Curtain rods types. We select modern curtains and curtain rods for curtains - photos of decor elements. Profile cornices offer quite a wide range of possibilities

Eaves for curtains come in a variety of types and sizes, and the purpose is both utilitarian and decorative. In this article, we will consider what types of curtain rods are and provide a photo with a description.

Curtain rods can be classified according to three main indicators:

  1. 1 By the method of attachment to the surface - and wall.
  2. 2 By material of manufacture - plastic, metal, combined.
  3. 3 In appearance - round, string, profile, baguette.

In addition, the cornices of all of the above types are simple - single-row and complex - consisting of two or more rows. Simple curtain rods are used when it is planned to hang only one curtain or two on the window, but in one row. Complex cornices are used to fasten multi-layer curtain compositions, for example, consisting of curtains, tulle and lambrequin.

The fastening of the eaves to the surface mainly depends on the features of the walls and ceilings. The choice of the cornice itself depends on the interior style in which the room is decorated and the appearance of the curtains.

Round cornices

Decorative cornices with finials are made of wood or metal. They vary in style, size and color. Ranging from modern to classic, they give the window a decorative touch and match almost any curtain. Match them with rings with hooks or clothespins - depending on how you want to achieve the impression.

The sizes and designs of the rings are almost as varied, and their finishes help create a common style in window decoration. Curtain pins eliminate the need to hem drawstrings or make loops. Combine cornices and rings in different ways to ensure that the window decoration looks perfect.

Decorative curtain rods are usually supplied complete with brackets or special holders. Since these models are quite heavy, attach the bracket or holder to the wall using long special screws.

Plastic tires and baguette curtain rods

These cornices are flat, have a width of 6 and 10 cm. They can be one, two or three cavities. They are easy to find and match to the width of the windows. On them, the curtains are perfectly collected in small folds. They can be installed both on the wall and on the ceiling.


Lightweight is ideal for modern interior styles. However, they are intended only for light curtains made of airy fabrics: organza, tulle, voile, etc.

Modest and laconic string curtain rods are no less popular than metal, plastic and wooden varieties, largely due to the very affordable cost.

Eaves-strings with equal success can be attached both to the wall and to the ceiling. Their main part is a thin metal cable that looks like a guitar string. Its length ranges from 2 to 5 meters.

The cable is fixed on a plane using small brackets or brackets. Their design allows, if desired, to fix it in two or three rows and hang multilayer curtains on it. Of course, they should be lightweight.

Brackets for string cornices can be painted in very fashionable today metallic colors that imitate brass, bronze, gold, patched silver. And if you are not satisfied with their simple, laconic design, you can always cover such a cornice with an interesting and beautiful baguette bar.

Cornices "cafe"

These are graceful cornices with finials, most often made of polished copper or brass. They are mounted on a window frame or on a wall using the brackets included in the kit. Rings with clothespins are hung on the eaves of the "cafe", sometimes fabric loops are sewn to curtains or shuttlecocks.


These curtain rods are adjustable in length and fit almost any window. They are held in place by a spring that is hidden inside the rod. Spacer models are ideal for installation inside window frames, do not require fastening brackets and screws that damage the wooden frame elements.

Mechanical and automatic

These curtain rods are designed to open or close curtains using rollers and other mechanisms. They are double, the curtains on them move apart in both directions, or single, when the curtains move only to one edge of the frame. You can find decorative mechanical or fully automatic electric models.

Lifting eaves for Roman, Austrian and French curtains

Lifting models are used for fastening, French, English and Austrian curtains. They also differ in the design of the lifting mechanism: rotor-chain and cord control.

Eaves for Japanese curtains

The design of Japanese curtains is not quite ordinary. The fabric on them does not gather in folds, but is tightly stretched, and they can not only be pushed apart, made in one line, but also, without removing from the window, can be arranged one after the other or interchanged. Therefore, the cornice for them needs a special one, consisting of several guides and with a ceiling mount.

To be able to freely move the curtains-panels and change their places, each panel needs a separate guide (track). In cases where the curtain consists of 2 or 3 panels and they are not planned to be interchanged, you can limit yourself to a cornice of two tracks. The panels are attached to the cornice with adhesive tape, one half of which is fixed on the top of the panel, and the other half on the runners moving along the profile paths.

There are manual - independent or dependent and automatic control. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Independent manual control. The canvases are moved separately, holding their edges with hands.
  • Dependent manual control. Each canvas depends on the neighboring one. They move only in groups or in pairs. To open or close the curtains, pull the cord or rope.
  • Automatic control. Curtains on such a cornice are controlled using
  • remote control - just take it in your hand and press the button. An automatic curtain rod weighs more than a manual curtain rod of the same size, since it is made heavier by an electric drive.

For standard windows and curtains consisting of 2-3 panels, a manually operated cornice will suffice. For large and panoramic windows and curtains consisting of 3 or more panels, it is better to choose cornices with automatic control.

