Strawberry from seed at home. Growing strawberries from seeds: variety selection, planting, care. Positive aspects of strawberry seed farming

The cultivation of strawberries, also called garden strawberries, has become increasingly popular in recent years. And this is not surprising, because the fruits of this widespread culture are not only extremely tasty, but also can bring some profit. There are several ways to get strawberry seedlings, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. But planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings still deserves special attention.

If you visit the dacha only on weekends, then you may well sow strawberries in late February or early March. The fact is that in winter there is always time for detailed care of the seedlings, and in this case you leave the plants in the garden even before the drought (which is especially important if the summer in your region is hot). It is also possible for home cultivation, but more on that later.

If you live in a suburban area throughout the summer and are able to pay due attention to caring for the plantings, then you can sow strawberries in March or June. Even later sowing is allowed if the summer is not hot. But at the same time, the seedlings, most likely, will not have time to grow enough before the end of the season to transplant to a permanent place. This means that he will spend the next winter in pots or boxes.

Stage No2. Determining the varieties

So, if you are planning on getting healthy and robust seedlings, you should not use the first strawberry seeds that come along. There are several proven, so to speak, options, we will consider each of them in more detail.

  1. Small-fruited remontant strawberry(both hybrids and varieties) are sold in almost every specialty store. It is relatively cheap, so you get the opportunity to experiment with new products every year and choose only the best options for yourself.
  2. Large-fruited garden strawberry is also popular, but it is also quite expensive. But the seedlings from such seeds are strong and healthy.
  3. DIY seeds... Obviously, they need to be collected not from F1 hybrids, but from varieties - only in this case the quality of the offspring will be in no way inferior to the parent plants.

Below is a more original way to collect strawberry seeds at home.

Video - An original way to collect strawberry seeds

Stage 3. Preparing the soil for seedlings

Ready-made soil for seedlings can be purchased at the store without any problems, but experienced gardeners still prefer to prepare the soil mixture with their own hands. Let's look at two popular ways to do this.

Seedling soil is an important element of success

Method one... Take sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 2, add a little complex mineral fertilizer (as an option, you can replace it with rotted manure and ash). But note that there are a lot of weed seeds, various kinds of bacteria, insect larvae / eggs in the soil. To get rid of all this, steam the soil for half an hour over a saucepan of boiling water. After that, insist it for another 3 days to restore microbiological properties.

Method two... Take vermicompost, peat and sand (necessarily coarse) in a ratio of 1: 3: 1. Another possible option is peat with sand in a 4: 1 ratio.

Soil prices

soil for plants

Stage 4. Preparing seed

Thanks to seed germination, you will be able to monitor the germination process in the future. To do this, soak the seeds in rain or melt water for about 2-3 days and change it daily 2 times. Because of this, the germination inhibitors in the seed, which slow down the growth of the embryo, will be destroyed. After this period, spread the swollen seeds on wet toilet paper or filter paper, previously laid on a saucer, in a thin layer. Then place it all in a plastic bag and transfer it to a warm, lit place (but away from direct sunlight, otherwise you will need frequent watering).

Note! Take the hatched seeds one at a time with a toothpick or a sharpened match and plant them in a container with loose sifted soil.

There is another preparatory procedure - stratification... It contributes to getting stronger, more friendly and healthy seedlings. To carry out stratification, take a container with wet sown seeds, place it in the refrigerator and keep it there for 21-28 days, then put it in a warm place for subsequent germination.

Stage 5. We sow strawberry seeds for seedlings

Video - How to plant strawberry seedlings in the fall

Any varieties are suitable for growing from seeds, but in order to get the most out of it, it is best to choose from proven, well-proven large-fruited remontant hybrids. These are the ones that give two harvests per season: World debut, Russian size, Fresco, Elizabeth II, Amtestar. The weight of the berries is from 20 to 60 g, some specimens reach 100 g! Such berries are more often called "Victoria" and are usually bred with a mustache.

Suitable for planting are only those seeds that have been stratified within 1-3 months, that is, they have been kept at a low temperature in a refrigerator or naturally cooled outside in winter.

