Coffered ceiling. Description, features, types and installation of the coffered ceiling. Wooden ceilings, ceiling panels Types of coffered ceilings

The coffered ceiling resembles a box-like structure: wooden beams attached to a flat ceiling slab cross horizontally or diagonally to create a grid. As a material for such a ceiling, wood, polyurethane, plasterboard or wood-fiber boards are usually used. Caissons and beams are decorated with moldings, plaster rosettes and other decorative elements. Such a ceiling serves not only aesthetic purposes, but also practical: you can hide pipes or wires under it, hide the imperfection of the existing ceiling.

Coffered ceilings are usually installed in rooms with high heights. In rooms with high ceilings, caissons reduce the echo effect and help control noise levels from other rooms. Small caissons will add texture to the ceiling, while large panels will give the illusion of extra space. In rooms with a ceiling height below 2.5 meters, the installation of caissons is not recommended.

Installation sequence

  • ceiling design on paper;
  • processing the ceiling with plasterboard, paint, wallpaper or ceiling tiles;
  • grid layout for positioning beams on the ceiling;
  • installation of a system of beams;
  • installation of a ceiling plinth;
  • decorative ceiling decoration.

Possible options: if you plan to use separate small ceiling slabs for caissons or ready-made polyurethane caissons, these elements will be attached after installing the beam profile (step 4), i.e. step 2 can be skipped provided that no pre-treatment of the ceiling is required ...

One of the options for installing a coffered ceiling is that it can be mounted according to the principle of a false ceiling with a special type of ceiling cassettes in the form of an already made coffer. In this case, the functional advantage of the suspended ceiling is added - a damaged caisson can be easily replaced with a new one.

Materials and tools

Although it will take time and skill to install a coffered ceiling, you can design one yourself. Take care of the necessary tools for this project before starting it - this will save you time and avoid frustration.

Table. Use of materials and tools at every step of the installation process.

Stage 1. Ceiling design

In the simplest case, a coffered ceiling is formed by a series of skirting beams where the crisscrossing wood beams directly mesh the ceiling, which is done quickly. The basic rule here is that the larger the room, the thicker the ceiling beams should be. Usually square beams are used, but rectangular designs are also possible. When you have decided on the size and shape of the beams, choose a skirting board of the appropriate height.

Think about how the wooden beams will be located on the ceiling, with what step and what shape to set the caisson - rectangular, square or something more complex. If you plan on installing a chandelier, consider placing it in relation to the beams - whether it will be in the center of the caisson or at the cross of the beams, or consider a chandelier medallion.

Draw the proposed sketch of the ceiling on paper, not forgetting to indicate the size of the room and the planned location of the fixtures. The desired placement of recessed ceiling lights must be planned at the stage of the ceiling design. Later, when installing the beams, you will need to prepare holes through the middle of the beam or attach a cable to the side of the beam to obtain the desired placement of the ceiling lamps.

When self-installing a coffered ceiling, you can facilitate its installation if you follow a few tricks that will simplify the task.

  1. Make straight joints on the profile. Each end of the beam is cut at right angles. If you want a more complex shape of the joints, it is easier to do it in the form of a decorative element attached to the already finished ceiling, than to cover up all the cracks and irregularities later.
  2. Use a skirting board, not a molding. The plinth, located at an angle of 45 degrees to the beams and ceiling slabs, will hide all imperfections in the installation of the coffered box.

Stage 2. Preparation

Fiberboard (MDF) panels or drywall can be used as ceiling panels. If the ceiling is flat and in good condition, you can skip the use of panels altogether, just paint the ceiling or paste wallpaper on the ceiling, and then attach the mesh to it.

If you want to use ceiling panels that fit directly into the space between the beams, cut them 1 cm smaller than the size of each caisson to make it easier to fit there. The gaps will later be covered with a ceiling plinth. When using ready-made caissons, their size determines the size of the ceiling space between the beams.

How to fix PVC panels to the ceiling?

Stage 3. Layout of the grid

Use colored chalk, a tape measure, and a square to mark the grid for installing the beams on the ceiling. Be guided by the schematic sketch made when designing the ceiling.

Step 1. Measure the length of each side of the room, halve each value to determine the center of the room. Mark the center points with chalk and connect the opposite sides of the room with a line.

