Which lilac to insist white or lilac. Medicinal properties of flowers and leaves of lilac ordinary. Useful properties of lilac and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Clusters of white, purple, lilac color can be seen near every house in the zone of central Russia. Every spring we inhale the aroma and admire the beauty of flowering lilac bushes, not suspecting that it also has healing properties that traditional medicine recommends. The most common medicine from flowers and leaves is lilac tincture, which helps to cope with various ailments.

Let's find out what white lilac helps with, what medicinal properties it has and why traditional medicine recommends turning to it.

Healing properties of flowers and leaves of the plant

In May, it is impossible to pass by the clusters of lilac, white, dark lilacs, the hand reaches out to break a bunch of fragrant lush inflorescences. Don't rush to do it. The smell, in the literal and figurative sense of the word, "turns your head", and if you put a vase with white lilacs in the room, then after a few minutes you can feel a deterioration in well-being. The pressure may increase, the heartbeat will become more frequent, arrhythmia, headache and other symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning will appear.

Therefore, it is better not to keep such bouquets in the house.

Traditional medicine recommends lilac tincture to treat malaria, febrile conditions, renal colic, epilepsy, pneumonia, influenza and SARS. The drug from the flowers normalizes the menstrual cycle and controls blood sugar.

Lilac tea normalizes the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, alleviates the condition of patients with bronchial asthma and helps with osteomyelitis.

She can cope with heel spurs, cure arthritis, gout, calm the nerves, relieve a coughing fit and help with tuberculosis.

We prepare the tincture ourselves

To prepare the medicine, you will need leaves and flowers. Many people believe that flowers of white, purple and lilac of a different color have the same properties, so it's hard to judge whether it is or not. Traditional medicine recommends giving preference to white lilacs.

It is necessary to collect raw materials away from pollutant emission sites (exhaust pipes of industrial enterprises), highways and large cities. It is better to do this in dry, sunny weather.

Recipe 1.

Lilac tincture on vodka is done quickly. Flowers are poured into a half-liter jar up to the neck and filled with alcohol or high-quality vodka. The mixture stands in a dark place for three weeks, after which it is taken out and filtered.

Recipe 2.

If there are no flowers, the flowering season is over, traditional medicine recommends making a tincture on the leaves. The medicinal properties of the leaves, due to their constituent components, in particular, syringin, are not inferior to the effect of flowers, therefore, the properties of the drug will be the same.

The drug can be made on dry leaves, its medicinal properties will be the same.

In order for lilac tincture to have a positive effect, it must be taken correctly.

  • An alcohol or vodka preparation is taken half an hour before meals, three times a day for three months, thirty drops each.
  • Externally, alcohol tincture on flowers is effective for joint pain, salt deposition, as a wound healing agent, for bruises and microcracks of the skin, and for gout.

It seems that it can be easier than treatment with such a healing agent, but each herbal remedy, including lilac tincture, has its own contraindications:

  • The tincture is not recommended for women with amenorrhea (frequent delays in menstruation).
  • Contraindicated in constipation caused by atony of the stomach and intestines.
  • A contraindication is glomerulonephritis and other severe kidney diseases.
  • It is forbidden to take people with an allergic reaction, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Even if you do not have these contraindications, consult your doctor before starting treatment.

These are the unique properties of white lilac: by recommending its tincture, traditional medicine helps to get rid of ailments that are not amenable to traditional treatment. If you follow the recommendations and control your well-being, then you will see the effect and be grateful to folk wisdom.

It is called the fox tail and the symbol of the Russian estate. It blooms one of the first - in spring, in May, with whole clusters of purple, white, lilac flowers. Its intoxicating aroma spreads far around the area, and rarely is anyone tempted to pick up a whole armful of these luxurious flowers on their way home to put them in a vase at home. And it’s completely in vain, because that very smell can literally turn your head and raise your blood pressure, causing a severe migraine. We know so little about the ubiquitous lilac, which can serve as a cure for many diseases, or can turn into poison, since it contains hydrocyanic acid - poison. In folk medicine, I use lilac tincture with alcohol: the use of this home remedy helps to get rid of a number of ailments.

Lilac tincture recipe

Before you find a use for lilac tincture, you need to be able to cook it. It is recommended to collect medicinal raw materials (flowers and leaves) from lilacs, which grow far from highways and industrial plants. This must be done in dry weather. There is still no consensus on what color lilac is the most useful. In some recipes, this indicator is indicated, in some it is proposed to make a choice yourself. And yet, most researchers believe that it is better to give preference to white flowers.

  • The classic recipe for lilac tincture on alcohol

Fresh lilac flowers (leaves) (100 g) put in a liter glass jar, pour alcohol to the very top (1 liter). Close with a regular lid, put in any dark place for 10 days. Strain through four folded cheesecloth and take as directed. Homemade lilac tincture on vodka is prepared exactly according to the same recipe. Sometimes, depending on the disease, more or less alcohol is taken.

In fact, there are many more recipes, but this one is considered a classic of the genre, as they say: such a tincture is useful for the treatment of various diseases. Lilac has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial: the healing properties of this shrub are also confirmed by modern research.

