What help does Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker give to believers? Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's saint

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most beloved and revered saints in the Christian faith. He was born in the province of Lycia and gave his life to the service of Christ. Bishop Nicholas of Patarsky, uncle of Nicholas the Wonderworker, first made his nephew a reader, then elevated him to the rank of priest. Since then, the now famous Nikolai the Pleasant became an assistant to the bishop and prepared teachings for the flock.

Acts during life

His parents were wealthy people, after their death Nikolai the Pleasant inherited all the property they had acquired and donated to churches... Such an act could not be ignored. St. Nicholas of Merlikia, even after his earthly death, continues to help thousands of those living who turn to him every day. Many are already ready to tell about the miracles that happened to them after turning to this saint.

What Nicholas the Wonderworker is famous for, what he helps and to whom, you can learn from the miracles he performed during his life and from the testimonies of eyewitnesses after his death. Some of them:

  • protector on the water;
  • family life assistant;
  • intercessor of the innocent;
  • savior from death.

In addition, there are several more miracles characteristic of the Pleasant.

Protector on the water

Sailors and travelers primarily consider him to be their patron. The story describes the case when the young Nicholas the Wonderworker, having gone to study in Alexandria, prayed so fervently to God that the one who died on the journey the sailor miraculously resurrected... But not only sailors turn to the saint for patronage, overland travelers also turn to him before a long journey. Leaving the house in the morning, it will be useful to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker before the road.

Family life assistant

The acts of the saint do not end with the patronage of travelers, one of the stories took place in the Lycian city of Mir and testifies that Nicholas the Wonderworker helps to get married... A sad story is associated with a family where a father and his three daughters were poor. Their money was not enough to collect a dowry, so no one took the girls in marriage. Out of despair, the father decided to sell his daughters to a brothel. Bishop Nicholas, as soon as the sad news reached him, decided to help on his own and secretly planted his own savings in the poor man's house.

He did not want anyone to know about this act, because the Lord commanded not to show off their good deeds, but still the girls pray to the Saint and ask for help in creating a family. Testimonies collected around the world speak of how Nicholas the Wonderworker helps in the search for love and happiness in the family.

Advocate of the innocent

Ivan Repin in his painting reflected another incident: Nikolai the Wonderworker, who suddenly appeared on the square, grabbed the hand of the executioner, who was about to execute three prisoners. They decided to postpone the execution, no one wanted to contradict the respected church man. This happened because the Lord showed the saint the true picture in advance, and later evidence of the innocence of the prisoners was found. Since then, all innocently convicted turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help. Even those who know about their wrongdoing and the subsequent punishment ask for intercession before God. After all, the saint is glorious because he knows how to forgive those who have stumbled and repented.

Savior from death

There are many atheists among modern people. But even unbelievers Nicholas the Wonderworker helps... Another story related to salvation after the saint passed away took place in China. The fisherman who fell through the ice remembered the icon that Russian tourists had hung at the station. He did not know the name of the saint, so he called him the Old Man of the Station. A moment before he lost consciousness, he asked him for salvation, and woke up already far from the water. This story is mentioned in his book by Alexander Vertinsky. According to him, the Chinese later converted to Orthodoxy, some of his friends followed his example.

Conciliator of the warring

During the Roman Empire, Christians were outcasts. They were extremely disliked by the pagans. Every day, all who worshiped Christ risked facing death. Pagan gods used to be distinguished by a certain sphere of activity, in the circle of which one can ask them for help. Among some believing Christians, this is also the case in relation to Orthodox saints. In fact, this is far from the case. You can ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in any situation, it refers to travel, the above acts of it or not.

In times of persecution, he was not afraid of what the pagans would do to him, and he helped others, healed from a deadly disease and even resurrected. By his prayer to Christ, he saved the city in these times from a terrible famine. He is also credited with destroying several pagan churches. Already during his lifetime he won the glory of a great miracle worker... It is also known that the Pleasant was a peace-loving person and always tried to reconcile enemies, therefore those who are at enmity still ask for help from him.

Miracle for children

Parents know that the holy Pleasant is always attentive to prayers for children. When little children are sick, mothers always sincerely pray for their health. Nicholas the Wonderworker is very attentive to them and always helps. According to the stories of those who ask, the saint even looks after their children, if the parents need to let them out of sight, but before that they asked Nikolai the Pleasant for help.

Helper for everyone

People who have nothing to do with the church often ask what are the conditions to receive help from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker? The most important thing that every Christian knows: Bishop Nicholas was a deeply religious person during his ministry. After the death of the saint, his connection with God intensified, so many even ask him for intercession before the Almighty. Any prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker must be sincere, from the heart, the Lord will not leave her without attention.

The saints in this case are a kind of mediators, petitioners before God on behalf of those who ask them. Prayers are not a spell or ritual, the main thing is to ask from the heart. Any sincere prayer will be answered. In any case, the Almighty will not refuse.