When choosing a mechanism for controlling Japanese curtains, it should be borne in mind that manual control allows the panels to be positioned in any sequence, while with the help of rope and electric control, the panels move and move apart only in one pattern.

Eaves for Japanese curtains are made of plastic and metal.

The most common and budget option is manual plastic curtain rods. They are suitable for windows of medium size and not too heavy curtains consisting of 2-3 panels.

If you plan to hang more than 3 panels in front of the window, it is better to give preference to an aluminum alloy cornice. It is able to withstand significant loads and does not deform even after many years of operation.

In cases where you need to decorate a large panoramic window and it is supposed to install an automatic control on the cornice, it is better to choose a product made of hard alloy metals treated with a special moisture-repellent coating. Such cornice will serve even longer than aluminum and will look like new for many years.

Furniture handles

Such fasteners are suitable for curtains with fabric hinges. The handles give them a fun and original look.

You can use handles from cabinet doors and drawers. You will need two threaded screws to secure the handles to a wall or window frame.

Choosing the right cornice that can hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the interior is not so easy. To do this, you need to take into account several important points:

  1. 1 Any cornice is designed for a certain load. Therefore, before buying it, you need to at least approximately estimate the weight of the curtains.
  2. 2 Find out which curtain fasteners (eyelets, clothespins, loops, hooks and many others) are suitable for the curtain rod you like. They must correspond to the type of your curtains, and move freely along the cornice, silently, without stopping, and without clinging to each other,
  3. 3 For light curtains, constructions with any type of fastening are suitable - both ceiling and wall. For heavy curtains, it is advisable to choose a ceiling mount that can withstand heavy loads. But if the ceiling is stretched, it will be necessary in advance, before stretching it, to provide a niche on it for fastening the cornice.
  4. 4 The location of the heating pipes and the size of the window sill also affect the choice of the cornice. It should be fixed in such a way that all these elements do not interfere with the free hanging of the curtains.
  5. 5 Do not forget that a correctly selected and correctly mounted cornice can hide flaws and emphasize the advantages of the interior as a whole. So, a narrow window can be "widened" by fixing a long cornice above it with curtains that partially or completely cover not only the window opening, but also the wall, and the low ceiling can be "raised" with the help of a ceiling cornice and curtains hanging from the ceiling to the very floor.

Modern curtains and cornices for them under a stretch ceiling, photos of which can be seen in various catalogs of interior and home decor, are impressive and captivating. Sometimes, in such a variety, it is difficult to make a choice and choose exactly what is most suitable for your own apartment.

How not to get lost among the many options and make the right choice? What cornices and curtains (photo) will be popular in the interior in 2017?

Modern curtains and cornices for them under a stretch ceiling, photos of which can be seen in various catalogs of interior and home decor, are impressive and captivating

In order for the selected cornices to match the general style of the apartment, you should pay attention to some points of their correct selection:

  • general interior of the room;
  • elements and color of curtains;

For rooms with a low ceiling, light and smooth curtains without numerous ruffles and flounces, on which a complex pattern will not be applied, will be the best option.

  • the functionality of the room where the cornices are to be hung - kitchen, bedroom or living room;
  • shape and size of the window opening.

Curtains and curtains in the interior will look perfect (as evidenced by multiple photos), if the following factors are taken into account:

  • For rooms with a low ceiling, light and smooth curtains without numerous ruffles and flounces, which will not be covered with a complex pattern, will be the best option. An example of a picture is vertical stripes.
  • For narrow rooms with an irregular shape, it is necessary to take wider curtains (about one and a half times more than the width of the window opening) with horizontal stripes.

Correctly selected curtain rods will help to avoid a variety of shortcomings

  • They will make a small room a more spacious curtain in a light shade.
  • For rooms equipped in a minimalist style, plain curtains without any patterns are best suited. The classic style, on the contrary, requires luxury in the form of dense canvases with ruffles and flounces.

Correctly selected curtain rods (regardless of whether it is a bedroom, kitchen or living room) will help to avoid various shortcomings (this is often indicated in the photo). First of all, the choice of curtain rods affects their visual correspondence to curtains or curtains and other decorative elements, convenience and practicality of operation.

The right choice of curtain rods is a guarantee that your curtains will not sag.

Forms and variety of cornices

When choosing curtain rods, you should focus on the functionality of the room, the general style of the room, as well as the type of fabric.

When choosing curtain rods, you should focus on the functionality of the room, the general style of the room, as well as the type of fabric

Today, depending on the fastening method, the following types of cornices can be found on the market:

  1. Ceiling. Their mounting method speaks for itself, that is, such cornices are placed on the ceiling about five centimeters from the level of the window sill.
  2. Wall-mounted, the installation of which is carried out a few centimeters above the window frame. The fastening of such a structure takes place on the wall.

Ceiling curtain rods, as seen in the photo, are installed using various decorative elements to hide the fastening mechanism itself and make the room even more attractive.

Installation of this type is a little more difficult than fastening conventional wall structures.

