Cool photo on avu. Where you can download avatars for Viber for free

Avatars for women: how to choose what they mean.

The article will be useful to all users of social networks. You can add a good photo or change an avatar in a couple of minutes. But what a photo on a social network can tell and how to choose the right avatar, many do not think about it. We will understand the intricacies of creating an avatar for a group, for pages in Odnoklassniki, VK, Instagram, YouTube, on the phone, Viber, Vatsap.

  • It is difficult to imagine a modern young man in whose life the Internet does not play a big role. Communication in a virtual network takes on special meaning for some: it has nothing to do with real life, because many people prefer to remain incognito. An avatar is a great helper in this: with it you can successfully hide in social networks behind various images.
  • An avatar on a social network is each user's own characteristic, which we focus on at the very beginning of a virtual conversation. What does a photo of a person on a social network say?

An avatar helps a person express themselves. When choosing a photo, we try to show our best qualities, carefully hiding psychological characteristics and how we look in reality.

What kind of photos are most often used for an avatar?

  • Own photo open and sociable individuals are posted on the page of a social network. Such people do not hide anything about themselves. They are ready to communicate in real life.
  • A photograph of a specific animal chosen by those for whom it is important to see in themselves the qualities that characterize this beast. In our minds, a cat is associated with affection and independence, a dog is considered a loyal and honest friend, a snake is considered wise, and a bull is naturally endowed with strength and perseverance. A photo of an animal is posted on a social network by those who in real life do not possess its qualities, but dream that others would know them just like that.
A photograph of a particular animal is chosen by those who are interested in seeing in themselves the qualities that characterize this animal.
  • A person who prefers celebrity avatar, as if declaring: “I like this artist (athlete, scientist), therefore I am ready to communicate with similar people. the rest do not interest me. " Thus, they express personality traits or social problems associated with the celebrity's image. But this does not apply to those who choose a politician's photo as their avatar. Such people have a special sense of humor. They are considered to be apolitical.
  • Photo of an expensive car, the avatar that depicts cosmetics, clothing or accessory of a well-known brand, jewelry or chic interior preferred by social media users who themselves strive for luxury and try to attract like-minded people. Inanimate objects in photographs become a kind of visual slogan of a person who tells other users about him in symbolic language.
  • Person using as avatar an evil character or a sad picture, communicates his desire for loneliness. "Evil" avatars speak of the sensitivity and vulnerability of a social network user. Aggressive fantasies or a guilt complex that causes a person to suffer is not excluded. Such avatars can be used according to mood or become a way of consciously or unconsciously wanting to postpone virtual conversations with other people because of their vulnerable position. The "evil" avatar also symbolizes the dark side of a person's personality.

The photo of an expensive car is preferred by social network users who themselves strive for luxury

Cool female avatars for girls and women: pictures, photos

In this section, you will find cool avatars for girls and women.

Cool female avatars for girls and women

Cool female avatars for girls and women: pictures, photos

From this section you can choose a cool female avatar.

Beautiful female avatars for girls and women: pictures, photos

Avatars, which depict seductive beauties, are placed in their profiles by girls or women who want to express their femininity, emphasize their special status or come closer in dreams to what the picture symbolizes.

Female avatars with meaning for girls and women: pictures, photos

Avatars with meaning for women

Stylish avatars that ladies choose for an avatar:

  • jewelry
  • bags, clutches
  • beautiful dishes
  • packaging of expensive coffee or tea
  • interior items

Stylish accessories are not always a symbol of a person's lifestyle. Sometimes they just talk about the dreams of the person who completed the profile and posted the avatar.

Erotic and sexy female avatars for girls and women: pictures, photos

  • Avatars showing completely naked beauties are not common. Ladies prefer to demonstrate some kind of erotic part of the female body. Some people choose a fragment of a photograph of a naked body or a picture of a half-naked lady in a sexy pose.
  • If the photo is too frank, then the lady, most likely, picked up someone else's photo, found on the Internet. Is the avatar not too frank or is the owner difficult to recognize in real life? Then we can assume that this is your own photograph.
  • Behind the avatars depicting a woman in a sexy position or a nude part of the body, a woman hides a desire to meet a man online. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with such ladies, they are not annoying. As a rule, they have a husband or a boyfriend, therefore it is difficult to suspect them of a lack of intimate relationships. For such ladies, the bright, emotionally colored side of the relationship is more important. They find what is missing in simple virtual conversations on topics of interest to them.

If an image of a completely naked lady in a frank pose is used as an avatar, then this may indicate an attempt to hide behind such an image of a “virtual transsexual”. For ladies, such an avatar is a sign of vulgarity.