Useful properties of lilac tincture on alcohol

For the preparation of tincture, lilac leaves or flowers are taken: the medicinal properties of both are the same and help in the treatment of various diseases. With proper preparation and proper use, lilac tincture:

  • treats inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, alleviates the condition in the presence of stones in the renal pelvis;
  • used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for colds, fevers, malaria;
  • used to treat bruises, wounds;
  • helps with arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis: lilac tincture for arthrosis is one of the best remedies;
  • relieves heel spurs;
  • treats nervous disorders;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • helps with laryngitis;
  • used for ringworm;
  • relieves migraine;
  • used for cardiovascular diseases;
  • excellent antitussive and anti-tuberculosis agent.

Among other things, lilac flowers, like its roots, leaves, bark, have a bitter taste due to syringin, a substance that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-febrile effects. So at home, finding the use of lilac on alcohol is very easy. Hurt - anointed - gone. Coughed - accepted - cured. Moreover, the external use of the product is allowed even for children. However, not everything is so rosy: there are a number of contraindications for the treatment of lilac tincture.

Contraindications for alcohol tincture of lilac

Such a healing shrub is also a poisonous plant, so the internal use of its tincture requires caution. It turns out that lilac combines useful properties and contraindications, and they especially relate to alcohol tincture. It is contraindicated in:

  • amenorrhea (this is a long delay in menstruation);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • atonic constipation;
  • severe diseases of the stomach;
  • glomerulonephritis.

In all other cases, lilac treatment is allowed without fear. In the presence of chronic, protracted diseases that are under the control of a doctor, it is recommended to take a preliminary consultation with a specialist so as not to harm the body.

Lilac tincture treatment

To activate the beneficial properties of lilac in the composition of the tincture, you need to know the scheme of its use. For the treatment of various diseases, variations of the main recipe are also offered, which should not be ignored: this will enhance the effectiveness of the funds.

  • kidney disease

100 g of lilac leaves are poured with 2 liters of alcohol. Further, everything is according to the usual recipe. Take 20 drops before meals (you can add them to tea or drink separately) three times a day.

  • High fever, fever, malaria

Rinse 100 g of fresh lilac leaves with water, put in a liter jar, add 2 g of fresh wormwood, 1 g of eucalyptus oil. Pour vodka (1 liter), leave in a dark place under the lid for 20 days. When the temperature rises, drink 50 g of tincture before eating. If it does not help the first time, repeat three times a day.

  • Wounds, bruises, injuries, ringworm

Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of vodka, leave under a closed lid in a dark place for 2 weeks. Lotions change 5 times a day.

  • Back pain, rheumatism

Lilac tincture is also used for joints, spine, bones, relieving pain syndromes. Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of alcohol (or vodka), insist under the lid in a dark place for 10 days. Rub sore spots twice a day.

  • Osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis

Grind fresh lilac leaves to make 2 tablespoons. Mix them with 300 g of juice squeezed from radish, 200 g of honey. Pour 100 ml of vodka, leave covered in a dark place for a day. Before rubbing the affected area, the mixture must be thoroughly shaken.

  • Gout, salt deposits, rheumatism, articular arthritis

Fresh lilac flowers, without tamping, freely pour into a half-liter glass bottle to the very top, pour alcohol (it is better to take 40%), close, leave in a dark place for three weeks, strain. Take orally before meals 30 drops three times a day for three months.

  • Heel spur

According to the classic recipe, use the prepared infusion as compresses on the affected area, changing it three times a day. In parallel with this, it is used orally (possibly with tea) 30 drops before meals, also three times a day.

  • Angina, laryngitis

Dilute a tablespoon of tincture prepared according to the classic recipe in 100 ml of water, gargle every three hours.

  • Migraine

Soak a cotton pad in the classic tincture of lilac, rub it over your temples and forehead. The pain goes away within five minutes. In this case, tincture of lilac flowers is used as needed.

  • A heart

In a half-liter glass jar, tightly fill purple lilac flowers to the very top, tamp. Pour in alcohol or vodka, insist under the lid for a week. Apply for pain in the heart and seizures, drinking a teaspoon of tincture with water.

  • Cough

Pour 30 g of fresh white lilac flowers into a liter glass jar, pour vodka to the very top, leave covered for two weeks in a dark place. Drink before going to bed, pouring 30 ml of tincture with a glass of hot tea.

Lilac is such a unique shrub: the use of its tincture in folk medicine helps to alleviate many painful conditions, which sometimes even medications cannot cope with. If everything is done correctly, the benefits of this remedy will not be long in coming, and many of the ailments will recede.

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It is called the fox tail and the symbol of the Russian estate. It blooms one of the first - in spring, in May, with whole clusters of purple, white, lilac flowers. Its intoxicating aroma spreads far around the area, and rarely is anyone tempted to pick up a whole armful of these luxurious flowers on their way home to put them in a vase at home. And it’s completely in vain, because that very smell can literally turn your head and raise your blood pressure, causing a severe migraine. We know so little about the ubiquitous lilac, which can serve as a cure for many diseases, and can turn into poison, since it contains hydrocyanic acid - poison. In folk medicine, I use lilac tincture with alcohol: the use of this home remedy helps to get rid of a number of ailments.

