Do-it-yourself shower frame from a profile pipe. Do-it-yourself summer shower in the country: step-by-step instructions, drawings, photos. Basic principles for installing a country shower

Dacha for many, it is a favorite place where you can relax from the bustle of the city. But here, far from civilization, people are not used to giving up the benefits that this civilization provides. And one of them is the opportunity to splash around on a hot afternoon. under a cold shower. So Summer shower refers to household facilities necessary for a comfortable pastime in a suburban area. It is especially relevant if there is no natural reservoir nearby. In order to feel like a person in the country, it is necessary to build a solid structure that can last more than one season. Have you thought about how to build Summer shower? Photos will clearly demonstrate the main stages of the process.

We build a summer shower for a summer residence with our own hands

Start realizing your idea with careful design. As they say, measure seven times, cut only once. To get started, look at the finished summer shower projects and make your own based on them. Take into account the place allotted for the shower, the availability of building materials and the desired dimensions. Here you need to take into account the volumes of the owners themselves.

Even a beginner can easily draw up a shower project on their own. A simple drawing or a small drawing will help you calculate the amount of building materials, avoid some mistakes and unnecessary costs.

An outdoor shower should be spacious and comfortable. It is necessary to provide a place for clothes and bath accessories - at least 40-60 cm. The height of the shower should be about 2.50 m. The most common dimensions of the interior are 160x100 mm and 190x140 mm. All this must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing or project.

Site Preparation Tips…

Now you need to decide on the location of the summer shower. Naturally, it is better to build it in a well-lit sunny place, away from other buildings. Then the water in the tank will be heated from the heat of the sun throughout the day. But if it is planned to build a heated summer shower, then it is not necessary to adhere to this condition.

The distance from the house should also not be too large so that you can quickly move into the room after water procedures. It would be wise to take care of the water flow in advance. It is better to take it to a septic tank or a septic tank. It is worth paying attention to the convenience of water supply and, if possible, ensure automatic filling of the container. After choosing a place, it is necessary to prepare the site: remove the top layer, level the base for the shower and fill the site with sand.

Rebuilding the frame...

An outdoor shower can be a capital structure, or it can be a light frame structure. Therefore, the main stages of the construction of such souls differ.

The foundation is a reliable basis for a shower cabin, but sometimes it is completely useless

To make the base for the shower correct and for convenience, you need to make elementary markings: for this, pegs are hammered in the outer corners of the site. After that, be sure to check the diagonal and pull the cord.

The dimensions of the foundation depend on the materials that will be used in the construction of the shower. For a brick or cinder block building, a foundation is poured 30 cm deep. If a metal or wooden frame for a summer shower is used as the base, the foundation will be somewhat different. Before pouring, you need to prepare a place for pipes - lay a log or branch of the desired diameter, wrapped with roofing material.

If you use an outdoor shower the family has been planning for more than one year, it is better to make formwork - to raise the level of the foundation above the ground by 10-15 cm, increasing the height of the trench due to boards reinforced with pegs and spacers.

When pouring the base under the shower with concrete, it is extremely important to ensure a flat surface. This is done in the same way as with floor screed, using a level and two guides. The guides are leveled, poured with concrete, the floor base is leveled along the guides. Only a horizontal surface can serve as a reliable basis for further construction. After leveling is done, start laying bricks.

Installing a shower using a frame

A metal frame can be used as the basis for the shower (it is more durable). Building a summer shower will be much more economical if you use wood. But this material is not durable. Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate and the increased humidity due to the operation of the building, it is better to treat it with bio-impregnation to protect it from insects and fungus.

Determining the amount of building materials and the size of the building, proceed to the installation of the frame. The first stage is markup. On the ground, a rectangle is designated, the sides of which will correspond to the parameters of the future structure. In order for the design of the summer shower to be stable, it is necessary to make a pile foundation. Therefore, holes of the required depth are drilled at the corners of the marking (130-170 cm, the depth depends on the length of the pipes). Then the foundation is directly installed from the pipes. It is better to use metal pipes 1.5-2 m long (9-10 cm in diameter) for this, but even railway sleepers can be used. The piles are deepened into the ground so that they protrude 20 cm beyond the soil. The pipes are then filled with concrete. After it hardens, wooden bars should be installed in the pipes. The width of the beam used for the frame should be no more than 10 cm.

This is how we cover the frame with pvc film and get an excellent building

The next installation step is ligation: starting from the top, the entire structure is bolted together. If the calculation is made correctly and all dimensions are observed correctly, the design will turn out to be reliable. This will make it possible to install a large water tank. Its volume should be calculated according to the formula: 40 l × 1 person and not more than 200 l. Heavy capacity construction may simply not withstand. It is desirable that the tank be flat and correspond to the roof area, that is, rest against the supporting structures.

The dressing inside the frame will later serve as lags for the shower floor. Now we connect the beams-bases of the walls with each other with slopes. They should be installed exactly in the thickness of the wall, but not in the overlay.

And here is the option sheathed with plastic slate

Slate sheets, OSB boards, boards, plastic panels and even PVC film can serve as walls for such a shower.

