What saint protects the house, family, children, health: icons and prayers. A strong Orthodox prayer-amulet to all the saints for help, in gratitude, for all occasions: text

Sometimes there are situations in life when a person can only hope for God's help. But just praying for the benefit of relatives and friends is never out of place. Often, when we come to a temple or church, we see many icons in front of us. But what icon to pray for? All depict saints who are prayed for different things. It is believed that each icon needs to pray correctly, with certain requests. But people who are not versed in religious rules rarely know the purpose of each icon. We will tell you which icon to pray for.

Icons: what to pray for

  • "Trinity" - one of the miraculous Orthodox icons, the most important shrine of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Around her they pray about the most important and important thing in life, about what can affect the entire future fate of a person. People who have lost hope and do not find a way out of a difficult situation should pray around her. Before praying, carefully consider your request. You need to pray to the Trinity after repentance and ascension of praise to the Lord.
  • "The Savior Not Made by Hands" is an icon with strong energy. It depicts the Savior, who should be addressed with requests to save the soul, show the true path, be healed and get rid of bad thoughts. You can ask for mercy both for yourself and for others, but first you need to repent and read the Our Father. This image is in every temple, but if you want to achieve a stronger effect, go to the temple named after him.
  • "Savior Almighty". She is asked to save family members.
  • "Crucifixion" helps to protect the house from thieves and punish criminals.
  • "The Savior in a Crown of Thorns" helps to overcome all obstacles in the way of soul salvation.
  • Icon of the Mother of God. It has many options - Vladimirskaya, Kazanskaya, Iverskaya, etc. Each of them has its own special purpose. If you wish, you can easily find out what the essence of each is, but now we will consider the most famous ones. What icon of the Mother of God for what to pray? They turn to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God when they need to make important decisions for many people, they also pray to her before important events in life. Often the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is addressed when the country is in danger. They appeal to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with requests to save relatives and friends who are participating in hostilities. The Iberian Icon of the Mother of God is addressed with requests for prosperity, protection from dark forces, diseases, slander and enemies. This icon is a guardian. The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is asked to show the right path and save a person on the road. This icon is a guide.
  • "Ostrobramskaya" helps to find and maintain the happiness of a married couple. They also pray to her that strangers do not interfere in the relationship of the newlyweds.
  • "Faith, Hope, Love" gives people wisdom, helps to strengthen faith, hope and love in people's hearts, and also gives strength to overcome difficult life obstacles.
  • "Recovery of the dead". She is prayed for the health, well-being and happiness of children, as well as for the return of lost children to the family (children who fell into a sect were subjected to severe drug and alcohol addiction, etc.).
  • "Birth Assistant" She is prayed for a successful pregnancy, for the mother and unborn child to be healthy.
  • "Mammal feeder" helps to maintain the health of the newborn. She is also asked that the mother have enough milk to feed the baby.
  • "Fadeless Color" helps to preserve women's health, chastity and purity for many years. She is prayed for women's well-being. Let's continue the conversation about which icon to pray for.
  • "Affection". They pray to her for a prosperous, happy and worthy marriage, for good suitors.
  • "The Tsaritsa (Pantassa)". It has a powerful healing effect. She is prayed for deliverance from diseases, including incurable ones. Parents also pray to her for the deliverance of their children from various kinds of addictions.
  • "Fragrant Color" helps to keep the purity of thoughts, to live a righteous and happy life. It also contributes to the solution of family problems, getting rid of diseases and the true search for the purpose and meaning of life.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker. One of the most famous and revered icons in the world. She needs to pray to those who travel a lot in life or work or are often on the road. Sailors, fishermen, pilots, travelers and navigators pray to her. In addition, Nicholas the Wonderworker is the intercessor of the unjustly offended, women, children, the poor, unjustly convicted and prisoners. Therefore, all these categories of the population can turn to the Icon of St. Nicholas with their requests.
  • Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. This icon is prayed for healing from diseases.
  • "Holy Royal Passion-Bearers". It depicts the family of Nicholas II. This icon is also addressed with prayers for healing. The icon is in many Orthodox churches, but two of them have the strongest energy. The first - at the place of acceptance of suffering in the Yekaterinburg Diocese, the second - at the place of death in Volopaevsk.
  • "Holy Martyr Nicholas". It depicts the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II. A large number of healings and miracles have been recorded around this icon. She has become so popular that she travels to holy places all over the country. She has already been to 40 dioceses and between trips is in the church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhy.
  • "Unexpected Joy" She is addressed with requests to forgive sins, heal from diseases (in particular, from diseases of the ears and from deafness). They ask for the health of children, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.
  • "Seven-shooter". This icon depicts the Mother of God, pierced by seven arrows - three on the right and four on the left side. This icon has a well-known variety called "Softener of Evil Hearts". She is prayed for the reconciliation of enemies, for the restoration of peace in the family and between loved ones. You can take it with you to important things.
  • "Inexhaustible Chalice". This icon is asked for healing from harmful addictions, such as drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling.
  • "Healer". One of the most ancient. Around her pray for the healing of the body and soul. She protects from troubles, condemnation, grief, helps in the release of prisoners.
  • "The Omen". What to pray for this icon? She is prayed for the preservation of peace and friendship in the family, protection from ill-wishers, sorcery and witchcraft.
  • "Desperate One Hope". She is asked for prosperity and well-being. It also helps to escape from despair and find a way out of various everyday needs.
  • "Three-handed". The icon helps to find peace of mind.
  • "Soon-Novice". She is asked for emergency help, for the healing of the body and soul from diseases, in particular, from blindness, paralysis and oncology.
  • "Blessed Matrona". A revered icon of modernity. You can ask her for help on any difficult issue.
  • The "guarantor of sinners" helps to beg forgiveness of one's sins before the Lord. Now you will know which icon to pray if you have done something that oppresses you.
  • "Peter and Fevronia". Prayers near her help to find family happiness and well-being, and you can also ask her for the birth of a child.
  • "Sergius of Radonezh". This saint is the patron saint of all who study. You can ask this icon for blessings for the new school year, as well as help in mastering new knowledge.
  • "Seraphim of Sarov". Those who need support and support pray at this icon. Helps to heal from diseases, gives consolation.
  • "Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious". This icon can be prayed for the well-being of the native land, children, family. It helps to quench sorrows and sorrows. Also, George the Victorious is a protector of domestic animals, so you can ask him to save them from the attack of wild animals.
  • The "guardian angel" helps to get rid of need and illness to every baptized Christian. Praying to this icon, a person turns to his Guardian Angel, who saves him from sins, troubles and misfortunes.

Now you know which icon to pray for. These are far from all the icons that can be found in Orthodox churches and temples. A lot of icons are named after saints, canonized by the church on various occasions. You can also pray to them. You can learn about the purpose of each right in the temple, as well as from special literature. And remember: the main thing in your prayer is sincerity and purity of requests. Your desires should not infringe on the well-being of other people, otherwise the saints may punish you. It is important not only to know which icon to pray for, but also how to do it correctly.

Dear Friend!

We bring to your attention the section of our website "Icon to help". On this page you will learn which saints to pray for in order to gain heavenly protection in certain matters and life situations.

Choose a saint who will help you! And we will make for you a fold with his holy image and a prayer to him.

Need help choosing? call +79151310033 or write [email protected] site

For your convenience, the main sections presented in the list on the left have been created. After making a choice, you can see a more detailed list on the right.

What saints to pray?

Kristina Kondratyeva, General Director of the icon-painting workshop “Icon of the XXI century. Kuznetsov Letter” and the “Kristina” art gallery, answers the journalist’s questions about whether turning to holy images can help get rid of alcohol addiction, how long this tradition has existed, what is the history of the appearance of the image of the Virgin “Inexhaustible Chalice”, etc.

A modern person has many problems... Information overload, the rapid pace of life, a patchwork of phenomena and events, related and unrelated, a wide range of indirect problems, and all this together completely absorbs the attention of a modern person, plunging into an endless cycle of fuss. The soul is driven by the race of life, it lacks rest. His mind is not for a moment freed from the habit of scrolling inside himself eternal questions: “where to get money”, “how to get rid of diseases”, “how to create a happy marriage”, “how to overcome addictions to ... (the list is almost endless)”, “how protect your children" and many others. Even on vacation, having changed the scenery, he is also tormented by them, because wherever we go, there is no escape from problems - they relentlessly follow us, because they are closed inside us.

The soul suffers from the word mixer, itching in the brain. She gets tired, loses her strength when we realize that neither the advice of friends, nor the numerous recipes for brochures on the topic “How to become happy, loved and rich” do not give the desired result. Then there remains the only instance, appealing to which, you can find deliverance from spiritual loneliness and defenselessness before the abundance of life's barriers, which are more and more difficult to overcome. This is God's mercy, because when all earthly possibilities are exhausted, a person looks into the sky and understands that he is ready to pray...

How to pray in front of an icon

But our life has historically developed in such a way that for the most part people, even having understood the need to turn to God, do not know how to speak with Him, with what words, and most importantly, how to prepare the soul for this communication and find out which of the saints to turn to with questions in certain cases, which saints to pray, before which icons, whom to call for help in troubles and sorrows.

However, this is not the most difficult thing - you can find out what saint to pray for, ask, and we, in turn, will help you find the answer to these questions. The hardest thing is to concentrate, to stop extraneous thoughts in the head that distract you from prayer, but, leaving the concentration of the heart, to stretch a thread from the heart personally to the saint to whom you want to pray today. For those who do not have the skill in prayer, this action - to stop the whirl of thoughts in the head - can be very difficult. However, if you want the prayer to be heard, you must try again and again. Of course, there is a prayer rule designed to focus the soul, to concentrate attention, but you need to get used to it, and both circumstances and the soul ask for prayer right now, and then just start praying in front of the icon. The icon, like a magnifying glass that collects the scattered rays of the sun into one burning ray, collects the attention of the one who prays, helps him to renounce the hustle and bustle of life, to remain alone with the saint to whom the prayer is addressed.

So, it is very important to remember that we do not pray to the icon - we revere the icon as a shrine, but we must pray to the Archetype, the most holy, invisibly present behind the image before which we stand.

Starting to pray to the saint in front of his icon, you need to come into a state of inner silence, inner silence, as far as possible, imagine yourself coming - standing in front of someone invisible, but completely real, to believe in what he hears, for it is given to us only by our faith .

Prayer is not fulfilled immediately, it is important not to lose faith. The very word is what - is- full yayetsya, acquires full-otu. Praying from time to time, all hotter and more convinced, we seem to full We eat the vessel of our prayer. And one more thing: sometimes a person doesn’t seem to forget to pray to a saint, and prays diligently, but what he wants doesn’t come and doesn’t come. This is normal: what you want will not fall into your hands right away - circumstances must line up so that in the confusion of earthly life, where we ourselves have pretty much messed up, everything works out harmoniously, and this takes time. It may be something else - the desire of a person is not too pure, there is some kind of craftiness in him before himself, or it is not useful for a person, for the salvation of his soul. After all, often in adults in their desires, people are like children who insistently ask for an extra portion of ice cream or candy, or something else that can harm them, but they themselves do not know this yet ... Therefore, after all, a prayer should always end with the words: “... if it is it is the will of God."

Of course, you can only pray in your own words, but in critical cases that require special, more serious prayer zeal, it is worth preparing for prayer especially. Take the time to communicate with God, because He is always with us in all the Infinity of Time and Space.

In front of the icons of both the Lord and the Mother of God, and the saints, for those who are not used to daily prayers, or, perhaps, are just beginning to get used to the prayer experience, it is important to know: to ask for yourself, for someone, you need something, at least a little clear of mind.

Try before the start of prayers, or even the day before, to forgive inside yourself at least one of those with whom your relationship is not developing in the best way. Then, of course, if you regularly abuse alcohol, often swear, using words that are classified as informal vocabulary, this also weighs heavily on the soul, often gets irritated, and your prayer loses the necessary strength. The thing is that the bigger flaws weighed down the soul is a very accurate image, it really becomes severe, the more difficult it is for her to take off with prayer. Sometimes what we call heaviness in the soul is an understanding, often intuitive, unconscious, of one's own internal problems, a conflict with oneself. That is why the intercession of the Lady of Heaven and the saints is important for us - their pure, sin-free prayers, holy intercession before the Lord help us get what we want.

To get an answer to prayer, it is very important to start it right and end it right. Therefore, when you come to the icon, try to focus on prayer, put aside everyday thoughts and worries, forget about them for a while, personally addressing the one to whom you offer prayer.

Before starting prayers, make the sign of the cross and say: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." After reading a prayer to the Lord, or to the Mother of God, or to the saint you are addressing, accepted according to the general church rules - one, two, as the soul requires, go to the end of the petition in this way: read “It is worthy to eat ..” 1, “Glory to the Father, and to the Son , and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever”, three times, overshadowing himself with the sign of the cross: “Lord, have mercy”, then “Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, reverend and God-bearing father ours and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen".

Then you, again signing yourself with the sign of the cross and saying “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” you can ask the saint in your own words to especially protect you from some event, to help in solving problems. Ask about everything that has boiled over, about yourself, about your loved ones, only turning with all your heart to the one you ask. And then, having expressed your request, say “Amen” again. And make the sign of the cross again.

Of course, we ask the saints to pray for us, as if leaving the main zeal to them and placing hope in their holy prayers for us. But it’s not bad for the sake of fulfilling your own requests to work hard yourself, and in those very special cases, pray regularly for 40 days. And if you add a post to this, it will be very good. If the time, in principle, is not fasting, then it can be not very strict: do not eat meat and fish on Wednesdays and Fridays, remove excess from the daily diet - something that is not intended for normal nutrition, but only for the sake of gastronomic pleasure, and not overeat. However, if someone, because of an uneaten cutlet or a piece of meat, has a desire to “eat” one of their neighbors, it’s better to eat a cutlet or this piece, because fasting is only a lazy one did not say! - not a diet, but spiritual growth and the necessary purification of the soul and body for this purpose. And if a person, while fasting, thinks more not about saving his soul, but about how not to eat something superfluous, this is no longer a fast.

Which saint in what cases to pray?

First of all, of course, we should pray before the image Savior Jesus Christ He is the chief healer of our souls and bodies. The Savior Himself gave mankind His image and thus laid the foundation for icon painting. According to church tradition, having washed, Jesus Christ put His face on the ubrus given to him, that is, the four-pointed board, and on this board miraculously miraculously imprinted the image of the Divine Eo face. Ubrus was handed over to the terminally ill King Avgar, who ardently believed in Christ. Avgar prayed to the Savior in front of this miraculous image, and the disease receded, and a little later completely disappeared. Saints - they mediately pray for us before Him at our request, and He - makes a decision according to their holy prayers. And everyone has something like a certain sphere of authority before God.

And, of course, in all difficult cases one must pray intensely. Holy Mother of God, Queen of Heaven - She, “The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim without comparison”, stands above all the saints and for us the first Intercessor and Intercessor before Her Son and our Lord. At the hour of her Assumption, the Mother of God promised not to leave the apostles and all Christians after her death. The words of the Mother of God that she will be with mankind all the days and will always intercede for us before God are confirmed from day to day. The Most Holy Theotokos never leaves those who turn to her with sincere prayer in trouble. All of us, Orthodox believing Christians, are under Her Motherly care. Her heart accommodates the mourners, the offended, the hungry, the overwhelmed, and the sick with various diseases. She accepts all who resort to Her with sincere faith and sends Her help.

Traditionally, they also ask for help from their guardian angel and your saint heavenly patron. According to church tradition, every person at Holy Baptism is given by the Lord an incorporeal guardian angel. At the same time, a holy heavenly patron also appears in a person, the one in whose honor the holy (given in Baptism) name is given, and, possibly, another, the connection with which can be given by the Lord through prayer. All our life, our personal Guardian Angel is invisibly present next to us, prays for us to the Lord, and after our death will justify us before God.

It is very important to be in a prayer connection with your Guardian Angel and patron saint, they are the first intercessors for us before God, they invisibly guide us along the right path, protect us from mistakes, you just need to be able to listen and hear them, such a spiritual connection is better Everything is born from prayer. With any question, trouble, difficulty, we can turn to our patron saints. In order to be successful in business, in order to avoid difficulties, in order to express our gratitude, we sincerely say the words of prayer, calling on the holy patron saint, whose name we bear: “Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

There are also separate the Saints, whom we pray on special occasions, each of them received a certain gift from the Lord for their earthly work, and now the Lord works any miracles through their prayer for us. The Savior honored them all in various needs to be intercessors for us before God. These saints either endured a similar need or illness themselves, or others received healing and help through them. Each of these saints, to whom they pray for a certain help, has something to do with this area.

From the biographies of the saints, we know that the grounds for a special prayer appeal to the saint are different: some of the saints personally asked the Lord for the gift of helping people in specific life circumstances. Another was a revelation sent by God (for example, in a dream), in which it was reported that they had been given a gift in deliverance from such and such a need, and after that the saints began to help everyone who came to them. Trust was formed in some saints on the basis of "human rumor" that created historical legends about them, and on the help coming from the saints.

Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Father Vsevolod Chaplin:

“The patron of professions is chosen according to the deeds of the saint. This tradition has existed since ancient Christian times. The Church specifically blesses to consider one or another saint as a patron in business. Now it is usually announced by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. More recently, Alexy II blessed the miners, all workers in the mining industry to turn to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. But there is no list or “schedule”, with what frequency and for what professions (narrow specializations or entire industries) to appoint a patron saint.

