What kind of cheese is put in rolls and sushi, which one is best. Cream cheese for rolls

The recurring question “What can replace Philadelphia cheese?” especially worries fans of sushi, because the composition of the famous namesake is a must. Our skillful housewives, of course, can buy a real Philadelphia. But, firstly, it is quite expensive. Secondly, it is not available everywhere, you need to look for it, and it is simply not delivered to many regions. Thirdly, I want now and immediately, and preferably quickly.

There is no direct replacement for this famous arch, since Philadelphia is a rennet cheese made from whey when it is coagulated again. The taste of this cheese is not sweet, the consistency is creamy. There are varieties with and without additives.

Consider some options for replacing the famous Philadelphia, found and put together on the Internet.

1. The easiest answer to the question "What kind of cheese can replace Philadelphia?" - processed cheese "Druzhba" or "Yantar" in plastic jars. This is perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to replace an expensive component. Suitable for rolls and for cakes where Philadelphia is needed.

2. Processed cheeses "President" and "Viola", creamy, are good as a substitute for Philadelphia.

3. Frame Creme Bonjour - no additives.

4. Any curd cheese like Almette will be a good answer to the question "What can replace Philadelphia cheese?"

5. Cottage cheese, according to hostesses, perfectly fulfills the role of Philadelphia.

6. In special threads on women's forums, where the question “What can replace Philadelphia cheese?” is discussed, for pies that include this notorious cheese, they suggest using cheese like “Parisian Burenka”.

7. Some craftswomen replace this component in rolls with Fetaki curd cheese and assure that it turns out very, very well.

8. Processed cheeses "Merry Milkman", "Plavych - Gouda" are available in price and taste proportions.

9. Homemade Philadelphia

If there are no processed cheeses at hand, there is no desire to go after them, but there is cottage cheese, the answer to the question “How to replace Philadelphia cheese?” suggests itself: we will make from cottage cheese.

Let the cottage cheese go through a meat grinder, rub through a sieve or beat in a blender. Separately, cook the custard and beat the butter. If the cream is sweet, then beat the butter without sugar. If the cream is not very sweet, then add sugar to the butter and beat until white. Instead of sugar, it is better to take powdered sugar. Cool the cream, mix with cottage cheese, add and beat again a little. The perfect replacement for Philadelphia is ready.

10. Homemade Philadelphia - 2

We prepare the cottage cheese, as in the previous one, it also remains, but instead of butter and sugar, we take condensed milk. The total mass is more tender and less oily.

11. Homemade Philadelphia - 3

Whipped egg whites can be added to the mass prepared according to numbers 9 or 10, which, when baked, will give a stable shape and a peculiar shade.

Regarding Nos. 9, 10 and 11, it should be noted that such substitutes for Philadelphia are intended for baking and are completely unsuitable for rolls. Well, that's their merit.

12. Philadelphia "at home"

As a kind of response to the cry of the soul “What can replace Philadelphia cheese?” confectioners offer real, very fatty sour cream (“so that the spoon stands!”).

If there is none, then you can make sour cream “folded”: pour sour cream into a tight canvas bag and hang it overnight over a container to drain the liquid. As a result, from 1000 g of store-bought sour cream of medium quality, about 500 g of dense sour cream, very fatty and “standing”, will turn out.

13. Philadelphia "at home" - 2

Mix approximately equal amounts (such as "President") and regular cottage cheese. It is advisable to choose cottage cheese not grainy, but softer, closer to a creamy state, with small particles. This mixture is perfect for both rolls and baking, where the recipe calls for Philadelphia.

14. Many housewives suggest trying a mixture of heavy cream and homemade cottage cheese (in a blender). Add the cream gradually, keeping an eye on the consistency.

They say that it turns out very close to the original.

In general, it turns out that there would be a desire to cook some kind of dish with Philadelphia, and we will always figure out what to replace it with. There are no more creative and resourceful housewives than our women anywhere in the world!

Rolls are considered traditional Japanese dishes, but not all recipes are invented by representatives of this country. A good example is Philadelphia rolls. The method of making original rolls was invented in the USA, after which it instantly gained popularity all over the world. The peculiarity of this type of rolls is the number of individual ingredients and the way they are combined. Salmon is usually used for fillings, and in this case, the tender meat of the fish plays the role of a shell. Due to this feature, these rolls are often called "inside-out rolls" or "uramaki rolls".