Making communications...

You can build a summer shower with your own hands from the building materials left on the site after the construction of the cottage, but with the summing up of communications, the situation is somewhat different. Here you can not do without financial investments.

  • Pipe laying, tank installation. After the construction of the structure, a water pipe is mounted. The outlet for the shower head hose must be made above the level of the head. Otherwise the pressure will be too low. Now you need to put the tank. You can install a purchased plastic tank. Although, in order to save money, a barrel or any other container is usually used. Before the tank rises, you need to make a tap with a thread, and also install a tap with a nozzle. Now the tank or barrel should be securely fastened to the roof. As a rule, water in a tub or tank is heated with the help of sunlight. In order for the tank to heat up faster, it is pre-painted black. It is good to equip a film greenhouse around the tank: cover it with foil to reduce heat transfer from the north side.

A metal shower tank will never go out of style, but now plastic options are increasingly being used.

  • Lighting. When wiring wiring for lighting, do not forget about the rules of electrical installation. After all, the humidity in the shower is increased. Of course, you can do without electric lighting if you use the shower only in the summer. A stream of light coming from a small window (above head level) with frosted glass will also be enough. In spring, the days are somewhat shorter, so only daylight will not be enough.
  • Ventilation. To improve the circulation of air flows and protect against the appearance of condensate, it is advisable to make a hole in the ceiling and close it with a decorative grille.
  • Shower drain. How to build an outdoor shower, make piping, bring lighting - we figured it out. Now let's deal with the drain problem. With an increase in the average daily temperature, the volume of work of summer residents increases significantly and the load on the shower increases. That's just the temperature of the soil does not affect its drainage properties. It is good if it is possible to combine the drain from the shower and the sewer at home.

For quick disposal and good drainage of wastewater, an outdoor shower must be installed on a hill. The walls of the pit should be further strengthened to prevent shedding. Please note that the volume of the drain pit must certainly be at least 2 cubic meters. meters.

A common mistake of novice builders is the location of the septic tank near the wall of the shower stall or under the shower itself. If the volumes of water are large, then the septic tank can be flooded. Over time, drainage works worse, an unpleasant odor appears. With constant heating, not only soil shrinkage is possible, but even the destruction of the foundation, which is extremely dangerous. Therefore, the drain of the summer shower must be diverted a few meters from the structure.

The water drain is equipped with a waterproof layer using PVC film, roofing material or hydrostekloizol. Alternatively, they make a concrete screed reinforced with a metal mesh.

It is impossible to use clay as a waterproof layer. After a while, it will wash out and may contaminate the drainage ditch.

We install the pallet

To equip a summer shower with your own hands and provide an outflow of wastewater for it will allow the pallet. This can be a purchased pallet, a stainless steel sheet pallet, or the cheapest option - a wooden pallet. Instead of a pallet, boards are laid, but not tightly, but leaving gaps for water. The grate of boards is pre-sanded well with sandpaper and treated with an antiseptic. For convenience, you can put a rubber mat on top.

The simplest shower tray - from ordinary boards

Waterproofing must be laid between the floor of the summer shower and the tray. For this, ruberoid is used. When installing the pallet, it is necessary to ensure that the slope is formed towards the drain for unhindered water flow. The pallet is screwed to the walls with self-tapping screws.

For more comfortable washing, so that you do not have to stand on a metal pallet, it is advisable to put plastic grates.

Building cladding…

An outdoor shower should harmoniously fit into the overall design of your yard. Any designer will tell you that for outdoor upholstery it is better to use materials that complement the ensemble of adjacent buildings.

Facing the summer shower is not only decorative, it is necessary to protect the walls from the effects of weather. The surface of the walls can be plastered and painted or sheathed with vinyl siding, it all depends on the imagination of the owner, his financial capabilities and the features of the structure. For example, a polycarbonate outdoor shower on a frame does not need to be lined at all.

Left - polycarbonate variant; on the right - a shower lined with wood

A good option is to sew up the walls and ceiling with clapboard. If the family will visit the dacha only in the warm season, then it is better to choose PVC film, dense colored (opaque) polyethylene or tarpaulin as the material for facing the summer shower. If the shower cover is removable, it can be easily removed in the pantry for the winter.

How to make an outdoor shower comfortable...

It is very convenient when the building is divided into two zones: a shower room and a dressing room. To prevent water from entering the dressing room area, the floor of this area should be made a few centimeters higher. A small decorative polyethylene curtain will also help protect clothes from splashes.

If you need to use the shower even in a colder period of time, then the walls will have to be insulated. For this, polystyrene foam is used. This material must fill the internal space of the frame. Further, the structure is upholstered with PVC film using a stapler and decorative rails. Already on top of the film produce interior decoration.

If you choose materials to decorate an outdoor shower (there are plenty of photos on the Internet and in catalogs), try to pay attention not only to aesthetic data, but also to practicality. Only moisture-resistant materials are suitable for finishing the inside of the shower cabin.