Many people think that the saint helps Orthodox Christians in any difficult situation, but are there still those who are ready to help Nicholas the Wonderworker? Do not forget that God is one. In any religion there are saints who have become closer to him after death. Intercession and patronage can be asked from anyone, everyone hears and will ask the Almighty on behalf of the one asking him. And also with the askers themselves.

Anyone can ask any nationality and any religion... Even atheists often first of all begin to turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker. This is because help comes almost instantly. This is known to those who have at least once turned with prayer to this magnificent saint.

In the most desperate situations, when hands are already discouraged, help comes, one has only to pray to St. Nicholas. People always receive what they pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The list of basic requests is very long, but from it several especially frequent ones can be distinguished:

Christianity allows an appeal to a saint in a free form, but there are also church appeals used by believers:

  • Mentor;
  • Holy Wonderworker;
  • Father is gracious;
  • when referring specifically to Nicholas the Wonderworker, a special phrase is usually used: "Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for me."

Prayers to the patron saint are short, you can speak in your own words, the prayers end in the same way: "Amen." Nonbelievers, but asking for help or intercession, simply ask from the heart what is most important to them now. They may not know all the rules and laws of Christianity, but they can be sure that Nicholas the Wonderworker will hear and help them.

Shrines related to the Prelate

It is known that Nicholas the Wonderworker lived a very long life. But his exact date of death was not indicated anywhere; the annals contain data about the middle of the 4th century. December 6 (19) was recorded as the day of death, and the Nativity of St. Nicholas was recorded on July 29 (August 11). Memorial Day of the saint - May 9 (22). On this day, many come from different parts of the earth to touch his relics... A basilica was built in Bari, one column from which was taken from the bottom of the sea by Nicholas of Merliki himself. She was surrounded by a lattice, but everyone who happened to be nearby tries to stick his hand through the bars in order to touch that very piece of the life of everyone's beloved saint.

In any church there is always an icon with the face of this saint. In the church of the city of Myra, where Bishop Nicholas served, remained his incorruptible relics that began to stream myrrh. Miro helped believers to heal from various diseases. The Italian basilica also contains part of the relics of Nicholas. It was the relics that served as the reason for the construction of the basilica in honor of Nicholas. A small part of the relics still remains in Mira, and the rest was transported to Venice.

Such an act with the division of relics in different countries is explained by the fact that in 792 an attack was made on the shrines in Myra. A storm arose at sea, the enemy ships sank. When the Italians attack tomb with myrrh-streaming relics was devastated by the enemy, but small fragments remained in it, making up about a fifth of the skeleton.

Saint Nicholas remains the most revered saint among Orthodox Christians. His name was initially known to every child, because until the beginning of the 20th century, babies were named in his honor. East Slavic traditions bring the cult of Nicholas the Wonderworker closer to the Mother of God and Christ. His image among the Eastern and Western Slavs is associated with a guide to another world. Many believe that prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is the main condition for the salvation of the soul after earthly life.


The feast of the transfer of the relics in the same year began to be celebrated only in Bari. At the beginning of the 11th century, the holiday was established in Russia. Honoring Nicholas the Wonderworker takes place every Thursday, in churches it is accompanied by chants. In 2009, part of the relics was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. An agreement was concluded between the patriarchs that more relics would be transported to Russia, only a small part of them would remain in Bari.

The icon of the saint has its own meaning for each parishioner and acts in different ways, but it has always been a symbol of the protection of the people. A kind of talisman helping people, whether they are believers or not. They prefer to worship the original icon, but a copy can be purchased at any church shop. When pronouncing a special prayer, the effect of the icon is enhanced.

Feast of Nicholas the Pleasure celebrated on 3 different days, for this reason people choose their own icon of the saint based on which season is closer to them. "Nicholas the winter" is depicted on the icons in the episcopal miter, in this it differs from the icon of "St. Nicholas of Veshny", where he is depicted with his head uncovered. But they have the same and the same miraculous effect, so it doesn't matter what time of year someone chooses.

Identification with Santa

For many, Nicholas the Pleasure is identified with God. This applies not only to Christians, but also to other religions. Even such a seemingly far from Christianity Santa Claus is the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker dressed in a fairy tale... Every child in European countries and America believes in this kind magician in a red suit. But at the same time, every child knows that he comes once a year only at Christmas, and if the kid behaved badly over the past year, Santa Claus will give him a coal instead of a present. This delusion does not concern Nicholas the Wonderworker in any way. He always comes to the aid of those who ask him for it. The child does not always realize how and why he acted, therefore, the punishment in the form of coal under the tree is unacceptable.

Identification with this fairy-tale character began from the time when the story with the father of three girls happened. Someone mentioned that Bishop Nicholas threw in the chimney bag of gold coins... As you know, Santa Claus also uses the chimney to get into the house. Children who know about Nicholas the Wonderworker know that it is not Santa who comes to them on December 19, but the beloved saint, it is he who leaves the gifts.