What size should be the pictures and photos for a female avatar?

To prevent the avatar picture from looking stretched, compressed (which happens with pictures of too large format), cropped or fuzzy, you need to take into account the image guidelines.

There are many important parameters for social media photos, but it is important to remember that the optimal size for most cases is 1024 x 512 px. There are also special services that will help you choose the size of the picture for a specific page on the social network.

  • On Facebook the optimal avatar size will be 180x180px.
  • For VK the parameters and size of the avatar are different - 200x500px, however, as practice shows, photos of any size are loaded in the profile, but the same ratio of width and height is preserved. It is 2 to 5.
  • For Twitter the minimum size of the cover photo will be 400x400px.
  • Image options for avatar on Google + are 480x270px. But if there are better quality photos, they will be uploaded as well. Only in this case the picture can "float" a little. The optimal size for a round avatar is 250x250px.
  • On Odnoklassniki it is easy to upload photos of any size, starting from 300x300px, because all images here are cropped to a square of 190x190px.
  • For the main YouTube pages it is necessary to select such images in which the main information is located in the center. The optimal photo size is 2560x1440px with a maximum allowable size of 2MB.

What size should be the pictures and photos for a female avatar

How to create your own female avatar for free for a group, Odnoklassniki, VK, Instagram, Skype, YouTube, phone, Viber, Vatsap from a real photo?

To create an avatar, you can use free programs. With their help, you can choose a unique ideal avatar for your page on the social network.

There are specialized sites that offer a service for creating an avatar (,
If you have Photoshop skills, then your own photo can easily turn into a beautiful ava (,

To create an avatar, follow these steps:

  • Upload the picture to the site.
  • Follow the prompts that will reveal all the possibilities of image correction.
  • The finished image will only need to be saved, so that it can then be used for uploading as an avatar in the corresponding social network.

Avatars female eyes: pictures, photos

  • Girls who are ready to defend their point of view, with a sober outlook on life, often choose avatars that depict beautiful female eyes.
  • The number of eyes on an avatar can also tell a lot about a user. For example, two eyes indicate that the user is fixated on increased attention to his person. Such an avatar also indicates an increased attention to what is happening.
  • Eyes looking to the side speak of the rich inner world of the owner of the avatar. The user will reveal his secrets only to those who meet his requirements.

Avatars for women with a back: pictures, photos

Female back avatars

Avatars female silhouettes: pictures, photos

Avatars female silhouettes

Avatar female silhouettes

Avatars of female faces: pictures, photos

Avatars of female faces

Avatars in history

Few think about where this unusual word came from and why it has acquired such an interesting meaning over time. For example, in Hinduism, the word "avatar" meant one of the many incarnations of God in which he appears at the moment. Avatars differ in appearance and the presence of different divine powers. So, the god Vishnu has as many as 22 avatars.

This concept entered the computer space in 1985 with the creation of the fourth part of the Ultima game, which implied that the player should become this very avatar. Later, the meaning was modernized and already meant the ego of a real person, hidden under the mask of a character. Later, this word migrated to other games, and then to the media space.

With the development of the Internet and the need to represent your personality in the virtual world, avatars began to gain great popularity. Blogs, forums, social networks, various instant messengers - all these are ways of self-realization and presentation of good photos. At the same time, if 10 years ago it was popular to put some smiley or flower on an avatar, now it would be better to put your photo in good quality. Indeed, in our time, a profile on a social network can be viewed even by potential employers.

Avatar now

An avatar is an image that is a graphical representation of a user. Simply put, this is the picture that you put as the title in various social networks, forums, online games.

Unconditional, an avatar is a way of self-expression and original presentation of oneself for a million strangers on the Internet. Everyone seeks with the help of an avatar to show their merits or to emphasize unusual features of appearance, character. And the process of creating and processing photographs for this has become completely equated with contemporary art.

Be enthusiastic about creating an avatar. A good avatar will not only make you look good in front of other people, but it will also give you more confidence.

All avatars (even their absence) have their own message, carry a certain hidden meaning behind which the personality is hidden. Now it is not your eyes that are the “mirror of the soul”, but your avatar.

What character traits are hidden behind the avatars

Whether it is a real photograph of a person or any other picture, everything reflects the inner world of a person. Therefore, before putting something on your avatar, think about what you want to say with this photo. Among the common avatars, the following can be distinguished:

  • Animals. Subconsciously, they are put by those people who would like to see the qualities of this beast in themselves, be it a cat, a dog, or a wolf, a bear. In this case, you need to look not at the beast itself, but at the emotion that it expresses. They are often the opposite of a real person.
  • Nature. It is exhibited by people who usually come to the Internet for solitude and silence, or maybe these people are just lonely.
  • Characters from cartoons and films. As a rule, this speaks of adolescent complexes.
  • Famous personalities. This person wants to be incognito, but at the same time declares his seriousness.
  • Own photo. With her, a person seeks to show himself real. He is open-minded and more communication-oriented.