If a patron has not yet been determined for your profession, you yourself can read the lives of the saints and find the one whose deeds are related to your profession. For example, the patron of the Internet has not been officially announced, but as a result of discussions, Internet users have chosen for themselves - who is John the Theologian, who is Chrysostom.

Even better if that saint is your local. For example, there was a great martyr in your land who healed people with herbs, and you are a doctor - pray to him.

There are also saints who are prayed for, asking for help in any difficulties. These are the greatest saints, who for centuries have confirmed their ambulance through sincere prayer to them. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Ambrose of Optina, St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, St. Blessed Matrona of Moscow and others.

And - let us remind you once again - without a doubt, we must remember that when we pray before the icon to the saint, we must direct our thoughts to the Lord, the Giver of all blessings, since the prayer for us will be holy, and its fulfillment will follow from God.

There are also patron saints of a certain type of activity. The Great Martyr Barbara patronizes the mining industry, and workers in all industries, one way or another connected with finance (customs officers, accountants, stock brokers), are the holy apostle Matthew. Since November 2000, the holy Apostle Matthew has patronized the Russian tax police. The patron saint of deputies of the State Duma, as well as military leaders, is St. George the Victorious. Great Martyr John the New, Sachavsky, who himself was a merchant, St. Nicholas of Myra, otherwise Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Nicholas, it is customary to pray for help in trade.

Skeptical people say that ancient pagan roots lie in such a "specialization" of saints. But! Indeed, in the Kingdom of Heaven, the uniqueness of the individual is preserved and multiplied. Wouldn't the one who himself put his soul into this profession, who completely devoted his professional service to God, would not better understand his "brother" in the profession and would not respond to him more "addressed"? Previously, each profession had its own heavenly patron. Since ancient times, the Apostle Andrew patronizes fishermen and sailors, later in the Russian tradition he becomes the patron of the Russian statehood and the Navy. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker has patronized sailors, merchants and children since ancient times. Now, when new professions appear more and more often, many of them do not have their own heavenly patron, but sooner or later the question still arises of which saint to pray for success in newly emerging areas. How is the patron saint of new professions determined?

In Orthodoxy, patron saints are chosen much less frequently than in Catholicism, but they are still chosen. The procedure is quite simple. People, united by the desire and need to determine the patron saint of any area, submit a petition to the Church to receive a patron saint. The Church then decides whether this is possible or not. In most cases, it becomes a saint who, during his earthly life, was related to this profession or to what it is intended for. Sometimes the patron saint of an industry becomes one of the saints whose memorial day coincides with the day of the professional holiday of this industry. So, for example, the Special Forces Rocket Forces were formed on December 17, 1959, and when the question arose about the patron saint of rocket launchers, the Holy Great Martyr Barbara was chosen, whose feast in Orthodoxy also falls on December 17. Now the icon of St. Barbara is on almost every command post of missile divisions. It is worth noting that the Holy Great Martyr Barbara is also the heavenly patroness of miners and artillerymen.

Over time, the archangel Michael, the commander of God's army, could not help but become the patron of the military, intelligence officers and bodyguards, and not only Christian ones. He is highly regarded by both Jews and Muslims. Archangel Michael is perhaps one of the most popular saints, considered to be his patron by: greengrocers, artists, drivers, ambulance crews and water carriers, and later radiologists, as well as specialists in radiotherapy methods of treatment, began to consider him.

Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God, who conveyed the words of God to the prophet Daniel, announced to Zacharias the birth of his son, John the Baptist, as well as the good news for all mankind about the imminent birth of the Divine Infant in the Virgin Mary - the Savior Jesus Christ, patronizes diplomats and postal employees. Apostle John the Theologian, who cares for the spread of Orthodox culture, who heard a revelation about the fate of the world on Mount Patmos and wrote it down in the book “Revelation (Apocalypse) of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian”, is the patron of book publishing and everyone who is related to books.

Saint Christopher, who lived as a hermit by the river stream and translated travelers through it, became the heavenly patron of motorists, traffic police and travelers. According to the Life of the saint, a young boy once asked to be taken across the river. Saint Christopher (before baptism - Offero) carried the child across the stream in his arms, but the weight of the boy nearly crushed Offero. It turned out that Offero transferred Christ himself. Offero was immediately baptized by the Savior and received the name Christopher, which means Christ-bearer. This episode in the life of the saint made him also the patron saint of professions associated with carrying heavy loads.

Saint Agapit, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, to whom we pray for healing, were doctors during their lifetime and never took payment for their help.

As a rule, the saints, helping us free of charge now, and during their earthly life, did not demand a reward for their help, remembering that they perform miracles with the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit and keeping the Savior’s covenant: “Freely you received, freely give.”

We pray to the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints in front of their icons in order to find peace in the soul, to feel protection and support. And we receive help in this or that need through our sincere prayer.
1 It is worthy to eat as if truly blessed Theotokos, Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim without comparison. Without the destruction of the God of the Word, we magnify thee who gave birth, the present Mother of God.

Prayer for quick help that will protect you from trouble,
help in misfortune and show the way to a better life


Our world is like an ocean in a terrible storm, especially in these times of crisis. We are small chips in it, which endlessly shake the waves on the water.

Failures and lack of money, uncertainty about the future and one's strengths, fears for one's children and loved ones - this ninth wave covers us almost constantly. And no, no, yes, and we will feel how despair and hopelessness squeeze our hearts with ice tentacles. And at this moment we want to ask for help, and we look around, but everywhere we see the same people who are wounded and beaten by life, who themselves do not know what to do.

And then, as if on a whim, we raise our gaze up to Heaven. And we begin to talk about our affairs, about our lives, we ask you to help us. Because, no matter who we are, no matter who we believe in in words, we know in the depths of our souls that there is a God who never forgets us, and there is the Mother of God who loves us, and the saints who are busy for us before the face of the Lord.

Therefore, we turn to them in the most difficult moments of our lives, we ask them for protection and help, we ask them to guide us on the true path and give us the strength to survive difficult times.

And we express all our requests in prayer - sincere and fervent. And if we do not know the words of prayer, then we speak from ourselves, in our own words, anyway the Lord and His helpers will hear us.

But there are prayers, the power of which is multiplied by time. Millions of people before us addressed and after us will address with these words to Heaven. They are like a medicine to be used in acute pain. The request for help, which is embedded in them, goes directly to God, and we receive an answer immediately.

This book contains very necessary and very effective prayers that will help you in any difficult moments of your life.


Thank the Lord for every day you live, for the blessings sent to you, for the great gift - health, for the happiness of children. For everything that you have at the moment, even if, from your point of view, this is not so much.

If you begin to thank the powers of Heaven for your life and everything connected with it, your life will definitely change for the better. After all, good begets good. Having learned to appreciate what we have, we will perceive in a different way all the opportunities that the Lord will give us through our prayers.

Thanksgiving prayer to the guardian angel

Thanking and glorifying our Lord, One God of the Orthodox Jesus Christ for His goodness, I call to you, holy angel of Christ, warrior Divine. I call from thanksgiving prayer, I thank you for your mercy to me and for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord. nice be in the Lord angel!

A short version of the prayer of thanksgiving to the guardian angel

Having glorified the Lord, I pay tribute to you, my guardian angel. Glorious be thou in the Lord! Amen.


No matter how old we are, we always need support, we need help. Each of us hopes that he will not be left in a difficult moment, that he will be given strength, self-confidence.

Read these prayers whenever you want to feel protected, when you feel bad or sad, when you start a business, or when you just feel the need to talk to someone who is Above us.

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven! May your name be hallowed; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, and on earth; give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from the Lord from heaven, I diligently pray to you, enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen.

Prayer to the Council of 12 apostles, protecting from trouble and problems

Sanctify the apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Fomo and Matthew, James and Jude, Simon and Matthias! Hear our prayers and sighs, which are now brought with a contrite heart and help us, the servants of God (names), with your powerful intercession before the Lord, get rid of all evil and enemy flattery, keep the Orthodox faith firmly betrayed by you, but in it your intercession is not wounds, nor banning, nor pestilence, nor any wrath from our Creator, we will diminish, but we will live a peaceful life here and be able to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One in the Trinity glorified and worshiped by God, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant

In the Orthodox world, it is difficult to find a second saint as revered as Nicholas the Wonderworker. Everyone turns to him, and simpletons and scientists, believers and non-believers, even many who are alien to Christianity, Muslims and Buddhists turn to him with reverence and fear. The reason for such a large-scale veneration is simple - not long in coming, almost instantaneous help from God, sent through the prayers of this greatest saint. People who at least once turned to him with a prayer of faith and hope are certainly aware of this.

Blessed Father Nicholas! Shepherd and the teacher of all those who by faith flow to your intercession, and call you with warm prayer! Seek soon and save the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your saints prayers from worldly rebellion, a coward, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. AND as if you had mercy on three men sitting in prison, and you delivered them from the king of anger and whipping sword, tacos have mercy and me, mind, dry in word and deed in the darkness of sins, and deliver me the wrath of God and eternal punishment; like yes yours intercession and help, by His own mercy and grace, Christ God quiet and a sinless life will give to me live in vece seven, and deliver me desnago with everyone saints. Amen.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, descended into hell and corrected the power the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady of the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for happiness and good luck

Benefactor, holy angel, my guardian forever and ever, as long as I live, I will eat. Your ward is calling to you, hear me and come down to me. As you have favored me many times, so once again favor me. I am clean before God, I have not been guilty of anything before people. By faith I lived before, by faith I will live further, and therefore the Lord endowed me with his mercy, and by His will you protect me from all misfortune. So may the will of the Lord come true and you, saint, fulfill it. I ask you for a happy life for yourself and your family, and it will be for me the highest reward from the Lord. Hear me, heavenly angel, and help me, do the will of God. Amen.


You can ask the Lord for money. Possibly good work. But the most important thing that we should ask Him in any, but especially in times of crisis, is the strength of the spirit to endure in difficult times, so as not to become discouraged, not to despair and not to become embittered at the whole world.

Read these prayers every time you feel that your spirit has begun to weaken, when fatigue and irritation accumulate throughout the world, when life begins to be seen in black colors, and it seems that there is no way out.

Prayer of the last Optina elders

Lord, give me sincerely calmly meet all that will bring to me coming day. Give to me completely surrender your will Saint. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever I got news in flow day, teach me to accept them with calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will. In all words and deeds of my leadership my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, give to me forget that everything is sent down You. Teach me straight and act wisely with each member of my family, no one embarrassing and not grieving. Lord, give me strength postpone fatigue of the coming day and all events in during the day. Guide my will and teach me pray, believe, hope endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayer of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, protecting from falling

God! I am a miracle Your goodness, wisdom, omnipotence, since You brought from non-existence into existence, since I am preserved by You hitherto in existence, on I have colic, out of goodness, generosity and philanthropy your only begotten Son, to inherit eternal life, if you are faithful I will stay by colic terrible sacrament bringing yourself into sacrifice by Your Son, I am raised from terrible fall, redeemed from eternal death. I praise you goodness, yours power is infinite. Your wisdom! But commit your wonders goodness, omnipotence and wisdom over me cursed, and by them weigh the fates save me, your unworthy servant, and lead me into Your kingdom is eternal vouchsafe me life ageless, day non-evening.

Elder Zosima said: Whoever desires the Kingdom of Heaven desires the riches of God, and does not yet love God Himself.

Prayer of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, protecting from despondency

God! Your name is love: do not reject me, an erring person. Your name is Strength: support me, exhausted and falling! Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me!

Prayer of St. Dmitry of Rostov, protecting from despair

God! Everything desire and my sigh yes it will in you. Everything wish my and zeal mine in You alone will, my savior! All my will and my thoughts are in you let it deepen, and all my bones yes say: “Lord, Lord! Who is like You, who is equal to strength, grace and your wisdom? All bo wiser, and more righteous, and kindly arranged for us thou art ».

Prayer to the guardian angel to strengthen faith and relieve despondency in moments of failure

My patron, my intercessor in the face of the One Christian God! Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer for the salvation of my soul. From the Lord, a trial of faith descended on me, wretched one, for the Father, our God, has loved me. Help, saint, to endure the test from the Lord, for I am weak and I am afraid not to endure my sufferings. Angel of light, come down to me, send great wisdom on my head, to listen very sensitively to the word of God. Strengthen my faith, angel, so that there are no temptations before me and I would pass my test. As a blind man walks through the mud, not knowing it, but I will go with you among the vices and abominations of the earth, not raising my eyes to them, but in vain only to the Lord. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, protecting from despair

Vladych itz a, my Most Holy Theotokos. With your all-powerful and holy supplications before our Lord take me from me, a sinner and humble your servant (name), despondency, foolishness, and all vile, deceitful, and blasphemous thoughts. I beg you! Take me them from my heart sinner and my soul weak. Holy Mother of God! Deliver me from all evil and unkind thoughts and actions. Be blessed and glorified be thy name forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Dmitry of Rostov, protecting from despondency and despair

Yes, nothing me reject, yes nothing will separate me from Divine Yours love, oh Oh my God! Yes nothing stop, neither fire nor sword, nor smooth, no persecution, no depth, no height, nor present or future exactly the same this may be in my soul take out. Let me desire nothing else in this world, Lord, but day and night yes I will seek Thee, my Lord: and that I may find, eternal treasure accept and I will acquire wealth, and I will be worthy of all blessings.


Illnesses always take a lot of our strength and unsettle us, but it is especially scary to get sick in difficult times, and especially if we are responsible for the lives of children and loved ones, for the well-being of employees and colleagues.

Read these prayers during illnesses to speed up recovery and ease the course of illness, and when you feel that your physical strength is running out. Read these prayers for yourself and for your children, for all your loved ones, so that the Lord gives them the strength to stay healthy.

Prayer to the Lord in Sickness

The sweetest name! The name that strengthens the human heart, the name of life, salvation, joy. Command in Your name, Jesus, that the devil be removed from me. Open, O Lord, my unseeing eyes, destroy my deafness, heal my lameness, restore my speech to my dumbness, destroy my leprosy, restore my health, raise me from the dead and restore my life again, defend me from all sides from internal and external evil. Praise, honor and glory will always be given to You from age to age. May it be so! May Jesus be in my heart. May it be so! May our Lord Jesus Christ be always in me, may He revive me, may He preserve me. May it be so! Amen.

Prayer for the health of St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Ovelyky pleaser Christ, passion-bearer and doctor, the merciful Panteleimon! Umi- be angry with me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly One, Verkhovnago Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, grant me healing from the disease that oppresses me. Accept unworthy supplication the most sinful of all people. visit me fertile visit. Do not disdain my sinful ulcers, anoint them with the oil of mercy yours and heal me; yes, healthy soul and body, the rest of my days, grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God and I will do perceive good end of my life. Her, servant of God! Pray for Christ God yes representative- yours bestows health my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from injury in an accident

Holy angel of Christ, protector from every evil craft, patron and benefactor! As you take care of everyone who needs your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, a sinner. Do not leave me, heed my prayer and protect me from a wound, from an ulcer, from any accident. I entrust my life to you, as I entrust my soul. And as you pray for my soul, the Lord our God, take care of my life, protect my body from any damage. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel in illness

Holy Anegele, warrior of Christ, I appeal to you for help, for my body is in a serious illness. Cast out illnesses from me, fill my bodies with strength, my hands, my legs. Clear my head. But I beg you, my benefactor and protector, about this, for I am extremely weak, I have become weak. And I experience great suffering from my illness. And I know that from my lack of faith and from my grave sins, a disease was sent to me as punishment by our Lord. And this is a test for me. Help, angel of God, help me out by protecting my body, so that I endure the test and not shake my faith in the least. And more than that, my holy guardian, pray for my soul to our Teacher, so that the Almighty sees my repentance and removes the disease from me. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for eternal health

Listen the prayers of your ward(name), saint angel of Christ. As if he did good to me, interceded for me before God, took care of and protected me in a moment of danger, kept me, by the will of the Lord, from bad people from misfortunes, from fierce animals and from the evil one, so help to me once again, send health to my bodies, my hands, my feet, my head. Let in forever and ever, as long as I live, I will be strong in my body, in order to endure trials from God and serve in glory the Most High until He calls me. I pray I am you cursed, about this. If guilty, I have sins behind me and am not worthy to ask, then I pray for forgiveness, for, sees God, I didn't think nothing wrong and nothing wrong did. Eliko was guilty, then not by malicious intent, but on thoughtlessness. O I pray for forgiveness and mercy, health I beg for the whole a life. I hope on you, the angel of Christ. Amen.


Each of us invests in the concept of wealth and poverty its own meaning, its own meaning. We all have our own money problems. But none of us wants to be below the poverty line, to experience the horror of the question “What will my children eat tomorrow?”

Read these prayers so that you pass any money problems and that you always have the necessary financial minimum that would allow you to live without fear for tomorrow.