Step 2. Determine in which direction the main ceiling beams will be located, mark the position of the ends of the beams on opposite walls and draw lines along the ceiling connecting these points. Extend the lines to the walls a few centimeters lower than the final ceiling height.

Step 3. Mark up the location of the main and cross beams. Mark the total width of the ceiling beams to know exactly the size of the panels and beams. The choice of the size of the panels, their shape and number is up to you.

Step 4. Installation of the beam system

This is the most crucial step in installation, since the overall appearance of the ceiling will ultimately depend on its accuracy. Beams can be made hollow, with this design it is convenient to hide electrical wiring for lamps, pipes and other utilities in them. If the beam is solid wood, use a groove to run the wires.

If you are working as an individual, make yourself a T-shaped support from wooden slats to the height of the ceiling minus the beam to help you. It will hold one end of the beam against the ceiling while you work at the other end of the beam.

Step 1. Install beams around the perimeter of the room. The longest beam is installed first. If the room is square or irregular, start with a beam that runs perpendicular to the support beams to create a strong connection.

Step 2. Apply glue along the length of the beam and glue it at the junction of the ceiling and floor.

Step 3. Use a pneumatic nailer to nail the beam with two nails on both sides every 30 cm, starting at one end of the beam. Do the same with the opposite perimeter beam.

Step 4. Measure the spacing between the beams on each side of the room and prepare the beams for the cross sides of the perimeter. Attach them to the ceiling in the same way.

Step 5. After setting the perimeter, install the main longitudinal beams according to the markings in the same way as for the perimeter beams.

Step 6. Measure the distance between the main beams and cut the cross beams. Install them in the same way in the marked positions.

Step 7. Strengthen the structure - hold the nailer at a 45 degree angle close to the crossbeam and main beam and drive a nail into the crossbeam at an angle.

If you are using pre-made caissons or pre-cut panels for the space between the beams, insert the panels and nail them to the beams.

Alternative - plasterboard coffered ceiling

Step 5. Installation of the ceiling plinth

While the shape of the caisson and its actual depth are created by the height and placement of the beam profile, the border and visual depth of the caisson are shaped by the skirting board.

Step 1. Measure the internal dimensions of all sides of one of the caissons. If there is a gap between the ceiling and the beam due to the unevenness of the ceiling, take this height into account in the baseboard size.

Step 2. Cut the ceiling plinth to the appropriate length. On the machine, cut a 45-degree angle on each side of the baseboard.

Step 3. You can install the cut skirting board directly one by one. To do this, apply glue to each piece and secure against the beams.

Step 4. Sometimes it is easier to assemble each skirting box separately, and then completely install it in the caisson. In this case, use glue to assemble the skirting box. Make sure it fits well into the caisson and glue the skirting board.

Step 5. Attach the skirting board with nails to the beams in each corner of the skirting box.

Stage 6. Ceiling finishing

The last step is to give the ceiling a finished look and hide any working irregularities, if any.

Step 1. Fill all joints and gaps between beams, skirting boards and ceiling panels with latex sealant.

Step 2. Use wood putty and a putty knife to cover the nail heads.

Step 3. Apply two coats of water-based paint. Paint the molding with semi-gloss paint and a brush 5–7 cm wide. Then paint the beams with a paint roller.

Step 4. Install ceiling lights. If you have covered the ceiling with plasterboard panels, you just need to cut holes in the plasterboard under the fixtures. Glue the plastic rings to the lamp hole. When you install new fixtures, they should be flush with the finished ceiling surface.

Coffered ceiling decorative elements

A standard coffered ceiling will look more interesting if you add decorative and functional elements.

Video - DIY installation of a caisson on the ceiling

Everything new is well forgotten old, and the fashionable coffered ceilings today only confirm the truth of these words. Once such systems were used in Ancient Greece for architectural purposes, and then the Greeks learned to decorate beams and cells so cleverly that the coffered ceiling became not only functional, but also decorative. Today, there are no real ceilings with caissons - only their imitation is used, and it is represented by a huge number of options. We will figure out what a coffered ceiling is, what types it is, which structure is better to choose and answer the question of whether a coffered ceiling will always be appropriate.

# 1. What is a coffered ceiling?

Despite the fact that coffered ceilings appeared in Ancient Greece, the word by which we today refer to these structures is of French origin: "caisson" translates as "box", subtly hinting at the main feature of such ceilings. Indeed, a coffered ceiling can be represented as a system of boxes or recesses that form between intersecting beams. Previously, these beams were needed to reduce the load from the supports, with their help, supporting structures for the interfloor floors were created. Later, another interesting property of such a system was discovered - an improvement in acoustics.

