Can ceramic hob be repaired? Do-it-yourself tile repair. How to replace the tile if there is no spare

Moisture protection of the bathroom floor and walls can be achieved by laying tiles. Subject to the basic principles and rules of installation, such a coating will serve you for many years, retaining its decorative properties.

Factors that lead to damage to materials

During the operation of the facing coating, it often happens that the tile crumbles or its surface becomes covered with cracks and chips. The situation may arise due to the influence of the following factors:

  • discrepancy between the type of cladding and its purpose: wall lamellas are thinner and more hygroscopic than floor tiles. If you install the wall model on the floor, then constant loads and moisture will degrade the quality of the adhesive layer and the integrity of the coating will be broken;
  • deformation of the screed: laying the cladding on an insufficiently dry base will lead to splitting of the lamellae;
  • uneven distribution or too large thickness of the adhesive layer: when a load is applied to the voids of the composition, cracks and chips will appear;
  • deformation of the surface of the decorative product due to the poor quality of the mounting solution;
  • laying lamellas on a base that has irregularities: moisture penetrates under the tile, which leads to the development of mold and the destruction of the mortar;
  • installation of elements without seams that compensate for the expansion or contraction of the material when the temperature changes;
  • poor quality of facing material;
  • violation of the operating conditions of the coating.

In a newly built house, do not rush to lay tiles on the floor or walls - the building will shrink and the cladding will deform.

How to start tile repair?

Before replacing one decorative element, evaluate the general condition of the cladding: it may be necessary to dismantle several elements or repair cracks, chips, complete or partial replacement of grouting.

Necessary materials and tools

For convenience during dismantling and high-quality laying of a new lamella, prepare the tools in advance:

  • spatula (metal notched and rubber);
  • stationery knife;
  • perforator (with a blade nozzle), drill or screwdriver with a nozzle for ceramics;
  • chisel or chisel;
  • metal hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • towel;
  • adhesive composition;
  • dividing crosses;
  • tile;
  • rubber gloves and goggles to protect against ceramic fragments and dust.

Replacing broken tiles

Removing damaged material

Replacement of floor and wall cladding elements has no significant differences and includes the following steps:

  • put on safety goggles and gloves;
  • carefully clean and remove the grout mixture around the damaged element with a metal spatula;
  • use a perforator to make several holes in the center of the lamella;
  • insert a chisel into the drilled places and, gently tapping on it with a hammer, remove the damaged tiles in pieces; make sure that the tool does not slip and damage neighboring elements.

ATTENTION! If in the process of replacing one lamella there is a risk of damage to the surrounding coating, dismantle the element through a towel.

Preparing the surface for laying

  • remove all fragments of tiles from the surface;
  • moisten the surface and carefully clean it with a spatula from the old adhesive. If the solution is too hard, knock it out with a chisel and hammer;
  • with a clerical knife, carefully remove the remnants of the grout mixture around the perimeter of the niche;
  • remove dust from the base with a damp sponge;
  • dilute the required amount of adhesive solution in a special container;
  • apply the composition with a notched trowel on the inner surface of the lamella and place the cladding on the prepared base;
  • if the new decorative element protrudes slightly forward, correct the position by gently tapping it with a rubber mallet;
  • insert plastic crosses into the inter-tile space;
  • after the solution has completely dried, remove the separating elements;
  • one day after the completion of work on replacing the coating elements, fill the seams with a grout mixture that has water-repellent properties.

Basic rules for laying tiles

Regardless of the type of lamellas and installation methods, there are several principles that ensure high-quality performance of the cladding:

  • sufficiency of pressure: the stronger the tile is pressed against the base during installation, the denser and more uniform the mortar layer becomes;
  • open laying time: the composition cannot be used after its viable period has elapsed - this will lead to a violation of the tightness and strength of the coating;
  • quality of mortar preparation: thorough and prolonged mixing of the adhesive ensures the uniformity of the structure of the composition and improves its strength characteristics;
  • prepare decorative elements for installation in advance: remove dust and keep the tiles at room temperature for at least a day before laying;
  • the surface of the base must be well cleaned (in some cases degreased and covered with a primer mixture) and even, the presence of cracks and depressions is unacceptable;
  • tools and mixing containers used in the process of work must always be clean: dirt or dried glue that gets into the new solution will shorten the pot life of the mixture and impair its adhesive properties.

