Glue for wood carpentry titebond. Titebond glue - varieties, composition and properties, subtleties of application. Where to buy quality flooring adhesive

TITEBOND II Premium Wood glue is a leading brand. A one-component adhesive that meets the ANSI Type II water resistance standard. It is ideal for outdoor applications including garden and outdoor furniture, birdhouses, mailboxes, picnic tables, etc. The adhesive is characterized by strong initial tack, fast curing, strong bonds, good workability, and indirect food contact ( gluing cutting boards), ideal for use in high frequency adhesive systems. The range of its application is extremely wide: from gluing at home to cold, hot and HF presses in furniture factories.

Meets ASTM D-4235 requirements

Product Features

  • First adhesive to meet ANSI Type II requirements for water resistance;
  • For outdoor use;
  • Perfectly processed;
  • Does not affect finish coats;
  • Allows indirect contact with foodstuffs;
  • Ideal for use in HF and hot presses;
  • Easily cleaned with water;
  • Load group according to EN 204/205 1K/D

Physical Properties

The foundation: PVA cross-linked EstimatedVOC: 5.5 g/l
State: Liquid White point temperature: 12.7 °С
Color: honey yellow Dry residue: 48%
Dry Film: translucent, yellow pH: 3,0
Density: 1.09 g/cm3 Viscosity: 4000 mPa*s
Freeze-thaw cycles: stable

Shelf life 24 months in original packaging at 23°C

Adhesive strength per ASTM D-905 (on hard maple)

Directions for use
Application temperature: above 12.7°С
Work time: no more than 10 minutes (at 21°C and 50% humidity)
Total build time: 10-15 minutes (at 21°C and 50% humidity)
Minimum consumption: approx. 162 g/m2
Applied pressure: it is enough to combine the glued surfaces together (7-10 kg/cm 2 for soft wood, 9-13 kg/cm 2 for medium wood, 13-18 kg/cm 2 for hard wood)
Application method: plastic bottle with flat spout, application by roller or brush.
Cleaning: Dry adhesive can be removed with a soft cloth. Dried adhesive is removed mechanically.

Titebond II Premium Wood Glue is not to be used in conditions of constant moisture or below water level. Not used for load-bearing structures (trusses, rafters, load-bearing timber). Do not apply when the temperature of the adhesive or parts is below 12.7°C. It is recommended to test the adhesive on samples of the materials to be bonded.

Best before date: It is best to use the adhesive within 24 months from the date of production. It is recommended to stir the adhesive before use. The glue is stable in freeze-thaw cycles, but before use it must be heated at room temperature without additional heating devices and thoroughly mixed at a low speed.

In carpentry work, a tool is often needed that allows you to connect parts without nails and screws. This is the glue Titebond, in the production of which a different base is used: the components can be proteins, polymers, rubbers of synthetic origin, polyurethanes, aliphatic resin.


There are several types of Titebond adhesives:

  • Ooriginal Wood Glue Titebond (red sticker). After drying, it becomes hard, non-plastic. Designed specifically for the repair or manufacture of musical instruments and does not spoil the sound of wood.

  • Titebond II Premium (with a blue sticker on the package) moisture resistant, not sensitive to solvents, therefore, with their help, it will not be possible to return the liquid consistency to the cured glue. Forms a more elastic seam compared to Original Wood Glue. The composition is perfect for repairing garden or outdoor furniture, mailboxes, as it has a strong initial setting and quickly becomes hard. The result is a strong bond that can tolerate indirect contact with food (for example, a cutting board can be glued together). The adhesive meets the requirements of ASTM D-4235. Since it is very widely used, Titebond II Premium it is packaged in a variety of containers, for example, in small bottles with a volume of 37 ml and in large containers up to one thousand liters.

  • Titebond III (green label on bottle) is a creamy, water-based adhesive used to bond food contact surfaces. The composition is based on a polymer, without solvents.