Lilac tincture recipe

Before you find a use for lilac tincture, you need to be able to cook it. It is recommended to collect medicinal raw materials (flowers and leaves) from lilacs, which grow far from highways and industrial plants. This must be done in dry weather. There is still no consensus on what color lilac is the most useful. In some recipes, this indicator is indicated, in some it is proposed to make a choice yourself. And yet, most researchers believe that it is better to give preference to white flowers.

  • The classic recipe for lilac tincture on alcohol

Fresh lilac flowers (leaves) (100 g) put in a liter glass jar, pour alcohol to the very top (1 liter). Close with a regular lid, put in any dark place for 10 days. Strain through four folded cheesecloth and take as directed. Homemade lilac tincture on vodka is prepared exactly according to the same recipe. Sometimes, depending on the disease, more or less alcohol is taken.

In fact, there are many more recipes, but this one is considered a classic of the genre, as they say: such a tincture is useful for the treatment of various diseases. Lilac has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial: the healing properties of this shrub are also confirmed by modern research.

Useful properties of lilac tincture on alcohol

For the preparation of tincture, lilac leaves or flowers are taken: the medicinal properties of both are the same and help in the treatment of various diseases. With proper preparation and proper use, lilac tincture:

  • treats inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, alleviates the condition in the presence of stones in the renal pelvis;
  • used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for colds, fevers, malaria;
  • used to treat bruises, wounds;
  • helps with arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis: lilac tincture for arthrosis is one of the best remedies;
  • relieves heel spurs;
  • treats nervous disorders;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • helps with laryngitis;
  • used for ringworm;
  • relieves migraine;
  • used for cardiovascular diseases;
  • excellent antitussive and anti-tuberculosis agent.

Among other things, lilac flowers, like its roots, leaves, bark, have a bitter taste due to syringin, a substance that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-febrile effects. So at home, finding the use of lilac on alcohol is very easy. Hurt - anointed - gone. Coughed - accepted - cured. Moreover, the external use of the product is allowed even for children. However, not everything is so rosy: there are a number of contraindications for the treatment of lilac tincture.

Contraindications for alcohol tincture of lilac

Such a healing shrub is also a poisonous plant, so the internal use of its tincture requires caution. It turns out that lilac combines useful properties and contraindications, and they especially relate to alcohol tincture. It is contraindicated in:

  • amenorrhea (this is a long delay in menstruation);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • atonic constipation;
  • severe diseases of the stomach;
  • glomerulonephritis.

In all other cases, lilac treatment is allowed without fear. In the presence of chronic, protracted diseases that are under the control of a doctor, it is recommended to take a preliminary consultation with a specialist so as not to harm the body.

Lilac tincture treatment

To activate the beneficial properties of lilac in the composition of the tincture, you need to know the scheme of its use. For the treatment of various diseases, variations of the main recipe are also offered, which should not be ignored: this will enhance the effectiveness of the funds.

  • kidney disease

100 g of lilac leaves are poured with 2 liters of alcohol. Further, everything is according to the usual recipe. Take 20 drops before meals (you can add them to tea or drink separately) three times a day.

  • High fever, fever, malaria

Rinse 100 g of fresh lilac leaves with water, put in a liter jar, add 2 g of fresh wormwood, 1 g of eucalyptus oil. Pour vodka (1 liter), leave in a dark place under the lid for 20 days. When the temperature rises, drink 50 g of tincture before eating. If it does not help the first time, repeat three times a day.

  • Wounds, bruises, injuries, ringworm

Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of vodka, leave under a closed lid in a dark place for 2 weeks. Lotions change 5 times a day.

  • Back pain, rheumatism

Lilac tincture is also used for joints, spine, bones, relieving pain syndromes. Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of alcohol (or vodka), insist under the lid in a dark place for 10 days. Rub sore spots twice a day.

  • Osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis

Grind fresh lilac leaves to make 2 tablespoons. Mix them with 300 g of juice squeezed from radish, 200 g of honey. Pour 100 ml of vodka, leave covered in a dark place for a day. Before rubbing the affected area, the mixture must be thoroughly shaken.

  • Gout, salt deposits, rheumatism, articular arthritis

Fresh lilac flowers, without tamping, freely pour into a half-liter glass bottle to the very top, pour alcohol (it is better to take 40%), close, leave in a dark place for three weeks, strain. Take orally before meals 30 drops three times a day for three months.

  • Heel spur

According to the classic recipe, use the prepared infusion as compresses on the affected area, changing it three times a day. In parallel with this, it is used orally (possibly with tea) 30 drops before meals, also three times a day.

  • Angina, laryngitis

Dilute a tablespoon of tincture prepared according to the classic recipe in 100 ml of water, gargle every three hours.

  • Migraine

Soak a cotton pad in the classic tincture of lilac, rub it over your temples and forehead. The pain goes away within five minutes. In this case, tincture of lilac flowers is used as needed.

  • A heart

In a half-liter glass jar, tightly fill purple lilac flowers to the very top, tamp. Pour in alcohol or vodka, insist under the lid for a week. Apply for pain in the heart and seizures, drinking a teaspoon of tincture with water.

  • Cough

Pour 30 g of fresh white lilac flowers into a liter glass jar, pour vodka to the very top, leave covered for two weeks in a dark place. Drink before going to bed, pouring 30 ml of tincture with a glass of hot tea.