A modern outdoor shower in the form of an extension to the house - why not an option?

For interior decoration, you can use thin linoleum, plastic panels, oilcloth or wood. If you decide on wood, then do not forget to cover each board separately with hot drying oil, and only then proceed to the finishing work. When facing internal walls, the material is launched under the sides of the pallet.

To improve soil drainage, you can plant a few moisture-loving plants next to the shower. Green spaces absorb water. They not only decorate, but also protect the space around the shower from waterlogging.

Thus, a do-it-yourself summer shower will become an indispensable outbuilding on a personal plot.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of water in human life. Especially during the period of solar heat. A summer shower is exactly what allows you to cheer up and refresh yourself after gardening exploits.

By the way, not every summer resident has a summer shower on the site. But in vain! After all, you can arrange it simply - in the form of a temporary structure (collapsible) or thoroughly, for annual use.

If you are interested in how to make a summer shower with your own hands, then this article will be a good guide, as it contains the intricacies of choosing building materials for a shower and a frame, a water tank, a drain device, as well as drawings and diagrams for quick and inexpensive construction.

But, about everything step by step and in detail.

When planning the construction of a summer shower in the country, attention should be paid to the choice of materials that will be used in the construction process. An outdoor shower is not only hygiene procedures, it is also a decorative element in the landscape design of the site. Not every dacha thrives on the style of minimalism, and therefore, let's first consider what types of showers are.

Types of summer shower for giving

simple outdoor shower

Structurally, the simplest shower consists of a tank with a tap, which is installed at a height of human growth.

The shower tank can be installed on a tree or a watering hose can be laid on a special stand, and a rubber mat can be thrown on the ground. As a one-time measure, such a shower, of course, will do.

But, if you use it often, then the bathing place will turn into a mud bath, which will make the suburban area look like a swamp, which is certainly not included in our plans.

Frame shower for a summer residence

Outdoor outdoor shower with remote tank

The photo shows an outdoor shower with a tank installed away from the bathing area. This is due to the fact that the shower frame cannot support the weight of the container filled with water.

Closed frame summer shower with tank

This design can already be called a shower house (or a country shower cabin). It was she who received the greatest distribution among the owners of private houses, despite the great complexity and cost of manufacture. Therefore, we will dwell on their device in more detail.

Types of frame showers differ from each other mainly in the material of the exterior. As evidenced by the reviews on the forums, the most popular were:

Its feature is absolute mobility and cheapness. To make such a shower, it is enough to make a collapsible (or solid) frame and a screen from a dense PVC film (or tarpaulin). The portable shower is easily moved from one place to another.

However, it cannot be seriously considered as a long-term building, because. the service life is limited by the quality of the film (polymer roll web). Usually it is changed every season, and even several times a season.

Such a building, as well as all subsequent ones, can already be considered capital (stationary). The best option for using lumber is cladding with a planed board or sheathing the frame with wooden clapboard. Moisture-resistant OSB boards (OSB) or plywood can be used, but it is not advisable due to hygroscopicity.

Wood is good because it is a natural material. But its use requires proper processing and constant care. A wooden shower will last from 5 to 15 years. The use of wood as a finishing material does not exclude the possibility of creating a unique project.

Finished garden showers are shown in the photo. Decking is a profiled sheet of thin metal. For a shower, a painted sheet with a metal thickness of at least 0.45 is suitable. Such a shower is resistant to moisture, but more expensive and deforms with mechanical damage.

It should be borne in mind that in summer the steel structure gets very hot (one might even say it gets hot) and as a result, it is hot and stuffy inside, therefore, good ventilation must be provided. The service life is determined by the sheet warranty period and ranges from 10 to 25 years.

Tip: If you decide to use corrugated board, give preference to a matte finish. Its service life will be up to 25 years.

Polycarbonate shower

Thanks to the ability to use the "greenhouse effect", polycarbonate is becoming one of the most popular and affordable materials for building a shower.

For a summer shower device, it is better to use opaque cellular polycarbonate, 8-16 mm thick, a special profile and washers for fastening. A polycarbonate shower will last you from 3 to 10 years (depending on the quality of the sheet).

brick shower

An outdoor shower made of stone or brick can no longer be called a temporary summer shower, since they usually try to connect it to plumbing and electricity. A brick shower house, with a properly organized drain, has been in operation for quite a long time.

Choosing a place for an outdoor shower on the site

To use the shower for a long time and without problems, you need to correctly place it on the site, for this you need to consider:

  • distance from home. On the one hand, it is advisable to place the shower closer to the house in order to quickly move to a warm room on a cool evening. But on the other hand, water drainage may not have the best effect on the foundation of adjacent buildings.

Tip: do not place a shower next to a well, this will adversely affect the quality of drinking water.

  • water supply. Usually an outdoor shower is equipped with a tank. But the water must somehow be pumped into the tank. In a private house, water is supplied with a hose. In the country - most often by hand.
  • draining. By installing a shower on a hill, you can simplify the removal of used water.
  • appearance. The thoughtful design of the summer shower will allow you to add a certain touch to the overall decor of the site.
  • illumination. Given the fact that it is planned to heat the water in the tank from the sun's rays, it is better to place the shower in a place where the sun will shine longer;
  • drafts. You should also consider when choosing a place for a shower. Otherwise, instead of pleasure, users will have a constant cold.