Prayer for Poverty

You, O Lord, are our acquisition, and therefore we lack nothing. With You, we desire nothing either in heaven or on earth. In You we enjoy an inexpressibly great bliss, which the whole world cannot deliver to us. Make it so that we are constantly found in You, and then for Your sake we will willingly renounce everything that is objectionable to You, and we will be satisfied, no matter how You, our Heavenly Father, arrange our earthly fate. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for material well-being

To you, the angel of Christ, I cry. Ashe protected me and protected and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So answer now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as the Scripture teaches, that it will be rewarded according to labors. Repay me according to my labors, saint, so that my hand, weary of labor, is filled, and I could live comfortably, serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel so that abundance on the table is not translated

Having paid tribute to the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, for the food on my table, in which I saw a sign of His highest love, now I turn to you with a prayer, holy warrior of the Lord, the angel of Christ. The will of God was that for my little righteousness, I, the accursed one, would feed myself and my family, my wife and unthinkable children. I pray you, saint, protect me from an empty table, fulfill the will of the Lord and reward me for my deeds with a modest dinner so that I can satisfy my hunger and nourish my children, who are sinless before the face of the Almighty. Insofar as he sinned against the word of God and fell into disgrace, it was not out of malice. Our God sees that I did not think of evil, but always followed His commandments. Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the sins that I have, and I ask you to give a plentiful table in moderation so as not to die of hunger. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Hieromartyr Kharlampy for deliverance from hunger, asking for the fertility of the land, a good harvest

Outstanding Hieromartyr Charalambius, passion-bearing insurmountable, priest of God, intercede for the whole world! Look at the prayer of us who honor your holy memory: ask the Lord God for forgiveness of our sins, may the Lord not be completely angry with us: we have sinned and are unworthy of the mercy of God: pray for us the Lord God, may the world descend upon our cities and our weights may deliver us from the invasion of foreigners, internecine strife and all sorts of strife and disorder: affirm, holy martyr, faith and piety in all the children of the Orthodox Christian Church, and may the Lord God deliver us from heresies, schisms and all superstition. O merciful martyr! Pray for us to the Lord, may he save us from hunger and all kinds of diseases, and may he give us an abundance of the fruits of the earth, cattle multiplication for the needs of man and all that is useful to us: most of all, let us be honored, by your prayers, with the heavenly kingdom of Christ our God, to Him honor and worship appropriate, with His Father without beginning and the most holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

In prosperity and in poverty

(According to Acts 20:35; Matt. 25:34)

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the good that You give me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless, dear Savior, the work that You have given me, and give me the strength to do it for the good of Your kingdom. Give me the joy of seeing the fruits of my labors and donations. Fulfill Your words on me: “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” so that I can live in prosperity and not experience poverty.

But if I should experience poverty, then grant, Lord, wisdom and patience to endure it with dignity, without grumbling, remembering poor Lazarus, for whom You, Lord, have prepared bliss in Your kingdom.

I beg you, let me hear one day: "Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel, protecting from failure

Overshadowing myself with the holy sign of the cross, I turn in fervent prayer to you, the angel of Christ, the guardian of my soul and body. Even though you know my affairs, guide me, send me a happy chance, don’t leave me even at the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, because I have sinned against the faith. Protect, saint, from bad luck. May failures bypass the servant of God (name), may the will of the Lord be done in all my affairs, Lover of mankind, and I will never suffer from bad luck and poverty. About this I pray you, benefactor. Amen.

Prayer to Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria

Saint John of God, merciful protector of the orphans and those who are in adversity! We resort to you and pray to you, Your servants (names), as a speedy patron of all those who seek consolation from God in troubles and sorrows. Do not stop praying to the Lord for all those who flow to you with faith! You, being filled with Christ's love and goodness, appeared like a wonderful chamber of the virtue of mercy and acquired the name "Merciful". You were like a river, constantly flowing with generous graces and abundantly watering all those who are thirsty. We believe that, after moving from earth to heaven, the gift of sowing grace was aggravated in you, and as if you were made an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness. Create with your intercession and intercession before God “every kind of joy”, and all who resort to you find peace and serenity: grant them comfort in temporary sorrows and help in the needs of life, instill in them the hope of eternal rest in the Kingdom of Heaven. In your life on earth, you were a haven for all that exists in every misfortune and need, offended and ill; not a single one of those who flowed to you and asked you for mercy was deprived of your goodness. Identity and now, reigning with Christ in heaven, reveal to all those who bow before your honest icon and pray for help and intercession. Not only did you yourself show mercy to the helpless, but you also lifted up the hearts of others to the comfort of the weak and to the charity of the poor. Move the hearts of the faithful even now to the intercession of the orphans, the consolation of the mourners and the reassurance of the poor. May the gifts of mercy not fail in them, moreover, may peace and joy in the Holy Spirit be rejoicing in them (and in this house that looks after the afflicted), to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, protecting from loss of wealth and poverty

Our kind shepherd and godly mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for your help, your speedy intercession: behold us infirm, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and mind from cowardice of the darkened. Sweat God's servant, no leave us in sinful captivity be, let us not be joyful our enemy and not we will die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy Our co-creator and Lord, to him you co incorporeal faces pre-stand: kind to us create God ours in the present life and in future age, may he not repay us on business our and by impurity hearts ours, but by His goodness will reward us. For yours for the intercessor trustworthy, yours we boast of intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and to the holy image yours falling down, we ask for help: deliver us, the servant of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, but for the sake of your holy prayers will not embrace us attack and not mired in the abyss of sin and mud passions ours. Moth, to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may he give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, to our souls rescue and great mercy, now and forever and ever.

Prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, bestowing a serene, comfortable existence

Ovseblissful saint Spiridone, great pleasing to Christ and glorious miracle worker! Pre- stand on heaven Throne God's face Angel, look with a merciful eye on the people (names) coming here and asking for your strong help. Pray for the goodness of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His grace! Ask us of Christ and our God peaceful and serene life, mental health and bodily, earth prosperity and in everything all abundance and prosperity, and let us not turn the good into evil, bestowed us from the generous God, but to His glory and glorification your intercession! Deliver everyone, unquestioning faith to God coming from all sorts of mental troubles and bodily, from all yearnings and devilish slanders! Be a sad comforter, sick doctor, in misfortune assistant, naked patron, intercessor for widows, orphans defender, baby feeder, old strengthen- body, wandering guide, floating helmsman, and speak to everyone your strong help demanding, all even to salvation useful! Yako yes with your prayers we instruct and observe, we will reach into the eternal peace and together with you we will glorify God, in the Trinity Holy glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk for sending down a comfortable life and getting rid of poverty

Ovseplavnyy saint and saint of Christ, from- what is our Tikhon! Angelic on having lived on the earth, you appeared like a good angel and in your long-time glorification: we believe wholeheartedly and thoughts, like you, our good heart helper and prayer book, your unfalse intercessions and grace, from the Lord richly to you bestowed you contribute greatly to our salvation. Accept ugly, pleasurable servant Christ, and at this hour our unworthy prayers: own bodysuit we are your intercession from the vanity that surrounds us and superstition, unbelief and malevolence of man vecheskogo; rush, quick intercessor for us, implore the Lord with your favorable intercession, may His great and rich mercy be upon us sinful and unworthy His servants(names), let him heal with his grace unhealed sores and scabs of corrupted souls and teles our let our petrified heart dissolve tears of compassion and contrition for many sins ours, and yes deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna; to all His faithful people Yes grants peace and silence, health and salvation and good haste in everything, yes tacos, quiet and silent living lived in any piety and purity, let us be honored with Angels and with everyone saints glorify and sing the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Prayer to the Monk Alexis, a man of God, for protection in poverty

Great saint of Christ, the holy man of God Alexis, with your soul in heaven stand before the throne of the Lord, on the earth given to you from above by grace perform various miracles! Look mercifully on the upcoming holy icon of your people (names), tenderly praying and asking you for help and intercession. Prayerfully stretch out your honest hands to the Lord God and ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, in sickness suffering healing, attacking intercession, grieving consolation, distressed ambulance, all honoring your peaceful and Christian life, death and a good answer at the terrible judgment Christ. She, the servant of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we put on thee according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and patron for salvation, and with your prayers, having received grace and mercy from the Lord, let us glorify the philanthropy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Trinity glorify and worship God, and your holy intercession, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" for consolation in the sorrow of lack of money

O Blessed Lady Theotokos, blessed Mother of Christ God, our Savior, all those who grieve with joy, visit the sick, protect the weak and intercessor, widows and orphans, the patroness, sad mothers, all-reliable comforter, weak babies fortress, and all the helpless are always ready help and a true refuge! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede and deliver from sorrows and illnesses, for you yourself have endured fierce sorrows and illnesses, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and That on the cross crucified seeing, always the weapon predicted by Simeon , your heart will pass: the same Ubo, O Mother, loving child, heed the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who are, as a faithful intercessor of joy. Coming to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you rise, ask all that is useful for us: for the sake of heartfelt faith and love, we fall to You, as the Queen and Mistress: hear, daughter, and see, and bow Your ear, hear our prayer and deliver us from the current troubles and sorrows: You are the Joy of all the faithful, as if you give peace and consolation. Behold, see our misfortune and sorrow: show us Your mercy, send consolation to our wounded sorrow in our hearts, show and surprise us sinners with the wealth of Your mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and satisfy the wrath of God, but with a pure heart, a good conscience and with undoubted hope, we resort to Your intercession and intercession. Accept, our All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us unworthy of Your mercy, but give us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from every slander of the enemy and human slander, be our unrelenting helper all the days of our life , as if, under Your maternal protection, we will always remain the goal and save by Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, with His Fatherless Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God “Assuage my sorrows” to calm the soul and heart in poverty

Hope to all ends of the earth, Most Pure Virgin, Lady Theotokos, our consolation! Do not disdain us sinners, for we trust in Your mercy: quench the sinful flame burning in us and our hearts dried up by repentance; cleanse our mind from sinful thoughts, accept prayers, from the soul and heart with a sigh, offered to you. Be an intercessor for us to Your Son and God and turn away His wrath with Your Motherly prayers. Heal spiritual and bodily ulcers, Lady Mistress, quench the illnesses of souls and bodies, calm the storm of evil enemy attacks, take away the burden of our sins, and do not leave us to perish to the end, and comfort our contrite hearts, may we praise Thee until our last breath. Amen.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya" to get rid of poverty and despondency when money problems appear

O Blessed Lady, Lady Mother of God! With fear, faith and love before honest and miraculous your icon condescendingly, we pray You: no turn your face away your from resorting to you: beg merciful Mother, Son your and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may he keep peace our country But His holy Church is unshakable may he also keep from unbelief, heresies and schism, and save him. Not imams for other help, not imams other hope, unless you Pure Virgo: You are the omnipotent Christian assistant and intercessor: save everyone, with faith in you praying, from sinful falls, from the calumny of the evil Human, from all temptations sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from sudden death: grant us a spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought correction sinful life and forsaking sins, yes everyone is grateful glorious majesty and Your mercy, being above us here on land, let us be honored and heavenly Kingdom, and there with all the saints we will glorify honorable and glorious name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" for protection from money problems

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Higher Forces, Heaven and earth Queen, city and country of our all-powerful Intercessor! Receive this laudatory and thankful singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, and offer up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, may he be merciful to our unrighteousness and give His grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love bow down to Thy miraculous image. Nesma, for you are worthy of being pardoned by Him, otherwise You will propitiate Him for us, O Lady, as all of You is possible from Him. For this sake, we resort to You, as if to our undoubted and soon Intercessor: hear us praying to You, fall us with Your all-powerful cover and ask God Your Son for our shepherd jealousy and vigilance for souls, wisdom and strength as a city governor, judges of truth and impartiality , a mentor of reason and humility of wisdom, a spouse love and harmony, a child obedience, offended patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing abstinence:

to all of us the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. Hey, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on your weak people; Gather the scattered ones, guide those who have gone astray on the right path, support old age, young chastity, raise babies and look down on us all with the contempt of Your mercy-your intercession; raise us up from the depths of sin and illumine the eyes of our hearts with the sight of salvation; be merciful to us here and there, in the country of earthly alienation and at the Last Judgment of Your Son; having reposed in faith and repentance from this life, fathers and our brothers in eternal life with the Angels and with all the saints, create life. You are for Thou, Madam, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of the earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You in faith. We pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we betray ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for protection from poverty and other troubles of Saint Xenia the Blessed

Holy Blessed Mother Xenia! Under the roof of the Almighty, who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, gladness and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, endured the gift of insight and miracles from God, and rest under the shadow of the Almighty step. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you: coming at the place of your burial, in front of your saints, as if you live on dry land with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as if you have boldness towards Him , ask those who flow to you eternal salvation, and for good deeds and undertakings, our generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Xenia, babies with the light of the Holy Illuminate baptisms and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, youths and maidens in faith, honesty, God-fearing and chastity, educate and give them success in teaching; Heal those who are sick and ill, send down family love and consent, honor the monks with a good feat and protect them from reproach, affirm the shepherds in the fortress of the spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, O those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the dying hour beg: you are our hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from poverty

I appeal to you with prayer, my benefactor and patron, my intercessor before the Lord God, the holy angel of Christ. I call on you, for my granaries are scanty, my stables stand empty. My bins no longer please the eye, but the purse is empty. I know that this is a test for me, a sinner. And therefore I pray to you, saint, for I am honest before people and God, and my money has always been honest. And I did not take sin upon my soul, but I always got hold of God's providence. Do not destroy me with hunger, do not oppress me with poverty. Do not let the humble servant of God die despised by all the poor, for I have worked very hard for the glory of the Lord. Protect me, my holy patron angel, from a life of poverty, for I am innocent. If you are guilty, then it will be God's will for everything. Amen.


In difficult times, everyone suffers, both ourselves and our loved ones. The heart begins to break when you see what hardships and problems sometimes fall on the people closest to us.

How can we help all our families? How can we support them in trouble? Our fervent request for help addressed to God, our prayer for loved ones can provide very effective support. If we ask for our relatives and loved ones, then even in the most terrible troubles it will be a little easier and easier for them to cope with the shaft of everyday troubles.

Read these prayers whenever your children and loved ones have problems, when you want to help them cope with them.

Mother's prayer for her child

Lord Jesus Christ, son God, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Yours mothers hear me, sinful and unworthy Your servant (name). Lord, in the grace of Your power, my child (name) have mercy and save his name your for the sake of Lord, I'm sorry him all sins freestyle and involuntary committed by him before You. Lord, guide him the true way of your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him by your light of Christ, salvation of the soul and healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, at work and on the road and on every place in your domain. Lord keep him under your holy shelter from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer (rays atom) and from useless deaths. Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him of all diseases, cleanse him of all filth (guilt, tobacco, drugs) and make it easier sincere suffering and sorrow. Lord, grant him grace Holy Spirit for many summer life and health, chastity. Lord, give him his blessing on the pious family life and pious childbearing. Lord, grant me unworthy and sinful Thy servant, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights for the sake of Thy name, for Your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for children

O Blessed Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Thy shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Prayer for work and occupation for children

Praise be to the Saint Hierarch of Christ and the miracle worker Mitrofana! Accept this small prayer from us sinners who come running to you, and with your warm intercession, beseech the Lord and our God, Jesus Christ, as if looking down on us mercifully, will give us forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, and, by His great mercy, save us from troubles, sorrows, sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body that hold us back: may it give fruitful land and all that is necessary for the benefit of our present life; may he grant us the end of this temporary life in repentance, and may he vouchsafe us, sinners and unworthy ones, to His Kingdom of Heaven, to glorify His infinite mercy with all the saints, with His Beginningless Father and His Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Mitrofan for the well-being of children in society

Holy Hierarch Father Mitrofan, incorruptible honest relics yours and many good deeds miraculously done and done you with faith flowing to you, convinced that imache great grace from the Lord our God, humbly we all fall down and pray to you: pray for us Christ our God, may it descend to all, those who honor Your holy memory and earnestly who resort to you, rich in His mercy: yes approve in holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of the right faith and piety, spirit management and love, spirit of the world and joy in the Holy Spirit, and all her members, clean from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and evil the actions of evil spirits, in spirit and in truth worship Him and diligently concerned about compliance His commandments to the salvation of their souls. Shepherd her yes will give a holy jealousy care about saving people, entrusted, let them enlighten the unbelievers, instruct the ignorant, instruct and convince the doubters, fallen away from Orthodox Church will turn to her holy bowels, believers keep in faith sinners are moved to repentance, the penitent will be comforted and strengthened in correction life, repentant and reformed will be affirmed in holiness life: and tacos lead everyone specified From him the way to the prepared eternal his kingdom. Her saint God's yes arrange all your prayers good souls and bodies ours: yes and we glorify in souls and telesech our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ, him co Father and Holy Spirit glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel to protect children from troubles and misfortunes

I beg you, my kind guardian angel, who did me a favor, overshadowed me with his light, protected me from all kinds of misfortune. And neither a fierce beast, nor a thief can defeat me. And neither the elements nor the dashing person will destroy me. And nothing, thanks to your efforts, will harm me. I am under your holy protection, under your protection, I receive the love of our Lord. So protect my unthinking and sinless children, whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, protect from everything that you protected me from. May neither a fierce beast, nor a thief, nor the elements, nor any dashing person harm them. About this I pray to you, holy angel, warrior of Christ. And everything will be the will of God. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel to protect loved ones from troubles and misfortunes

I beg you, my kind guardian angel, who did me a favor, overshadowed me with his light, protected me from all kinds of misfortune. And neither a fierce beast, nor a thief can defeat me. And neither the elements nor the dashing person will destroy me. And nothing, thanks to your efforts, will harm me. I am under your holy protection, under your protection, I receive the love of our Lord. So protect my neighbors, whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, protect from everything from which you protected me. May neither a fierce beast, nor a thief, nor the elements, nor any dashing person harm them. About this I pray to you, holy angel, warrior of Christ. And everything will be the will of God. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel to protect relatives from troubles

I beg you, my good guardian angel, who did me a favor, overshadowed me with his light, protected me from all kinds of misfortune. And neither a fierce beast, nor a thief can defeat me. And neither the elements nor the dashing person will destroy me. And nothing, thanks to your efforts, will harm me. Under your holy patronage, under your protection, I abide, I receive the love of our Lord. So protect my relatives, whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, protect me from everything that you protected me from. May neither a fierce beast, nor a thief, nor the elements, nor any dashing person harm them. About this I pray to you, holy angel, warrior of Christ. And everything will be the will of God. Amen.