Lilac is such a unique shrub: the use of its tincture in folk medicine helps to alleviate many painful conditions, which sometimes even medications cannot cope with. If everything is done correctly, the benefits of this remedy will not be long in coming, and many of the ailments will recede.

As children, many of us believed that rare five-petalled flowers brought happiness. And every time when a discovery happened in lush fragrant inflorescences, they tried to eat it in order to surely catch fortune. It is with this childish perception, as well as with a riot of colors, that most contemporaries associate shrubs. Surprise and some distrust are caused by the advice of folk healers on the use of tinctures, decoctions and teas from the branches and flower brushes of this plant. About and contraindications of lilacs will be discussed further.


Scientists still cannot agree on the classification of the genus. Today there is an opinion that it includes from 22 to 36 species and about 2300 varieties, two-thirds of which were derived from the common lilac. This variety in the landscape gardening is very popular.
Outwardly, it is a medium-sized lignified with thick grayish shoots, opposite green leaves and paniculate inflorescences of pink, lilac, white, bluish, purple, magenta and cherry tones. Flowers are double and simple. They appear in the first decade. After flowering, dry bivalve achenes form in place of the clusters.

The chemical composition of flowers and leaves

The secret of lilac inflorescences is not at all in external attractiveness and alluring aroma. It is stored in a complex of unique chemical constituents of the plant. That is why phytotherapists advise to stock up on their foliage and flowers during the budding period.

Did you know? In the name of the lilac, botanists immortalized the name of one of their ancient Greek heroes Naiad Syringa.

According to experts who studied the composition of the culture in laboratory conditions, its petals are rich in:

  • glycosides (sinirgin, farnesin);
  • phenoglycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • resins;
  • alcohol substance farnesol;
  • syringopirkin;
  • phytoncides.

In the foliage, in addition to the named components, various vitamins were found. Scientists say that at the moment this aspect has not been fully studied, so its potential has not been fully disclosed.

The benefits of lilac

Flowers, bark, buds, seeds and foliage of lilacs have long occupied their niche in, as a healing potion for many diseases. This raw material is considered as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Due to this effect, it is used externally for the treatment of various dermatitis, skin rashes, purulent and long-healing wounds, bruises. In addition, lilac helps lower blood sugar levels and relieves headaches.

Did you know? In the French city of Grassi, essential oil is mass-produced from lilacs. But this is a very laborious and lengthy process. That is why 1 kg of lilac oil costs about a million US dollars.

According to herbalists, decoctions, tinctures and teas from lilacs can cure colds, prolonged cough, inflammation in the kidneys, as well as relieve joint pain with gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism and polyarthritis (we will talk about recipes for treatment later).

Many healers talk about a lilac potion to cleanse the kidneys of sand and stones, to alleviate the condition of hypertensive and hypotensive patients. It is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of heel spurs and foot fungus.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional healers warn that the effect of lilac therapy is possible only in complex treatment. But before you start it, you need to consult your doctor and make sure that the plant does not cause you allergic reactions.

Most often, white lilac is used for medicinal purposes. Alcohol tincture, teas, decoctions and infusions are prepared from its raw materials.

Important! Some fragrant types of lilacs can cause severe headaches. Therefore, such bouquets are not recommended to be placed indoors.

Here is a selection of proven recipes:

  • At diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, including chronic, pour 2-3 tablespoons of dry kidneys into a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water over them. Leave for 6 hours to infuse. Then discard the drug in a strainer and drink 30 ml three times a day before meals.
  • The use of lilac tincture on vodka is relevant for osteochondrosis and rheumatism. Healing drink according to the classic recipe is prepared from 100 g of fresh leaves and buds taken. Raw materials are poured into a liter jar and poured up to the neck with alcohol or vodka. Then they are closed with a nylon lid, and sent to a dark place to infuse for 14 days. After the specified time, strain, drink daily 20 drops 2 times a day before meals. In case of acute pain, it is recommended to rub the affected areas.

  • At renal colic e and inflammatory processes use a decoction of 2 tablespoons of crushed lilac leaves (fresh or dry) and 1 cup boiling water. When all the ingredients are combined, put the saucepan on a slow fire and simmer for another 3-5 minutes after boiling. Then wrap the potion well and send it to infuse for several hours in a warm place. The finished drug is recommended for internal use, 1 tablespoon before each meal.
  • The same decoction can be washed ulcers on the body and other skin lesions, as well as make compresses for bruises and deep abrasions. With dermatitis, it is indicated to apply fresh bark to sore spots. And with abscesses, phytotherapists advise making a bandage with mashed fresh lilac foliage.
  • The most common is the lilac recipe from joint pain. In such situations, an ointment is prepared from the kidneys collected in early spring. Raw materials will need to be pre-grinded to a powdery form. For 1 tablespoon of this drug you will need 4 parts of lard and 1 teaspoon. Mix all ingredients well until smooth. Rub the affected areas with the prepared remedy every night before going to bed.
  • To get rid of gout will help three times taking lilac vodka tincture, 15 drops before meals.

  • To dissolve small kidney stones and removing sand from the urinary canals, as well as for cystitis, prepare an infusion of 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of dry leaves. After an hour, the potion must be filtered and you can drink 1 tablespoon before each meal.
  • At painful periods and high body temperature will help tea from 2 tablespoons of lilac flowers and 1 cup of hot water. Drinking is recommended to be taken in a warm form 3 times a day.
  • If you suffer from a heel spur, you will need compresses from alcohol tincture. Also, to improve the effect, you can take 30 drops daily orally.