To grow a seedling, you must have a good permeable loose soil based on peat, sand and leaf humus. When planting in a box, the soil layer should be no more than 10 cm, and the container with holes at the bottom. Plastic convertible cake boxes are perfect for these purposes. In fact, this is a mini-greenhouse with suitable humidity for the development of seedlings.

We spill the soil well, carefully lay out the seeds and lightly press down (but do not bury). We put the box in any place so that the temperature is within 25C. Watering during the germination period should only be from a sprayer. When watering with a stream, the location of the seeds changes and they usually do not germinate. Very small shoots appear after about 10-30 days. After that, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 16-19C. And you definitely need light support. Energy-saving lamps are the very thing that will not hit your pocket. Control the ventilation of the mini-greenhouse yourself, avoiding overheating, hypothermia, and excessive condensation.

When two real leaves appear on the plant, do hilling: gently cover the stem under the leaves with earth (best with a match). This will help the plant develop adventitious roots more quickly.

When the threat of frost has passed, plant the seedlings in the ground according to a compacted 20x20 cm pattern. In the fall, plant the strengthened bush in a permanent place. And next summer you will get your first harvest.

With good care, weeding, watering, feeding, the autumn harvest will be much higher. When planting a plant in the ground, add a pinch of superphosphate. Good in a small amount of bird droppings, manure. Cover the aisles with cut grass, straw, sawdust or newspapers. This protection is essential for moisture retention and weed control.

In a similar way, from my seeds, I grew remontant raspberries, tomatoes of all colors and sizes, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers ... If you have any questions, please contact:

Kostenko Igor Viktorovich,

The yield of strawberries, like any other garden plant, depends on the quality of the seedlings. Therefore, it is very important to plant seeds, carefully monitor their watering and feeding. Planting strawberry seeds is becoming more and more popular, but since this plant is very moody, sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings requires very close attention.

The right knowledge about growing strawberries from seed

Before growing strawberry seedlings, you should arm yourself with the necessary knowledge so that the seedlings sprout together, the seedlings remain strong and do not overgrow, and are transplanted into the ground on time.

To grow strawberry seedlings, you should know:

Preparing and sowing strawberry seeds, and increasing germination

Planting strawberry seeds for seedlings requires preparation. This includes activities such as pre-germination. This allows you to control the germination of seeds and screening out rejected ones.

Water for soaking is used either rain or melted snow, and it must be changed several times a day.

This contributes to the destruction of germination inhibitors, which slow down the growth of the embryo. The seeds are laid out on toilet paper or filter cloth in a thin layer, on plates, which must be put in a plastic bag to create a special humid microclimate. This structure must be installed in a warm place, accessible to the sun's rays. When pecking seedlings of strawberries from seeds, you need to start the planting process.

You can grab hatched seeds with a toothpick or a sharpened match. The container for seedlings can be a common box, plastic cups or peat pots, in which loose soil should be the filler. Convenient for use cassette seedlings of strawberries, in which you do not need to measure the distance between seedlings. The seeds sown in the container should be moistened and refrigerated for a period of several weeks, and only then can they be exposed in a warm place.

The sowing process can be done in two ways:

  1. The prepared soil must be poured into a container, leveled and compacted with a plank. Then grooves are cut into which the seeds will need to be placed using a wet match or tweezers. The distance between the seeds must be at least 2 cm. If several varieties of seeds are planted in one container, then the rows must be signed.
  2. A layer of snow about 1-2 cm thick is applied to the soil poured into the container. The hatched seeds with strawberries are laid directly on it. In this case, the law of physics works, the snow melts into the water and draws in the seeds with it. If a certain amount of seeds remains on the surface, they can be sprinkled with earth on top.

Further, care for both options does not differ. In order to exclude soil erosion during watering, it should be done from a spray bottle. After thoroughly moistening the soil, the containers must be covered with cellophane or glass to reduce moisture evaporation. But don't forget about airing. Which must be carried out periodically.

The main care for germinated seeds is sufficient light. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that there should be more light at a higher temperature. This applies to rooms in which the sun's rays penetrate and heat only one side of the container facing the window. For better illumination, you must use special lamps that simulate sunlight. And of course, the more heat and light there is, the more moisture will evaporate, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that the soil with the seedlings does not dry out.