Of great importance is the choice of high-quality facing material, which will ensure the convenience of preparing for installation (the tile does not chip off when cutting and drilling) and resistance to operational impacts. High-quality glue is not subject to deformation and cracking during drying and ensures the durability and integrity of the coating.

Seam restoration

In case of darkening of the joints of the tiles or the formation of mold and fungus in them, shedding and cracking of the grout mixture, it becomes necessary to restore the joints. Depending on the nature of the deformation, work can be performed in several ways:

  • cleaning;
  • coloring;
  • partial or complete replacement of grout.

Perform chemical cleaning of the seams with a washing powder diluted with a small amount of water, a soap solution, a mixture of soda with hydrogen peroxide, or special ready-made preparations.

Mechanical cleaning: Moisten the grout and use sandpaper folded in half to remove the top layer of grout.

Stain the seams with a water-based composition of the desired color, after cleaning out the old fugue.

Grout replacement

At the initial stage, remove the old material in one of the following ways:

  • using a drill with a drill, with a diameter corresponding to the width of the seam. Set the minimum number of revolutions of the tool, remove the mixture;
  • using an angle grinder (the thickness of the disc must match the seam);
  • metal spatula.

15-20 minutes before starting work on mechanical cleaning, moisten the spaces between the tiles with a solution of vinegar and water (in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively). After finishing work, wipe the seams from dust and debris.

To speed up the dismantling of the old fugue, use a solution of citric acid or special ready-made compounds that soften the material. After using the preparations, rinse the joints with water and remove the remaining grout particles with a spatula.

Further work on replacing the mixture includes the following steps:

  • dilute the composition according to the instructions;
  • pick up the mixture with a rubber spatula and fill the inter-tile space;
  • after 40-60 minutes, level the surface of the seams, remove excess composition with a sponge;
  • after the grout has completely hardened, wash the tile.

Reviving tile color

If the condition of the cladding is satisfactory, there is no need to replace the lamellae. You can update a boring look by painting the surface of the tiles, pasting them with PVC film or decorating them with vinyl stickers.


  • clean the tile from dirt with detergents and a brush with coarse bristles, degrease and dry the surface;
  • to improve the adhesion of materials, treat the lamellas with sandpaper with a finely abrasive coating;
  • seal the edges of adjacent surfaces with masking tape: sink, countertop, cabinets, sockets, platbands;
  • bathroom bowl, cover the floor with film or newspapers;
  • apply a primer to the cleaned tile;
  • paint the surface with a roller in two layers (apply the second layer only after the first one dries), work with a brush in hard-to-reach places;
  • cover the dried paint with a protective layer of varnish;
  • remove the tape and other protection.


Self-adhesive film is moisture resistant, fade resistant, not affected by temperature changes and has a wide variety of colors, can be smooth or textured and easy to clean:

  • wash the surface of the lining, degrease and wipe dry;
  • take measurements and cut the required amount of film;
  • start pasting, gradually removing the protective coating;
  • in the process of work, remove air bubbles from under the self-adhesive, smoothing it with a rubber spatula.

If it is necessary to paste over a relief surface or non-standard shaped tiles, slightly warm the film with a household hair dryer and fix it.

Timely and thorough care of the lamellas and tile joints will help to avoid time-consuming and costly repair of the cladding. Do not forget that the tile is very fragile, care and accuracy during the operation of the coating is the key to the durability and beauty of the interior.

You can quickly and easily update the interior with the help of tile restoration. Tiled flooring sometimes needs repair. Even considering that high-quality tile material is very dense, any careless handling can damage it, break it or deprive it of its former attractiveness. In this case, the restoration of ceramic tiles will help out, which is so popular now due to the fact that it is often difficult to find a replacement for a damaged tile composition.

Floor tile repair: how to repair damage

If you find damaged tiles on the floor, one or more, you should not turn to a major overhaul. You can replace cracked places with your own hands without the help of specialists. Damage to the floor tiles can be expressed in the form of chips, cracks or tarnishing of the grout

Repair work begins by assessing the degree of destruction of the flooring: if a third of the tiles are damaged, it is wiser to choose a complete replacement of the floor.

Partial replacement of the canvas involves the selection of a suitable tile in case it was not prepared in advance.

If you notice damage to the tiles, you can fix them yourself

Damaged areas can be removed:

  • Sawing seams with a grinder with water;
  • Cutting through the seams with a drill having a thin drill;
  • Removing tiles with a perforator;
  • Combining options.