Prayer for the protection of loved ones from diseases

One quick in intercession, Christ soon over show a visitation by a suffering slave yours, and get rid of illness and bitter illnesses, and raise up in a hedgehog to sing Thee and glorify unceasingly, with prayers Mother of God, One Humanity. Glory to the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


In difficult times, you can suddenly lose everything: your job, savings, the friendly attitude of colleagues and superiors. Even the best friends-employees can suddenly start to look askance at you: after all, everyone is afraid that they can be “cut down”, and for some reason they want someone else to take their place - for example, you ...

Read prayers that protect against ill will and envy, support the spiritual strength of those who have already been laid off, and protect against job loss, as often as possible. And the Lord will not leave you!

Prayer for those who have been made redundant

Thank you, Heavenly Father, that in the midst of sadness, anger, uncertainty, pain, I can talk to You. Hear me as I cry out in confusion, help me think clearly and soothe my soul. As life goes on, help me feel Your presence every day. And as I look to the future, help me find new opportunities, new paths. Lead me by Your Spirit and show me Your way, through Jesus - the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

Prayer for those who kept their jobs

A life changed: colleagues were laid off and left without work. Suddenly everything that seemed stable was now so fragile. Difficult to express what what I feel: sadness, guilt, fear regarding the future. Who will be next? How I can handle the load at work? Lord Jesus, in the midst of this uncertainty help to me keep going: work the best form- Zom, living with the cares of one day, and taking time every day to be with you. Because You are the way true and life. Amen.

Prayer of the persecuted by people (Compiled by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)

I thank You, Lord and my God, for everything that has happened to me! I thank You for all the sorrows and temptations that You sent me to cleanse those defiled by sins, to heal my soul and body, ulcerated by the sins! Have mercy and save those instruments that You used for my healing: those people who offended me. Bless them in this and the next age! Credit them with virtue for what they did for me! Appoint them abundant rewards from your eternal treasures.

What did I bring you? What kind sacrifices? I brought only sins, only violations of Your most divine commandments. Forgive me, Lord, forgive the guilty before You and before people! Forgive the unrequited! Grant me to be convinced and sincerely confess that I am a sinner! Grant me to reject sly excuses! Grant me repentance! Give me contrition of heart! Grant me meekness and humility! Grant love to your neighbors, immaculate love, the same for everyone, both comforting and grieving me! Grant me patience in all my sorrows! Kill me for the world! Take away my sinful will from me and plant Your holy will in my heart, so that I can do it alone with deeds, and words, and thoughts, and my feelings. Glory befits you for everything! To you alone belongs the glory! My only property is the shame of the face and the silence of the lips. Standing before Your Last Judgment in my wretched prayer, I do not find in myself a single good deed, not a single dignity, and I stand, only embraced from everywhere by an innumerable multitude of my sins, as if by a thick cloud and darkness, with a single consolation in my soul: with hope for an unlimited Your mercy and goodness. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from those in power

By the will of the Lord sent down to me Guardian angel, defender and my trustee. And so I appeal to you at a difficult moment in his prayer, so that amulet you me from big trouble. I am oppressed by those invested with earthly power, and I have no other protection but how power heavenly, which stands above all of us and our peace governs. holy angel, protect from harassment and resentment from those who towered over me. save from their injustice, for I suffer to this day reason is innocent. I forgive as God taught these people their sins are before me, for the Lord He exalted those who exalted themselves above me, and thereby tests me. For all then the will of God, from everything that is above the will God's save me, my guardian angel. What am I asking for you in your prayer. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from distrust at work

Angel of the Lord, even if you do the will of Heaven on earth, hear me, accursed one. Turn your clear gaze on me, with your autumn light, help me, a Christian soul, against human unbelief. And as it was said in the Scripture about unbelieving Thomas, remember, saint. So let there be no mistrust, no suspicion, no doubt from people. For I am pure before people, as I am pure before the Lord our God. Since I didn’t listen to the Lord, I repent of this very much, for I did it out of thoughtlessness, but not out of malicious intent to go against the word of God. I beg you, angel of Christ, my holy protector and patron, protect the servant of God (name). Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from misunderstanding with colleagues and superiors

My patron, heavenly angel, my bright guardian. I appeal to you for help, for I am in serious trouble. And this misfortune comes from a misunderstanding of the human. Unable to see my good thoughts, people drive me away from themselves. And my heart is extremely hurt, for I am pure before people, and my conscience is pure. Do not plan anything bad, contrary to God, therefore I pray you, holy angel of the Lord, protect me from human misunderstanding, let my good Christian deeds be understood. Let them understand that I wish them well. Help me, saint, protect me! Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for harmony in relations with colleagues

Holy angel of Christ, your ward calls to you, the servant of God (name), with a prayer. I ask you, saint, to save me from contention and discord with my neighbors. For I am not guilty of anything before them, I am pure before them, as before the Lord. Since I have sinned against them and the Lord, I repent and pray for forgiveness, since it is not my fault, but the machinations of the evil one. Protect me from the evil one and do not let me offend my neighbors. That's what God wants, so be it. Let them also heed the word of God and love me. I ask you about this, the angel of Christ, the warrior of God, in my prayer. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for harmony in relations with those in authority

Holy angel of Christ, your ward calls to you, the servant of God (name) with a prayer. I ask you, saint, to save me from contention and discord with my rulers. For I am not guilty of anything before them, I am pure before them, as before the Lord. Since I have sinned against them and the Lord, I repent and pray for forgiveness, since it is not my fault, but the machinations of the evil one. Protect me from the evil one and do not let me offend my rulers. By the will of the Lord they are placed over me, so be it. Let them also heed the word of God and love me. I ask you about this, the angel of Christ, the warrior of God, in my prayer. Amen.

Prayer that protects against intrigue at work

Merciful God, now and please hold on and per- delay until good time everything plans around standing me about my relocation, dismissal, deposition, exile. So now destroy the evil desires and demands of all condemning me. So and now point spiritual blindness in everyone's eyes rising up on me and on my enemies. And you, all the Holy Lands Russian, develop by force their prayers both All for me demonic spells, all devilish plans and intrigues - annoy me and destroy me and my property. And you, great and formidable guard, Archangel Michael, fiery sword slash all the desires of the enemy the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me. stop unbreakable on guardian of this house living in it and everything property his. And You, Lady, do not in vain called the "Indestructible Wall", be for all warring against me and malicious dirty tricks do me, truly some barrier and indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances., bless.

Prayer to Archangel Michael, protecting from trouble at work

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eust -fiy, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy Heavenly Forces.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name), and deliver us from a coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from a flattering enemy, from a tormented storm, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Holy Archangel Michael of God, with Your lightning sword, drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

Prayer from enemies at work and in case of difficulties in business

From evil deeds, from evil people, with your God's wise words, he established heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, the moon and the stars of the Lord. And so affirm the heart of man (name) in the footsteps and commandments. Heaven is the key, earth is the lock; to that the keys to the outside. So tyn, over the amens amen. Amen.

Prayer that protects from troubles

Great God, by Whom everything is saved, free me also from all evil. O great God, who gave consolation to all beings, grant it to me also. O great God, who shows help and support in all things, help me also and show your help in all my needs, misfortunes, enterprises and dangers; deliver me from all the wiles of enemies, visible and invisible, in the name of the Father, who created the whole world, in the name of the Son, who redeemed him, in the name of the Holy Spirit, who made the law in all its perfection. I surrender into Your hands and surrender completely to Your holy patronage. May it be so! Blessing of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, may it always be with me! May it be so! The blessing of God the Father, who created everything with His single word, be always with me. The blessing of our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, be always with me! May it be so! The blessing of the Holy Spirit, with His seven gifts, be with me! May it be so! May the blessing of the Virgin Mary and Her Son be always with me! May it be so!


In difficult times, we are defenseless and confused. But for craftsmen, fishing in troubled waters is a difficult time - a period of good luck and prosperity. Swindlers and crooks of all stripes strive to lure savings from honest citizens, promising mountains of gold and millions in profits.

Read these prayers as often as possible so that the Lord will instruct you not to succumb to deception and save your wallet safe and sound. Read before making a decision about even the most seemingly transparent transactions related to money.

Prayer to Archangel Michael with a request for help and protection from thieves option one

Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable Heavenly King voivode! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, from the net that catches, deliver my soul and bring it to the God who created it, who settles on the cherubim, and pray diligently for her, but with your intercession she will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the heavenly forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. O all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays for your help and intercession in this world and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Archangel Michael with a request for help and protection from thieves, option two

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all those who oppose us, with the power of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy powers of heaven.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from a coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from a flattering enemy, from a storm that is reproached, from the evil one deliver us forever, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Holy Archangel Michael of God, with Your lightning sword, drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

Prayer for the return of the stolen, as well as for the loss of things

From Julian, the godless king, Saint John Stratelates was sent to kill Christians, you helped some of your estate, while others, persuading them to flee from torment by the infidels, freed them, and for this they suffered many torments and imprisonment in prison from the tormentor. After the death of the impious king, having been released from prison, you spent the rest of your life in great virtues until your death, decorating yourself with purity, prayer and fasting, giving abundant alms to the poor, visiting the weak and comforting the mourners. Therefore, in all the sorrows of our helper and in all the troubles that happen to us: we have you as a comforter, John the warrior: resorting to you, we implore you, be the healer of our passions and the suffering of our spiritual deliverer, because you received from God useful power for the salvation of all give, ever-memorable John, feeder of wanderers, liberator of captives, infirm doctor: helper for orphans! Look at us, who honor your sacred joyful memory, intercede for us before the Lord, so that we may be heirs of His kingdom. Hear and do not reject us, and hasten to intercede for us, John, the stratilate, denouncing thieves and kidnappers, and stealing, secretly committed by them, faithfully praying to you, revealing to you, and bringing people back to joy with the return of property. Resentment and injustice are hard for every person, everyone is sad about the loss of the stolen, or missing. Listen to those who mourn, Saint John: and help find the stolen property, so that, having found it, they glorify the Lord for His generosity forever. Amen.

Prayer from the encroachment of bandits to the righteous Joseph the Betrothed

O holy righteous Joseph! You still on earth, O had a great you boldness to Son of God, Izhe please name cha by his father, like a betrothed to His Mother, and on listen to you; we believe that now since faces righteous in cloisters heavenly settling down heard you will be in every your petition to God and Our Savior. Tem same, to yours resorting to cover and intercession, we humbly pray cha: like yourself from the storm dubious thoughts you were delivered, so deliver us too, waves of embarrassment and overwhelmed passions; how did you protect All Immaculate Virgin from human slander, protect us also from all slander in vain; as you kept from all harm and embitterment of the Incarnate Lord, so save by your intercession His Orthodox Church and all us from all malice and harm. Vesey, holy of God like and Son of God in days own flesh in bodily those who had need, and you ministered to them; for that we pray you, and our temporary needs hurry up by your petition giving us all that is good, necessary in this life. Fairly the same we ask thee, intercede for us the remission of sins from betrothed you Son, the only begotten Son of God, the Lord our Jesus Christ, and worthy to be kingdom heritage heavenly us representation yours create and we, in the mountains villages with you settling in, glorify one Trinitarian God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer from the breakers of promises and treaties to the holy martyr Polyeuktus

Holy Martyr Polievkte! Look from the heavenly chamber to those who demand yours help and not reject our petitions, but, like close our benefactor and intercessor, pray to Christ God, yes, having been philanthropic and many-merciful, he will save us from any kind of situation: from a coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion foreigners and internecine scolding. Don't judge us sinful on lawlessness ours, and let us not turn the good that is bestowed on us from Omniscient- god of God, but to the glory of His holy name and to the glorification of the mighty your intercession. Yes by your prayers the Lord will give us peace thoughts, abstinence from pernicious passions and from all filth and May He strengthen His Oneness throughout the world Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church, because I got it with His honest blood. Moli diligently, holy martyr. God bless Christ Russian state, Yes will establish in His Holy Orthodox Church live- your spirit of the right faith and piety, and all her members, clean from superstition and superstition, worship in spirit and truth Him and diligently care to keep him commandments, yes we are all in the world and piety let's live in present forever and achieve blessed eternal life in heaven, the grace of the Lord our Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and power co Father and Holy Spirit, now and right and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers read in case of loss, loss of any property

(Rev. Aretha Pechersky)

1. God, have mercy! Lord, about st and! All is yours, I don't regret it!

2. The Lord gave. The Lord took.

May the name of the Lord be blessed.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from thieves

A Angel of God, my saint, save me, a sinner, from an evil look, from an evil intention. Save me weak and infirm from the lady in the night and other dashing people. Not leave me holy angel difficult moment. Don't let who forgot God to destroy the soul Christian. I'm sorry everything my sins, if any, have mercy on me, cursed and unworthy, and save from true death in the hands of evil people. TO you, angel of Christ, I call from such pleading I am, unworthy. How cast out demons from man, so cast out danger from my path. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel from dishonest money

I pray for you, holy angel of Christ, remembering our Lord in your face. I pray for mercy and protection. My patron, God-given, my gracious guardian, forgive me, a sinner and unworthy. Protect me from dishonest money, may this evil never stick to me, may it not destroy my soul. Protect, saint, so that the honest servant of the Lord is not convicted of theft. Protect me from such shame and vice, do not let dishonest money stick to me, since this is not God's providence, but satanic bribery. About this I pray you, saint. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from deceit, theft and dangers on a business road

guardian angel servant Christ, winged and incorporeal, you do not know you are tired in your paths-paths. I beg you to be my companion along my own path. Before me is a long road, hard way turned out to be a slave God's. AND I am very much afraid of the dangers that an honest traveler waiting on the road. Protect me saint angel, from these dangers. Let no robbers, or bad weather or animals, nothing else will stand in my way. I humbly pray you about this and I hope on the your help. Amen.


In difficult times, we value our property, everything we have. To lose everything acquired over many years, when it is already difficult and hard for all of us, is too strong a blow for anyone. In addition, many dishonest people want to take possession of other people's property - steal, take away, redeem in a fraudulent way. And natural disasters, which are happening more and more often lately, also threaten us with loss.

Always read these prayers so that your house and all your property, movable and immovable, would remain safe and sound.

Prayer to the prophet Elijah

You can pray to the Holy Glorious Prophet Elijah during rainlessness, drought, rain, for weather changes, as well as for successful trading, from hunger and in cases where you want to receive prophecy, prophetic dreams.

The great and glorious prophet of God Elijah, for the sake of your zeal, according to the glory of the Lord God Almighty, not tolerating the sight of idolatry and wickedness of the sons of Israel, the law-criminal king Aha-Av, rebuking and punishing those three-year famine on the land of Israel with your prayer from the Lord, asking the widow of Sarepta in the gladness wonderfully having nourished her son and died with your prayer, resurrected, after the lapse of the proclaimed time of famine, the people of Israel gathered on Mount Carmel in apostasy and ungodliness, reproaching the same fire with a prayer for your sacrifice from heaven, and by the miracle of this Israel turning to the Lord, shaming and slaying the student prophets of Baal, resolving the sky with the same prayer and asking for abundant rain on the earth, and rejoicing the people of Israel! To you, faithful servant of God, we diligently resort to sin and humility, through lack of rain and the heat of languor: we confess that we are not worthy of the mercy and blessings of God, worthy more than the fierce rebukes of His wrath: do not walk in the fear of God and in the ways of the commandments Him, but in the lusts of our corrupted hearts, and we have done every kind of sin without coldness: behold, our iniquities have surpassed our head, and we are not worthy to appear before the face of God and look into heaven: we humbly confess, as for this sake, the sky was shut up and like copper was created, first of all, shut up our hearts from mercy and true love: for this reason, the earth was hardened and became barren, as if our Lord did not bring the fruits of good deeds: for this reason, there was no rain, lower than dew, like tears of tenderness and the life-giving dew of Divine thought are not imams: this for the sake of withering all the cereal and the grass of the countryside, as if every good feeling has gone out in us: for this sake, the air is darkened, as if our mind was darkened by cold thoughts and our heart was defiled by lawless lusts. We confess, as if you were not worthy of Esma and you, prophet of God, beg: you, being a servile person to us, were like an angel in your life, and as if incorporeal, you were taken up to heaven, we are like our studish thoughts and deeds like dumb cattle, and our soul as if you created flesh: you surprised the angels and men with fasting and vigil, but we, betraying intemperance and voluptuousness, are likened to senseless cattle: you were unceasingly burning with zeal for the glory of God, but we are about our glory The Creator and the Lord are negligent, to confess His venerable name is ashamed, we are ashamed: you uprooted ungodliness and evil customs, we have worked for the spirit of this age, the customs of the world are more than the commandments of God and the charters of church observers. Cue sin and unrighteousness we do not repent, and so our iniquities are God's long-suffering! In the same way, the just Lord is righteously angry with us, and in His anger punishes us. Both leading your great boldness before the Lord, and trusting in your love for the human race, we dare to pray to you, most praiseworthy prophet: be merciful to us unworthy and indecent, implore the generously gifted and all-merciful God, but he will not be completely angry with us and May it not destroy us with our iniquities, but may it send down abundant and peaceful rain on the thirsty and dry earth, may it grant it fruitfulness and good air: bow down with your effective intercession to the mercy of the King of heaven, not for us for the sake of sinful and filthy, but for the sake of His chosen servants who did not bend their knees before Baal of this world, for the sake of gentle babies, for the sake of dumb cattle and birds of heaven, suffering for our iniquity and melting with hunger, heat and thirst. Ask us with your favorable prayers from the Lord the spirit of repentance and tenderness of heart, meekness and abstinence, the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of God's fear and piety, yes, having returned from the path of wickedness to the right path of virtue, we walk in the light of God's commandments and achieve the good things promised to us by the good will of the Father without beginning, by the love of mankind of His only begotten Son, and by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer for the consecration of every thing

You should sprinkle things with holy water three times and read:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, eat Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession to those who want to use it, it will be helpful to bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to the guardian angel for protection from natural disaster

Protector of my soul and body of my weak, guardian angel, I call you in my prayer. come come to me so that I may find salvation in adversity. And neither hail, nor hurricane, nor lightning shall harm my body, nor my house, nor my relatives, nor my property. Let them pass me, all the elements will pass by earthly, not at all will me with heaven, neither water, nor fire, nor wind, doom. I beg you, holy angel of Christ, save me from the harsh bad weather - from floods and earthquakes also save. For this I pray with prayer to you, my benefactor and my guardian, angel of God. Amen.