The right choice of curtain rods is a guarantee that your curtains will not sag

Ceiling curtain rods visually increase the height of the ceiling, which is especially important for rooms with low walls.

Wooden cornices are most often made from deciduous or coniferous trees.

In order for the fasteners to serve for a long period of time and withstand the load (especially if the curtain fabric has a dense structure), you should pay attention to the material from which the cornice is made.

The most common cornices today are:

  • Plastic - they are one of the most budgetary options and can only withstand lightweight canvases.
  • Metallic. As a rule, such a cornice is based on aluminum or stainless steel. Such curtain rods are able to withstand even the heaviest fabrics and are durable.
  • Wooden ones are most often made from deciduous or coniferous trees. It can be cherry or nut, cedar or spruce. The eco-friendly material can last for many years. The main thing is to pay attention to the presence of a protective treatment for such a wooden structure.

Plastic curtain rods are one of the most budgetary options and can only withstand lightweight canvases

  • Strings, although not very popular among consumers, are a universal design. Such a cornice can be fixed on the ceiling, above a window or even in a window opening. Instead of the usual rods, thin strings are used that will fit into any style. The main disadvantage of such designs is that they are only able to withstand lightweight fabrics and tulles.

Such a cornice can be fixed on the ceiling, above the window or even in the window opening.

  • Profiled, as a rule, are made of flexible aluminum sheets, which allows you to give them the desired shape. It is thanks to the variety of shapes that such curtain rods can be attached in any necessary place.

Before you go to make a purchase, you can carefully study all types of curtain rods from the photo, and also ask how the curtain rods are installed under the stretch ceiling.

Metal curtain rods are able to withstand even the heaviest fabrics and are durable

What are the types of curtains

Correctly selected curtains are the decoration of any room, be it a kitchen, living room, nursery or bedroom. They emphasize the individuality and beauty of the interior, create coziness in the house.

Measurement scheme for roller blinds

The choice of curtains is also wide and varied. They can be roughly divided into the following types:

  1. Classic-style canvases that will be a great addition to bedrooms or living rooms. As a rule, they are presented in the form of curtains with lambrequins. If the room is equipped in a classic style, then French curtains with luxurious scallops would be an excellent option.
  2. The canvases of the Austrian type are curtains with festoons in the shape of a crescent. Often one of the decorative elements is cords with large tassels.
  3. Rolled.
  4. Japanese curtains made in the form of panels.

Curtain-panels will be a good solution for lovers of a strict and consistent style.

Japanese curtains are ideal for lovers of strict and consistent style

By their type, curtains can be presented in the following options:

  1. Silk or linen light curtains. They well dim bright sunlight and retain street dust.
  2. Curtains are blackout curtains that are perfect for bright sunny rooms. In winter, they perfectly protect from drafts and cold. You can also find curtains with an additional thin and light hem in addition to the main canvas.
  3. Lambrequins are one of the options for window decors that perfectly decorate any premises and rooms. As a rule, light and thin fabrics are used for their sewing.

Ready-made curtains can be found in any shop.

Lambrequins are one of the options for window decors that perfectly decorate any premises and rooms

Canvases are presented in a wide variety of styles, shapes and colors.

How to fix the curtain rod and hang the curtains

Anyone can install a cornice and hang curtains.

The building level is used to install the cornice

Important! The most difficult stage of the whole process can be called only the installation of the cornice.

In order to independently fix the structure to a wall or ceiling, you will need the following tools:

  • building level and metal ruler;
  • drill and hammer drill (the latter is necessary if the walls in the room are reinforced concrete);

The assembly gun is a necessary tool when attaching the eaves

  • assembly gun;
  • screwdriver, screws and dowels;

The hammer is used when attaching the cornice

  • a hammer;
  • a simple pencil and marker for marking.

First of all, you should complete all marking actions and put marks at the drilling points. It must be borne in mind that the curtain should flow in smooth and even folds, therefore, an indent is made about five centimeters from the level of the window sill.

Eyelets are convenient to use, but only used on round curtain rods

Curtains can be hung on all kinds of devices. Today, the most commonly used rings, eyelets, special small hooks or clips. Eyelets are convenient to use, but they are used only on round curtain rods.

On a note! The fasteners should be attached to the curtain itself at the same distance from each other.

This ensures even folds.

A hammer drill is necessary if the walls in the room are reinforced concrete

On a note!It is more convenient to fasten the curtains together, so as not to wrinkle the fabric and do everything as neatly and evenly as possible.

How to choose the right curtains for the living room

It is in the living room that each of us spends the greatest amount of time, receives guests or just relaxes after a hard day's work. Such a room should be as comfortable and cozy as possible. Depending on the general interior of the living room, its area and the size of the window openings, curtains and curtains are selected.

For small living rooms, laconic curtains made in the Roman style or roller blinds are perfect

For small living rooms, laconic curtains made in the Roman style or roller blinds are perfect. They will not steal an already small free space, but will give expressiveness to the room. As for the color scheme, you can use warm pastel colors that will add more light and free space.