Important! Under conditions of proper storage, lilac raw materials do not lose their medicinal abilities for 2 years.

Contraindications and harm

Like any medicinal plant, lilac has medicinal properties and contraindications. First of all, you should beware of such therapy. allergy sufferers. Never engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. This erroneous path does not always lead to recovery. Remember nerds credit lilac

Lilac is a small shrub or tree from the oilseed family. Its dark green leaves appear in early spring and remain so until late autumn. The leaves are petiolate and heart-shaped. The flowers are large panicles that are located at the ends of the branches. They have a wonderful aroma and amazing lilac-violet and white colors. Blooms in May - June. The fruits are seeds that are easily carried by the wind. In Europe, lilac appeared in the 16th century, where it was brought from Turkey. It is an excellent ornamental plant, widely cultivated throughout the distribution area.

Preparation and storage of lilacs

For medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers and buds are used. The flowers are harvested when the flowering process is just beginning. For this, the inflorescence is cut off along with the branches, tied and dried in the air in a suspended state. The collection of leaves begins in May and continues until July. For their drying, dryers are used, where the temperature is set at 40-60 degrees or sheds, where they are spread in a thin layer. It is stored, ready raw materials 2 years. Propagated by both cuttings and seeds.

Application in everyday life

Blooming lush lilac bushes with a dizzying aroma evoke positive emotions, have a calming effect on the nervous system, so they are often planted in home gardens and summer cottages as a decorative design. The presence of essential oils in lilac makes it very popular in cosmetology and perfumery.

Medicinal properties

  1. For medicinal purposes, traditional medicine suggests the use of leaves, flowers, buds and young lilac bark. Antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, diuretic, anticonvulsant, sedative properties allow us to recommend it for use in many diseases.
  2. Lilac preparations are used for oral administration in the treatment of bronchial asthma, malaria, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sciatica, rheumatism, and colds.
  3. A positive effect of lilac preparations on the body in pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as in urolithiasis, when the process of removing stones and sand improves, has been noticed.
  4. Today, lilac is an important plant in relieving pain from rheumatism, osteochondrosis, arthritis, bruises. It also helps with festering wounds and ulcers.
  5. Dried leaves of the plant, brewed as a tea, are used for epilepsy, especially this tea helps if consumed for a long time.
  6. The essential oil found in lilac has bactericidal properties. This plant is widely used in cosmetology.

Application in traditional medicine

Infusion of lilac leaves for malaria, kidney disease, kidney stones

To prepare the infusion you need 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves pour 1 cup boiling water. Put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil. Put in a warm place to infuse for 2-3 hours, filter. 4 times a day, use the infusion before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon and so 2 weeks. Repeat the course of treatment after 2-3 weeks.

Tincture of lilac leaves for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, in the presence of stones in the renal pelvis

Vodka tincture is prepared in a ratio of 1:20. After insisting, the tincture is used 15-20 drops before meals 3-4 times a day.

Infusion of lilac flowers for respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and bronchitis

As an antitussive, an infusion of lilac flowers is made. To do this, dial 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers, pour 1 cup boiling water, put to infuse for 1 hour. After straining, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Lilac tincture for rheumatism, gout, articular arthritis, salt deposition

In the presence of such diseases, the following treatment is recommended. The collected flowers are put in a glass bowl to the top, all are poured with vodka or 40% sports and left to infuse in a dark place. After three weeks, the tincture is filtered. Use before meals 30 drops 3 times a day for 3 months.

Lilac infusion for polyarthritis, rheumatism, sciatica

To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers and a glass of boiling water insist 1 hour, strain, drink 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Tincture of lilac flowers for the treatment of bruises, wounds, rheumatism

To do this, 1 glass of flowers and half a liter of vodka insist for 2 weeks. This tincture is used for compresses and lotions in the treatment of bruises, rheumatism and wounds. The bandage is changed several times a day.

According to exactly the same recipe, a heel spur is treated. Dressings are made and taken orally, 30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Lilac flower ointment for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Anesthetic ointment from lilac is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers, which are carefully crushed and rubbed with butter, which must be taken 2 tbsp. spoons.

Fresh lilac leaves and their decoction for the treatment of non-healing wounds and ulcers

The affected area is first steamed well, then lined with fresh, clean leaves, which are fixed. On the first day of treatment, change the leaves 3-4 times, then 1 time per day. Fresh leaves applied to the head stop the headache.

Fresh lilac leaves for the treatment of arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis

Rubbing is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of very crushed leaves are poured with 300 ml of radish juice, 200 g of honey, 100 g of vodka. Leave for a day. Mix. Rubbing is ready.

Infusion of buds, flowers and leaves to cleanse the skin

To tone, disinfect and cleanse the skin, you can use this infusion. 1 teaspoon of the mixture (buds, flowers, leaves) pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Use when washing.

Oily skin with acne is wiped with an alcohol tincture of lilac, which must first be diluted with water 1: 1. The tincture has been described above.