In order for people to remember you, it is best to put your real photo on your avatar. This will make a good impression on you.

What your photos can tell

Photos can be different due to their angles, locations, objects of the environment and participation in pictures of other people. Gravitating towards one type of photography or the other can also tell a lot about you.

  • Full length. If a person has such a photo on their avatar, it means that they are self-confident, independent, have a personal opinion on everything and stand firmly on their own two feet.
  • On a rest. Such pictures are an indicator of the status of a person, her desire for a good life.
  • "Like a passport." The owners of such pictures are not distinguished by originality, but they accept themselves as they are and want others to accept them. They are reliable companions and always strive to do the right thing.
  • Extreme. If a person has an unusual hobby - why not show it to others? Such photos speak of volitional qualities, the desire to learn new things and expand their own boundaries of consciousness.
  • With a grimace. Not everyone can make a funny face in a photograph. This is an indicator of a great sense of humor, with the help of which a person seeks to get away from real problems and show a positive attitude towards life.
  • At home. Such people can proudly declare themselves: “I don’t care about someone else’s opinion, and I am confident in myself”. They want to show their naturalness, and for this they do not need to hire a professional photographer.
  • Formal shots in a working environment. Such pictures directly declare themselves. Perhaps the person lacks attention and public recognition. He wants to show his success to others.
  • Selfie. For selfie lovers, the phone's front camera has become the best friend. But with such photos you should be careful: real daffodils who like to indulge in narcissism can hide behind such pictures. It is better not to overdo it with such photos, because after taking one selfie, it is almost impossible to stop further.

Basic types of pictures for avatars

We have covered the main types of pictures for avatars. The main thing is to be creative. Put on your avatar something that you would be pleased to see from others.

The best avatar will be a picture taken with a good camera. Therefore, do not be stingy to order shooting from a professional or ask friends who have a good camera to take a picture of you.

Remember, you don't need to be a hostage to your pride. Don't change your avatars too often, even the web needs some stability. Better to wait for a professional shoot and put up one good processed shot than to change a selfie every day to a selfie with the “just to change” position.

A few more important tips:

  • If you go in for sports and consider your body a dignity - feel free to put a photo in a swimsuit or in a tracksuit on your avatar. Try not to overdo it with the "sport" in the picture, it should definitely be less than you.
  • Smile! Joyful people are by far some of the most attractive. Just one smile can leave a good impression of you.
  • If you are young, do not be afraid to show your youth. Take pictures at parties and clubs. As a rule, in good establishments there are invited photographers who can capture you in a beautiful picture, and even process you. Find your good shot in the meeting group and voila! An excellent avatar is provided for you.
  • Be sure to focus on those things that you like about yourself, be it a new haircut or dress, a toned figure or beautiful eyes.
  • Don't be afraid to be romantic. Such feelings will interest anyone.
  • Don't hide your emotions. You don't have to be serious online, show your openness and naturalness.
  • The latest trend is a selfie taken on a phone and processed in various applications.
  • Avoid taking photos in the mirror, such images should definitely not be on the main page.
  • You can put a photo with your best friend, but in no case cut yourself out, it looks sloppy.
  • You should not choose a frame with a defocused face or you standing so far away that facial features simply cannot be made out.
  • No alcohol photos! Believe me, this repels even those who are not averse to drinking themselves.

Below is a video that clearly explains which avatars are preferable and what to avoid:

How to choose an avatar?

How to choose an avatar. There is no perfect avatar. You need to test, try, check.

Good avatar rules

There are three main steps to creating an avatar that you should pay attention to.

1 First stage

We decide on an idea for a snapshot, ask ourselves questions:

  • what do I want to show with this picture?
  • for what purpose do I need an avatar?
  • Whose attention should I get?