It doesn't matter who asks for help, Nicholas the Wonderworker will always provide it. The words spoken from the heart will be heard and conveyed to the Lord. You can ask for anything, the peace-loving saint will not disregard any of the requests.

Do you know what is the most popular question from this blog? Here it is - "What saint and from what helps?"

Today we will "touch" the Personality of such a Saint, whom they pray to in almost any troubles and with any problems. Yes, yes, you guessed it - this is the Pleasant, the Wonderworker Saint Nicholas of Mirliki.

What does the Miracle Worker Nikolay of Mirliki help with?

Saint Nicholas is revered in many world religions (and Muslims too), in Russia many churches have been created in honor of the Wonderworker, and in every Christian church there will certainly be an icon of this great saint. So why is there such great reverence for St. Nicholas?

To begin with, St. Nicholas is numbered among the miracle workers, which means that the saint was glorified for the gift of miracles and intercession in response to prayers. Moreover, the church honors His name so highly that the names of the faces of the saints are written with a small letter, but with Nicholas of Mirlikisky, as an exception, they write with a capital letter, that is - WITH Vyatatel Nikolay Mirlikisky.

“Son, and you write a note with a request to Nicholas the Wonderworker, and put it under a particle of His relics. He's the kindest, he always helps us in everything. " - so one of the mothers of the Tolgsky monastery whispered to me.

In general, it has long been noticed that Nicholas the Wonderworker is very responsive to the sincere prayers of those who seek to improve, change for the better and repent of their mistakes.

Saint Nicholas helps those who want to improve, people in places of detention, innocently convicted

They pray to Him in the hope of correction, protection and help, as well as in places of confinement. He especially helps innocent prisoners. During his lifetime, Nicholas of Mirlikisky freed from death, freed from captivity and the bonds of dungeon. I definitely advise you to read the amazing story of how Nicholas the Wonderworker saved the lives of three innocent people condemned to death.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron saint of sailors and travelers

Travelers and sailors consider Him to be their patron. The thing is that two stories are connected with the sailors and Nicholas the Wonderworker: the first is how young Nicholas raised from the dead a young sailor who had crashed from the mast, and the second - how the Saint saved the sailor on the way from Alexandria to Mira.

The saint, even during his life, by prayer to the Lord, stopped storms and any bad weather on the way. They pray to the saint on the way and now.

Saint Nicholas - a prototype of Santa Claus and an assistant in search of his betrothed

Many readers know that Nicholas the Wonderworker served as the prototype of Santa Claus among Catholics. According to the miraculous history, the saint decided to help three girls. Their father was poor and could not collect money for the dowry, so he decided to collect income from their beauty. Saint Nicholas, having learned about this, decided to help the girls and secretly (by his modesty) threw wallets with money into the girls' windows. One evening, the girls' father tracked down Nicholas, but in response to the father's thanks, Nicholas only said that one should thank not Him, but the Lord. According to another Catholic version, the saint threw money into the chimney, and it fell into the sock of his younger sister, which was drying by the hearth. It is this variation of the story that has found its place in the folklore of Santa Claus and gifts in the sock.

And now they turn with prayers to Nicholas Mirlikisky of their second half, they pray for marriage.

Nikolay Mirlikisky - protection from enemies, reconciliation of warring parties, patron saint of the Russian army

  • Saint Nicholas, even during his lifetime, was distinguished by a gentle character and always reconciled those at war, they pray to Him in request with enemies even now.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron saint of children and merchants

  • Nikolai Mirlikisky is considered the patron saint of;
  • Nikolay is especially fond of children. Many mothers know how responsive the Great Saint is to prayers;
  • They especially honor the memory of the Saint and consider Him as their patron in the Russian army.

“Nikola - the name is famous,

Tesoimenito wins,

Hagaryans wins,

Consoles Christians. " (Folk song)

They pray to Nicholas of Mirlikisky for diseases, ailments and health.

In general, you can pray to all the saints in any cases and life situations.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer 1 to St. Nicholas of Myra

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for your early intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of all blessings and darkened by the mind of cowardice.

Please, please, please God, do not leave us in sinful captivity to be, let us not be our enemy for joy and not die in our crafty deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Sister and the Lord, to Him you stand before with incorporeal faces: mercifully create our God in our present life and in the future, so that he will not reward us according to our deeds and according to the uncleanness of our hearts, but according to His goodness he will reward us ...

We rely on your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we ask for help to your holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, the servitor of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, but for the sake of your holy prayers it will not take us to attack and not get bogged down in the abyss of sinfulness and in the mud of our passions.