  • Titebond Heavy duty - the strongest of the entire line presented, it is used to glue brick, concrete, fiberglass, slate, ceramics, hardboard, decorative stone. The main component is synthetic rubber. heavy duty effective even when joining wet and frozen wood surfaces, forming a flexible joint that can withstand mechanical stress.


Glue "Titebond" belongs to the category of professional, but it can also be used in everyday life, since the adhesion process does not require special skills and knowledge. It is only necessary to follow the safety rules and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for using the product.

Wood glue Titebond has the following characteristics:

  1. Produced on the basis of aliphatic water-based resin.
  2. As a result of gluing, a reliable seam is formed, which is several times higher in mechanical strength than wood.
  3. The glue does not stick to metal surfaces, which makes it possible to use non-specialized, conventional tools.
  4. It is acceptable to use for wood of any species, the age of the wood also does not matter.
  5. Effectively, plywood, cardboard, paper and other products of the wood processing industry.
  6. It can be used as a sealant when sealing joints.
  7. Before hardening, the composition is easy to wash off with water, therefore it is very easy to correct connection errors. For the same reason, you cannot use Titebond if the surfaces to be bonded are moistened with water (wet).
  8. The adhesive has a viscous, viscous consistency, due to which polymerization occurs quickly, in 5-10 minutes, depending on environmental conditions (humidity, temperature).
  9. The composition "Titebond" can not be used for adhesion of painted surfaces, as well as in rooms with high humidity and insufficiently good ventilation.
  10. It is not necessary to place the glued area under the press to improve the adhesive characteristics.
  11. After hardening, the product becomes transparent, in the liquid state it has a light creamy shade.
  12. Resistant to solvents and freezing after drying (withstands up to -30°C), tolerates high temperatures up to +40°C, but at +100°C it ignites.
  13. After opening the package, the adhesive is suitable for use for two years, provided that it is effectively protected from contact with air and the air temperature is +20°C.
  14. Consumption averages 180 g per 1 cm 2.
  15. Effectively glues at an ambient temperature of +10°C.

Advice! Before joining, carefully clean the surfaces from sawdust, dust, chips and other debris.

The composition can be used in the assembly of furniture, including for gluing decorative plastic components. Products Titebond in most cases, they are used in the production of plywood, furniture, wood-based flooring, and when finishing wood products.

The well-known wood glue Titebond has earned a reputation as one of the highest quality materials used for gluing wood. The use of innovative technologies in the development of a unique composition made it possible to create an adhesive substance with which you can perform various types of work.


There are about 25 types of Titebond adhesives that are successfully used in industrial applications. The most common universal moisture-resistant compositions, consisting of one component. They are used for gluing wood.


  • II Premium. The structure differs in moisture resistance, elasticity, immunity to solvents.
  • Original Wood Glue. The composition has a high hardness, non-plastic.
  • Glue Titebond 3. Contains no chemical solvents.

Depending on the purpose and conditions of use, one or another composition is selected.


Titebond glue is intended for professional use. However, subject to the instructions, it can be used in everyday life.

Depending on the type of substance, the composition of the components also differs. Among the main components are aliphatic resin, synthetic rubber, polymers, polyurethane, protein, water. The standard package contains 473 ml of the substance.

When working with glue, it is important to observe the temperature regime, humidity parameters, which are indicated on the manufacturer's packaging.

It should be noted that during hardening, the adhesive emulsion forms a beige film. The adhesive can be easily removed from the treated surface before it dries. After that, you will have to use improvised means.


Depending on the type of composition, adhesive substance Titebond (to a greater or lesser extent) has the following characteristics:

  • has water resistance;
  • provides high bond strength;
  • has resistance to high temperatures (up to 50 degrees above zero);
  • does not break down under the influence of chemicals;
  • does not perceive acoustic vibrations;
  • does not contain abrasive components, and, therefore, does not spoil the tools;
  • the composition of the substance contains toxic components;
  • does not break down when frozen;
  • flammable at 100 degrees.