In large living rooms, you can safely experiment. It all depends on the general style of the living room. The most varied color scheme is also welcomed - from light to rich dark shades.

Ceiling cornice - visually increases the height

Depending on the size of the window opening, the following curtains can be selected:

  1. In order to visually increase the height of the window, you should opt for floor-length curtains. The ideal option would be a ceiling cornice, which visually increases the height. Light cold tones - blue or turquoise - will go well.
  2. For narrow window openings, wide curtains attached to a long cornice work well. The protrusion beyond the contours of the window should not be small - about 20-30 centimeters.

Lambrequins can be used as an additional decor.

Selection of curtains in combination with the interior of the walls

Regardless of how the wall decor in the room is arranged (painting or wallpaper), curtains can be combined in the following ways:

  • Choose an identical color for the curtains. A single color scheme with different shades is used as a light contrast. For example, light blue walls will go well with rich blue curtains, or vice versa. The choice of fabric stops at lighter shades if the walls are decorated in darker colors. Such a calm contrast will look great in rooms with any stylistic directions - from classic to minimalism.

If the walls are of the same color and are not equipped with any patterns, you can use curtains with a variety of decor - this can be floral or geometric patterns

  • Neutral colors. Calm light shades are matched to brighter tones. A good option would be curtains of beige, pale gray, yellow colors. As a rule, it is suitable for strongly pronounced interiors made in neo-classic, modern or Victorian style.
  • You can make a sharp contrast: choose bright curtains for neutral shades of the walls. Thus, you can revive the overall interior in the apartment and make it more interesting and attractive.

If the walls are of the same color and are not equipped with any patterns, you can use curtains with a variety of decor - this can be a floral or geometric ornament.

What is the essence of the correct color scheme

The choice of the color shade of the curtains can be made based on the palette that is most often used in modern styles:

  • The classic style involves the use of white or other soft pastel shades. These include beige, light and soft yellow, blue, light and calm tones of green or blue. If the interior of the room is made in a classic style, then you should not play on the contrast of colors. It is better to choose curtains in the color of the walls.

Classic style involves the use of white or other soft pastel shades

  • The Empire style has a brighter and more pronounced palette of colors. Under light, beige shades of the walls, curtains in darker tones are perfect: burgundy or dark blue.

If you need to choose corner curtains for the living room, you can try a combination of different shades: apply one color on one side, and hang a curtain of a completely different shade on the other.

  • White-gray color scheme is used in high-tech style. For light and calm shades of the walls, you can choose curtains in a bright and rich graphite color.
  • You can play on a contrasting combination of shades if the room is made in fusion style. Light soothing shades of the walls can be made brighter thanks to the rich shades of curtains. Solid but bright curtains will look perfect. The color range can be from bright orange, red to blue or turquoise hues.

On a note! If you need to choose corner curtains for the living room, you can try a combination of different shades: apply one color on one side, and hang a curtain of a completely different shade on the other.

If this combination is supplemented with snow-white tulle, it will turn out exquisitely and unusually beautiful.

For light and calm shades of walls, you can choose curtains in a bright and rich graphite color

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Hello! Welcome to the website "About Furniture & Textile".

What kind of cornice do I need? A strange question, you say - of course, only the cornice that is better. Fair remark. But after all, each person has his own requirements for the best and his own criteria for selecting such. So let's first define the problem more specifically. So…

Where does the need to choose a new cornice come from?

When does it become necessary to choose and buy a new curtain rod?

Personally, only a few banal options come to mind:

The first one, the most understandable to me- the renovation was completed, I wanted a complete renovation, everything old was thrown into the trash, new curtains were bought in the color of freshly painted walls and certainly matching the color of the new sofa, but bad luck, the old cornice was sent to the trash and there is nothing to hang curtains on. Even chills ran down my spine from such a thought - there is nothing to hang curtains on! We will look for something to hang on.

Second case - You wanted low-budget, but visible and, most importantly, quick changes in the interior. The easiest way to quickly transform a house is to replace the old curtains with fresh ones. But the old cornice, bastard, doesn't fit the new curtains. We must look for and choose a new one. We will look for a suitable one.

Another working option - the search for the cornice is associated with its breakage. And here is an example - a neighbor came in the day before, well, we sat a little ... then a little more and already well after midnight he got up from the table with the help of curtains, it was already time to go home, because tomorrow to work. Yes ... the cornice was rather weak. They told you, buy iron! Let's look for a strong one.

Finally - your cornice is out of fashion now. For men, this is an exclusive option, usually from such words they nervously smoke (even if they are not smokers), and sometimes they can cry. For the beautiful half of humanity, this is a very real case. Well, let's look for a fashionable one.

The problem is indicated. You need a curtain rod that is new, suitable, strong and fashionable. Let's figure out how to choose it correctly.

