Frame houses made of fiberboard plates. Fiberboard plates: properties, applications, advantages. Monolithic construction and fiberboard


Fiberboard is a wood-based building material that comes in the form of boards. They are somewhat similar to fiberboard and particleboard, but differ in a much more interesting set of performance and properties. This explains their wider area of \u200b\u200buse in the construction industry.

Fiberboard panels

Fiberboard (fibreboard) is a hard and dense material, for the creation of which two main components are used:


Fiberboard boards are classified according to their average dry density. This classification indicator is realized by assigning the appropriate grade to the plates. On the Russian construction market, you can buy fiberboard plates of three main brands:

  • F-300 - average density 260-350 kg / m3
  • Ф-400 - average density 350-450 kg / m3
  • Ф-500 - average density 450-500 kg / m3.

Other physical and mechanical properties of fiberboard:

  • moisture level per unit mass is 20%
  • thermal conductivity level is 0.08-0.1 W / (mK)
  • water absorption per unit mass reaches 35-40%
  • elasticity when working in bending reaches E \u003d 300-500 MPa \u003d 3000-5000 kgf / cm2
  • the average bending strength indicator is 0.5-1.3 MPa.

Existing standard sizes

According to the current document GOST 8928-81, fiberboard plates produced in Russia have the following geometric parameters:

  • length from 2400 to 3000 mm
  • width from 600 to 1200 mm
  • thickness can be 35, 50, 75 and 100 mm.

The most popular are slabs with a thickness of 50 mm.

Use of fiberboard

Fibrolite found the greatest distribution in the creation of fixed formwork for monolithic housing construction, for example, in the process of building private houses of low and high number of storeys, as well as for reconstruction or repair work. The use of fiber board permanent formwork is the simplest, fastest and most economical method of building a building. When using fibreboard, no lifting equipment is needed. The standard dimensions of the slabs and the low weight made the material a high-tech material in the construction process. Fiberboard boards are processed similarly to wood. To create curved, complex-shaped structures, slabs are cut. When using fiberboard as a permanent formwork, specialists reduce the time and labor costs for construction by almost half.

Fiberboard houses can be built at fairly low air temperatures. High thermal insulation values \u200b\u200bof this material allow to reduce the cost of continuous heating of concrete, as well as to pour concrete on an entire floor of a building in winter.

The fibreboard has excellent sound insulation properties. For example, with the use of fiberboard in the construction of floors, specialists significantly increase the level of sound insulation, up to about 20 dB. The plate acts as an excellent protector against shock and air noise. Due to the unique properties of the fiberboard board, it can be used as a sub-base for flooring from tiles to linoleum. The topcoat will not squeak, rot or deteriorate when exposed to moisture.

The high level of moisture resistance of fiberboard boards makes it possible to use it even in humid rooms with a humidity level of up to 75%. They are also suitable for creating frameless interior partitions.

Fibrolite is used for thermal protection of buildings and structures. If you use it for two- or three-layer options together with expanded polystyrene or mineral wool plates, the thermal resistance of such a fence increases significantly.

The use of a fiberboard slab for roof construction guarantees the preparation of the plane for roofing materials, as well as complete heat and sound insulation of the roof. Fibrolite is used for reconstruction works in flat roofs of 5 - 9 storey buildings. The increased indicators of fire resistance of the material enable roofers to weld roll materials onto the slab using an open flame. In addition, the slabs are easy to install; they can be installed under a soft roof regardless of the season.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of fiberboard include:

  • increased level of fire resistance
  • it is a non-combustible building material
  • high level of moisture resistance of modern fiberboard boards
  • increased resistance to biological agents
  • rather low level of thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient: 0.08 ... 0.1 W / m K)
  • high performance of sound insulation
  • long period of operation (50 - 60 years)
  • high bending strength. Fiberboard is used when creating interior partitions
  • small mass
  • ease of processing. Fiberboard is easy to cut and process. Nails are perfectly driven into it, it can be plastered
  • quick installation
  • low price.

Fiberboard houses have the following disadvantages:

  • destruction with prolonged exposure to temperature and humidity conditions of use, therefore, thermal insulation parameters are also reduced. Annual freeze and thaw cycles have negative consequences over time
  • if the manufacturer does not comply with the production technology, saves on something, then the material will be attacked by fungi. Always ask the seller for a quality certificate.

Fiberboard sip panels

Today, an innovative product occupies a worthy place in the construction market: SIP sandwich panel using fiberboard called Green Board. The panel has three layers:

  • one layer of polyurethane foam insulation
  • two fiberboard plates.

Such panels are used in the process of creating internal and external walls, stairs, partitions, as well as supporting structures. In addition, such material is quite in demand in the construction of cottages, baths, garages, outbuildings and arbors, mansard outbuildings in finished buildings made of wood, brick, concrete.

Such sip panels are environmentally friendly and safe, they are also called "improved wood". Moreover, the cost of such a building is almost the same as using SIP panels with OSB, but the durability will be higher.

Fiberboard GREEN BOARD as part of a sip-panel gives the following advantages:

  • complete environmental friendliness, which is guaranteed by the absence of toxic compounds in the GREEN BOARD manufacturing process
  • an increase in the service life of the entire structure of the building due to the increased level of durability of GB-3 plates, which reaches over 100 years. Exceptional innovative technologies enable the material to increase its mechanical properties throughout the entire period of operation
  • gB-3 plates have a fire safety class G1, which is assigned to non-combustible materials. As a result, the overall fire safety of the building is increased. Note that the OSB board belongs to the G4 class, which is assigned to highly flammable materials.
  • the use of GREEN BOARD fiberboard in SIP panels increases the ventilation level of the entire building. This figure is similar to wooden buildings. Fiberboard boards are distinguished by a special indoor humidity control system
  • improving the biological resistance of the building. The material from which the GB-3 slabs are made, even in a humid climate, do not rot, therefore, fungi, pathogenic bacteria, rodents and insects will not multiply there.

Fiberboard boards GREEN BOARD in accordance with GOST 8928 are created by pressing a mixture specially prepared on wood-wool machines of chips in accordance with GOST 5244. Chip parameters:

  • length 400-500 mm
  • width 4-7 mm
  • thickness 0.25-0.5 mm.

