Chinese horoscope snake. full characterization of the sign. compatibility with other signs

People born in the year of the Snake are philosophers and thinkers. Their undoubted advantages are endurance and patience. "Snakes" characterized by a craving for well-being and prosperity, which is given to them exclusively after long work. Adventure "snakes" are contraindicated. A big plus of "snakes" is their inherent unique ability to renew and recover - after a serious physical illness or after a mental or mental trauma. They prefer to be in the shade most of the time. "Snakes" do not commit any actions without thinking them over beforehand and diligently, and very rarely resort to spontaneous actions. As a rule, "snakes" set themselves a single goal and use all the forces and means to achieve it. If it is impossible to go to the goal in a direct way, the "snake" will creep in a zigzag: for the "snake" all means are good. Sometimes the "snake", convinced that great goals are destined for it, spends its entire life waiting for the "finest hour", mediocrely wasting its life on "great expectation", instead of living.

The main problem of "snakes" is that they do not listen to anyone's advice and do not learn from mistakes. Defeat and failure "snakes" endure very hard, for years mentally returning to their failures, experiencing them again and again. The "snakes" ponder each step for a long time and, even having developed a plan of action, do not immediately start the action itself. It is easier for them to adapt to the changes taking place around them than to try to change something in the current situation, the more to change themselves. "Snakes" cannot live without a partner, whom they choose for a long time and meticulously. In the family, they prefer to be leaders.

In adolescence, "snakes" conquer hearts with their irresistible charm, in maturity - intellect and erudition.

Born in the year of the Snake

Stasis Krasauskas (06/01/1929), Mikhail Anikushin (09/30/1917), Jean Sartre (06/21/1905), Alexandra Pakh-mutova (11/09/1929), Lyudmila Zykina (06/10/1929), Andrey Mironov (03/08/1941), Valery Zolotukhin (06/22/1941), John F. Kennedy (05/29/1917), Indira Gandhi (11/19/1917), Nicolae Ceausescu (01/26/1918), Tigran Petrosyan (06/17/1929).

The snake belongs to the Yang group. In the Eastern horoscope, this is the sixth sign. The sign of the Serpent controls the time interval from 9 to 11 am. Her season is spring, it brings her good luck in everything, and the peak of this period is May. In the European zodiac, the Serpent corresponds to Taurus. Its element is Fire. The color that brings her prosperity and happiness is green and red. Plants and flowers that bring her good luck - thistle, fern, heather and all kinds of plants that grow among the stones. The best countries for the Snake to live are Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South CIS, Peru.

Years of the sign of the Snake in our century

  • 1905 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 - element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 - element of the year water


Muhammad Ali, Antonio Bernie, Heinrich Belle, Pavel Virsky, Jean Vigo, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Indira Gandhi, Vasily Grossman, Vladislav Gomulko, Lyudmila Zykina, Dmitry Zorin, Grigory Kozintsev, John Kennedy, Ferdinand Markoe, Alexei Kozlovsky, Art , Vera Panova, Gemal-Abdel, Tigran Petrosyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Maria Smirnova, Bob Hawk, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesse Jackson, Anriy Matisse, Mao-Tse-Tung, Pablo Picasso, Aristotle Garbossis, Gretele Onassis, Gretele Onassis, Edgar Allan, Charles Darwin, Giacomo Casanova, André Gide, Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, Johannes Brahms, Audrey Hepburn, Bela Bartok, Anna Pavlova, Gustave Dora, Denis Diderot, Johann Wolfgang, Dmitry Dostoevsky, Heinrich Heine , Luther King, Louis Philippe.

In Christian culture, the sign of the Snake has a bad reputation, but in the East, the complete opposite of the Snake is revered and loved for its wisdom, benevolence and ingenuity. If, for example, in Japan, when a woman wants to pay a compliment, she is told that you look like a Snake, then in the West it is considered an insult. The flexible and silent Serpent is a master of grace and trickery. It is present in all legends, and causes conflicting feelings: desire and anxiety, antipathy and sympathy. The snake is a mysterious companion of the unknown. She is the personification, of the highest degree of initiation, into the great mysteries of knowledge. In Eastern and Indian Yoga, as well as in Tibetan Buddhism, it symbolizes - the flow of Kundalini energy, going from the root of the spine to the head. This energy unites the path of life with the spiritual. Liberation and awakening - Kundalini is the main stage of spiritual formation and opens parapsychological abilities in a person - clairvoyance, levitation, telepathy and much more.