Planting strawberry seedlings in a permanent place of growth

As the seedlings grow, it is necessary to carry out some activities so that the sprouts are strong and strong. Periodically, you need to dig in the shoots and shorten the overgrown root system. If the seeds were planted in a common container, they must be planted in separate pots so that the roots do not intertwine with each other.

Two months later, after growing strawberry seedlings from seeds, you need to think about the time to transplant the sprouts into open soil. But before that, they need to be hardened so that the plants do not start to hurt from the unusual climate. In advance, they begin to take out containers with seedlings into the open air and leave first for several minutes, and then hours.

Planting options may differ, it can be done at the end of May, but then in greenhouse conditions, i.e. under cellophane. Well, if planted in June, then in open ground, without any heating.

A bush of strawberry seedlings is ready for planting in open ground if it has at least three leaves, two of which must be well developed, and the third may be in its infancy.

We already know how to plant strawberry seedlings correctly. The next step is to land in open ground. To do this, you need to make depressions in the soil up to 10 cm deep, which should be several centimeters more than the height of the glass.
If the seedlings are in a plastic cup, then it is better not to shake them out. And cut on the side and gently take out the entire sprout with the root system.
Well, if the seedlings are in a peat cup. Then it must be soaked before disembarking. After lowering the sprout into the hole, the earth gently sprinkles the growth roots and compresses from above.

If the landing in open ground was carried out in early spring. Then the gardeners will be able to taste the berries from the new harvest this summer. Although it will not be as plentiful as in subsequent years. In general, seedlings can be planted until the end of summer, i.e. August. Of course, there will be no harvest this year, but next year all efforts will be rewarded with abundant fruiting.

Video: planting strawberry seeds for seedlings

For home cultivation of strawberries, you can use a mustache with well-developed rosettes, purchased seedlings or seeds. We want to tell you in detail about the last option. The advantages of self-cultivation of seedlings are obvious: firstly, it is far from always possible to find ready-made seedlings of the desired variety on sale, secondly, the seedlings may not be of high quality, and thirdly, often unscrupulous sellers sell in fact not what is stated.

In the case of self-cultivation of seedlings, the whole process will proceed under your strict control. After reading the information below, you will learn all the secrets and tricks of this craft.

Start growing seedlings from seeds between the last weeks of February and the first weeks of March. This will allow you to have time to transplant young seedlings into the soil before the onset of extreme heat.

Seeds can be bought in specialized stores and over the Internet - do as you like. As for specific varieties, a hybrid large-fruited berry is very popular - it gives healthy plants, in many respects surpassing even seedlings of vegetative propagation. Own strawberry seeds are also a pretty good option. For the rest, the basic information on choosing a good variety of strawberries can be found in the table.

Table. Popular strawberry varieties for home growing


She is alpine. One of the most widely available varieties. Seeds are relatively cheap - a great choice for the budding gardener and horticulturist.

Option for the more experienced. If possible, collect seeds from the varieties - hybrids often do not produce offspring.

Also known as pineapple. It is very popular, primarily due to its large and tasty fruits. The seeds are quite expensive, but the bottom line is well worth the investment.

What kind of soil is needed for planting seeds?

There are 2 main options available.

If you wish, you can purchase the ingredients separately and mix them in the specified proportions, or you can buy a ready-made mixture - whichever is more convenient for you.

About 2-3 days before planting, soak the seeds in rain or melted snow water - simply place them in a container and pour in enough liquid so that the seeds are covered.

Change the water twice a day. Such preliminary preparation will contribute to the destruction of germination inhibitors, which will have a beneficial effect on the growth rate of embryos. At the same time, the seeds will swell somewhat.

We are waiting for our seeds to hatch. After that, we disassemble the structure (the seeds themselves, at the same time, carefully take with tweezers or a moistened toothpick / sharpened match) and proceed to further steps.

Growing seedlings in a container

One of the most popular and widespread methods involves growing seedlings in a container. As such, a plastic or wooden box of sufficient size (depending on the number of seedlings grown) is perfect. We adhere to the sequence shown in the table.