Portland cement of at least 400 grade according to GOST 10178 is added to the shavings, as well as chemical additives such as calcium chloride, water glass, lime, aluminum sulfate and water.

Fiberboard production

How a fiberboard frame house will turn out depends on the quality of the slabs. Consider the manufacturing process for making such plates.

The technological process for the automated creation of fiberboard on Portland cement includes the following stages:

  • cut longitude into blocks
  • wood wool creation
  • processing of wood wool with a mineralizer - a solution of calcium chloride or water glass
  • mixing wood chips with cement
  • forming and pressing of plates
  • heat treatment (curing and drying of plates). In winter, the blocks are placed in special chambers for thawing before planing.

The shavings can be produced on wood-wool machines SD-2, which are produced by the domestic industry. The level of productivity of such devices, depending on the thickness of the chips in 8 hours, reaches:

  • with a chip thickness of 0.05 mm - 330 kg
  • with a chip thickness of 0.1 mm - 705 kg
  • with a chip thickness of 0.25 mm - 1800 kg
  • with a chip thickness of 1 mm - 5350 kg.

The output of wood wool from 1 m3 of raw material is from 300 to 350 kg, if the width of the chips is 4-5 mm, and the thickness is 0.25 - 0.5 mm.

A number of machine designs have been developed for mixing chips and cement. Most of them work in a dry way. The mixing device performs the work of sifting the shavings from fines and impurities, evenly impregnates it with calcium chloride and feeds the resulting mixture into the mixing drum, where the shavings and cement are further mixed. The cement from the tank enters the mixing drum with the help of an elevator driven by a gearbox. Due to the change in speed, the cement is precisely dosed. For more comfortable work, the machines are equipped with a vacuum cleaner - a filter that removes dust generated during the transportation of chips. The solution that flows down after impregnation is collected in the tank and is pumped back into the bath using a pump.

A completely prepared mixture of cement and shavings from the mixer is fed into the molds and evenly distributed over its entire area.

The design features of the molds guarantee the possibility of batch pressing of the plates and keeping the pressed plates in the clamped position for a long time.

For pressing the plates, you can use presses of any design, which guarantee the possibility of holding the pressed pack of plates under maximum pressure for the time required to fix the plates in the clamped position. Pressure parameters:

  • 0.1 - 1 kg / cm2 for pressing plates of grades 300 and 350
  • 1.5 - 4 kg / cm2 for pressing plates of grades 400 and 500.

The slabs left in the molds can harden in natural or artificial conditions. Natural hardening is carried out indoors in an air temperature of 18 to 20 ° C. This process takes about two days. Artificial hardening is carried out in special chambers at temperatures from 30 to 40 ° C and air humidity 60 - 70%. This process takes 12 to 24 hours. Fully cured boards are demolded and dried in natural or artificial conditions.

Natural drying is carried out in a well-ventilated area. In the summer, you can simply dry under a canopy. This process takes approximately 10 days. Artificial drying is carried out in special chambers under the condition of intensive air exchange at a temperature of 60-70 ° C and an air humidity of 60-70%. This process lasts from 12 to 24 hours.

Fiberboard slabs characteristics are actively used today for the construction of various residential buildings. Therefore, from this publication on Beton-Area, you can learn about this building material and understand all its main advantages.

Fiberboard slabs

Building material - fiberboard boards belong to the old generation building materials. But despite this, such a material for construction and decoration has not lost its popularity. It is worth saying that the production of fiberboard plates began when houses made of adobe bricks, straw and clay began to appear. It was at this time that specialists developed equipment for the production of fiberboard plates, which made it possible to produce durable products.

Fiberboard is a reliable and practical building material. The production of fibreboard in Russia is carried out: from wood shavings, liquid glass of low concentration and Portland cement grade 500 and above. Every component is essential for this material. And each of them needs to be told in more detail.

The main filler of this board is wood shavings. This component is also called "wood wool". For fibreboard, wood chips are used with a length of 150-500 mm and a thickness of 5 or 2 mm. This filler takes up 60 percent of the volume of any fiberboard. Wood shavings make the structure lighter and provide it with low thermal conductivity.

Another component of the fiberboard is cement, which occupies 40% of the volume. Such a component acts as a connecting element. Indeed, these plates must be durable and of high quality. In addition, they should not be afraid of transportation and long-term storage in absolutely any conditions.

And the last component that is added to the composition of fiberboard plates is water glass. Reduced sodium silicate or diluted office glue plays an important role. It turns out that this composition allows the wood chips to not enter into a chemical reaction with cement. Therefore, this component helps the products to work out the guaranteed service life.

Fiberboard application can be used at different stages of construction and finishing works. It is worth listing just some of the works in which this building material is successfully involved. So, fiberboard is used:

  • For internal insulation and sound insulation of apartments and houses.
  • For the organization of foundations of any complexity. In this case, this building material is organically poured into the tape.
  • For floor insulation.
  • For wall cladding of a frame house. Moreover, this material can be used for cladding interior and exterior walls.
  • To create structural members.

Advantages of fiberboard boards

Many are probably interested in the merits of such material. Therefore, the most important advantages of construction and finishing panels made of wood-cement-silicate should be cited.

  1. Such plates have a high degree of environmental friendliness. It has already been said above that the safest components are used to create these plates. Therefore, finished products do not affect the human condition and health in any way.
  2. Fiberboard boards have a long service life. The durability of this material depends not only on the components, but also on the special manufacturing technology.
  3. These products have good deformation resistance. Everything is simple here. The fibers act as dampers and the cement sheath provides the structure with superior strength.
  4. Fiberboard boards, when used, will provide the room with excellent heat and sound insulation. Indeed, in order to preserve heat in the house and isolate it from unnecessary noise, you just need to buy a fiberboard plate that will make any room comfortable for living.

All these advantages are considered especially important. But there are a number of other advantages of this building material. For example, fiberboard has good moisture resistance.

Moreover, such plates are very easy to install. This will require a minimal set of tools and additional help.

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Wood + cement \u003d concrete

The reliability and safety of a residential building is largely determined by the properties of the materials used for its construction. The most important parameters that determine the safety of the materials themselves can be conditionally divided into four categories: chemical, physical, fire and biological. In order to guarantee the safety of the building for the residents, both everyday and in extreme situations, each of the materials used must have the highest marks in all categories.