What are the curtain rods

To begin with, I will briefly describe the options from which we will subsequently choose.

There is no generally accepted classification of curtain rods for curtains. Therefore, I divided the cornices by types, using for this their main, and most importantly, significant differences.

What kind of curtain rods are depending on the material

Curtain rods are made from three main materials - wood, metal and PVC. So it is from combinations of these materials.

Wooden curtain rods

This type is the oldest and therefore the most proven method of attaching curtains. Usually, pine, linden, walnut, less often oak, beech and cherry are used for the manufacture of wooden cornices.

The advantages of wooden curtain rods include

  • their ecological purity, for many people this is the most important factor when choosing a cornice
  • attractive - natural appearance, wood blends well with most materials and styles in the interior
  • long service life, subject to the conditions of correct use

The disadvantages of wooden cornices include

  • limited options for attaching curtains to the cornice - a wooden cornice, as a rule, has a tubular shape and not all types of curtains can be fixed to a pipe
  • the tree has a rather large weight, which will require reinforced fasteners for the cornice
  • the tree does not like moisture and temperature changes - under their influence, it can change its size and shape, crack or swell
  • high price - natural wooden cornices have a far from budget price

Curtain rods made of metal

Cornices of this group can be made of different metals. In the production of budget models, aluminum and duralumin are used. For more refined cornices, bronze, steel, chrome steel are used.

Advantages of metal curtain rods

  • exceptional strength and durability
  • ecological cleanliness
  • good appearance of the product and ease of maintenance
  • good aesthetic compatibility with any materials in the interior
  • metal curtain rods have different types of profiles and, as a result, have various options for attaching curtains to the curtain rod

Disadvantages of metal curtain rods

  • Heavy weight, especially for bronze models and forged items. The large weight of the cornice will require strong supporting structures to which the cornice will be attached. For example, fixing a bronze cornice to a drywall wall will not work without additional efforts.
  • High price - yes, you have to fork out for good quality.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) eaves

Plastic curtain rods are made of artificial material - polyvinyl chloride. If the product was manufactured at an official enterprise and has a quality certificate, then with a high probability such a cornice will not harm your health. And if the product does not have documents confirming the origin, you should think about whether it can be brought to your home. When buying, pay attention to this.

PVC cornices in appearance often imitate cornices made of expensive materials - wood and metal. You can save a lot on this.

Advantages of plastic curtain rods

  • The greatest, among other types of cornices, a variety of shapes, types of available profiles and an abundance of colors.
  • Light weight and ease of installation.
  • Low price - PVC curtain rods are the cheapest in the category.

Disadvantages of PVC curtain rods

  • Artificial origin, low class of environmental friendliness, especially against the background of competitors from wood and metal.
  • It is highly flammable; when burned, they emit toxic and dangerous for humans pharmacaldehydes.
  • Quite fragile, many species, especially tubular, have a weak bearing load. Hanging a heavy dense curtain on such a cornice will not work, it simply can not stand it and break.

What types of curtain rods exist depending on the type of construction

The design of the curtain rod will ultimately affect its durability and finish. In this troupe, I distinguished the following subspecies:

Tubular cornices

In such eaves, the main element of the supporting structure is the pipe. Pipes can be made of any material - wood, metal or plastic. The curtain is suspended using special devices fixed to the eaves pipe. For example, these can be rings, loops, or eyelets.

Tubular cornices can have different pipe diameters. Depending on the material of the cornice, the diameter can be from 10 to 40 mm.

A tubular cornice can consist of one or more (usually no more than two) rows of pipes. In double-row curtain rods, one pipe serves for hanging curtains, the second for attaching curtains. In addition, in double-row eaves, the pipes can have different diameters, for example, the pipe for attaching the curtains will be thinner than the main one.

Tubular cornices are self-sufficient in terms of design and do not require additional decoration of the front part. The decor is used only on the lateral ends of the pipes. These can be balls, cubes, petals and the like.

When choosing a tubular cornice, it is better to take models in which the pipe fits freely into the mounting bracket and can be easily removed. But models in which the pipe needs to be threaded into the bracket ring are not convenient both during installation and when removing curtains.

Advantages of tubular cornices

  • simplicity and reliability of the design
  • high strength (excluding PVC curtain rods)
  • original and laconic design

Disadvantages of tubular cornices

  • A limited number of options for attaching the curtain to the cornice
  • Quite massive size and significant weight

Cornices with guide profiles

This type of cornice "carries" the curtains with the help of special profiles - guides, to which the curtain fasteners are fixed - hooks, hangers or rings. Professionals also call such curtain rods tire. But this name reminds me of car tires, so I will call them more understandably, so to speak in the folklore, profile.

The guides of the profile cornices can be arranged in several rows, which makes it possible to make the curtains multi-layered. The profile can be made of metal or plastic. There are flexible profiles that can be shaped to any shape. Profiled cornices can contain additional elements that serve to round the corners along the edges of the cornice. Fastening of profile cornices usually occurs to the ceiling. Although there are wall-mounted models available, they require special brackets.