Lilac is a poisonous plant. It should be taken orally with caution so as not to get poisoned, which can be with an overdose of the drug. it is better to have the healing process supervised by an experienced herbalist. You should know that lilac flowers should not be placed in a room where people stay for a long time.


Medicinal properties of lilac

Good afternoon friends! Here the lilac blossomed. Who among us has not tried at least once to find his happiness - flowers with five leaves. Remember, if you find such a happy flower, you must definitely eat it? Songs are sung about her, our mothers and grandmothers used to have Lilac as their favorite perfume, remember? But how many people know that lilac is also a medicinal plant? Today I will tell you about the healing properties of common lilac, about the tincture of leaves, bark, buds and flowers of lilac and contraindications to its use.

This ornamental shrub was brought to us in the 16th century from Turkey and since then it has been decorating our household plots, yards, parks and streets. Traditional medicine in Russia has long used the healing properties of lilacs in the fight against various diseases.

The bark, flowers, leaves, seeds and buds of the lilac bush have medicinal properties. In folk medicine, lilac medicines are used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic agent. It is used for skin diseases, purulent wounds, as a wound healing agent, lowers blood sugar.

Due to its medicinal properties, with proper use, lilac medicines help in many cases:

  • Relieve the condition with fever, colds, acts as an antipyretic.
  • Treat chronic cough.
  • In combination with medications, they treat inflammatory kidney disease, promotes the discharge of sand from the kidneys.
  • Treat wounds and bruises.
  • Significantly alleviate the condition of the joints with gout, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism.
  • Help in the treatment of heel spurs.
  • They act as an antifungal property.
  • Relieve migraine headaches.
  • Facilitate the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Lilac - medicinal properties of tincture

In the treatment, tincture of common lilac in alcohol or vodka is mainly used.

There has long been a debate between healers: what color lilac flowers are the most healing. Most of them believe that preference should be given to whites, especially in the treatment of joint disease. How to prepare lilac tincture

The most common and easy recipe for making lilac tincture: Place fresh leaves or flowers of the plant (100 gr.) in a jar and fill to the top with alcohol (no alcohol - take vodka). Leave to infuse in a dark place for two weeks.

Then strain and after that the tincture can be taken as directed. Depending on the disease, the proportion of alcohol or vodka can be reduced or increased, but these are classic proportions.

Lilac - use in folk medicine

Dear readers, I want to draw your attention to the fact that lilac treatment is an adjunct to the treatment prescribed by a doctor. When doing this, make sure that you do not have allergies.

    • For the treatment of gout, vodka tincture is also used, how to prepare it is described above. Take before each meal (15-20 drops).
    • With osteochondrosis, salt deposition, rheumatism, you need to take alcohol tincture twice a day, 20 drops before meals. Sore spots are used as a rub.
    • Alcohol tincture is well treated bruises. Make compresses, changing the bandage three times a day.
    • Laryngitis will be cured if you gargle 3-4 times a day with alcohol tincture. For this, 100 gr. vodka take 50 gr. flowers and leave for a week. Great help to cope with laryngitis and gargling with Japanese Sophora tincture (follow the link and you will find out the recipe).
    • Kidneys are used to treat bronchial asthma and diabetes. 2 - 3 Art. spoons pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 6 hours, take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.
    • With kidney disease, the healing properties of lilac are also used. Make this decoction: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry or fresh leaves pour 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Then the broth must be insisted for 2 - 3 hours in a warm place, strain. Take before meals 1 tbsp. spoon.
    • An infusion of leaves is also able to remove sand from the kidneys, dissolve small stones. To do this, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lilac leaves, let it brew for about one hour. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals. This recipe will help you with cystitis.
    • When treating heel spurs, use an alcohol infusion prepared according to the classic recipe. Do compresses three times a day on a sore spot, and at the same time drink 30 drops, adding them to tea.
    • At high temperature 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of lilac and linden leaves pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour. Take warm 3 times a day, until the temperature subsides.
    • Fresh leaves are also useful in the treatment of purulent wounds. For this, 2 tbsp. Spoons pour a glass of boiling water and let them brew for about 3 hours. Then strain and use to wash festering wounds.
    • With dermatological skin lesions, diseased areas of the body should be regularly washed with tincture of flowers, and then apply lilac bark, fixing it with a bandage.
    • Painful menses. For their treatment, seeds are used that boil for 15 minutes. (for 1 glass of water - 1 tsp). After that, the broth should be filtered, cooled, take 1/3 cup in the morning.
    • For abscesses, you can use fresh leaves, after stretching them and fixing them with a bandage.

Do not miss the opportunity to prepare a healing lilac tincture for self-care, my dears.

  1. Skin whitening lotion, at the same time it tones and rejuvenates it. Mix according to Art. a spoonful of lilac, linden, tea rose and chamomile flowers. Pour the mixture with two cups of boiling water and let stand until the infusion has cooled completely. Strain and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and aloe juice. Store the lotion in the refrigerator, wipe your face in the morning, after washing.
  2. Cream for hands and nails. The skin will become velvety, edema will go away, and the foliation of nails will stop. Take a teaspoon of lilac flowers, lungwort, sage and pour castor or linseed oil. Leave for 10 days and then add a spoonful of propolis to the cream. Mix everything well and grease your hands often.
  3. Cellulite lotion. Take a teaspoon of ginseng alcohol tincture, and mix with two tablespoons of lilac tincture and lemon juice. Pour half a liter of apple cider vinegar and stir well. Use after a bath - rub problem areas.