Pray, to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may he give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but to our souls salvation and great mercy, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to St. Nicholas, Tone 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence of the teacher, reveal the truth to your flock even as things; For this, for the sake of this, you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty, Father Nicholas the priest, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion to St. Nicholas, Tone 3

In Mirekh, the holy one, the priest appeared to be: Christ's more, venerable, having fulfilled the Gospel, laid down your soul about your people, and saved you innocent from death; For this reason, thou art sanctified, as the great mystery of God's grace.

Prayer 2 to Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-honorable and all-pious bishop, great Miracle-worker, Holy Hierarch of Christ, Father Nicholas, the man of God and faithful servant, the husband of desires, the chosen vessel, the strong pillar of the church, the bright lamp, the star shining and illuminating the entire universe: you are a righteous man, like a prosperous fig. in the courtyards of his Lord, living in the Worlds, thou art fragrant with peace, and exuding the ever-flowing peace of God's grace.

With your procession, holy father, the sea will be illuminated, when your many-wonderful relics will march to the city of Barsky, praise the name of the Lord from east to west.

O graceful and delightful Miracle-worker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kindhearted shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles, we glorify you and we magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, hungry for the feeder, crying joy, naked clothes , the sick doctor, the steward floating on the sea, the captives of the liberator, the widows and orphans of the feeder and intercessor, the chastity of the keeper, the infants of the meek punisher, the old fortification, the fasting mentor, the laborers of rapture, the poor and the poor, abundant wealth.

Hear us, praying to you, and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High, and pursue your God-pleasing prayers, all that is useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy abode (or this temple), every city and all, and every Christian country, and people living from every bitterness with your help:

We are, we are, as the prayer of the righteous can do a lot, advancing towards the good: for you, the righteous, according to the blessed Virgin Mary, the representative of the Imam to the All-Merciful God, and for yours, gracious father, warm intercession and intercession we humbly flow: you observe us kindly as cheerful and Shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, gladness, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God's mercy, many of our iniquities, bound by sinful bonds, and neither the will of our Creator, nor the preservation of His commandments.

In the same way, we bow the broken and humble knee of our heart to our Creator, and we ask your fatherly intercession to Him:

Help us, the Grace of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from every evil and from every thing that resists, control our mind and strengthen our heart in the right faith, in it by your intercession and intercession, neither by wounds, nor by reprimand, nor by pestilence, no anger will let me live in this age, and will save me from standing, and will vouch for the desnago with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer 3 to St. Nicholas

O all valiant, great miracle worker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, the faithful protector, the hungry for the feeder, the weeping joy, the sick doctor, the ruler floating on the sea, the poor and orphaned feeder and the fast helper and patron of everyone, may we live our life peacefully and may be honored to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven , and with them ceaselessly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 4 to Nicholas the Pleasant

O great intercessor, the Bishop of God, Blessed Nicholas, who shines like a sunflower miracles, who call upon you an early hearer appearing, always anticipate and save them, and deliver them, and take away from all sorts of troubles, from God these miracles and gifts of grace!

Hear me unworthy, with faith thee calling and offering you prayers singing; I offer you an intercessor for intercession to Christ.

O notorious in miracles, saint heights! as if you have boldness, soon present yourself to the Lord, and venerate your hands with prayer to Him, stretch out for me a sinner, and from Him give me bounty of goodness, and accept me in your intercession, and save me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of visible and invisible enemies freeing, and destroying all those slander and evil deception, and reflecting those who fight me in all my life; by my sin, ask for forgiveness, and be saved to Christ, present me and vouch for the Kingdom of Heaven for the multitude of that love of mankind, for him all glory, honor and worship are due, with his Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever centuries.

Prayer 5 to St. Nicholas

Oh, all-blessed Father Nicholas, pastor and teacher of all those who come to your intercession by faith, and call you with warm prayer, soon sweep and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that destroy e, that is, from the invasion of the crafty Latins who are rising up against us.

Protect and preserve our country, and every country in Orthodoxy, with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, the sword, the invasion of foreigners, from internecine and bloody warfare.

And as if you had mercy on the three men in the dungeon sitting down, and you delivered them from the tsar's anger and the beating of the sword, so have mercy and deliver the Orthodox people of Great, Small and White Russia from the pernicious Latin heresy.

As if by your intercession and help, by His own mercy and grace, Christ God, may He look with His merciful eye on people in the ignorance of existence, who have not known their right hands, much more than a young one, Latin seductions are spoken in a hedgehog to turn away from the faith may the mind of His people enlighten, may they not be tempted and will not fall away from the faith of their fathers, may the conscience, lulled by vain wisdom and ignorance, awaken, will turn it to the preservation of the holy Orthodox faith, may it remember the faith and humility of our fathers, your belly for the Orthodox faith who put, receive the prayers of the warm saints of His saints, who have shone in our land, who keep us from the delusion and heresy of Latin, and who preserved us in holy Orthodoxy will vouch for us at the terrible Judgment of His hand standing with all the saints. Amen.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for disease and good health