When the beams began to be decorated with stucco, painting and marble tiles, there was actually a prototype of the modern coffered ceiling. Such designs look very beautiful, they bring chic and elegance to the room. To create a real coffered structure, it is necessary to apply a special technology even at the construction stage, but today almost no one is engaged in this, because it is much easier to obtain the desired decorative effect using modern building materials.

By design and appearance, coffered ceilings can be completely different. The most common option is to create square or rectangular cells, but the design idea knows no boundaries, so if you want, you can create round, diamond and polygonal caissons.

# 2. When can coffered ceilings be used?

Today, to simulate caissons, they use wood, MDF panels, polyurethane foam, drywall and building board... The mounting technology in all these cases, of course, is somewhat different, but a decrease in height remains a common feature. To create a volumetric depression, beams are needed that are high enough to reduce the height of the room. If a suspension system is used, the ceiling becomes even lower. Specialists it is recommended to use coffered ceilings in rooms with a height of about 3 m... In rooms below 2.5 m, such a finish will be completely inappropriate. As for the restrictions on style, it will be possible to inscribe the coffered system in perfect, except, perhaps, high-tech and minimalist styles.

Coffered ceilings look great in spacious offices, as well as offices, conference rooms, restaurants, cinemas, and libraries. If the room is disproportionately high, then those in it may feel like they are in a box. A similar feature is typical for old houses. Coffered ceilings allow you to gracefully solve this problem, making the space more harmonious and proportional.

Chic looks are not the only thing the advantage of coffered ceilings... If you use a suspension system in installation, then behind the structure you can hide a lot of utilities, such as and. In addition, you don't have to worry about leveling the surface of the main ceiling. A coffered ceiling, like any suspended ceiling, provides ample opportunities for creating a unique lighting system. It also allows you to increase.

The main disadvantage of coffered ceilings - they "eat" the height. It is also a rather expensive finishing system, and in order to carry out the installation correctly, some construction skills are required, so it is easier to call a team of specialists for help, but this, in turn, makes the installation even more expensive.

Number 3. Wooden coffered ceiling

This option is considered classic, but at the same time the most expensive one. All structural elements are made of solid wood.


In addition, using different types of wood, you can get a ceiling covering of different shades. With the help of stains and paints, you can additionally expand the range of possible shades. Elite coffered ceilings are made from oak, walnut and ash, but you can choose a simpler one (pine, for example). The price of such a solution still remains high, and this is the most basic minus wooden caissons. In addition, the installation of such ceilings requires careful calculation and a decent amount of time. An arrangement of a massive frame base will be required, so practically no one conducts such work on their own.

No. 4. Coffered ceiling made of MDF

They have become the most popular way of organizing coffered ceilings today. They are obtained by pressing wood shavings with urea resins, due to which it is possible to reduce the emission of toxic formaldehyde to almost zero. From above, the board can be finished with a film with an imitation of any pattern, a thin wooden veneer or a layer of paint. The appearance deserves the highest praise, especially in the case of veneered panels - after installation, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from wood.


  • a wide range of panels and the ability to create a ceiling of any design;
  • lower weight in comparison with wooden beams, due to which the structure can be mounted on a regular metal profile (the one used when working with drywall). From all this it follows that such a ceiling will carry less load on the floors, and installation is much easier;
  • affordable price, especially when compared with a wooden counterpart.

On sale you can find ready-made coffered blocks made of MDF, thanks to which the installation process becomes even simpler - you just need to dock the finished parts.

Among the main disadvantages:

No. 5. Plasterboard coffered ceiling

The ubiquitous one will fit in with the organization of a coffered ceiling, and it allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the structure. Drywall is easy to cut, so with its help you can implement virtually any idea, it is lightweight, and almost everyone has already mastered the principle of working with it. The material makes it easy to organize a complex lighting system using spotlights and chandeliers.

Installation of drywall elements is carried out on a pre-installed metal profile frame, but there is also an alternative method that allows you to do without a frame. When the ceiling structure is assembled, it can be decorated in various ways: painting, gluing, followed by painting (the option allows you to get a solid appearance), using gypsum to create stucco elements.