Table. Instructions for growing strawberry seedlings in a container

Stage of workInstructions and explanations

Pour the selected potting mix into a drawer. We level the ground, compact it with a plank or other suitable device, and then make grooves a few millimeters deep.

You can assess the optimal parameters of the grooves and the distance between them in the photo.

Armed with tweezers or a moistened toothpick, fill the grooves with seeds, maintaining a 20 mm step between them.

For personal convenience, we sign the grooves - this will allow us not to get confused where which variety is sown, if there are several varieties.

We moisten the crops abundantly. In order not to blur them, we do it with a spray bottle.

We cover the box with seeds with glass or plastic wrap - this will reduce the rate of evaporation of water. We ventilate and water our future seedlings daily.

We take care of seedlings

Developing strawberry seedlings need a lot of light.

Important note for indoor seedlings! Remember the following rule: the warmer it is in the room, the more abundant the lighting should be.

Water regularly and in moderation. Watering once a day is usually sufficient. For the rest, focus on the condition of the soil - its top layer should not be either dry or too wet.

After waiting for the appearance of 2 real leaves, we proceed to the pick. At this stage, we will remove the final part of the taproots of our seedlings (this will have a beneficial effect on the branching processes of the root system) and transplant the seedlings into individual containers.

As carefully as possible, we dig in each seedling, and then carefully pinch the long roots, as shown in the figure. You can pinch with just nails or any device suitable for such an operation, for example, special tweezers.

We "move" the seedlings into individual pots or boxes. The recommended dimensions for individual containers are 90x90 mm. We maintain an approximately 80 mm distance between the seedlings.

Carefully water the transplanted seedlings with a weak stream of water. The rest of the watering recommendations are similar to those given earlier.

We grow strawberry seedlings in peat tablets

This option is also considered to be quite simple and is popular with gardeners.

First step. We spread the seeds in a thin layer between a pair of cotton pads. We place the resulting structure in a food container or other suitable utensil. The convenience of the container is that in most cases it comes immediately with a lid. We close the container.

Important! Pre-make several small holes in the lid for air circulation.

We leave the seeds for a couple of days in a room with a temperature of about + 15-19 degrees and good lighting. Next, we send the container with soaked seeds to the refrigerator and keep it there for a couple of weeks.

After the specified time, we take out the container with seeds from the refrigerator and send it to a well-lit place with an air temperature of about + 18-20 degrees. Every 1-2 days we look at the condition of the seeds. We are waiting for them to sprout.

Second step. We proceed directly to sowing the "hatched" strawberry seeds. At this stage, we need peat tablets, purchased in advance in a specialized store for gardeners and gardeners.

We lay out the tablets in our container and fill with water. Let the pills grow to the state of "columns". We continue to gradually add liquid until the tablets absorb it. We drain the excess water.

We put the seeds in the existing grooves in the tablets. We use tweezers or a moistened toothpick for this. We do not sprinkle the earth with seeds - the better the lighting, the faster the seedlings sprout.

Step three. To prevent our seeds from drying out, we cover the container with a transparent lid of a suitable size. We send the container with crops to a warm (up to + 18-20 degrees) and illuminated place.

Every day we wipe the lid from condensation and thoroughly ventilate the container with seeds, otherwise mold will appear.

Important! If you did not keep track and allowed the appearance of mold, at the first detection of it, get rid of the pest with a toothpick and carefully treat the affected areas with a fungicide, for example, a drug called Maxim.

Fourth step. After waiting for the first leaves, we remove the shelter. In the presence of bare roots, sprinkle them with a small amount of earth to the level of the root collar.

Important! If the “columns” begin to settle, add water. Give it time to absorb. Remove excess carefully.

Rules for feeding seedlings

Every 10-14 days, water must be added in combination with feeding. For feeding such home seedlings, solutions of mineral fertilizers are perfect. Sold in specialized shops for gardeners.

If it is warm enough outside, from the first days of May you can begin to gradually harden the seedlings on the glazed loggia. At first, the seedlings should be protected from wind and sunlight. Make sure that at night the temperature does not drop more than + 5-6 degrees. If it is still colder at night, hardening should be postponed until more favorable weather conditions.