Prayer for good health to Nicholas the Pleasant

Miracle worker Nicholas, Savior and Righteous. I am addressing you in a painful writhing, remove all cruel damage from me. Forgive me the sins for which I suffer, I sincerely repent from my open heart. May illnesses recede, health remain, and may the Lord not condemn me for everything. Ask him to go away and my illnesses go away forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Myra for disease

Miracle worker Nikolai, Defender of the Righteous. Strengthen my faith in Orthodox relics and cleanse my mortal body from painful thinness. Charge my soul with your glorification and do not make my body sick of sin. May ulcers and deep wounds heal, may all cruel sorrows be cast away forever. Heal my weakness, save me from death, and take my diseases forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Saint Nicholas is the most revered saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. Nicholas the Wonderworker can help in the most difficult everyday situations if you know how to properly address him in prayer.

No saint in the Orthodox Church is revered as much as Nicholas the Wonderworker. His life is striking in the abundance of facts about miraculous healings and help to people who are in desperate situations. Most often, they pray to the saint for the preservation of peace in the family, obedience to children and help on long journeys.

Memorable dates of St. Nicholas

The people have long respected and loved Niklai the Wonderworker: many churches and chapels have been built in his honor, they pray to him for deliverance from troubles, for protection from evil forces and harmony in the family.

Since 2004, Orthodox Christians have been celebrating the birth of the saint: the memorable date is celebrated with a liturgy and prayer service on August 11. They also commemorate the day of the saint's death - December 19. The people call this day Nicholas the Winter, and on this day most people listen to folk signs about the difficult day of the commemoration of the deceased saint.

What they pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

According to the Holy Scriptures, even in infancy, Nicholas the Wonderworker behaved differently from other children: on Wednesdays and Fridays, he took breast milk once a day, did not get sick or scream like other babies. Growing up, Nicholas showed increasing love and zeal for the study of the Law of God, and when the time came, he chose the path of a priest for himself.

The saint went through a difficult path from a novice to the abbot of the Lycian church. He survived the persecution of Christians, continuing to secretly help people with means, intercessions and good deeds. Researchers cannot say in what year Nikolai left this world: only the day of his death is known - December 19. After the death of the saint, the relics of the saint are kept in Italy, and millions of pilgrims annually declare miracles that occur to them after worshiping the saint.

It is customary to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

  • about travelers or missing persons;
  • about the terminally ill;
  • about sick children;
  • about those in prison;
  • about peace and harmony in the family;
  • about solving money debts.

Prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker should be read sincerely and from the bottom of your heart, wishing to save yourself and save your loved ones from a difficult or dangerous situation. The Orthodox believe that the saint will not leave them in trouble, and find confirmation of their faith. We wish you peace of mind and inner balance. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

12.12.2016 07:02

On October 26, the Orthodox world, according to tradition, will bow to the icon of the Iberian Mother of God, asking her for ...

On October 28, believers will traditionally worship the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Queen of Breads", asking her for ...

Name: Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikolai Mirlikisky)

Date of Birth: 270 BC

Age: 75 years

Date of death: 345 BC

Height: 168

Activity: archbishop, orthodox saint

Family status: was not married

Nicholas the Wonderworker: biography

The most revered saint in Orthodoxy, miracle worker, patron saint of sailors, travelers, orphans and prisoners. From the day of veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in December, the New Year holidays begin. Children expect Christmas gifts from him, because the saint became the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. According to the life of the saint, he was born in 270 in the Lycian town of Patara, at that time a Greek colony. Today it is the territory of the Turkish provinces of Antalya and Mugla, and the area where Patara is located is called the vicinity of the village of Gelemish.

The biography-life of Nicholas the Wonderworker says that his parents were wealthy Christians who gave their son an education befitting the 3rd century. The family of Nicholas of Mirlikisky (another name of the saint) was a believer, his uncle, the Bishop of Patara, noticed his nephew's religiosity and made him a reader at a public service.

Young Nicholas spent his days at the monastery, and devoted his nights to studying the Holy Scriptures and praying. The boy was remarkable for his amazing responsiveness and realized early that he would devote his life to the ministry. The uncle, seeing the nephew's zeal, took the teenager as an assistant. Soon Nicholas was ordained a priest, and the bishop entrusted him to teach lay believers.

Monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker in Yeisk

The young priest, having asked the blessings of his uncle-bishop, went to the Holy Land. On the way to Jerusalem, Nicholas had a vision: the devil went out on a ship. The priest predicted a storm and a shipwreck. At the request of the ship's crew, Nicholas the Wonderworker pacified the rebellious sea. Climbing Golgotha, the Lycian offered up prayers of thanks to the Savior.

On a pilgrimage journey, bypassing holy places, he ascended Mount Zion. The open doors of the temple, which was closed for the night, were a sign of the Lord's mercy. Filled with gratitude, Nicholas decided to retire in the desert, but a voice from heaven stopped the young priest, ordering him to return home.