A snake can reveal mysterious dreams to a person, sending him to mysterious worlds and also unexpectedly catch him by surprise. The sacred goddess Ophidia was depicted in the form of a snake - this is the god of the sea and the earth, an evil demon living in mud, in swamps, in water. She came to us from the dark depths of our subconscious, filling our dreams with fantasies. She is associated with the culture of ancient China as the founding father of the Chinese emperor.

When the world consisted of chaos, and everything was not organized between heaven and earth, Pan-Ku was born. Thanks to Pan-Ku, the earth was warmed by the sun, stars and planets were born, the moon shone. But our planet was empty until Nu-Wa appeared. He was very handsome, unusually intelligent, and his body was in the form of a Snake with the head of a man. Crawling on the ground, Nu-Wa was intoxicated with millions of smells, and he made them the scents of life. With his tail, he dug the earth and kneaded all this mass, until he created a creature whose body was like a monkey, and the head of a man. This is how the very first Chinese emperor was born.

There are many different legends about the Snake in the world. In Tibet there is a symbol of the Snake, it grabs itself by the tail, which means eternal renewal. In the Book of the Dead in Tibetan mythology it is written: "I am Sata, the Serpent living in the far corners of our planet, I am born, I die, I am renewed and every day I become younger." In all religions, the Snake means a symbol of wisdom, and is also a source of excitement. Who will not be afraid of the Snake and will not back down? There are no such daredevils, because a person's reaction to a snake is disgust and fear, and if it is also poisonous, then disgust and fear for it are endless.

If you drop superstitious fear and start observing the Snake, then you can see aesthetics and beauty in it. It is a brilliant and delicate animal, paralyzing and poisonous, endowed with magical powers. In the Bible, the Serpent brought chaos to life by tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden, but let's not forget that this is the appearance in which Satan was. This is all appearance, because of her we condemn the Snake, her appearance is a very heavy burden. The same analogy from the Bible has been used in Chinese mythology. She is depicted in it as the Serpent Seducer, who possesses the strongest hypnosis, which is difficult to resist. The snake is the only sign of the zodiac, which is difficult to resist, it has an inner light, you cannot fail to see it.


People of the sign of the Snake are happy if they were born in a hot summer. They love wild and dry spaces under sunny skies. A snake born on a hot lunch hour will be happier than a snake born on a cold night. If she was born in winter, and even on the night of severe frosts, then various dangers will lie in wait for her in life. She feels great in the heat and does not like rains and cold weather.

The Snake usually has a happy childhood, but only in a good and warm family. Her youth also passes without problems, but as she matures, she has various troubles on the emotional plane and various temptations.

In old age, the Snake gains wisdom, but the fire of love always remains, and can bring them a lot of anxiety.


People born under the zodiac sign of the Snake are well-mannered and elegant people. They look sophisticated and have something exciting about them. They are polite, very outgoing and always welcoming. Snakes are adorable and romantic in society they always attract attention. They have a great sense of humor, great interlocutors, so they focus on themselves. They know how to talk with people, attracting them with their mystery. Thoughtful reflection and good looks are well combined in these people, which makes them simply irresistible. These are extravagant people who have their own taste and love to dress beautifully.

People under the sign of the Snake have the ability to educate, they grasp everything instantly. These people are intelligent, deep and thoughtful. By nature, they are thinkers and philosophers. People under the sign of the Snake are very fond of reading and make good use of their knowledge. These people get great pleasure in sharing knowledge and thoughts in heated discussions, while they need dialogue like air, and their interlocutors are very pleasant. They have a rare deep mind, they are very quick-witted and always give wise answers. Their judgments cannot be said to be superficial.

People of the Snake do not like anger, avoid noisy people and vulgarity. They are very fond of music, very much in need of a standing ovation and adore honors, and when they are earned, they are very proud of themselves. Snakes will never waste time gossiping.

At birth, snakes have an inner gift of intuition that borders on clairvoyance. They see people through and penetrate into their subconsciousness. They trust their inner instincts more, pay attention to their own sympathies and feelings, and not to facts and other people's opinions. They often learn from their own mistakes, but rarely make mistakes.

In life, people born under the sign of the Snake behave peacefully, calmly, love stability and harmony. They can easily adapt to any environment and quickly settle down. They have an iron will that protects them without hesitation and makes them fight for their moral and material goals. In this case, they know how to react instantly, show their poisonous teeth. Snakes do not really like unnecessary body movements, and therefore, if possible, they doze.