We plant seedlings in the ground

As a rule, this stage is started after 1.5-2 months after the first shoots of strawberries appear. Most owners will land after June 10th. Loose and fertile soil is suitable for planting.

First step. We first add rotted compost to the soil; humus is also good. We add the components taking into account the initial state of the garden. For example, in the case of a cultivated bed, half a bucket of humus and the same amount of peat for every square meter will be enough. When planting in clay soil, the volume of the ingredients mentioned in the previous sentence should be doubled and in addition half a bucket of coarse sand should be added to them.

Additionally, mineral fertilizer is applied in an amount of about 40 grams per square meter. Before planting, we dig the soil to the depth of the shovel bayonet and carefully level the ground to eliminate slopes.

Second step. We preliminary designate the future row with a small groove. To get more even rows, pull the cord over the bed.

Step three. We make holes in 30 cm increments. In them we transfer seedlings from individual containers or tablets with seedlings, depending on the chosen method of growing home seedlings.

Fourth step. We fill the free space in each hole with previously loosened earth. We do this in such a way that the so-called. the heart (i.e. the point of growth) and the level of the soil surface were located on the same line. We carefully compact the soil.

Fifth step... Water the seedlings carefully, trying to prevent erosion of the earth around the bushes.

Useful note! For home cultivation of small-fruited strawberries, narrow beds are better suited. The maximum number of rows, however, is limited to two. We equip the beds with a distance of about 40 cm. With a larger number of rows, it will simply be more difficult for you to pick berries and process plants after the fruiting period.

Why don't the seedlings sprout?

Sometimes seedlings do not germinate completely, sometimes they do not germinate at all - both options are equally offensive. The situation can develop in such an unfavorable way due to several reasons. The main thing is mistakes during leaving. To reduce the risks, remember a few simple rules.

First, as noted earlier, boxes with young crops of strawberries should be covered with glass or foil, regularly moistening the top of the earth... Until the first shoots appear, keep the prepared boxes in a dark place. In a warmer and lighter place, we transfer the boxes only after "pecking" of the seedlings.

Secondly, at the stage of seed germination we maintain the temperature in the room at a level of about +18 degrees. Exceeding this indicator will lead to a deterioration in the final result.

Thirdly, do not panic if seedlings break through at different speeds. Some of them you will observe in a couple of weeks, others - after a month, and still others will not appear at all.

By following the instructions above and following the helpful recommendations, you will get healthy and high-quality strawberry seedlings.

Video - How to grow strawberry seedlings at home

Many gardeners strive to grow the planting material themselves. The goal is pure, not affected by genetic diseases fruits. But growing strawberries from seeds at home is a rather laborious process. In the absence of special training and experience, the result can be zero. It is recommended to weigh the pros and cons. Strawberry seeds are small, preparation for sowing is painstaking work. The berry is very demanding on the microclimate. Germination is impossible to predict.

Not all varieties can be grown from seed. The most suitable will be the seeds of remontant strawberries, often called garden strawberries. For example, "Bogota", "Gourmet", "Queen Elizabeth" or "Queen Elizabeth 2". Hybrid and elite varieties germinate poorly, taste characteristics are weak, seedlings are sluggish, lifeless.

Preparing seeds for sowing and when to plant seedlings

The seeds can be harvested from the bushes by yourself. Having selected the best berries, remove them for ripening. The berry should be slightly overripe. Remove the top layer from it with a blade, grind and spread to dry on a cloth. Separate the seeds from the pulp by moistening a cloth with water, spread on a napkin and dry. To get a harvest in the first year, you need to sow strawberries in January.

In winter, there is enough time to care for the seedlings. Pre-prepare and harden the seeds to improve their germination. And disinfect the self-collected seeds by dipping them in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then rinse them in water.

Place the seeds in rain or snow water for 2 days to harden. This process will increase frost resistance and accelerate germination. Spread the swollen seeds on a damp cloth, wrap them in cellophane and put them in a warm, bright place for germination. Avoid direct sunlight.

Experienced gardeners can independently create stratification conditions and grow seedlings with good vitality. The seeding box is covered with cellophane and placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks, then transferred to a warm, bright place.