Philadelphia roll ingredients

To make Philadelphia rolls, you will need a lot of ingredients. In advance, you will have to cook special rice, stock up on pressed sheets of nori seaweed, prepare fresh cucumber, avocado, Philadelphia cheese, lemon, tobiko caviar, wasabi, soy sauce and fresh or lightly salted salmon. The main device for making rolls is a metal or bamboo mat.

The process of making rolls only at first glance seems complicated. In fact, the main nuance in this case is the understanding of the individual stages and the specifics of the processing of some products. Rice is the main ingredient in the dish. Not only the taste, but also the appearance of the final rolls depends on the consistency and correctness of its preparation.

for rice

To make rolls, you need to prepare special rice in advance. An ordinary product is not always suitable for Japanese cuisine. Rice in this case should resemble a sticky mass. A crumbly product will be impossible to roll into a tight roll, and the consistency of porridge will spoil the appearance of the rolls. The best option is rice designed for sushi and rolls, which is commercially available in specialized departments of grocery stores.

Rice is prepared in several stages. As additional ingredients, sugar, salt and rice vinegar must be prepared in advance. For 200 grams of the main product, you will need one teaspoon of salt, one and a half tsp. sugar and such an amount of rice vinegar. Pre-rice is thoroughly washed until the water stops changing its color and becomes completely transparent.

Washed rice is poured with water. The amount of liquid should be identical to the cereal. Using too much water is not recommended. The rice should be sticky and thick. First, the workpiece is put on a strong fire, and after the water boils, it is gradually reduced. The total cooking time for rice is 10-15 minutes. After bringing it to readiness, remove the saucepan from the heat and wait for the mixture to cool. Hot rice is not recommended. After the product has cooled, carefully mix salt, sugar and rice vinegar into it.

Stuffing and other products

The traditional filling for Philadelphia rolls is cucumber, avocado, nori seaweed, tobiko caviar and Philadelphia cheese. However, this option is not the only one. There are several options for combining products. The main difference between the rolls of this variety is the top layer of salmon. Eel is often used as additional ingredients for fillings, fresh cucumbers are replaced with pickled ones, and Philadelphia cheese is replaced with other types of cheeses.

Common fillings for salmon rolls:

  • avocado, cucumber, Philadelphia cheese, nori seaweed, tobiko caviar;
  • cucumber, Philadelphia cheese, smoked eel, nori seaweed;
  • avocado, Philadelphia cheese, nori seaweed;
  • Philadelphia cheese, nori seaweed;
  • nori seaweed, eel, Philadelia cheese.

In the combination of products for fillings, there is an opportunity to show your culinary imagination. Some sushi masters use their own secrets for making rolls. For example, to give the dish a rich aroma and taste, it is recommended to add a few leaves of nori seaweed to the water while boiling rice. Before boiling the liquid, the ingredient is removed from the pan.

Particular attention should be paid to another ingredient for making rolls - fish fillet. Salmon is traditionally used in Philadelphia, but this type of fish is often replaced with trout. There is no significant difference in this case, but a much more important point is the degree of freshness of the fillet. Salmon in rolls is used lightly salted or fresh. If you prefer a product without pre-treatment, then you should remember a few rules.

Rules for choosing fresh salmon:

  • Fish fillets must be fresh and not frozen.
  • Fresh frozen fish is not recommended.
  • If the salmon fillet has a bright orange tint, then this indicates the presence of dyes.
  • At the slightest suspicion of insufficient freshness of the product, its use should be discarded.

Avocado is an ingredient that is also an integral part of this variety of rolls. The degree of freshness of the fruit is also of particular importance. It is not recommended to use too ripe avocados for rolls. Their pulp quickly becomes too soft, which will disrupt the overall appearance of the dish. It is recommended that you cut off the skin of the avocado.

What can you substitute for Philadelphia cheese?

Philadelphia cheese is considered an essential ingredient for rolls of the same name. If desired, this product is replaced by other varieties of cheeses. The main nuance in this case is that the cheese should have a soft texture and be a little sweet. Melted varieties for Philadelphia rolls are not used. The taste of the final dish after such an experiment will change.

Optimal substitutes for Philadelphia cheese:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • fetaci;
  • cream cheese brands "Crème Bonjour", "Viola" or "Almette".

It is possible to prepare an analogue of Philadelphia cheese at home. For this culinary trick, you only need two ingredients - cottage cheese and any cream cheese. Mix these products in equal proportions, and turn the final mixture into a thick mass of a uniform consistency. To taste, such a product will practically not differ from the original cheese.