How to make a summer shower with your own hands - instructions

Stage 1 - material and tool

shower frame material

  • wood frame. It is advisable to use durable, dry softwood. The thickness of the bar depends on the thickness of the polycarbonate and the weight of the water tank. It would be optimal to use a beam no thinner than 50x50 mm. Using a tree in your work, you need to take care of extending its service life. To do this, it is worth covering the wood with special solutions: an antiseptic, a primer, treat it with protection against a wood bug, etc.;
  • frame made of metal corner or pipe. To make vertical racks, a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm is suitable. with a wall thickness of 2 mm. To strengthen the structure, intermediate connections can be installed. A 25mm pipe is suitable for them. with a wall thickness of 1.2 mm.

You can also use a 40x60 corner with a metal thickness of over 2 mm.

Please note that the metal must also be treated with solutions that protect against corrosion.

  • aluminum profile frame. Most of the purchased products are made of aluminum profiles. It is not subject to corrosion, but its cost is higher than the price of wood or metal.
  • frame made of brick, stone or concrete pillars. A brick, rubble or concrete frame is quite rare in the construction of a polycarbonate shower.

Tip: despite the assurances of the manufacturers, it is better not to use plastic pipes to make the frame of a summer shower. Together with the high windage of the facing material (for example, polycarbonate), such a design will not have sufficient stability.

Finishing material

It has already been mentioned above. It is important that the material is prepared for operation in conditions of high humidity and the influence of atmospheric factors. For example, to purchase a greenhouse film, it lasts at least two years. The tree must be treated with an antiseptic, a primer, a solution that prevents damage to the wood by bark beetles. Polycarbonate must have a protective layer that can withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Decking is a high-quality polymer coating, otherwise, rust will appear after the first season.

Shower tank (capacity)

The choice of tank is influenced by:

  • the number of consumers for whom the shower room is designed;
  • manufacturing material. The tank can be steel, plastic or aluminum. Containers made of different materials heat up at different rates and, accordingly, cool down differently;
  • tank weight. The material of the frame depends on this;
  • volume of the tank. On the market there are tanks with a volume of 50 to 220 liters;
  • the possibility of heating water in the tank;
  • the presence of a central or private water supply, otherwise you will have to fill the barrel manually;
  • possibility of transportation. It is possible to buy a large volume tank, but it cannot be disassembled, and therefore the issues of transportation, lifting and installation of the tank should be taken into account in advance;
  • tank color. The most common tanks are black or blue. Such colors do not beat off the sun's rays, so that the water in them warms up faster;
  • the shape of the tank - round or flat - depends on how the frame for the tank is arranged. But users advise using a flat tank in view of the fact that it warms up faster and more evenly. At the same time, the volume of a flat tank does not exceed 140 liters, and a cylindrical one does not exceed 1000 liters.

Tip: you can make a water tank with your own hands. For this, any clean container with a filler neck under a screw cap will do. Most often, summer residents use a barrel.

  • faucet, shower head, hose and fittings (for water supply).

It should be remembered that the water in the summer shower runs by gravity, so wait for the pressure. But, summer residents usually do not worry about this.

  • pipe for water drainage. If it is necessary to install it, it is better to give preference to a plastic pipe.
  • the tool depends on what material will form the basis of the frame and what will be used to finish the shower.

Stage 2 - summer shower scheme

It is quite possible to make a drawing of a summer shower on your own, but in order to have something to build on, we will give several options for an example.

When developing a shower scheme, decide in advance on the finishing material. Some types, for example, corrugated board or polycarbonate, are characterized by significant windage, and, therefore, it is necessary to provide for the installation of additional jumpers for structural rigidity.

Consider also the volume of the tank, the frame must be able to support the weight of the container filled with water.

Consider the size and location of the door that should open outward.

Stage 3 - design (summer shower dimensions)

Of course, an outdoor shower is not a capital building, but, nevertheless, it is worth taking a responsible approach to its design.

The dimensions of the shower depend on the preferences of users, but usually are:

  • width - 1000-1200 mm.

Tip: when designing the width of the shower, consider the width of the door and a gap of 70-100 mm. to install the door frame.

  • length - 800-1200 mm.

If the shower also serves as a locker room, then it is better that its dimensions are at least 1000 by 1200. If a locker room is provided, then the shower itself can be reduced to 800x800, and the locker room should be equipped in accordance with its vision of the owner. If a toilet is assumed, then, accordingly, the width is added and the device for a cesspool or a sewer supply is taken into account.

  • height from 2000 mm. This setting is not standard because it depends on:
  • height of the tallest user with arms outstretched;
  • location of the water tank. Often it is installed directly under the shower ceiling;
  • the presence / absence of a tray in the shower.
  • configuration. The outdoor shower has a predominantly square shape. However, polycarbonate allows you to make a round shower. And the developer's imagination can generally go beyond the standards and build an unusual and beautiful summer shower from the usual (improvised) materials.

