this type of lighting will highlight a specific location. It is used to illuminate the workplace. This could be a table, stove, or chair where the person is reading.

Work lighting helps a person focus on a given task. Bright light in a specific location allows a person to see small details, which protects against eye strain.

Most often, work lighting is created using table lamps, sometimes several halogen lamps are also used.

Features of combined lighting

This view combines several types of lighting. And it is he who helps to create comfort in any space and play with light. In each room, all types of lighting can be used at once, or only a few of them. It all depends on what function the light should carry.

Correctly combining light sources is the main thing and what should be learned first. There are a huge number of light sources in stores that can be manually adjusted. They can change the brightness of the light, and besides, they can be easily carried from place to place.

Combined lighting allows designers to completely abandon commonplace techniques. For example, in many rooms there are no chandeliers and ceiling lighting, but there are correctly placed accents using table lamps, floor lamps and spotlights.

Combined lighting also allows you to make several modes in any room, for example, when guests turn on some light sources in the house, and other lamps are used for lighting the rest of the time.

How to develop a room lighting design?

It is necessary to develop interior design and lighting based on exactly what actions a person will perform in a particular room. If, for example, the room will be used for work, then the light should be bright, adjusting to the fact that the person is focused. For rooms where a person will rest, you need to select a different type of lighting.

It is also worth remembering that not only the type of lighting is important, but also the light itself. Suffice it to recall hospitals, where the light is always cold, or cafes, where the light is warm, and therefore you want to spend a lot of time there. Do not forget about modern technologies.

The light can be not only yellow, but also red, green or blue. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the interior. Here are some basic guidelines for how to create the right lighting in different rooms.

Light in the hallway

The entrance to the apartment is the darkest place in the whole house. That is why the hallway should be brightly lit. To do this, you can choose one source of general lighting - a chandelier, as well as several point ones, for example, you can hang a sconce over a mirror, or make a lighting over a clothes hanger.

The main thing is that the light does not hit the eyes. A person should clearly see his face in the mirror, as well as the condition of his clothes, so that they can be cleaned if necessary.

Interesting ideas include the use of lamps that resemble street lamps, as well as a backlit stretch ceiling.

Light in the living room

Designers increasingly refuse to place a ceiling chandelier in the center of the living room. In addition, recently, the living room has often been combined with the kitchen, and this technique requires new solutions. Therefore, now in the living rooms you can see spot lighting around the perimeter with accents.

For example, there are floor lamps near the sofas, and on the tables there are small lamps that give diffused light. In addition, the use of illuminated cabinets and shelves has become a fashionable trend. Since the living room usually has a large area, several diverse light sources are required.

Light in the kitchen

Particular attention in the kitchen should be paid to lighting the area where food is prepared. Better to give preference to luminaires that can be directed. Also, the stores provide a huge selection of light sources that can be easily built into furniture panels. Accents can be set in cabinets with transparent doors, where beautiful dishes are placed.

Recently, designers have been using several ceiling chandeliers at once, which are placed above the dining table or, for example, above the bar.

Light in the bedroom

Only one directional light source can be used in a bedroom - a reading lamp. Basically, the lighting should be diffused, this will help you relax better.

The light should be soft, the presence of lighting in different colors is welcomed, you can experiment in the headboard area.

Bathroom light

You don't need to use general lighting in the bathroom. You need to make accents near the mirror, as well as near the bath itself. It is better to choose closed lampshades, since there is always high humidity in this room.

The light can be either cold or warm. Often the bathroom is deliberately left dark.

A properly designed room lighting design will help make almost any room beautiful and comfortable to stay.

The harmony of light, color, shape and space is the formula for an impeccable architectural structure and interior. But for some reason, when starting work on the interior of the apartment, the owners first of all think about the layout, style, colors and forget about the lighting design. But light can be compared to clothing or make-up, which determine the appearance, create a mood, hide flaws, emphasize advantages, and, of course, create an image. Extraordinary is a real art that requires special vision, inspiration, knowledge. Today we will try to "touch the beauty" and will voice some basic rules for creating a lighting scenario in an interior.

Where to start and how to end?

Correctly selected lighting can change for the better the layout, the look of the interior, and our sense of self. In order for the space, shapes and textures in the room to come to life, it is necessary to create a thoughtful dynamics of cut-off transitions from brightly lit to darkened areas. The best solution is to combine directional, diffuse and reflected light sources located at different levels.

● To begin with, decide what you will be doing in this room (reading, playing, cooking, sewing) and find places for functional lamps that give bright directional light in these areas: table lamps, spots and recessed lamps.

● Add accents with key lights. They will emphasize the plasticity and color of architectural and decorative elements, paintings and style-forming interior items. These can be LED strips, spotlights, lighting fixtures. When using bright directional lights, it is better to avoid frequent abrupt transitions between bright light and shadow, as this can tire the eyes and distort the graphic design of the interior. If you use the artistic contrasts of the cut-and-go game, then carefully consider all the nuances.

● Finally, add an even, room-wide background light. For this purpose, suitable ceiling (pendant or spot) lamps, wall and, the light of which is reflected from the walls and ceiling.