If the ceiling is used in a damp room, then it is better to take sheets of moisture-resistant drywall. The only difficulty in installation lies in the exact joining of individual elements.

No. 6. Polyurethane coffered ceilings

Polyurethane coffered ceilings are distinguished by excellent operational and aesthetic qualities, are made of durable and wear-resistant polymer and are sold, as a rule, in the form of ready-made volumetric elements that only need to be joined, and this is not difficult in this case.


  • the widest range of elements with various designs. It can be either minimalistic caissons or elements with imitation of luxurious stucco moldings. If desired, the material can be additionally colored;
  • low weight and simple installation, which consists in gluing and simple additional fixing of elements;
  • resistance to moisture and high temperatures;
  • the ability to organize an interesting highlight.

Of the minuses, only the high price can be noted.

No. 7. Coffered ceilings made of cardboard

The easiest to install and cheapest option for coffered ceilings is the use of cardboard elements. The material has a dense structure, high tear resistance, it can be of different thicknesses, but at the same time it remains light, therefore it is easy to install it. Prefabricated cardboard beams are mounted directly to the ceiling using wood glue. For decoration, you can use a self-adhesive film, the most popular option is a film with an imitation of a wooden texture.

On sale you can find water-repellent cardboard, which is treated with a special solution of salts. Such material will calmly withstand periodically high humidity.

Externally, a coffered ceiling made of cardboard looks a little simpler than one assembled from wood or MDF panels, but with a limited budget it will be a good alternative to other ceiling finishes.

No. 8. What else to consider when choosing coffered ceilings?

When thinking about the future design of a coffered ceiling, consider the following points:

  • if the ceiling is not high enough (2.5-2.7 m), then the beams are placed near door and window openings. The use of furniture, flooring and wall decoration in dark shades in this case can turn the space into a gloomy hole;
  • another option for not the highest rooms is to use elements of light shades, then their relief will not greatly reduce the space;
  • coffered ceilings in warm dark shades make the room cozy, but reduce its height - this is an option for high spaces;
  • caissons may not occupy the entire ceiling, but only part of it;
  • it is not enough just to think over the future design of the ceiling - it is better to draw a detailed sketch.

No. 9. Installation of a coffered ceiling

Installing a coffered ceiling is a laborious process that requires certain knowledge and skills, so it will be easiest to turn to professionals so as not to waste your nerves and spoil the materials. Whatever it was, it is still necessary to know the principle of arranging such systems.

The first thing is creating a sketch. Here you can handle it yourself. In the picture, it is necessary to depict the ceiling on a scale and apply a coffered mesh to it, which is best to start from the center of the room, so that geometry and proportionality are preserved. At this stage, they decide what will be the step between the caissons (as a rule, the distance is made 0.8-1.2 m), how the elements will look, where the lighting sources will be located.

Let professionals work with wooden systems, but installation of a coffered ceiling made of MDFmuch easier to accomplish. The principle is as follows:

  • it is better to mount the coffered ceiling made of MDF panels on the Knauf P113 suspension system, use metal profiles PP 60 * 27 and PN 28 * 27, as well as a single-level connector for profiles "crab";
  • the minimum distance from the frame to the existing ceiling is 125 mm, in order to be able to install the caisson cell. The distance between the profile depends on the size of the cells;
  • the PP 60 * 27 profile is mounted with the curved edges down, so that in the future it would be easy to snap on the guide bar of the caisson;
  • installation of short guides, pre-cut into elements of the required length. If the cell has a size of 60 cm, then the guide is made 51.6 cm, if 90 cm - 81.6 cm. The cut elements are snapped into the PP profile 60 * 27;
  • the cells of the caissons are neatly wound up behind the metal frame and attached to the mounted short guides;
  • it remains only to cut and install long guides;
  • if there are holes around the perimeter of the ceiling, then they are closed with a cut laminated cloth, which is usually supplied with the cells;
  • installation along the perimeter of fillets using. Fillets, they also provide a smooth transition from ceiling to wall;
  • for lighting devices, holes are pre-made in the cells. Install chandeliers, spotlights, spots and other lighting equipment after installing the ceiling

Lightweight caissons are sometimes installed on a frame made of wooden blocks using ordinary nails for fastening. Often in this way, ready-made coffered panels are attached, which, by the way, may have transparent inserts.