The maximum set of the highest ratings for each of the above safety parameters are possessed by materials made from a mixture of wood of a certain size (serves as a filler) and cement (is a binder and provides strength) -wood concrete.

In their production, aqueous solutions of mineralizing additives (calcium chloride, calcium nitrate, aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride, liquid glass, etc.) are also used, which antiseptic the wood, prevent the release of saccharides from its composition and their interaction with cement, increase the adhesion of the binder to the tree ...

The biostability of wood concretes is achieved due to calcium hydroxide released from their composition during solidification, which creates a strongly alkaline environment.

All wood concrete is easy to process: cut, drill, nail, etc.

In addition, the peculiar texture of their surface ensures a good connection with plaster and concrete.

For the convenience of presentation, we divided the materials selected for the review into three groups, which we assigned the following conventional names: sawdust concrete, chip concrete and fiber concrete.


  • Full-scale strength tests of the internal DSP wall cladding prove that it can withstand significant loads
  • The fire resistance of DSP slabs is such that in the event of a fire, they are able to withstand its effects for an hour
  • Today DSP 8-12 mm is widely used for cladding wooden frame structures.
  • Thanks to the monolithic structure, the DSP slabs successfully resist the effects of moisture, sun rays, temperature changes and biological effects

The most famous representative of the materials of this group is cement-bonded particle boards (DSP). The starting material for their production are shavings of fine and medium fractions and cement. During the production process, a "carpet" is formed from three layers of a chip-cement mixture (in the outer layers - fine shavings, in the inner - larger), which is then subjected to pressing. As a result, slabs with a density of 1100-1400 kg / m3 of the following dimensions are obtained: length - 2700,3200 and 3600 mm, width - 1200 and 1250 mm, thickness - 8,10,12,16,20,24,36 mm.

The resulting products are used for cladding external frame walls (slab thickness - 10-24 mm), cladding frame partitions of dry and wet rooms (8-24 mm), facing columns and girders (8-16 mm), prefabricated screed for a flat roof (12 , 16, 20, 24 mm), attic flooring (12, 16, 20, 24 mm), base arrangements for floors (20.24.36 mm) and as window sills (24.36 mm).

In addition, DSP can be used in the construction of garages, cellars, outdoor showers, utility blocks. garden paths, fences (including noise protection), when facing ventilation-robes, as both removable and fixed formwork when erecting foundations and walls, etc. When fastening to nails, the slabs are pre-drilled. Price from 650 to 2000 rubles. for 1 piece


The modern construction market offers three materials at once belonging to this group: "Arbolit", "Dyurisol" and "Velox". All of them are 90-95% composed of large chips of coniferous trees, processed with mineral additives and bonded with Portland cement.

Between the individual “chips” there are air “bags” that provide high not only heat, but also sound insulation characteristics of materials (the airborne noise reduction index Rw is in the range of 50-60 dB), which allows them to be used even for the construction of soundproof structures. In addition, due to the porous structure, these materials have a sufficiently high air and p-permeability ("breathe"), which, in theory, provides the same healthy microclimate in the house as in a wooden one. Their undoubted advantage is increased adhesion to plaster compounds, which simplifies wall decoration, reduces its labor intensity and, consequently, the time and cost of work.

It is also important that the heat capacity of woodchip concrete is much higher than that of other lightweight concrete, so the walls made of it will serve as heat accumulators. Such materials are also attracted to a private developer by the fact that they do not require heavy lifting equipment during installation. Exterior and interior decoration can be any, but it should not negate the ability of materials to "breathe".


  • The reduced resistance to heat transfer of a wall made of "Arbolit" with a thickness of 30 cm without additional insulation is 3.25 mg ° С / W
  • To strengthen the wall structures made of Arbolit blocks, individual sections of the masonry are reinforced with steel mesh
  • Even non-standard elements are cut from "Arbolit"
  • Preparing to fill the armopoyas that crowns the wall

The material was developed and standardized in the 1960s. in the USSR, where more than 100 factories were built. Then it was forgotten for a long time, but today it is experiencing a rebirth. "Arbolit" (from Latin arbor - "tree" and Greek lithos - "stone") is essentially a kind of lightweight concrete.

There are three types of "Arbolit": heat-insulating (density - up to 450 kg / m 3), structural and heat-insulating (450-600 kg / m 3) and construction (600-850 kg / m 3). The last option is in the greatest demand today, since it is it that is used in construction in the form of ready-made large-format blocks, from which load-bearing walls and partitions of buildings are erected.

And the disadvantages of "Arbolit" include high moisture permeability and low moisture resistance, to combat which it is desirable to maintain the air humidity in the premises within 75%, and the outer surfaces of the walls must have a protective and finishing layer. In addition, it is necessary to provide for good waterproofing of the foundation, sufficient rise of the basement of the house over the blind area and increased overhangs of the roof overhangs. It should be noted that a one-time exposure to water for the blocks is not dangerous - they will withstand it, however, constant wetting is unacceptable.

The block production process is as follows.

Specially selected wood is crushed, then sorted in order to select particles of a certain size (a sieve with calibrated holes is used), dedusted, and then it, together with cement, water and chemical additives, enters the mixer. The finished "solution" is poured into metal molds and compacted using a vibrating press. Until the mixture completely hardens, it is kept in the mold and only then the resulting product is taken out. The finished block is sent to the customer no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Large companies, along with products measuring 500 x 300 x 200 mm, make "halves" -500 x 300 x 150 mm, blocks with a "groove" (to create bridges over openings), as well as lightweight blocks (with recesses) for the construction of partitions on the second floor etc. The price of blocks - from 4500 rubles. for 1 m 3. Arbolite blocks are laid in almost the same way as other large-sized blocks. Before the installation of the intermediate floor, the outer and inner walls are crowned with a monolithic concrete armored belt, which not only evens out the level of the walls, but also contributes to the uniform distribution of the load created by the floor and overlying building structures, and also provides additional strength and seismic resistance of the house.