After the previous layer of glue is removed. Small chips are filled with cement paste. In the presence of solid cracks, the tile is replaced. After removing the tiles, it is necessary to clear the debris, prepare the base, lay a new coating and grout the seams.

If there are no obvious damages on the tiles, and only the seams are worn out, you can update them in different ways:

  • Completely remove the old grout and grout the seams again;
  • Refresh the coating with impregnation;
  • Paint the seams with a special compound to mask the seams;
  • Use marker.

If, during partial cosmetic repairs, you do not pay attention to the condition of the tile joints, over time, fungus or mold may appear between the tiles, which will completely ruin the appearance of the floor covering.

Shallow cracks: restoration of floor tiles

Tiles on the floor are often prone to damage and fracture. When operating it, it is worth preventing situations with the fall of heavy objects, and if this happens, repairs are necessary and as soon as possible in order to avoid the spread of the defect further.

When putting a hammer or drill into operation, it should be taken into account that injury may occur. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment or contact a specialist for repair.

Cement mortar well eliminates all defects. The crack is filled with it, then the grout is carried out. Over the next three days, you need to moisten the surface so that setting occurs. The place where the processing takes place should be covered with a film.

You can fix a shallow crack in the floor tile if you use special glue

If glue is used, you must:

  • Remove dirt from each cracked tile with a damp cloth;
  • Mix the tile adhesive by placing a portion of the pigment in it with the same color as the surface shade;
  • Fill the crack with the resulting composition;
  • Cover the treated area with dry sawdust and leave for a day.

It should be remembered that for use in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is worth purchasing grout, glue and other components with a moisture-resistant structure.

How to fix a chipped floor tile

Ceramic tile has many advantages, it is a very popular finishing material for bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other places. If the tile is damaged during careless handling, you do not need to be upset. With the help of special technologies, you can get rid of chips on the tiles yourself, using a corrective compound.

In order to repair a chipped tile, it will be necessary to correctly remove a separate piece of tile

The problem can be solved:

  • Removing the damaged fragment;
  • In the absence of withdrawal.

Removal is used if the tile is cracked due to mechanical stress. If there is a chip without cracks on the floor surface, dismantling is not required.

When dismantling, the damaged fragment is first carefully removed. In order not to spoil the adjacent tile, it is necessary to clean each seam to the base with a sharp object, then knock on the tile, lift the broken part with a spatula and remove it. In case of failure, it is worth moistening the tile with soapy water. Water will get under the tile, soak into the adhesive and the tile will be easier to remove.

When restoring a damaged fragment, it should be noted that it is necessary to clean its back surface from the adhesive base with a wet rag or spatula.

Next, the fracture site is cleaned with sandpaper, pieces of tile are glued together with glue. When it dries, the back surface is covered with glue again. After the place for the tile is prepared, it is cleaned of dust, the glue is applied to the surface and the tile, and it is glued. The seam must be covered with grout.

Difficult job: porcelain stoneware restoration

Chips on ceramic and porcelain tiles may occur due to impact. Tiles with damage can be replaced or there is an option to mask the chip.

For the restoration of porcelain stoneware, it is better to seek help from professional craftsmen.

The work is done as follows:

  1. The chip is cleaned and degreased with acetone.
  2. To tint the glue, a little dye is added and mixed.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the part that has broken off, the hardener is not added.
  4. If the glue is close in color to the tile, it must be removed from the chipped part, the chip is cleaned with acetone and dried.
  5. A hardener is added to the glue, mixed. The adhesive must be applied immediately before hardening occurs.
  6. The glue is smoothed over the surface of the chipped part, the excess is removed.

If the polyester adhesive has a matte surface, after it has hardened, it needs to be polished by hand with a dense cloth or felt.

When matching the color of the adhesive to the color of the tile, you should not count on a complete match. A good result will be the invisibility of the damaged area.

Hard wax is also actively used for the restoration of ceramic tiles. It helps to cover up the chips that have appeared without any problems.

Do-it-yourself tile replacement (video)

Holes in the tile, chips and cracks do not decorate the coating. That is why, when you see something like this at home, you want to immediately repair the flaw. Sealing tile cracks is a creative process that anyone can master. Tiles on the wall, floor and other places will look like new if you give them a little attention and effort, and then you will not need to spend a lot of money and completely replace them.