Step-by-step recipe for making rolls with a photo

The first step in the roll making process is cooking the rice. The consistency of the product after cooking is of particular importance. The ingredients for the filling should be cut into strips, and salmon into plates. The knife for cutting rolls must be sharp. In a separate container, prepare a small amount of rice vinegar to wet the blade while cutting. This nuance will not only make the edges of the rolls even, but also save you from sticking cream cheese to the knife.

Step by step preparation of rolls:

Calorie content and nutritional value of the dish

The calorie content of any dish directly depends on the composition of the products from which it is prepared. Philadelphia rolls are considered one of the most low-calorie foods. Ingredients such as eel are capable of changing these indicators. When using this additional component, the calorie content of the rolls will increase significantly. If you follow the rules of diets, then Philadelphia cheese is also recommended to be replaced with lower-calorie varieties of this product.

Traditional Philadelphia rolls (100 g) contain:

  • proteins 9.7 g;
  • fats 6.7 g;

Philadelphia is a type of cream cheese. This cheese is also part of the rolls. Probably, there have been cases with many when you read a recipe, and it seems that all the necessary products are there, but Philadelphia cheese is found in the composition, and the question arises: to cook the dish or not. After all, this one is not always easy to find in a supermarket, and even more so after the introduction of economic sanctions.

What can you substitute for Philadelphia cheese?

There are a lot of Philadelphia-like cream cheese recipes on the Internet. But the cheese or curd mass resulting from these recipes is only suitable for baking.

We want to bring to your attention a recipe for making Philadelphia cheese, reminiscent of the factory one. It is somewhat more complicated, but the result is almost indistinguishable from the original. In addition, this cheese is suitable for making not only cheesecake, but also rolls. You will need:

milk - 0.5 liters

cream - 0.5 liters

yogurt with live bacteria - 2 tablespoons

pepsin - 1 sachet

Pepsin is a rennet that is used to make cheese. It is quite cheap and freely sold on the Internet. Be careful with pepsin, as 1 gram of it is diluted per 100 liters of milk. Practice shows that for a three-liter jar, pepsin is enough literally on the tip of a knife.

So, take the milk and cream and pour them into the pan. Then find a pot larger in diameter than the first one, and pour boiling water into it. Plunge the pot of milk and cream into a pot of boiling water and heat. When the milk reaches 40 degrees, add two tablespoons of yogurt with live bacteria (be sure to check this on the yogurt label) and pepsin. Mix everything well. Wait for about eight hours. Next, put several layers of gauze on a colander and pour the resulting mass there. Place in refrigerator and let drain. In the morning, ready-made cream cheese is obtained. Add salt to taste and be careful not to dry out the cheese.

And for those who do not want to mess around in the kitchen, we advise replacing Philadelphia with tender cream cheese. You can find it in the assortment of Lefkadia.

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For all lovers of Japanese cuisine, the choice of ingredients can be a problematic issue. Sometimes certain products are hard to get, even with the current diversity, while others are simply not found on supermarket shelves. But often cheese may be needed to make rolls, and not the most common one at that. What kind of cheese for rolls is used in cooking?

Famous and inaccessible

One of the essential ingredients in almost any sushi recipe is cream cheese. The most common of those that are used is Philadelphia cheese. Its production began in 1872 in Philadelphia, USA. After some time, the company that produced this famous cheese began to grow due to the huge demand for cream cheese rolls. In addition to the fact that many ordinary people bought it, this cheese was also ordered to many establishments for making rolls and sushi.

Philadelphia cheese is supplied to the CIS countries from Europe. Due to some objective reasons, the cost of products is very high and sometimes difficult to find even on supermarket shelves. High prices for the popular Philadelphia cheese, or its absence in stores, does not allow you to cook the right, real rolls, taking into account all the technology and composition. But in this case, the question may arise, then what kind of cheese is put in rolls, if not Philadelphia? There are enough varieties of cheeses that can successfully replace this hard-to-find product.

What can be substituted for Philadelphia cheese?

One of these cheeses is Buko, you can also use Natura, because these cheeses have a very similar consistency and composition to Philadelphia. They can be used to fill rolls, since all these cheeses are rennet. Besides the fact that these cheeses are good for sushi, they are relatively inexpensive and can be found in almost any supermarket in the city. Many restaurants use cream cheese rolls using these varieties. What other cheeses can replace the famous "Philadelphia"?