1 Second stage

Take a snapshot. To do this, we determine with:

Stage 3

In order for the photo to turn out to be of sufficient quality and does not need to be heavily retouched, we recommend paying attention to the following details:

  • Location + good lighting. Make sure you have good light in your location. Firstly, with natural light, the photo will be many times better, and secondly, your face will shine in all its glory. The location can be any of your choice. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in it.
  • Appearance + posture. Choose your clothes to match the background. And the pose that you will demonstrate should not be too tight or too frank, it should be in harmony with the overall picture.
  • Technique. Consider using a camera or phone with a good camera.
  • Processing quality. If earlier it was fashionable to impose many effects, behind which the original version of the picture was barely visible, now naturalness is in vogue. Eliminate the slightest imperfections on the skin, red eyes, play with light and contrast. But don't get carried away too much.
  • It is worth focusing on posing. In the frame, you should be relaxed, be honest in your emotions. You don't need to look at the camera with a sad look and be squeezed - it doesn't paint anyone. Let's take a look at the most successful avatar poses:

For men, calmer postures are suitable, they do not need to strive for more attention, it is enough to feel relaxed. Whether it's taking a photo with friends or alone, full-length or taking a portrait, emotions don't have to be strained.

It is much easier for women to achieve variety in their pictures. The main thing is to choose the pose that will become the personification of your image, your sensitive and gentle nature. Let the lines of your figure be smooth: fewer elbows and apart knees. The emotions on the girl's face can say even more than the appearance, so do not skimp on them.

Try "smiling with your eyes" is a trend introduced by American model Tyra Banks. To do this, you need to narrow your eyes a little and look at the camera with a confident look, with the awareness of yourself being beautiful. To practice this trick, you can try to smile in front of the mirror, see how your eyes look at this moment, then remove the smile, and try to leave your eyes with the same positive energy. The smiling eye effect will look great in portraits where the emphasis is on the face.


You figured out the place, the lighting, the image and you got a good photo. Bravo! But that is not all. Now we will work on the details so that the frame becomes the best your avatar, which it would be impossible to find fault with.

Consider programs that will help you edit the snapshot. These include:

  • Adobe Photoshop. The most popular way to process photos. Photoshop will suit even beginners. In the program, you can make auto-correction, add various effects, eliminate errors and remove red-eye.
  • The GIMP. This editor is a good analogue of Photoshop, is well suited for creating logos and various design elements, contains many different filters.
  • NET. Another good program for beginners that has basic retouching functions, has filters, effects in its base, is able to adjust saturation, remove background and red-eye.

Almost every social network or messenger has a function for setting an avatar, which is a great identifier. With its help, users remember their friends or acquaintances, which is why they do not have to read nicknames or remember dialogues - visual memory is triggered.

In addition, a picture or photo on your avatar is a great excuse to stand out in your friends list or draw attention to your profile, page, etc. Let's figure out where to download avatars for Viber for free, how to do it from our website and what subjects of pictures you will find here.

What is an avatar?

An avatar on a social network is a user's “face”, just like a nickname or page name. No social network or messenger (in Viber too) has any restrictions on the subject of photos or pictures. You can put your own photo / portrait or any image. If for some reason you cannot put a photo intro on Viber, then use the Internet to find an interesting and suitable picture. In order not to waste a lot of time searching, use our large catalog. With it, you can find images on almost any topic.

What avatar images can you find with us?

To download avatars for Viber in the form of a picture instead of a photo for free from our site, you need to decide on a theme. On our portal, users will be able to select options on the following topics:

  • Funny and cool photos;
  • Avatars with meaning and inscriptions;
  • Drawings;
  • Thematic images for guys and girls;
  • Nature and animals.

You can download pictures for the screensaver in Viber from a specific page for each topic. Select the option you like and click "Download". We also have the ability to download the entire catalog section in the archive with one click of a button.
You do not have to worry about the image parameters - the size of the Viber avatar and the format are fully respected.

There are no restrictions on downloading files from our portal, so you can choose several options for yourself and change them among yourself. Also, all photos are suitable not only for avatars of personal profiles of people, but also as a cover for a conversation, a group. Express your mood with photos, grab the attention of your friends and create interest in your page - and all this with just your avatar! The procedure for installing a photo in a profile for a messenger will not take more than a minute. For simplicity, let's look at the whole process step by step.

Installation instructions

Before you put a photo, you need to download it to your smartphone. If you downloaded files from the site already through the phone's browser, then they should immediately appear in the gallery. After that, you need to do the following:

  • Open the Viber application;
  • Then click the "Advanced" button;
  • Choose the pencil icon;
  • Then click on "Select new from the gallery";
  • The smartphone will open a gallery on the memory card or internal memory of the smartphone;
  • Select the downloaded image and apply the changes.

In this way, pictures and photos are installed on the ava in Viber. Now you can do it without any problems in just a couple of minutes.

The page contains a wide variety of pictures and photos on the ava.

Nowadays, few people do without an avatar, and they try to choose the most interesting and attractive ava. Here you can download any pictures for ava. Below is a large selection for every taste! Here are the most diverse pictures on avu!

A funny picture on the ava: the tomboy is naked!) Cool avatar!