Soil for sowing strawberry seeds

Strawberries are not whimsical to the ground. The soil may not be very fertile, but always light and loose. Mix ordinary garden soil with sand and peat and the soil is ready. Disinfect the prepared soil by calcining the mass in the oven for half an hour at t 150 ° or pour it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Remove the prepared soil for 2-3 weeks in a warm place.

Choosing a container for planting at home

The container needs a comfortable and not very deep container. At the bottom of the container, lay drainage - pebbles, brick or expanded clay. Suitable: wooden box, barrels, plastic containers.

Important! The containers require holes for moisture drain and a lid to create a microclimate.

Planting seeds for seedlings in an apartment

When the seeds hatch, they are planted in prepared soil at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Close the container with a lid or foil and place in a warm, bright place, protected from sunlight. Better if it is on the west or east side of the house. "Dew" on the lid is a sign that the ground is moist enough. Remove the condensation with a cloth. If not, you need to immediately moisten the soil.

Attention! Do not sprinkle the seeds with earth! The root system can be covered only when the first leaves appear. It is better to use a spray bottle to moisten the soil. watering with water can knock seeds out of the grooves or cover them with earth.

Cultivation of strawberries should be carried out in a warm room - at t not less than + 20 °, air humidity 80% and daylight hours not shorter than 12 hours. Seedlings appear within 40 days. If after this period the seeds have not sprouted, the soil can be thrown away.

Seedling care and picking

The emergence of seedlings changes the care system. Watering the sprouts is carried out at the root, as the earth dries up. Adaptation of plants to the environment is carried out, periodically opening the seedlings for 20-30 minutes every day. They start to demand more light. Artificially, it can be supplemented with a table or a special phyto lamp. When 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings can be dived.

Remove the seedlings together with the soil from the box. Rinse tangled roots with water and separate with a fork. It is recommended to pinch roots that are too long. Transplanting into another container can injure the seedlings, it is necessary to avoid contact with the stem and make sure that the roots do not bend upwards. Finally, pour the strawberries thoroughly with water at room temperature.

Advice! When picking, do not deepen the seedlings, the neck of the bush should remain at the same level as before the transplant. Otherwise, the plant will wither and die.

How to grow strawberries from seeds in peat tablets

The tablets are made from a compressed peat mixture and impregnated with a fungicide that protects strawberries from diseases. The main thing is that they are neutral in acidity. Tablets can be 24 to 44 cm in diameter, but smaller ones are better. After soaking, they swell and look like cups.

Pros of sowing in peat tablets:

  1. No need to prepare the soil.
  2. There is no need to dive seedlings.
  3. They have all the necessary trace elements.

Seedlings in tablets develop well and planting and care is greatly simplified. It is enough to fill them with water and leave for 2 days. Make a depression in swollen containers and place a seed in it. Then cover with cellophane, place in a bright place and periodically moisten from a spray bottle. When seedlings appear, remove the cellophane.

Know! Sowing seeds into tablets can be done without germination.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place in the ground

After the appearance of 5 leaves, you can plant strawberries in the ground, but not earlier than May. Better in the evening or on a cloudy day, so as not to burn the leaves. Bushes are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other in two rows. In this case, seedlings from seeds grown in tablets are planted here. This will allow her to adapt to new conditions.

In high beds, where evaporation is higher, it is good to plant on a hydrogel, it retains moisture and gives it to plants as needed.

The first watering is carried out with warm water from a watering can with a fine spray, so as not to wash out the ground around the bush. Further care for the plantings is reduced to periodic watering, loosening, weeding and processing from pests and insects. From personal experience of gardeners - it is more difficult for a plant without air than without water, so one loosening in value will replace two waterings. Weeds love well-cultivated soil, and frequent weeding helps them multiply.

Fertilizer for garden strawberries is applied only after the first harvest. And it is better if it is chicken manure diluted in water. This is a natural fertilizer, it will not harm either the taste of the berries or the technical indicators of the variety.

How long will the berries take

If the seedlings are planted in the ground in the spring, then the harvest can be obtained in the same summer. If the sowing and planting were later, then the berries will appear closer to winter, it is better to leave them at home and the strawberries will delight all winter.