Every good deed needs support and blessing, especially from Heaven. For a long time in Orthodox Russia, merchants, starting a new business, tried to enlist the support of the church and God. Their prayer (if it came from the depths of the heart, if their plans were pure, devoid of meanness and negativity) certainly reached the heavenly throne. And now all those who are planning something new that can bring not only profit to one person, but also help others, also need prayer support.

Read these prayers before any undertaking so that the powers of Heaven will help you.

Predestinatory prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

Before starting any business

to the king Heavenly, Comforter, Soul of truth, may you be everywhere everything filling with itself, Treasure of the good and life giver, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from all filth, and save Blissful, our souls.

bless, Lord, help me, a sinner, to make started by me matter of your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ Your Only Begotten Son Father, because You you speak with your pure mouth, like without You can't me create nothing real. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume is in my soul and in Your heart spoken, I bow down to Thy goodness: help me, a sinner, this work, begun by me, is about you Himself do, in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, prayers Mother of God and all your saints. Amen.

Prayer for business success

Thank you God for Your spirit is in me which gives to me prosper and bless my life.

God, You are the source of my life abundance. I fully trust on you, knowing that You'll always guide me and multiply my blessings.

Thank you God for your wisdom, which fills me shiny ideas and your blessed ubiquity, which ensures the generous fulfillment of all needs. My life is enriched in every way.

You are my source, dear God, and in You all are fulfilled needs. Thank you for your rich perfection, which blesses me and my neighbors.

God Yours love fills my heart and attracts all that is good. Thanks to your endless nature, I live in abundance. Amen!

Prayer to the Apostle Paul for patronage in opening an enterprise

Holy Supreme Apostle Paul, the chosen vessel of Christ, the speaker of the heavenly mysteries, the teacher of all languages, the church trumpet, the glorious whirlwind, who endured many troubles for the name of Christ, who measured the sea and the earth and turned us away from the flattery of idols! I pray to you and cry to you: do not disdain me, filthy, raise up the fallen with sinful laziness, as if you raised the lame from the mother’s womb in Listrekh: and as if Eutychus was dead, you revived you, resurrect me from dead deeds: and as if by your prayer Thou once shook the foundation of the dungeon, and Thou didst allow the prisoners, now cast me out to do the will of God. For you can do everything by the power given to you from Christ God, and all glory, honor and worship is due to Him, with His Beginningless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!

Prayer to the guardian angel for success in business

Holy angel of Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray to you, a sinner. Help the Orthodox, who lives according to the commandments of God. I ask you for a little, I ask you to help me on my way through life, I ask you to support me in a difficult moment, I ask for honest luck; and everything else will come by itself, if it be the will of the Lord. Therefore, I don’t think of anything else, except for luck in my life path and in all sorts of affairs. Forgive me if I am a sinner before you and God, pray for me to the Heavenly Father and send your beneficence upon me. Amen.

Prayer in a situation when things and business are going badly

Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, but punish me with Your anger. Like Your arrows unzosha in me, and Thou hast established Your hands on me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sins. Like my iniquity surpassing my head, like a heavy burden weighing down on me. Resurrect and bend my wounds from the face of my madness. Suffered and slushy to the end, all day complaining about walking. Like my ladviya is filled with reproach and there is no healing in my flesh. I was embittered and resigned to the ground, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before You all my desire and my sighing is not hidden from You. My heart is troubled, leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones are directly approaching me and stasha, and my neighbors are far away, stashing me and needy, who are looking for my soul, and looking for an evil verb to me, vain and flattering, teaching husya all day long. But I am as if deaf not hearing, and as if he did not open his mouth. And like a man, do not hear and do not have reproof in your mouth. As if in You, Lord, I hope, You will hear, Lord my God. Yako rekh: yes, not when my enemies will please me: and always move my feet, yelling at me. For I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. As if my iniquity, I will proclaim and take care of my sin. My enemies live and become stronger than me, and multiply those who hate me without the truth. Those who repay me the evil, the good slander me, for the persecution of goodness. Do not leave me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come, help me, O Lord of my salvation.

Prayer to the guardian angel for prosperity in business

Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Falling forehead the holy sign of the cross, I servant of God, I give praise to the Lord and pray to my holy angel for help. holy angel, come me in this day and in the next day! Budi to me assistant in my affairs. May I not anger God in any sin! But I will glorify him! May I be worthy of showing the goodness of our Lord! give me to me angel, your help in my deed, so that I may work for the good of man and for the glory of the Lord! Help me to be very strong against my enemy and the enemy of the human race. Help me, angel, do the will of the Lord and be in harmony with servants God's. Help me, angel, put my cause for good man of the Lord and the glory of the Lord. Help me, angel, stand my case in the good of the man of the Lord and to the glory of the Lord. Help me, angel, prosper cause my in the blessing of the man of the Lord and to the glory of the Lord! Amen.

Prayer for success in trading

It is read to the Great Martyr John the New about patronage in trade. Holy and Glorious Great Martyr John, Christian strong visor, merchant all-round, fast on- more powerful to all running to you. Maritime floating I will buy the abyss from the east to the north, but God urged you, like Matthew the cleaner, trade you left, and Tom followed you are the blood of torment, temporary having redeemed the impenetrable, and crown accepted you are invincible. Praise John, you don't care tormentor, nor words of caress, neither the torments of punishment, nor the bitter heartbeat from Christ torn away, from Him you loved infancy, to him and prayed to grant peace and greatness to our souls mercy. Being a zealot of wisdom, a treasure of virtues, from there and did you draw Divine understanding. I will call the same time, diligently for a feat you got off, accepting martyr's wounds flesh crushing and blood exhaustion, and now you live in inexpressible light with the martyrs. Sego for the sake of crying out thee: pray to Christ the God of sins, grant forgiveness bowing in faith to your holy relics. Crush weapons the wicked, an invincible warrior, unrighteously driven by your wealth, which you have chosen for yourself, having loved, and establish our fatherland, and we quiet and peacefully we will transfer the residence. Light of the non-evening forthcoming, blessed with martyr faces, singing thee in memory yours from temptations save by your prayers. Amen.

Prayer for those who are engaged in business and trade

God, rich in mercy and bounty, in whose right hand are all the treasures of the world! By the arrangement of Your all-good Providence, I am destined to make the purchase and sale of earthly goods, those who have need and need for them. O All-Generous, Most Merciful God! Autumn with your blessing my labors and occupations, make me not scarce by living faith in You, make me rich in every kind of generosity in accordance with Your will, and grant me that profit that on earth consists in contentment with one’s condition, and in the future life opens the doors your mercy! Yes, pardoned by your compassion, I glorify You, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for every good deed

Quick Intercessor and Strong in help, stand by the grace of Your strength now and bless, strengthen your servants in the accomplishment of the intention of the good deed.

Prayer at the end of the case

You are the fulfillment of all good things, my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, as One is Many-merciful. Lord, glory to You.


What is prayer?

Modern man, and even the most faithful, the most "churched", quite often gets confused in prayer matters. Some of us are sure that only canonical (that is, those taken in the Prayer Book) prayers help to achieve the desired result. It seems to others that only an ardent prayer, a request addressed to God in your own words, will help get rid of illnesses and any misfortunes. Still others do not at all consider it necessary to trouble themselves with prayers: they say, the Lord already knows everything, sees everything, and will give each of us the necessary help.

So what is prayer?

Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh said:

... it is very important to remember that prayer is a meeting, it is a relationship, and a deep relationship, to which neither we nor God can be forced. And the fact that God can make His presence manifest to us or leave us feeling His absence is already part of this living, real relationship...

Prayer is like a meeting. Meeting with the Mother of God, with the saints to whom we pray, meeting with God. You just have to admit to yourself: do we want this meeting? Probably, almost every one of us, having asked ourselves a similar question, will answer it in the affirmative. Yes, we want! Our life is sometimes so complicated, difficult, confused that we cannot cope with problems on our own. We need help from above. And even children understand this.

How should you pray?

You can pray in your own words; you can pray with a short prayer formula; you can use what is called "ready-made prayers." What's better? What is better for our soul? How to make the right choice?

Let's talk a little about each type of prayer in more detail.

Canonical prayers

Canonical prayers, or the so-called "ready-made prayers" for all occasions, you can easily find in any Prayer Book. The canonical collections of prayers are arranged very conveniently: they contain Morning and Evening Prayers, prayers to the Lord, prayers to the Mother of God and prayers to the saints. Some, expanded, Prayer Books also contain akathists, troparia, kontakia and magnifications for the Feasts of the Lord, the feasts of the Virgin, saints and icons of the Mother of God. Which Prayer Book to choose is up to you. At first, it is best to opt for the simplest, small Prayer Book.

How to use the Prayer Book? Of course, you can simply find this or that prayer in the table of contents: as a rule, from the headings you can immediately see what occasion the prayer is intended for (“for the living”, “for the dead”, “from ailments”, “from fear”, etc.). d.).

But this is probably not the most important thing. If we summarize the entire centuries-old experience of the Orthodox Church, in essence, it will immediately become obvious that you can pray to any saint, in front of any icon, as long as your prayer comes from the heart!

In the book Learn to Pray! Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh wrote:

We have a rich selection of prayers that were suffered by the ascetics of the faith and born in them by the Holy Spirit ... It is important to find and know a sufficient number of them in order to find the appropriate prayers at the right time. It is a question of learning by heart a sufficient number of significant passages for us from the psalms or from the prayers of the saints; each of us is more sensitive to certain passages. Mark for yourself those passages that deeply touch you, that make sense to you, that express something about sin, or about blessedness in God, or about struggle, which you already know by experience. Memorize these passages, because one day when you are so discouraged, so deeply despaired that you cannot bring up anything personal in your soul, no personal words, you will find that these passages will rise to the surface and present themselves to you, as a gift from God, as a gift to the Church, as a gift of holiness, making up for the decline of our strength. Then we really need the prayers that we have memorized so that they have become a part of ourselves ...

Unfortunately, too often we fail to grasp the meaning of canonical prayers. An inexperienced person, having picked up a Prayer Book, as a rule, does not understand many words in it. Well, what, for example, does the word "create" mean? Or the word "imam"? If you have an innate verbal instinct, then it will not be so difficult for you to “translate” incomprehensible words. The word “create” is clearly a derivative of the word “creation”, that is, creation, creation; “create” means “create, create”. And “imam” is an old version of the word “I have”, and they have one root. Only after you understand the meaning of prayer texts, you can proceed directly to prayer, otherwise your appeal to higher powers will be just a set of incomprehensible words for you. And the effect of such a request, unfortunately, is not to be expected.

Prayer in your own words

Quite often you can hear such a question: is it possible to pray in your own words? Of course you can! After all, we are all very different. It is easier for someone to read “ready-made prayers”, while someone is simply not able to fully understand the meaning of canonical prayers at the present time, and therefore cannot use them.

Here is what representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church say about prayers in their own words.

Each person has the right to pray in his own words, and there are many examples of this. We see this in church families, when small children, imitating praying adults, raise their hands, make the sign of the cross, perhaps clumsily, pick up some books, babble some words. Metropolitan Nestor Kamchatsky in the book "My Kamchatka" recalls how he prayed as a child: "Lord, save me, dad, mom and my dog ​​Lily-dyshka."

We know that priests also pray for their children, their flock at home and in their cells. I know such an example when a priest in the evening, after a hard day, puts on clean clothes and simply, with his everyday words, grieves before the Lord for his flock, saying that some of them are in need, some are sick, some have been offended: “ Lord, help them."

Archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov), abbot of the Moscow St. Danilov Monastery

It is good sometimes in prayer to say a few words of one's own, breathing with ardent faith and love for the Lord. Yes, not everyone can talk with God in other people's words, not everyone can be children in faith and hope, but you need to show your mind as well - to say from your heart and your good word; we somehow get used to other people's words and grow cold ...

... When prayer words are convincing for yourself, then they will be convincing for God ...

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt

Sometimes, in order to address your fervent request to God, there is no need to resort to words. Prayer can be silent. Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh gives such an example in his sermons. One peasant sat long enough in the church and silently looked at the icons. He had no rosary, his lips did not move. But when the priest asked him what he was doing, the peasant replied: "I look at Him, and He looks at me, and we are fine together."

Here are the prayers that people who despair and sincerely believe in Heavenly help do:

What to do, such spiritual anguish, horror, I don’t want to live, there is no work, there is nothing, there is no meaning to life, a dead end in life. Help me, Lord!

Tatiana, Rostov-on-Don

In the name of the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, I ask you to pray for me and my family!!! I just can’t find a job, it doesn’t work ... God bless you!!!

Irina, St. Petersburg

Brief Prayer Invocation

And throughout the day you can pray with short prayer invocations. First of all, this is the Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner". This prayer in Orthodoxy is called the "prayer of stability." Why did such a name come about? The fact is that in the Jesus Prayer, a person completely surrenders to the mercy of God, under His protection and intercession. According to the majority of Orthodox ascetics, the Jesus Prayer summarizes in a few words all the wisdom of the Gospels.

Prayers for help and protection to the saint whose name you bear are quite effective. It is best to contact your patron saints several times a day. There is also a short prayer for this.

Prayer addressed to the saint whose name you bear

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

We turn to the Mother of God for protection in the following prayer:

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women and blessed is the Fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls as the Savior.

If it is difficult to remember a prayer right away, you can simply repeat to yourself from time to time:

Holy Mother of God, save us!

About time and attention in prayer

For a long time it was recommended to read the prayer slowly, evenly, in order to "enclose attention in words." Only when the prayer that you want to bring to God is meaningful enough and means a lot to yourself, you will be able to “reach out” to the Lord. If you are inattentive to the words you utter, if your own heart does not respond to the words of prayer, your requests will not reach God.

Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh said that his father, when he began to pray, hung a sign on the door: “I am at home. But don't try to knock, I won't open it." Vladyka Anthony himself advised his parishioners before starting to pray to think about how much time they have, set an alarm clock and pray calmly until it rings. “It doesn't matter,” he wrote, “how many prayers you have time to read during this time; it is important that you read them without being distracted by anything and without thinking about time.

Prayer and feelings

But you should never confuse the words of sincere prayer with a prayer that looks more like hysteria. Unfortunately, there is often an opinion among believers that only prayer with tears, in raised tones, will achieve its goal. There is no need to shout to God about your problems and troubles, bursting into tears and shedding tears: He sees and hears everything perfectly. Falling into a hysterical state, a person no longer prays for real, but only uncontrollably splashes out emotions (often, by the way, devoid of objectivity and even negative ones).

Answer to prayer

Very often you can hear such a complaint: “I prayed, I prayed, and all my prayers remained unanswered!”

For some reason, we are sure: it is enough for us to start praying, and God is obliged to appear before us, pay attention to us, let us feel His presence, make us understand that He is attentively listening to us. Recognized as the most outstanding theologian, Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh wrote:

If it were possible to summon God… mechanically, so to speak, force Him to meet just because that is the moment we have appointed to meet with Him, then there would be no meeting, no relationship. Relationships should begin and develop precisely in mutual freedom. … We complain that He does not make His presence evident in the few minutes that we give Him throughout the day; but what about the other twenty-three and a half hours, when God can knock on our door as much as he likes, and we answer: “Sorry, I’m busy,” or we don’t answer at all, because we don’t even hear Him knocking on our door. heart, our mind, our consciousness or conscience, our life. So: we have no right to complain about the absence of God, because we ourselves are absent much more!

In the book of Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh there is one amazing story:

About twenty-five years ago, shortly after I became a minister, I was sent to serve before Christmas in a nursing home. There was an old lady who later died at the age of one hundred and two. She came up to me after the first service and said, "Father Anthony, I would like some advice on prayer." ... I then asked her: “What is your problem?” And my old woman answered: “For fourteen years now I have been repeating the Jesus Prayer almost continuously and have never felt the presence of God.” And then I really, out of simplicity, told her what I thought: “If you keep talking, when will God put in a word?” She asked, "What should I do?" And I said: “After breakfast in the morning, go to your room, tidy it up, put the chair more comfortably, so that behind its back there are all the dark corners that an elderly woman always has in a room and where things are hidden from prying eyes. Light the lamp in front of the icon and then look around in your room. Just sit and look around and try to see where you live, because I'm sure if you've been praying for the last fourteen years, you haven't noticed your room for a very long time. And then take your knitting, and for fifteen minutes knit before the face of God; but I forbid you to say even one word of prayer. Just knit, and try to enjoy the silence of your room.