Profile cornices require additional decoration in the front part. Usually the profile is hidden behind a hinged baguette or hidden between the levels of the ceiling.

Advantages of profile cornices

  • They have a variety of fasteners for hanging curtains
  • They contain several rows for attaching curtain fabrics, while they have a compact size and low weight
  • There are flexible models
  • Have a low price

Disadvantages of eaves from the profile

  • Require additional decoration
  • Limitation of the possibility of fastening the eaves. Can usually only be fixed to the ceiling.

String cornices

Recently, they are quite rare. In string cornices, the supporting element is a metal string or a thin metal cable tightly stretched on the guides. Elements for fixing the curtain are fixed on the string. The strings can be arranged in several rows.

The main disadvantage in my opinion, the complexity of the installation of such cornices is. To the merits I would attribute their compactness and original appearance

Baguette cornices

This is another group of cornices similar in design. A kind of two-in-one option. Baguette cornices are already equipped with a decorative front panel. Often, in addition to the front part, the baguette cornice also covers the side walls of the structure with decor. The curtain is framed like a painting. But for hanging curtains, a baguette cornice can contain both profiles with guides and pipes. The baguette cornice can be either single-row or multi-row. In my opinion, the baguette option is suitable for classic interior styles. It is unlikely that it will be appropriate for hi-tech or minimalist interiors.

Advantages of baguette cornices

  • They have an aesthetically finished appearance, do not require additional decoration
  • Can contain one or several rows

Disadvantages of baguette cornices

  • Have significant weight
  • Not very convenient to install
  • Have a higher price
  • Suitable only for certain interior styles

Mini cornices

This type of eaves is fixed directly to the window frame or very close to the side edges of the window. They are mainly used for kitchen curtains. Like cafe curtains. Such curtain rods are usually tubular and are made of both metal or wood and PVC.

Advantages of mini curtain rodssmall size and light weight

Disadvantages of mini curtain rodslimited scope, usually used only in kitchens or for door decoration

What kind of curtain rods are there, depending on the method of their installation

  • Cornices that are attached to the ceiling
  • Wall-mounted cornices

The choice of the eaves for this criterion depends primarily on the strength of the supporting structures in your room. If your room has a suspended or plasterboard ceiling, it will be easier to fix the wall cornice.

Which curtain rods can be distinguished by the type of curtain movement control

Here I mean how you open and close the curtains. Are there any mechanical or electronic devices in the shade controls? On this basis, three groups of cornices can be distinguished:

  • manual cornices opening the curtains - he took the canvas with his hand and pulled, that's the whole mechanism
  • eaves with mechanical control - when the opening occurs with the help of mechanisms that are mechanically controlled. For example by twisting a cane or pulling a chain or cord
  • eaves with automatic control... the curtains are opened by an electric motor that can be controlled from the remote control

We can finish with the description of the species. Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of curtain rods are. you can go to the main criteria that must be used for the correct choice of the cornice.

To make it easier for you to figure it out, I made step-by-step instructions on how to choose a cornice

The first step is to evaluate what the curtains will be

Obviously, you need a curtain rod to hang curtains. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand what specific curtains you plan to use, namely:

  • the intended model of curtains - what elements will be used in the composition of curtains - lambrequins, hooks, etc. ()
  • the number of rows in the composition of curtains - one or more
  • splendor of curtains (number and volume of folds on curtains)
  • the total weight of all curtains and their decorative elements. The type of material and type of eaves construction depends on the weight of the curtains.
  • the estimated width of the curtain composition, for example, the width of the window or the width of the wall. Do not confuse it with the width of the curtain. ()

Step two - choose the size of the cornice

First, a couple of comments

  • We are used to the concept of width when we talk about the width of a window or the width of a wall. The cornice has this parameter usually called the length.
  • The standard size of the cornice is up to three meters long. If you need a longer cornice, you can extend it. For this, there are special docking profiles that allow you to connect several curtain rods into one. Do not forget that with a large length, you will need to buy additional mounting brackets in order to additionally secure the cornice and protect it from sagging. Optimum distance between the mounting brackets 1.0 -1.2 meters
  • Another important point... The cornice has a working area within which the curtain canvases can be fixed. In some models, for example tubular, this zone is less than the length of the cornice itself due to the fact that part of the cornice is occupied by the bracket-fasteners.

So, based on the above, the required length of the cornice will depend

  1. from the width of the curtain composition you selected in the first step.
  2. from the size of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe cornice

In general, the total length of the cornice should be greater or equal to its working area

The third step is choosing the type of cornice

At this stage, it remains to choose the cornice by the type of material and design. I have already described all the options above.