  • Wall structures of non-standard or curvilinear shapes, for example bay windows, can be made from Dyurisol blocks. In this case, the necessary elements are made on the spot.
  • To connect the reinforcement of the outer and inner walls, grooves are cut in the side walls of the outer blocks
  • The blocks are kept from displacement relative to each other by the grooves and ridges on their end planes, which also act as labyrinth seals

Dyurisol is not only a material, but also an original construction technology, which is based on the use of factory-made hollow wall blocks, which play the role of permanent formwork. Price: 130-340 rubles. for 1 piece In the process of erecting walls, the blocks are installed in rows on top of each other, but without the use of a binder.

A prerequisite is that the internal cavities of the blocks of all rows of the wall must coincide vertically, but when laying between adjacent rows, an offset of half the block is necessary.

At the same time, reinforcing bars are laid horizontally in the grooves at the top of the blocks in each row, which are spliced \u200b\u200balong the length with an overlap with wire twisting. Vertical reinforcement (no more than 1.5-1.8 m in length) is installed in the center of the rectangular cavities of the blocks, connecting it with a horizontal wire twist (and, if necessary, with anchors previously "poured" in the foundation).

In the same way, the second, third and even fourth rows of blocks are laid, putting them on vertical reinforcement. After that, the vertical cavities formed in the assembled wall are filled with B15, B20, B25 or B30 concrete. It is poured manually or using a concrete pump. The concrete poured into the cavity is compacted manually (bayonet method) or with a deep vibrator.

Consumption of ready-mixed concrete per 1 m 2 of the wall ranges from 0.075 to 0.125 m3. Then the next four rows are installed and the process of pouring concrete is repeated (as the wall grows, the vertical bars are built up). As a result, a monolithic reinforced concrete lattice with powerful vertical bearing pillars, connected by thinner horizontal row bridges, appears inside the erected wall structure.

The high strength of such a frame makes it possible to make it a support for floors made of concrete - prefabricated or monolithic.


It includes blocks for the construction of fences, load-bearing walls of unheated buildings and interior partitions, as well as blocks with expanded polystyrene inserts for the construction of external walls with high heat-saving properties -

for residential buildings. In addition to the blocks for forming rows, the series includes special corner blocks-halves and universal blocks that can replace them, which are also used to make lintels over openings.


  • Velox boards are fastened to each other with nails driven in at an angle
  • During the construction of ribbed monolithic floors, the continuous flooring is made of Velox plates 25-35 mm thick
  • The specified distance between the outer and inner walls of the formwork is provided by metal ties
  • Trigons are also used for vertical reinforcement, which significantly reduces steel consumption

The complex technology for the construction of monolithic energy-efficient houses using permanent formwork made of wood chips Velox ("Belox") was patented in Austria back in 1956 and is now successfully used in more than 40 countries of the world, and more recently in Russia.

The main element of the Velox building system is slabs of 2000 x 500 mm, which are offered mainly in two modifications: single-layer slabs with a thickness of 25,35,50 and 75 mm, used for formwork of external and internal walls; two-layer heat-insulating plates made of single-layer (35 mm) by gluing 150 mm thick expanded polystyrene (PPS), which makes it possible to erect wall structures with a reduced heat transfer resistance at the level of Ro \u003d 4.37 (m 2 ° C) / W.

There are slabs with a layer of PSP increased to 200 mm. Slabs price: 300-1200 rubles. for 1 piece The system also includes:

  • ceiling tiles (200x500x25 mm);
  • boxes (2000 x 380 x 170-260 mm, the height depends on the length of the span to be covered) for the manufacture of lightweight ribbed monolithic floors;
  • one- and two-sided mounting metal ties 320 and 480 mm long, providing a specified distance between the walls of the outer and inner formwork of the same row, connecting slabs of different rows in height;
  • space frames - tritons, used mainly in the power ribs of a monolithic floor.

From these basic elements, in compliance with certain rules, both low and multi-storey buildings are erected.

Installation starts from one of the outer corners of the building, while the plates at the junction are fastened together with nails 100 mm long, which are driven in at different angles. Then, the slabs are sequentially docked to the assembled corner unit, which form the outer and inner walls of the formwork of the first row, connecting them in pairs with ties. As a result, straight and corner sections of the walls are gradually being erected, with openings provided for by the project (they are "edged" with 75 mm thick end plates).

Having finished the installation of the formwork of the outer walls, they begin to create "shells" for the bearing inner walls and partitions. When the installation of the first row over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house is completely completed, vertical reinforcement (trigons) are installed inside the formwork in the places provided for by the project and concrete of a grade not lower than M200 is poured (manually or with a concrete pump). Next, the next rows of formwork are mounted, displacing the vertical joints of the slabs in adjacent rows by at least 250 mm.

The wall construction technology is organically complemented by the original method of constructing lightweight ribbed monolithic floors. The basis of the latter is concrete beams reinforced with steel tritons with a width of 120 mm and a height of 185 mm to 275 mm, located at a pitch of 620 mm and forming a monolith with concrete walls.


  • In brick buildings with a monolithic reinforced frame, fiberboard structural slabs are used to isolate the so-called cold bridges
  • High density slabs with a thickness of 10 to 22 mm are successfully used as external cladding of external and internal frame walls and partitions
  • Medium density slabs are suitable for soundproofing brick partitions

It is also called fibrolite is a natural board material made from fine chips (length 250-500 mm, width 1-4 mm, obtained on special machines and is often called wood wool), Portland cement and water. During production, wood fiber, treated with a solution of water glass, is mixed with cement and water, and then, under a pressure of 0.5 MPa, products are molded by belt pressing, treated with steam and dried. Standard products are slabs 2400 and 3000 mm long, 600-1200 mm wide and 30 to 150 mm thick.

They have low bending strength (from 0.4 to 1.2 MPa) and flexibility, but at a sufficiently low density (from 300 to 1050 kg / m3) they have good thermal conductivity (0.10-0.15 W / (m ° С) and sound insulation characteristics.Today, fiberboard plates of such companies as Celenit (Italy), Green Board (Russia), Traullit (Sweden), etc., are presented on the Russian market. In accordance with the areas of use, all products can be conditionally divided into structural, acoustic and design Structural plates.

The area of \u200b\u200btheir application in building structures is determined by density, which is subdivided into low (200-500 kg / m 3), medium (500-800 kg / m 3) and high (more than 800 kg / m 3). As an example, consider the slabs of the Green Board system.