They know how to work very efficiently and quickly, they do not like to postpone work until tomorrow what they can do today. They value their time very much, and when they have a free minute, they devote it to their favorite activities. These people consider their favorite pastime: repairing, rearranging things, resting outside the city, after finishing their business, they can sleep for a long time. But, if they set a goal for themselves, they can remove any obstacles. They make decisions instantly, and, as a rule, they do not change them anymore.

The snake is the sixth sign of the eastern calendar. Western culture associates it with cunning and meanness, while the Chinese, on the contrary, consider it a symbol of wisdom and tranquility.

Year of the Snake characterization of the sign

In the European calendar, the Serpent corresponds to the sign Taurus. Peopleborn in the year of the Snake have a set of happy reds and greens. All the flowers growing among the stones, as well as fern, thistle and heather will bring good luck.

Positive qualities of the mark

The creature is endowed with extreme determination. Temperament allows you to achieve any set goals. Among the positive features are:

  • Pickiness. She will hone her skills and demand the same from others until she achieves the perfect result. Superbly manages the work collective, successfully brings the team to the desired result.
  • Observation. He subtly feels the moods and desires of people, notices any changes in behavior, making him an excellent psychoanalyst.
  • Wisdom. The Year of the Snake brings slowness in decision-making, forcing you to think for a long time about the pros and cons. Together with observation, it forms the backbone of behavior.
  • Cunning. Cleverly bypasses all obstacles, applying mindfulness to use individuals in their ideas.
  • Purposefulness. The meaning of life is to set a goal (love or materialistic) and go towards it, regardless of the circumstances. Other areas of life remain out of sight.
  • Elegance. At social events, it is difficult not to notice the Snake: the ability to present oneself and look "with a needle" is her strong point.

Negative qualities of the mark.

For those born in the year of the Snake, the characteristic also contains negative aspects. A person is cold, secretive, closed, it is difficult to understand him: he hides true feelings and intentions. It is revealed only to a few, but if this happened, then the lucky one understands that the reptile is a reliable companion.

Negative traits:

Prudence. Quality helps in the implementation of the plan, but in what way: eliminates competitors, looking for weaknesses, uses forbidden techniques, methodically waits for the mistakes of enemies.

Greed. He always saves money, often hurting himself and his family.

Composure. Having a great will, he longs to see it in others. He does not know a feeling of compassion and participation, but he has special affection for family people and sympathizes with their failures.

Closure. Upon contact, society characterizes her as an uncommunicative person. In fact, he prefers to keep his thoughts and plans to himself.

Best birth dates, months and times

The most successful numbers of the sign are two, eight, nine and numbers containing these numbers (for example, 28 or 29), but they say that the real Serpent is born on the first and 23rd of the lunar month. These months are January, August and November. The favorite season is spring, it gives good luck in everything, and the peak of luck is in May. The period of active action is from 9 am to 11 am.

Most suitable professions

The choice of vocation comes from the basic traits - intelligence, pragmatism and slowness. Dislikes areas with increased danger. More often than not, he acts with restraint, without haste, but when the situation requires it, he can jerkily deal with important problems and find the right solutions to complex problems.

Serpentine cunning manifests itself in the work collective: gossip, intrigue become a pleasant pastime. In the race to succeed in personal or financial life, he risks losing friends. Born in the year of the Snake, when it comes to a career, they are ready for any forbidden tricks.

A flexible mind provides an opportunity to flow into any area. In particular, work is developing successfully in philosophy, psychology and psychiatry. Success in astrology, fortune-telling, work as a psychic is possible.

Composure and discipline help to carry out military service, work in law enforcement agencies or play sports. Purposefulness and passion for sports help to achieve recognition in any field.

Thanks to insight and observation, it is perfect for the role of a leader. Observing the team, they can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each person, click on the necessary "points". They are born educators (teachers and trainers).

Love and relationships

People born in the years of the Snake can seduce anyone. Because of laziness, they often leave a partner if they do not feel the same return in love. The snake is very jealous, requires a lot of attention, because the center of the universe is concentrated in it. Neither work nor friends should distract from her beloved. If the requirements are met, the reptile stays close to the partner, enjoying the attention and care.