  • If the weight of the curtains is significant, it is better to use metal or wood models.
  • If several rows of curtains are expected, then profile options for cornices are preferable
  • If you want to minimize the space that the cornice takes, use the ceiling models of the profile cornices
  • If you have an unusual window shape, you can use flexible tire curtain rods

The answer to this question depends on your case and your requirements. The best one for you will be the one that suits your curtains. We have already discussed all the nuances of the choice above. And if you look at the question conceptually, then you can make a micro rating - the best in the category. So:

  • Best for the price - these are eaves made of PVC
  • Best in strength - of course metal models are leading here
  • Best in Design - metal is again in the lead and there is little space left for wooden cornices
  • The easiest- string cornice
  • The most multi-row - profile models
  • Most flexible tire cornice
  • Most fashionable- the one that suits the style of your interior. If you blindly follow the fashion, you will have to change something in the interior along with the change of the cornice.

Video review about types of curtain rods

Now you can consolidate the material read above. I suggest watching a video plot that will finally remove all the remaining questions about the cornices.

What are the curtain rods for photo

Finally, a small selection of photos with various cornices. They look quite inspired.

The purchase and installation of window textiles is the final stage in the renovation of an apartment or a private country house. But there is an action preceding the hanging of the beautiful, cozy curtains of the living room or bedroom. This is the installation of the cornice. Shops provide a huge selection of such wonderful products, indescribable beauty, unique design. Various materials of manufacture, additional fittings, decorative elements of decoration - all this is found in almost every specialized store.

The cornice is a decorative element that serves to fix the curtain

How to choose curtain rods that can harmoniously complement the unusual design of your home? Today our article will tell you in detail, in all details, what varieties of these products are, for which curtains they are produced, and how to choose the design and colors for the existing interior design.

A cornice is a device that allows you to fix curtains on a window opening. This product consists of four main parts. It:

  • brackets with fasteners;
  • guides (crossbars);
  • suspension system (hooks, rings);
  • decorative elements.

The presence of one or another part depends on the type of device. A huge selection of different options provides buyers with goods with all, even the most capricious requests.

Curtains can be fixed on the eaves in various ways

But what kind of curtain rods are best for curtains:

  1. Round or square.
  2. Profile.
  3. Baguette.
  4. Strings.
  5. Special.

Important. Each type is used for different types of interior decoration of apartment premises.

Round cornice

Profile cornice

String cornice

Tire cornice

Swivel cornice

Round cornice

Flexible cornice

Semicircular cornice

Hidden cornice

In addition to this characteristic, suspensions are characterized by a fastening method. To fix curtain textiles, such varieties are sold as:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • window;
  • spacer.

Chrome-plated wall-mounted rod cornice

Most of the wall moldings are easy to convert to ceiling moldings

Almost any type of hanger, with rare exceptions, can be hung in one of the 4 ways indicated above. The exception is special curtain rods designed for certain types of curtains, which have their own characteristics of fastening and installation.

What are they made of?

Modern production of such goods as cornices, the comfort from the use of which is ensured, has reached a completely new level. Technologies make it possible to process various materials, giving them an extraordinary shape, appearance, aesthetics and beauty.

Various materials are used for the manufacture of cornices

But what kind of cornices are by the type of material of manufacture:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Metallic.
  3. Wooden.
  4. Combined.

The last, fourth type is derived from the first three. When producing such suspensions, a different combination of materials is used. For example, metal products complemented by wooden elements look very beautiful.

An example of a combined curtain rod, the rods of which are made of metal, and the mount, rings and tips are made of wood

Each type of suspension for window textiles combines some features with standard qualities. So plastic curtains, processed using a special technology, look completely different. They are made with the texture of wood, marble, metal. High-quality, expensive products made of good, proven plastics, in their appearance, will not be distinguished even by an experienced seller. The advantage of plastic is its relative lightness, high operating rates, ease of maintenance. The properties of plastic make it easy to produce curly curtains, suitable for different elegance of the interior.

Round plastic curtain rod

Plastic ceiling cornice

Baguette plastic cornice

Metal products have always been popular with buyers. Curtains are no exception. The development of the metallurgical industry, the development of the latest technologies for cooking and processing metals, brought in many different types of iron.

Profile type aluminum cornices have been known to everyone since Soviet times.

You can now buy curtains from:

  • aluminum;
  • brass;
  • become;
  • wrought iron.

Forged curtain rods are handmade, so even the simplest of them are not cheap.

Wrought iron is essentially the same steel. The only difference is in the way of processing, bending, and finishing of the piece of furniture. In addition to the metallurgical industry, the paint and varnish sector did not stand still. This is especially true of metal curtains. There are gold-plated, silver, chrome-plated, patched and many other colors on sale. Using the right paint, the manufacturer is able to create a unique product that suits every consumer in terms of its properties and qualities.

Metal cornice for modern interiors

Beautiful round cornice with gilding

Steel cornice with an original tip

Wooden types of curtain rods for expensive curtains are an ideal option for finishing the interior decoration of an apartment or a private house. The beauty of natural wood has been appreciated by carpenters since ancient times. Suspensions made of wood will serve their owners faithfully for more than a dozen years. Noble appearance, environmental friendliness, aesthetics, natural beauty of wood will create a cozy, warm atmosphere. The high cost of wood products is more than offset by the harmony created by these products.