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Self-repair of ceramic tiles on the floor

When one or more ceramic tiles on the floor are damaged, it is not always necessary to make major repairs. It is necessary to replace the damaged ceramic tile with a new one. This process is simple and there is no need to invite a specialist for this. But, when repairing ceramic tiles on your own, you need to do the work competently, accurately, as carefully and accurately as possible.

The floor made of special ceramic tiles is durable and has high performance. It is easy to wash, it is sterile and lasts a long time without wearing out, but there is one vulnerable quality - fragility. From an unexpected strong physical impact on the surface, as well as deformation, small and large cracks form on the tile. What to do? Let's consider further.

Do-it-yourself ceramic tile repair

It is necessary to start the repair work with a preliminary assessment of the damage to the ceramic floor - this will allow you to make an economically sound decision in order to save money. If the destruction is over 30%, then it will be critical. In this case, it is necessary to remove the entire old coating.

To do this, dismantle the old tile and lay the new one. Complete replacement of floor tiles will change the design of the room. For this purpose, you can use a more modern material. True, this repair is quite expensive.

Repairing minor damage

Minor damage to the surface can be repaired with a prepared thick cement mortar. The mixture is made from taken, in a ratio of 1: 1, sand and cement. It is better to use white cement and bleached sand, and paint the mixture in the desired color, in harmony with the color scheme of the ceramic tiles. Rub the cracks with a spatula or swab in different directions so that the mixture is better rubbed deep into the cracks.

Repair of critical damage to floor tiles

If the crack is very large, the tile must be replaced.

If ceramic tiles are not changed over the entire surface of the floor, then the most difficult thing is to choose the right material. It's great if you took care of the repair in advance, even at the stage, and you have a supply, in the amount of two or three tiles. In the absence of such a stock, you will have to look for an analogue in stores, and this is problematic, especially if such a tile is no longer produced or it has a slightly changed shade. And that will be a separate challenge.

Remove the old tiles first. Do this carefully, trying not to hurt those nearby. When the seams between the tiles are quite wide, this is easier to do.

Remove damaged tiles in the following ways:

  • cutting seams with a grinder using water;
  • cutting seams with a thin drill using a drill;
  • dismantling of old tiles with a perforator;
  • dismantling tiles manually with a chisel;
  • using all of these options.

To replace a single cracked tile, proceed as follows.

Make holes at a distance of no more than 20 mm from each other, diagonally on the damaged tile with a drill. Then with a hammer and chisel, using eye protection, break the tile into pieces. Working carefully to prevent damage to adjacent tiles, start breaking up the material from the center to the edges. This operation can be performed with a perforator.

Now remove the layer of old tile adhesive, all the way down to the base. Remove dust and debris first with a brush and dustpan, and for greater fidelity, use a vacuum cleaner.

This is an important step. Remaining dust can prevent the tile from establishing the required level of adhesion to the subfloor, as a result of which it will stagger, which will lead to repeated failure and, as a result, repair.

Elimination of the cause of the appearance of damage on the surface of the tile

It is important to find out the cause of the damage. If the concrete screed under the tile is broken, it must be restored in this area.

In case of significant damage to the surface of the screed, restore it using a cement-sand mixture, but it is better to use a self-leveling mixture for this purpose. To replace a single tile, use ready-made tile adhesive.

When screed restoration is done with cement mortar or self-levelling compound, the level is set slightly lower (about 5 mm) of the old floor surface so that you can easily level the new tile in height with the old floor covering.

Laying tiles in place

When all the manipulations to prepare the repair site are completed, start laying the new material.

On the reverse side of the tile, apply special tile adhesive with a notched trowel and adjust it with a building level to the height of the existing floor covering. Hit the tile with your fist or a rubber mallet. When using glue, drying lasts at least 24 hours.

In order for it not to stand out from the old coating, the seams are additionally overwritten. Grout the seams after a day. Remove excess mixture after grouting after 15 minutes. To do this, use a special rubber spatula or a regular household sponge. The grouting of the seams does not require special care. The mixture that has fallen on the "neighbors", just wipe it with a damp sponge or rag. Complete elimination of all stains from grouting is achieved after several passes of a clean cloth soaked in warm water.

Floor tiles repair completed.

Tiles are a popular finishing material. It is beautiful and durable, besides, you can choose an option for a different interior and budget. But even durable material can be damaged, spoiling the appearance and interfering with the functionality of the coating. However, not in all cases it is worth changing the finish completely. Sometimes you can deal with a defect yourself.