If ready-made slabs for coffered ceilings are used, then it is better to start their installation from the center. You can use glue or mounting brackets.

Coffered systems allow you to create a ceiling that is unique in design with carved elements, spectacular lighting, stucco molding, transparent inserts, and even - the main thing is to think over the design in advance and not be tempted by such a finish if the ceiling height is less than 2.5 m.

The emergence of caissons as an architectural element of buildings and structures is associated with the design features of the simplest post-and-beam construction system, which is still used since the time of Hellas and Ancient Egypt.

In modern architecture, caissons can have both exclusively aesthetic value and combine structural and decorative functions, as well as be used to improve the acoustics of a room, create various visual effects (for example, visually increase the height of a ceiling or vault), and serve as niches for installing lamps.

Coffered ceilings in the interior of a modern apartment and house

Today, the coffered structure is considered an exclusive ceiling design option. Its use allows you to give a home a special chic and emphasize the status of the owner.

Most often, this type of ceiling can be found in classic design directions of interior decoration, such as:, and, of course, and.

Details of the coffered ceiling

The construction of a decorative coffered ceiling consists of a substrate and a frame on which cornices, curbs, trims (moldings) and rosettes are attached. In addition, the caissons are decorated with lamps, overhead decor, ornaments, stencil painting, stained-glass windows, and there are also caissons with lighting.

Coffered ceiling plan

Although the coffered ceiling in the interior of an apartment or house is not a cheap pleasure, today the construction market offers relatively inexpensive and durable materials from which you can build a beautiful coffered ceiling structure.

It should be noted that the coffered ceiling is not suitable for all rooms. For such a design to look attractive, the height from floor to ceiling must be at least 2.5 meters.

You can order coffered ceilings made of wood at reasonable prices at the Imperial Forest carpentry workshop!

Types of coffered ceilings

When choosing a coffered ceiling, first, you should familiarize yourself with its main varieties.

Wooden coffered ceiling

Wood, the noblest material for coffered ceilings. Environmental friendliness and a unique wood pattern are strong arguments in favor of choosing this particular material. The most commonly used are oak, walnut, alder, ash, as an economy option - pine. With proper handling and care, such a ceiling will last for decades.
It would seem an ideal option, but there are several reasons that force us to consider alternatives ...
The price tag for a coffered ceiling made of wood is the highest among all the options. The high cost is due not only to the high cost of the source material, but also to the laborious process of manufacturing all parts, as well as the installation itself.

Coffered ceiling made of MDF

A good alternative to natural wood. Installation of such a ceiling is a little easier and cheaper, moreover, it is not subject to drying out and deformation.

Plasterboard coffered ceiling

Plasterboard coffered ceiling is even more budget option. Decorated with plaster cornices and rosettes. Eco-friendly.
But it should also be borne in mind that drywall is afraid of moisture and, relative to the above materials, is not so practical. It requires careful operation, since it is rather fragile, and besides, it is not so easy to use it. To remove traces of dirt, you may have to re-paint the ceiling, partially or completely.

Polyurethane coffered ceiling

This material has a number of pleasant advantages: light weight, which greatly simplifies installation, moisture resistance, practicality, durability, moreover, it does not crack or deform over time.

The finished polyurethane caissons are symmetrical and can be tinted or painted in any color. Prices for such caissons are very different, too cheap options may have errors, but really high quality ones - an indecently high price ...

Advantages and disadvantages of coffered ceilings

Positive characteristics:

  • The special aesthetics and uniqueness of such a ceiling immediately attracts attention;
  • Endless popularity and relevance;
  • Versatility. Such a ceiling is able to transform any room, be it a living room, bedroom, study or office;
  • With the help of such a ceiling structure, it is easy to hide almost any communications, as well as irregularities in the rough ceiling;
  • Improves the acoustic performance of the room by absorbing and scattering sound waves;
  • Such a ceiling construct will make a room with high walls more comfortable;
  • The service life largely depends on the materials of manufacture and operating conditions, but with proper and timely maintenance, the coffered ceiling will serve for many years.


  • Reduces the height of the room, which is not always helpful;
  • Complex installation requiring precise preliminary calculation and preparation;
  • Expensive materials;
  • Complicated use.