She's not very loyal, especially men. Flirting is a kind of norm for them. But there is no need to arrange scenes, this will offend the subtle nature. Having met a person with whom they share common interests, it blossoms and begins to twine around a partner. Despite the love to look to the side, extremely jealous natures. Those of the representatives who meet the ideal and create long-term relationships will find spiritual harmony.

Children born in the year of the snake

The Snake child is a strong personality. He will not cry and beg from his parents, but will sit down and slowly think over the situation. Developed intuition and caution will allow you to come to the optimal solution. The influence of the reptile endows them with anger and vindictiveness, outweighing calmness and poise.

Children are disciplined, they know how to plan the day, they know the approach to a person, using intelligence and a great sense of humor. With such merits, they do not tolerate noisy companies, sharing their society only with loved ones. There are few of them due to mistrust and caution. At first glance, they are cold and withdrawn, but they will open up to caring parents and become a great gift.

Snakelings prefer silence, spend their leisure time reading books or an easel. Meticulous and slow, they love logic puzzles. They can be easily entrusted with a responsible business.


Children born in the year of the Snake are prone to colds. It is worth watching carefully, because they keep all the problems to themselves. The child gets tired quickly, often suffers from headaches. Sports activities will be a preventive measure.


When the Year of the Snake comes, a multifaceted personality appears in the family. A keen mind, logical thinking, perseverance allow them to express themselves in intellectual activity. They love to read, especially to collect gift items.

Safety is paramount, therefore children are tied to the house, they even arrange their place in the apartment themselves. They can make great designers. They do not like sports, but they have good physical fitness.


Savvy snakes easily master the school curriculum, the only obstacle is laziness. Particularly successful in the humanities. They amaze literature teachers with their answers in the classroom, they can even write poetry.

Thanks to responsibility, organizational skills and a talent for understanding people, the children of the Snake are chosen by the class leaders. Despite the intelligence and perseverance, they rarely become excellent students.

Which of the five types of Snake is your

In the Chinese horoscope there are not only 12 signs of the zodiac, but also 5 elements: fire, air, water, earth and metal. A person is influenced not only by the year of his birth, but also by the element that controls the coming year.

People who do not know for sure are interested in whether they were born in the years of the Snake, what years are attributed to this reptile. If we start counting from the beginning of the 20th century, then they will be: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1953, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013. Let's figure out the types of snakes over which various elements rule.

The Wood Snake comes first (1905, 1965). The patronage of a tree gives a craving for communication, the ability to properly build a conversation, achieving their goals. Intelligence and vanity, honesty and directness are inherent in the character. The creeping creature has plenty of friends and admirers, because with their qualities they make society want to communicate. For tree reptiles, early spring with strong gusts of wind is ideal weather. Stone on the outside, inside it has a fine mental organization, appreciates peace and comfort.

Fire snake (1917 and 1977). He quenches his passion while traveling. She directly expresses her opinion to those who do not like it. She knows how to joke that he can bring her victory in this field. Born in the year of the Snake they are active and energetic, have the habits of leaders, a well-delivered speech, but at the same time they are distrustful and suspicious. A passionate desire for power accompanies the achievement of the plan.

Comfortable climate - hot summer. An emotional fiery reptile should not lose his temper, since the heart is her weak point.

Earthen snake (1929, 1989). The most balanced type. The reptile is wise and reasonable, unhurried and calm. Most of all other types open up to others, trying to see only the good. This allows you to be faithful and honest with family and friends. Knows how to handle money, saving and multiplying.

They are in love with their home and try to spend more time there. But you can't constantly leave the reptile at home, otherwise depression is inevitable. The comfortable time for this species is the end of summer with a predominance of wet weather. The connection with the earth will ensure a harmonious existence, so the earth snake needs to get out into nature more often.

The metal snake (1941 and 2001) is a sleepy creature that loves loneliness. She is smart, but too vulnerable, nevertheless, the lion's share of ambition allows her to take a leading position. Feeling the situation well, he takes decisive actions that bring her wealth and comfort. A reptile rarely makes mistakes, but if it does, it will fight until its last breath.

She is always tense and therefore worries, not showing the lack of emotions that can be experienced by letting go of the situation a little. Dry autumn weather has a beneficial effect on her well-being.

The water Snake (1953, 2013) closes the top five - the most naive and magnanimous of the representatives of the elements. She loves to learn the unknown and agrees to learn all her life. At the same time, he has a phenomenal memory and effortlessly processes large volumes of complex information. Such people are ideal for the role of scientists or researchers.