If you decide to cook rolls at home, and there is no way to use Buko cheese, you can purchase Almette cheese. This variety belongs to soft curd cheeses, so it has a very mild and delicate taste. In Buko cheese, the fat content is 25%, while in Almette it is 65%, so it is not suitable for making light rolls. To do this, it is better to use cream cheese like "Creme Bonjour". In addition, there are enough varieties of cheese with different additives, so you can add them based on your taste preferences.

To answer the question of what kind of cheese is put in rolls in addition to the above, you need to take into account your interests in cooking. It is advisable to purchase any type of cheese in a specialized store, where they can accurately suggest and advise a variety that is suitable specifically for a particular roll recipe.

There is nothing related

Rolls in our country appeared relatively recently, but have gained quite a lot of popularity among consumers. There are many recipes for creating these rice rolls, but in any case, products such as rice, nori are used. There are vegetarian, fish, cheese and even chicken rolls. Now we’ll talk about which cheese is suitable for rolls. There are different types of Japanese rolls used to make these Japanese rolls. We'll look at each one in turn.

cream cheese

Such products combine the softness, usefulness of cottage cheese and the tenderness of cream. Their basis is milk, which is enriched with cream.

The creamy-milk mixture in combination with many starter cultures, in which useful ones are concentrated, forms an amazing aroma and taste of cheese compositions.

for Philadelphia rolls

Such a product began to be produced as early as 1872 in the United States of America, in the small town of Philadelphia. A little later, the well-known company Kraft Foods, which, by the way, is the creator of this most delicate cheese, was forced to increase the production of its product. The reason for this is the huge demand for such cheese for rolls among buyers, as well as its frequent use in establishments where Japanese cuisine is prepared.

In terms of calories, this cheese occupies an average position, it is slightly inferior to Mascarpone, but it exceeds the calorie content of a product such as Ricotta. As part of "Philadelphia" approximately 24 grams of fat. The calorie content of this cheese is 253 kcal. It contains 3.2 grams of carbohydrates. This creamy delicacy is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In dietary nutrition, there are even low-fat varieties of Philadelphia cheese.

Talking about this product, it should be noted that it is an indispensable ingredient for many cuisines. It is also used when making rolls. Without this cheese, a roll like Philadelphia is unthinkable. The creamy product goes well with other components of the dish.

In our country, Russia, this product is supplied from Europe. Of course, the presence of various barriers affects the price of the product, as well as its availability in the stores of our cities. Due to the high cost of this cheese or the lack of it in supermarkets, many citizens cannot prepare such Japanese dishes at home. Although you can still find this product.

Delicious Mascarpone

This product contains many amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and proteins. The calorie content of cheese is 412 kcal, and the fat in it is 41 grams. It is the fattest of the creamy products. Has a sweet aftertaste. In Mascarpone, the carbohydrate content is 4.8 grams.

It is used to make desserts such as cheesecake and tiramisu. Of course, it is used for its taste and structure is similar to

For the production of such cheese, sourdough, milk and buffalo cream are taken, then all this is combined, and “Mascarpone” is obtained. The shelf life of a natural product is only three days.

Cheese for rolls - "Ricotta"

"Ricotta" is made from buffalo, goat, sheep's milk. This is the lowest calorie cream cheese. It has 13 grams of fat and 3 grams of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product is about 174 kcal. This rolled cheese is a real source of healthy proteins and calcium. It can be called the leader in the number of proteins. Ricotta is a dietary cheese enriched with vitamins A and B. It has a pleasant salty taste, and all thanks to the fact that sea water is used in production, which saturates it with minerals.

Such a product goes well with many vegetables, especially tomatoes. It is used to prepare Mediterranean and Italian dishes, as well as rolls. This cheese gives the dish an interesting flavor note.

Other types

Sometimes cheeses such as "Buko" or "Natura" are used to make rolls. They are similar in texture to Philadelphia cheese. They are great for cooking. Such cheeses cost less than their American counterpart.

Delicious feta cheese

What kind of cheese is used for rolls? Of course, Feta. This white colored Greek cheese is made from goat's or sheep's milk. Outwardly, it resembles pressed cottage cheese, but its taste is salty, more expressive, with a delicate sourness. The fat content of this product is from thirty percent to sixty. Feta cheese was first prepared in France (on the island of Corsica). Calorie content is 215 kcal per 100 grams of product. In rolls with such cheese 150 kcal.

It is used to prepare various salads, as well as rolls and sushi.

A small conclusion

Now you know what kind of cheese is put in the rolls. Be sure to tell this information to lovers of Japanese cuisine, in particular sushi. They will be very interested to know what types of cheese are used to prepare their favorite dish, that is, rolls.