When and how to prepare lilac

Lilac flowers, bark, buds and leaves are harvested for medicinal purposes.

  • Harvesting of raw materials is carried out in the spring: the buds during the swelling period, the inflorescences are collected during flowering along with the branches.
  • The bark needs to be collected only from young shoots, it is possible together with the leaves.
  • The prepared raw materials are dried in the shade in the fresh air, but it is also possible in a dryer (at a temperature of 40 - 60 degrees).
  • You can store the prepared raw materials for 2 years.

Lilac - harm and contraindications

Do not overdo it, taking preparations made from lilacs, friends! This is a rather poisonous plant, follow the dosage indicated in the recipes. It is undesirable to take medicinal tinctures and decoctions for the disease:

  • Glomerulonephritis and chronic renal failure.
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Atonic constipation. In all other cases, treatment can be carried out without fear - it will not bring harm.

In all other cases, treatment can be carried out without fear - it will not bring harm.

As a gift for you from me, this is a beautiful video about lilacs.

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Medicinal properties of lilac, the use of lilac flowers in medicine

The healing properties of ordinary lilac have been used by folk healers for quite a long time. The plant contains ascorbic acid, essential oils, flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of various enzymes in the human body, and resins. Due to its beneficial properties, lilac has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and diuretic effects.

Medicinal raw materials are leaves, flowers, buds and even lilac bark. Buds and inflorescences are usually harvested in the spring, leaves in the first month of summer, but the bark is harvested from young branches around July. Lilac is able to retain its healing properties for two years. Prepared raw materials are recommended to be kept in canvas bags.

Lilac contains a huge amount of substances needed by the body, which allow it to be used for medical purposes. Various teas, infusions, decoctions, ointments, compresses and fees are prepared from the plant. Lilac buds are used to lower blood sugar levels, flowers help cure malaria, rheumatism and diarrhea. An infusion of lilac is useful for whooping cough, stomach ulcers, diabetes and shortness of breath, and a decoction often acts as a cold remedy. Lilac tincture eliminates diarrhea and leucorrhoea, and also effectively helps with bruises, wounds and neuralgia.


Osteochondrosis, salt deposition, rheumatism

Pour one part of lilac flowers with ten parts of vodka and leave to infuse for two weeks in a dark place. It is necessary to take the infusion orally twice a day, 25 drops. It is also used externally for rubbing diseased joints.


Pour a glass of lilac inflorescences with a bottle of vodka and insist for two weeks. It is recommended to use the medicine in the form of compresses, which should be applied to the bruises, updating the bandage several times a day.

festering wounds

To remove pus, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of green lilac leaves. To do this, pour two tablespoons of leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for three hours and strain. Infusion should regularly wash the wounds until the discharge of pus stops.

Bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis

Collect three tablespoons of fresh lilac buds, brew them with 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 6 hours. It is recommended to take the medicine before meals, two dessert spoons.


Mix equal proportions of lilac flowers and butter and rub well. The resulting ointment must be rubbed in a circular motion into the temples and forehead.


A tablespoon of lilac flowers pour 100 ml of boiling water and soak for 35 minutes, then strain and take a tablespoon during the day.


For a week, insist 50 g of lilac flowers per 100 g of vodka, then strain and dilute with cool boiled water in a ratio of one to ten. This infusion is recommended to gargle with laryngitis up to 4 times a day.

Kidney inflammation

Soak two tablespoons of crushed lilac leaves with a glass of ordinary water, then bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave to infuse for three hours. Strained infusion should be taken before meals, two dessert spoons. The course of such treatment should be at least two weeks.

Stones in the kidneys

A self-prepared lilac infusion can help dissolve stones formed in the kidneys. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of lilac flowers, pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for about an hour and strain. It is recommended to take this medicine four times a day for a tablespoon.

With this recipe, you can cure inflammation of the bladder. Regular use of the infusion helps to forget about cystitis for a long time.


Pour two tablespoons of lilac inflorescences with a glass of alcohol or two glasses of vodka, leave for two weeks in a dark place and strain. Drinking an infusion is recommended for gout, 15 drops before each meal.

Dermatological diseases

Fever and malaria

Mix a teaspoon of bitter wormwood with 20 g of fresh lilac leaves and add half a dessert spoon of eucalyptus oil. The resulting mixture must be poured with a liter of vodka and insisted for two weeks in a dark place, then strain and take two dessert spoons before meals.


Lilac tincture is quite effective for epilepsy, but such treatment can be delayed for several years. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to pour a teaspoon of lilac flowers with boiling water and insist for half an hour. It is recommended to take the medicine half a cup three times a day.

Heel spurs

Pour lilac flowers with vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and let it brew for two weeks. Compresses should be made from the resulting composition or rubbed on sore spots. At the same time, you can take the tincture inside 30 drops three times a day.

Visual acuity

Brew fresh lilac flowers like tea, let cool and, wetting them with gauze bandages, apply to the eyes. Such procedures must be carried out daily before going to bed, keeping the bandages for 10 minutes, and after a while your organs of vision will begin to perceive surrounding objects more clearly.