Wooden cornice with curtain fastening on rings

A graceful wooden cornice with carvings will decorate the interior in a classic style

The combined curtain suspensions are suitable for all types of interior design. With the help of combinations of different materials, harmonious combinations are created that easily fit into both the modern, high-tech "Hi-tech", and are suitable for the old-fashioned "Classic" style, as well as the "Provence" style.

This baguette cornice is a decorative frame made of wood, behind which you can hide a ceiling rail made of plastic or metal

It should be noted that metal and plastic products are made in all possible versions. These can be profiled, made of plastic, for example, Legrand cornices, and suspended ones, having a round pipe as the main fastening element for window curtains.

Variety by type of attachment

As described earlier in the article, the types of curtain fasteners differ. Standard options are wall and ceiling hangers. At the same time, wall-mounted ones are mounted on special brackets that come with the delivery to the product. They are easy to install using dowel nails.

Modern wall-mounted metal profile cornice

Ceiling products are mounted on the same brackets, or simply to the ceiling. Profile hangers made of plastic or aluminum are intended for rooms with low ceilings. To improve the decorative component, special baguettes (ceiling plinths) are sold. They are made specifically for specialized products. Inlaid wood, metal, marble allows you to use baguettes universally for any decoration of the interior decoration of the room.

Baguette cornice for a classic interior

Ceiling cornice in a Scandinavian interior

Depending on the requirements for curtains, hangers for them are produced with a different number of guides or profile grooves. So they distinguish:

  • single row;
  • double row;
  • three-row.

The choice depends on the needs of the owner. If you want to hang full-fledged window textiles, with curtains, tulle and lambrequin, you need to select three-row suspensions. And, for example, for Italian curtains, it will be enough to use two-row ones.

Single row cornice

Double-row cornice

Three-row cornice

Profile types and rungs can have one to three rows of guides. They are mounted both on the wall and on the ceiling. With this sorted out. What are window and telescopic hangers?

Let's start with the latter. Telescopic curtain rail options are similar to conventional tubular ones. The main difference is the presence of a system of tubes of different diameters, inside which there is a finishing spring. One pipe is inserted into the other. The entire system is fastened in the window opening. The telescope needs to be unrolled for mounting. Usually, such a suspension is used in bathrooms for curtains.

A sliding cornice is installed with a swivel between two surfaces

Window curtains are more interesting. For example, only specialized fastening accessories are used for Roman blinds. It is divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed action.

The open system consists of a support bar on which the lifting carriages are suspended

In a closed system, all mechanisms are hidden inside the case

In general, such curtain rods have from two to four lifting rings suspended on special ropes or cables. The lifting system is controlled by a chain or belt (depending on the type of construction). The principle of operation is simple: the reels available in the design, equipped with a spring lifting mechanism, wind the cables. But the cables penetrate the curtain canvas, at the end of which there is a plug (fixation ring). This system allows Roman blinds to gather in a characteristic accordion, exposing only part of the window.

Curtain rod device for Roman blinds

Such lifting structures are installed on plastic and wooden windows. They have standard sizes, so when buying Roman curtains, you don't run the risk of miscalculating the size range. Due to the simplicity of attaching the curtain to the structure (there is Velcro), this method of arranging a window opening has become very popular.

Adhesive tape is used to secure the canvas to the cornice

Roman curtains are the only possible option for arranging sloped skylights. Therefore, curtain rod manufacturers have come up with fixed rails that allow you to install textiles at an angle, while ensuring that the curtains adhere to the window, without letting sunlight into the room.

Roman curtain rods for kitchen curtains are also used for Austrian and French curtains.
Comparing French and Austrian curtains, at first glance it is difficult to find differences. Both variants have a similar structure of arcuate, wavy folds. But there is still a difference: French textiles have folds all the time, regardless of whether the curtains are lowered or raised. Austrian ones form folds only when raised. When fully extended, they are straight.

Austrian curtains are a lifting type of curtains

But there is still a difference between the Roman type and the French and Austrian ones. The curtains for the last two curtains are of a larger format (size), so they are installed directly on the wall or ceiling using brackets or regular dowel nails. Directly, the curtains themselves are also attached with Velcro.

French curtain made entirely of pleats

Choosing a curtain for an existing room design

Most often, the arrangement of the window space is the final stage of the repair. Therefore, the choice of curtain design is based on the existing style of decoration. The following are some guidelines for choosing curtain rods.

Important. For each specific style of space design, special curtains are suitable, and curtains to them.

When decorating a modern home, they often combine various types of curtains and, as a result, cornices for them.

Over the past 5 years, Roman, French, Austrian, Italian, and English curtains have gained great popularity. The bay windows are beautifully complemented by special flexible profile guides. The choice is great. There are options for every connoisseur.

Video on how to choose the right curtain rod for curtains