Reflecting the nature of its element, the water Serpent easily endures all failures, maintaining self-control. Staying true to herself uses everyone for her own purposes.

Snake compatibility with other signs

It is important for those born in the year of the Snake to know which years are best suited for building a family. Let's look at the perspectives of relationships with other animals.

Women are wise and purposeful, they always achieve what they want. But they will not create strong, long-term relationships without strong love. If she is lucky to find a sensual partner and a favorite thing, then she can fully realize herself in life. The family will always coexist with a career, otherwise it will wither away in household chores.

Due to sexuality and attractiveness, a partner should always pay attention to his chosen one, otherwise she will prefer someone else. She is practical, but always gives love to the chosen one. The need for personal space does not affect the understanding that leads to the success of a long marriage.

Common interests will arise in alliance with the Dragon and. Romance and love will become the basis for interaction with or. and are not suitable for a picky creature, the union will take place only with a large age difference. Stable and soulful connections will be obtained by contact with, or a representative of your sign.

Balance and calmness are inherent in a man. Golden hands will do any housework, and assertiveness will support the passion in all matters. Thanks to rationality, logical thinking and slowness, it is easy for the Snake to gain recognition in business or in the military field.

For a man born in the year of the Snake, some praise for his actions is simply necessary. The wife must direct the irrepressible energy of the husband of the Snake, otherwise she will evaporate in petty matters.


The snake is wise and persistent. Like other animals of the Zodiac, the reptile is multifaceted: rancor and vindictiveness coexist in it with love for loved ones. Some people consciously choose this sign for the birth of their children. When is the year of the Snake next? If the last time she crawled out was in 2013, then the next time she should be expected in 2025.

Year of the Snake

Start Date End Date Related Element Celestial Branch

02/10/1929 01/29/1930 Yin Earth Ji Xi
01/27/1941 02/14/1942 Yin Metal Xin Xi
02/14/1953 02/02/1954 Yin Water Gui Xi
02/02/1965 01/20/1966 Yin Wood Yai Xi
02/18/1 977 02/06/1978 Yin Fire Ding Xi
02/06/1989 01/26/1990 Yin Earth Ji Xi
01/24/2001 02/11/2002 Yin Metal Xin Xi
02/10/2013 01/30/2014 Yin Water Gui Xi
01/29/2025 02/16/2026 Yin Wood Yai Xi

Business work is a hobby for a snake

People under the Serpent badge have favorable luck for careers, wealth, and interpersonal relationships. However, you should talk less and do more to avoid controversy. People under the sign of the Snake are suitable for those professions in which they can fully show their talent. Tasks that are stressful, hard, pointless and repetitive should not be for the Snake, such professions should be strictly avoided. In the fields of art, culture, aesthetics and literature, they could develop their full abilities. Snake people usually have a strong sixth sense and keen intuition. Thus, in the field of religion, they can work happily. In addition, suitable jobs for them include TV presenter, model, athlete, designer and more.

Date of publication: 13.11.2012

What does astrology say about people born in the year of the Snake? What qualities have the stars endowed them with? Our horoscope will not only answer all these questions, but also tell about the areas of success, compatibility with other symbols of the eastern horoscope, and also give an accurate description of the Snakes in terms of their zodiacal sign.

Let me introduce you: Snake

The snake is an impassive and cold creature. However, at a critical moment, a lightning-fast reaction is found in it. With incredible speed, she makes a throw in the direction of the violator of her peace, and often this turns out to be fatal for him.

It is the snake - according to the Eastern and Western traditions too - that is the personification of wisdom and insight. Probably, this opinion was confirmed because initially she is not aggressive and does not do evil without a reason.

And there is also something devilish in the snake, but at the same time bewitching. One has only to remember who exactly was Adam's seducer, or imagine the notorious pair of boa constrictor-rabbit.

Well, the "bouquet" comes out extraordinary and peculiar. So what are they, these astrological Serpents? Let's try to figure it out ...

Date of birth

In the next 2013, the Snake will come into its "rights" from February 10th. The year of the Black Snake will end on January 31, 2014.

Those who were born in the year 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, as well as those who will be born in 2013, can classify themselves as Snakes. -m.