In Lycia, Nicholas joined the brotherhood of Holy Zion in order to lead a silent life. But the Most High appeared to him with the Mother of God and handed the Gospel and the omophorion. According to legend, the Lycian bishops received a sign, after which they decided at the council to make the young layman Nicholas bishop of Myra (the city of the Lycian confederation). Historians and religious scholars argue that for the 4th century the appointment was possible.

After the death of his parents, Nicholas entered into inheritance rights and distributed the wealth due to him to the poor. The ministry of the bishop of Myra in Lycia fell on difficult times of persecution. The Roman emperors Diocletian and Maximian persecuted Christians, but in May 305, after the imperial abdication, Constantius, who took the throne, stopped the persecution in the western part of the empire. In the east, they continued until 311 by the Roman emperor Galerius. After a period of oppression, Christianity in the Lycian world, where Nicholas was bishop, developed rapidly. He is credited with the destruction of pagan temples and the temple of Artemis in Mir.

Researchers from the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker talk about the cathedral court at which he was tried. The Greek Metropolitan of Nafpaktos in the book "The Treasure" claims that they tried the future saint for slapping Arius in the face during the Council of Nicaea. But researchers tend to view the slap in the face as libel. They say that Nicholas called the heretic "a mad blasphemer," for which he became the subject of a conciliar court. The libelous resort to the help of the Wonderworker Nicholas, since it is believed that the saint will save them from their sad fate.


Travelers and sailors caught in a storm turn to St. Nicholas for help. The biographies of the saint speak of the repeated salvation of seafarers. During a trip to Alexandria to study, Nikolai's ship was covered by a storm surge. The sailor fell off the lines and died. The miracle worker Nikolai, then still a young man, resurrected the deceased.

The life of the saint describes the case of saving the honor of three sisters from a poor family, whom his father, in order to avoid hunger, intended to give up for fornication. An unenviable fate awaited the girls, but Nicholas, under cover of night, threw sacks of gold into the house, providing the girls with a dowry. According to Catholic tradition, the bags of gold fell into stockings, which were dried in front of the fireplace. Since then, a tradition has emerged to leave gifts "from Santa Claus" to children in colorful Christmas stockings (socks). The miracle worker Nikolai reconciles the warring ones and protects the innocent convicts. Prayers addressed to him save him from sudden death. The worship of the saint became widespread after his death.

Christmas stockings symbolize the gift of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Another mention of the miracle performed by the Miracle Worker Nicholas is associated with the rescue of the Prince of Novgorod, Mstislav Vladimirovich. The sick nobleman dreamed that he would be saved by an icon of a saint from Kiev's Sophia Cathedral. But the envoys did not make it to Kiev because of the storm that broke out on the Msta River. When the waves subsided, next to the ship, on the water, the messengers saw a round icon depicting the Miracle Worker Nikolai. The sick prince, having touched the face of the saint, recovered.

Believing Christians call the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker a miracle. They are sure that this prayer can change fate for the better if it is read for 40 days in a row. Believers claim that the saint hears all prayers for help in work and for health. A prayer service to Saint Nicholas helps girls get married safely, starving people get their fill, and those who suffer - get rid of everyday problems. Those praying in the church note that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker immediately responds to the sincere prayer uttered at his icon by burning candles.

After death

The exact date of Nikolai's death is unknown. They call it 345. After leaving the other world, the body of the saint was pacified and turned into an object of pilgrimage. In the IV century, a basilica appeared over the grave of Nicholas the Wonderworker, and in the 9th century in Turkish Demre, formerly known as Mira, a church was erected, the doors of which were thrown open in the 21st century. Until 1087, the remains of the saint rested in Demre. But in May, traders from Italy stole 80% of the relics, leaving part of them in a hurry in the grave. The stolen treasure was transported to the city of Bari - the capital of the Italian region of Apulia.

Nine years later, Venetian merchants stole the remains of the Wonderworker Nicholas in Demre and transported them to Venice. Today, 65% of the relics of the saint are in Bari. They were placed under the altar of the Catholic Basilica of St. Nicholas. A fifth of the sacred remains rests on the Venetian island of Lido, above the altar of the temple. A hole has been made in the Bari basilica in the tomb of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Every year on May 9 (the day when the ship with the relics moored to the shore, the day of the city of Bari), myrrh is taken out of the coffin, which is credited with miraculous properties, healing from deadly diseases.

Two examinations, carried out in the mid and late 1990s, confirmed that the relics stored in two cities in Italy belong to the same person. Anthropologists from Britain in 2005 reconstructed the appearance of the saint from the skull. If you believe the recreated appearance, then Nicholas the Wonderworker was 1.68 meters tall, had a high forehead, dark skin, brown eyes and sharply defined cheekbones and chin.