How and how to repair a chipped tile on the floor

If the damage is minor, then it can be dealt with using decorative methods.

Grout in tile color

To eliminate the chip, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • rubber spatula;
  • colored grout;
  • fine-grained sandpaper.

Using a rubber spatula, the grout must be carefully applied to the place of the crack or chip. Align the seam and leave to dry completely. Next, you need to eliminate all the roughness or irregularities. To do this, you just need fine-grained sandpaper.

When choosing this method, it is important to choose the right grout. It should not differ in color and structure from the one already applied.

Grouting with putty using paint for ceramics

In order to remove a chip on a tile with ceramic paint, you will need:

  • putty;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • paint for ceramics of a suitable shade;
  • primer.

With fine-grained sandpaper, you need to wipe the chip, and then putty it. After waiting for the putty to dry completely, you need to prime the chipped area, and then paint it with paint for ceramics.

If the desired tone of paint is not available in the store, then you can tint the usual white. All specialized stores offer this service. In order to make it easier to choose the right color, you need to take a sample of the tile with you, or take a picture of it in daylight.

Kohler is a highly pigmented coloring matter.

Coating the chip with epoxy resin with pigment

In order to cover the chip with epoxy resin with pigment, you need to prepare:

  • epoxy resin;
  • color scheme of the desired color;
  • masking tape;
  • degreaser;
  • rubber spatula;
  • putty;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;

Since epoxy is colorless, it must first be given the desired shade. For this, a color scheme of a suitable color is used.

The procedure should be as follows:

  1. The place of defect formation must be degreased. Tape adjacent tiles with masking tape so that excess product does not fall on undamaged areas.
  2. Putty to give the desired color.
  3. Mix colored putty with epoxy.
  4. Cover the damaged area with the finished composition and smooth with a rubber spatula.
  5. Remove excess putty.
  6. Wait for the solution to dry completely.
  7. Sand the chipped area with fine-grained sandpaper.
  8. Varnish.

Restoration of a chip on the wall

A chipped or cracked ceramic tile on a wall can be repaired in the same way as on a floor: grout, pigmented epoxy, and putty with ceramic paint.

Using decorative stickers

For the restoration of tiles on the wall, vinyl stickers are suitable. This method takes little time and allows you to creatively approach the solution of the problem.

The chipped area must be degreased before applying the sticker. Reconstruction is not required, as the sticker will completely hide the crack.

To repair tile damage in the bathroom, you need to choose stickers that are resistant to moisture, steam and cleaning products.

Also on sale you can find self-adhesive film for the bathroom in rolls. It is more difficult to work with than with stickers, as bubbles can form during decoration. In order to avoid this, the film must be stretched when gluing.

Using camouflage accessories

If, when using one of the methods, the repaired area is too noticeable, then it is worth showing design ingenuity and decorating the place with interior items. For example, hang a beautiful towel holder, put a laundry basket, hang a mirror, place a vase of flowers.

Replacement of damaged tile elements in case of cracks and large chips

In the case when local restoration is not possible, the only way out is to replace the tiles. This method is more efficient.

Replacing damaged tiles on the floor or wall is as follows:

  1. Seam cleaning. The seams are cleaned up to the base with a special opener or a sharp object.
  2. Removing tiles. To do this, pry it off and tear it off the surface with effort. If this cannot be done, then the adhesive composition must be moistened with soapy water.
  3. Glue cleaning. First, the old adhesive is removed from the base of the floor or wall. If it is very dense, then you can soften it with a solvent.
  4. Inspection of neighboring elements. If adjacent tiles are damaged or the quality of the masonry is impaired, then it is better to remove them and shift them again.
  5. Installation. The new coating is laid on the adhesive. The adhesive composition is prepared according to the instructions. It is more convenient to apply it on the tile itself.
  6. Alignment. After laying the tile in the prepared place, crosses are inserted into the joints along its perimeter. With the help of the building level, alignment occurs.
  7. Seam grouting. Perform after the glue has completely dried. It is necessary to choose a grout of the same shade as on the other seams. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to update them completely.

Tiles can crack due to voids in the mortar. You can identify damaged elements by tapping. They need to be transferred.