Plates with a density of 250 kg / m3 (GB1, thickness - 100 mm) and 300 kg / m3 (GB1, thickness - 50 mm) are used for heat and sound insulation, noise absorption, thermal and hydro regulation of the indoor climate. The increase in density to 450 kg / m3 (GB450, thickness - 25 mm) allows the material to be used for similar purposes, as well as used as a permanent formwork and sheathing of frame walls that take limited loads.

Products with an average density of 600 kg / m 3 (GB600, thickness - 14 25, 35 and 50 mm) and 700 kg / m 3 (GB2, thickness - 25 and 35 mm) perform the functions of permanent formwork in monolithic structures made of light and heavy concrete ; they are used for external and internal cladding of walls of frame buildings, partitions, as well as filing ceilings.

Finally, slabs with a density of 950 kg / m 3 (GB3, thickness - 10 and 12 mm) and 1050 kg / m3 (GB1050, thickness - 10,12,18,22 mm) serve as cladding of insulated frame walls (instead of OSB-boards ), are used in the manufacture of sandwich panels (based on EPS or GB1 slabs), as well as structures of roof-beam systems (instead of OSB-plates).

  • Window openings were cut out in the panels, grooves for electrical wiring were made and rough plastering was done.
  • The process of erecting walls from prefabricated structural fiberboard plates is simple and fast, combined with low labor intensity and cost.
  • Steel plates fix the position of the reinforcement in the upper groove of the panel.
  • The scheme of creating a load-bearing monolithic reinforced concrete frame in the grooves of the panels
  • Reinforcement is placed in the cavity at the upper end of the panels and concrete is poured - a supporting beam of the frame is formed (1); grooves at the vertical joint of the panels create a cavity for casting the support column of the frame (2); steel plate for fixing the reinforcement (3); reinforcing mesh at the junction of the panels.The cost of Russian-made structural plates varies from 290 to 1200 rubles. for 1 piece Italian and Swedish products will cost about 1.5 times more. Designer tiles are presented by the Swedish company Baux (part of the Traullit group). They have different shapes and colors, which allows you to make decorative panels of almost any size from the purchased ready-made elements.

In addition, the tiles have good sound-absorbing properties, are able to absorb and release moisture (depending on the air condition) and accumulate thermal energy. The mass of products is about 14 kg / m 2. They can be wall or ceiling mounted in two ways. In the first case, the surface is pre-faced with thin metal sheets, and magnets are fixed on the back of the tile - in this case, it becomes possible to replace old or damaged panels with new ones, as well as change the pattern of the panel as often as you like. The second method involves gluing to the surface.

This year, the Russian company Green Board has also mastered the production of designer tiles. The price of domestically produced products is from 1 thousand rubles. for 1 m2. Swedish ones are somewhat more expensive - from 2 thousand rubles. for 1 m 2.



More recently, Traullit has developed a system for the production of full-size monolithic wall panels from a mixture of wood wool and cement (fiberboard) and the construction of residential buildings from them. These lightweight panels have a length of up to 6 m, a height of 2.7-3 m and a thickness of 25 to 50 cm (depending on local climatic conditions - the reduced resistance to heat transfer Ro can range from 3.29 to 6.58 (m 2 ° K) / W). Products are manufactured on an automated line (which ensures constant quality and high factory readiness), where window and door openings are immediately cut out in them, as well as the necessary grooves are milled for installation or laying of communications. From the factory to the construction site, the panels are transported vertically.

The heat storage capacity of the panels is 250 kJ / m 2 K. The fire resistance of the wall is REI360 (during the tests, the wall panel was exposed to continuous flame at 1200 ° C for 6 hours - the temperature on the opposite side of the wall was only 45 ° C). Due to their low weight (product density - 300-350 kg / m 3), a lightweight foundation can be used under the walls of such panels.

House assembly technology is simple, low labor intensity and low cost. Moreover, in the assembled structure, the panels (their compressive strength is only 27 kN / m) practically do not bear any load. It is taken over by a reinforced concrete frame consisting of columns and beams, the formwork for which is horizontal and vertical grooves at the ends of the wall panels. So at the junction of two wall panels, square cavities with a section of 70 x 70 mm are formed vertically. In the upper part of each product there is a U-shaped recess with a section of 100 x 160 mm, which makes it possible to form a continuous “annular” groove around the perimeter of the walls for the supporting beam.

After installation on the foundation (on a layer of cement mortar), the panels are fixed with braces. Steel reinforcement is laid in vertical cavities and horizontal grooves, and then concrete is poured (if the building is multi-storey, then the columns at the junction of the panels stretch through all the floors from the foundation to the upper bearing beam). In order to keep the reinforcement in the horizontal grooves at a distance from the fiberboard, special metal plates 3 mm thick with an arrow-shaped tip are used, which is driven into the body of the panel. Floor beams or rafters are subsequently attached to the same plates. When finishing, the walls are plastered.

The advantages of the new technology - there are no cold bridges in the construction of the walls, the structures are durable, resistant to mold and rot, lightweight and not subject to shrinkage. On average, a team of installers (at least three people) can install two wall panels using a crane per hour, so construction is carried out very quickly. The cost price of the panels required for the installation of the external walls of a typical one-storey house with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 100 m 2 in Sweden is about 12-15 thousand euros. Panels are still coming to Russia from abroad (a domestic plant for their production is still being designed) and therefore cost much more - about 1.5-2.0 million rubles. for the same set.


Designed to correct the acoustic environment in rooms with increased requirements for sound insulation: sports halls, home theaters, etc. Plates are used for wall cladding and sound-absorbing partitions, in stationary sound-absorbing suspended ceilings or in additional screens.

For these purposes, it is proposed to use slabs with a density of 450 and 600 kg / m 3 and a thickness of 14 to 25 mm. The price of Russian-made products ranges from 600 to 1200 rubles. for 1 piece Italian ones will cost about 1.5 times more.

Acoustic plates stand somewhat apart, which can also be used for interior decoration. They are produced on the basis of ordinary or white cement and are painted in various colors (according to the catalog), and are also supplied with beveled edges with a stepped fold, etc. Cost: domestic - from 1000 rubles. per 1 m 2, imported - 1300-2000 rubles. for 1m 2.