Among other things, Titebond 3 Universal Adhesive has the following properties:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • suitable for low temperature work.

Knowing the main characteristics of the composition allows you to get the best quality at no extra cost.

Scope of application

Glue II Premium used for connecting wooden joints, gluing paper material, laminate, plywood, chipboard, veneer. The substance is used to repair outdoor wooden furniture. They can glue cutting boards for cooking.

Original Wood Glue used for the construction and repair of wooden musical instruments.

Titebond 3 used for joining veneer, plywood, wood, plastics, chipboard. The tool is used for both internal and external construction work. Due to the harmlessness of the composition, the substance can be used in the food industry. Glue is not used to connect surfaces that are under water.

Before applying the substance to the surface, it must be stirred. It should be remembered that the composition completely hardens in 10-20 minutes. Therefore, it must be prepared before starting work. For a tighter adhesion of the surface, it can be held under pressure for some time.

All work with glue must be carried out in protective equipment. For this, special gloves and goggles are used. If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off with plenty of water, and if necessary, you should consult a specialist. The room must be well ventilated. Air humidity should not exceed the established norms.

The shelf life of the waterproof adhesive is 2 years from the date of opening the package. It should be stored at room temperature. Expired glue is not recommended.

Titebond glue is designed to work with wood. It is produced by the American concern Franklin International, but it is also widely used in the Russian markets. Produced in accordance with the AFG-1 standard, which confirms its high quality. The company's products embody innovative technologies. Titebond glue is represented by many varieties that are produced on high-tech equipment and are suitable for work in any area.

Titebond wood glue is a professional composition that is actively used for industrial purposes and in everyday life.

Titebond contains:

  • aliphatic resins.
  • Polyurethanes.
  • Polymers.
  • Protein.
  • Water.
  • Synthetic rubber.

The product is abrasive in structure, so the cutting tool will not be damaged or scratched during subsequent sawing of wooden products.

Note! In liquid form, Titebond has a good chemical viscosity, which is due to the increased cross-linking of the substance. This makes its consistency optimal, not fluid, which contributes to easier and simpler installation.

After hardening, Titebond mounting adhesive acquires frost resistance, therefore it is suitable for application to any surfaces and objects that will be used outdoors. Among the positive properties of Tightbond glue is heat resistance, but it can turn into combustibility if the operating temperature range of +100 degrees is exceeded. In this case, the composition is capable of igniting. It will be well tolerated by temperatures up to +40 degrees.

Other features of Titebond glue:

  • Tolerates exposure to solvents.
  • Easily removed from the surface until completely dry.
  • Primary setting occurs after 10 minutes.
  • Glue viscosity 4000 mPa/s.
  • The acidity pH is 3 units.
  • Suitable temperature for working with glue + 10-12 °.
  • Consumption is 170-190 g/m².

After drying, the dry residue is half of the initial volume. If all storage conditions are observed, the adhesive can last for 2 years after opening the package.

Note! The consumption of the composition will depend on the environmental conditions, as well as the type of wooden surface and the degree of its porosity.

Pros and cons

Titebond joinery adhesive for wood and wooden surfaces is in great demand and popularity due to the following advantages:

  • It has a world-class certificate, which confirms its high quality and reliability.
  • The finished seam has a high mechanical strength, higher than that of the wood itself.
  • Titebond glue does not contain toxic substances, therefore it is environmentally friendly. Glued parts can be used in residential areas.
  • The adhesive can be used in the furniture industry, as well as in the construction industry, providing a high-strength bonding of materials.
  • Glue does not cling to metal, so you can choose any convenient tool for work.

Note! Titebond wood glue also has a few drawbacks. It will not be able to reliably glue wet and painted surfaces. When using it, you must observe the optimal temperature regime, otherwise it will affect the quality of installation.