Tip: when creating a summer shower project, select its dimensions taking into account the consumption of material, especially those with standard sizes. For example, corrugated board or polycarbonate. It will be a shame if 100 mm is not enough, or if half remains unused, and they saved on the dimensions of the shower room.

Stage 4 - shower frame and water drainage

The above drawings show that the shower frame is a simple design.

Regardless of the material of the frame, the manufacturing process will be approximately the same. But, nevertheless, there are several ways to make and install the frame.

Tip: a shower with a dressing room (or with a toilet) requires the installation of additional vertical racks due to the fact that it is larger than a shower without a dressing room.

Option 1. Primitive shower frame

Weld the structure and fix it in the ground using metal rods. More than a meter long rods bent in half are driven through the lower edge of the frame into the ground. This option has not found distribution among users due to the fact that it does not make it possible to organize drainage. The water used in the shower will wash away the rods and soon the frame can be overthrown even by a small wind.

Option 2. Frame for a shower on a columnar foundation

First you need to install vertical racks. To do this, with the help of a drill, a layer of soil 500-800 mm deep is removed. Pour a sand-gravel pillow at the bottom of the pits, install racks treated with solutions and pour them with concrete. In this case, the racks are set strictly according to the level.

Tip: it is better to tar wooden racks or wrap with a layer of roofing material. So the tree will be less prone to decay.

After the concrete has hardened, horizontal lintels are fixed to the vertical racks (by welding or hardware for a metal frame, nails or special brackets for a wooden one), which will hold the tank, as well as the lower lintels. Their purpose is to hold the bottom edge of polycarbonate or sheet metal sheets and take on part of the weight of the entire frame.

Tip: when making the frame, you need to provide additional horizontal racks for installing the door.

The rigidity of the structure will give oblique additional jumpers.

To ensure the drainage of used water, it is necessary to install a tray for an outdoor shower. To do this, you need to remove the soil from the surface with an area equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower plus 100 mm. The excavation depth will be 300-350 mm. Fill the bottom with a layer of gravel with sand. The optimal layer height is 150-200 mm. Inside the frame we make a dressing, which serves as the basis for the floor. Next, you can install a pallet or make a slatted floor.

To make a slatted floor, you need to lay logs on horizontal lintels, and on them - boards 50-100 mm wide. The size of the gap depends on the width of the board and usually ranges from 5 mm (for a beam of 30x30 mm) to 20 mm (for a board with a width of 10 mm).

Tip: the gap should ensure a quick outflow of water and exclude the possibility of injury to the legs.

Attention: in cool weather, the air flow from below (from under the floor) will make showering not very comfortable.

Option 3. Shower frame on the foundation

For these purposes, it is better and easier to pour the foundation in the form of a monolithic slab. To understand how to make a foundation for a shower, you need to decide where the used water will go. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the drain pit.

Foundation for a summer shower

It is necessary to remove the soil from a surface equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower plus 100 mm. The depth of excavation will be 300-350 mm. Fill the bottom of the pit with a layer of gravel and sand. The optimal height of the sand and gravel cushion is 150-200 mm. Pack well and pour over with water. Then fill this pillow with a concrete solution, taking care of arranging the water flow in advance. To do this, a polymer pipe must be embedded in a concrete slab, and the foundation itself must be poured at an angle. So that the water flows by gravity into the pipe. And then it went either into the ground (with a low frequency of use of the shower by several users) or into a special pit (in the event that a lot of people use the shower). The second option to ensure the drainage of water will be to fill the foundation at an angle to the surface and install drainage at the place where the water drains.

After all the work has been completed, all metal and wooden parts of the frame are once again treated with a primer or paint.

Tip: the paint must be suitable for use in high humidity conditions.

User opinions. As for pouring the foundation, here the opinions of users differ. Some believe that a polycarbonate shower, as a lightweight structure, does not need a foundation, it is enough just to deepen the vertical racks of the frame and fill it with gravel. And some are convinced that the foundation will make the shower more reliable. In any case, it will not interfere, the only thing is that it will entail slightly higher construction costs.

Stage 5 - the floor for the summer shower

The device of the floor provides for the construction of wooden flooring or the installation of a pallet.

Tip: A car mat laid on a concrete floor is suitable as a one-time measure.

Stage 6 - installation of a water tank

The tank is installed on a place previously prepared for it in the frame and attached to it.

Tip: you can speed up the heating of water in the tank if you cover it with a film or lay a polycarbonate sheet on top.

Stage 7 - wiring

Electricity supply and electrical wiring, installation of heating elements (heating tank - heating element).

Finally, internal and external decoration is carried out.


Thanks to this step-by-step instruction, now you know how to build a summer shower for a summer house with your own hands. Enjoy the coolness of the water in the midst of a hot summer.