● Think about the interior palette, the color of the lighting itself, and how they interact.

● Decide on the appearance of the fixtures for each room. They can be made in the same design or formally contradict each other, dissolve in the interior or dominate it. There are currently no style imperatives. You can follow the latest trends in interior fashion, prefer the good old classics or a functional approach, one thing is important: lamps are full participants in creating the atmosphere and character of your interior.

Artificial and natural

In the interior, it is extremely important to integrate natural and artificial lighting, to maintain a balance between them and, of course, an artistic approach to the use of different light sources.

● Remember the simple rules of the cardinal points. If the windows face west or south, you will have to seriously consider diffusing window décor, allowing you to hide from the glare from time to time and soften the high-contrast edges of brightly lit and sunken areas.

● In rooms with east-facing windows, it will be easier to wake up and get in shape in the morning. Despite the fact that the light is direct, it does not dazzle, as in the daytime, but creates beautiful light-shadow transitions and glare on the walls, ceiling, furniture. In the afternoon, the sun will go away, and the lighting will become diffused, soft.

● In a room with windows to the north, the light is always diffused, but it is necessary to carefully consider the use of artificial lighting and maximally “lighten” the design of the windows, or completely abandon the design with curtains.

● Natural light can also penetrate into traditionally darkened rooms (entrance hall, bathroom, corridor, dressing room) if the interior doors are made of frosted glass and the walls are made of glass blocks. You can also provide interior windows through which sunlight will penetrate from neighboring rooms.

● It is known that mixing light sources of different temperatures is perceived by us as uncomfortable. In order to simultaneously use artificial and natural lighting, it is advisable to use fluorescent lamps or luminous panels of cold or warm white light.

Reflections and refractions

● Mirrors are endowed with magical properties for a reason. They work wonders in the interior: they "raise" the ceiling, "push apart" the walls, create an endless reflected space. The more mirrors and mirrored surfaces in the room, the "lighter" and "more spacious" it is.

● Crystals, crystal, multifaceted glass objects act as a prism. By interacting with light, they create a continuously changing, kaleidoscope-like effect of radiance. Use them in your decor items to spice up your interior with sun glare and expand the space.

Etchingmitelian light

Colored lighting supplemented with special effects is always an interesting move in interior design, allowing you to transform the space, emphasize the tonality of interior elements and push the boundaries of reality, creating an environment that is different from the one that exists in natural light. By introducing color and light design into the interior mise-en-scene, you can change not only its mood, but also the main meaning. So a bright living room, decorated in neutral colors and calm forms of the Scandinavian style, in the evening with the help of LEDs can turn into an incendiary party area reminiscent of a Brazilian carnival, and then, with the help of systems simulating a starry sky, remind of the sleeping Hawaiian Islands.

Modern industrial designers offer real masterpieces that allow you to create various color and light scenarios: from iridescent bright extravaganza of colors to meditative figured light and laconic, eye-pleasing highlights.

Lighting can calm and relax us, it can make us more productive, sleepy, or wake up. Without a doubt, we are talking about a powerful force, but there is also an aesthetic component to this force. If we want our home to be comfortable, then we need to think about the most optimal option for lighting the room.


In general, lighting can be divided into three categories: general, work, accent. Now let's take a closer look at each of the categories.

General lighting

This category can be equated to a natural light source, it should cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe space. To achieve the effect, use chandeliers, lighting strips, wall sconces and various lamps. Thus, a light is created that is able to fill the entire room.

Work lighting

Used for work or reading. This category has a more powerful and brighter glow. It is due to the created contrast that a person's attention is focused on the working surface in the area where the source is directed. In offices, table lamps are most often used; in the kitchen, strip lighting of the work surface.

Accent lighting

This category was created for aesthetics, it is one of the most common interior design techniques and is aimed at highlighting a specific object in the space. So, you can emphasize a certain object, a work of art or a bookcase. A shadow is diffused around the object itself to create the effect. Most often, wall or ribbon lamps and lanterns are used for this purpose.

How to properly illuminate rooms?

First of all, you need to think about how you want to use each of the rooms, work out the accents. It is necessary to start building the entourage with general lighting. However, if your apartment contains the function of a home office, then you need to start directly with working lighting. The corridor can be given the function of a photo or an art gallery. Therefore, here you can use lighting aimed at specific objects. Then you need to think about where the main sources illuminating the room will be located.

General suggestions

In the living room, in addition to the general light source, you can use a large accent in the form of a lamp located in one of the corners of the room. Most often, they focus on a large object: a work of art or a chair.

In the kitchen, you need to add light directly above the work surface. Often, the sources are directed to illuminate the oncoming place, or the main surface is illuminated from below. By the way, it is customary to undeservedly deprive the sink of lighting. A good reason to part with stereotypes.

Working lighting in the bedroom is most often located on bedside tables. However, experts recommend not directing a powerful source away from the bed. Make the light diffuse, and let it be directed from the bed to the closet.

In the bathroom, things are much more complicated with lighting. And if you want to create a working light for a mirror, don't place it on top. Otherwise, a shadow will be created.