Traits of those born in the year of the Snake

Snakes are primarily thinkers. They are attentive to themselves and sometimes do not notice the impressions and influences they have on others. They are taciturn and somewhat selfish. However, such a characteristic does not at all indicate that they are evil. Moreover, if the Snake finally realizes that it has become the cause of someone's problems, then it will certainly help, in any case, than it can.

Snakes are thoughtful and appreciate beauty. They willingly visit exhibition halls, galleries, theaters, wishing that the trickle of high impressions from the outside to their hearts did not dry out for a minute. And in everyday life, they are aesthetes and like to surround themselves with interesting people, good, expensive things, exquisite smells and the like. In addition, Snakes never fall "face down in the dirt" in conversation, they are always role models in dress, manners, speech. But, at the same time, the innate serpentine cunning makes itself felt, forcing them, if they suspect another person of simplicity, lack of taste or other "sins" of his, immediately begin to treat him with contempt and arrogance.

Snakes are considered prudent creatures, in whom everything is always planned, thought out and who cannot be taken by surprise. They perfectly sense critical or difficult moments and quickly navigate in such circumstances.

Obviously unfavorable for the Snakes are situations when they are placed in a certain rigid framework of restrictions. In such conditions, they become highly fatigued, they are completely lost, from this they fall into irritation or anger, and their activity loses most of the possible effectiveness.

Areas of Success

After all that has been said about Snakes, it is not surprising that the intellectual sphere is the optimal professional activity for them. First of all, they are excellent organizers, and this more than satisfactorily explains why there are so many executives among the Serpents.

The snake will never mark time, it will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to improve its professional level and expand the area of ​​general knowledge. In addition, such a person is able to keep in mind a lot of useful and simply interesting information and operate it successfully. As a result, Serpents make wonderful financiers, practical scientists, teachers, thinkers from philosophy and theology, lawyers.

And the ability to subtly feel and analyze their impressions of many Snakes make them devote themselves to the world of art. Therefore, among artists, actors, singers, and critics, there are also quite a few of them.

Snake and love

In love, the Snakes are romantic and know how to achieve the person on whom they "laid eyes". Having achieved what they want, they sometimes show an extreme degree of jealousy and possessiveness.

Snakes approach the choice of a partner carefully, they are very pretentious, even picky, as a rule, they always have a clear set of requirements and rules, which they require from their lover or beloved without fail. However, they usually do not burden themselves with such conventions, reserving the right to be free in deeds and words. And, of course, it is precisely such a system of double standards that often becomes a real stumbling block in the relationship of the Snake with its “half”.

But if, nevertheless, the Snake managed to reach a compromise in the family or a love relationship with a partner, then such a union will be stable and interesting for both.

Compatibility for the Snake by the Eastern horoscope

The best partners for the Snake are the Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster. The bull is hardy and efficient, he is able to provide the Snake with the way of life that she would like, and this is usually the key moment for her. The Snake and the Dragon will always be proud and admire each other. The Monkey and the Snake will "find" each other, first as intellectual partners, and only then the relationship that has arisen will strengthen, and so that this couple can go hand in hand through any difficulties and adversities. It is difficult to find a more elegant and memorable pair than the Snake and the Rooster, who, moreover, have minimized any chance of disagreement.

The Rat, Snake, Rabbit, Horse, Sheep and Dog are more or less suitable for the Snake. The Rat and the Snake are one of the illustrative examples of how people are able to adapt to each other; but whether and how long they will be able to adapt is a question that sometimes does not have an answer. Two Snakes can also live side by side for years, however, if there is even a hint of rivalry between them, it will mean a complete collapse, and love and other tender feelings will be completely forgotten. The Snake and the Rabbit have a lot in common - patience, aesthetics, prudence; but the Rabbit often sins with indecision, and this quality is very annoying to the Snake. The Horse and the Snake will be quite happy with each other, but only if one day the Horse does not feel that it is ringed with snake jealousy and total control. At first glance, the Snake and the Sheep will have an ideal union, which in fact can fall apart overnight for one banal reason - because of the low family income. The dog is ready to put up with many things in the Snake, but she will not be able to forgive her betrayals, and the Snake is far from being a one-man woman.

If a Tiger or a Pig meets on the way of the Snake, then it is better for her to bypass them. The tiger is impulsive, the Snake is inclined to contemplation, they live at different rates and will not be able to keep pace with life. The Snake will not be able to get along with the Pig due to the fact that she will be very angry at the simplicity and gullibility of such a partner.