A wooden summer shower for a summer residence is a small building on the site, but the significance and benefits of which are undeniable. It is difficult to do without a shower in the warm season. In addition, a country shower can be attributed to a way to save the family budget, since the water in the tank or barrel is heated by the sun.

Any material is suitable for building an outdoor shower, but wood will be the most organic and inexpensive.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made wooden shower, but if the budget is limited, then it would be right to make it from improvised materials. Edged boards and timber, as a rule, are available on the site in the form of residues after the construction of a house or outbuildings, if not in full, then partially. Consider step by step all the stages of building a simple outdoor shower design.

How to make a wooden shower with your own hands

First you need to choose the right place, so that it is illuminated by the sun for as long as possible, and provide an elevation. If the terrain does not allow you to install a shower at a height, you need to make a small embankment to organize the flow of water.

The second point is to prepare the material. To build an outdoor shower, you can use the most affordable and relatively cheap material on the farm - wood (boards, timber), preferably coniferous.

The advantages of wood as a material for making a shower:

  • ecological clean;
  • accessible;
  • aesthetic;
  • easy to process.

A significant minus of wood is susceptibility to moisture and bugs (eliminated through additional processing and periodic maintenance).

Schemes and drawings of a wooden shower for a summer residence

A summer shower made of wood is so simple that drawings for its manufacture are practically not needed. But, in order to understand the construction, we give a few examples:

As can be seen from the drawings, the construction of a wooden shower is not particularly difficult. But before you start, you need to consider the following:

  • lighting. They use a summer shower not only during the day, but also in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to provide lighting - natural or electric. These can be windows in the wall, open openings or electric lamps. Most often, a country wooden shower is simply left without a roof;
  • ventilation. A completely enclosed wood shower needs ventilation. To do this, it is necessary to provide ventilation hatches;
  • heating. In order to be able to use the shower in early spring or late autumn, when the intensity of the sun and the length of daylight hours are not enough to naturally heat the water, many provide additional water heating. Among the popular heating methods are: installing a stove or column, installing a boiler (electric water heater), adding a shower room to the house and connecting to a central water supply, using a boiler.

Tip: using a water heater it is better to divide the water tank into two halves or use two tanks and a mixer.
When equipping a heated wooden shower, take care of safety, use the wire of the required section, isolate it from moisture, etc.

  • locker room. To keep clothes dry, you can leave them outside the shower, or you can make a wooden shower for a summer house with a dressing room. Moreover, users are advised not to make two separate rooms, but simply to separate the shower with a curtain. This will allow you not to waste time, area and material on construction and leave more space for swimming;
  • bath accessories. For storage, it is enough to make simple wooden shelves. But their location needs to be considered. They should be close to reach out with your hand, and not interfere with taking water procedures.

Construction of a country wooden shower

The manufacture of a summer shower made of wood is carried out in several stages:

Shower drain device

A wooden shower is afraid of moisture, so you need to take care of the quick drainage of water from the shower in the country. This is especially true for indoor spaces.

The simplest shower drain is to drain water directly into the soil under your feet. But soon a small swamp will form near such a shower, attracting insects and creating an unpleasant smell, and a unkempt appearance.

A properly organized shower or drain system consists of a floor, a drain and a septic tank.

A septic tank or drain pit should be located at least 3-4 meters from the shower and exceed the volume of the tank by 2 times in volume.

A drain for a summer shower, a simple option is a ditch, the bottom of which is sent with PVC film. But it is better to use a plastic pipe through which the waste water goes into the septic tank.

Wooden shower floor

Two common options:

  • wooden floor in the shower. To operate such a floor, you need to make a drainage system under the shower. To do this, you need to dig a recess equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower to a depth of 300 mm. The pit is filled with rubble and sand. A wooden pallet or grate is installed on top;
  • concrete floor. In this case, a deeper recess is dug - up to 400 mm. A pillow of crushed stone and fine gravel is laid on the bottom, and concrete is poured on top. So that the water can freely leave the shower, you need to pour concrete at an angle, and use a pipe to drain.

Tip: If in the future you plan to make a wooden shower for a heated cottage, use a concrete floor.

Construction of a wooden shower frame

Since the shower will be made of wood, the same material will be used for the frame.

Considering that the water tank located at the top of the shower will be quite heavy (when full), and the shower structure itself is subject to wind load, it is better to choose a bar with a section of 100x100 mm for the racks.

Tip: if you plan to hang a wooden door, it is better to immediately provide additional racks. They are buried in the ground at a certain distance from each other. The gap is equal to the width of the doors plus the width of the door frame, plus a gap of 2-3 cm.

To install vertical racks, you need to drill (or dig) holes up to 1 m deep. The depth depends on the location of the shower. If in a fenced area you can 0.5m. A sand and gravel pillow is laid at the bottom of the pit, and racks are installed. In order for the tree to last longer, it must be pre-treated with resin, machine oil, drying oil or wrapped in roofing material. Next, the racks are concreted.

To protect the racks, you can install metal blanks with a size equal to the parameters of a bar or cylinder, concrete them. Then hammer a tree into them.