She didn't think it was very godly advice, but she decided to give it a try. After a while, she came to me and said: “You know, it turns out!” I asked: “What happens?” – because I was very curious about how my advice worked. And she says: “I did as you said: I got up, washed, tidied up my room, had breakfast, came back, made sure that there was nothing around that would annoy me ... I remembered that I had to knit in the face of God, and then I took knitting, and more and more I felt silence ... It did not consist of absence, there was the presence of something in it. The surrounding silence began to fill me and merge with the silence in me. And in the end she said something very beautiful, which I later met with the French writer Georges Bernanos; she said: “I suddenly noticed that this silence is a presence; and at the core of this silence was the One Who is Silence itself, Peace itself, Harmony itself.

Very often, this could happen to us too, if instead of fussing and “doing” something, we could just say, “I am in God's presence. What a joy! Let me shut up…”

It often happens that in prayer we do not always ask for what we really need, we ask, as it were, “in reserve”. Sometimes we ask for things that might not be useful to us, and as a result we get nothing.

But even when we ask God for something we cannot live without, we lack patience and perseverance. We believe that having asked once and not having received what we want, we must abandon the prayer: well, God does not give what you ask, what can you do! One of the Fathers of the Church says that prayer is like an arrow, but this arrow will fly and reach its goal only if the shooter has shooting skills, skill, patience and willpower.

Unfortunately, we often do not even notice that our prayer has already been answered. Yes, the answer is not always pleasant, but it is given to us as a medicine, and medicines are rarely sweet.

Therefore, experienced people advise beginners on the prayer path: "Be careful in your prayers, because one day they may be fulfilled."

Why does God send sickness to us?

The question “Why did God send me sickness?” - perhaps the most common among those who have recently come to faith. Probably, the Lord appears to people as a kind of judge in a robe, who from morning to evening weighs the measure of each person's guilt and determines punishments. Did you act badly? That's sickness for you! Did you act very badly? You will have a long and severe illness! Next time think before you do something bad...

If everything was so simple with God, life would be much easier for us here on Earth! It would be enough not to commit bad deeds, and each of us would always be healthy and prosperous. But you probably noticed yourself: very often kind, good, smart people live hard, get seriously ill, overcome adversity throughout their lives, and people who are not too decent live chic and don’t blow their mustache. They have everything - health, money, and luck in business ... Why is it so? Yes, because the Lord, indeed being the Supreme Judge, in fact does not judge us during his lifetime. And he doesn't punish. There are, of course, exceptions, but for this you need to do something absolutely terrible. In other cases, the Lord gives us freedom of choice: to do this or that, to go this way or that. We build our own lives. And you will have to be responsible for HOW they built it much later - when this process has already been finally completed. Believe me, the Lord is not at all concerned with punishing us with sickness for our every sin. Moreover, very often a disease is not a punishment for a person, it is sent to him, oddly enough, for his own good. It's hard to believe, but it's true. Here is how Father Georgy Simakov answers this question, rector of the church in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God in the village of Troitskoye, Tver province.

– Many people are sure that illness is God's punishment for sins. Is it so?

- Of course not. In general, the Lord is merciful, He rarely punishes people. And our illnesses are not a punishment at all, as for some reason it is customary to think among the people. Sometimes diseases are given to a person as an admonition so that he stops sinning. Feel the difference? Not as a punishment, but as an admonition. A person himself cannot stop on the wrong path of life, and the Lord helps him. Often, illness can serve as a protection against evil that has not yet been committed. For a righteous person, she can be sent to test his faith. Diseases can be sent to us so that, having been healed, a person himself will realize and convey to others the greatness of God through his healing. There is another type of illness, they are sent so that a person can atone for those sins that he committed out of ignorance or about which he forgot. As you can see, there can be many reasons for the disease. Each sick person should think carefully about what his illness means, why she was sent to him. Only having understood this, one can prayerfully turn to the Lord, to the Mother of God, to the saints with a request for healing.

– We often hear: “God is merciful and just!” Why does He allow people – often very good people! - hurt and suffered? Where is mercy and justice here?

– The Holy Fathers say: illness is not just suffering, it is the time of God visiting a person. It happens invisibly and not always tangibly, but immutably. The Lord brings a bodily disease to a person as a bitter medicine for a mental and spiritual illness. St. Tikhon of Zadonsk taught as follows: “The health of the body opens the door to many whims and sins for a person, but the weakness of the body closes it. During an illness, we feel that human life is like a flower that immediately dries up as soon as it blooms.

And St. Theophan the Recluse wrote: “God sends something else as a punishment, like penance, another as reason, so that a person comes to his senses; otherwise, to get rid of the misfortune that a person would fall into if he were healthy; otherwise, so that a person shows patience and deserves a greater reward; otherwise, to cleanse from what passion, and for many other reasons. There are illnesses, the cure of which the Lord imposes a ban, when he sees that the illness is more necessary for salvation than health... Sometimes the Lord takes away strength in order to calm down a person at least by this. He doesn't know how else to fix it." On my own behalf, I can only add that there is no such disease that, through our prayers, could not be cured.

After all, there is no human sin that would exceed the mercy of God…

– Why do the same sufferings benefit some people and harm others?

– And you remember the robbers crucified near the Lord on two crosses. One, suffering, thanked the Lord and asked Him to help him and bring him into His Kingdom, while the other blasphemed God. So all people relate to the cross of diseases sent to them: some ask God, while others blaspheme Him. The prudent thief inherited paradise, and the evil thief inherited hell, although both were at the cross of the Lord.

- What should you do if you get sick?

- If a serious illness has begun, you must first resort to prayer, as St. Nilus of Sinai taught: "And before any medicine and doctor, resort to prayer." Then it is good to ask the Lord to send a doctor who would understand your illness and help you heal.

During an illness, each person needs to resort to shrines: eat the holy prosphora, anoint with holy oil, take it inside and sprinkle with holy water, read prayers before the icons of the Mother of God, the saints of God who help in illness, especially the holy Great Martyr Panteleimon.

– Often, when ill, Orthodox people do not go to the doctor, they say: “God’s will for everything!” How does the Church feel about this issue?

The Lord created doctors to heal sick people. Therefore, when we treat ourselves or do not treat ourselves at all, we commit a sin against our health. Treatment is a must! But prayer should not be forgotten either, because prayer is our best helper and faithful healer in illness. It is very useful to drink Epiphany (Epiphany) water during illness, which has tremendous healing power. There are many cases when just a few drops poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient brought him to his senses and changed the course of the disease.

Water of small consecration (it can be taken on any day in any temple) is drunk as needed, saying the same prayer. In addition, they lubricate with holy water, moisten sore spots, sprinkle themselves and sprinkle their things, the ward and hospital bed, food. With headaches or other pains, a compress with Epiphany water helps.

The suffering of a sick person is also relieved by holy oil. For the sick, the oil, which is consecrated during the unction, is important. They are anointed and added to food. Of great power is oil from lamps from holy places, from the relics of saints, miraculous icons. Even greater miraculous power is possessed by the holy myrrh. You can only anoint yourself with the world, and cross your forehead and sore spots.

A sincere, faithfully uttered prayer, holy water, anointing with oil from the relics of God's saints or from miraculous icons contribute to a speedy recovery from any, even the most severe, illness.

- What if neither medicine nor doctors help, and the person suffers?

– We must try to endure the disease complacently, endure the coming sufferings and remember that the Lord will not place a cross on a person that he cannot bear. Therefore, one should endure and ask the Lord to strengthen the soul to endure the disease. And of course keep praying!

– How should we pray for our neighbors when they are sick?

– There are some very simple prayers, they should be read every day. These are the prayers:

The first prayer for the healing of the sick

Lord, Almighty, holy King, punish and do not celebrate, affirm those who fall and raise up the overthrown, bodily people, cope with grief, we pray to You, our God, visit Your weak servant (name) with Your mercy, forgive him any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, quench the flame, tame passion and all infirmity that is lurking, be the Doctor of Your servant (name), raise him up from the painful bed and from the bed of embitterment, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing your will. Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we give glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two for the healing of the sick

O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Indivisible Trinity, look kindly on your servant (name), obsessed with illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from the disease; return to him health and bodily strength; give him a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that he, together with us, brings grateful prayers to you, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator.

Holy Mother of God, by your all-powerful intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God's servant (name).

All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen.

- How do you feel about herbal medicine - herbal treatment, homeopathy, reflexology, acupuncture?

- I have a positive attitude towards professional herbal treatment. Homeopathy was widely used by priests before the revolution. St. John of Kronstadt, St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, St. Ambrose of Optina and other fathers spoke with approval about this science and blessed the use of its methods. If acupuncture is carried out by acupuncturists who are not at the same time bioenergetics or psychics, based on the knowledge of the meridians and the amplitude of the potentials of each biologically active point, this does not contradict the Orthodox doctrinal truth.

In principle, many treatments can be combined with each other. And, of course, we must not forget to pray during illness. And when recovery comes, you should definitely thank the Lord for healing! I always advise my parishioners to read this prayer:

Prayer of thanksgiving, St. John of Kronstadt, read after healing from an illness

Glory to Thee, Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Fatherless Father, heal every disease and every ailment in people, as if you had mercy on me a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me for my sins. Grant me from now on, Lord, the strength to firmly do Your will for the salvation of my wretched soul and for Your glory with Your Father without beginning and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Why do we pray to saints?

Why pray to the saints when there is Christ? Sooner or later every Orthodox person asks himself (and then not only himself) this question. This is what happens? Does God not hear us? Do we absolutely need intermediaries to communicate with Him? And it turns out that the host of saints is something like the “referential service” of the Lord, through which all our requests for help, our prayers, pass?

No, that's not how it works! As proof, I want to give you the story of the priest Dionisy Svechnikov, who in practice often has to deal with people who are perplexed why we pray to the saints.

Once I had a conversation with a young man who, having come to the temple, was very indignant at the presence in the church of a large number of icons. It was clear that the young man was well versed in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, had an idea about some Christian dogmas, although somewhat distorted, but at the same time he was an absolutely non-church person ...

... He supported his arguments with the words of the Holy Scriptures: “It is said, “You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone”” (Mt 4:10). So why is there such a large number of icons of saints in Orthodox churches, when there should be nothing but images of Christ? And when you enter the church, all you hear is pray to the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer and someone else. Where does God go? Or have you already replaced Him with other gods?”

I felt that the conversation was going to be difficult and, apparently, a long one. I will not retell it all, but I will try to highlight only the very essence, because in our difficult time many people ask similar questions ...

To begin with, I invited the young man to deal with the definitions, following a simple logic ... So, who are the saints and why should they pray? Are they really some gods of a lower order? After all, the Church calls to honor them and offer prayers to them. To begin with, the veneration of saints is an ancient Christian tradition that has been preserved since apostolic times. The martyr who suffered for Christ, immediately after his death, became the object of reverence for the reverent veneration of believers. On the tombs of the first Christian saints, the Divine Liturgy was performed, prayers were offered to them. It is clear that special reverence was given to the saint, but not at all as a separate god. These were people who gave their lives for God. And, first of all, they themselves would be against exalting them to the rank of a deity. After all, we, for example, honor the memory of people who laid down their lives for the Fatherland on the battlefields. And we even erect monuments to them so that future generations would know and honor these people. So why can't Christians honor the memory of people who especially pleased God with their lives or martyrdom, while calling them saints? I asked the young man to answer this question. An affirmative answer followed. The first bastion of sectarian thinking has collapsed...

... Thus, the Orthodox do not worship the saints at all, but revere them. They are revered as senior mentors, as people who have reached spiritual heights, as people who live in God and for God. People who have reached the Kingdom of Heaven. And the basis for the veneration of mentors was given by St. Paul: “Remember your leaders…. and beholding the end of their lives, imitate their faith” (Heb. 13:7). And the faith of the saints is the Orthodox faith, and it calls for the veneration of the saints from apostolic times. And one of the greatest saints, John of Damascus, spoke of this veneration: “The saints are venerated - not by nature, we worship them, because God glorified and made them terrible for enemies and benefactors for those who come to them in faith. We worship them not as gods and benefactors by nature, but as servants and co-servants of God, having boldness towards God because of their love for Him. We worship them, because the King himself refers honoring to Himself when he sees that they honor the person he loves not as a King, but as an obedient servant and a friend well-disposed to Him.

Our conversation with the young man turned into a more relaxed channel, and now he listened more than he spoke. But for greater persuasiveness, it was necessary to give a couple more weighty arguments for being right, and I hastened to do so.

The saints are our intercessors and patrons in heaven and therefore living and active members of the militant, earthly Church. Their grace-filled presence in the Church, outwardly manifested in their icons and relics, surrounds us like a prayerful cloud of God's glory. It does not separate us from Christ, but brings us closer to Him, unites us with Him. These are not mediators between God and people who would remove the One Mediator of Christ, as Protestants think, but our fellow-prayers, friends and helpers in our service to Christ and our fellowship with Him.

Now I could safely move on to the question of prayer to the saints. As I have already shown above, the saints are our prayer partners and friends on the path of serving God. But can't we ask to intercede for us before the throne of the Almighty? Doesn't the same thing happen in our daily life when we ask our loved ones and acquaintances to put in a good word for us in front of our superiors? But our Heavenly Father is much higher than any earthly authorities. And everything that cannot be said about ordinary earthly people is really possible for Him. But when praying to the saints, one should not forget about praying to the Lord at all. For He alone is the Giver of all blessings.

And this is a very important point, because many Orthodox Christians in prayer to the saints forget about the One to whom, in the end, the prayer request will be directed, even if it is the intercession of one of the saints. A Christian should not forget about the Lord his God. After all, the saints also served Him. By this I showed the young man how important it is not to go too far even in such a seemingly simple matter as prayer. It was clear that the guy was in some confusion, but having collected his thoughts, he gave out the last question: “Tell me, why is it necessary to pray to different saints on a specific issue?”. I expected this question and the answer was already ready. Saints can help us not because of the abundance of their merits, but because of the spiritual freedom they acquire in love, which is achieved by their feat. It gives them the power of intercession before God in prayer, as well as in active love for people. God gives the saints, along with the angels of God, to do His will in the lives of people with active, albeit usually invisible, help. They are the hands of God with which God does His works. Therefore, it is given to the saints even beyond death to do works of love, not as a feat for their own salvation, which has already been accomplished, but, indeed, to help in the salvation of other brethren. And this help is given by the Lord Himself in all our worldly needs and experiences through the prayers of the saints. Hence the saints - the patrons of certain professions or intercessors before God in everyday needs. The pious church tradition, based on the lives of the saints, ascribes to them effective help to their earthly brethren in various needs. For example, George the Victorious, who was a warrior during his lifetime, is revered as the patron of the Orthodox army. The Great Martyr Panteleimon, who was a doctor during his lifetime, is prayed for deliverance from bodily ailments. Nicholas the Wonderworker is greatly revered by sailors, and girls pray to him for a successful marriage, based on the facts of his life. People who live off fishing pray for a successful catch to the apostles Peter and Andrew, who, before their high calling, were simple fishermen. And, of course, one cannot but say about the highest of all angels and archangels, the Most Holy Theotokos, who stands at the head of the host of saints. She is the patroness of motherhood.

Our conversation was coming to a logical end. I very much hoped that the arguments I had advanced should have left a mark on the soul of this young man. And I was not mistaken. Finally, he said a phrase for which one could talk for a very long time: “Thank you! I realized that I was wrong in many ways. Apparently, my knowledge of Christianity is still not enough, but now I know where to look for the truth. In Orthodoxy. Thank you very much again." With these words, my interlocutor left. Left alone with my joy, I hurried to the church to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord and all the saints who had helped me that day in my pastoral service. But that's a completely different story...

Why do we venerate holy relics?

What are holy relics? Why did the Orthodox Church establish their veneration? Where does the confidence of believers come from that through prayers at the holy relics they will certainly receive the help and intercession of the saints?

“The word “relics” in literal translation from Greek means “remains”. The word “relics” has always been used in the same sense in the Church Slavonic language. However, it would be more accurate to say that it is customary to call relics the bones of a deceased person, something that remains for a long time after his departure to another world.

In one chronicle of 1472, this is how the opening of the coffins of Moscow metropolitans resting in the Assumption Cathedral is described: “Jonah has been found whole, Photeya is not everything, the “relics” are one” (Collection of Russian Chronicles. Vol. VI, p. 195).

In 1667, Metropolitan Pitirim of Novgorod was informed of the discovery of the relics of the Monk Nil Stolbensky: “The coffin and body of his holy land were betrayed, and the relics of his saints are all intact” (Acts collected in the libraries and archives of the Russian Empire by the archeographic expedition of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg T. IV. S. 156). In general, “in the language of ancient church literature, imperishable relics are not imperishable bodies, but preserved and undecayed bones” (E. E. Golubinsky, Canonization of the Saints, pp. 297–298).

Church history says that the remains of the holy martyrs and great ascetics have always been called relics. Relics are revered, even if they are preserved only in the form of ashes or ashes.

In 156, the Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, was killed with a sword and burned, but the bones that survived the fire and the ashes were for Christians "more honest than valuable stones and more expensive than gold."