Horoscope Snake and Zodiac


Aries is very serious and thoughtful, and this softens the Snake's selfishness to some extent. As a rule, the Serpent, born under the constellation Aries, is even more contemplative and attentive to detail. Thanks to Aries, a certain amount of practicality is added to the aestheticism of the Snake. This affects everyday life, finds a response in the professional sphere. That is, the Snake-Aries, for example, will no longer acquire a thing that is simply beautiful, but certainly one that she could also use. Such a person is stable in taste preferences in terms of fashion, vacation spots, etc. The sign of Aries, among other things, makes the Snake less wasteful.

Snake Taurus

Snake-Taurus is even more elegance and even more developed intuition. In addition, Taurus adds conscientiousness to the Serpent, and the Serpent "bestows" Taurus with financial luck. These people are curious, open to new ideas and knowledge, so the range of their interests is extremely wide. And since Taurus is subordinate to the elements of the Earth, then the Snake-Taurus has a lot of chances to comprehend the beauty of a completely earthly one - the beauty of the body. And from this, Snakes, born under the sign of Taurus, often become consummate lovers.

Snake Gemini

The sign of Gemini enhances the charm of the Snake. Snake-Gemini becomes inimitable attractive, but already without frightening mystery. These people, as a rule, have a great sense of humor, they know how to speak convincingly and conquer the interlocutor with their charm. True, such Snakes become somewhat talkative, but many people with whom fate brings them are ready to endure this lack in them.

Snake Cancer

Cancer is melancholy, scattered, sensitive through measure. But the Snake manages to perfectly correct the personal qualities of the representatives of this sign. Snake-Cancer appears before us as a person in a good sense, original, with its own style, with a considerable share of self-confidence. The snake gives Cancer even the ability to influence people, and the most pleasant thing is that, due to his own decency, Cancer will never use this ability to harm. In fact, the Cancer Snake is an excellent psychologist, reasonable and sincere.


Lions, having their symbol of the year of the Serpent, as a rule, are self-sufficient, straightforward and deeply decent people. They feel comfortable in large companies, but they can do well without them, not at all burdened by loneliness. These are wonderful friends who have enough strength to support and help in difficult times, they have the courage to speak the truth in person, without being hypocritical and without experiencing false shame.

Snake Virgo

Virgo is a philosopher whose theory is based on mercy, hard work, and benevolence. The snake represents a willingness to take responsibility, a quick reaction. As a result, the world is a person who is capable of quick adaptation in any conditions, resourceful, deeply thinking. In a word, he is almost a universal personality, who quickly “grasps” everything new and is able to achieve success with a guarantee. For such people, everything is in moderation - the desire for material goods, the desire to surround their lives with comfort, attempts to realize their ambitions. Now, if only there was less criticality towards ourselves ...

Snake Libra

The Libra snake is a type of person who is optimistic about life and is quite benevolent. The snake brings some stability to this character, Libra - unpretentiousness in the field of professional implementation. That is, such people no longer suffer from the increased moodiness characteristic of "pure" Libra, and they know how to enjoy any activity and pastime. But in order to understand their true essence, you will first have to communicate with them for a while. The Snake-Libra is by no means an open book, moreover, in order to “read” it, you will have to stock up on both attention and observation.

Snake Scorpio

Snakes-Scorpions are distinguished by pronounced charisma and ability to keep themselves. They seem to have an answer for everything, and they will only say what they want to be heard from them. True, there, in the shower, everything is not so smooth, but an outsider will never guess about it. However, an outsider will not be allowed even on the threshold of this ambiguous and crafty soul, because the circle of people who could reasonably be called friends among the Scorpio Snakes is small and outlined very clearly.

Snake Sagittarius

Snake-Sagittarius is a very interesting personality. Such a person is curious and inquisitive, he is always in search of new emotions and sensations. But thanks to the Snake, she manifests a steady craving for material goods. Therefore, the circle of interests of such a Sagittarius often definitely shifts precisely to the sphere of earnings and profits. And it is being successfully implemented. In addition, Snake-Sagittarius believe in fate and, as a result, sometimes let the search for a life partner take its course. But if (in their opinion) such a meeting has taken place, then Sagittarius's partner can be sure of his almost lifelong devotion.


Snakes-Capricorns are intellectuals and pragmatists. Their personal space and professional (and, of course, material) successes are still valuable to them. However, now they have become much more charming and sociable. Among other things, Capricorn-Snake is a fairly confident person. He is so confident that he approaches the search for a partner for family life very selectively and does not exchange for someone who is intellectually below his own level.