A dog with glasses on ava is very serious, but it's funny for me to look at her!) Funny pictures on ava are held in high esteem. Cool avatar!

Picture on the ava of a rocker. Picture on ava for the boys!

Photo on ava stalker. The stalker has a formidable look.

Picture on avu with a cool baby. I really like the cool pictures on the ava. Cool avatar!

The girl is on avu without a face. Secretive nature! Avatar with a tattoo on the neck!

Such photos on the ava are popular among girls.

And this formidable anime avatar is clearly a cartoon hero. Love cartoon avatars! Avka what you need!

It's funny: a picture on ava with a perky girl dreaming of a decent bust!) On avu girls love such pictures!) On avu, a blonde, besides!)

Photo on avu steam for guys.

Another photo on ava stalker.

Ava steam with a cat.

The girl hides her face. He wants an ava without a face! Sneaky avka!

Photo on avu for mysterious girls.

The funny dog ​​in the photo is great for an avatar. Cool avatar. Animal avu photos are popular.

For fun, you can be on the ava and the negro, which is in the photo! Handsome) Many people like such funny pictures on the ava!) The picture on the ava is for the boys.

And this straight fiery anime avatar. Such is his magical power. Anime avatars are clearly for mystical natures! Terrible avka!

Cool: a picture with a cute dog on the ava!) Funny avatar!

Photo on avu steam with a skull. The skull is formidable and terrifying!

A funny picture on the ava with a cat who loves ice cream!) On avu girls love such pictures!)

Here is a picture on the ava suitable for a football lover!) And the cat will have time to get away from the blow?) Cool avka!

Ava for girls in steam. Sexy pictures on avu are popular!

Cool picture with a cat on avu!) Cool pictures on avu are in demand.

The photo of a funny animal on an avatar is impressive!) I wonder who this is handsome?) Girls put such pictures on the ava!)

Photo on avu football

Cool: the picture on the ava catman!)

The photo on the ava of the pumped-up guy is impressive!) The picture on the ava is for the boys!

On my back, completely without a face. Avatars for the closed ones? Photo on avu for girls with a riddle.

Blimey! The picture with the avatar in the form of a gutta-percha face is impressive!) Such hilarious pictures on avu are impressive!)

Formidable sorceress cartoon anime avatar. Anime avatars are often asked! The photo on avu from the cartoon is just right!

Photo on the avu husky.

Here is a photo with an avatar in the form of a baby on a tank! How do you like this tomboy?

Picture on avu with a formidable child. Now he will deal with everyone!)

Photos on avu with children are also in demand!

Picture on avu with a scientist cat with glasses! Important cat! Handsome!)

Show-off goose on avu! The goose is still the same! And the avatar is good!)

The picture on avu with a dog in a tuxedo and a cap is very funny! And the dog is cute!)

Funny emoticon for avu. Hairy smiley in a cap and with a cigarette in his mouth.

Photo of an avatar with a girl. Funny! And the girl is still in swaddling clothes!)) Many people like avatars with children!

The page contains beautiful avatars on a variety of topics.

Especially popular are beautiful avatars for girls and women depicting beautiful faces and nature. But for guys there are beautiful avas for different tastes.

Beautiful avatar with a butterfly on her hand.

It's like happiness that you don't need to catch, it will come by itself.

Beautiful pictures on ava with butterflies are popular.

Avatar girl. Beautiful avatars for girls are always in demand!

Beautiful avatar with the moon.

The girl looks sadly at the moon. And the butterfly is tied to it with a chain! An avatar with a meaning: you cannot tie happiness to yourself and you cannot keep it by force!

Pictures on avu with meaning are highly appreciated!

In the photo there is a funny avatar with a kitten and flowers.

Such beautiful desktop avatars are quite suitable. Wonderful pictures on avu!

In the photo there is a beautiful girl in sunglasses from the sun on avu.

Mysterious avatar!

And another girl with glasses on her avatar.

Girls and women love mysterious and beautiful avatars!

In the photo there is a girl in a carnival mask on the avatar.

Mysterious and beautiful avs in honor.

Avatar of eyes for the discerning and discerning.

Red rose for avatar. Girls prefer pictures with flowers.

The photo shows a beautiful landscape on the avu. Beautiful avatars with beautiful nature are popular. Many people love such pictures on the ava.

In the photo there is a daffodil for an avatar. An avatar without a face, but with a daffodil.

Butterfly on the face for the profile picture. Original avatar! Pictures on ava for girls.

Romantic avatar! Girls love romantic and beautiful avatars!

Avatar with humor and dreams of love.

Pensive girl on avu

In the photo there is a girl with a rose on her profile picture. Two buds as pictures!)