St. John Chrysostom writes about the relics of the Antiochian martyr Babyla: “Many years have passed since his burial, only bones and ashes remained in his tomb, which were transferred with great honor to the tomb, on the outskirts of Daphne.”

The Blessed Lucian tells of the relics of Saint Archdeacon Stephen that he found: “Very small particles remained of his bones, and his whole body turned to dust… With psalms and songs they carried these relics (remains) of Blessed Stephen to the holy church of Zion…” Blessed Jerome says that the highly revered relics of the prophet Samuel existed in the form of dust, and the relics of the apostles Peter and Paul - in the form of bones (Golubinsky E.E. Decree. cit. P. 35, approx.).

At the present time, during the opening of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov (1903), St. Pitirim of Tambov and Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow (1914), only the bones of the saints were found, which serve as an object of reverent veneration for all believers.

Why did the Orthodox Church establish the veneration of holy relics?

The explanation of this Orthodox tradition can be found in the works of the Holy Fathers.

John Chrysostom says: “The sight of the saint’s tomb, penetrating into the soul, strikes it, and excites, and brings it to such a state, as if he himself lying in the tomb prays together, stands before us, and we see him, and thus a person experiencing this, filled with great zeal, and descends from here, having become a different person ... Truly, as if a light breeze blows from everywhere on those present at the tomb of the martyr, the breeze is not sensual and strengthens the body, but is able to penetrate into the very soul, arranging it in all respects and overthrowing her every earthly burden.

One of the teachers of the ancient Church, Origen, says: “There is a twofold society in prayer meetings: one is made up of people, the other is made up of celestials ...” This means that when we pray at the relics of the saints, we kind of pray together with them, in one prayer.

By the end of the 7th century, the Frankish Council decreed that the throne could only be consecrated in a church that contained the relics of saints, and the 7th Ecumenical Council (787) determined that “for the future, any bishop who consecrated a church without relics must be deposed” ( Rule 7). Since then, in every church there are antimensions, in which particles of holy relics are necessarily embedded and without which it is impossible to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This means that in any church there are necessarily the relics of saints, which, according to our faith, serve as a guarantee of the presence of saints during worship, their participation in our prayers, their intercession for us before the Lord.

The third basis for the veneration of holy relics is the teaching of the Orthodox Church about relics as carriers of grace-filled powers. “Your relics, like a full vessel of grace, overflowing on all who flow to them,” we read in prayer to St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The grace of God is taught to humanity through those or other holy people who, during their lifetime, worked miracles, and after death imparted this miraculous power to their remains.

The grace-filled forces that act through the bodies of the saints during their lifetime continue to act in them even after death. This is precisely the basis for the veneration of holy relics as bearers of grace. The relics of the saints, says the prophet Ephraim the Syrian, heal the sick, cast out demons, for the grace of the Holy Spirit is always in the holy remains ...

Based on the article "Veneration of the Holy Relics", Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, No. 1, 1997.

Each of us has such moments in life when help from Above is simply needed. In many everyday situations: in diseases and ailments; when applying for a job and at the beginning of any business; at a loss how to act and in solving important issues; about the preservation of the family and when searching for our soul mate, we ask the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints to save, bless, preserve, protect and help us.

In special need, it is best, in addition to lighting a candle and praying for what you ask, to order a prayer service and submit a note of health (rest) to the altar.

Which saints should be prayed for in certain needs?

Turn to the Lord, especially if it concerns the correction of your life, repentance, recovery from addictions, passions. The closest Intercessor for us is the Most Pure Mother of God Which will always hear and convey your prayers to the Lord.

Of course, sometimes it is difficult for us to turn to the Lord Himself, because we do not know how to do it correctly. But we have saints who always hear us, who will always carry your prayers to the Throne of God. They were once human too and understand all the sorrows of our earthly life. Therefore, it is often easy to contact them. In them we often find the most real faithful helpers and intercessors for our souls. Any saint can be asked for any of your requests, especially if you have a special admiration for a particular saint. Many Orthodox Christians love St. Matronushka and ask her in every need and are heard. Some prefer the Reverend Seraphim of Sarov, others like the Reverend Sevastian of Karaganda. It is important that you believe that the saint you are addressing hears you.

Some saints during their lives were especially helpful in certain situations. So, for example, St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky was a surgeon, and he especially helps in prayer for operations, making the correct diagnosis. The icon of the Kazan Mother of God once showed the miracle of healing the blind, and now they often pray to her for sight, the healing of blindness. Saint Boniface during his lifetime, being a simple man, loved to drink, but then, as we know from his life, he suffered martyrdom for Christ. And to whom, no matter how he prays for deliverance from this passion. After all, he knew what it was, what kind of torment it was. That is why some kind of “specialization” was assigned to some saints.

It is very good to read about the saint you are addressing, his life. Then, believe me, it will become much closer and clearer to you, and the prayer will be more sincere..

Here I would like to say very briefly about one negative phenomenon that is associated with the veneration of saints.. The fact is that some perceive the saints in much the same way as the pagans perceived their gods - according to the principle “which saint helps from what”. Such people go to church and ask: “Which saint should I light a candle to get an apartment?”, “Which saint should I pray for a toothache?” etc.

It must be remembered that saints are not some gods from whom you can get something, and from each his own. The Saints are not experts in renting apartments, stopping toothaches, or anything like that. There are, of course, saints who were doctors during their lifetime, and we turn to them with a request for healing, for example, the holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. Indeed, through the prayers of such saints, many healings occur. But in no case should you use a prayer to a saint as to some kind of idol, which is needed only because you can get specific help from him.

Saints are above all our heavenly friends who can help us in our advancement on the path to salvation, on the path to God. And only secondarily saints are those who help us in specific everyday things.

So pray, the main thing is that your prayer comes from the depths of an ardent heart and does not go against the will of God.

THOSE ICONS THAT ARE IN OUR TEMPLE WILL BE HIGHLIGHTED IN BOLD, AND THE SMALL OR LARGE ARRIVE IN BRACKETS, by clicking on which you will follow the link and see where this or that icon is located in this aisle.

On the decision of any important matter and before it begins, they ask for the help of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian Angel, all the saints.

You can order a prayer service “for a good cause” or a prayer service “to the icon of the Mother of God of Abalatskaya”.

About healing from diseases:

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon,

unmercenary and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian,

Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth,

Saint Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky (especially during operations);

Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow (eye disease);

the holy prophet Moses (speech defects);
Blessed Matrona of Moscow (leg disease);
the holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (ailments of the head);
Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands"

St. John of Damascus (diseases of the hands);
Holy Hieromartyr Antipas (dental disease);
the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" (oncological diseases);
the holy reverend Agapit of the Caves (women's diseases);
icon of the Mother of God "Mammary" (when children are sick).

For infertility:

Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya"

Saint Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky
holy righteous Joachim and Anna;
the holy prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed well and for a successful resolution from the burden:
icons of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya", "Help in childbirth".

When breastfeeding:
Icon of the Mother of God "Mamming".

On a successful marriage:
Holy Mother of God;
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To find a good bride:
To his patron saint.

About children and their well-being in life, so that they can find a good job:

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

On resolving problems in marriage and reconciling husband and wife:
the holy martyrs and confessors Guriy, Samon and Aviv;

Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia.

On helping to raise children:
the icons of the Mother of God "Education" and "Mammary";
patron saints of their children.

About assistance in learning, about successfully passing exams (term papers, diplomas, tests, etc.):
the icon of the Mother of God "Addition of the mind";
Saint Reverend Sergius of Radonezh.

On the resolution of housing problems:
Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

About construction assistance:
the holy Kiev-Pechersk architect.

About help in poverty and need and all sorts of everyday problems:

Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya",

Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky;
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker;
Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
holy righteous Philaret the Merciful.

About the return of lost items:
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About travelers:
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

About assistance in trade affairs (successful business, entrepreneurship):
Holy Great Martyr John the New Sochavsky.

About getting rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, addiction to gambling and slot machines:
the icons of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", "Seeking the Lost", "Guide of the Sinners";
the holy martyr Boniface;
Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt.

About getting rid of prodigal passion:
the holy martyr Boniface;
St. John the Long-suffering Caves;
Saint Mary of Egypt.

About help in court cases and about prisoners:
Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Destroyer.

For help finding a job:

Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya",

Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About military personnel:
the holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, the holy martyr John the Warrior (they pray to these saints for the military and soldiers who are in any kind of military service);
Saint Archangel Michael (patron saint of pilots and astronauts);
the holy apostle Andrew the First-Called (patron saint of sailors);
the holy prophet Elijah (patron saint of the Airborne Forces).

About successful medical practice:
Saint Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky.

On the eradication of anger between loved ones, friends, colleagues, neighbors:
icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts".

From the misfortunes of demons, about protection from sorcerers and witchcraft:
Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justinia;
Holy Great Martyr Nikita;
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About relatives and close people who have gone astray, who do not go to an Orthodox church:
Icons of the Mother of God "Guest of the Sinners", "Seeking the Lost".

In sadness, sadness and depression:
icon of the Mother of God "Satisfy My Sorrows", "Deliverance from the troubles of the Suffering".

Whoever wants to receive something from the Lord or from the saints, he must not only pray to them, but also build his life according to the commandments. Through the Gospel, God addresses everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not even want to hear about it, but they themselves ask Him to help them in their affairs.

For prayers to be successful, one must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God's help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires, one has only to press the right button, that everything He sends is directed to the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.

Very often, people who order a prayer service, magpie, or other worship ask about who and what they need to pray in order to receive God's help.

The Orthodox Church answers this as follows: “Any prayer service is a divine service aimed at glorifying the Lord, the Mother of God and all the Saints. In a prayer service, the Orthodox ask for mercy or thank God for the benefits received. The Savior favors his children who turn to Him for help, and helps - according to the strength of our faith, showing miracles of good deeds, the purpose of which is to heal, enlighten, encourage and reveal to a person the spiritual side of life. The Lord hears any of our prayers addressed to him. Therefore, when praying or ordering prayers, remember all the Saints, for each of them, as well as all of them together, are equally important.

Nevertheless, each of the Saints, each of the Miraculous Icons, has its own, unique grace. Prayed for centuries, Miraculous Icons are for believers a source of God's love, which the Lord generously bestows upon us. In this section of our website, you can find out detailed information about all the Miraculous Icons located in the churches and monasteries of Moscow and the Moscow region.

  • Pray for healing. Young virgins especially pray before her asking for help in maintaining chastity, piety and morality. They call on Her and in the hope of meeting a kind man, they ask for a successful marriage, a strong and happy family life. They pray to the Queen of Heaven before Her image of “Tenderness” and for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and a successful delivery. Prayer.
  • Located in , Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - August 01, August 10.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. Suggested

  • Pray for the welfare of the whole country. Before the Vladimir icon, they turn to the Mother of God to ask Her for intercession from the enemy, for help in overcoming difficulties and for strengthening faith. Prayer before this image also helps to heal from physical ailments and mental hardships. Prayer.
  • Located in , Moscow
  • Days of veneration - June 03, July 06, September 08.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • The icon became famous for numerous healings from physical ailments, including fatal ones. Pray for the health of both their own and their relatives and friends. They ask the Mother of God in front of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and a cure for spiritual illnesses - lack of faith, despondency, despair and sorrow.
    Prayer before this image helps in other everyday matters. If there is a “burden” on the heart, things are not going well, there have been family feuds, difficulties with work, and so on - you can pray to the Mother of God in front of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” for the successful outcome of all this.
    In front of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" with coins, in addition to all of the above, they pray in need. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow on Ordynka, Moscow
  • Honor Days - November 6th.

  • Pray for healing in cancer. Prayer helps in getting rid of drug and alcohol addiction, gambling. They pray with a request for protection from witchcraft spells, from magical influence from someone else. Prayer.
  • It is located in the Novospassky stauropegial male Monastery, Moscow.
  • Days of veneration - 31 August.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • All those who are physically sick pray, and through their prayers they receive healing from the most serious illnesses. Prayers in front of this image also heal from passions, which often overwhelm the human soul, depriving us of vitality and from mental illness. They pray to correct moral vices that lead to the spiritual death of a person. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple in the name of the Prophet of God Elijah (Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord) in Cherkizovo, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - every year on Friday of Bright Week (Easter Week).

  • They pray for healing from diseases of the soul and body, for protecting the house from natural disasters and attacks by enemies, for the inviolability of the borders of the Fatherland. Repentant sinners resort to it with a request for forgiveness of sins, relatives pray for the unrepentant. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - February 25, October 26, every year on Tuesday of Bright Week (Easter Week).
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Iberian" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for deliverance from any diseases, including those before which doctors are powerless. Many cases of healing from blindness and paralysis, plague and other mass epidemics are known. They pray for the protection of their home and country from attack and capture by enemies, from robbery and other illegal actions. They pray before the Jerusalem image and for the sake of salvation from natural disasters. Often, in front of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God, one can hear prayers for the preservation of the hearth, for the well-being of the family and good relations between its members. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple in the name of the Prophet of God Elijah (Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord) in Cherkizovo, Moscow
  • Honor Days - October 25

  • Applying to the miraculous image, people received instant healing from severe toothaches, gumboils, and stomach pains. Prayers to the icon saved men from alcohol addiction, and also cured severe oncological diseases, blood diseases, ulcers, and kidney stones. Numerous cases of miraculous healings are known and, in particular, the giving of children to infertile couples. They pray for the healing of ailments and the healing of infertility (the conception of children). Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kosino, Moscow,
  • Honor Days - July 3

  • They pray for a speedy conception, for a successful pregnancy and a safe delivery. They also turn to the Heavenly Intercessor in matters of feeding newborn children - when there is not enough milk, or when the baby does not take the breast well. They also pray to the Mother of God for the health of children, their timely development. Prayer.
  • Located in , Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - January 25.

  • They pray for sclerosis, atherosclerosis, lack of intelligence, poor mental development, and also when the "adding" of the mind (help in learning) is required for students and schoolchildren. In addition, this icon can be addressed with a prayer for help (adding intelligence or admonishment) during scientific work, work on any project. Pray for help to students, mental enlightenment and for the cure of the mentally ill. Prayer.
  • Located in , Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin, August 28.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Increasing the Mind" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Prayers to this icon bring comfort in sorrows, help with mental and other ailments. They pray for deliverance from demon possession.
    Pray for healing from cholera, blind and paralyzed, from a fire. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - 26 August.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Passionate" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray to ask to overcome life's difficulties, misfortunes and hardships. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - 07 February.

  • Unexpected joy is a miracle that we no longer hoped for and did not count on - unexpected, sudden and unpredictable. Believers pray to the Mother of God in front of the icon "Unexpected Joy" when it seems that the flame of hope has already died out. They ask the Most Pure One for protection from sorrows and troubles, pray for deliverance from mental anxieties and bodily illnesses. Prayer before the icon "Unexpected Joy" helps mothers ask for physical and spiritual health for their children. Lost but repentant souls can finally be forgiven and find peace. Those whose relatives and friends have disappeared turn to the Mother of God in order to reunite with dear people. And those suffering from physical illness are healed. The icon also helps those who are weighed down by a heavy spiritual burden - an irreconcilable offense or deep sadness. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God Unexpected Joy, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - December 22, May 14.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik 1, by clicking on this link Lik 2. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for well-being on the way, from storms and drowning at sea, for healing from various ailments, for the patronage of the family hearth, for help in various troubles, from sadness and despondency, for children, to marry daughters, for help in poverty and need , about intercession for widows and orphans, about compassion for the defenseless, captured by enemies. Prayer.
  • Located in the Epiphany Cathedral, Moscow,.
  • Days of veneration - May 22, December 19.
  • If you need an icon of the Savior Nicholas the Wonderworker for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik 1 , by clicking on this link Lik 2 , Lik 3 , Lik 4 , Lik 5 . The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Believers turn to her to ask for help and protection for their home and their families. It is with this icon that during the sacrament of the wedding, the young are most often blessed for a strong and happy marriage. The image of the Kazan Mother of God is often placed next to the bed of children, because they believe and know that the Most Pure One will not leave the child, but will graciously watch over him. Prayer in front of her more than once helped people to get back on their feet and see clearly, not only physically, but also spiritually. Lost souls, kneeling before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, regained faith and returned to a pious life, for the Mother of God responds to the call of anyone who longs for Her help and forgiveness with all their heart and soul. Prayer.
  • Located in the Epiphany Cathedral, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - July 21, November 4.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Kazan" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik 1, by clicking on this link Lik 2, by clicking on this link Lik 3. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for the fate of Russia, as well as for forgiveness for the death of Nicholas II and his family. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhy, Moscow
  • Honor Days - July 17