Tip: the front struts should be made 50-100 mm longer than the rear ones. Thus, during rain, water from the roof will flow towards the back wall of the shower.

After the concrete has dried (solidified), you can proceed to further construction.

All racks, set strictly according to the level, are connected by the upper and lower trim.

Advice. To make the top harness easier, you can assemble the frame on the ground, place it on supports from above and secure it with capercaillie bolts.

The material was prepared for the site

Keep in mind, when planning a slatted wooden floor, the bottom trim will serve as a support for the logs, so it needs to be well fixed. With a concrete field, the lower trim serves to fasten the wood trim.

A roof is covered on the upper trim, and a tank is installed.

Building a wooden shower with your own hands - video

  • the tank must be chosen in a dark color, it will attract the sun's rays;
  • wall thickness affects the rate of heating;

Advice. To make the tank heat up faster, cover it with a sheet of glass or make a polycarbonate greenhouse.

  • the tank must be resistant to frost. Otherwise, it will have to be removed for the winter;
  • for safety, place the tank behind or to the side of the cab;
  • when planning a heated shower, give preference to a metal tank;

Tip: installing a float in the tank will allow you to take water from the top of the tank, it warms up better there.

  • to refresh one person needs at least 20 liters. Consider this when choosing the volume of the tank;

Advice. To ensure the best water pressure in the summer shower, the tank must be installed vertically. If the heating rate is important, install the tank horizontally.

Installation of the tank does not create difficulties, the main thing is to securely fix it on the roof. Before installation, you need to make a hole in the bottom of the tank (barrel) for a watering can with a tap (if it is not provided by the manufacturer).

Tip: the water tank must be periodically cleaned and an antiseptic (for example, potassium permanganate) added.

Wall cladding and door installation

The walls of the summer shower are sewn up with prepared boards. The door is hung last. Following the logic of construction, it should be wooden. But wood often “leads” from moisture, so many people advise using a film curtain as a door. Of course, if you have a capital summer shower, then it is better to take care of installing a high-quality wooden door.

This is the part of the work in which you can involve children. Varnished, painted in one color or in all the colors of the rainbow, it will add a twist to the overall appearance of the site.

Additionally, a summer shower can be decorated with flower pots or climbing plants can be planted near it.

Photo of a wooden shower for ideas and inspiration


Now that you know how to build a DIY wooden shower, don't hesitate to get started building and treat yourself to a few minutes of fun after a hard day!

It is hot and stuffy in summer, so the most valuable source that will help give you strength and restore vigor is water.An outdoor shower can be arranged independently, and there are several options for arranging an outdoor shower, which differ in design, principle of operation and, of course, installation costs.

The advantages of a summer shower are that it does not require any costs. So, in the simplest shower, the water is heated by the sun. If you are on the wave of “unity with nature”, then the water in your summer shower must certainly be rain. Although, if there is a drought,you will need a device with which you will get your own water for the shower.

Making an outdoor shower

So, the most common way to equip a site with a summer shower is as follows.

A cabin is constructed separately from wood or plastic panels on a metal case, or maybe from brick. A water tank is installed on the roof of the cabin. Accordingly, as we said above, water can flow into the tank naturally and also heat up (rain and heat from the sun), or it can be pumped using a separate hose from the general water supply system at home.A watering can is carried out from the tank into the shower cabin. If you want the used water to leave the site, then during the construction phase of the cabin you will have to lay a drain through which the water will leave. To do this, it is just enough to build a floor at a slight slope or make a drain grate in it in the center. The outflow of water is simply necessary if the shower is used more than twice a day. If you rarely use an outdoor shower, then the outflow of water can be attributed to the natural process of absorption of moisture by the earth. The approximate cost of such a summer shower will be from two to six thousand rubles.

An even simpler option is an outdoor shower that works on the principle of a pump. This option is the most economical and convenient. Such a summer showereasy to carry, which is especially beneficial for summer residents. So, a shower that works on the principle of a pump is also called a car shower. Its entire structure is simple. It consists of a pump, two hoses and a watering can. One end of the hose is lowered into any container with water, be it a bucket, a canister, etc. The pump in such designs is foot-operated, so you will have both hands free to wash yourself wholeheartedly. At the end of the other hose is a watering can or a simple water dispenser through which water flows. Actually, this is the whole summer shower, which you can also build yourself. And if you have an automatic pump, then,perhaps such a shower will be even more profitable than a summer shower cabin. The cost of a finished summer shower of this type with a foot pump costs about 500-700 rubles. The model with automatic "drive" is equivalent toprice range from $40 to $120.

If we consider that an outdoor shower is not a full-fledged shower, but a means with which you can freshen up, wash off the main dirt, then from this point of view there are many more options for arranging a “pseudo shower”. But they are all built according to the same principle, in which the source of water is above your head.

Summer shower - photo

It is difficult to imagine a comfortable countryside vacation without a country shower. Thanks to him, staying in the country becomes much more pleasant, especially in extreme heat.

It is not so difficult to make it if you use a moisture-resistant material that is easy to mount. It can be cellular polycarbonate, plastic panels or corrugated board. If you need the best option - you should pay attention to the shower from corrugated board.