Painful menstruation

Boil a teaspoon of lilac flowers or seeds for 15 minutes in a glass of water, strain and drink a third of a glass every morning for 14 days.


Wash 2-3 fresh lilac leaves and pour over with boiling water, shake off excess water, then chop. Put the mass on a gauze bandage or cotton pad, apply to the affected area with barley and hold for half an hour. This procedure is recommended to be repeated throughout the day, each time using new fresh leaves.


An infusion of lilac flowers is contraindicated for long delays in menstruation. Although lilac is used for inflammatory kidney diseases, it is not recommended to prescribe it for glomerulonephritis and chronic kidney failure. Lilac should not be used for atonic constipation.

It must be remembered that the flowers of this plant are quite poisonous in large quantities, so it is better to use the buds and leaves. Before using lilac, you should consult a doctor, as in some cases the plant may have purely individual contraindications.


Healing properties of lilac: lilac miracle under the window

2017-05-28 2 0 1034

Fragrant clusters of lilacs are the herald of spring and the coming summer. But not everyone knows that the bark, leaves, buds, seeds and flowers are widely used in folk medicine. The healing properties of lilac help to cope with various diseases.

Healing properties of lilac

Infusions, decoctions, compresses, lilac teas are used to treat:

  • Heat, fever with colds;
  • chronic cough;
  • Kidney disease, urolithiasis;
  • Wounds, inflammations, bruises, edema;
  • Joint diseases;
  • fungal diseases;
  • Headache;
  • Cardiovascular disorders

Medicinal properties of lilac against diabetes

The medicinal properties of lilac buds make it possible to effectively use their decoction for the treatment of diabetes.

The collection of kidneys is organized in early spring, until they are completely swollen. The cut kidneys are washed and dried. Store in linen bags in a dry, dark place.

To prepare a decoction, you need:

  1. 1 tsp lilac buds pour 0.2 liters of water;
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes;
  3. Strain, bring the volume of broth to 0.2 l with boiled water;
  4. Take after meals 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.

The use of lilac leaves

For the treatment of skin inflammations, wounds, including purulent ones, an infusion of leaves is used:

  1. 1 st. l. leaves pour 0.1 l of boiling water;
  2. Insist in a thermos for 2-3 hours;
  3. Strain and apply to wash wounds, skin lesions

Fresh leaves can be applied to the wound as an antiseptic, after washing them with boiling water. A tight bandage is applied over the leaves. Leaves are recommended to be changed 2-3 times a day.

Similarly prepared infusion, aged for an hour, is used to lower body temperature. It is drunk at 0.2 liters several times a day.

See also on the blog: The healing properties of birch buds

The beneficial properties of the leaves are used to treat joints:

  • 1 st. l. lilac leaves, 150 ml of radish juice, 100 g of honey, 100 ml of vodka (alcohol) are mixed and infused for a day in a glass bowl.
  • The mixture rubs the joints with gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism.

An ointment is also prepared for the joints, mixing fresh crushed lilac leaves and pork fat in a ratio of 1: 4. For the treatment of headaches, fresh leaves are applied to the head at the site of localization of discomfort. A slurry of fresh leaves is applied to the eyelid when barley occurs, periodically changing the leaves.

Lilac flowers - a panacea for many diseases

A tincture of flowers is used to treat metabolic diseases, urolithiasis, and gout.

To prepare vodka tincture

0.1 kg of flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka (alcohol) and infused for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place. Shake and swirl the jar regularly to mix the contents.

Take 20 drops before meals three times a day.

However, the use of alcohol tincture is not limited to the mentioned treatment:

  1. Compresses are applied to wounds, abscesses, bedsores;
  2. For colds, sore throats, rinses are recommended;
  3. Compresses with tincture of alcohol treat heel spurs;

An aqueous infusion of white lilac flowers is prepared as follows:

  • 1 st. l. flowers pour 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  • Insist 0.5 hours;
  • Take 1 tbsp. l three times a day
See also on the blog: The healing properties of dandelion

Indications for treatment with infusion of flowers:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Joint diseases
  3. Inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract
  4. Severe cough and acute respiratory infections
  5. Pulmonary tuberculosis

Impotence, weak erection, sexual dysfunction are treated with an aqueous infusion of lilac flowers:

2 tbsp. l. fresh flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Strained infusion is brought to the original volume with boiled water and taken 50 ml three times a day after meals. Ready infusion is stored in the refrigerator, no longer than 48 hours.

The essential oil has an antibacterial and expectorant effect. It is used for inhalation in the treatment of colds, headaches, migraines. By adding lilac essential oil to the base oil, they are used for massage in case of joint diseases.

Contraindications for lilac treatment

Despite the large number of recipes using lilac, treatment with this plant has a number of serious contraindications.

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, lack of menstruation (amenorrhea);
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Atonic constipation;
  • Childhood, pregnancy, lactation

Lilac flowers in large quantities can be toxic, so it is preferable to use other parts of the plant for treatment: leaves, buds.

The healing properties of buds, flowers, leaves, lilac bark are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds, joint pain, diarrhea, impotence, and the removal of stones from the kidneys. However, it is necessary to approach treatment wisely and use lilac in combination with other drugs, including medications.