If you have a large mirror in your room, you can place powerful sources on either side. Then use diffused lights to complement and fill the overall space.

Choosing the type of lamp

A lamp is a source of light, however the type of lamp determines how the lighting is perceived. In fact, there are many lamps, but there are four main types:

  • Incandescent lamps. These are traditional light bulbs that we have used for decades. They are gradually being replaced by more modern energy-saving options.
  • Compact fluorescent lamps. These sources consume 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. They last longer, have a cooler glow, and have a wide range of levels and brightness. However, fluorescent lamps contain mercury and require careful handling.
  • LEDs. These are incredibly efficient compact fluorescent lamps that last three times longer than their predecessors. Used for targeted lighting, projecting direct and harsh light. However, in modern production there are already fluorescent sources in the form of incandescent lamps, which are not so hot to the touch and are ready to serve for a long time.
  • Halogen. These sources emit bright white light, very close to natural daylight. They do an excellent job of illuminating the work surface. They consume 10-20% less electricity than incandescent lamps.

Correct and good lighting in the room is a quality indicator of the interior and the design implemented in it. It helps to create accents, improves the aesthetic characteristics of the apartment, emphasizes the overall style and sets the tone for the mood. Without thought-out to the smallest detail the organization of lighting design, many of the nuances of the design project and decor elements may not play their role. Whilegood lighting in the room is enough for the organic existence of all details as a whole.

Where does good lighting begin in a room? Basic concepts

Before we start planning and implementing lighting, we suggest that you understand the basic principles and concepts. The lighting design of a living space can be conditionally divided into three types:

1) General or central - designed to illuminate the entire room. Luminaires are installed in such a way that every corner of the room is illuminated. In most projects, a chandelier or ceiling lights play the role of central lighting. But in some cases, it can also be point light sources. Implementation options depend on the purpose and area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling.

2) Local or local - designed to complement central lighting and highlight certain functional areas of the room. It is realized with the help of lamps of the following types: wall-mounted, table-top, floor-standing, built-in and mounted. The capabilities and features of each type allow you to organize good lighting in a room of any design.

3) Decorative. Local luminaires are used as decoration, focusing attention on a piece of furniture or an element of the interior. Various backlights or small lamps are used as decorative lighting.

For effective and correct lighting of the room, it is necessary to combine lamps: for general and local purposes; by brightness, intensity and power.

For example, if the room is multifunctional, then general lighting and additional lighting must be used. This can be a combination of a pendant chandelier in the center of the ceiling and a floor lamp with several sconces in different areas. Such room lighting will look good in the living room, as it can be used on special occasions or for quiet home gatherings. And each setting will have to be accompanied by different lighting.

The power, brightness and other characteristics of the luminaires must be selected in full accordance with the room and taking into account other light sources in it. For example, the power of central lighting must be calculated taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If additional lighting is sometimes used as the main one, then the total power should also be sufficient for these calculations. You can combine the luminaires according to the color of the light they emit. For example, central lighting can be decorated with “warm light”, and additional lighting can be made “cold”, or vice versa.

For good lighting in a room, it is sometimes enough to use non-standard lighting sources. For example, a chandelier in the hallway or a pendant lamp above a reading chair. In this way, you can emphasize your own style and give a special mood.

To create additional accents on certain areas of the room, you can use recessed lamps in the suspended multi-level ceiling. In some cases, it turns out to visually divide the room into several parts.

Colored LED tracks can be "painted" on all planes of the room. On the ceiling, wall or floor, LED strips sometimes highlight the perimeters and add additional texture to this plane.

Harmonious and good lighting in the room is realized with the help of lamps from one collection. A chandelier, a floor lamp and a sconce in the same style and design will look great in a corresponding design project.

Use additional lighting with directional lighting to highlight a piece of furniture or an area. Wall lamps or sconces perfectly highlight the desired area.

If you want to implement lighting in the room as close as possible to daylight, then you need to select lamps with a color temperature of about 4000K. If you want a softer and warmer color, then this figure should be lower - about 2700K.

The distance between the ceiling lamp and the floor should not be less than 2 meters, otherwise it will interfere and poorly illuminate the room.

If the interior contains elements such as tapestries or paintings, then don't miss the opportunity to highlight them. This will allow you to focus attention and highlight from the general background. For this, special decorative lamps are used.

When illuminating a mirror, try to use two identical wall lights with a soft, non-glare light. Place them symmetrically on either side of the mirror just above eye level.

Try to use luminaires with an even directional light for reading. Place them close to eye level so that you don't have to strain your eyes when reading.

For good lighting in the room, it is enough to choose something in between bright, blinding light and semi-darkness. Lighting should fulfill its main function and at the same time not blind. It is best to organize it using several types of lamps - this will allow you to change the intensity and power depending on the situation. Additional ability to adjust the luminaires themselves will add versatility. Some modern models are produced with dimmers and remote controls.

In order for the lighting in the room to be truly correct and good, try to carefully think over all the details before buying lamps. Calculate the power and other indicators for your specific case, consult with the designer, lighting specialists or sales consultants. Any advice at the stage of selection will be useful and help to avoid unnecessary costs.