CHEMICAL: do not emit harmful volatile substances.

PHYSICAL: able to provide thermal comfort in rooms at the level of current standards; do not electrify; have sound insulation properties (they can absorb sound).

FIRE: are slightly flammable (P), hardly flammable (B1); do not spread flame (RP1); have a low smoke-generating ability (D1); low hazard from the point of view of toxicity of combustion products (T1).

BIOLOGICAL: biostable, not affected by bugs - woodworms, domestic rodents, etc.

Wood concrete is a conventional name, it unites a whole group of materials based on a cement binder. In their production, woodworking waste of various sizes is used as a filler in the raw material composition: wood chips, sawdust, shavings. The wood is crushed and treated with a mineralizing compound.

Calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate, water glass, etc., not only increase the fire resistance of the material and resistance to harmful organisms, but also increase the adhesion of the binder to the wood. The chips "glazed" in this way are mixed with cement, the mixture is sealed with water, and then slabs or blocks are formed from the resulting mass.


  • Easy to process: all wood concrete can be cut, drilled, joined with nails, etc.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Not subject to decay.
  • Geometrically stable.
  • They do not support combustion, do not emit harmful volatile substances.
  • They have high thermal insulation properties and are capable of maintaining thermal comfort in rooms at the level of modern requirements for thermal insulation.
  • Absorb noise. Good soundproofing.
  • Biologically resistant (not affected by wood-boring beetles or rodents).
  • Affordable.


By the way, can you even imagine how wood chips differ from shavings and sawdust? In theory, shavings are waste from cutting wood, sawdust is a by-product of sawing, and chips are felling. In fact, it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, but manufacturers of wood concrete distinguish, and even select raw materials for their products in a form pre-disassembled into fractions - certain sizes. For example, fine and medium-sized sawdust is suitable for cement-bonded particle boards (DSP). In the production process, all components are laid in layers (with small sawdust placed in the outer layer, and larger ones inside) and pressed into slabs with a density of 1100/1400 kg / m3. The thickness of the slabs varies from 8 to 36 mm.

Depending on the thickness and density, such products are used in a variety of places: as external cladding of frame buildings, when installing partitions inside dry and damp rooms, when arranging foundations for floors and attic ceilings, in finishing window sills, etc. DSP slabs for formwork, both removable and non-removable.


Yes, the material has a very bright name, once you hear it, you will remember it forever. A representative of a group of wood concretes formed from large chips of coniferous trees and Portland cement, arbolite has been known to builders since Soviet times. In fact, it is a kind of lightweight concrete, in which chips are 2-20 mm long, 2-5 mm wide and 5 mm thick as a filler. As a binder, ordinary Portland cement of a grade not lower than M400 is used.

Small air cavities between large chips provide high heat and sound insulation characteristics of such materials. The porous structure allows them to "breathe", which is undoubtedly good. There are heat-insulating wood concrete (density - up to 450 kg / m 3, structural and heat-insulating (450-600 kg / m 3 and structural (600-800 kg / m 3. The latter is used in the form of large-format blocks, from which inexpensive low-rise houses are erected).


Wood-filled cement composites are used in permanent formwork technologies. (This is when the structures are cast from concrete right on the spot - in the axes of the house being built - and the formwork is a shell of walls and ceilings, and not just a mold for casting.) For example, the formwork contour of the Velox construction system is made up of the same-name chip cement slabs 2000 x 500 mm and 25,35,50 and 75 mm thick.

When completing the formwork system from the inside of the slabs from which the outer wall will be assembled, a thermal insulation insert made of expanded polystyrene is glued. Thus, the proper thermal performance of the enclosing structures is ensured.

Installation of the first row of Velox formwork is performed according to the markings on the foundation. The installation of the plates starts from the corners. In the places where the walls join, the formwork is fixed with self-tapping screws. Simultaneously with the assembly of the first row, the reinforcement cage is mounted and hidden engineering communications are laid. The second and subsequent rows of formwork are mounted with bandaging of the seams. To fill non-multiple sections, the plates are cut with a stationary circular saw or grinder.


The Dyurisol technology allows to simplify and speed up the process of erection of permanent formwork. In this case, not slabs are used, but chip-cement blocks 500 mm long and 250 mm high. Their thickness, depending on the purpose, is 150, 220,250, 300 and 375 mm. Typical series include standard, in-line, universal and additional blocks for the construction of external and internal load-bearing walls and interior partitions. Corners, lintels, ends, framing of window and door openings are laid out from universal blocks. The delivery set also includes heat-insulating liners made of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool (at the client's request) with a thickness of 70-175 mm. Every four rows of masonry, the inner cavity of the formwork is filled with a concrete mixture - manually or with a concrete pump. As soon as the concrete sets, continue to assemble the blocks.


In the manufacture of fiberboard (also called fiber concrete), special shavings are used - long and thin (250-500 mm long and 1-4 mm wide). This wood fiber is treated with liquid glass and mixed with concrete, and from the mixture obtained by pressing, plates with a thickness of 30-150 mm are formed.

Fiberboard plates have insufficient bending strength, but they are good heat and sound insulators. Depending on the density, the material is divided into heat and sound insulation (density 250-300 kg / mee and structural (more than 450 kg / mee. The latter is used as permanent formwork and decorative protective cladding of frame walls. Relatively recently, the Traullit company began to produce full-size monolithic wall panels Vertical cavities and horizontal grooves are left in the panels, which are the formwork for the reinforced concrete frame, which takes on the main load of the structure.


Installation of the Dyurisol formwork and subsequent concreting are carried out in stages - every four rows. Eight building blocks are used for one square meter of wall. To reduce technological breaks, a retaining structure is used, which allows the wall to be erected and concreted to a height of one floor.

Building a house using TISE technology ...

This article will serve as a help for those developers who want to build a house with their own hands inexpensively. The construction of a residential building on a new plot of land has several main stages, each of which is of great importance. The very first thing that needs to be done on a new building site is to plan it correctly.