Advantages of a country shower from a professional flooring

1. Cheapness. Firstly, if you decide to make a do-it-yourself shower from corrugated board, you save money for all the assembly work. Secondly, the material itself is quite inexpensive. Thirdly, often after various construction works sheets of corrugated board remain, which are a pity to throw away - but here they will come in handy.

2. High strength and the rigidity of the galvanized sheets of the material guarantees excellent properties for the walls and roof of the future shower.

3. Anti-corrosion properties- this is very important for a room where high humidity is expected.

4. Ease of installation work, as it is not necessary to have sophisticated professional equipment and relevant skills.

5. Construction speed and installation - four to five hours are enough. Then you need to wait until the sealant dries, and you can begin the full operation of your small architectural structure.

6.Durability designs.

7. Aesthetic appearance thanks to modern material processing and a variety of colors

Here is what a country shower from corrugated board looks like in detail:

We build a shower from corrugated board

At the heart of the whole technology is the fastening of corrugated board to a frame made in advance (from profile pipes and a corner). To build a summer shower from corrugated board with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials before starting work:

  • sheets of corrugated board;
  • pipes for the frame (50x50 or 40x60 mm);
  • fitting;
  • comfortable shower head;
  • hose;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sealing tape, sealant.

You will also need tools such as a mounting clamp, a level and a shovel. It is better to choose high-quality materials, and not the cheapest. Then in the future you will enjoy all the benefits of using modern building materials. With their help, you can quickly and easily make a great shower from corrugated board with your own hands.

You just need to follow the instructions below and as a result you will get a presentable summer shower made of corrugated board, which will decorate the site and provide you with maximum comfort on hot summer days.

A simple practical shower looks like a central rack with plumbing and side walls, which are sheathed with corrugated board.

Stage 1. Dig the pit

A shower in a country house made of corrugated board can have a different design and be located above the pit itself or not far from it. If the drainage system is installed directly under the shower, then for this a hole is dug at least 50 cm deep and for 40-45 of them it is covered with large gravel, stones, brick fragments, etc. The top layer is covered with fine gravel. A wooden grate 10 cm high is already placed on this base - this is the floor of the shower. You can make it yourself, observing a gap of 0.5-1 cm.

In the second case, when there is no hole under the floor, you will need to create a drain - for example, by concreting a pipe and a plastic drain into the floor, or using a special pallet. Drainage should be carried out in a special sump or in a gutter. The eurocube, that is, a special plastic container in a metal grate, can serve as the first. Two such connected eurocubes can be a purification plant.

After determining the dimensions of the shower (usually 2x2 or 2x3 m), its base is marked. From this place, the earth is removed to the level of the depth of the shovel bayonet. Then the pit is lined with roofing material and covered with crushed stone with a layer about 15-20 cm thick.

In the same pit, a piece of hose or pipe is laid, which extends beyond the perimeter of the shower itself. The pipe can be laid on the surface or in a trench. Now a pallet with a drain is placed on top, which is connected to the pipe. You can just do concrete or tile.

Stage 2. Install the metal frame

A country shower made of corrugated board is made on the basis of a frame made of profile pipes. You need to calculate its dimensions, based on what sheets of corrugated board you have. Pipes will have to be dug into the ground to a depth of about a meter and this must also be taken into account.

Four racks from a profile pipe are concreted at the corners of the shower, and the fifth is needed for a door canopy. Then horizontal jumpers are prepared to connect the racks from below, above and in the middle - it is recommended to use welding, as this is the most reliable way.

If working with a welding machine in this case is impossible, then it is quite possible to use self-tapping screws for metal. You can take screw connections, but for them you have to drill holes. The finished frame is coated with an anti-corrosion agent and painted.

Stage 3. Raise and secure the barrel

It is necessary to strengthen the roof, for which profile pipes are also suitable. They will serve as lags, that is, bars on which roofing material will be laid. Already on top of this is placed a container of water.

Both a plastic and a metal tank with a recommended volume of 150 to 200 liters are suitable for water intake. If you are interested in quick heating of water, then pay attention to the flat designs of dark color. It is better to initially take a black tank from an easily heated material, but you can simply paint the barrel black, install and securely fasten it to the roof.

Stage 4. We sheathe the shower with corrugated board

Using self-tapping screws, the frame is sheathed with corrugated board. At the same time, verticality is constantly checked, for which you need a level. It makes sense to take a ready-made door, but you can do it yourself if you have time to tinker.

Stage 5. We install plumbing

The tanks sold already have holes for both the shower and the water intake - you just need to connect the supply hose, mount the faucet and put a watering can / sprayer. And for a regular barrel, you will have to do the following series of procedures:

  1. drill a hole;
  2. insert a piece of threaded pipe;
  3. put a crane;
  4. put another piece of threaded pipe (drive);
  5. connect a sprayer or watering can;
  6. cover the barrel from getting leaves and debris.

You can see the construction of a shower from corrugated board in the following video: