Chinese rose in the house: special signs

“You have a Chinese rose in your house - haven't you heard any signs? This is a real muzhegon plant! " - Grandmother Vera, who had come to stay with her beloved granddaughter, ran into Tatka from the doorway. The girl jumped up: "I heard everything, even studied it thoroughly - the main thing is that the flower is placed correctly!"

Ah, this beauty is a Chinese rose

Superstitions about the beautiful slender hibiscus (scientific name for the Chinese rose) began to appear from the moment the extravagant plant was widespread. Homeland Hibiscus rosa-sinensis two territories are considered: the southern part of China, and the northern one - Indochina.

And in Malaysia, the miracle shrub is a national flower - the Malaysians call it "bungaraya". A tourist can find the image of a decorative rose on the coins of the country and in the symbols of solemn state events.

The appearance of the plant attracts with its unusual beauty - it resembles a tree with numerous green leaves, smooth and shiny, shiny. Hibiscus grows up to 3 meters high. During the flowering period, which, by the way, lasts seven whole months, it is covered with beautiful buds with a diameter of about 16 mm.

The heat-loving nature of the Chinese rose should be taken into account. In winter, the temperature in the greenhouse is allowed at least 12 0 C. In summer, in the room where the exotic pet has settled, it is impossible to overheat above 25 0 C.

To numerous questions: is hibiscus harmful, what does its flowering say, is it possible to keep it at home, signs give ambiguous answers. Most of them are associated precisely with disruptions in the normal growth of the plant and the influence of the temperature regime - you will understand this now!

Before taking on faith the terrible omens, exclude the possibility of improper care of hibiscus: humidity, temperature, soil, timely watering, sun exposure - all factors must be taken into account when growing an Asian miracle.

If you are sure that you are doing everything in the right care, and it loses leaves, turns yellow and rotts - perhaps a grateful rose warns the owner of the imperceptibly developing illness of someone close (or himself). Or hints that you should be careful to avoid an accident.

Check your health with specialists. If there was a detrimental effect, you probably noticed a number of signs indicating it - try to analyze the events taking place from the moment the flower began to die.

And remember, if you believe in and fear bad omens, you are automatically targeted. Be optimistic and consider the Chinese rose a beautiful flower that gives joy to those who look at it, then tune in to the positive and enjoy the extravagant flower next to you.

And if you cannot calm down the anxiety associated with the information received, choose another unpretentious plant - geranium or

With disbelief, and then with curiosity, after hearing Tatyana's detailed story about the wonderful properties of the plant's scarlet flowers, the granny grumbled a little more for the sake of appearance, and then smiled and hugged her granddaughter, saying tenderly.

Hibiscus or chinese rose - one of the plants that many grow indoors. The popularity of this home flower is due to its unpretentious growing conditions.

The plant does not react too sharply to temperature changes, it can grow in rooms with a wide variety of lighting. It is easy to care for, and the hibiscus produces beautiful flowers. But still, there are several rules for caring for a Chinese rose, and there are also many folk examples and beliefs. It's not for nothing that hibiscus is called the flower of death. Let's look at everything in order.

How to care for a flower?

The most common type of Chinese rose is syrian hibiscus... It is he who is most often grown indoors, since he is not whimsical to weather conditions. The only thing that needs to be seriously monitored is the degree of moisture in the plant. The Chinese rose does not like drying out very much. And in the case of a lack of moisture, it can not only stop producing beautiful flowers, but also completely dry out.

But in order for the plant to feel comfortable, bloom regularly and reproduce well, several aspects of care must be observed.

Hibiscus is a tropical plant, and therefore the conditions should be close to this climate.

Place the flower is needed on windowsills with good lighting. The plant is not very whimsical and will grow even in dark places, but in this case, hibiscus will not please with its flowering. In this case, it is necessary to protect the Chinese rose from direct sunlight with the best, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and wither.

Comfortable temperature for hibiscus - from -15 ° С in winter to + 25 ° С in summer. The plant is very fond of fresh air and will grow well if taken outside in warm weather sometimes. In this case, drafts must be avoided.

Moisture is especially importantfor hibiscus. The Chinese rose should not only be watered regularly, but the leaves should be sprayed, and sometimes a warm shower should be done. The latter procedure will not only help maintain optimal moisture in the leaves, but also rid the plant of the spider mite, which is the main problem of the Chinese rose. You can moisten the plant in another way: using a pallet with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Another important condition. When spraying hibiscus leaves, you need to be careful not to fall on the flowers. Otherwise, they can simply crumble. The regularity of watering the soil depends on the speed of its drying. You need to check the moisture content by 2-3 cm.

Fertilize hibiscusyou need the following way. In summer, it is necessary to use fertilizer for flowering plants, feeding the Chinese rose once every 2 weeks. And in the winter - to use potash-phosphorus fertilizers. But in winter, you need to feed hibiscus only if the plant is blooming.

Prune a chinese roseneeded in the spring before replanting the plant. Pruning is only needed to increase the number of inflorescences. It is necessary to transplant hibiscus annually until the plant is 5-6 years old, after which this procedure will need to be carried out much less frequently: once every 3-4 years.

When does the plant bloom?

Being tropical plant, the Chinese rose can bloom all year round. But for this you need to observe all of the above conditions and practically avoid errors in caring for the plant. With home care, this is not always possible; it is especially difficult to create sufficiently bright lighting in winter or optimal moisture in summer.

therefore indoor hibiscus blooms on average 2-3 months a year: from July to September. The flowers of the Chinese rose are large enough and reach a diameter of 10-15 cm. In shape, they resemble something in between a bell and a cup. The color of the bud can be different and depends on the type of hibiscus. The most common flowers are bright red, purple with white edging, pink, blue and white flowers.

What if the hibiscus doesn't bloom?

The main reasons why chinese rose does not bloom, are as follows:

  • Lack of light.
  • Overfed with fertilizers (in this case, the plant has a lot of foliage and no buds at all).
  • Deficiency of nutrients (characterized not only by the absence of buds, but also by falling leaves, yellowing).
  • Lack of moisture (buds will form and immediately fall off).

Folk omens and beliefs

Exist many superstitions associated with hibiscus... It is often called the flower of death. But keeping this plant at home does not mean living in troubles and sorrows. You just need to pay attention to some signs. So, it is believed that flowering chinese rose - an unkind sign. But this does not apply to all cases, but only those when hibiscus begins to bloom at an uncharacteristic time for it. There are other signs that seem quite contradictory and not always clear.

Leaves turn yellow and fall: what does this mean?

It would seem that if hibiscus blooming at an unusual time is a harbinger of trouble, then yellowing and withering flowers are, on the contrary, a good sign. But, unfortunately, when the leaves of a Chinese rose fall, it also does not mean anything good. Most often it is a signal of the development of a serious illness in the owner of the plant or other people living in the apartment.

It should be noted that often the disease proceeds latently, without any pronounced symptoms. And the owner discovers her too late. That's why chinese rose and is called the flower of death... And if hibiscus begins to fall off or wither in the house, it will not be superfluous to undergo an examination.

Impact on personal life

It is difficult to unambiguously characterize the Chinese rose in terms of its impact on the owner's personal life. Some believe that hibiscus will be a great addition to a single girl's apartment, as it will quickly help to establish a personal life and find a partner. This popular prediction is clouded by another omen that says it will be impossible to create strong ties.

Many beliefs attribute chinese rose to the category of flowers-muzhegon... So, it is believed that having a hibiscus at home, you can forget about family well-being: quarrels, misunderstandings and resentments will begin, and as a result, the man will completely leave his wife.

Chinese hibiscus - evergreen shrub from the Malvov family... Reaches a height of 3 m. It has dark green smooth leaves. The birthplace of culture is South China and North India. The Chinese rose has nothing to do with the pink family. Flowers of bright saturated shades of this plant with a diameter of up to 16 cm became the reason for the second "speaking" name.

For some reason, Chinese hibiscus is called the flower of death and it is believed that it cannot be grown in an apartment. This is due to the fact that in the homeland of the plant there is a sign: during the flowering of hibiscus buds, misfortune, illness or even death comes to the house.

Reference! Popular superstition is based only on the fact that the plant blooms in large single flowers of a blood-red frightening color.

Chemical composition

In terms of composition, hibiscus leaves are 70% carbohydrates, 15% protein, 5% fats and up to 10% in the total volume of ash, phosphorus and potassium. In the fruits of the plant there is practically no protein, there is a lot of fat and the number of carbohydrates also predominates.

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Protein: 0.43 g.
  • Fats: 0.65 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 7.41 g.
  • Macronutrients: potassium 9 mg, calcium 1 mg, magnesium 1 mg, phosphorus 3 mg.
  • Trace elements: iron 8.64 mg, copper 0.073 mg, zinc 0.12 mg.

Benefits for the body

Hibiscus leaves and flowers are most commonly used as medicines. The seeds are necessary for the preparation of the extract used in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and phytology. Hibiscus fruits, being high in calories, are rich in vitamins and minerals (phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, niacin) useful and necessary for the body.

Is it worth growing on the window or not?

Today, the Chinese rose is widely used in gardening. New varieties of this ornamental plant with flowers of different shades and sizes have been bred. Hibiscus does not withstand too low and too high temperatures, so in Russia it is ideal as a houseplant. With proper care, the Chinese rose can grow beautifully even on northern windows.... The optimum temperature for growing a Chinese rose: in summer - 22 degrees, in winter - 15 degrees.

How poisonous is the flower?

Not everyone knows that "karkade" or red tea is nothing more than brewed Chinese rose petals. The plant has a number of medicinal properties. However, tea made from Chinese rose flowers is not recommended for people with high acidity of the stomach, gastritis. This contributes to the development of ulcers.

Important! Expectant mothers should also stop using karkade. Tea increases the tone of the uterus, which can cause premature birth and various complications.

How does hibiscus affect the human body?

Since ancient times, the Chinese rose has been used to treat many ailments and has a positive effect on overall health.

Plant in the interior: winning design options

In terms of floriculture, growing hibiscus at home is a pleasure... With proper care, this plant grows into a beautiful tree with amazing flowers. They do not last long - about 2 days, but new buds appear quite often.

So that households can always enjoy a beautiful and healthy plant, you need to choose a bright and spacious place in the apartment in advance for it. The best option is on the floor in the corner of the room. Hibiscus will green any room, it will perfectly fit into any interior and decorate it. Another option is to put the pot on a warmed loggia, creating an imitation of a winter garden.

Why can't it sometimes be bred at home?

Hibiscus also has several disadvantages. The plant can grow quite impressive for an ordinary apartment - up to 3 meters. Also, the stalk of a Chinese rose is quite expensive compared to other indoor flowers and is very often exposed to pests.

You can not keep hibiscus at home with allergies or individual flower intolerance. It is also not recommended to put the plant in homes where there are animals or small children. Generally the plant is not poisonous, and the decision whether to grow it or not is made by the person himself.

Today, the Chinese rose, despite its beauty, can be found mainly in office and administrative buildings. I would like to believe that the bad fame about this beautiful plant will fade, and it can be seen in the apartment of every grower.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video about the signs associated with hibiscus:

Hibiscus, popularly called the Chinese rose, is the flower of our grandmothers. But even today it can often be seen among home flowers. Even more often, the plant is used to decorate the interior in office buildings. This is due to its decorative and unpretentious care. Nevertheless, it is widely believed in popular belief that the Chinese rose should not be kept in the house. Such superstition came from the homeland of the flower, from South China, where it is believed that during its flowering various misfortunes, illnesses and even death can come to the house.

Are there any objective reasons

There are no objective reasons for the emergence of such prejudices. The plant does not emit harmful toxins, no toxic substances were found in its leaves. Other flowers like to coexist next to the Chinese rose. And not everyone knows that it is from the dried inflorescences of hibiscus that the beloved hibiscus tea is made.

Someone does not even suspect that hibiscus tea is dried inflorescences of the Sudanese rose, a close relative of the Chinese rose

Signs and superstitions

There are many superstitions associated with the Chinese rose, among them there are both positive and negative.

Positive beliefs

It is believed that a strong masculine principle is inherent in the flower, capable of charging the surrounding space with the energy of movement. He, like a sponge, absorbs the destructive energy of laziness and fills the space with vitality. Therefore, there are opinions that it is useful for people to be passive next to a Chinese rose, with low blood pressure and heart pathologies. In folk medicine, Chinese rose flowers are used to treat skin inflammations.

In Malaysia, hibiscus was elevated to the rank of a sacred plant and even placed its image on the state emblem.

Hibiscus flower can be seen on the coat of arms of Malaysia

According to the teachings of feng shui, the Chinese rose not only serves as a decoration for the place where it grows, but also protects it, neutralizing negative energy and strengthening family relationships and business ties.

Negative beliefs

One may be perplexed about the fact that the Chinese rose is also called the flower of death, but such a name stuck to it in popular beliefs:

  • It is believed that if a flower does not bloom in time, this is a signal for misfortune in the life of its owners. And if the leaves began to fall, expect illness, and even death.
  • You can also find a belief that the presence of a Chinese rose in married couples has a destructive effect: quarrels, partings begin, and perhaps the termination of relations altogether.

I don't really believe in the omens and superstitions associated with plants. It seems to me that the relationship between family members depends on themselves, on how each of them contributes to this relationship. And, alas, there is still no Chinese rose among the plants in my house. I believe that it is so large that it will only feel comfortable in large rooms.

Video about Chinese rose (hibiscus)

Knowing the omens and beliefs most likely will not hurt. But it is hardly worth believing in them fanatically. In any case, you will have to decide whether to plant a flower at home or not. If you really want to, then you can try.

Nothing decorates a home like indoor plants. When buying or accepting a living flower in a pot as a gift, we rarely think about the secrets that it conceals in itself. Moreover, each house, woman, man, child has a certain flower that will enhance his accumulated success and well-being.

But it also happens the other way around, there are flowers that can change the course of events for the worse. One of these is the hibiscus or Chinese rose.

Perhaps the badge of failure was not justified. A series of negative events in families was attributed to the innocent flower, which he witnessed.

There would be another plant in its place, it was the culprit. What is true and what is not, one can only guess. But one cannot completely exclude the existence of magic incomprehensible to many.

Hibiscus bloom as a sign

Sign: For a long time, hibiscus bloom has been believed to attract health problems and even death. During flowering, it impregnates every corner of the house with negative energy, penetrates into souls and sows unpleasant emotions among residents.

It is for this reason that hibiscus takes root well in the light corridors of various medical institutions.

Scientific fact: But wait ahead of time to panic. This is a flower and in its nature to bloom - it cannot do otherwise. For seven months, from April to October, with proper care, the Chinese rose will delight the eye with its continuous flowering.

But uncharacteristic flowering for another period of the year can become a negative sign.

Falling leaves as a warning

Sign: It turns out that not only the flowering of hibiscus is a bad sign, but its withering flowers and leaves are also fraught with danger. It would seem that if a flower fades, then all problems with it go into the past and disappear forever, but this is not so.

Darkened falling leaves are considered a harbinger of serious illness in a family member. Superstitious people, seeing this sign, should pay attention to their health and be examined.

Scientific fact: Leaves fall off in many plants. And if they first turn yellow or dry out, then, probably, the matter is in improper care. Perhaps you have pests. Leaves also fall due to excessive watering and lack of sun.

Hibiscus as a love spell

Not all signs associated with this flower have a negative impact. For young girls and single women, beautiful blooming hibiscus is a real magnet that attracts love. It is they who are strongly advised to keep this beautiful flower at home.

For married couples in whose family quarrels and discord have settled, hibiscus will help refresh feelings, and sharpen ardor and passion.

However, the flower is also called "muzhegon". If a girl's hibiscus grows at home, then family relationships will not develop and her marriage will become short-lived.

According to some reports, this plant is used in magical rituals to establish the celibacy crown.

Attitudes towards hibiscus in other countries

Surprisingly, the mystical charm of hibiscus only works in Eastern Europe. On the Fiji Islands, this flower is of particular value.

The Fijians hold an annual festival in honor of this fiery plant. In other countries of our planet, residents have no complaints about the flower, so they grow it and admire the beauty of its large buds.

Believe the omens or not, keep the flower in the house or get rid of it - it's up to you. Be guided by common sense and the fact that our faith triggers the mechanism will also accept superstition.

The problems that have arisen in the house with the acquisition of a flower may not go away with its disappearance. Therefore, you should not blame the unfortunate plant for all the troubles.

Of course, if the belief in the supernatural is so strong that it interferes with a normal life, and the wine that you put on the flower, like a "bug" stuck in your head, then it is better to get rid of it. Your own peace of mind is dearer than any plant.