Why tiles fail and how to avoid repairing them

Most often, tiles fail for the following reasons:

  • Rough mechanical impact. Often chips and cracks appear as a result of the fall of a heavy object on the floor.
  • Inaccurate preparation of the base. It is important not to forget to degrease the surface before starting work.
  • Use of low quality materials.
  • Temperature fluctuations.
  • Uneven base. The tile must be laid on a previously leveled surface.
  • For walls and floors you need to use different materials. When buying, you should pay attention to what this coating is intended for.
  • It is important to monitor the condition of the seams. Often during operation, the tightness of the connection with the base is broken, as a result of which moisture gets inside.

Repairing tile is not a difficult task. Even a beginner can handle it. However, we should not forget about the observance of technology, careful attitude and proper operation in order to avoid restoration.

Tiled floors and walls sometimes require repair. Tiles, depending on the strength class and the quality of laying, are affected by different intensity. Some fragments do not withstand and cracks and chips appear on the surface. To eliminate such shortcomings, it is important to know the repair rules, and why this or that problem arose. Consider what factors lead to damage and how to repair the coating yourself.

Cracks or chips in tiles are more likely to occur due to point impacts.

Causes of defects

First you need to deal with one part of the question: why do flaws appear on the tile? There are many explanations for this.

At first glance, there is practically no load on the finishing of vertical surfaces. Nevertheless, cracks on it are not uncommon. The reason is:

  • point impacts on the coating;
  • mobile base, for example, wood;
  • hanging heavy furniture on the walls;
  • damage to tiles during drilling or other types of work;
  • strikes from the opposite side of the wall;
  • temperature and humidity fluctuations;
  • microcracks in the coating.

To find out why the tile in the bathroom is cracking, first of all, let's pay attention to the microclimate in the room.

With regards to gender, the aforementioned factors influence its condition.

Most flooring needs repair

Cracks appear due to the fall of a heavy object or the load from furniture. Point exposure is especially dangerous. The low class of tiles increases the risk of surface damage even in everyday use. Separately, we highlight the quality of styling. If there are voids in the solution or the surface has irregularities, in the future, when such a tile is loaded, it will break and the fragment will need to be replaced. Bathroom tile repair is often associated with a violation of the installation technology on such capricious surfaces as wood or plasterboard. Wood expands with increasing moisture, so technological gaps are left, seams are made larger, and elastic glue is also used.

If it was not possible to avoid the repair, carry it out with high quality so as not to encounter similar problems again.

Necessary tools and materials, masking defects

Do-it-yourself ceramic tile repair on walls or floors is done using conventional tools. You will need a chisel, a flat screwdriver and a grinder for dismantling. Remove adhesive residue with sandpaper. To repair a small chipped tile on the floor with your own hands, use ordinary grout. You will also need glue, if the cracks require replacement of the element, a notched trowel, a level and a mallet. Do-it-yourself tile repair rules, read on.

If the damage is minor, the restoration of the coating without compromising its integrity is suitable. In other words, small cracks or chips along the edges of the tile are hidden without replacing the element.

The easiest ways to mask defects are grout and self-adhesive film

The easiest way to repair a chip is with a fugue. Such a mixture is selected so that it does not differ from the general background in its tone and structure. If you want to use white putty on a colored background, then adjust the stitch width. Please note that a single wide joint will spoil the overall impression of the coating. To close the chip with grout, it is enough to apply a wet mass over the flaw and align the seam. After drying, the plane is brought to the ideal.

Small cracks on the tile are also hidden with the help. The best option is to use a self-adhesive film. Another way is to close the flaw with some kind of accessory, for example, a towel holder. If the material cracks further, it is better to immediately glue a new one.

Fragment replacement

The most effective repair of ceramic tiles is the complete dismantling of the damaged part. This method is used when local restoration of damage is not possible.

Replacing tiles on a wall or floor is as follows:

  1. Seam cleaning. Such work is carried out carefully so as not to hurt neighboring parts. If the cracks cover the entire tile, you can walk with a grinder.
  2. Removing tiles. Pry the element and pull it off the surface with force.
  3. Glue cleaning. Remove the old mortar from the base floor and walls as much as possible.
  4. Inspection of neighboring elements. If a nearby tile is damaged or the quality of the masonry has been compromised, it is better to remove it and re-lay it.
  5. Tile installation. Fastening is carried out with glue. It is more convenient to apply it on the tile itself. Make sure to get level with the rest of the cover.
  6. Seam grouting. Be sure to seal the joints. Choose the material as on the other tile. If this is not possible, it is recommended to completely renew the seams.