Snake-Aquarius is very lucky. This is expressed primarily in the business area. It is believed that such people are simply doomed to be successful in business. Indeed, they have everything they need for this - a convincing motivation for their actions, energy, the ability to perceive and process information in any volume, a willingness to take responsibility. Among other things, Aquarius Snakes feel like masters of the situation in their personal life. They are not afraid to be the first to express their feelings, to demonstrate interest in the development of relationships.


The snake, born under the constellation of Pisces, acquires more softness and impressionability. But the Pisces, whose symbol is the Snake, is already a person who is quite perceptive, more self-confident, with high demands for life. Well, a good symbiosis, especially since it gives the character of such people purposefulness, readiness for long-term relationships, high communication skills and, as a result, success.

Famous Serpents

The originality of the Serpent can lead any of them to a variety of areas of activity. History knows Serpent-artists, actors, politicians, outstanding scientists and thinkers, etc. So…

Who does not know the actors-Snakes A. Abdulov, R. Bykov, Audrey Hepburn, O. Borisov, V. Solomin, Greta Garbo, O. Dahl, A. Mironov. Is it possible to forget about P. Picasso, I. Brahms, G. Heine, I.V. Goethe, N.V. Gogole, F.M. Dostoevsky, G. Flaubert, V. Mayakovsky, S. Zweige, J.P. Sartre!

What are A. Kerensky, J. Kennedy, G. Kotovsky, A. Nobel, V. Roentgen, Madame M. Tussauds, L. Yashin, K. Tsiolkovsky ...

And it would be a sin not to mention our Serpent-contemporaries D.N. Medvedeva, A.N. Pakhmutov, V. Meladze, A. Makarevich, Yu. Lyubimov, B. Grebenshchikov.

People born in year of the snake, wisdom, intuition and discernment are inherent. Not everyone is given the sixth sense; those born in the year of the snake have it. The snake is often identified with danger. But do not be afraid of her until you yourself become dangerous to her. Being wise and absolutely not conflicting, the “snake” rarely has enemies or ill-wishers. After all, her natural charm cannot but charm, as if hypnotizing everyone around (especially charm is manifested in little “snakes”). But if such did appear, then the "snake" will try to get rid of such people, while carefully considering each step.

Endurance and patience are one of the biggest advantages of this sign. Born in year of the snake it is common to quickly recover from a physical, mental or mental shock. These are hardy people, ready to go through fire and water to achieve their goals. Having set itself a task, the "snake" will always achieve it. And the result will be excellent, she is sure of this. And to achieve victories, the "snake" will do everything possible, even if it takes a lot of time. She will certainly think over her plan of action well, go over all the options for the outcome of events in her head, only then, having found the right solution, will slowly but surely creep towards her goal.

As a rule, the "snake" is a loner. She feels absolutely calm in this state. The main thing is safety and comfortable, familiar conditions. Her real emotions and thoughts are a mystery to those around her, the “snake” is cold and restrained, as befits individuals of her species. Usually, those born this year are closed, not sociable people. Born in year of the snake, usually rely only on yourself, on your mind and intuition.

The “snake” experiences its failures and defeats very hard. She does not know how to lose and will think for a long time what went wrong or what she did wrong, why is everything not as she planned? Failures can unsettle the snake, but not for long. She will never tolerate insults. And to obey someone is not in her rules. “Snake” loves to be on top, to lead and be a leader.

The “snake” of course also chooses its partner for a very long time, meticulously. She needs someone who will support her in everything, understand who will listen to every word. Otherwise, she says goodbye to his partner, not a bit regretting. "Snake" is very jealous, she will never give her to anyone. The true warm feeling of love is hardly known to the “snake”. Nevertheless, the family and home for it play one of the most important roles in life. She will hold her companion tightly, with her partner she will be together for life. As a leader in life, she will be a leader in relationships, in the family. “Snakes” treat other people's children with caution and apprehension. But they love their children very much.

The happiest marriage can develop for people born in year of the snake with representatives of such signs as a bull, rabbit, boar, horse and rooster. Good friendships can develop with the "rat" and "dragon". You should not enter into a relationship with a “goat”, “monkey”, “tiger”, “dog” and “snake”. Two "snakes" can never be compatible. This is a dangerous union from which nothing good can be expected.