  • She is considered the patroness of babies, she is also called a child. She helps children in illnesses, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them in choosing friends, protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed to strengthen the bond between parents and children. It helps women during childbirth and during pregnancy. They also turn to prayer when there are problems of conception. Before her, they pray for the insight of the blind and the healing of eye diseases, for diseases of children, for epilepsy and paralysis, for the preservation of peace and the non-occurrence of war. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky, Moscow
  • Honor Days - July 9
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvinskaya" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for any help they need - in matters of the heart, in healing from illnesses, in financial disorders or in order to avoid impending deception, in case of damage from the elements, in preserving the family, in caring for children and their well-being - you can not list everything. But the holy old woman Matrona is always with us, and prayerful hope for her intercession before her icon helps everyone who comes to her in sorrows and ailments. Prayer.
  • Located in the Intercession Stauropegial Women's Monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - March 8 (uncovering of relics), May 2, October 5.
  • If you need an icon of St. prbl. Matrona of Moscow for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for the healing of diseases of the head. Prayers before the miraculous icon helped many to find a happy marriage (to ask for a good husband / wife). Prayers to St. John the Baptist will help each person to successfully cope with any work, to adequately fulfill his duty. With it, it will be easier for you to discover your destiny, following which a person finds happiness and health. Prayer.
  • Located in St. John the Baptist stauropegial convent, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - October 6 - Conception, July 7 - Christmas, September 11 - Beheading, January 20 - Council, March 9 - the first and second finding of the head, June 7 - the third finding of the head, October 25.
  • If you need an icon of St. John the Baptist (Baptist) for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for the protection of the house from ill-wishers, for healing from epidemics, for the protection of military personnel. Pray for well-being on the road and travelers. Prayer.
  • Located in the Bogoroditsa-Smolensky Novodevichy Convent, Moscow
  • Honor Days - August 10

  • They pray for help in God's blessing over the house, in housing problems, they pray for finding their own home. Prayer in front of the icon of St. Daniel of Moscow helps in cases where the Fatherland is in military danger, and also asks for the preservation of peace. They ask him for help if they see unnecessary divisions between people, about the condescending disposition of governments and authorities - for example, you can pray to him before the election of heads of any scale, so that he helps, perhaps gives some kind of sign so that a person makes the right choice in favor of or another candidate. They pray to Saint Daniel for the cessation and prevention of internecine strife. But most of all, a prayer request to him helps in solving housing issues - they pray to him for finding his own home and for God's blessing over the house. Also, the holy noble Prince Daniel of Moscow is now the heavenly patron of the Engineer Troops of the Russian Army. Prayer.
  • Located in the Danilovsky Stauropegial Monastery, Moscow
  • Honor Days - March 17, September 12
  • If you need an icon of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Saint Peter the first Moscow saint, he is revered as the heavenly patron and protector of the city of Moscow. Pray for deliverance from all ailments and troubles. There are many cases of miraculous healings that happened through prayers to the Saint. Prayer.
  • Located in the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - January 3, September 6 - transfer of relics, October 18 - Moscow. St., October 23 - Volynsk Cathedral. Saints

  • Prayer can heal a wide variety of ailments, such as stomach diseases, eye and dental diseases, helps with mental disorders, and can also give long-awaited offspring to women suffering from infertility. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Martin the Confessor (Ascension of the Lord), Moscow
  • Honor Days - September 4

  • Prayer in front of his icons will help to pacify the pain and heal from any illness. They appeal to Panteleimon with requests to heal spiritual ailments - despair, anxiety, anger, resentment and other vices of the soul. It is customary to pray to Panteleimon not only with requests for deliverance from any hardships, but also with requests for the preservation of existing health.
    Panteleimon the Great Martyr is addressed as the patron saint of those whose work and life is invariably connected with the salvation of people. The military, doctors, sailors, employees of internal law enforcement agencies, representatives of peacekeeping forces, etc. can ask for well-being in their activities of the Saint. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Nativity in Izmailov, Moscow
  • Honor Days - August 9
  • If you need an icon vmch. Panteleimon for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik1, Lik 2. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for children who are not given any education. They pray for the healing of bodily and mental illnesses, alcoholism and drug addiction. They pray for spiritual guidance for youth, help in choosing a life path, support in senile infirmities. The holy righteous John of Kronstadt is the greatest healer and intercessor for us, we can resort to his help in any trouble and in any difficulty. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Rogozhskaya Sloboda, Moscow
  • Honor Days - January 2

  • They pray to find the lost, to expose the theft, to return the stolen. From ancient times in Russia, under serfdom, they believed that prayer to the holy martyr John the Warrior would help to detain a runaway serf or find a robber and return the loot, evidence of which exists in our times. If such a nuisance happens to someone, you should turn to the saint for help in sincere prayer. In Russia, all thieves were afraid of the saint: if suspicion of theft fell on someone, they served a prayer service to St. John the Warrior, and the thieves were so afraid of the saint that they themselves confessed to theft. He is also prayed for help in finding the missing things. They also resort to it in protection from offenders. They also pray to St. John the Warrior for those who are in captivity or imprisonment. Everyone who is in spiritual sorrow or any other worldly situation can turn to St. John the Warrior for help. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of John the Warrior on Yakimanka, Moscow
  • Honor Days - August 12
  • If you need an icon of St. John the Warrior for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray to ask the Saint for help in getting rid of physical and mental ailments. Especially often pilgrims cry out to the Reverend, praying for the pacification of pride, as one of the gravest sins. They ask not only for themselves, but also for their friends and enemies. This image is especially honored by parents whose children do not show success in learning. Sergius of Radonezh himself could not cope with the letter for a long time and perfectly mastered it only after fervent prayers to our Lord. Now he himself stands near God and asks him for those who cannot succeed in teaching only by their own strength. The students themselves also turn to Sergius of Radonezh, on the eve of the exam or when mastering complex sciences. Sergius of Radonezh is also honored as the Holy Protector of the righteous and an honest life. Therefore, they pray before his icons on the eve of important court cases or during litigation: the Reverend helps everyone who is sincere and pure in thoughts and deeds and fights in court for truth against lies. Prayer.
  • Located in the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.
  • Days of veneration - July 18 - acquisition of honest relics, July 20, October 8 - Repose
  • If you need an icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik 1, by clicking on this link Lik 2, by clicking on this link Lik 3. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for a successful marriage, for success in all areas of life, for help in raising children and for their excellent studies, for giving children (to those who cannot conceive), for healing from illnesses and for the dead without communion (praying). Prayer.
  • Parts of the relics and the icon are in the Chapel of St. Xenia of Petersburg at the Kuzminsky cemetery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - 6 February.
  • If you need an icon of St. prbl. Xenia of Petersburg for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for help in matters of real estate, taxes and financial well-being. Prayer.
  • Located in Moscow
  • Days of veneration - 15 December.

  • The Monk Mary of Egypt is the patroness of repentant harlots, fornicators and a judge at the Last Judgment of those who have not repented. Prayer has the ability to save a person from bad addictions that can lead to addictions (drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling), if a prayer is read before it. Pray for obedience in abortions. You can pray to St. Mary the Egyptian girl for choosing the right path in life, for the gift of modesty, chastity, and Christian wisdom. Prayer.
  • Located in the Sretensky Stauropegial Monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - the fifth week (Sunday) of Great Lent, April 14 - the day of repose ..

  • Pray for the solution of material problems in life. Spyridon Trimifuntsky even now helps to find a job, solve legal issues related to money matters, doing business in business, they turn to Spiridon Trimifuntsky for help in buying and selling real estate, which was also recommended by Ambrose of Optinsky. Prayer.
  • The venerated icon with parts of the relics and the shoe are in the Danilov stauropegial male monastery (slipper), the Zachatievsky stauropegial convent, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek, Moscow, the Nikolo-Solbinsky convent, Yaroslavl region.
  • Days of veneration - December 25.
  • If you need an icon of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, by clicking on this link Face 2. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for the dispensation of family piety, help in the upbringing and moral and religious growth of children. Prayer.
  • They are located in the Pokrovsky Khotkovo stauropegial convent, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Khotkovo.
  • Days of veneration - January 31, October 11.

  • Pray for the salvation of a heavy drinking family member, any neighbor, helps with such destructive, deadly addictions as drug addiction and smoking. Helps in the fight against gambling. They also turn to her for help in solving housing issues, when concluding housing transactions for the exchange, purchase and sale, problems with inheritance. You can pray about everything, express all your wishes, requests, sorrows - the Queen of Heaven will not refuse anyone with heartfelt and sincere prayer. Prayer.
  • Located in the Serpukhov Vvedensky Bishop's Convent, Moscow Region, Serpukhov.
  • Days of veneration - May 18.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for career, creative and spiritual growth. In addition, turning to her, they pray for healing from various diseases, as well as for a successful marriage. Prayer.
  • Days of veneration December 4th.

  • They pray for the strengthening of faith, humility, ascetic work, piety, the preservation of virginity, in case of illness for healing. Prayer.
  • Located in the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, Moscow Region, Zvenigorod.
  • Days of veneration - December 16.

  • They pray for fertility, from fire, from floods, from diseases, from ulcers. They also pray for success in business, for travelers, for sailors, for warriors. Prayer.
  • Located in, Moscow region, Mozhaisk.
  • Days of veneration - June 9, January 9.

  • They pray for mental and bodily illnesses, at the end of any work, for the granting of a Divine miracle (healing, spiritual insight, the return of the lost, the pardon of sinners). Prayer.
  • It is located in the Luzhetsk Monastery of the Nativity of the Therapont, Moscow Region, Mozhaisk.
  • Days of veneration - July 11.

  • They pray for deliverance from enemies and for the preservation of the Russian State, for help to the Orthodox Russian army, in difficult times for Russia. Prayer.
  • Located in the Tretyakov Gallery, the miraculous list of the icon is located in Moscow.
  • days of veneration - September 1.

  • They turn in prayer for help in various temptations and persecutions, the acquisition of firmness of faith, to admonish unbelievers and sectarians, and to give understanding in studies. Prayer.
  • Located in the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery, Moscow.
  • Days of veneration April 7, October 9, November 18.

  • They pray for difficult childbirth, for happiness in marriage, in case of prolonged childlessness, for the successful bearing of a child and for difficult childbirth. They also ask for healing. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya" helps in cases of long-term childlessness of the family, brides pray for a successful marriage, future mothers, and also pray for women in labor during difficult births. If everything is not well in the family, then prayer in front of her will help to improve the shaken relationship between the spouses. Also, this icon is revered as miraculous and helps to heal diseases, especially women's ones. Prayer.
  • Located in the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery, Moscow.
  • Days of veneration March 27 and August 29.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik1, By clicking on this link Lik 2. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray pray for healing from blindness, cholera. They also pray for the cessation of disasters, for protection from attacks by enemies, from fires, for protection from thieves and criminals and for the return of the lost, for deliverance from the plague, for the pacification of the warring and for deliverance from internecine strife. Prayer.
  • Located in the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery, Moscow.
  • Day of veneration December 10.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik1, By clicking on this link Lik 2. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious helps Russian soldiers in their active and military service, his icon in the house helps in prayers for the well-being of those who have retired or on a well-deserved rest in military labors. Prayer also helps farmers and livestock breeders - they pray to him for the preservation of the crop and the health of livestock, protection from the elements in rural labor. Prayer.
  • Days of veneration - May 6, November 16, November 23, December 9.
  • If you need an icon of St. George the Victorious for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • You can pray to Saint Huar for the unbaptized. They pray asking for relief for the fate of the souls of relatives and neighbors who died in unbelief, who did not receive Holy Baptism, who did not know the True God, who deviated from God's truth. In addition, they pray to Saint Ouar for the health of infants and young children, as well as for infants who died in their mother's womb or during childbirth. You can pray to Saint Huar FOR the unbaptized, but NOT for suicides. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Vishnyaki, Moscow
  • Days of veneration November 1

  • They pray for the birth of children, for the gift of a successful birth. Pray before her and for the health of newborns. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Bolvanovka, Moscow
  • Honor Days January 8
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth" for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for those who are imprisoned. Unjustly captive prisoners can ask the saint for speedy release, strength in order to endure the hardships of fate with dignity, without losing faith and without falling into despair. They also pray to the Great Martyr to find humility and spiritual harmony, to strengthen faith and enlightenment, to heal the ailments of the body and soul, and also to give strength and desire to honestly conduct one’s affairs for the benefit of oneself and other people. Prayer.
  • Honor Day January 4
  • If you need an icon of St. Anastasia Pattern Makers for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for the welfare of the family. Prayer should be addressed in difficult circumstances for the family. When a family breaks up, the priest brings peace, love and an all-forgiving understanding to everyone and everyone. Liberation from the disease of drunkenness, the gift of children through prayers at the shrine from St. relics, relief in very different illnesses, help in troubles and everyday needs. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki, Moscow
  • Days of veneration June 22, September 29

  • This bright image of the Mother of God is revered as the guardian of the hearth. They pray before this icon in order to maintain harmony in the house, to reconcile with relatives, to resolve a long conflict with loved ones, to improve relations between spouses, as well as children and parents. The Mother of God is addressed with a prayer in front of Her images “Seven-shot” and “Softener of evil hearts” when any discord, quarrel occurs in a person’s life, enmity or complex litigation begins. For many centuries, Christians have called out to the Queen of Heaven through this icon if wars or rebellions broke out in the country. Prayer in front of her helps to "soften the hearts" of the warring parties, to prevent bloodshed and cruelty. Prayer in front of her will protect us from someone else's intolerance towards us, from our own anger and irritation, which are not the best properties of human nature and are present in everyone to one degree or another. Prayer.
  • Located in, in Moscow.
  • Days of veneration August 26.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray in all matters, one way or another, related to education. Schoolchildren, students and graduate students ask the Great Martyr for help in comprehending the sciences, and teachers ask for the strength to fulfill their educational duty with dignity. People pray to her, in whose work rational judgment is decisive - prosecutors, judges, lawyers and lawyers. In addition, young girls who dream of marriage and women who want to become pregnant, safely endure and give birth to a child can turn to the Saint in their prayers. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on the Maiden's Field, in Moscow.
  • Honor Day December 7
  • If you need an icon of St. vmch. Catherine for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • An ardent prayer in front of the “Fadeless Color” icon can not only guide the souls of the afflicted on the path of a righteous and spiritual life, it also helps to preserve physical beauty and youth. Prayer before the icon of the Virgin "Fadeless Color" helps in saving marriage, strengthening relationships in the family and in resolving serious problems faced by households. Young unmarried girls turn to the Most Pure through this image to ask for the mercy of the Queen of Heaven in search of a faithful and reliable life partner. Those who suffer from loneliness, who have suffered severe sorrows, as well as people who have experienced some kind of grief, turn to the Virgin Mary in front of this image. In such cases, the prayer to the Mother of God in front of Her icon "Fadeless Color" helps to gain strength to continue life, inspires to fight disappointment, relieves mental anxieties and gloomy thoughts. Prayer.

    • Prayer helps those whose profession is related to military affairs, as well as to diplomatic work. For men, the image will become a protector, saving from any evil, helping to maintain health, gain longevity and peace in the soul. Prayer protects against visible and invisible enemies. With her, your home will flourish. With this image, you and your loved ones will be strengthened in faith, you will live together, in harmony and prosperity. Prayer.
    • Located in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on the Maiden's Field, in Moscow.
    • Days of veneration June 5, September 12, December 6
    • If you need an icon of St. blv. Alexander Nevsky for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

    • They pray for protection from malicious intent, enemies and secret enemies. They turn to Him in search of intercession from evil spirits and with a prayer for the healing of ailments of the body and soul. Orthodox Christians also ask St. Michael for a happy life in a new house, builders especially honor him. Given the important role of the Archangel at the Last Judgment, believers turn to Him with requests to protect the souls of deceased relatives. Michael the Archangel is revered as the patron of the Russian land, so at all times the people prayed to Him for the protection of their homeland. Prayer

    • They pray for protection from enemies and ill-wishers, for protection in family life. Prayer.
    • Located in the Spaso-Vlakhernsky convent, in Dedenevo, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region.
    • Day of veneration July 20.

    • People who find themselves on the verge of death, mental or physical, pray. They ask the Most Pure One to grant willpower in order to resist sorrows and endure them with dignity, without discrediting their souls and without violating the commandments of the Lord our God. They pray before this image even when loved ones are in trouble: they ask for health for those who are dying, they ask for healing and spiritual insight for children. During the war, pilgrims called out to the Most Pure Virgin in front of the icon “Search for the Lost”, begging the Intercessor to protect those who were at the front. This image is also honored by unmarried girls, for it helps to ask the Queen of Heaven for a happy family life. Prayer

      • He is the patron saint of children. Helps sick children and infertile couples. Saint Stylian acquired the fame of a miracle worker for barren parents, whom he made capable of childbearing by his prayers. Prayer.
      • Located in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kosino, Moscow
      • Honor Day December 9
      • If you need an icon of St. Rev. Stylian Paphlogonian for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

      • It will protect from enemies that threaten the well-being in the house, and all those living in it. They pray to her, asking for healing and wishing health to loved ones. Pray for help in the treatment of diseases of the hands, feet, eyes. It relieves melancholy and sad thoughts. Patronizes those who are engaged in crafts.
        The icon of the Mother of God "Three-handed" and prayer before the image contributes to the growth of well-being. Prayer.
      • Located in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gonchary, Moscow
      • Days of veneration - July 11, July 25.
      • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands" for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.

      • In their prayers, representatives of the medical professions turn to the Saint, and especially surgeons, over whom the Saint took Heavenly Protection. People who are burdened with various ailments, those who are awaiting surgery or have already lost hope for the help of doctors also pray to him. Prayer.
      • Located in the Danilovsky Stauropegial Monastery, Moscow
      • Saint Luke of Crimea is venerated three times a year: June 11 (May 29, old style). The date was set in honor of the peaceful end of the earthly path of the Saint.
        March 18 (March 5, old style). On this day, the acquisition of the multi-healing relics of St. Luke of Crimea is celebrated. February 7 (January 25 old style). The celebration is timed to coincide with the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
      • If you need an icon of Luke of Crimea for your home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store are made by the masters of the Danilovsky Monastery according to all the canons of Orthodoxy.