The news of the transfer of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker to Italy spread throughout Europe, but at first only the Barians celebrated the feast of the transfer of the holy relics. The Greeks, like the Christians of the East and West, accepted the news of the transfer of the remains with sadness. In Russia, the veneration of St. Nicholas spread in the XI century. After 1087 (according to other sources, 1091), the Orthodox Church established May 9 (according to the Julian calendar) as the day of celebration of the transfer of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra in Lycia to Bari.

As widely as in Russia, the holiday is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria and Serbia. Catholics (other than Barians) do not celebrate May 9th. The Russian Orthodox Messeslov names three dates for the holidays dedicated to Nicholas the Wonderworker. December 19 - the day of his death, May 22 - the arrival of the holy relics in Bari and August 11 - the birth of the saint. In Orthodox churches, the Wonderworker Nicholas is commemorated with chants every Thursday.

The second group of holidays associated with the memory of the most revered saint in Russia is associated with miraculous icons with his face. On March 1, 2009, in Bari, the 1913 church and the Patriarchal courtyard were transferred to the ownership of the Russian Orthodox Church. The President of Russia took the keys from them.

In Russia, the number of icons painted and built churches of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the second after the Mother of God. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the name Nikolai was one of the most popular in the country. In the XIX-XX centuries, the Wonderworker was revered in such a way that there was an opinion about the entry of St. Nicholas into the Holy Trinity. According to Slavic beliefs (the legend of the Belarusian Polesye has been preserved), Nicholas will replace God on the throne as the “eldest” of the saints.

Western and Eastern Slavs ascribe to Nicholas the Wonderworker the possession of the keys to heaven and the function of "transporting" souls to another world. The southern Slavs call the saint "the ruler of paradise", "the wolf shepherd" and "the destroyer of snakes." They say that Nikolai the Pleasant is the patron saint of agriculture and beekeeping.

Orthodox Christians distinguish in their iconography "Nicholas of the Winter" and "Nicholas of Veshny". The image on the icons is different: the "winter" Miracle Worker is depicted in the miter of a bishop, the "vernal" one has an uncovered head. It is noteworthy that Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered by Kalmyks and Buryats professing Buddhism. The Kalmyks call the saint "Mikola-Burkhan". He patronizes fishermen and is considered the master of the Caspian Sea. The Buryats identify Nicholas with the White Elder - the god of longevity.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the prototype of Santa Claus, on whose behalf children are presented with gifts. Before the Reformation, the saint was revered on December 6, but then the celebration was postponed to December 24, so he is associated with Christmas. In 17th century Britain, Nicholas was the impersonal "Father of Christmas", but in Holland his name is Sinterklaas, which translates as Saint Nicholas.

The Dutch, who founded the city, brought to New York the tradition of celebrating Christmas with Sinterklaas, who soon became Santa Claus. From the church prototype, the hero has only a name, otherwise the image has undergone thorough commercialization. In France, Christmas Grandfather comes to children, Joulupukki to Finnish kids, but in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, the New Year is impossible without Santa Claus, whose prototype is the beloved saint in Russia.

Relics in Russia

In February 2016, a meeting between Patriarch Cyril and Pope Francis took place, at which an agreement was reached on the transfer of part of the relics of the saint from Bari to Russia. On May 21, 2017, the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker (left rib) were placed in the ark and delivered to the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where they were met by the Russian patriarch. Those who wished were able to bow to the relics from May 22 to July 12. On May 24, the President of Russia visited the temple. On July 13, the ark was transported to St. Petersburg, to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The relics were opened until July 28, 2017.

The kilometer-long queues of pilgrims lined up to the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which is why a special regime of access to the churches was introduced. People wrote notes to the saint, asking for help in healing. The organizers of access to the holy relics asked not to do this, recalling that the Orthodox have other forms of addressing the saints - reading akathists, prayers and chants. Particles of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept in the churches of dozens of churches of the Russian diocese, in the monasteries of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg.


Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was a benefactor of the human race even during his lifetime. He did not cease to be one even after his earthly death. Nikolai Ugodnik helps people as before. tells how from the very birth the future Miracle Worker showed his destiny for a special service to the Lord. He began a strict ascetic life, to which he remained faithful to the grave.

What did Nicholas the Wonderworker help with? Wherever the saint was everywhere, he took care of the healing of people's ailments, healed them from incurable diseases. He helped some in their poverty, and gave others consolation in sorrow. He became famous as the pacifier of the warring ones, the protector of the innocent condemned and the deliverer from vain death.

Saint Nicholas was meek and lowly in spirit, not spiteful in heart, alien to all arrogance and self-interest; observed strict moderation and simplicity: he wore simple clothes, ate lean food. The doors of his house were open to everyone: he received everyone with love and cordiality, being a father for the orphans, a feeder for the poor, a comforter for the crying, and an intercessor for the oppressed.