Planning and preparation of the construction site

House project

For the reason that the new residential building on the entire construction site will play the role of the most basic building, its location is quite important. For this reason, a residential-type house, which should be built only with your own hands, must be located exactly in the place of the construction site in which it will be located in its place. To do this, you can use your own imagination or use the services of an experienced designer planner.

In addition to the fact that your preferences will be required for the correct layout of the building site, do not forget about the building codes that provide for the correct location of a residential building on the site. These requirements include the distance from the boundaries of the plot to the house, as well as the total distance from the new residential building to the residential building on the neighboring plot. All this should be indicated in a special project of the site, without which it is simply impossible to build a residential building of any type with your own hands.

This project will include the location of not only a residential building, but also all outbuildings that should be located on this plot of land. The finished project must be certified by specialized authorities, and only after that proceed with the preparation of the construction site and the construction itself. Do not forget about the necessary supply of all the required communications, which can be quite expensive.

It is necessary to pay attention to such nuances even when the acquisition of a construction site is carried out, because there are areas to which it is simply impossible to bring one or another type of communications, which will cause additional costs for organizing an alternative option. If all the nuances are taken into account, the site is purchased, and the plan is drawn up, you can start preparatory work. Preparatory work is divided into two main phases: clearing the building site and planning the site for a residential building.

The clearing and preparation of the construction site is carried out with your own hands, while for the correct planning of the construction site it is better to invite a specialist. The fact is that the planning of a construction site is not only about determining the place where you can build a residential building of any type with your own hands. It is necessary to determine the condition of the soil at the construction site, and, if necessary, remove excess moisture from the soil, while organizing drainage systems.

Residential building project

A high-quality project is needed not only by the building site, but also by the house itself. In the event that a residential building is built without a proper project, certified by the architectural authorities, such a construction is not legal, which may even lead to the demolition of the house. Therefore, the project of a residential building should be given special attention.

House wall insulation

A residential building project can be purchased in two ways: buy a ready-made construction project or order the production of such a project according to your approximate drawings. The first option is considered an order of magnitude cheaper, because the architect does not have to make new calculations. Among the finished projects of a residential building, you can choose exactly the one that suits you in all respects.

But if you are still going to order a new house project, then it is worth considering the additional costs of the construction budget that will be required to pay for such work. The advantage of acquiring such a project can be considered the fact that the entire residential building will be planned exactly as you imagined it. In addition, you can boast to your friends and acquaintances that your home has no analogues.

House foundation

The foundation is considered one of the most important and crucial parts of not only a residential building, but also any other building. The reliability and durability of the entire residential building depends on how well and correctly this building element is made. Many novice builders make irreparable mistakes when organizing the foundation structure.

So, you should start with the desired type of foundation structure, which will be made with your own hands. As a rule, strip or columnar types of foundation structures are used for the construction of residential buildings. The choice of the right foundation depends not only on the preferences of the builder, but also on the condition of the soil at the construction site and the building material from which the house itself will be built.

If a residential building is planned from a light wooden building material, then the foundation can be made of a columnar type, which is quite inexpensive compared to a monolithic strip foundation. But if the house is brick, which directly affects the total weight of the structure, then the foundation will require a monolithic or prefabricated tape type. The choice of a monolithic or prefabricated foundation of this type rests only on the construction budget, because for the construction of a residential building with 1-2 floors, there is no significant difference in these types of foundation.

The prefabricated strip foundation consists of individual reinforced concrete blocks, which are manufactured in special enterprises and delivered to the construction site. The main disadvantage of such a building material can be considered a rather large weight of each individual block, which leads to the involvement of special heavy construction equipment. A monolithic foundation can be made with your own hands.

So, it is necessary to start the construction of a strip foundation by digging a foundation ditch, which must first be accurately marked. The depth of the foundation structure is indicated in the project of a residential building, which must be ready at the time of construction of the foundation structure with your own hands. Do not forget that before starting the construction of this building element, it is necessary to bring the required amount of sand, crushed stone and cement to the construction site, which will allow not to be distracted from construction work due to a lack of building material.

When the foundation moat is ready, it must be prepared for the foundation. To do this, you need to organize a high-quality sand pillow. Sand is poured into a foundation ditch about 25 centimeters thick, after which it is compacted to maximum density with the help of a rammer and water. Further work can be carried out only after the sand dries out.

After that, it is necessary to build a removable formwork, which will be designed for the basement elevation of the foundation structure. This formwork is best made from a flat edged board and twisted with wood screws. All this will make it easy to remove the formwork after partial drying of the concrete solution.

The next stage in the construction of the foundation is the reinforcement of the structure. Reinforcement is performed in two layers so that at least 50 millimeters of free space remains from the reinforcement to the edge of the foundation ditch. After making the reinforcing frame, you can start pouring the foundation with concrete.

The concrete solution for the strip foundation is made according to the proportions 1x3x5, where 5 shares of medium crushed stone, 1 share of cement and 3 shares of clean sand. To make a concrete solution, you will need a mobile concrete mixer, because the process of pouring the foundation is best done in one day. This will help the foundation structure to be completely monolithic without risking the structure splitting under heavy loads on the house's supporting frame and roof structure.

Walls and roof of the house

The construction of the load-bearing walls of the house should be started only after the foundation is completely dry. Ideally, the foundation should be allowed to stand for the whole winter and spring. During this time, the foundation will find its place (somewhere it will sit down, and somewhere it will rise), which will help bring it to the desired level and prevent excessive shrinkage of the house.

The thickness of the walls and the optimal building material from which you can build the walls of the house with your own hands is indicated in the project of the house. In order to build a roof with your own hands, you need to build on not only the project of the house, but also from those weather conditions that are noted in this construction area. Not only the choice of roofing material, but also the choice of the required roof slope depends on how strong winds prevail in the construction area.

Do not forget about the fact that in order to build a roof with your own hands, you will need the skills of high-rise and roofing work. The slightest oversight in the organization of roofing work can lead to injury or the organization of a poor-quality roofing structure. But by and large, in order to build a roofing system you do not need to be a professional builder, it is enough to follow the basic recommendations of building codes.

We use fiberboard

Fibrolite, as a building material, has been known for a long time.

Fiberboard slabs for home

It was invented in the twenties of the last century, although its name was different at that time.