Since the design of coffered ceilings is quite specific, there are some important aspects to keep in mind:

  • Dark colored caissons should only be used in rooms with high walls, as they visually reduce the height of the walls;
  • So that the coffered ceiling does not take all the attention, if there are other important accents in the room, it should be made light or even completely white;
  • The larger the room, the smaller the cells should be, and vice versa, in compact rooms, it is better to make caisson cells larger;
  • When installing wooden caissons, choose a material to match the furniture and the floor, so that you get a holistic, harmonious picture;
  • It is worth considering the lighting well, because in rooms with insufficient lighting, such a ceiling will look inexpressive;
  • A coffered ceiling is not suitable for everyone, make sure that such a ceiling design will look organically in your chosen design style.

Coffered ceilings in the interior - photo

The ceiling in the design of the room plays a certain final role, which puts an end to the entire interior style. Among the modern variety of finishing materials, coffered ceilings are considered an innovation, although in fact this type of ceiling appeared in ancient Greece and gained wide popularity during the Renaissance. As you know, the Renaissance promoted beauty and grace in everything, so ceilings of this type are the best fit for classic interior styles.

What is a coffered ceiling, what are the features of its installation and for which interiors it will be a real find - “Dream House” will tell about all this today.

Design feature of coffered ceilings

It is customary to call the type of wood, consisting of rectangular or square panels, caisson. The main feature of these ceilings is the presence of decorative recesses. It is these recesses that are the caissons.

During the Renaissance, coffered ceilings were used to decorate imperial palaces and castles. At the dawn of its birth, such a depression in the ceiling was necessarily decorated with intricate decorative carvings, and the surface was covered with gold and gilding. However, such complex structures were created not only in order to emphasize their status, but also in order to hide the ceiling piles.

Of course, not everyone can afford real coffered ceilings made of expensive wood, but today designers decided to make luxury affordable and began to create coffered ceilings from cheaper materials - and polyurethane. It is also worth noting that real coffered ceilings do not exist now. The fact is that in their "original" version they can be created only if their design begins with the design of the house itself. Since this method of installation is unjustifiably expensive and complicated, today the coffered ceilings are a non-bearing decorative structure, the surface of which is decorated with "recesses".

Characteristics of coffered ceilings

The characteristics of this type of ceiling depend on the materials from which they were made. For example, polyurethane coffered ceilings are the lightest of all types. They cannot be used as a load-bearing structure, so the main purpose of such ceilings is to decorate the interior. Since polyurethane is very easy to install, it is possible to design a ceiling from this material in almost any room, if the appearance of the structure is in harmony with the overall style.

The "highlight" of these ceilings are precisely the caissons, the so-called "recesses". So that such an original ceiling, which gravitates towards classical, monumental designs, does not enter into dissonance with the interior of the room, the designers recommend choosing the size of the caissons depending on the spaciousness of the room itself. For example, in small rooms, ceilings with small square recesses will look better, while the spaciousness of a large room can be emphasized by large and deep caissons, decorated with grace.

Coffered ceiling in the interior photo

A coffered ceiling made of plasterboard is the most democratic version of this type of structure. As a rule, only the frame itself is made of drywall, and the decorative cornice for the ceiling is formed from plaster. it is convenient in that it is easy to mount lamps into its caissons, which will make the structure even more beautiful and unusual. This design will look most harmonious on high ceilings in interiors, or a classic. The gypsum coffered ceiling does not "load" the interior; it can be used not only in, but also in more modern styles.

MFD coffered ceilings are a good alternative to real wood ceilings. Ceilings made of this material are, first of all, interesting for their design value. Like the previous varieties, the structure of this ceiling consists of a frame, to which bars are attached, creating a square or rectangle. The caisson can be decorated with stucco, various carved elements, etc.

Wooden coffered ceilings

Installation of a coffered ceiling

With the skills of construction work, it will not be difficult to make a coffered ceiling with your own hands.

Before starting to mount the ceiling it is necessary. There are no special requirements for wallpaper, they can be either colored or monochromatic, but you should not choose a color that is too dark, because in this case the overall view of the ceiling will look too "bulky". As for the material for the manufacture of beams and the frame, it is most difficult to make a coffered ceiling from wood on your own, and the easiest way to make a coffered ceiling from construction cardboard. If desired, the structures can be covered with a decorative film that imitates, for example, wood or other texture. The beams are fastened to each other using wood glue. Installation of the coffered ceiling is carried out by fixing the structure with special fasteners.