Not only believers, but also pagans turned to him, and the saint responded with his constant miraculous help to all who were looking for her. In those who were saved by him from bodily troubles, he aroused repentance of sins and a desire to correct their lives.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker depicting Christ and the Mother of God

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is recognized by believers immediately. Among all the saints of the Christian world, St. Nicholas has the most developed iconography: a large number of various types of icons of the saint were created over ten centuries. The oldest and most widespread are the half-length images of Nicholas the Wonderworker, which are formed in Byzantine and Russian art in the 11th-13th centuries. Traditionally, a half-length image of the saint, who blesses with his right, slightly raised hand, and holds the Gospel in his left.

Often there are icons on which, at the top, in the cloudy heavenly spheres, are the figures of Christ and the Mother of God. This symbolizes the fact that the Lord himself handed over the Gospel to Saint Nicholas, and the Most Holy Theotokos placed an omophorion on him (that is, the vestment of a bishop). Another ancient type of icons are the life-size images of the saint.

The hagiographic icons of Nicholas the Wonderworker depict the deeds of the saint. These images have been known in Russia since the 13th-14th centuries. At this time, the main groups of subjects were formed: the birth and teaching to read and write, placing in the priesthood, helping in troubles. Traditionally, the story of the life and deeds of the saint ends with the story of the Lycian Myra from the Turks devastated by the Turks to the Italian city of Bari in 1087.

The most ancient icon-painting image of the Mirlikian saint known to us is the image of Nicholas with the Savior and selected saints in the fields from the collection of the Sinai monastery of St. Catherine. This icon is notable for the fact that the gesture of the hand is not a blessing. Such a gesture can be described as pointing to the Gospel, or as a "gesture of speech."

There are enough miraculous icons of St. Nicholas, the veneration of which arose after the miraculous help of the saint. So, the Russian translation of the Life, made in the XI century, contains a description of the miracle that happened in Kiev. The infant, who had drowned by an oversight in the Dnieper, after the prayer of his parents to the Miracle-Worker, was found alive in the choir of St. Sophia Cathedral under the icon of St. Nicholas. Since then, this icon was revered as miraculous and received the name "Nikola Wet", because the baby was lying all wet, as if it had just been taken out of the water. Unfortunately, during the Second World War, this icon disappeared and was never found.

The history of another miraculous image of the saint is associated with Novgorod. The legend says that Nikolai the Wonderworker appeared to the seriously ill Novgorod prince Mstislav in a dream and ordered to transport his image, made on a round board, from Kiev to Novgorod. On Lake Ilmen, the princely ambassadors were caught in a storm and landed on the Lipno island, waiting for the weather to continue their journey. On the fourth day, we saw an icon of St. Nicholas floating on the waves, which exactly corresponded to the description. After the miraculous healing of the prince, the image was placed in the St. Nicholas Cathedral at Yaroslav's Court. Hence the name of the icon - "Nikola Dvorischsky". Later on the island, where the image was acquired, the Lipensky Nikolsky Monastery was founded.

A special place is occupied by the Velikoretskaya icon of St. Nicholas, which is miraculous. This image consists of a centerpiece with a half-length image of Nicholas the Wonderworker and eight pictorial hallmarks depicting the miracles of the saint. According to legend, in 1383, on the high bank of the Velikaya River, not far from the town of Khlynov (now the city of Kirov), the image of St. Nicholas appeared to the peasant Agalakov. Soon, healings and miracles began from this icon. The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous image quickly spread around the neighborhood, people came to the place of the appearance of the icon, thanked God for the shrine given to them, received spiritual consolation and healing.

In 1392, the image was transferred from the banks of the Velikaya River to the city of Khlynov, whose residents vowed to bring the icon to the place of the apparition annually. So it was born In the 16th century, at the behest of Tsar Ivan IV, the icon was delivered from Khlynov to Moscow. On the way, the sick were healed from her and miracles were performed. By decree of the tsar, one of the side-altars of the St. Basil's Cathedral, which was under construction at that time, was consecrated in honor of the Velikoretskaya icon of St. Nicholas. Lists were made from the icon. From that time on, throughout Russia, the veneration of the Velikoretsky image of St. Nicholas began.

A lot of testimonies about the healing of people from the Velikoretsky image have been preserved in written sources. In the archives, you can find a description of the miracles that were witnessed in Vyatka from 1551 to 1647. These are short stories about how many ordinary people received help in serious illnesses after praying in front of the Velikoretskaya icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. For example, two of them:

“On July 8, 1555, the maiden Martha Fedotov’s daughter of Bukriev didn’t see Shestakov’s city with her left eye for a year and a half, when she came to the cathedral church of St. Nicholas and applied to his miraculous image and receive healing.”

In 1559 it is written:

“On May 30, a wife named Neonil Andreev, wife of Khokhryakov, was sick for a year, and when she came to the cathedral church and a prayer chant, she applied to the miraculous image by being healthy.”

More than 200 miracles performed in front of the Velikoretskaya icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker have been preserved in the archival records. And today Saint Nicholas helps all those in need who turn to him with