Over time, it has changed several times, maybe someone remembers arbolite, then this is one of the varieties of fibrolite. The main raw material for the production of fiberboard is wood chips or wood wool and Portland cement, less often a magnesian binder is added instead of cement. Fiberboard is a special board that has found wide application in the construction industry, for example, permanent formwork made of fiberboard has become widespread.

Production technology

Fiberboard production technology is not very complicated. Wood wool is obtained on machines, it looks like long narrow shavings.

Then it is mineralized with calcium chloride or liquid glass, sometimes sulphurous alumina is used. The treated wool is then mixed with cement and water. The resulting mass is molded under low pressure, and the resulting slabs are steamed in special chambers. And the last stage is drying. Fiberboard is ready.

Scope and performance

Variety of fiberboard materials

At present, there is nothing to compare with the versatility of the use of fibrolite. It is used in many construction processes, these are:

  • And roof installation;
  • And the device of partitions;
  • And installation of formwork;
  • And so on.

The list is long enough. In addition, fiberboard is considered one of the cheapest building materials, which does not require much physical effort during its installation, because fiberboard is lightweight.

There are a lot of positive qualities that fiberboard plates have:

  • High strength;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • High rate of sound absorption;
  • This material does not rot;
  • Fibrolite is not spoiled by rodents and insects;
  • Well prone to processing (hammering in nails, cutting, drilling);
  • Fiberboard perfectly combines with any building materials;
  • The service life is long;
  • This material is not flammable, which is very important.

As you can see from the above list, fiberboard is a versatile building material that does an excellent job of many functions. It is especially necessary to note its properties, which characterize fiberboard as an excellent heat and sound insulating material.

Fiberboard house

But now, with the advent of the latest technologies in the construction industry, fiberboard plates are increasingly used in the installation of fixed formwork used in residential construction.

Today, fiberboard formwork is one of the fastest, most reliable and inexpensive ways to build country houses. In addition, the fiberboard is not removed, but remains as part of the structure of the house, performing some functions, such as thermal insulation of basements. Installation of fiberboard formwork is a simple process, and it can be done quickly, like installing wooden formwork.

Also, fiberboard plates are used when installing the lathing under the roof. This material is strong enough and copes well with bearing loads. It can also be laid under roll roofing materials, thereby creating a layer of thermal insulation and leveling the surface of a flat roof.

Wood, as a raw material for the manufacture of building materials, has been used from time immemorial. Technologies are becoming more complicated, components are changing, but not a single artificial material has been able to catch up with wood either in terms of characteristics or price. Ever since the 20-30s of the twentieth century in Europe, they thought about the release of an interesting, but difficult to manufacture slab at that time, Wood Wool Cement Board.

Fiberboard plates, what is it

As you might guess from the name, the slabs were made of the so-called wood wool with the addition of different brands of cement. Time passed and technologies improved, but Wood Wool Cement Board was undeservedly forgotten. And only recently the Dutch company Eltomation BV started production of plates according to the old technology on the new advanced equipment.

The composition of the fiberboard is simple. It is made from this very "wood wool"on portland cement M500 and add a small percentage of liquid glass. Wood shavings have a length of up to half a meter, which is why it is called wool, and the difficulty in producing high-quality boards is that the wood material is evenly impregnated with a cement solution. This can be achieved only on special equipment for wetting and uniform laying of fibers in a certain order, as well as the formation of finished boards of a given standard size.Fiberboard price which is indicated in the table, is only gaining popularity, but when planning construction or repairs, it is worth keeping this material in mind.

Slab manufacturing technology

It would seem that the technology of manufacturing a fiberboard slab is not more complicated than mixing a concrete solution. However, it is worth comparing the characteristics of branded Dutch boards and homemade particle blocks, not to mention the appearance of the finished material, as it becomes clear that at each stage of board production, all parameters are carefully controlled. The laying of wood chips is carried out strictly in a horizontal plane, so that it is possible to control the density of the finished board. The fiber width is also subject to control and should be between one and 4 mm, depending on the desired board density, and the chip thickness ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm.

Such precision and scrupulousness is needed in order to minimize the amount of Portland cement, but at the same time not to lose the required strength and density. To do this, it is necessary to organize uniform impregnation of the fibers along the entire length. Strictly observing these parameters, it is possible to produce slabs with different characteristics in terms of thickness and strength using the same equipment.

Characteristics and applications

Depending on the density, the boards can be used in different ways. Their characteristics are regulated by the international standard and GOST RF 8928.81. Based on the European experience in the development of fiberboard plates, the largest percentage of the material goes to the devicepermanent formwork, about 40%, about 30% of the material is spent on frame construction, the rest of the fiberboard plates can be used for the installation of partitions, roofs, and the manufacture of SIP panels.

When choosing a fiberboard board, it is important to take into account its density, and material with different densities can be used as follows:

    Low density fiberboard sheets are used as a heat insulator, structural heat insulator, and also as an acoustic material, but the relative humidity in the room should not exceed 76%.

    Medium density slabs are used for rigid soundproofing and permanent formwork.

    High-density panels are used as a load-bearing structural material, for temporary structures and fences, as well asfor floor.

Features, advantages and limitations in application

Actually, based on the characteristics of the material, its scope is quite clear. Our slabs are mainly used for monolithic construction as permanent formwork, regardless of the number of storeys. The method of permanent formwork is used to build whole houses from fiberboard slabs, as well as separate foundations, plinths, walls. The slab is light enough, which makes it possible to dispense with the use of lifting mechanisms, and it is processed no more difficult than medium-hard wood.

Formulating the main advantages of the material, it is worth highlighting the most important ones:

    fire resistance, the material does not support combustion;

    resistance to biological threats;

    low thermal conductivity;

    high degree of sound insulation;

    long period of operation, about 50 years;

    low cost;

    ease of installation and high speed of construction work.

Despite this, the material has some limitations and disadvantages. If the board is located in a zone of frequent changes in temperature and humidity, it may lose its characteristics over time, therefore, fiberboard boards are not left without external finishing. The material is somewhat heavier than wood in volume terms, however, it is five to six times lighter than concrete, it depends on the density.

Thus, if you correctly apply a fiberboard board and use all its advantages, it can serve effectively and for a long time at a fairly low cost. Happy choice and successful construction!