Installation of a coffered ceiling

Coffered ceiling as a design element

Coffered ceilings of any type immediately add luxury and expressiveness to the design of the room. Since in the original version, such ceilings were made only of wood (oak, beech or walnut), coffered ceilings for a long time were only in dark colors. However, dark shades in the design of ceilings are not always appropriate. Perhaps, dark colors will look harmonious only in rather large rooms decorated in a classic style or. In all other cases, it is better to give preference to lighter and more natural shades.

Wooden coffered ceilings

Since the coffered ceiling itself looks colorful, it is necessary that its design echoes the elements of furniture or decoration in the room. For example, the design of a room with wooden or plasterboard ceilings and the same panels looks very nice.

Due to the special frame construction, the coffered ceiling can be not only flat, but also vaulted, which looks especially stylish in rooms decorated in old-style interior styles.

Wooden coffered ceilings

Don't forget that a coffered ceiling is not only stylish, but also comfortable. Its design features make it easy to mount any chandeliers and lighting fixtures, in addition, such a ceiling provides additional heat and noise insulation. And, undoubtedly, such a design decision will not go unnoticed, surprising your guests and constantly delighting you with the original design.

It is against the ceiling that our gaze rests in moments of thoughtfulness and dreams. Therefore, it should be designed in such a way as to evoke pleasant thoughts. Caissons will help to bring beauty to the ceiling!

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On the picture:

What it is?

Caisson is the king of ceiling decor. This name comes from the French caisson ("box") and in our case means square or polygonal decorative recesses on the ceiling. The coffered ceiling can be made of plaster, polyurethane foam or wood.

Plaster caisson

Classics of the genre. Plaster molding is the most spectacular and majestic way of ceiling decoration. If you want to add a touch of luxury to your home, plaster caissons are just right.

Features.Gypsum coffered ceiling is a rather expensive pleasure both in installation and in further maintenance. Dust accumulates on the bends and small elements of the gypsum caisson, so such a ceiling must be periodically cleaned and painted.

The price of the issue.A caisson with dimensions of 605 × 605 × 70 mm costs from 2 thousand rubles. A molding with a length of 1.2 m will cost 400-500 rubles, and a cornice (1 running meter) - 500-600 rubles. On average, the cost of materials per 1 m² of area will be about 10 thousand rubles, work - 7 thousand rubles / m². The production of a set for finishing a ceiling of 40-50 m² will take at least 20 working days.

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On the picture:

Polyurethane foam caisson

Affordable replacement for plaster.Stucco molding made of polyurethane foam actively takes away from gypsum a monopoly on chic ceiling decor. This material is much cheaper, but visually it is in no way inferior to gypsum caissons in terms of aesthetics.

Features.The polyurethane foam caisson is lightweight, strong and durable, does not turn yellow or crack over time. By the way, decorative polyurethane foam beams are not only white, but also in wood color. And using a special type of protective coating, you can imitate marble chips, achieve the effect of gilding, etc.

The price of the issue. The cost of a caisson made of polyurethane foam depends on the manufacturer and the complexity of the product: from 1 to 3 thousand rubles for one caisson measuring 612 × 612 × 78 mm and about 2 thousand rubles for a 2 m long beam.

Wooden caisson

Expensive and difficult to manufacture and install, wooden caissons are beautiful and durable. We can confidently say that they will serve more than one generation and will become a real family antiques.

In the photo: living room from the project implemented by the architect Anna Varbanskaya.

Natural choice.The coffered wood ceiling is a suspended structure made of beams and various inserts (backlit glass, plywood, MDF, natural wood). The wooden ceiling décor creates a sense of coziness and harmony and is perfect for eco-style apartments.

Features. The inserts in wooden caissons are not attached to the base, but to a special frame made of plywood or metal profiles. Caissons and beams are made of solid wood or MDF-boards, veneered. The shape of the caisson can be either standard (rectangular, square, polygonal) or unusual (round or oval).

The price of the issue.Caissons, made by the technology of mechanical thread, cost 20 thousand rubles / m², and made by hand, and all 60 thousand rubles / m². A ceiling with oak beams and colored glass inserts will cost 20-22 thousand rubles / m². It will take about three weeks to manufacture 10 m² of such a structure. Approximately the same amount of time will be spent on the installation of a 40-50 m² ceiling.

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