Scope of use

Titebond glue has a very wide range of uses:

  • It can be used for gluing wood of any species, species, age.
  • In everyday life it is used for gluing laminate, cardboard, paper, plywood and others.
  • In the woodworking industry, including for the manufacture of doors, decorative flooring, furniture.
  • In the field of design - for the artistic decoration of interior items with wooden parts.
  • When carrying out repairs in the house. It can serve as an analogue of a sealant and provide water resistance to joints.

There are varieties of glue that have a narrow specialization. For example, glue for repairing musical instruments, a means for restoring antiques, household utensils, wooden souvenirs.


There are about 25 types of wood glue, which are produced in series:

  • Original Wood Glue 5064 473 ml usually comes in a red bottle. It is used for working with musical instruments, as it does not affect the sound due to its solid consistency. Suitable for both wind and string instruments.

  • Titebond II Premium 5004 is a one-component, blue-packaged, moisture-resistant adhesive that features fast setting, solvent resistance, and short cure time. The finished seam of Titebond 2 adhesive is elastic. Usually this variety is used to make benches, garden furniture, mailboxes. The non-toxic composition allows it to be used to repair various household items, even those that have indirect contact with food.

  • Titebond 3 is a green packaged product that is extremely durable and water resistant. It is suitable for gluing objects in direct contact with food. The composition does not contain toxins and solvents, only safe polymers are taken as the basis. Titebond 3 glue can even be used to glue items that will be used in sub-zero temperatures. You can work with this composition by the method of cold or hot gluing. The basis of the adhesive is a water-dispersion mixture, which makes the composition universal. With the help of glue, you can glue not only on wood, but also plastic with other materials. Consumption is 190 g/m². The polymerization time varies within 10-20 minutes.

  • Heavy Duty is a very strong compound that is suitable for bonding concrete, brick, fiberglass, ceramics, stone and even hardboard. A high degree of adhesion is provided by the synthetic rubber included in the composition. With this glue you can work even with wet and frozen wood. The frozen seam has good elasticity, so that it is not afraid of vibration and mechanical stress.

Features of use

Before gluing wood to another substrate, both surfaces must first be prepared. To do this, they are cleaned of debris, dust or residue of other substances. Then the glue should be shaken or mixed in the bottle and applied to the base with a convenient brush.

Then fasten both surfaces.

It will take the master 10 minutes to correct their position or remove excess glue.

Note! If the adhesive accidentally comes into contact with the skin, it is enough to remove the contamination with plain clean and slightly warm water.

Titebond wood glue increases the efficiency, quality and speed of any work, including repair, decorative, production.

Application and properties of Tightbond glue (2 videos)

Wood glue is a certain multicomponent mixture with high gluten. This feature of the composition allows you to firmly and reliably connect different surfaces and objects, since the percentage of adhesion of such a mass is extremely high.

Joiner's glue is a special kind of adhesive products and is intended for work with wooden objects and surfaces, as well as materials based on wood. The main component is protein substances that firmly glue any planes. This quality is especially appreciated by customers who need fast and effective results.

Types of glue for wood

There is a wide range of grades of wood glue, among which there are both common brands and exclusive

Demanded and at the same time a rare product - hide glue. Its main ingredients are scraps of animal skin, rich in mezra, a unique biological substance that gives the adhesive elasticity and instant absorption.

The most common grade of wood glue in the world is considered to be bone glue. And lovers of restoration work prefer fish glue, which provides strong and fast bonding.

Casein glue is also in demand, which is available in the form of a brown-yellow powder. It is designed to work with paper, in particular, casein glue is ideal for wallpapering.

Our range

The Vector company presents a wide range of adhesives for wood and furniture production with different working times, viscosities, and minimum application temperatures.

Our consultants will provide you with detailed information about each of the types of glue presented in our catalog. We will help you navigate the range of goods, choose the right one, based on cost and purpose. Since glue designed to work with stone or ceramics will be ineffective when in contact with wooden objects. To avoid such situations, you must carefully read the information about the product, scope or use the services of our consultants.

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